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Clinical Question
Is there a more effective intervention than the use of Tepid Sponge Bath in
lowering fever of young children?


Fathia Attia Mohammed , Elsayeda Ibrahim Ahmed , "A Comparison of Vinegar
Compresses vs. Cold Water& Water with Vinegar for treating of Fever at Tropical
Hospitals", International Journal of Nursing Science, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2012, pp. 38-46.
doi: 10.5923/j.nursing.20120204.03.


Study Characteristics
1) Patients included
All admitted patients to the mentioned hospitals in the time of research
application. The majority of subjects age was either below than 20 or 40 years
old, nearly two third were male , more than one third were uneducated while
nearly half were students and nearly two third lives in rural areas. All of them
were suffering from fever and suspected to have typhoid fever for investigation,
with the same drug management.
2) Interventions compared
45 patients were divided into 3 groups, each group included 15 patients.
White vinegar, cold water & cold water with vinegar half to half compresses
followed by measuring body temperature within first & second hours orally by
using thermometer & documented in flow sheet for each patient. All compresses
were applied to the patients under axillaries, above the forearm & under the
knee. When vinegar compresses were applied to the forehead most of the
patients suffered from complications so, they have excluded it from all application
in three groups.
3) Outcomes monitored
The Outcomes monitored were the temperature results from the three
different interventions used.
4) Does the study focus on a significant problem in clinical practice?
Yes, because fever is the most usual case that could be encountered
inside pedia wards. As we all know, fever, if not properly intervened could lead to
convulsions which could predispose the child to a more serious condition. So this
research could be applied so as to help in preventing the worsening of the state
of those children who suffer from fever.



1. Methodology Used
This is considered a Quantitative study.
2. Design
The study is an experimental design utilizing a Quasi-experimental
3. Setting
The study took place in Tropical Hospital at Zagazig & Hehia city, Sharqia
governorate, and the two mentioned hospitals are under the supervision of
Ministry of Health at Egypt.
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Subject Selection
a.) Inclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria for selected subject were only patients who suffer from
high fever with a classic manifestation of typhoid fever in the first day before the
administration of drug therapy and the suspected medical diagnosis should be typhoid
fever for investigation.
b.) Exclusion criteria
All patients havent had past chronic illness' including both male and female
patient in variety of age.

5. Has the original study been replicated?

There are no similar studies to support & compare with this study.
6. What were the risks and benefits of nursing action/intervention tested in
the study?
There only risk that happened in the study was the authors were unsure
of the complications that may take effect during and after the application of
the concerned interventions.
And the main benefit of the study was that they were able to maximize the
interventions and further help in lowering the fever of the respondents.

Results of the study

There was a difference in ultimate reduction of temperature between & within the three
methods. It was compared by using F test & ANOVA test and the result showed a
statistically significant value (P<0.05). They compared the three interventions means by
using less significant difference test (LSD test) that indicates that vinegar compression
was rapidly effective in reduction fever followed by vinegar with water than only water
compresses either after one & two hours at difference means less than 0.05 while no
difference at 0.01. It shows the differences' between means of three compresses
Discuss briefly the results of the study
Reduction of body temperature was effective with the use of vinegar compress
compared to other methods used. The reduction of body temperature in the vinegar
compress was faster than cold water & cold water with vinegar.
Authors contributions/Recommendations
- Application of vinegar compresses for patients who suffer from fever in all health
institutions especially when they need to lower patient body temperature as soon as
- Further work needs to be conducted, particularly with regard to assess using of
vinegar in management fever in health institution
- Reapplication of our results using other samples would be helpful in ensuring the
validity of these findings.
- Further work needs to be conducted to illustrate which effect of vinegar on skin
surface are as a vasodilators or evaporated or both.



Does this study provide a direct answer to your clinical question in terms of
patients intervention and outcome?
Yes, it provided other better options that could help in lowering ones fever.
Is it feasible to carry out the nursing action in the real world?
Yes, since the equipment needed to perform the most effective measure
indicated in the study is not that expensive, I believe that this could be applied
anywhere, especially in government hospitals where theres scarcity in medical
Reviewers Conclusion/ Commentary
I really never thought of vinegar as a measure for lowering ones fever. If
youre going to think of it at first, its quite unhygienic in a sense that vinegar has that
strong acidic smell that could stick to your patients skin. Other than that, since
vinegars are highly acidic I somehow thought that it could damage the patients skin
integrity. But after reading this study, its really amazing in a sense that I never had
the idea that vinegars are highly therapeutic.
In relation to our patient
Since my patient is suffering from episodes of fever, this might be helpful in
ensuring that his fever will subside and never get high again. Tepid Sponge Bath is
helpful if ever this intervention will not work, a more effective nursing care should be
performed to ensure that his condition wont get worse.

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