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Syllabus, Art Appreciation, ART 1100 H, CRN 1437

Erik Day
Fall 2014, Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am 10:45am
Room 308, Nix Performing Arts Building
Faculty Information
Email: egday@ung.edu
Office Location: TBD
Office Phone: TBD
Office Hours: TBD
Important Dates
-Class Begins: 8/18 (after 12:00 pm)
-Drop Add Period: 8/18-22
-No Class for Labor Day Holiday: 9/1
-Roll Verification Due: 8/26
-Withdrawal Deadline: 9/11
-Mid-term Assessments: 10/6-8
-Thanksgiving Break: 11/24-28
-Last Day of Classes: 12/5
-Final Exam: 12/8, Monday, 8:00 am-10:00 am
Text and Other Materials
Required Text:
Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach by Margaret Lazzari.
ISBN-10: 1111343799
ISBN-13: 978-1111343798

This text is in the bookstore. You must get the most recent edition. If you would
prefer to find this resource some other way, this is acceptable, but you must have the most
current version of the text. You can order the text through Amazon.com; you can get it
used or new. You can rent the text. You can even get the online version if you like.
Desire to Learn/ D2L:
This is the resource you will use to access your homework and grades.
Visit the following address: https://ung.view.usg.edu/
When you are logged into the site, your first step will be to click the link that allows
entrance into this class. Once there, you will simply click on Course Content and find
the Homework link. You can only complete the homework after it has been assigned, as

the link has to be activated. Once activated, you have two attempts to complete the
assignment. When you have finished the homework your highest grade will be recorded
in the grade book.
In addition to homework, D2L will allow you to regularly access your grades for
homework and exams, as well as your attendance records.
One note; DO NOT use the D2L email as a method for communicating with
the professor. Use your university email account for all classroom communications.
Many of the lectures and documents related to this class will be available on the
UNG website through my Digication website.
Visit the following address:
Click on: Art Appreciation
See the various subheadings and click on the link where the material you need is located.
Course Description and Objectives
Students completing this course will gain a deep understanding of Visual Art that
will engender a broader awareness and appreciation of Art and Art Media. Participants
will develop a working knowledge of the characteristics and purposes of Art and research
the formal language of Drawing, Design, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and other
Visual Media. Students will also investigate the socio-cultural influence of Visual Art on
politics, history, religion, science and society. In addition, the student will gain the
vocabulary and conceptual framework necessary for the scholarly analysis and discussion
of a wide range of art forms.
Methods of Instruction
Because this is a lecture class, most of our in-class information will be gleaned
from slide lectures. However, much of your learning will be self-directed and centered on
readings from our book as well as researching topics from a variety of extra-class
Our text is Margaret is formatted so that each chapter begins with a preview and timeline
of the objects and basic concepts investigated. Images, section headings, boldface text,
italicized text and bulleted sections are signifiers of important ideas that every student
should learn. Artists names, titles, dates and genres (styles or movements) are also
important to gain a deeper understanding of art and its historical context. It is imperative
that you read all of the assigned text. Over the course of the semester we will have six
exams that assess your understanding of the material. Each exam covers approximately 2
chapters. You are required to take the exam on the day it is administered. If you miss an

exam, you must schedule a make-up exam by the following class day, but only
during my office hours. You are permitted only one make-up exam.
Additionally, there will be a Homework component. This entails either doing
exercises on D2L and/or writing about topics and objects we have discussed. Any
homework turned in late will receive a 5-point deduction for each day it is late.
Lastly, there will be an Artwork Analysis, which is a written analysis of a work
of art. This assignment, which takes places at the end of the semester, is a demonstration
of your understand of the key concepts that are covered in the course. As with the
homework, a 5-point deduction will occur for each day that it is late!
My lectures and our in-class discussions are critical and will supplement and
expand ideas from the text. We will discuss images and artists not mentioned in the book,
as well as additional images by the artists discussed in the text, enabling the student to
understand the concepts in a broader, richer fashion. Students should always be prepared,
having read the text previous to a days discussion. While in class, students should always
have their text and supplies for taking notes and completing exams. If you read, attend
class, take notes, complete your homework and Artwork Analysis, and study for
exams you will succeed! This class is structured around student engagement and notation
will be made concerning each pupils preparedness. If it becomes obvious that students
are not reading the assigned sections, pop-quizzes will be administered.
Methods of Evaluation and Grading
Grades are based on the following mathematical formula:
-6 Exams: 60% of your final grade.
-Homework: 20% of your final grade.
-Artwork Analysis: 10% of your final grade.
-Class Participation and Attendance: 10% of the final grade.
Attendance and Participation
Attendance is mandatory; The University of North Georgia Attendance Policy
permits only 1 week of absences per class per semester. Each absence, excused or not,
is worth 10 points that will be deducted from your Attendance and Participation
grade. Tardiness and Early Departures will not be tolerated. You have a 5-minute grace
period from the top of the hour. Each tardy/ early departure is worth 5 points that will
be deducted from your Attendance and Participation grade. You must attend the
Final Examination. Students who miss 5 or more days will receive an automatic
WF for the class.
Classroom Conduct
Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is
conducive to learning. While the University experience is one which values academic
freedom and liberty, it cannot reach its goals of facilitating learning if some structure
does not exist. To that end, please review the following list of appropriate behaviors and

act accordingly. Failure to acknowledge expectations of classroom etiquette will result in

your being asked to leave the class until you can modify your behavior.
1. Students are expected to attend class and pay attention, to be on time, find a seat, and
be prepared to engage in the work of the class (e.g., taking notes, studio work, critique,
participating in group activities, attending outside events, etc.). Do not ask an instructor
in class to go over material you missed by skipping a class or not concentrating. There
are no private tutorials for this course. The student is responsible for obtaining notes
from classmates for missed lectures.
2. Not coming to class late or leaving early. If you must enter a class late, do so quietly
and do not disrupt the class by walking between the class and the instructor. Do not leave
class unless it is an absolute necessity. Difficulty finding parking or conflicting course
schedules do not constitute a sufficient reason for coming to class late or leaving early.
Students are expected to stay in class until the class is dismissed, unless prior
arrangements have been made for an early dismissal, e.g. a physicians appointment.
Most important, students are expected to participate until the end of class. Not packing
book bags or backpacks to leave until the instructor has dismissed class. Avoiding audible
and visible signs of restlessness. These are both rude and disruptive to the rest of the
3. Students are to come to class prepared to begin work. This means arriving to the first
day of class and each class session with materials ready. Students should not waste class
time gathering materials or resources that should have been taken care of prior to the
class session. This includes research, purchasing supplies, printing materials, or preparing
handouts for presentations etc.
4. Work is expected on the date it is due. Exceptions are made only for extraordinary
situations and with the approval of the professor arranged in advance of missing the
deadline. Students are not to burden the instructor with excuses as to why they were
unable to make the project deadline. Appropriate behavior means taking responsibility for
your inadequacies, gracefully accepting any related penalties and not expecting
exceptions to course policy.
5. Focusing on class material during class time. Sleeping, talking to others, doing work
for another class, reading the newspaper, checking email, and exploring the internet
are unacceptable, disrespectful and can be disruptive. Students are expected to turn off
cell phones, pagers, radios, iPods, laptops and other such electronic devices during class.
Exceptions are permitted only with the professors prior consent. If necessary, the
instructor will collect such materials at the beginning of class and return them at the end
of class.
6. No eating and drinking during class time unless given express permission by the

7. Students are expected to use good manners, be courteous and act with decorum toward
their peers and anyone who may be in class facilitating the learning process. Students are
encouraged to ask questions at any time. Students are expected to raise their hands.
Students are expected to be polite and respect the instructor or other students who are
currently speaking. Students should not talk with other classmates while the instructor or
another student is speaking. Students should not monopolize class discussion. Allow
others time to give their input and ask questions. Do not stray from the topic of class
8. Students are not to expect exceptions to course policy under any circumstances. Course
policies fairly apply to each and every student in the course. Serious issues do arise and
students are encouraged to speak with the instructor about anything that might prevent
them from meeting course expectations. However, the instructors only obligation is to
advise you of your options-not to make special arrangements for you that compromise the
validity and objectivity of the course.
9. Academic honesty is crucial at University of North Georgia and in my classroom. Any
cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or helping others to commit said acts are all forms of
Academic Dishonesty and will not be tolerated.
Students are expected to refer to the http://ung.edu/academic-affairs/policies-andguidelines/supplemental-syllabus.php for the following information:
1. Academic Exchange
2. Academic Integrity Policy
3. Academic Success Plan Program
4. Class Evaluations
5. Course Grades and Withdrawal Process
6. Disruptive Behavior Policy
7. Inclement Weather
8. Smoking Policy
9. Students with Disabilities
Approved 27-FEB-2013
Course Content and Calendar
This is a tentative document. It is a rough appraisal of the course and its order and
timetable. Dates are subject to change due to weather, emergency, health issues or special
events. A good hint is to mark the days off as the class unfolds. This will be a more
accurate accounting of the daily schedule.
Week One
Introduction to Art Appreciation
Syllabus review: Sign Syllabus Contract, Discuss Chapter 1

Homework: Read Chapter 1, A Human Phenomenon and Chapter 4, Deriving

Week Two
Discuss Chapter 1 and 4
Homework: Read Chapter 5, Making, Using and Preserving Art
Discuss Chapter 4 and 5
Week Three
Discuss Chapters 4 and 5
Review Chapters 1, 4 and 5
Homework: Study for Exam # 1
9/4: Exam # 1, Chapters 1, 4 and 5
Discuss Chapter 2
Homework: Read Chapter 2, The Language of Art and Architecture
Week Four
Discuss Chapter 2
Homework: Read Chapter 6, Food and Shelter
Discuss Chapter 6
Homework: Read Chapter 7, Reproduction and Sexuality
Week Five
Discuss Chapters 6 and 7
Week Six
Review Chapters 6 and 7
Homework: Study for Exam # 2
9/25: Exam # 2, Chapters 6 and 7
Homework: Read Chapter 8, Deities and Places of Worship
Discuss Chapter 8
Week Seven
Homework: Read Chapter 9, Mortality and Immortality
Discuss Chapters 8 and 9
Week Eight
10/7: Mid-term Assessments
Discuss Chapter 9
Review Chapters 8 and 9
Homework: Study for Exam #3
10/9: Exam # 3, Chapters 8 and 9
Discuss Chapter 10

Homework: Read Chapter 10, Power, Politics and Glory

Week Nine
Discuss Chapter 10
Homework: Read Chapter 11, Social Protest/ Affirmation
Discuss Chapter 11
Week Ten
Discuss Chapter 11
Review Chapters 10 and 11
Homework: Study for Exam # 4
10/23: Exam # 4, Chapters 10 and 11
Discuss Chapter 12
Homework: Read Chapter 12, Mind and Body
Week Eleven
Discuss Chapters 12
Homework: Read Chapter 13, Race, Gender, Clan and Class
Week Twelve
Discuss Chapters 12 and 13
Week Thirteen
Discuss Chapter 13
Review Chapters 12 and 13
Homework: Study for Exam # 5
11/13: Exam # 5, Chapters 12 and 13
Homework: Read Chapter 14, Nature, Knowledge and Technology
Discuss Chapter 14
Week Fourteen
Discuss Chapter 14
Homework: Read Chapter 15, Entertainment and Visual Culture
Watch Rivers and Tides
Watch Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress
Discuss Chapters 14 and 15
Week Fifteen
11/24-28: No Classes, Thanksgiving Break
Week Sixteen
Discuss Chapter 15
Last Week of Class!
Review Chapters 14 and 15

Homework: Study for Exam # 6, Final Exam

Week Seventeen
12/9: Tuesday, 10:20 am-12:20 pm,
Final, Exam #6 over Chapters 14 and 15, Attendance Mandatory

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