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Consumer Value Proposition:

Target Audience:
Define target
Need state
Product features:
Product focusses strengths
Claims differences
Unique offerings
Rational Benefits
So what do I get
Emotional Benefits
How does that make me feel
Target Audience:
Parenting philosophy
Hands on/Hands off
How to interact with other kids, relatives, teachers, bullies, p
eople from lower classes
Plans for the future
How hands on are you?
Ideal Child: Values that define the ideal child
Enemies: that come in the way of parenting the ideal child
Lack of time
Outside environment
Bad content on television
Proudest moment with child
Most disappointing moment with child
Proudest moment as a parent
Most disappointing moment as a parent
Ideal Mother
Role of Family in bringing up the child
Ideal mothers you may know and what makes them idea
Ideal children and what makes them ideal
Images from Pop Culture that defines the ideal mom
Images from Pop Culture that defines the ideal child

Importance of food in bringing up a child
What are the things that you do to ensure that he gets the right nutriti
What do you think are the most essential things that you ll never give u
p on when it comes to food
Must have
Can be given up
Don't Want
Have you learnt any new nutritional
Science or Natural
Food items that have come into your kitchen because of scientfic benefit
Food items that you have retained for their natural

Role of Milk
How often do you give your kids milk
Tell us how a transaction on milk happens between you and the child
What are the benefits of Milk ( laddering )
Role of HFD
Why HFDs?
Why Bournvita?
Does Bournvita have any nutritional value?
Do you believe it?
If not why do you give it?
What would happen if Bournvita disappeared
What would replace it?/
What effect would it have?
How would your child react?
What are the benefits of Bournvita ( laddering )
Mothers in advertising
Children in advertising

Mother-child relationship
Mollycoddling versus Hands off
Friend verus disciplinarian

As a mother I believe that it is my responsibility to ensure my child is never w

anting for anything
There is so much wrong with the world today that i have to constantly patrol my
child's movements to make sure that he is safe

I ensure that my child is never wanting for anything by giving him everything he
ever asks for
I worry about my child's well being when he is not in my presence
I worry whether my child gets bullied in school
As a mother it is my responsibility to protect my child from witnessing or exper
iencing anything unpleasant as it might affect him later
Today's children are too mollycoddled by their parents and cannot do anything on
their own
Today's children are given too much independence which might lead them astray
Today's children have no sense of responsibility because parents give them too m
uch freedom to do whatever they like
Today's mothers are too overprotective of their children because of which the ki
ds will grow up to be underconfident and weak
I need to ensure that my child never experiences any failures, because otherwise
it'll make him underconfident
Children should be obdient and do exactly as their elders tell them
Kids today are given too much pocket money which they use for and to do unconstr
uctive things
It's a moment of great pride when my child goes up on stage to perform and gets
applause from his friends and the parents of his friends
I don't like my child to be inactive instead i want him to eagerly participate i
n activities
A child who is shy and underconfident will find it very hard to make it big in t
he future
I don't like it when my child shies away from group activities and goes and sits
in a corner
A child should be obedient and should not speak out of turn as it is considered
I like it when my child is always ready to participate in group activities
I like it when my child can stand up in front of an audience and can speak with
no hesitation
I like it when my child holds his own in the presence of older kids
I like it when other children see my child as a leader in their group
I like it when my child takes initiatve and leads activities in school or at the
I like it when my child sees something going wrong and voices his opinion
I like it when my child voices his opinion without any hesitation

I like it when older kids treat my child as an equal

An ideal child is one who is not just good at studies but is an all rounder
It's not just enough to be a bright student you should know how to be respectful
towards other people
Kids today are easily distracted and do not have the concentration to complete a
Kids today are not as serious about education
Kids today don't understand the value of things because they get everything easi
ly and therefore don't work too hard for anything
There is too much competition in the world for everything and its my job as a mo
ther to ensure that i give my child an edge in whatever way possible
When even 90% is not enough to get admission in a college, i sometimes wonder if
I am doing enough to prepare my child for the future
With all the western influence i am worried my child will grow up without strong
moral values
As a mother i want to give my children the values my parents gave me
My parenting technique is very different from my mother's, because different tim
es need different methods
Even though i don't want to I unintentinally start to compare my child to other
I think it is very important for a child to be on his own and do things without
Being indepedent is a very important life skill for a child to possess
I want my child to be independent, but at the same time i want to ensure that i
am with him/her to impart the right values
If a child is too independent there is a chance they will not respect their pare
Topping exams should be the top priority of my child
Doing the best in their studies should be the priority for kids

Lack of physical spaces
Unlike my generation kids today get all the nutrition they need from their food

Food today because of all the contaminants is not as nutritious as it used to be

I think I do enough to ensure my children get all the nutrition they need
I think i can do more to ensure my children get the right nutrition
I am very aware for nutritonal elements and their role in the growth and well be
ing of my child
I think my child gets all the nutrition that a child might need while growing up
I think my home cooked food is enough to meet my child's nutritional needs
I think my home recipes are better than any manufcatured foods to ensure nutriti
on sufficiency of my child
Why do i need to give my child manufactured foods when my home cooked food is en
ough to ensure his nutritional sufficiency
Though i feed my child well, I always worry that I am not doing enough to give h
im all the nutrition he needs
I like to start the day by giving my son a big breakfast so that he can have eno
ugh energy for the rest of the day
I don't always have the time to cook my son something homemade so i have to comp
romise and give him pre-cooked or store bought food.
Manufactured foods are convenient as don't always have the time or cant put in t
he effort
With science and technology, the nutriitional content of food has only increases
and become better
I ensure my child doesnt eat out without my permission
I don;t mind indulging my children with a few non-healthy food items
I don't give my child anythig that isn't healthy
I can't always control what my child eats, which is why i try to cook him extra
nutritious and healthy foods at home
I am more aware of nutrition today than i was a few years ago
It's not about any nutrition, but the right nutrition to ensure your child is he
I am very confident that the food i give to my child has all the essential nutri
ents for a healthy, growing child
I am worried that lack of exercise and pollution will undo all the healthy and n
utrituous food i feed him

Milk should be an essential food and to be had daily

My child doens't like the taste of milk and makes excuses not to drink it

My child is a fussy eater and i have to find ingenious ways to ensure he eats hi
s food
I have to constantly innovate to give my child different foods else he ll get bo
red and become a fussy eater
You know a glass of milk is good milk when it is thick and has consistency
Packaged milk doesn't have the same nutritional benefit as milk
I believe packaged milks are diluted with water and contain contaminants which r
educe the nutritional potency of milk
I don't think milk is an essential food especially since i replace it with other
foods that have the same nutritional advantages as milk
My child doens't like the taste of milk which is why i mask it with other produc
ts such as chocos, cornflakes, oreos etc
A lot of brands make claims that i dont trust, which is why i only give suppleme
nts that are approved by the doctor
I am more worried about ensuring my child gets the right nutrients so that he is
healthy today;
I am more worried about my child's future than I am by his present
Bournvita helps mask the taste of milk and gives my child a chocolatey taste he/
she enjoys
I know bournvita is not especially healthy for my child, but i give it nonenthel
ess because my child insists on it and wont drink his milk otherwise
Bournvita is just chocolate and it has no nutritional advantages as claimed in t
he advertising
Bournvita is more than just chocolate; it has a range of vitamins which are impo
rtant for the growth of my child
I give Bournvita to my child because i think it can help supplement anything lac
king in his everyday food
Bournvita everyday will ensure my child grows up to big and strong
I give my child Bournvita because every bit of nutrition is essential to give hi
m a
Habitually drinking Bournvita will help make my child strong
Bournvita has important nutrients such as vitamins, proteins etc
Bournvita does nothing to milk other than make it taste chocolatey for my child
I sometimes feel guilty about giving Bournvita to my child
Bournvita or Horlicks -- they are all the same. They only change the taste of mi
My child doesn't like the taste of Horlicks
Horlicks is more nutritional than Bournvita but since my child doesn't ask for i
t, i don't buy it
Horlicks makes my child grow taller, sharper and stronger.
Horlicks has five essential nutrients that are essential for the growth of the c
Weight gain can give my child makes him look older than he actually is
I am willing to change my habits if its proven that something is scientifically
more advatangeous
Science can help improve the nutrition of my child
I am willing to truth science over my natural
Why should i give HFDs when there are so many other ways of giving milk to my ch
I am willing to replace my homemade foods with manufactured foods if there is a

strong scientific backing

I am more worried about how his nutrition today affects his health and well bein
Giving the right nutrition today is setting the foundation for his health and we
ll being tomorrow
I am more concerned about ensuring my child get's the right nutrition today than
about the future
If i think something is nutrititous i ll ensure my child has it even if he doesn
;t like the taste
If my child doesn;t like the taste i don;t force him instead look for alternate
sources of the same nutrition
the effects of a great nutrition might not be seen physically, but you ll see it
in his achievements
It's not enough to be just physically strong or mentally smart, to do well today
you need to be both at the same time
When you are physically and mentally strong you have a certain confidence that t
he world can see and appreciates
When you are physically and mentally strong people can tell and you get more res
My greatest moment of pride is when my child gets appreciated by other parents a
nd they compare their child to mine
My greatest moment of pride is when my child showcases a skill that i didn't thi
nk he had
My greatest moment of pride is when my child can go up on stage and speak with a
bsolute clarity because he is brimming with confidence
My greatest moment of pride is when my child comes first in class
My greatest moment of pride is when my child shows grit, determination and does
n't give despite adversity and roadblocks
My greatest moment of pride is when my child is wise and mature beyond his years

today's children are weak because they spend too much time indoors and do not ge
t enough spend too much time indoors and do not get enough p
I think children today are too mollycoddled and they should be more

I like to indulge my child

I think my child should be independent and capable of doing everything on his ow
I think children are too overprotected these days and they should do things on t
heir own
I believe today's children are very stressed and should be allowed to relax

Essential nutrients
Benenfit statements
5 signs of growth
Role of mother
The ideal child

Other categories which have upped the ante

Belief food to Proof Point Food -- claim support
Derecommendation and natural is better -- you become packaged food, manufactured
What is the path:
How do we retain the essential conversation
But How?
Boost: Potency is boost is not so important. Not a conversation from speed, powe
r, energy to a child's ambition.
I am not guilt
You don't

Come by solving a problem

and then move to celebration
Stay ahead proposition:

Everything is possible
Nourish his confidence, nourish his curioisty
Sab sambhav
Mother's conviction with respect to HFD:

know Where lies our nutrition strength:

When we talk to mothers: a child who is nutritionally strong is fearless.
Nielsen + Happiness Quotient.
What is exciting in my life.

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