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Chapter 3 1. Two beams of 1-eV neutrons intersect at an angle of 90°. The density of neutrons in both beams is 2 x 108 neutrons/em*. (a) Calculate the intensity of each beam. (b) What is the neutron fiux where the two beams intersect? (0) Lerice Uv VE, 22.0405 V//2.0953. = 38x00 “cm/face. 2 T= axs®x 139% 10% = a77x 10” rebinve] Cre p0e, (A dears ses ieatrrue/ Om parc. 3. A monoenergetic beam of neutrons, ¢ = 4 x 10°° neutrons/cm?-sec, impinges on a target 1 cm? in area and 0.1 cm thick. There are 0.048 x 10% atoms per cm? in the target, and the total cross-section at the energy of the beam is 4.5 b. (@) What is the macroscopic total cross-section? (b) How many neutron interactions per second occur in the target? (©) Whatis the collision density? (a) Ihe = 000810 he xo? K= 2,216 tm, (6) Me Me pashan la oat = Y410"°x 0.8 1bx) x0.) = Pb bb Re (2) Fs ID = Oak x tx 102 Pb x10 hu tmYarc 5. Calculate the mean free path of 1-eV neutrons in graphite. The total cross-section of ‘carbon at this energy is 4.8 b. Fam Table 0.3, W2 0.080% Hho A= UN Op = 0.080 x$.8= 2.b0tm- 7. A beam of neutrons is incident from the left on a target that extends from x = 0 to Derive an expression for the probability that a neutron in the beam will have in the second half of the target that is in the region a/2 76,922, fla abrrghen aan cetionr. ar C a0037b , aG BIL, Mi 4436 Lt Ke 155) Mon birt £092 ¥/0" aksmsfemohe [fe] = 2% gle ¥ 17052 ¥ + Ko} = SS, EY glen = 0601x107 * atoms lee Seat 2Y abmsS fee % . .00%66 ¥/0 oe 0173 x10" ahoslee ce3 = 00055 x 10°" wthnd/ec Z = Me, Ag + My, 4.5, # Bey 8 #M. a 307 -l Ae sete umpostuuus UL MULiCul rexUlUrs are Often stated in volume fractions, that is, the fractions of the volume of some region that are composed of particular materials. Show that the macroscopic absorption cross-section for the equivalent homogeneous mixture of materials is given by Ze = Aiba t felate--, where fi and Ej are, respectively, the volume fraction and macroscopic absorption cross-section of the ith constituent at its normal density, the abawphim cunt aechin fy a outlet on s a om Zu = Mi michat Ee: a ees Ge hire Ne a rhgne Oe He een G chown fm pape we A pach Miyrmtrbene™ Bi arvbice Ma thee Pintihay a: larity & alec of rth bre type, “Tha om fy oe TH mcteniad bog Half & Cpormaod te Ca ty Migr = Siarned Ma 1S. Using the fact that the scattering cross-section of ™Bi is approximately 9 b from 0.01 eV to 200 eV, estimate the radius of the Bi nucleus and compare with Eq. (2.3). 4 R? 9x10 th R= PAG x10? bm Farm Ey 2-3 , R= 12S fan XAF he 205 TS sun nh " = 7642 x/0~ 17. Demonstrate using the Breit-Wigner formula that the width of a resonance at half its height is equal to F. ca {Ce eyity ? ok e=by zu bye ASD TT 7 aor “= = herb h <2 ce n 3 fr RR o TO pe Duds Jj. tl zt 4 (Ey) T? nr 19. The first resonance in the cross-section of aluminum, which is due entirely to scatter- ing, occurs at 5.8 keV. The absorption cross-section at 0.0253 eV is 0.23 b. Calculate for 100 eV: (@) 2, ®) o;, © a. Fearn hts GL ows )= 2b at s.vkeV Howe ¢. a x oA p00eV pre od @) ot cenomwe antl CH: . Sele [poe a0) fon actos amameed (/00e%et 036) Arun. Eto Wi Bheain ber~ 1623 ba (ie) 2 b, (o-0rsseY = 003676 se é,= drhr fe< 125¥10 & A'S = yee $e ses co &, (lteeV) z 24 be 2 L007 21. The first resonance in the scattering cross-section of the nuclide “Z occurs at 1.24 Me ¥. The séparation energies of nuclides 4-!Z;4 Z, and “#1 are 7.00, 7.50, and 8.00 Me V, respectively. Which nucleus and at what energy above the ground state is the level that gives rise to this resonance? Neelide 24 MeV a pemance pecs Emi hoch nari: ae unten ee : 229 ne cna & Mermrmee herd | nuda. 4 v Growl hevel 23, The excited states of '70 occur at the following energies (in Me V) measured from the ground state: 0.871, 3.06, 3.85, 4.55, 5.08, 5.38, 5.70, 5.94, ete. At roughly what energies would resonances be expected to appear in the neutron cross-section of 607 Excrtedt Sblew Exsepy weeded thebi = ntabeen Lowry, d sad s hin Eng Ae Colada t Seperobim entngey ot Siok usr Myre (L049 153 3S | 3.06 Mate z 15,914 eal " G5. Ay = 1.00 6LES- mo eS & = 93h ti, ~ Men) = INV fs Resenomee, Con 4 one i oc of eggponenadl, SS 4.1 = OV ee / SOP-WIY = Ody eV SIV Ble ey Me HW dIY 2s 1 5647 S41- GIY= 120 fe 25. A 2-Me V neutron traveling in water has a head-on collision with an '®O nucleus. (a) What are the energies of the neutron and nucleus after the collision? (b) Would you expect the water molecule involved in the collision to remain intact after the event? @) ae He bout - tnkded, Moai nD ge ee ae ph Ba tha the 64 0 toflls L,. 27. Compute and plot the average fractional energy loss in elastic seattering as a function of the mass number of the target nucleus. prmege fardrl Esa burr £hiey A erhecee Caer) CA+1)* eee * Car = 2A t CPA) o “ i far lange A a 2A. 2 “ — a A Loo 1 10 rua 29. A 1.5-Me V neutron in a heavy water reactor collides with an 7H nucleus. Calculate the maximum and average changes in lethargy in such a collision, E,= usheV 2— @ 4) “Hoxenuin Lettanpy charmest at —f E20! s (t)*é = Olb7 az Le LS = 2,97 0/67 == 2A Ant ge l-4ta(p)-busr i i !9 neutrons! 31. The 2,200 meters-per-second flux in an ordinary water reactor is 1.5 x 108 nen com?-sec. At what rate are the thermal neutrons absorbed by the water? PD) p= i A-O™ past Zeus 210 nh sets g -1 ois. G.022270 a. at Ee “ a aig = Yonsx102 : =(0Q1210 p Fe= 26g, —(0Q122 06. eee “oy Fat 3/33 x10 Lo se0. ©) How many neutrons are absorbed in the target per em?/sec? g 1 OB en nel. beam her x Plu of 9, = FXO nea gce ‘e) Bore. 6G, = 603x106 eee) PUY ION Sn tsee Py] 5) 2% (8) 2 0,003 Ton : Bie Fe) Dy C0. 00 VEX Lt 2) — 6 = 20S wtn/ ise, 35. The control rods for a certain reactor are made of an alloy of cadmium (5 w/o), indium (15 w/o) and silver (80 w/o). Calculate the rate at which thermal neutrons are absorbed per gram of this material at a temperature of 400 °C in a 2,200 meters-per- second flux of 5 x 10'? neutrons/em?-sec, (Note: Silver is a L/v absorber.) ‘ Te 0° x Sa Pox SKI afer 500, Cal sw, f) QA. UST HG = 2psob Zu CISufh) Ga =llen 193s Ay Cfo) Y, absovber 6% G3. bE fy = Mca Nam Mow Reg 23 set Ces lenn we) es %10 Volos /o, 172.70 gy € Fars 5 (Lg be = USSF 2 GP IIOI e ~ oe (sx10'D02 esoxto*) =, 39% 10 x abs Lee “~n ad 23 oJCC. 70>) ‘S Baw . GIs CL62 x10 da eexrat Jy a HUE ~ 4 a uf + Ye =)$ a1, ~ _2y zholl (1,46 x 1de)CSX/6 ) (193.8 x16 2 = 734% 10 net als/ sea- Gm 1y May S O50) 66. 62x10°D_ debe ad F072 7 Ae 7 5 Fe? May fh, & Sece ty & 6 for ebovbe, + eM 1) “ < UYox10D Cx 10) C3,E x70 - ht x10? hk abs. a mo iad yw uw c Deon ey, tee ab shed l Soe 37. Two hypothetical nuclei, 4Z and 4+1Z, of atomic weights M(*Z) = 241.0600 and M(*+1Z) = 242.0621 have critical fission energies of 5.5 Me V and 6.5 Me V, re- spectively. Is the nuclide 4Z fissile? an; He 74.0660 EGiktS SHeV Mla, ge 22,0621 Een ESM Q= Oty Hog — May, ] 9315 = [poothts + 24/, 0660 — 292.06 Ff P55 =O US tte ‘anal fish an BE Ladd ruta < Fy 39. Cross-sections of 235U at 1 Me V are as follows: ¢q = 4.0 b, a) = 1.4 b, oy = 1.2 b, and o, = 1.3 b. The cross-sections for neutron-producing and charged-particle reactions are all negligible. Compute at this energy (a) the total cross-section, (b) the capture-to-fission ratio a. 4) ge be bt he zd4hde1l3 ~ G76 3 - 6. b) yx o - Fam OF gH h F oy Le 41, Fission-product activity measured at the time fy following the burst of a nucleus weapon is found to be a. Show that the activity at the time s = 7% is given ap- proximately by @ = ao/10”. This is known as the 7-10 rule in civil defense, G, 695 &. 3.4e gre He pnb Ci at 6 pee Ltn 7 -h2 A= 1.603 x%10 L Assan. Ndi vk C20 Hun at bo ~L6 wag oy = 1.0% KIO to ew hut t= 7 "bo ot at hy £ - of = 103 X/0 heey a= p03 x07’ C7" ty) ws Cpe he obo an Toms Hy ley, of th olom em onsihn. aL sretactiony GA 43. The yields of nuclear weapons are measured in kilotons (KT), where 1 KT = 2.6 x 10°5 Me V. With this in mind, (a) How much ™5Y js fissioned when a 100-KT bomb is exploded? (b) What is the total fission-product activity due to this bomb 1 min, 1 hr, and 1 day after detonation? (Note: Assume a thermal energy release of 200 Me V per fission.] z a) Thre are AG frrU¥ tna ILy 200 MeV pphewred pov rain 236 4 of °U. AL ttl recbn f catome Posaiond 7 KT x Cons eS 107 abe Rerumel parr, KT The ancora cami Crammed 0 Wee L3x 10 ickehhrn x 22S = S/ gq, TY fot. 6) Ey, 348 grin the tte ahah A Tons € aft Ltn, Le Ab eraris Ve Pirin prot abot ot Imin, thr pee (hep) eupere bes dey 1 than mmbply 24, 240 Gy jh? 45. The spontaneous fission rate of ™*U is 1 fission per gram per 100 sec. Show that this is equivalent to a half-life for fission of 5.5 x 10° years. The nurlerr of dasindlerned rion porte tin & Sprtamenr Piston x 279, Tht W 10 /eecly dn Venom ef DEY hue ont Be fromm, Je 27F -2 _ 40 x 23F -2y © Yhon We y = BPSK 10 sect 7 GO022~X /0™ Ne hab hfe a as =e TEX yrs offlin 5 fam see & ye 47. Suppose that 1 kg of 25U undergoes fission by thermal neutrons. Compute the masses (or mass equivalents) in grams for the following, which are produced: (@) neutrons, (b) A-rays, © y-rays, (@) neutrinos, (©) kinetic energy, (© fission products. The mumdrr 255 U ofr W [Ko % 70009 ‘ | £022 x10 Tafa — = 235.0434 g/5-cltwn gato 2,5¢U% 10° attr, a) the mum, of entation thane! Dy tees ° min Ae titers. pacha pad a a shee acer th anit pyr xusbrxsery bk gor7 60 Game >) Hh mac ysertlk fr rg megs 9 TE ine 3.6% PHeV © Fee) 1 COIe planet? wh 20 ~ 9 3le, o Kl, 00 F6tS= 10138 ear ts rape a ten Hed Pasian ~ ceperled eh caphos pore fon te oe =27 tee Tama 7, 66087 X gfana® qi NV . as seaxsot = ,0¥6hs A) The more pol Gh denen pate x Lame ye Lb0s 2x0 Wamu 931 F3IMeV aslex/ore . osve e) Ung Ht. Mmebie The som of the ferr feet Me ete hin ee oe He mae uy Tray x ieee, Khacer Nao pb Strid! sgl tev Ea 7906 f) Gh onenn the Piasien prods & (Ae ff Gf 7 U ~pln ~ preter mao FFF 49. Consolidated Edison’s Indian Point No. 2 reactor is designed to operate at a power of 2,758 MW. Assuming that all fissions occur in SU, calculate in grams per day the rate at which ™5U is (a) fissioned, (b) consumed. ©) The faim a Lermegy ste we 1059 P MW Ly = G95) (118099 Mary 22896 glder LoS C/ +02 IP bLaeng b) The amacrine = he ed fer TU ct Hhammeh enrrgire, LOS CHGI) C2ISF) 9 lelovy = PS ES 5 [aes 51. ‘The photoelectric cross-section of lead at 0.6 Me V is approximately 18 b. Estimate pe at this energy for uranium. 6 we teen & an Ftin of bnteiyty gyaren ne 44, Fee pe Ue Fig 1G, Fan Or MeV, Uneaten BEIL . Fn leak t= G2 a at bpe = 72 Tied G7 Spe gi = (Eye tebe? Zoe oa 53. Show that Eq. (3.62) follows from Eq, (3.61). Ele F&F mec*™ ——_____ ECl- ces 0) + mec® f Ae be (1 cos) + mec® he a Bf wet a a= CCi- ene) 4p Mee 9 | ba h Mes ee WH = 4, Cl-es 6) 55. What is the minimum energy of a Compton-scattered photon if its original Woe ioc original energy is (b) 1 MeV, (© 10Me V? From Pb B.5Y ce) < © &e th 2eE+r €e thee ELe Meets . Fil Nev. 4g €>7 & tha, fly & E/e. <) Fe Ero MeV (Ee) GCs) 2¥olr «SH = 1072 MeV b f ) (E40 = GW) tsi) Qe eel <= 0203 NeV ’ - Sil - . ¢) le) = = =, OUST MeV Shree to 27,37) ST. Derive Eq, (3.69). Fron & Tbb ws M6 ekre VXI, suumbeer cloify of the emutibuect AL Crmtlic dA 10 pret ot wwe welt 2 then jy oN, b ond FALE enplin wu f Cmbbhid [es gamed te guins By uu, 4 Mok M2 wMe or “yA, B. 3.69 flan Yoo foo 59. ‘The density of air at standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 1 atm) is 1.293 10-3 g/cm?. Compute the mean free paths of photons in air under these conditions and compare with the corresponding mean free paths in unit-density water at the following energies: (@) 0.1 MeV, (b) IMeV, (©) 10MeV. ) Frm 37 / a) Cow 0 Whe mean Prec park ae CF OLY, Aan ® OI) acened, ty Trace //, P Maje~ 0118) X Pt Owe XLLAE tot), ShIsons% 7 4 Srl, for w etx, “nn = 0,107 at shack (olh-acth 7. 3 a o dim? then ns oreo gt 42 998 6. fetes ott, ols Anceguc, 61. A beam of 0.1-Me V y-rays with an intensity of 5 x 10 y-rays/cm?-sec is incident on thin foils of () aluminum, (i) water. At this energy, the Compton cross-section per electron is 0.4929 b, and the Compton energy absorption cross-section per electron is 0.0685 b. Calculate the energy extracted from the beam per unit volume of the foils due to a) the feats Copoten 1te pertind artleme by Comb. ¢ called, & EL y, ahere Men xt, Compastion. abaing hit ‘ciet, Whe abr, A Sine Zo por Babrm Fre planer, the cobaltrs, Ge Pfeifer Pr unt he bhp aor Kase, C2 Ole A = S10 Gore fy? se fhe abo, A pend? 6) Zo bt erme. Vey Fay dead, . pte abhie Yh WE HIL the wcnegl eneyy ¢ We ET rn. Ay be rrmurd porn The Th lb A Hy sentngy abrrtbed obo 10 Congptim sealer, frm ohrntel dot dee Ge pha tlaha , 63. Determine the range of 5-Me V a-particles in the following media: °C, L atm; (d) unit water; (@) air at 300°C, 10 atm. (0) From Fag. 3:23, R= 3.5 0m.) Ro 2210 % WG, = s.axs0-¥x By BS = 2.16 x10 Cue. () Ws 3.axp% V0? 8,5 1 43x07 0m (A) Fr war, Von = oy Vy %o Vy = 2x14 BVI = 2. Khu = 3. 2x0-¥x ax 3.5 = 2,a¢K0 Fem, () Rvp Fram jhe situb gow tad, Pere, pare. auc p La T/P, Flas A (8c, 1oatn) = RUIS%, Ita) xX SZ2 = 06% em. 65. Compare the apparent mass attenuation coefficient of 2-Me V (maximum energy) {-rays with the mass attenuation coefficient of 2-Me V y-rays in aluminum, Fon. (B-foge G23), He fate FE, x 71 Omni Fare WAE5.7, fe = 0.0482 caail We pogo. (67. Neat the surface of a flat fuel element in an operating reactor, fssions are occurring at the constant rate of § fissions/em-sec, Given thatthe average range ofthe fission fragments is R, show that the rate at which such fragments would escape per cm*/sec * from the surface of the fuel if it were not clad is equal to SR/2. ee ‘pen Aauge R 1m nada hsseghe es Lark. Yo lhe £23 he Yogeme Fa lte 0x7 me. Paap reeade trnaniting from bias be Vhuk Oy. Zs jet Ke ole od = Qua on, (RS Ke anen er Mua dS = nape Ms antli- ale). Youn, a= arli-xle),,av Mat hae. ie ca Me lol No. pr One® cas E[l-pa- #

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