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Input Your


Your Heart Rate Training Zones


Recovery Training Zone ###

to ###

Resting Heart Rate 48

Working Heart Rate 121
Your MHR

Aerobic Training Zone

to ###

Maximum Heart Rate169

Anaerobic Training Zon ###

to ###

Lactate Threshold Zone###

to ###

How to Find Your Resting Heart Rate

1. Find yourself a quite room where you can lie down and rest.
2. Make sure you have a watch or clock that is easy to see.
3. Relax and breathe deeply for 1 minute, allowing yourself to get completely calm
on your
chin or with
your wrist
5. Find
of times
for your
20 seconds.
this number by 3 and you have your resting heart rate in beats per
minute (bpm)
Recovery Training Zone
The recovery training zone is the heart rate and pace you should do the
majority of your running days at. For any schedule that has easy next
to the mileage total, this is the zone you should target for maximum
effectiveness. The recovery training zone is important because it gives
your body the chance to mend itself from the hard workouts. Most new
runners run their recovery runs far too fast. This puts them into what I
call the grey zone of training. They arent running slow enough to
allow proper recovery, but they arent running fast enough to get any
real benefits. Running in the recovery zone should feel easy.
Aerobic training Zone
The aerobic training zone is the sweet spot for marathon training and
developing your cardiovascular system. Your marathon pace should fall
on the higher end of your aerobic training zone. The pace adds just
enough stress to your breathing that it will feel comfortably hard and

enough stress to your breathing that it will feel comfortably hard and
you could hold the pace, if needed indefinitely. You should run your long
runs at the lower end of this range, with the option to creep faster
towards the end of the run if youre feeling good. In addition, if youre
training schedule calls for a steady run, this would be best
accomplished at the high end of this heart rate zone.
Lactate Threshold Zone
The Lactate Threshold zone is more universally called a tempo run.
Basically, youre looking to run just on the edge of your lactate
threshold, which is the point at which your body can no longer process
and get rid of the lactic acid that your muscles are producing from
running and the hydrogen ions start to flood your system. Heart rate
training is a great tool for lactate threshold training because it helps you
stay on the proper side of that fine line between just enough lactic acid
production and too much.
Anaerobic Training Zone
The anaerobic training zone is most commonly referred to as speed work
or VO2 max work. VO2 max is a complicated physiological process that
should have, and will soon, its own post. To be the most simplistic I can
get without being wrong, VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen
you can consume and process when exercising. Heart rate training in
this zone is near maximum and you should only be able to run at 2 or 3
minutes maximum before your body gives out.

et completely calm
with your wrist

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