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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2010 & 2011) Mise en

1. The frame in this shot is that of a wide
weather shot, showing the entirity of the
lake and the mountains surrounding it.
The lighting in the frame is reflected
lighting and is dark with blue undertones
and the only light in the image can be
seen from behind the clouds. The low-key
lighting used in this shot with the addition
of the dark depths of the lake creates for
a mysterious atmosphere, making the
audience question where is this apparently remote setting? The mountains however suggest
that this is close to the countryside, reinforcing the idea that the setting in this shot is cut off
from civilisation and far away from prying eyes. Though the image of the soft water should
provoke feelings of calm and serenity, the eerie lighting within the shot instead produces
feelings of unease.

2. Another wide shot is used to display to

setting and location in this scene, the
camera is high angled to show the
audience the entirety of the landscape,
which makes an impressive impact and is
aesthetically pleasing and rather
beautiful and peaceful. The bright,
stylised looking lighting juxtapositions
against the last few previous shots in the
trailer. The lighting in this shot comes
from the sun (though in this screenshot
the sun itself cannot be seen) making it an example of incident lighting. The colours within this
scene are those associated with nature greens and browns and connote the beautiful scenery
which arguably leads the audience into a false sense of security as the plot is anything but calm
and beautiful, but unsettling and full of chaos and war. The shot shots three figures walking
through the countryside and suggests to the audience that there will be travelling within the
film. The contrasts between the dark lighting in the previous shot and the bright lighting in this
shot could be referring to the theme of good vs evil in the story.
3. The lighting within this scene is clearly
stylized and made from special effects
placed after recording, it shows a dully
lit orange barrier that appears to be
breaking and connotes the theme of
magic within the film and also the needs
of protections (refers to the war and
battle in the film). The location of this
shot shows the well-known Hogwarts
castle from the Harry Potter series and
informs the audience that beloved locations
will be returning but the mystery of why it is
being surrounded plays on their mind.
4. In this shot position and costume are
incredibly important. The position of the
antagonist, Voldemort, shows him in a pose
that connotes leadership, that he is somebody
that people follow while he leads. His followers
(Death Eaters) are shown behind him,
suggesting they are inferior to him. The low angle also makes him appear to be the most
powerful figure within the shot. The costume also reinforces the idea that these are the bad

guys, all dressed in black, blending into the dark background which makes them appear to be

5. The positioning of the two characters

in this shot suggests a close
relationship between the two. Both
the actors facial expressions show
feelings of surprise, fear and horror.
The male figure in the shot appears to
be trying to protect the female, using
his wand to cast a spell while she
moves towards him. The wide two
shot allows for the audience to see
the destruction behind the pair,
suggesting that there has been chaos and even fighting in the film and leaves them on the edge
of their seats, wanting to know what happens and leaves them on the edge of their seats,
wanting to know what happens.
6. Another weather shot is shown,
includes a lightning special effect
which makes the lighting within the
shot appear stylized and is set with
dark blue undertones, creating a
mysterious and magical feeling to the
shot. The location shows again
another scene in a nature setting,
suggesting to the viewer that nature
scenes will be included in the film.
This magic in nature is an interesting
concept as magic, often associated with the supernatural, is against all that is natural and this
idea therefore stands out. The figure who is standing directly under the lightning is the
antagonist, Voldemort and he appears to be producing this lightning from magic and makes the
audience fear him, that he is an exceptionally powerful spell caster and connotes his role as the
7. The crowded look of this shot
suggests that its a busy street,
perhaps in London. The lighting in
this scene is rather dull and dim,
considering that it is a busy street
which are usually illuminated by
lights, connoting the dark themes
within the plot. The costume in the
scene shows the three main
characters in the films are looking
formal, in a bright red dress and
dark looking robes, but it also
makes them stand out against the people dressed casually in the streets. It could be considered
a way of determining the characters who
are magical from those who are not. The
facial expressions of the characters show
those of worry and makes the audience
question why do they appear to be in a
rush it leaves them with unanswered
8. This shot shows a large explosion
happening, people running away in terror,
connoting battle and war. This suggests to the audience that there will be fast action and some
conflict to look forward in the film. The explosions is the main light in the shot, dulling and

darkening the rest of the scene and making it the first thing that attracts the viewers attention.
Action-packed trailers are more likely to stick in an audiences mind than others.

9. The lighting in this scene is dark,

stylized from the use of special effects
for the spells in the shot, making it
capture the audiences attention and
showcases the theme of magic and
appears to enhance the shot
immensely. The setting around the
lighting is shown clearly through a
wide shot, where the audience can
see the destruction and
communicates to the audience that
mayhem and battle had broken out. This makes the audience feel apprehensive towards what is
it come.

10. This final shot shows the title of the

film Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows, stylized lighting used to
create a sinister, dark and perhaps
evil effect and using the signature
typography that will be
remunerable to the large target
audience that the series already
has. The title of the film is
accompanied a stormy, cloudy
background, creating a suspenseful
ending to the trailer.

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