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Hybridization refers to processes of

cultural and ethnic mixing to produce a
new entity with elements of each of the
parent influences (Mohammed, 2007).

Key terms:

Trans-culturation is the process

whereby two cultures meet and mix and
something with new elements and
forms emerge.

Acculturation is the process whereby

one culture is absorbed into another.

Creolization is the meeting and mixing

of cultures to produce something new
out of the fusion. This term tends to be
specifically used to refer to Caribbean
processes of mixing.

Inter-culturation refers to the cultural

mixing that occurs in a plural society
where elements of the ethnic groups
cultures may be incorporated into each
others way of life though there may be
limited interaction between the groups.

Racial and Ethnic

During the period of conquest and slavery new
groups of people were
created from the sexual unions between
Europeans, Amerindians and
Africans. Miscegenation was the term used
describe such unions.
Persons were assigned to social positions of
power and status
according to the colour of their skin. Persons of
mixed race formed
another ethnic group within the society:
Mestizos offspring of Amerindians and
Mulattoes - offspring of Africans and
Sambo offspring of mulattoes and Africans
Quadroon offspring of mulattoes and whites

Octoroon offspring of quadroon and whites

Dougla offspring of East Indians and Africans;
Trini-dougla are
offspring of Chineses, Africans and E. Indians
born in Trinidad.
Coloured is the more general term since all
mixtures do not carry
specific names.

A pigmentocracy evolved and it

became the norm to describe someone
using their colour as a major descriptor.
Persons of fairer complexion had more
power and prestige in society than

Some countries have more coloureds

than others (Trinidad, St. Lucia, the
French Caribbean). Some countries
have two major races, black and white
producing their coloured populations
(Antigua, Barbados, Jamaica); others
have many groups (Africans,
Europeans, Amerindians, Chinese, East
Indians) such that here are many
varieties and combinations.

Cultural Hybridization

Syncretism refers to the mixing of cultural

practices from different ethnic groups to
create a different entity that fused aspects
of the original practices e.g. religion,
language, culinary arts, etc.

Shango, Voodoo, Kumina, Myal, Rastafarianism
are some syncretic religions
with Christian traditions and a heavy African
input. Christian elements
recognition of the Holy Spirit, use of the Bible,
communion ceremony, feast

days of saints.
African elements - use of drums and other
percussion instruments in
worship, dancing in worship, spirit possession
and falling into trance-like
states, wearing of head-ties by female
Caribbean languages are based on the master
languages of Europe. They are
referred to as creole languages because
aspects of the master languages were
incorporated into language forms that emerged
from experiences during
slavery and colonialism. There are in the
English- speaking Caribbean:
English-based patios and French-based patois.
However, there are
similarities and variations in each type as
spoken between countries.

Culinary Arts/Food Roots

Caribbean culinary arts/food roots

reflects its hybridized culture.

Amerindian Heritage:

Jamaicas bammy and Antiguas

bamboola are based on the
Amerindians use of cassava The Caribs
made pepperpot which is still cooked
in Guyana and some of the islands.

The Caribss custom of cooking over an

open fire has led to the word barbeque.
Another Amerindian method of cooking,
i.e. baking meat or fish in a charcoal
pit , was combined with the barbeque
to give rise to jerking in Jamaica.

Other contributions the use of dried

coconut and corn (grated, boiled,
roasted), our love of coconut water;
spices such as hot pepper, sweet basil,
allspice (pimento in Jamaica).

Spanish Heritage:
The Spanish contributed hot
chocolate, avocado, marinated or
escoveitched fish, gizzada (coconut
tart) and their custom of
soaking fruits in wine.
British Heritage:
The use of diary products, Christmas
pudding, fruit salads and
Sweet bread (bun) are part of the
British heritage.

The British soldiers and sailors brought

breadfruit, blood
Pudding (black or rice pudding) or
white pudding from which
blood is left out and souse.

African Heritage:

Though planters imported food from Africa

to feed their slaves, the
slaves themselves brought many of their
foods to include, okra,
callaloo (spinach), taro (eddo or coco),
their one-pot method of
preparing most dishes and traditional
cooking utensils including the
three-legged iron pot, grater and mortar
and pestle.

Seasonings such as sive, or chives,

escallion, ginger, nutmeg,
pimento, and hot pepper, also came from
Dishes such as, akkra (seasoned black eye
peas, pounded and fried),
foo-foo (pounded starchy root or fruit),
funchi (fungee) and duckunoo
(a), (blue drawers in Jamaica, paimee in
St. Lucia, konkie in Barbados,
St. Kitts and the Virgin Islands), ackee,
parched dried corn beaten fine
in a mortar and mixed with sugar, known
as asham or Brown George
in Jamaica, ashum in Antigua.
Bush teas and the use of bush as remedy
for ailments and diseases.

Photos Above
Top: Jamaicas National
Dish - Ackee and Saltfish
Left: Antiguas National
Dish Fungee and
Right: A popular Antiguan
Dish Ducuna and

East Indian and Chinese Heritage:

The East Indians contributed curry, rice,

roti, dahl and pelau.
The Chinese also brought heavily spiced
food distinguished by being
salty, sweet, sour, gingered and hot. They
introduced lettuce, cabbage,
cucumber and green beans. Foods were
mainly quick fried, deep
fried or steamed. Roast suckling pig,
braised chicken feet and
vegetarian foods made mainly of bean
products are all part of the
Chinese heritage.
Emphasis on vegetable cookery was
strengthened by the East Indians and

Culinary Arts/Food Roots

Jewish and Americans Heritage:
The Jews:
Potato pancakes and cheese cake as well
as the heavy use of salt and
garlic are Jewish contributions.
The Americans:
The N. American influences are reflected
in various items of pastry
and gourmet dishes. Fast foods
(hamburger, hot dog etc.) have
become staples in Caribbean cuisine.

African Retentions
Oral traditions

Savings organization:

(box, susu, partner hand,

meeting turn)
Game: warri

One of the clearest link

the Caribbean has to
Africa is in its oral
tradition. The role of the
Griot/Jellis who passed
down stories and
accounts of events of one
generation to another

survived slavery and the

plantation system. This
tradition is kept alive in:
Music: calypso, reggae

and dancehall

Similes and proverbs
The box is a form of a cooperative
pooling of earnings so
that each member may benefit by
obtaining in turn and at
one time all the money paid in by
the entire group on a

given time (day, week, month).

In Africa the box is most commonly
called esusu. It is
called nanamei akpee (mutual
help) in Ghana;
mahodisana or stokfel (pays back
to each other) in South
Africa; sanduk (putting down) in
Sudan. In China the box
is called hui.

Warri which means house

is of the mancala
game family and was
brought to Antigua from

Ghana with the slaves.

The game is played with
board into which hollows
are carved. The counters
are seeds called nickars.
Playing warri is said to
develop planning,
and mathematical skills as
well as foster discipline.
Antiguan proverb: If you
play warri with God you

go get no seed.
Antiguan Movie: No

In summary, race,
ethnicity, religion as well
as language and cuisine
have been incorporated
into Caribbean society
and culture. They
continue to impact
contemporary society.

Hybridization of cultures
must be understood
against the background
of how cultures change
and the processes that
the effect the change.
The Processes of Hybridization

Cultural erasure this refers to

practices that have died out or are
dying out (Mohammed, 2007).

Reasons for cultural erasure include

modernization and progress.
Modernization refers to the adaptation
in the present time to conditions and
needs, while progress refers to the
advance of something better or higher
in development. Cultural erasure stems
from a tension between the traditional
ways of doing things and the seeming
benefits of doing things the modern
way. Modern ways are seen to be cost
effective and efficient.

Examples of lost cultural

traditions: story-telling, wake, singround, singing meetings and courtship
traditions (in Antigua).

Manifestation of Modernization and

Progress: use of refrigeration for food
preservation, use of over the counter
medicines, change in speech patterns
(Americanization), communication

Implications of modernization for

society and culture: increase in lifestyle
diseases, increased cost of health care,
loss of cultural identity as result of the
adoption of foreign cultural practices,
e.g. Halloween, Kwanzaa, Thanksgiving,

Question. Can a culture be erased?

Cultural retention refers to practices

that have survived even when most
other forms and symbols of a culture
are no longer evident (Mohammed,

Purposes of cultural retention: to bond

society, revitalise cultural norms and
values, reinforce a sense of identity.
Manifestations of cultural retention:
Carib basketry designs and
technologies, Garifuna culture in Belize.
Traditions that have survived include box
(susu, partner hand, meeting turn)
family land.

Cultural renewal refers to conscious

efforts by a group to return to some
elements of its culture which it believes
have been ignored or suppressed
(Mohammed, 2007) . Cultural renewal is
likely to result from historical forces of
change. Examples of such forces were
Garveyism 1930s, and the Black Power
movement 1970s.

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