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30 Day Action Guide

For Deliberate Creation, Manifesting,

and Conscious Living

Karen Walker
Activate Abundance
Copyright 2008 Karen Walker
All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any

form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise without express written permission of Karen Walker.

Contact the Author:

This guide is for educational purposes only. No responsibility is
assumed by the author for any injury/and or damage and/or loss
sustained to persons or property as a matter of the use of this
products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use of
operation of any products, methods, instructions or ideas contained in
the material herein.

Table Of Contents

A personal note from Karen

Understanding Your Abundance Connection
The System Steps To Create Inner Change
Step 1. When You Wake In The Morning

The Process

Step 2. Throughout Your Day

Gratitude & Appreciation

Your Thoughts and Words
Inspired Action Infinite Guidance

Step 3. Evening Wrap-up

Maintaining Your Vibration
The Results
Some Final Thoughts

A Personal Note From Karen

Every week I receive countless numbers of inquiries from people who
are trying desperately to make changes in their lives and dont know
what to do. I hear from people all over the world who desire to have a
life of joy and abundance but have not been able to find the path that
will take them there.
It is my passion to help people create a lifestyle of abundance and to
find their inner joy and peace. With this guide I want to show you how
quickly and easily it is to establish a connection to the abundance of
the Universe so that you can begin to enjoy the life you deserve.
This guide was written to teach you the same system that people all
over the world are using to create the life of their dreams -- and how
you can too.
Using this system you can learn how to activate your connection to the
Universe, in as little as 30 days, if not sooner. The genius of this
system is that it will work for anyone regardless of age, race, sex,
location, or at what point you are in your life.
Although there are additional processes that can be used along with
this system that are meant to address specific areas in your life, I am
choosing to only outline the core system because it alone will deliver
incredible results in your life.
This is the system that will begin to open inner energy to create a
connection to the Universe a Universe that only knows abundance
and well being and will keep the connection open for receiving
abundance in all areas of your life.
The specific system that I cover in this guide will help you to learn how
to tap into the energy of the Universe by becoming a match to that
As you read through this guide, and begin to use this system, you're
going to see very quickly that opening your connection to the
abundance of the Universe is really is very simple.
Today I have the privilege of working with entrepreneurs, business
owners, stay-at-home moms, people stuck in jobs or relationships

and it brings me no greater satisfaction than to work with people, just

like you, who are achieving the success they are looking for using this
simple but profound system that you are about to discover.
In the following pages, I am going to show you the exact Universal
principles and the system I use to help clients start down the path
towards joy and abundance.
Decide that you will commit to 30 days of following this system and it
will work for you. The only reason people do not have success with this
system is because they dont do it.
To your abundance,


"People are anxious to improve their circumstances,

but unwilling to improve themselves.
They therefore remain bound."
~ James Allen

Understanding Your Abundance Connection

Why the Law Of Attraction does not work
The Law Of Attraction a concept that gave hope to millions, that
activated dreams and desires that were long forgotten, and gave
people the belief that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
Many people, with renewed hope, began trying and trying to use the
Law Of Attraction to make changes in their lives -- only to discover
that no matter what they did they still woke up to the same situations
and circumstances that they were trying to fix in the first place.
As a result, people are now complaining that the Law Of Attraction is a
bunch of woo woo thinking.
Those who are not having success (in other words they are not getting
what they desire) with the Law Of Attraction are the ones who think
that it does not work.
Those who are having success (they are seeing their desires manifest)
are the ones that think that it does work.
However it IS working in fact it is working perfectly.
That is a statement that is hard to believe when the Law Of Attraction
tells us all we have to do is feel excited, enthusiastic, joyful, put up
vision boards, etc.; so we do that and yet our desires are still not
To completely understand the Law Of Attraction you have to know how
it works (or doesnt work, depending on your point of view).
Many people think that if we smile, think positive thoughts, visualize
and daydream, or set intentions, that the Law Of Attraction will kick in
and we will begin to receive all the desires we have.
We have been lead to believe that by simply doing these actions we
will send out the energy vibration that contains all our hopes and
dreams to the Universe for the Law Of Attraction to respond to.
What many people dont know is that we also have an inner energy
field that is like a magnet, and it has a constant connection to the

Universe. This inner energy magnet contains our dominant energy -our true inner vibration -- and may completely override our attempts
of thinking positive thoughts, visualizations etc. if we are using those
This vibration is sent subconsciously and is a product of our inner
beliefs and limiting beliefs usually the ones we are not aware of. The
inner energy magnet will attract things that are a match to it, just like
a tuning fork that tunes in to equal vibrations neither can connect to
any vibrations that are not on the same frequency.
If we only spend our time trying to think positive thoughts, setting
intentions, and visualizing, we are trying to create the energy signal
that we want the Universe to pick up. We are trying to connect to
vibrations that are on a different frequency, but they are out of our
On the other hand, our inner energy vibration is already established, it
is always running in the background, and is sending out our true
vibration energy. It instantly connects with matching energy.
One way to tell what sort of inner energy you are sending out and is
being attracted back is to look around at your life. What kind of
house do you have, what kind of car do you drive, what is your bank
account balance, how are your relationships?
What is happening on the inside is mirrored on the outside.
The Universe is receiving the inner energy signal you are sending out - and by the Law Of Attraction is matching and responding to it and
the results are what you see in your daily life.
So you see, the Law of Attraction is working perfectly and matching
the energy vibrations just not the ones we want it to match.
By using the system set out in this guide you will learn how to change
the inner energy you are sending out; so that it becomes a match
youre your positive thoughts, intentions and desires.

The System Steps To Create Inner Change

To begin to change, or improve, the areas of your life you are not
happy with you must change your inner energy field so that it sends
out vibrations that are a match to how you want things to be.
As you begin to start using this system your energy - your dominant
vibration will become aligned with the energy that is a match to your
When you begin to practice this system on a day-to-day basis, you will
witness a most powerful transformation in your life, and will begin to
create the kind of lifestyle few people ever achieve.
Make the decision to commit to following these steps, for the next 30
days, will allow the Intelligence of the Universe to find you.
As you begin to use these processes you may find that you continue to
react and respond to outer situations and circumstances in your usual
way at first. But that will change as you continue to do this system
every day.
You may also find that things around you do not appear to be any
different at first, and this too is perfectly fine.
Regardless of how quickly the processes begin to work within your
mind, body, and spirit, be assured that they are working and your
inner vibration is changing.
Dont be surprised if you suddenly realize one day that you feel better,
you have more energy, you are happier, and you havent even
completed the 30 days yet!

1: When You Wake In The Morning

Morning Meditation
Meditation allows you to tap directly into the Ultimate Intelligence and
Wisdom of the Universe to improve your daily life. Through regular
meditation, as you begin to establish and maintain direct contact with
this power and intelligence, it will begin to manifest into your daily life.
The more you meditate, the more you open the pathway to connect
with the abundance of the Universe. As this pathway opens wider and
wider, new opportunities, abundance, people, and resources will start
appearing into your life.
As you add meditation to your daily routine, you will be become more
relaxed, more at peace, feel more positive, and have more energy.
You can almost literally feel the tension easing out of your body.
Through meditation you learn how to put things in perspective. All
your usual concerns and worries start to seem small and trivial.
Suddently, worries and concerns start to look like an excuse -- a
distraction from your real purpose and joy in life.
Once you see your real priorities clearly, its harder to go back to the
old way of doing things.
Although it seems counterintuitive, if youre serious about creating
change and achieving things that really matter, sometimes it takes
removing your overactive mind from the equation. Meditation allows
you to do this.
As you meditate, and your subconscious mind connections with the
Infinite wisdom of the Universe, your ego mind quiets and you are able
to receive the collective consciousness of the Universe. You will begin
to ah-ha moments of clarity, known as sudden insight, about
situations or problems that you may be struggling with.
Suddenly, you may be able to clearly see the next step towards
resolving the issue. This clarity may appear at any time during the
meditation, in the middle of the night, or even when you are not
thinking about the situation at all. The answer will just enter your
mind, out of the blue.

Morning Meditation - The Process

When you first start to meditate you may find your mind wandering
and becoming easily distracted. This is normal and if this happens just
return your focus to the minds eye. Over time your mind will learn how
to be still during meditation.

First thing in the morning, or at a time of day where you wont

be disturbed, sit at a table or desk. On the table, place a candle
that you are able to light safely.

Position yourself about 12 inches or so from the candle, sitting

with your back straight and feet flat on the floor, light the
candle, and stare intently into it for about 10 minutes. (You do
not need to time yourself)

Stare into the flame and try not to think about anything else.
Just concentrate on the burning flame over time the
concentration will steady your mind and quiet the daily chatter
than runs through it.

After 10 minutes or so, blow out the flame and continue to sit
comfortably in your chair. With your eyes closed you will
continue to see the image of the flame in the interior region of
your mind this is called the minds eye.

Continue to look at the flame and concentrate on it. This

concentration will continue to still your mind and make your
more aware of the internal consciousness of your mind.

As you concentrate on the image, it may change colour, take on

different shapes, or increase or decrease in size. Just observe it
and try to not let your mind wander. (With practice it will be
easier to remain focused without having your mind wander.)

After a few minutes the picture will fade continue mediating for
5 10 minutes, still focusing on your minds eye. Just observe,
and focus on your breathing if need be to keep the mind still
from wandering.

When you are finished, keep your eyes closed, take a deep
breath, hold it for the count of 4 and slowly let it out. Repeat.

With a little practice, you will be able to bring yourself into the minds
eye meditative state without using the candle. For now, use the candle
while you learn how to use the minds eye for concentration.
If you are not able to use a candle to focus, close your eyes and try to
look at the space between your eyes (dont cross your eyes). Then
with your eyes closed take 3 or 4 deep breaths, letting each breath out
slowly. Then for 5 minutes or so just focus on your breath going into
your body and then out again.

The quieter you become; the more you can hear. -- Baba Ram Dass


2: Throughout Your Day

Gratitude and Appreciation
Although meditation is the most direct connection to the Intelligence of
the Universe, but it is not possible to stay in a meditative state with
our busy daily activities. To maintain the connection throughout the
day you have to choose your thoughts, words, and actions, to be ones
that will keep the connection open.
Expressing gratitude is a fundamental law to abundance thinking. We
must be in tune with this and be continually grateful for the many
blessings in our life.
By focusing on the things you appreciate you are shifting your inner
energy, and that changed energy will begin to be matched by the
Universe, allowing new and improved conditions and circumstances to
come into your experience.
Gratitude and appreciation, especially when we are able to feel it and
express it fully, is the second greatest connection to the Universe.
Expressing gratitude through words, or writing, is a wonderful step,
however, it is when we are able to feel the intense feelings of
gratitude, almost to the point of joyful tears, that we are lined up
directly to receive the abundance of the Universe.
Make it a habit to notice throughout your day the many gifts and
blessings you have and give thanks to the Universe. When we focus on
what we do have, it puts us into a totally different mindset and opens
the connection to attracting more things to be grateful for.
We already have what we need; food, shelter, clothes, friends, family,
community, nature, animals, interesting things to do, entertainment.
Increasing our focus onto the things we do have, instead of what is
missing in our lives, will automatically change the direction of our
thoughts and feelings.
The more time that you can spend feeling gratitude the more your
inner energy will shift and slowly the feeling of gratitude will become
the dominant energy source.
The following simple techniques will help you to raise your energy
frequency and, over time, you will find that your thoughts tend to
focus on gratitude naturally.


Start adding gratitude into your life by continuing to do everything you

usually do during your day, but do them with an attitude of gratitude.

As you shower, appreciate the warm water, marvel at the fact

you have indoor plumbing, or simply just repeat thank you over
and over again.

When you eat your breakfast, eat slowly and deliberately so that
you concentrate on each bite. Appreciate how good it tastes,
appreciate the nutrients it is giving your body, feel the energy
from the food moving through your body.

When you get dressed, appreciate the fact that you have clothes
to wear. Be thankful that you have socks, coats, and hats to
keep you warm.

On your way to work, school, or whatever you will be doing, look

around and notice the beauty of nature. Appreciate the grass,
the trees, the birds, the air we breathe, and the weather.

During the day you can also decide to have a mini gratitude session,
which is where you choose to create the feelings of gratitude on
purpose. This is ideal for increasing energy or to maintain an already
high energy level.
To create a mini gratitude session, take a deep breath, and then focus
your thoughts and feelings on something that makes you feel really
good. Hold the vision and the feeling for at least a minute each time.
A trick to being able to remember to find things to be grateful for is, or
to have a mini gratitude session, is to carry a small token, or some
other meaningful object, with you each day in your pocket or purse.
Then, each time you reach into your pocket for your money or keys it
will serve as a reminder for you to stop and take a moment to think of
something you have to be grateful for.
If you are like me and spend a lot of day at a desk you may not place
your hands in your pocket very often. If this is the case, place a token
beside your computer, or on the wall, or draw a little star on the back
of your hand, or set an alarm for 15 or 30 minutes intervals, and use it
to remind you to be grateful every time you see it.
When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty my only response is that I am
thankful I have a cup. - Sam Lefkowitz


Your Thoughts and Words

For the next 30 days, decide that you will only think and talk about the
end result you would like to create. Decide that you will not entertain
any thoughts of lack, struggle, hardship, fear, anger, etc. and make
every effort to pick a new topic to think or talk about whenever these
habitual ways of thinking start.
As you go about your day, take notice of the thoughts you think, the
words you speak, and the way you feel, as often as you can. Try to
choose your thoughts, your words, which create your feelings, from
moment to moment purposefully.
Negative thinking acts as an energy barrier, actually impeding the flow
of abundance. After all abundance is just energy. Some indicators that
negative energy is present are, un-forgiveness, judging, resentment,
thoughts that are stuck in the past, self-critical thinking, being angry,
depressed, playing the victim.
Clearing out negative thinking creates an opening for abundance to
flow to you. Make a conscious decision each day to maintain a positive,
accepting, loving and kind attitude in life.

Choose only thoughts that make you feel good. Speak only
words that make you feel good.

Praise yourself and those around you.

Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Words. The thoughts we have,

and the words we speak, have a huge impact on our outcome. Words
spoken out loud become law, and we get what we say. Change your
wording to be positive, speak only of your goals, dreams, desires, and
the outcome you want.
Feel What You Want. As you switch your thoughts and your words to

focus on dreams and desires, close your eyes and try to feel what it
would be like when those desires. Imagine how you would feel if you
already had what you desired. This feeling is what will bring it into
Sure all of us feel totally justified at times, to feel angry, feel the
victim, feel unworthy, resentful, etc. etc. Much of our predisposition to


this way of thinking can be directly traced to our childhood, tapes, old
belief systems and societal "norms".
However, when we turn away from positive, abundance thinking and
embrace negativity not only do we feel bad, we literally close ourselves
off from the abundance and opportunities from the Universe.
If you catch yourself wrapped up in thoughts that do not feel good,
dont worry about it. Our minds are creatures of habit and it may take
a while to move past the thoughts we are used to thinking.
If this happens, gently remind yourself that you are using this system
and are learning new behaviours. The thoughts you just experienced
were created from the old you, and you are now creating a new you.
Then, as you become aware that you are thinking about things that
you do not want, take a moment to switch your thoughts and begin to
intentionally think about what it is you want.
If you have trouble switching your thoughts it may be beneficial to use
one of the following phrases to start the switch.

The Universe is in the process of ..

Wont it be nice when ..

Wouldnt it be nice if ..

Finish off these phrases with whatever you want to have, be, or do, in
your life. Then talk about it, think about it, write about it, feel how
great your life will be when your desires have come true.
The key to making changes in how your think is to change your
thoughts on purpose and to add positive emotion to the new
The addition of positive emotion serves to assist in positive rewiring
the pattern in your brain, and before you know it, as soon as a
negative thought enters your mind, your thoughts will switch

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering
his attitude of mind." --James Truslow Adams


Daily Affirmations
Positive affirmations, if repeated consistently, slowly seep into the
subconscious mind and will be included in the vibration that is
subconsciously sent out.
Some people have trouble with affirmations because they feel they are
not speaking the truth when they use an affirmation. However, it is
important to understand that affirmations are not the facts of your
current situation. Instead, they represent the experiences you want to
have in your life.
An affirmation is a positive statement expressed in the present tense.
It should not contain references to what you do not want -- only what
you do want. For instance, suppose you are sick and want to be well.
Your affirmation might be, "I am healthy and energetic. All of my cells
are healthy and functioning perfectly."
Notice the statement is in the present tense. It does not say I will be
healthy. It says I am healthy. Also notice the statement does not
mention being sick. It only refers to the positive condition you are
trying to create.
Learn to use the power of affirmations and your life will reflect the
image your words express.
Affirmations should be stated slowly and deliberately.
Write the following affirmations onto an index card and read it often
(and out loud if possible) throughout your day.

I affirm that in the presence of the Universe, I am already

abundant and that this abundance is beginning to materialize
around me.

I radiate out vibrations of abundance and well being where ever

I may be each day.

I expect abundance, joy, peace, and blessings in my life because

my mind is attuned to my Universal source of supply this day.


Inspired Action Infinite Guidance

During the 30 days you will begin to receive nudges of guidance from
the Universe -- little thoughts and ideas that are based around areas
of your life where you want some change to happen. These little
nudges, that feel like you are compelled to do something, will prompt
you to take action, or do something, that will result in a step closer to
your desire.
As your connection to the Universe increases, your ability to notice and
recognise these nudges will increase. Although we are receiving
guidance and direction all the time from the Universe, often we are not
aware of them because we are too preoccupied with our own thoughts,
worries, and concerns.
As a result of these guidance nudges, you may suddenly see clearly
see the next step towards your desire. Other times you may have a
sudden urge to purchase a book, make a phone call, open the
newspaper, go for a walk, turn on the tv, or even drive home a
different way.
There may be times when you feel the urge to do something, like you
are being prompted to do something, but you dont know exactly what
to do.
In addition to pointing you toward your desires and wishes, the
Universe will also guide you in the direction of what is best for you,
your life, your health, and your well-being. You may begin have a
craving for a different kind of food to eat, or suddenly feel like going
for a walk.
A common theme I see in people once their connection to the Universe
opens is that their desire for cigarettes and alcohol reduces and
eventually goes away.
Whatever inspired nudges, or guidance, you begin to receive, make
sure to act upon them as quickly as possible because the Universe
loves speed. The faster you are at taking action, the faster the
Universe takes action. If you procrastinate, the Universe will
procrastinate. Be a match to what you want delivered back to you.


3. Evening Wrap-up

As we sleep we are more in alignment with our internal consciousness

because our awake mind calms and our subconscious mind takes over.
Reading positive messages, stating and affirmations before going to
sleep helps direct the subconscious mind during the night.
Start keeping an evening Gratitude journal that you can write into
before going to bed. This is a valuable tool in the development of your
growth and conscious awareness. This journal is not intended to be a
diary; it is just a short list of things you are grateful for on that
particular day. This is a place to honour and appreciate the good in
your life.
Each evening, before going to bed, take a few minutes to review your
day. Think about the day's events the people you talked to, the
places you went, the experiences you had. Become aware of how
many good things actually happened on that day, and remember to
appreciate everything - even the challenges that you encountered.
Find a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and write out a list of things
you appreciate. Dont make it difficult; simply create a list things that
are very easy for you to appreciate -- don't make it a list of things you
"should" appreciate just the things that you do appreciate.
It may have been the warm sun on your face, a cool breeze, a kind
word, a friend, or just feeling good about what you got accomplished
that day. It may be the way you handled a particular situation that
would have thrown you into a tailspin in the past.
Simply review the locations, people, or events that happened during
your day that you are grateful for. There is no right or wrong, just list
the different things you are sincerely grateful for on that particular
Then take a minute or two and write out a short paragraph of
something you really enjoyed during the day. Be sure to include how
you felt at that times -- feel the gratitude and appreciation. Give
If you wish, you may also close your eyes, relax, and focus on your
breathing and meditate for a few minutes.


If there were any moments in your day that you did not particularly
enjoy, spend a few minutes reliving them in your mind. Only as you
relive them, re-enact them so that they turned out differently, in a
way that pleases you.
If you had a discussion that didnt go particularly well, relive the
discussion only this time have it go the way you wanted it to go
change the discussion.

"When you start to feel grateful for what you already have, you will start to attract more
of the good things -- more of the things you can be grateful for." Dr. Joe Vitale


Maintaining Your Vibration

Maintaining your inner vibration and your energy is essential for keeping your
connection open to the Universe in order to stay in the flow of abundance.
Many people rely on techniques like journaling, affirmation and visualization
to get what they want, and overlook the importance of maintaining an
aligned vibration.
Once your vibration is in constant alignment, manifesting your desires easily
and effortlessly becomes a way of life.
So how do you maintain your vibration? The answer is simple: Feel Good!
But because thats easier said than done, here are some tips to help you
maintain your vibration on a daily basis:
1. Watch your thoughts and words. Only think thoughts and speak words
that allow you feel good. Although it may be impossible to remove all
negative thoughts, you can learn to reduce them.
2. Have fun. Do things you enjoy, and dont do things you dont enjoy! Find
ways to have fun dance, sing, laugh, listen to music, play sports, or take
up hobbies. If possible, add some fun into your workday wear fun slippers,
a cartoon tie, start a treasure hunt with co-workers.
3. Treat yourself. Many of us were taught not to splurge on ourselves. The
truth is you deserve to be treated well by yourself and others and when you
do allow yourself to be treated well enjoy it, dont let guilt thoughts take
5. Surround yourself with positive people. We all know someone who leaves
us feeling drained. Stop seeing them. Seek out people who are fun to be
around, who make you feel good. Your energy is drained every time you
spend time with someone who is negative, so reduce your contact as much
as possible.
7. Reduce your news intake. Take care to only allow positive messages to
enter your mind; stop reading and watching what doesnt feel good. Instead
of watching the news on TV, tune into the comedy or nature channel. Instead
of reading the newspaper, start reading books that you enjoy.
8. Meditate regularly. Meditation is the most direct route to increasing your
vibration, as it is direct contact with the abundant vibration of the Universe.
Even taking a few minutes each day to simply sit and breath will do wonders
for your vibration.


9. Spend time outside. Spending time in nature renews and revitalizes your
energy. Take a walk in the park; go for a hike, sit on the porch or in your
backyard, go outside at lunchtime, sit by the ocean, lie on the grass, go on a
picnic, or take the dog for a longer walk.
10. Take a mini vacation. Jump in the car and take a day simply exploring or
drive somewhere you have never been before. If finances allow, head out of
town for a night and treat yourself to some pampering at a near by bed and
11. Exercise. Getting your blood pumping raises your energy by increasing
your blood flow. Exercising moves the oxygen in your blood around your
body; it boosts your metabolism, and stimulates the brain. And lets not
forget to mention the weight loss benefit of exercise, and the reduction of
toxins in your body.
12. Enjoy your pets. Animals are natural vibration enhancers so spending
time with them is good for your health and your energy. Play with your dog
or cat, go for a horseback ride, visit the zoo, or even go to a pet store.
13. Education. Constant learning stimulates the brain and even has been said
to reduce some diseases like Alzheimers. And who knows, maybe you will
even accidentally learn how to do the next step that will take you closer to
your goal.
14. Try something new. New experiences are amazing and increase our
natural desire to learn and expand our existence on earth. Is there always
something you have wanted to do, or try? Now is the perfect time.


The Results
As you move through the 30 days of this system you will begin to
notice little changes around you that will grow and grow as the days
Following these steps daily for 30 days will shift your inner energy and
will begin to bring you into alignment with the Universal source of
Little by little, as you do each step every day, things will begin to shift
and change, and if you continue to do the steps everyday, before you
know it you will be living in a world you had never thought was
Suddenly you will know what it is like to be receiving pure positive
energy directly from the Universal source. It will become a part of you,
in your thoughts, your feelings, right down to the core of your being.
Suddenly, life will take on new meaning for you. You will have a
brighter outlook on life; you will be happier, you will see things in a
new more exciting way. Your passion for life will be returning.
You will be in the right place at the right time. The answers will come
to you making you wonder if you are suddenly more intelligent.
You will also become more and more aware of the amazing
synchronicity that is happening around you, and in your life. Miracles
can and do occur on a daily basis. They are happening all around you.
Honour them, and notice them.
Family and friends will wonder what has happened. The people around
you will be drawn to you and your energy. You will be the person in
the room who radiates, who glows, and the person who others wish
they could be like.
You will be living in the flow of life where it seems like everything you
touch turns to gold and the things that you desire seem to be
flowing into your experience effortlessly.
You will have discovered the Universal source of abundance and it is
flowing freely to you.


Some Final Thoughts

My personal experience using this step-by-step system has been
profound. Not only have I discovered a new level of peace and joy, but
I also find that my ability to manifest desires increased tremendously
within a short time of beginning to do these daily steps.
Please note that you must follow the above steps strictly in order to
achieve success through this system. It is impossible to create change,
and instill a new way of thinking and behaving, if you do not take the
time each day to do these steps.
This guide, and this system, will be a complete waste of your time if
you simply glance through it and put is aside. To create permanent,
long lasting, change in your life I strongly encourage you to commit
the next 30 days to following this system.
After doing these steps faithfully they will become a habit making it
easier to be motivated to do them each day.
One important thing to note; as you clean up your energy and create a
new connection, you may experience minor side effects while your
body adjusts to the new chemicals youre flowing. You may feel tired
or overwhelmed, or some days it may seem like everything goes
If these things happen, dont worry, its normal and will pass. With
practice your body will become accustomed to the new chemicals and
energy and maintaining a higher vibration becomes natural. All of
which brings you that much closer to dreams come true!
Just remind yourself that you are in the process of shifting your
vibration and let the experience pass by.
Whether or not you believe in the law of Attraction, the Laws of the
Universe, or the power of the subconscious mind, try applying this
system into your life for 30 days and see what happens.

"Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great
things, and all the things you consider not so great. Since you attract to you what you
think about most, it is easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every
subject of your life, because that is what you have experienced."
- Rhonda Byrne: producer of The Secret


Karen Walker is a prosperity teacher, mindset expert,

speaker, author, and trainer, who teaches individuals
and entrepreneurs how to awaken their higher self by
connecting the subconscious mind with the infinite
abundance and consciousness of the Universe.
For free tips and resources on using the mind and the
laws of the Universe to transform your life, visit:
Activate Abundance


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