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Testing/ Applied Kinesiology

Muscle testing is a means to obtain information from someone, by determining their muscle response to
stimulus. Muscles can be weakened by bringing anything that the body perceives as harmful or
dangerous, into the bodys energy field and strengthened by anything perceived by the bodys energy
field as beneficial. This is the use of our Subtle Kinesthetic Sense (SKS).
I use testing vials that contain electromagnetic frequency information, (energetic signatures) that are
detected and interpreted by the bodys own Quantum Information Field (the Energy Field). We have an
energy field that has the capacity to detect and respond to stimulus, and judge if the stimulus is harmful
or beneficial.
The experience of the practitioner is paramount. The testing has to be done in an objective manner, by
the practitioner, with no investment in the outcome. The person being tested cannot influence the test,
and must not know what is being tested until the test is completed. It requires proper use of the vials
(stimulus) and appropriate questions asked of the patient.
Generally, if the person being tested comes into contact with an allergic substance or harmful
substance, their muscles can become weak, and if they come into contact with beneficial stimulus, their
muscles will remain strong. Muscle testing can be used for other purposes, but allergy testing is one of
the ways I prefer to use muscle testing. I also test the functional integrity of glands, organs, and body
parts. I also use muscle testing to see if a particular remedy will improve an imbalance, and what is the
best remedy when there are numerous remedies to use
Subtle Kinesthetic Sense (SKS)
Our Subtle Kinesthetic Sense is non-organic. We do not have an organ responsible for our Subtle
Kinesthetic Sense, and it operates independently of our other senses and even our rational mind. It is
closely associated with our somatic memory. Etched into our subconscious somatic memory, is the
history of every event, food, plant, mineral, animal, injury and disease we experience and encounter,
from the day we are born.
Electronic Signature & Kinesiographs
Our Subtle Kinesthetic Sense can instantly and accurately discriminate among countless possibilities.
Each vial used in Muscle Testing has a unique Energetic Signature or Kinesiograph. Kinesiographs
must be made carefully and properly, using equipment that can impart the correct electro-magnetic
frequency of each substance.
Our energetic field is a realm of pure information and is expressed in an array of subtle electrical and
magnetic frequencies. It is a myriad of frequencies from every impulse, atom, molecule, cell, tissue,
organ, thought, and emotion. The bodys Subtle Kinesthetic Sense can instantly recognize any set of
subtle magnetic/energetic frequencies, identify them and know how to respond to them. This is arena
of energetic testing,

Even thoughts and emotion express a unique set of subtle electro- magnetic frequencies that we call
Frequency Signatures or Electro-magnetic Signatures.
Some Testing Vials have the Electronic Signature of the substances that are being tested. Some Vials
have the actual substance being tested. All the testing vials engage the bodies Subtle Kinesthetic Senses.
The Subtle Kinesthetic Sense does not distinguish between an electronic signature and the substance
that can create an electronic signature. The Kinesthetic Sense, operates on a level similar to the sub-
conscious mind (no cognitive function, just recognition). A vial with the signature of a tomato has the
same effect as a tomato.
A homeopathic vial has the electromagnetic signature of the item being tested via infa-red radio-
frequency carrier technology. The vial is sucussed or shaken, after the signature is transferred to the
vial, like a homeopathic preparation, to permanently record the electro-magnetic signature.
When a vial enters someones energy field, by coming into contact through the skin, that persons
subtle Kinesthetic Sense senses the Kinesiograph and elicits a response (weak or strong muscle
response) as well as a slight pulse change. The response is the same as if the actual substance were
tested. For example is someone holds a vial of Gluten their muscle will either get weak, strong or remain
the same, and the same response would occur if that person held a piece of bread containing Gluten
Why Muscle Testing Is Accurate
Due to the sensitive nature of the test, it is possible to detect sensitivities, allergies, deficiencies,
excesses, potential disorders, imbalances and pathology. It can be determined what the intensity level
is or degree of imbalance,( on a continuum from mild sensitivity to extreme allergic response). This is an
important distinction, that sometimes allows muscle testing to be more accurate than labs. Labs can
only recognize significant responses, and do not pick up on more subtle imbalances. This is why people
often tell me I was tested by my doctor or I had a lab test and I have no allergies, when in fact, they
have many sensitivities to things like gluten, milk, peanuts, soy, and corn.
Remedy Testing
Remedies can also be evaluated, such as nutritional, homeopathic, allopathic, herbal, to determine what
will balance a weak muscle. For example, a test for liver function can show weak, and testing for
dandelion with the liver can strengthen the muscle. The possibilities for finding subtle and gross
dysfunction are profound, and possible helpful remedies, drugs and supplements are also profound

What Can Interfere With Muscle Testing Accuracy ?
The attitude of the patient and the practitioner can alter the accuracy of the results. Muscle testing does
not work well with skeptical patients. It does not require blind faith, but it does take an Open Mind.
Muscle Testing is subtle and can be influenced by the thoughts and emotions of the patients or the

practitioner. It is important to have a relaxed and comfortable experience, so the information becomes
available. Muscle Testing is energetic testing, and the energetic field of the patient and the practitioner
has a bearing on the test results.
There are blocks to Muscle Testing. A qualified well trained practitioner needs to evaluate someone
every time they test them, to make sure they are Testable. Sometime a brief energetic treatment can
open the doors that are shut, to obtain the information from Muscle Testing.
If is not advisable to get tested if you have a serious flu, just after surgery, or are taking strong drugs.
Medication can also interfere with the results, and has to be taken into account, especially medication
that effects the brain and mind. I often perform a short acupuncture treatment, or adjust Chakras, or
clear the energetic field using high tech equipment like the Ondamed, to get the best results, if I detect
poor or conflicting results.
How I use Muscle Testing
I use Muscle Testing to determine allergies and sensitivities and as an adjunctive diagnostic to
understand the status of a wide variety of conditions
Muscle testing is helpful, and is an inexpensive non-invasive way to gather information. I also use blood
tests, saliva tests, stool tests, physical exams, health intakes, Chinese Medical Exam , Homeopathic
Exam, Nutritional exam to further evaluate. I look for confirmation from at least three approaches to
feel comfortable that I am on the right path. After my initial work, my patients are usually much more
aware and can be better observers. I connect the dots for them, so they can evaluate their progress or
lack of progress.
I use Muscle Testing to identify allergies and sensitivities to:

Spices and Herbs
Food Additives
Environmental toxins
Pathogens (virus, bacteria, parasites, fungus, yeast)
Airborne pollens
Airborne toxins
Heavy Metals

17. I use Muscle Testing to evaluate the functions or status of (partial list)
1. Glands (Thyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Ovary, Testes, Pancreas)
2. Organs (liver, Gallbladder, heart, small intestines, large intestines, bladder, kidney, lungs,
stomach, spleen)
3. Body fluids (blood, saliva, lymph, )
I use Muscle Testing to evaluate the effectiveness and/ or side effects of:

Homeopathic remedies
Herbal remedies
Nutritional supplements

I use Muscle Testing to evaluate other aspects of health:


Mental Capacity
Severity of an issue

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