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The Chi-Square Test

Chi-square is a statistical test commonly used to compare observed data with data we would
expect to obtain according to a specific hypothesis. The chi-square test is used to determine whether there is
a significant difference between the expected frequencies and the observed frequencies in one or more

χ2 = {(O1 - E1)2/E1} + {(O2 - E2)2/E2} = {(O - E) 2/E} Where,

O1 and O2 are the sample counts of individuals who do and do not possess the attribute being investigated;
E1 and E2 are corresponding hypothetical or expected frequencies and O1-E1 and O2-E2 are deviations.

Application of χ2:

 Testing of Goodness-of-Fit
 Testing Independence (or Association)
 Yates Correlation
 Extension of 2x2 Table
 Test of Homogeneity (Similarity)

The steps in using the chi-square test may be summarized as follows:

 Write the observed frequencies in column O

 Figure the expected frequencies and write them in column E
 Use the formula to find the chi-square value
 Find the degree of freedom, d.f (N-1)
 Find the table value (consult the Chi Square Table.)
 If your chi-square value is equal to or greater than the table value, reject the null hypothesis:
differences in your data are not due to chance alone.

Ques. In an epidemic of certain disease, 92 children contracted the disease, of these 41 received no
treatment and of these 10 showed after effects. The remainder who did receive treatment, 17
showed after effects. Test the hypothesis that treatment was not effective.
(T.N.M.M.U., Sept. 2009, M.Sc N)

1. Form a contingency table:

Treated Not Treated Total

Developed after
17 10 27
Not developed
34 31 65
after effects
Total 51 41 92

2. State the hypotheses:

H0: There is no effectiveness in the treatment; against

H1: There is effectiveness in the treatment.
The test statistics is χ2 = {(O - E) 2/E}  χ2(r-1) (c-1) d.f
3. Calculate Expected Value:

Treated Not Treated Total

Developed after
(27X51)/92=14.97 (27X41)/92=12.03 27
Not Developed
(65X51)/92=36.03 (65X41)/92=28.97 65
after effects
Total 51 41 92

4. Calculate χ2 value:

O E (O-E) (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E

17 14.97 2.03 4.12 0.27
34 36.03 2.03 4.12 0.11
10 12.03 2.03 4.12 0.34
31 28.97 2.03 4.12 0.14
Total 0.86
χ Cal = 0.86

5. Find the degree of freedom, d.f:

r =2
c =2
d.f = (r-1) (c-1)
= (2-1) (2-1)

6. Find the table value (consult the Chi Square Table):

χ2.05, 1 d.f = 3.84

7. Conclusion:
χ2Cal = 0.86 < χ2.05, 1 d.f = 3.84

The calculated value is less than the table value. Therefore we accept the Null Hypothesis H0; i.e.

There is no effectiveness in the treatment.

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