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To look at existence and reality itself we look at the (relatively) smallest component
of it, the Universe. A Universe can be looked at in two distinct ways, Spatially and
Temporally. Any entity that exists outside a Universe is typically a deity or deity
level in power.

Spatially a universes is semi-infinite and is the rough shape of the detonation of its
big bang, it is composed of the stuff of that universe be it planets and empty space
or some other material. A universe will expand until its original big bang runs out of
momentum, if it ever does, in addition as time goes on the areas closest to the
center will begin to burn out, decay or otherwise die. In this way the universe is a
hollow shape thats edge is constantly growing and interior is constantly shrinking.

Temporally the Universe is like a big ball of wibbily-wobbily timey-wimey stuff.

Actual its more like a series of American footballs each representing a single event.
These footballs have two points, a start and an end, which are connected by smaller
threads. Some of these smaller threads can be altered or changed without causing
damage while others will cause the whole thing to fall apart if taken away. Each of
these events is then further connect with strands and other events until they
themselves form a football. So time is a like a football made out of footballs.

Dimensional Plane*
A group of Universes all belonging to the same geometric dimension is called a
Dimensional Plane. These take the form of every possible shape that can be made
out of their geometry simultaneously. In a Dimensional plane Universes move
around erratically and have interactions much like planetary celestial bodies. All
Universes in a Dimensional Plane are parallel Universes and typically are incredibly
similar except for a few small temporal or spatial changes.
A group of Dimensional Planes is called a Multiverse. A Multiverse both connects
and separates Dimensional Planes by organizing them into a more complex shape
and separating them with barriers. It is easy to imagine it like a newspaper, where
each 2D page is Dimensional Plane and when combined they create a 3D object
that is the Multiverse. All Dimensional Planes in a Multiverse follow the same laws of
physics. Rarely will Multiverse contain multiple Dimensional Planes of the same
dimension. Sometime certain Dimensional planes wont fit in the larger multiverse
and will instead orbit it, these are pocket dimensions. No two Multiverses follow the
exact same laws of physics, in one Pi might equal 3.14159 in another it might
simply equal 0.

A group of Multiverses is called an Omniverse. In it each Multiverses floats around

each other randomly, occasionally splitting into two new multiverse or fusing into
larger new ones. Large amounts of lone Dimensional Planes and isolated Universes
float around this space they typically suffer from instability due to lack of structure.
Gates provide the ability to travel between Universes, Dimensional Planes, or
Multiverse to any other part of the Omniverse. Nothing can travel outside or into a
universe without one due to the vastness of infinity. The majority of portals exist on
the Universe level however some will open up upon Dimensional Planes,
Multiverses or in incredibly rare cases the Omniverse itself. An activated portal
creates a time and space dilation in which either end of the portal experiences a
temporal and spatial synchronization allowing for the safe passage of particles
through a none local region of space time. A gate may or may not alter an object to
match the Universes laws of physics or dimension. There are a near unlimited
number of ways for gates to form, either naturally or artificially, however all gates
are controlled, maintained, opened and closed by Yog-Sothoth either directly or
indirectly whether the opener knows it or not.

Personal Domains
Personal Domains are universes that controlled entirely by a single entity, mortal or
immortal. This entity has complete control over every aspect of the universe but
puts a fair amount of their power and substance into it in order to do so.

*the Omniverse is big place things in these sections may be different in special
places, these are merely the norm.


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