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Table of Contents

Object........................................................................................................................... 3
Setup............................................................................................................................ 3
Player Turns.................................................................................................................. 3
Cards............................................................................................................................ 3
Action Place Influence Cubes..................................................................................... 3
Action Claim One Card............................................................................................... 4
Action Retrieve Influence Cubes.................................................................................4
Action Buy Influence Cubes........................................................................................... 4
Action Move Agents.................................................................................................... 5
Action Move Markers.................................................................................................. 5
Action Discard Cards.................................................................................................. 5
Action Reveal Your Secret Identity..............................................................................5
Action Reveal Double Agent....................................................................................... 5
Action Pass................................................................................................................. 5
Action Card Action...................................................................................................... 5

Place/Remove One Blocking Disc................................................................................. 5

Hired Assassin and your Assassinate Royalty or Agent Initial card......................................5

Hide Royalty........................................................................................................... 6

Assassination with an Agent card..................................................................................6

Double Agents and Assassinations.................................................................................6

Known To The Authorities.......................................................................................... 6

Bismarck................................................................................................................ 6

The Diogenes Club.................................................................................................... 6

Freemasons............................................................................................................. 6

The Holy Brotherhood............................................................................................... 6

Irene Adler.............................................................................................................. 6

Okhrana................................................................................................................. 6

Shoggoth................................................................................................................ 7

The Third Section..................................................................................................... 7

Vampires................................................................................................................ 7

Zombies................................................................................................................. 7

Permanent Effects......................................................................................................... 7

Cthulhu.................................................................................................................. 8

Cultists.................................................................................................................. 8

Devils Island.......................................................................................................... 8

Master of Disguise.................................................................................................... 8

Mi-go.................................................................................................................... 8

Sebastian Moran....................................................................................................... 8

Sigmund Freud......................................................................................................... 8

Society of Leopold.................................................................................................... 8

Doctor Watson......................................................................................................... 8

Yog-Sothoth............................................................................................................ 8

Scoring Victory Points................................................................................................... 9

Ending the Game.......................................................................................................... 9
Errata............................................................................................................................ 9


Each player is secretly working for or against the overlords from the Cthulhu
mythos. Using a deck-building mechanism, players acquire cards for actions
and Victory Points (VPs). When the game end is triggered, the player with the
most VPs wins. But youll need to figure out who is on which side because the
player with the least VPs and everyone on the same side all lose.

1. Shuffle the 6 Secret Identity cards and deal one to each player. Return the
rest to the box, unseen.
2. Each player selects a color and takes the matching Main Agent counter, deck
of 10 Initial cards, 6 Influence cubes (your Available stock), and 15 Control
discs. The remaining 14 Influence cubes of each color are placed in a Pool for
3. Shuffle the Game cards and deal 4 cards (3 cards if there are only 2 or 3
players) into each of the Game Card boxes next to the 12 cities. Return the
rest to the box, unseen.
4. Turn the top card in each Game Card box face up. If an agent is revealed,
place the corresponding counter on top of the card.
5. Place the deck of 12 City cards in the City Card box (in alphabetical order to
make them easier to find).
6. Shuffle the Permanent Effect cards and place them by the side of the board.
Draw the top two cards and place them face up nearby for claiming.
7. Shuffle the Double Agent counters face down and deal 2/2/3/4 to each of the
5/4/3/2 players.
8. Place a Track marker (larger cylinder) on the zero space of the Revolution
track and the War track (i.e., in the bottom box, not the circle underneath it).
9. Each player places one of their Control discs on the zero space of the Victory
Points track.
Shuffle the Sanity counters into a face down pile by the side of the
Each player shuffles their decks and draws a hand of 5 cards.
Randomly determine the first player. In player order each player places
his Main Agent in a City box. Multiple Main Agents can be placed in the same

Player Turns

Perform 2 actions on your turn. Place any cards you played into your discard
At the end of your turn, draw back up to a hand of 5 cards.
If your deck is empty and you need to draw a card, shuffle your discard pile
to make a new deck.
If at any time you are forced to lose a card from your hand, immediately draw
a replacement card. You will always start your turn with at least 5 cards in
your hand.


A card can only be played for one type of symbol on it (cubes, gold, or
bombs) or for its action (if any).

Action Place Influence Cubes

Play one or more cards, each with one or more cube symbols, and take a
number of Influence cubes from your Available stock equal to the cubes on
the cards. Place all of the cubes on a single face up Game card on the board,
Permanent Effect card in the display, or in a City box.
You cannot deliberately play more cards than you need to [EXC: you can play
a card with 2 cubes when you only have one cube left in your Available

Action Claim One Card

This action can only be taken if it is the first action you take on your turn and
you havent performed a free action yet.
You can claim a card if you have more Influence points on it than any other
At least one of your points must be from an Influence cube.
Each agent you have in the same city (including your Main Agent) counts as 1
Influence point towards claiming that City card and the citys Game card.
If there is a tie for most points, the tied player with the most agents in the
city has the most points. After claiming the card, all of your Influence cubes
are placed in the Limbo box. Influence cubes on the card belonging to other
players are returned to their Available stocks.
When you claim a Game card, place it on your discard pile. If it is an agent,
place the agent in the same city and place one of your Control discs on top of
the Agent counter.
Turn the next card in the Game Card box face up. If an agent is revealed,
place the corresponding counter on top of the card.
When the last card is claimed from a Game Card box, move the War marker
up two spaces on its track and draw a new Permanent Effect card for the face
up display.
When you claim a Permanent Effect card, place it face up in front of you. Do
not draw a replacement.
When you claim a City card, place it on your discard pile. If another player
has the card, he finds it in his discard pile, hand, or deck (returning his hand
to 5 cards or reshuffling the deck, respectively).
Place one of your Control discs in the city space (returning any current disc to
its owner).
Gain VPs equal to the number in the hex next to the city Control space. If
another player had the card, they lose VPs accordingly.
Sanity Counters if you claim a card marked with a green Sanity symbol
(only), you must draw one Sanity counter and place it face up in front of you.
If you have three Mad counters, you must reveal your secret identity. If you
are a Restorationist, the game ends immediately.
If there are no more Sanity counters left when you need to draw, it is
presumed you have gained enough Mad counters to reveal yourself.
If you are a revealed Loyalist, you only draw Sanity counters to determine
whether one of your agents dies when assassinating a royal.

If a Loyalist with 3 Mad counters claims the Change of Heart card, his Main
Agent dies and the game ends.

Action Retrieve Influence Cubes

Play one or more cards, each with one or more cube symbols, and retrieve a
number of your Influence cubes from anywhere on the board and/or on
Permanent Effect cards and place them in your Available stock.
You cannot deliberately overpay for the cubes (to get cards out of your hand)
unless you have played a card with 2 cubes on it and only have one cube to

Action Buy Influence Cubes

Play one or more cards, each with one or more gold symbols, and take one of
your Influence cubes from the Pool for every two gold symbols you played
and place them in your Available stock.
You cannot deliberately overpay for the cubes (to get cards out of your hand)
and you must spend gold in multiples of two.

Action Move Agents

Play one or more cards, each with one or more gold symbols, and then move
one or more of your agents. The cost in gold to move one agent between two
cities is shown on the connections. Each agent may move as many
connections as you can afford but each must move using the cheapest route
(i.e., you cannot deliberately overpay to get cards out of your hand unless
you have played a card with 2 gold on it and only need to move 1

Action Move Markers

Play one or more cards for their red and green up and down arrow symbols.
If a card has more than one arrow, choose one to use. You can move both
markers in the same action.
A marker can never move below zero. You cannot play a card if you cannot
move the corresponding marker at least one space.
When a players identity is revealed, they immediately claim the points on
the respective track.

Action Discard Cards

You can discard one or more cards.

You may discard them together, thus hiding the identity of the cards other
than the card on top.

Action Reveal Your Secret Identity

You may reveal your identity only if it would cause the game to end based on
dependent points such as those gained from the Revolution and War tracks.

Action Reveal Double Agent

Reveal one of your Double Agent counters and take control of that agent if it
is currently controlled by another player. Replace the Control disc with one of
your own. Remove the Double Agent counter from the game.

The other player must find the agents card in his discard pile, hand, or deck
(returning his hand to 5 cards or reshuffling the deck, respectively) and you
place it on your discard pile.
If the Double Agent counter is revealed for Sherlock Holmes and the
controller is a Restorationist, he may immediately reveal his secret identity
and retain control of Holmes.
If the Double Agent counter is revealed for Professor Moriarty and the
controller is a Loyalist, he may immediately reveal his secret identity and
retain control of Moriarty.

Action Pass

Pass and move on to the next players turn.

Action Card Action

Play a card for its action.

If marked Free Action, it does not count towards your two actions for the
If marked One use action or One use only, it is removed from the game
after performing that action.
Place/Remove One Blocking Disc one of your Initial cards allows you to place or
remove a black blocking disc on/from a Game card, Permanent Effect card, or
in a City box. While a card or City box has a blocking disc on it, no player can
claim that card. Only one disc is allowed per card/City.
Hired Assassin and your Assassinate Royalty or Agent Initial card you may assassinate
a royal or an agent in any city where you have an agent (which can be your
Main Agent). You must match the defense value of the target found in the
Bomb symbol of the royals box or in the agents city. Each Bomb symbol on
your Agents in the city count as well as Bomb symbols from additional cards
that you play (but not from the card you are playing for the assassinate
action). You cannot assassinate a royal who has already been assassinated or
who is in hiding. If successful against a royal, place a Control disc in the
royals box and score the indicted VPs. Then draw one Sanity counter and
place it face up in front of you. If successful against an agent, place the agent
(with its Control disc) in front of you for possible end game scoring. The dead
agents card is removed from the game. You cannot assassinate a players
Main Agent unless they control no other agents and they are known to the
authorities (see below). If a players Main Agent is assassinated, he reveals
his identity. If he is a Loyalist, he does not remove his counter from the board.
If he is a Restorationist, the game ends immediately and the assassinating
player places the agent (with its Control disc) in front of him for possible end
game scoring.
Hide Royalty there are three such Game cards that work the same as
assassinating a royal with a Hired Assassin except that a Safe counter and
your Control disc are placed on top of the royals box. A Sanity counter is still
drawn. You cannot hide a royal who has already been assassinated or hidden.
Assassination with an Agent card you may use an agents card to perform an
assassination if it has the corresponding action and the assassination is
carried out in that specific agents current city. If the agent assassinated or
hid a royal and a Mad Sanity counter was drawn, the agent and his card are
removed from play [EXC: Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty cannot be
lost to a Mad Sanity counter].

Double Agents and Assassinations another player can interrupt and cause an
assassination or hide action to fail by revealing a Double Agent counter to
take control of an agent(s) involved in the attempt. Treat the action as if it
had succeeded in terms of any cards discarded/removed and drawing of a
Sanity counter (where applicable).
Known To The Authorities all players start the game unknown to the authorities.
You cannot assassinate another players agents until he is known to the
authorities. You become known (and place a Control disc in the corresponding
box) once you have one or more actual or potential VPs. Potential VPs include
controlling an agent who grants VPs to a Restorationist, or if the War and/or
Revolution markers have reached a VP level (this applies to all players), or if
you have assassinated another agent (even if you are a Restorationist). Once
known, you cannot become unknown.
Bismarck select a city that you control. Move all influence cubes from the city
and its Game card to Limbo (including your own). Move any blocking discs on
the city and Game card to their pool. Return any zombies there to their
controlling player. Starting with the player to your left, each player (aside
from you) moves their agents to an adjacent city or cities. Place the Bismarck
card and one of your Control discs in the City box. You have now locked
control of the city. You cannot lose control of it, only your agents can enter it,
no Influence can be placed in the City box, and only you can place Influence
on its Game cards. No zombies can be placed in it. If one of your agents in
the city becomes a Double Agent, it leaves as if Bismarck had just been
The Diogenes Club draw two cards as a free action, even if you end up with
more than five cards in your hand. Place the Diogenes Club onto your discard
pile only after you have drawn the two cards.
Freemasons place Freemasons onto your discard pile only after you have
drawn your cards.
The Holy Brotherhood you are allowed to move the cubes from Limbo or your
Available stock.
Irene Adler take one random Double Agent counter from an opponent after
they have had a chance to look at it again. You cannot take a players last
Double Agent counter.
Okhrana remove one or two Influence cubes belonging to another player from
the board or Permanent Effect cards on display (they can be in different
places) and place them in Limbo.
Shoggoth destroy an agent controlled by another player and place it (with its
Control disc) in front of you for possible end game scoring. The agent must be
one that could legally be assassinated.
The Third Section when played, choose one of the following:
o Remove the top Game card from one stack from the game. Any cubes
on the card are placed in Limbo. This cannot be used on a card with a
blocking disc.
o Remove one Permanent Effect card in the display from the game. This
cannot be used on a card with a blocking disc. Do not draw a
o Remove one card from your hand from the game. Place the card face
down, unseen by the other players. If used on a Necronomicon, you
lose its VPs at game end. If used on an agent card, the agent remains

on the board (and may still be worth VPs or be assassinated). If the

Double Agent is played on the agent later, the new controller has the
option of whether to retrieve the agents card.
You cannot remove a City card.
Vampires when played, choose one of the following:
o Flip one of your agents (which can be your Main Agent) to its black,
Vampire side.
o Flip another players agent (but not his Main Agent) to its Vampire side
if you have a vampire in the same city and the controlling player is
known to the authorities. Take control of the agent as if you had
revealed its Double Agent counter.
All vampire agents (except for your Main Agent) can assassinate royals
and other agents. Assume each vampire agents card has the assassinate
Vampires cannot be assassinated or killed [EXC: Cthulhu, Society of
Leopold, Yog-Sothoth].
Vampires are not lost due to drawing a Mad Sanity counter when
assassinating a royal.
A vampire can still be a double agent.
Vladimir Burtsev only you can look at the secret identity card. You can
tell the other players what you saw, although you dont have to tell the
Zombies perform the following steps in order:
1. You may kill one agent in each city in which you have one or more
zombies. Place the agent (with its Control disc) in front of you for possible
end game scoring. The dead agents card is removed from the game. You
cannot target a Main Agent unless its owner has no other agents on the
board. You can only target agents if the controlling player is known to the
2. Place up to three zombies on the board. You can place a zombie in any city
in which you already have an agent or a zombie. You can also place a
zombie in any city that is connected to a city that contains a zombie
(which can be a city where you just placed a zombie). Once placed a
zombie cannot be moved. No zombies can be placed in a city that has the
Bismarck or Cthulhu card.
Any player can kill a zombie by playing an agent card with the Assassinate
Royalty or Assassinate Agent action on it, or a Hired Assassin, or a card for
an agent who is a vampire (since they can perform assassinations). The
corresponding agent must be in the city for the first and third examples,
while any agent must be in the city with a Hired Assassin card. You dont
need to match the Bomb defense of the city, the card used is placed in
your discard pile rather than being removed from the game and you do
not check Sanity. Assassinated zombies are returned to the controlling

Permanent Effects

Whenever a stack of Game cards in a city is exhausted, one Permanent Effect

card is drawn and put on display.
When you claim a Permanent Effect card, place it face-up in front of you [EXC:
Cthulhu select a city to destroy.

o All Influence cubes in the City box and on its Game card are placed in
the Pool.
o Starting with the active player, each player moves their Main Agent in
the city to an adjacent city. All other agents in the city are removed
from the game, including their cards. This also applies to vampire
o Return any Control disc on the city to its owner, reduce his VPs
accordingly, and remove the City card from the game.
o Remove any remaining Game cards in the city from the game
(triggering the icons underneath).
o Place the Cthulhu card in the city box. No movement is allowed into the
city. This city cannot be controlled. No zombies can be placed in the
o All other players must draw one Sanity counter.
Cultists each Control disc you have in a city counts as two points of influence
on the city and its associated Game card.
Devils Island as a free action, you can play a City card and move all influence
cubes belonging to one player from that city to Limbo. Note that you could
use this action multiple times during your turn.
Master of Disguise if someone attempts to assassinate, destroy, or convert to a
vampire one of your agents, you can escape by playing that agents card
from your hand. Then draw a replacement card and move the agent to an
adjacent city.
o Your Main Agent can escape in the same manner by playing the City
card matching the city he is in.
o This power can also be used to escape from the city about to be
destroyed by Cthulhu.
Mi-go as a free action, place an agent card from your hand onto this card.
Move that agents counter from the board to this card. The agent cannot be
assassinated or destroyed while on this card.
o As a free action on a later turn you may return the agents counter to
any city of your choice and the agent card to your hand (even if this
takes you over your hand limit).
o You can have up to two agents on this card at a time.
o Agents on this card count for the purpose of protecting your Main
Agent from assassination.
o You cannot place your Main Agent on this card.
Sebastian Moran this card adds one to your Bomb points in all situations.
o All agents under your control have the ability to carry out the
Assassinate Agent action (i.e., their agent cards should be treated as if
the Assassinate Agent action appears on them).
Sigmund Freud it now takes five Mad counters to reveal your identity instead
of three. You cannot ignore this ability (i.e., to be revealed with only three
Mad counters).
Society of Leopold when claimed, remove all vampires and zombies from the
board. For the rest of the game, the Vampires and Zombies cards are
regarded as useless.
o If a players Main Agent was a vampire, he must reveal his identity. If
he is Restorationist, the game ends immediately as if he had been

assassinated. If he is Loyalist, he places his Main Agent back in the

same city but on its non-vampire side.
Doctor Watson starting at the end of your turn, your hand size is increased to
Yog-Sothoth as an action, you may play an agent card for an agent you
control and sacrifice the agent. Remove the agents card from the game and
place the agents counter on the Yog-Sothoth card.
o You cannot sacrifice your Main Agent. You can sacrifice vampire agents.

Scoring Victory Points

While your identity is a secret, you only score points for the following:
Cities you control.
Royal persons you have assassinated and/or hidden.
Taking a Necronomicon card.

When your Restorationist identity is revealed, score points for the following:
Royal persons you have assassinated (subtracting for any that you have
Points on the highest space reached on the Revolution track.
Agents you control that have a pink points hexagon showing.
If you have the Black Hand card, score two points for every royal person that
you assassinated.
When your Loyalist identity is revealed, score points for the following:
Royal persons you have hidden (subtracting for any that you have
Points on the highest space reached on the War track.
If you have the Vampire card, score one point per vampire agent (including
your Main Agent) that you control on the board.
If you have the Zombies card and all eight zombies are in play, score 8
If you have the Yog-Sothoth card, score two points for each agent you have
sacrificed to this god.
At game end, score one point for every agent (including Main Agents) that
you assassinated that was controlled by a Restorationist player(s).

Ending the Game

The game ends immediately when one the following conditions have been met:
The top space of the Revolution track or the War track has been reached.
A player has reached the Victory Points track space indicated for the number
of players.
A Restorationists Main Agent is killed as a result of assassination, destruction
by a Shoggoth, or by that player drawing a third Mad counter.
A player plays the Zombies card as their first action when all eight zombies
are on the board.
All players then reveal their identities and adjust their VPs if they have not already
done so earlier.
If all players are on the same side, the player with the most VPs wins.

If there are players on both sides, the side whose player has the lowest
individual VPs is eliminated. If tied, the Loyalists are eliminated. Then the
player with the most VPs on the remaining side wins.
If there is a tie for most VPs, the player with the most Control discs on the
board wins. If still tied, the tied players share the win.
Note that having your Main Agent die does not stop you from being able to win the


The identities for William Morris and Wilhelm Stieber were accidentally
switched on their vampire sides.
Bismarck the player aid sheet states that all cubes except your own are
placed in Limbo. This should read including your own.
Mi-Go the card should state that using it is a free action.

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