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Ambar Beby Septiani


Analiya Dewi


Annas Anshori


Athurrita Choirru Ummah






1.1 Background
Water is the biggest resource that can be utilized. Water is the most important
need of every person. Besides the great value of water in human life, such as
transportation, drinking, agriculture and so on. Not only humans need water, animals
and plants were also desperately need. They need water to continue to survive.
Unlike the food, we will not survive long without water. Most of our bodies consist
of water. In addition to being the main requirement, water also has many benefits for
the body when consumed in a measure the body needs. Water stored in the strange
and wonderful power, which can transform our bodies into better shape and
healthier. Sometimes we underestimate to not drink water, without us knowing how
much benefit we will derive. We sometimes can not see that in the water we drink
every day there are various secret that we do not know.
So many benefits of water that we can know, but not many people know how to
drink good water, good time to drink and how much water should we consume each
day. Sometimes we underestimate our drinking ways, but it can indirectly affect
health in the long term
1.2 Purpose
This paper is made to:
a. Provide information about water, as well as the benefits of its use
b. To inform the good manners in drinking water
c. Persuade readers to drinking water is beneficial for the body


2.1 Definition of water

Water is a chemical compound with the chemical formula H 2O. A water
molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent
bonds. Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but it often
co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state, steam (water vapor).
Water is an amazing element, colorless, tasteless and odorless, so it contains the secret
of life (Hiromi Shinya, 2009). Water is the detainee substance on earth that has three
properties at once in this realm, namely solid, liquid and gas. Humans could have hung-up
days without food, but we cannot live without water for a week.
Dr. Ahmad Abdul 'Aziz Majid, quality testing specialists and therapists experienced in
the Saudi-German Hospital in Jeddah said that water helps regulate the process of setting
posture and body leanness. People who experience a lack of fluids in the body, prone to fat
deposition than the body needs to consume water properly. ( Subhi Sulaiman,2009)

2.2 Benefit The Water to Body

Water has special properties, one of which is to be conductors or easily dissipate heat.
In addition, water also has special properties such as dissolve and decompose solids, such
as minerals. Some uses of water are commonly used in everyday life is as a compressor
wipes when the temperature and pressure at different temperatures, this is done by
immersing the body in water to generate pressure in the body, thus helping to stimulate
blood circulation. Water has a calming effect of smoothing and body. The water also helps
the process of relaxation, whether done with a shower, splashing water.

Benefits of water in the treatment of :


Water is considered to be diuretic , either by drinking water or hot drinks like

chulbah (cultivated plants, seeds made param mixed or used as a spice, its roots

can be made pharmaceuticals ( KBBI,2005) )

b. Water is considered as an internal body cleanser . Because water serves to dilute,
cleanse and remove toxins and substances that are not needed by the body .
c. Water is considered as an energy producer . That is by consuming beverages and
mineral baths herbal marinade , using either cold or warm water .
d. Water can eliminate pain. Ice could serve as a painkiller caused nerve
inflammation in the skin.
e. Water is a strong stimulus for blood circulation, by entering into the body warm
and cold water alternately in various ways .
f. Water is a stimulant and stimulants for the vitality of the body. This can be done
with cold water showers, a sauna, and a cold water bath using the shower .
g. The water serves to reduce the heat by drinking water and cold water soak or
compress .
Doctor Ahmad added that drinking water regularly and in sufficient quantities can prevent
kidney stones and prevent cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate.
Requiring individuals who consume water not less than one and a half liters every day.
(Subhi Sulaiman,2009)

How to consume a good water

To get the maximum results from consuming water then we also have to fit the
needs and time consuming :
2.3.1 Amount of water is needed water needs for each person varies depending on
various factors as follows :
Exercise. If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat ,

you need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss.
Environment. Hot or humid weather can make you sweat and requires
additional intake of fluid.

Illnesses or health conditions . When you have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, your
body loses additional fluids. In these cases , you should drink more water.

Pregnancy or breast - feeding. Women who are expecting or breast- feeding

need additional fluids to stay hydrated. Large amounts of fluid are used
especially when nursing. although it is affected by various factors but normal
people, requires 6-8 glasses of water per day for adults and 5 glasses of
water every day for elderly

2 .3.2 The right time to drink water (Hiromi Shinya, 2009)

1-3 glasses when wake up in the morning

2-3 cups 1 hour before dinner
The ideal way to meet the needs of your body is by drinking
water after waking up in the morning and one hour before each meal. If
you drink only water, the water will flow from the stomach into the

intestine within 30 minutes, so it will not inhibit digestion or absorption.

2-3 cups 1 hour before lunch
If you consume too much water right before a meal, the stomach
will be full so you lose your appetite. And if you drink water while
eating, the water will dilute the digestive enzymes in your stomach so
that digestion and absorption of food becomes more difficult. Therefore
if you have to drink water while eating, you should avoid drinking more
than one drink at each meal.

2.3.3 . Good water

Good water is water containing high oxidation, clear, clean, and lots of
alkaline minerals.

Effects not drinking water

Effects that arise when we do not consume a lot of water is dehydration.
There are so many negative effects of dehydration, some more critical than
For example, one of the side effects of not drinking enough water is
taxing effect on our kidneys. They are not Able to remove the toxins from our
body Effectively as they do not have enough 'fluid' to flush our systems the way
they are meant to.

3.1 Conclusion

Water is very essential for our body because 70% of our bodies are composed of
water. consume enough water each day would make our organs work with the
Maximum. satiap drinking needs of people vary according to the condition of the body
and the environment. But normally people need 6-8 glasses of water per day for adults
and 5 cups of water to the elderly.
3.2 Suggestion
To keep the immune system in order to keep fit, as well as the organs of the
body work optimally, we need to consume water regularly. Drink 6-8 glasses of water
every day, 1 glass after you wake up in the morning, 2-3 cups 1 hour before lunch and
2-3 cups 1 hour before dinner.


Sulaiman, Subhi.2009.Terapi Penyembuhan Dengan Air.Surakarta:Ziyad

Shinya,Hiromi.2009.The Miracle Of Enzyme: Self-Healing Program.Bandung:Mizan
Mrdia Utami
Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa Indonesia.
2005.Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta:Balai Pustaka

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