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Scientific Secret Hidden

in Christs Calvary

Point to Think
By John Paily Grace New Age Research

Yes. Our survival on planet Earth and our entry in to Golden Age, Dharma
Yuga, Age of peace and order, Age of Truth and Justice, Age of Light, Age of
True Knowledge, all of which amount to entering the Kingdom of God, exist
in this secret. This however has nothing to do with religion called Christianity;

in fact, it is a call to humanity to emerge out of Churches, Temples and

Mosques to see Light. It is a call to come out of bondage to religions and
become Spiritual. Religion is considered a crowd control, but Spirituality is
one to one relationship with Light and God. A crowd control becomes a
necessity in darkness but once light emerges, its importance wanes.
To know Christ and His Calvary Secret in its fullness we need to understand it
from the point of Spirit or Living Force [Brahman, Holy Spirit , al-Ruh
and al-Quds, Life Force, Chi and so on that Creates and sustains Earth
and Cosmos. We need to understand it from Conscious and Intelligent field
that supports Life and Cosmos from within and outside.
Much of modern science is built on a material force and field. This force and
field takes everything in time towards black hole, singularity, where disorder
peaks, destruction and death becomes inevitable. Scientists fail when it
comes to comprehending origin of Life and Cosmos and perpetual existence
of it in time. The great scientist Einstein did perceive this dead end to
Cosmos that his theory would lead and struggled to invent a New Force
and Field that oppose gravity field and gives stability to it.
The dead end that science encounters and all different conceptual
developments in science can be put together sensibly to comprehend Life,
Cosmos and God sensibly provided we look to it from Life Sciences, reduced
to atomic and particulate level. We must note and underline that the east
advocated Living Universe Theory, where we human souls have one to
one relationship with a Central Soul or God Soul that Creates and Sustains.
They did explored Life and Cosmos more extensively than the west and gave
some of the most advanced science and knowledge of Life and Cosmos to
humanity. This knowledge and light was lost to humanity, when people in
Spiritual realms became self-centered and hid the knowledge and light from
others and failed to transfer it into next generations. Christs Calvary
sacrifice is helping humanity get back to the lost Knowledge. Much of what
Christ spoke is directed at unearthing this lost knowledge or Light. Calvary

is a Secret path or portal that is opening up for humanity

come to Life and Light.

How to Understand the Divine Secret as Science

All Life instinctively works to oppose the gravity. It originates from little
perturbation in black hole. It has an inner space in which it transforms
gravity force and field into anti-gravity force and field. We do not need
elaborate studies and experiments to comprehend this fact. All we need to

do is to open the door of our laboratories, Churches, Temples and Mosque

and observe a seed sprout, grass grow from a point of freedom from all
schools of thought and introspect. The second law of thermodynamics
applied to Life shows this opposition. In short, time in living world is directed
opposite to time in the material world. Life seems have INNER SPACE
where it can transform the gravity force of material world into anti-gravity
Anyone who steps outside his lab, Churches, Temples, and Mosque into
Nature sees that all Life, Earth and the whole of Cosmos, strives eternally to
sustain certain balance. They work based Parallel World Design or
Duality. Every moment it works to self-organize and sustain the balance of
the system. Noble Laureate James Lovelock, the Father of Gaia Hypothesis,
showed how Earth is self-organizing with all plants and animals. Physicist
who are high priests of modern Temples of Knowledge, seem to have given
little thought to this. This surprises me because their conceptual evolution,
inventions and experiments have suggested that one cannot isolate the
observer from the experiment. Life plays an important role. The falling apple
that illuminated Newtons mind would not have gone up in space to fall
without Life. Einstein Himself was acting when he blew the Globe with spider
on it to develop his theory of gravity and world-view. This brings to center
stage our mind that actually seeks the knowledge. We need focus on to our
mind to find Truth. This probably led the Father of Quantum Mechanics Max
Planck to say
As a man who devoted his whole Life to the most clear headed science, to the
study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atom this much;
There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of
force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this minute
solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the
existence of a Conscious and Intelligent mind. This mind is matrix of all matter

Max Planck
Very clearly, this calls humanity to introspect into once own mind and its
actions. The ancient east understood the limitation of human mind to know
Truth. Thus, they meditated to silence their mind and enter an inner realm
that creates and sustains. They called it the Conscious and Intelligent
field. Their enquiry led to perception of their creation from an EKPYROTIC
PROCESS, from two parallel worlds [Father and Mother], in a BIG BANG, from
black hole [conception and birth]. Thus, the ancient east visualized the

Father and Mother as seeable God and Goddess. It taught people to work and
act from Conscious field.
Those who sought further had to face uncertainty of paths; two paths
emerges here, the path of Father and the path of the Mother. However, their
struggle and persistence could lead to the realization of a Supreme God and
Goddess or Two Forces which are one and to which everything becomes
related. They thus discovered the existence of a Supreme Spirit or Force that
Creates and sustains the Cosmos in relation to a pair. They called it
Brahman, Holy Spirit, al-Ruh al-Quds, Life Force ---Vedas of east speaks of Golden Period of Knowledge and Light in the past,
where Truth and Justice reined and there was peace and prosperity
everywhere. This period deteriorated slowly giving way to darkness where
Truth Justice deteriorated. We are now possibly in the peak of this
deterioration. The principle of balance, on which God and Cosmos works and
exist is getting upset completely. Bible says we are created in His [Gods]
Image and we were given the Dominion of His Kingdom but He resisted us
from eating from Tree at the Center. The Creation and dominion spoken
in Bible invariably means we were given all the knowledge to rule His
Kingdom. The resistance needs to be understood as resistance from
becoming Ego, self and slave to material world. This was resistance from
falling into black hole.
The Vedas of east, which is considered a Gold mine of knowledge, writes that
Universe is a Conscious and intelligent field force that is capable creating
and sustaining. In short, the universe is living being. It goes on to write that
we humans are individuated Consciousness and Intelligent field existing
within it. We are like cells of one whole being, that are supposed work to
sustain the Whole. Which means the Whole exist in parts and

parts exist in the Whole. The system exists in peak of order,

happiness and Joy, when all cells work for the Whole and Whole works for the
part. This reality of Whole existing in parts and parts existing in Whole can be
understood from two basal strands of DNA creating its own images or one
cell diving to form the whole being.
Biblical creation is a scientific reality for we know today that our body
consists of nearly 100 trillion cells. It comes into existence from single cell
and information force contained in it. All of these cells have the complete
information of the whole system and technically a life in itself. The
information is truncated by space-time location of cells in respect to

central cell. The cloning industry, of which I was once part, is based on the
knowledge that this information in the cell can be de-differentiated and
differentiated to form the whole system. Modern science seeks the secret in
atoms and particles. It is matter of time that we extend Life sciences to
understand it from atomic and particulate level.

This means there is a Supreme Parental Souls or God

Souls [atoms] and God Particles that quantum
dances and exist as one giving Life to whole system.
We the human souls actually form the body of these
Primal Souls.
To understand Cosmos we now need to understand Life. Life actually
struggles to sustain certain equilibrium within a limit, for example, if the
temperature of body increases by few degrees above normal the system
begins to collapse. The same is true, if the temperature of the body
decreases. The living system thus perceives the changes and acts to sustain
the system around middle point. In short, the living system is designed to
sustain the balance. It contracts and expands exchanging information
between right and left, inner and outer world to sustain the balance. There
are three basic processes, by which Life sustains its balance,
1] Breathing,
2] Mitotic division
3] Meiotic division
First two processes are related with sustaining the system against material
force and time direction in it. The third process is the secret by which
Life conquers time and survives perpetually. Here the Spirit or
information from the Father enters the black hole of the Feminine and
creates that little perturbation that conquers time.
In my article relating to Global Warming and increasing Climate
Catastrophes, I have discussed a Parallel World Design and a Principle
on which Earth functions to sustain certain equilibrium. In this article, I have
discussed how the material Earth is self-sustaining Gaia and how the selfsustaining picture of Earth begins to break down when we include adult
humans, who lives a mind centered Life, becoming ego and material
centered life taking the world along forbidden path. The article points out to,
how Earth functions as a heart, sustaining the temperature and giving Life to

biosphere. It calls worlds attention to how we are exponentially increasing

the temperature of the system and accelerating the heat flow of the system
bringing self-destruction. It points to how Earth is experiencing violent peak
and fall of energy due to our greedy exploitation of Nature and our
intervention into Nature and her functioning. It exclusively attributes the
huge fire/wind, water/Earth bound destructions that we are witnessing to
human greed and his ignorance.
In short, the article brings up a point that time direction to disorder,
destruction and death comes from human heart and mind that has distanced
Cosmic Heart and Mind. This stresses Earth and Cosmos unilaterally pushing
it to a point of total break down or death. Scientists visualize this from
irreversible matter and information loss into black hole and singularity. The
Big Bang Theory comes out of this comprehension. From energy point,
scientists visualize a universe where matter loses energy and flattens out
leading to death [Runaway Universe- Recall the cardiogram of dying
person]. The death to Cosmos makes no sense. That leaves a huge gap in
our quest to understand, Nature, Cosmos and God.
The picture we get out of these thought is that we the human souls form the
body of Cosmic Being or God. When we become ego, self and material
centered, we become like cancerous cells upsetting the balance of the
system. The existence of Cosmic Being is now threatened. History of
Spirituality on Earth speaks of instances when God directly and indirectly
resist this deterioration. It speaks of Gods direct intervention in the war for
restoration of Truth and Justice. God in all these cases takes the side of souls
who has compassion, Truth and Justice. Lord Krishna and the war of
Kurukshetra is one such event. When it came to the time of Calvary, it is
clearly written that there were no souls who could be justified before God the
Father. This means the very existence of Creator [Spirit God] and His
Kingdom is endangered, forcing God to act to execute the Divine Plan and
Save the Kingdom.
Jesus claimed himself as Son of God manifested to conquer time and death.
He said he has come to give us New Life and lead us to Kingdom of God. In
short, the purpose of His manifestation is to restore the Kingdom back to
God. Kingdom of God is Truth and justice, peace and order. Giving New Life to
our souls with free will is part of this SECRET PLAN. The high priests who
were ruling the Spiritual realm of people on Earth at Jesuss time because of
their ego failed to comprehend Him. They felt Jesus as a threat to their
institution and their control over people and thus they condemned Him to

death. In their act they released the Spirit of God to work from within to
transform, awaken and illuminate humanity such that they come out of the
bondage of religion and reestablish their one to one relationship with the
Spirit God thus gain New Life.
The Return of Christ or Second Coming is illumination of intellect of
humanity such that humanity sees Truth and light and enters the Golden Age
of Truth and Justice. This is best understood from Cosmic Kundalini or Life
Force emerging. See Figure. We are called to participate in the COSMIC
KUNDALINI that is emerging and trying to initialize itself into New Time
Cycle with Free Will to all souls. With Christs Calvary Sacrifice, God exposed
His all-encompassing Great Heart, the Second Coming is revelation of His
Mind that brings Light and Knowledge that gives stability or order to the
system. No wonder Vedas wrote that Universe is thought projection of Mind
of God.
We must note and underline that Duality or Parallel World is Reality. So too is
the singularity. Singularity is a case when the Masculine Force or Creator
Force exist recessive and in creative state within the black hole of the
recessive or feminine counterpart. Duality is a period when the Creator exists
outside as Judge and King ruling both worlds.
This reality of Second Coming of Christ needs to be understood from famous
hypothetical Schrodingers Cat experiment. Here a cat is kept in a box
such that it has freedom to move to the right or left in the box. A shooter
shoots at the Box. The chances that cat is alive when he opens the box is
50%. Now is the paradox. If you shoot the box a billion times and then open
it, the chance remains the same. The reality of Life and death collapses when
we open the box. The Truth is that we are the cat as well as shooter. None of
us has the courage to open the box. We are ruled from time immemorial by
creation of duality and division. The first division is Holy one. The rest comes
from human greed. From time immemorial, we are taught to see light and
darkness as separate and judge the opposite as evil. Thus, we have built
societies on self and division that thrives on war and destruction of the
opposite. Our mind fails to see the Unity.
Our Modern so-called Intelligent Society thrives on exploitation of material
Nature and her forces. The economy of the modern world is built by
exploiting Nature and Humanity by evil self-centered minds. The evil minds
have occupied the temples, and the executive ruling centers. Our system is
not working to understand and gain knowledge that lets humanity live in

harmony with Nature and bring peace. Much of scientific knowledge on which
we thrive is built on assumptions. The knowledge that modern world has
built is based on five sense of the mind that connects us to the external
world. Thus, we fail to see oneness of humanity and Nature around a Life
Force that Creates and sustains. This invariably means the Creator has to
manifest and open the box. With it, a Quantum Collapse and reorganization
process begins. Bible, Vedas thus speak a scientific secret of creation and
restoration. Calvary is this Secret of Creation and

restoration. Yajurveda VS 30-31 supports this.

We should note that, motion and change is a fundamental of Nature and Life.
In spite of all advancement in science, we still do not know what causes
motion and how perpetual motion is sustained in Cosmos. In short, we have
failed to comprehend the Principle and Design that governs motion in
smallest particle to the Whole Cosmic System. Modern Temples of
knowledge spends billions to break an atom to see that one particle [God
particle] that gives mass and motion and hope to comprehend the Cosmos
from this understanding. Their struggle is going nowhere. It is has only lead
them to black hole. It is impossible to know the secret of Life and its
force by killing the system first. The best approach is what ancient east
adopted. Calvary Secret is linked to these fundamental questions.
Our scientific quest has only empowered the evil minds to exploit Nature and
humanity. It has failed to sort out the basic questions. In links below I have
discussed a Principle and Design on which motion in particle and
Cosmos exist. Grace revealed this, when I fallowed the approach of the east
of seeking Truth in freedom, in Nature by meditating and surrendering the
mind to explore the realms within.
Human heart and human mind very clearly plays an important role in
Cosmos. It is the cause for time direction to singularity or death in great
disorder and destruction. The basic laws of science of energy and matter tell
us that nothing is created or destroyed, everything is only transformed.
Another premise of science is that we cannot understand the world unless
there are two worlds or objects. What science actually seeks is an Absolute
World or Particle with which everything can be related. This means the
Creation and sustenance of the Cosmic System needs to be
understood from transformation of Human Souls and their Mind in
relation to an Absolute Soul and Mind that is beyond time. This
process is happening on Earth under the Spirit of God released through

Christ. It is Kundalini of Cosmic being rising and dividing to form the Duality
that is one. This can be understood from two basic phenomenon of Life.
1] At the cellular level, it can be visualized from fertilization, where the
information from two parallel worlds, male and female unite to evolve its
information to conquer time. The Mind of God revealing to illuminate
humanity can visualized from, a bright object [CENTRIOLE] emerging on one
side of the cell wall when the information evolution and duplication is
complete. This centriole later splits moving to the poles, twitching the one
cell into two in the process. Thus from monistic state a dualistic state comes
into being.
2] This can also be understood from a pregnant Mother giving Birth. This
analogy was used by Jesus to describe the end time.
The Truth is that the whole Cosmos is supported and balanced by Supreme
Conscious and Intelligence field. It unfolds to create and restore, enfolds to
sustain the system eternally. The material body of Cosmos remains the same
but it is transformed and initialized into New Time Cycle. A glorious
Quantum Collapse and initialization into New Time Cycle happens,
when we awaken to Truth or God. That is the only way we can evolve
to survive and Enter the Golden Age.
Modern scientist especially physicist are obsessed with symmetry. They
strive to put Nature into some mathematical equation that balances. The
obsession with symmetry is understandable for Nature presents symmetry
everywhere. The symmetry we witness in Nature is illusionary. It is sustained
by constant expenditure of energy. The Reality of Nature is spiral spatial
expansion or contraction. The world is already discovering this reality. It is a
matter of time before we put the development in science and Spirituality into
right perspective to know the Truth.

Figures that explains the Cosmic


These are figures I happened to sketch from my thought in freedom from all
schools to account and integrate for all great conceptula developments in
science. They eventually leads to Divine Secret

The figure above speaks of a fundamental Design and Principle on which

particle oscillates and produces motion. This is based fundamental non
equilibrium ratio of 4:3. It unites the concept, gravity and charge. The
motion here spiral compression and expansion that leads to spin and curved
displacement in space. The process takes place in three steps. It collapses
and reorganizes, changing the direction of the flow when the third critical
point is reached. Thus, action and reaction or motion is the product of
inherent in design.

This vision in one shot explains many fundamental questions that science left
behind, such as the wave particle duality. The particle we imagined above is
the electromagnetic matter or light particle. The atomic matter that we
discuss now becomes the product of union of two light particles with
opposing spin. The only condition for matter to come existence is that the
two light particle coming together also should exist in 4:3 ratio. This explains
the fluidity and motion within atoms and also answers why gravity is weak
force. The figure below explains

The above three figures builds the perpetual flow in cosmic system from
Principle and Design built on a ratio that governs the motion in smallest
particle and the whole system. It at depth accounts for the whys, hows
which science left behind in its quest predict and conquer Nature.
The underlying force that governs is the instinct to seek equilibrium. This
manifests as time direction to the center. However, this time direction is
denied by design. The key to cyclic flow in and out is the black hole that
develops inside the inner atom. The inert atoms by design can resist the
symmetry in three-dimensional space. They towards the center can show
creativity developing DNA and living system. Thus, earth that inhabits life

seems to play an important role. For more information, you can read the
link. https://www.scribd.com/doc/240591272/Secret-of-Quantum-Particle-andIts-Motion-Cosmological-Truth
Time is inevitable reality. Life is not beyond death; this means we have to
account for creation, including the Ekpyrotic Scenario and Big Bang. We need
to account for two time directions, one from the center to outside and
another from outside to the center. The picture of string and quantum
particle leading to quantum dance explains how time manifests. It
manifest out of polarity and non-equilibrium design. The same is
applicable to parallel worlds [Male and female, heaven and Earth] and one
whole cosmic system. The cosmic body is sustained by parallel world. This is
best evident from east west and day and night cycle that coexist to balance
each other. This is also evident from double pump design of heart that
sustains Life.
This is explained in the fallowing figure

Time is inevitable reality, both from living and material point of view. This
means we have to account for Creation from a point or BIG BANG. From
parallel world reality, it becomes EKPYROTIC SCENARIO. From the point of
non-linear science and Quantum World View, we have to account for it from
little perturbation from a Quantum Particle.


The figure above speaks of near equilibrium state where the system exists
oscillating. The time direction invariably means the system can shift towards
Black Hole or White Hole. This shift is what we need to understand in order to
understand Creation and Existence.


The universe is self-organizing Gaia or Living Being with a soul. This living
being has a Heart and Mind. It takes time direction because of the lesser
minds or souls created in its image becomes ego, self and slave to material
world. In short, time direction and death manifests to the body. The soul
resists it, but it cannot stop it. The above figure speaks this qualitative
deterioration of the body due to loss of soul forces that form the body of
cosmic being.
The above figure speaks of souls that form the body falling into black hole in
time. The God Force or the Spirit of God resists this fall, but it cannot stop it.
Every time souls fall God the Spirit pays the price. The light and knowledge
deteriorates in this process. The process is attributed to Earthlings [Adam
and Eve] in Bible. However, subtly written fact in Bible is that the Serpent
that influenced Eve and Adam is s a fallen angel. We humans who exist as
slaves fail to think and question people who rule us from spiritual realm. It is
very clearly written in Bible that after every step of creation of all form of life
on earth, God said GOOD. One must wonder from where the evil serpent
came into existence.
The serpent represents the ego and self-centered mind that has become
slaver to material world. This tells us that all deterioration begins with souls
in existing in Spiritual realm. In short, one can trace deterioration of the

society to deterioration of Spiritual institutes. Their failure to uphold light and

walk the path of Truth and justice, their surrender to kings and the rich, their
slavery to material world is the cause of deterioration of the world. Today we
are in an Up Cycle in EVENT HORIZON that is stressing all souls, to take
New Life and become conscious and intelligent to walk the path of Truth and
Justice. Religious institutions are using this Critical situation to advance their
self-centered and material centered growth. They work to populate their
followers than bringing qualitative changes in people. Thus, we see the world
edging to self-destruction in the name of religion and God.
The system has a clear time direction in the initial state. This is an
exponential or inflation period. However, disorder sets in when of the
souls fall. A total disorder manifest when more than 2/4th of the soul fall. This
disorder helps the Creator Soul and it Force to resist the fall. However, time
direction is inevitable even in disordered state. Non-linear science speaks
this reality. When 3/4th of the souls fall to black hole the balance begins to
upset and death becomes inevitable. Creator Soul is now forced go into
recreation state. This is Calvary or Conception and Execution

of Divine Plan. The Divine plan supports the system within and lifts it
back to initial state. The coexistence of two time directions is expressed in
the fallowing figure.


There is a up cycle as well as a down cycle. The Creator Spirit or Living

Force, resist the down cycle. However, it is inevitable. Beyond the Third
critical point, the accelerated collapse begins. However, Design and Divine
Plan sustain from wihtin. An ordering and initialization process begins from
within. As the system reaches the End of down cycle or great disorder, the
Light unfolds to create accelerated Up Cycle.
The up cycle represented by Green arrow is
seven steps. This is also seven-step in Biblical
creation and seven seal written in Bible. It
bring the Unity of two parts of the Bible
The reality of Bible and time cycle can be
explained from the above figures. In the
beginning there was Spiritual people filled
with light. These Spiritual people connected
to the Consciousness and radiated light. They
walked the path of Truth and Justice without
any compulsions. Chains of religions did not bind them. They simply helped
individual connect to Consciousness and helped them walk the path of Truth
and Justice. In time some of them developed a mass fallowing, few of them
possibly became ego, self and material centered. Later they split to form
many Gods religions and sects.
The differentiation of Religions as crowd control and Spirituality as
one to one relationship with God is very real. Most religions are formed
when the God or prophets manifested on Earth and their teachings begin to
gain great fallowing. These institutions now became the targets of evil minds
that seek power and material gains. The evil minds thus slowly creep in and
eventually take control of the Spiritual institutions. No wonder we see fanatic
minds controlling most religious institutions. The scriptures are written deftly
such that the original message survives.
The disordered world we witness on Earth is reflection of disorder in Spiritual
realms. I tend to visualize Organized Christianity as the cause for the present
world. Forgive me if I am wrong. There is huge gap between what these
Priests preach and practice. Except for the early period of Christianity, much
of the later part their motive always been quantitative and material

developments than qualitative transformation of souls. However, I must

admit the Spirit of God has thrived through them and change is forced on
them too.
There has been Spiritual awakening and New Age Movement in the last few
decades that have occurred spontaneously outside the organized Churches.
The Church authorities resisted this awakening and then imbibed it, as they
saw people flooding these New Age Movement and their practices. This
Spiritual awakening and New Age movement is happening in all religions. We
see retreat centers, prayer centers, sat-sang, blooming around the world.
This is a science of Event Horizon. Bible has predicted this awakening in the
last days. This could be understood from the fallowing figure.

The process we are witnessing is the Event Horizon; an unavoidable

point where Quantum Collapse and reorganization takes

place. Every soul is stressed to evolve and take New Life with Free Will at
this point. People flock the retreat centers because of the miracle and
miracle cures taking place. Today these centers are blooming. Taking Gods
name, creating New Churches, starting New Retreat Centers, has
become a smart choice, than response to intuitive Conscious call.
Common people flock these centers because of their struggle of existence,
financial problems and problems of health. They come here seeking Miracle
in various realm of their Life. Hardly few come here to seek Truth. Back

home from retreat most exists in a state of illusion and tend to return to old
ways of Life. Many become religious fanatics. Many who managed to shift
closer and crossed a critical boundary of cosmic Kundalini field [see fig] by
Grace gain some special
powers. They tend to develop
New Churches and develop a
fallowing. This is best explained
by the Figure.
With Calvary, there is a flow
upward from Black Hole with
Free Will to all souls. There is
Great Attractor Force acting to
lift souls into upper realms from
black hole. Those souls that
have risen beyond second level,
experience the transformation
force in some degree. Possibly
those who rise beyond 3rd and
4th level experience temporary
or permanent miracle cures.
Those, who have risen beyond
4thand 5th level gain special
powers. There is pair of forces acting in Kundalini that also leads down. This
means souls can fall at any moment. Its power however weans under the
cosmic Kundalini and its Design. No souls in this Cosmic Kundalini

Force can stay in one place eternally. People who have risen up
beyond 4th level tend to fall down ward to second level towards black hole or
they fall outside to become the Water of Life. Those who fall outside serve
people and live a conscious path of upholding Truth and Justice.
Those who have risen up to 5th level tend to form their own schools;
awakening people and serving people [becoming water of Life]. However,

when the mind and its intent of the soul in this realm
aligns with money and material force they tend to fall to
first level and beyond into black hole. Those who truly are
aligned with Life or God Force struggle to transform souls, heal them and
help them walk the path of Truth and justice and be Water of Life. They wait
for that great moment of opening of White Hole and Judgment. In short, the

fall of humans has its origin in people in highest realm. The judgment spoken
in Bible speaks this. The Cosmic Kundalini splits into right and left at the
opening. One can visualize this from Cell division where a Bright radiating
object that emerges on one side of cell wall, which divides the one fertilized
egg cell into two and initiates the NEW TIME CYCLE.
One must note here that reality lies between 2nd and 6th chakra. The 1st and
7th are the chakra of time that leads to death or Life. The 2nd to 6th is the
realm of Earth and reality. We now live in the First realm and are due to enter
the 7th realm as Truth reveals by Grace. No wonder Dr.Michio Kaku a wellknown physicist, said we are Type Zero civilization using energy from dead

In conclusion
This modern world is endangered by minds that are ego, self and material
centered, who resist evolution and have occupied various realm of the
society. The most important realm is the Spiritual institution, which have
manifested into many religions and sects. Their evolution into Light and Life
Force is critical to humanity.
Today these institutions are stressed to evolve. I see changes happening. The
much-wanted order however can only manifest, when the world awakens to
Truth or the Spirit of God. Otherwise, we would end in disaster with evil
minds in religions instigating humanity to fight and lead the world into selfdestructive mode. This is where; I have pursued my Conscious call to
Understand Cosmic Truth as Science.
Now comes most important question, how could one soul atom and one God
particle gain so much power to unfold the whole cosmic system back to
initial state. The answer exists, Max Plancks Ultra Violet Catastrophe which
states immense energy and information can be packed into one Quantum
Particle. Further from above figure we note that the transformed souls, can
transmit power to the basic core such that it can rise to its ultimate level to
initialize the system. The Spiritual scriptures, the creation and existence
written in it, needs to be understood as transformation and initialization
process. One must note, that not all who speak about God are genuine. Most
use God and His name for self and institutional advancement. Most end up
making money out of Gods name. The judgment spoken in Bible thus
speaks against such people.

The Universal Time Cycle needs to be understood as information or

knowledge unfolding and enfolding. The Big Bang and Big Crunch are
controlled information release from black hole and loss of information into it.
The Universe is conscious being with right and left or parallel worlds.
Universal Time Cycle is best understood from Life cycle. Its complete
compression cannot be understood, unless we include the creation phase in
which, the masculine creating or Life Giving Force exist within the recessive
in creation state. Since time direction originates from Ego, self and material
centered souls, we need to understand creation from the point of
transformation of human heart and illumination human intellect by one Great
Cosmic Soul or God Soul and its Heart and Mind.

This is Calvary

This has nothing to do with Religion. The type of mind-set we have
developed, the economy and technologies we have built to harness, energy
and its use, the knowledge of life and its sustenance we have acquired are
inferior. We need to evolve our technologies and our approach to energy and
its use, Life and health, food and agriculture, to higher level, if we are to
survive and find peace on Earth.
1] https://www.scribd.com/doc/270257614/What-is-Happening-to-Earth-Itsclimate-and-Biosphere-Are-we-Approaching-Sixth-Mass-Extinction
2] https://www.scribd.com/doc/282160347/The-Truth-of-Cosmic-Creation-andExistence
3] https://www.scribd.com/doc/277310093/God-and-His-Cosmic-DNAAwakening
4] https://www.scribd.com/doc/252468582/Energy-Matter-and-Black-HoleSecret
5] https://www.scribd.com/doc/255778193/Reinventing-Big-Bang-Sensibly-asTransformation-Process
6] https://www.scribd.com/doc/240591272/Secret-of-Quantum-Particle-andIts-Motion-Cosmological-Truth
7] https://www.scribd.com/doc/254155717/Has-Science-Made-Nature-andLife-Complex-as-Religions-Made-God-Complex

9] https://www.scribd.com/doc/208568404/The-String-Atom-of-Life-SoulConsciousness-and-Future-Technologies


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