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Por Rita Skeeter, corresponsal de cotilleos de El Profeta
Los famosos pueden ser de muchas
categoras. En este estadio en el desierto
de la Patagonia hemos visto bastantes
caras conocidas del mundo mgico
(ministros, presidentes, la cantante
Celestina Warbeck o el polmico grupo
mgico norteamericano Las Snitches de
Alas Dobladas). Todos ellos han
provocado un gran revuelo entre los
espectadores, con ms de uno
pelendose por conseguir un autgrafo e
incluso lanzando hechizos de puente
para llegar a las tribunas reservadas.
Pero cuando por el camping se corri la
voz de que cierta pandilla de infames
magos (ya han dejado atrs la juventud
de su apogeo, pero siguen siendo
reconocibles) haba llegado para
presenciar la final, el alboroto fue ya
maysculo. La muchedumbre sali en
estampida llevndose por delante
tiendas de campaa y nios pequeos.
Admiradores de todo el mundo
corrieron hacia la zona en la que
supuestamente se encontraban los
miembros del Ejrcito de Dumbledore,
desesperados por ver, aunque solo fuese
fugazmente, al hombre que an llaman
el Elegido.
La familia Potter y los dems miembros
del Ejrcito de Dumbledore se
encuentran alojados en la seccin VIP
del camping, una zona protegida por
fuertes encantamientos y vigilada por
hechiceros de seguridad. Su presencia
ha atrado a la zona acordonada a una
multitud de admiradores y curiosos,
todos esperando atisbar a sus hroes.
Sus deseos se cumplieron a las tres de la
tarde del da de hoy, cuando Potter llev
a sus dos hijos James y Albus,
algaraba, a visitar las instalaciones de

los jugadores, donde les present al

buscador blgaro Viktor Krum.
El famoso auror est a punto de cumplir
los 34, y alguna que otra cana se deja ya
entrever, pero sigue llevando unas
inconfundibles gafas redondas que, ms
de uno estar de acuerdo, son ms
propias de un adolescente carente de
estilo. La famosa cicatriz en forma de
rayo tiene compaa: Potter luce un feo
corte en la mejilla derecha. Al preguntar
por el origen de esa herida, el Ministerio
de Magia ha respondido con su habitual
impasibilidad: "Como ya le hemos
dicho al menos 514 veces, no
facilitamos informacin del trabajo
supersecreto del departamento de
aurores, seorita Skeeter". Qu quieren
ocultar? Acaso est el Elegido
envuelto en un nuevo misterio que, el
da ms inesperado, nos arrastrar a una
nueva era de terror y caos?
O tendr su lesin un origen ms
humilde, uno que Potter quiera ocultar a
toda costa? Le habr echado un
maleficio su mujer? Se estar
empezando a resquebrajar una unin
que quiz no sea tan feliz como los
Potter nos quieren vender? Ser por
eso que su mujer Ginevra no ha dudado
ni un segundo antes de venir a cubrir los
mundiales y dejar a su marido e hijos en
Londres? An est por ver si realmente
era la reportera ms adecuada para la
Copa del Mundo de quidditch, pero,
para qu engaarnos, cuando te
apellidas Potter las puertas se abren de
par en par, las federaciones deportivas
internacionales te hacen reverencias y
los editores de El Profeta te ofrecen los
trabajos ms codiciados.

Como recordarn sus ms fervientes

admiradores, Potter y Krum se
enfrentaron en el polmico Torneo de
los Tres Magos, pero, a la vista de su
abrazo, parece ser que no se guardan
ningn rencor. (Qu pas realmente en
aquel laberinto? Dudo que la efusividad
de su saludo ponga fin a las conjeturas).
Tras charlar durante una media hora,
Potter y sus hijos regresaron al camping
donde se reunieron con el resto del
Ejrcito de Dumbledore hasta altas
horas de la madrugada.
Junto a la tienda de Harry se alojan sus
amigos ms cercanos, aquellos que
saben todo sobre l y aun as siempre
han rehusado hablar con la prensa.
Tienen miedo de l o de que acaben
por filtrarse sus propios secretos,
enturbiando el mito de la derrota de Elque-no-debe-ser-nombrado?
casados, Ronald Weasley y Hermione
Granger estuvieron al lado de Potter en
todo momento. Al igual que el resto del
Ejrcito de Dumbledore, lucharon en la
Batalla de Hogwarts y sin lugar a dudas
se merecen la montaa de elogios y
premios por su valenta que la
comunidad mgica, tan agradecida, no
deja de otorgarles.
Poco despus de la batalla, Weasley,
cuyo famoso pelo rojo parece estar
clareando, comenz a trabajar en el
Ministerio de Magia junto a Potter, pero
abandon el puesto solo dos aos
despus para codirigir el exitoso
imperio de bromas mgicas Sortilegios
Weasley. Realmente estaba, como dijo
en su momento, "encantado de ayudar a
mi hermano George con un negocio que
siempre me ha fascinado"? Es que
estaba cansado de ser la sombra de
Potter? O puede que el trabajo en el
departamentos de aurores era demasiado
para un hombre que en su da admiti
que destruir los Horrocruxes de El-queno-puede-ser-nombrado
pasado factura"? Desde lejos no parece
mostrar indicios de enfermedad mental

alguna, pero al pblico no se le permite

acercarse lo suficiente como para
evaluarlo con precisin. No es
Hermione Granger, por supuesto,
siempre fue la femme fatale del grupo.
Algunos artculos de la poca revelaron
que de adolescente jug con los
sentimientos del joven Potter antes de
dejarse seducir por el musculitos Viktor
Krum, aunque finalmente se decidi por
el fiel secuaz de Potter. Tras ascender
en muy poco tiempo a subdirectora del
Departamento de Seguridad Mgica,
est a punto de trepar an ms dentro
del Ministerio. Adems es madre de un
nio, Hugo, y una nia, Rose. Es
Hermione Granger la prueba de que una
bruja s puede tenerlo todo? (No, solo
hay que ver su pelo).
Y luego estn esos miembros del
Ejrcito de Dumbledore que reciben
mucha menos atencin que Potter,
Weasley y Granger (Tendrn envidia?
Seguramente). Neville Longbottom,
quien ahora ensea Herbologa en el
Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y
Hechicera y es muy querido entre sus
alumnos, ha venido a Patagonia con su
mujer Hannah. Hasta hace muy poco
vivan encima del Caldero Chorreante,
en Londres, pero se rumorea que
Hannah se ha reciclado en sanadora y
va a solicitar el puesto de enfermera de
Hogwarts. Las malas lenguas dicen que
tanto a ella como a su marido les gusta
el whisky envejecido de Ogden ms de
lo que uno espera de los profesores de
nuestros hijos, pero desde aqu
queremos desearle mucha suerte con su
La ltima cabecilla del Ejrcito de
Dumbledore es, por supuesto, Luna
Lovegood (casada con Rolf Scamander,
magizologo Newt). Sigue siendo tan
excntrica como adorable y, segn
parece, se ha paseado por la seccin
VIP vestida con las banderas de los

diecisis pases de la eliminatoria. Sus

gemelos estn "en casa con el abuelo".
Ser un eufemismo para "demasiado
trastornados para ser vistos en pblico"?
Sera despiadado sugerirlo.
Algn que otro miembro del Ejrcito
est tambin por aqu, pero son estos
seis los que ms miradas atraen.
Podemos deducir que todas las cabezas
pelirrojas que vemos pertenecen a un
Weasley, pero resulta difcil distinguir
entre George (el millonario codirector
de Sortilegios Weasley), Charlie
(domador de dragones, an soltero, por
Departamento de Transportes Mgicos,
es su culpa si hay atascos en la Red
Flu!). Al nico al que podemos
reconocer fcilmente es a Bill quien,
pobrecillo, result gravemente herido
tras toparse con un hombre lobo y an
as (Un hechizo? Un filtro amoroso?
Chantaje? Secuestro?) se cas con la
hermosa (aunque, seguramente, algo
cabeza hueca) Fleur Delacour.
Por lo que hemos odo, en la final
veremos a estos y otros miembros del
Ejrcito de Dumbledore en las tribunas
VIP, sumndose a la pompa y
teatralidad de este acontecimiento.
Esperemos que el comportamiento de
dos de los miembros ms jvenes de su
cohorte no ensombrezca su presencia y
desacredite a aquellos que en el pasado
hicieron honor a su nombre de magos.
Detesto invadir la privacidad de los ms
jvenes, pero pertenecer al crculo de

amigos y familiares de Harry Potter, y

aprovecharse de su amistad, tiene un
precio. Sin lugar a dudas, a Potter no le
gustar saber que el comportamiento de
su ahijado Teddy Lupin un
semihombre lobo de diecisis aos con
el pelo azul elctrico, desde que lleg
al camping VIP es impropio de un
miembro de la realeza mgica. Es
pedir demasiado que el ajetreado Potter
tenga atado en corto a este chico
asilvestrado? Sus padres al morir
confiaron en que Potter cuidara de l,
pero me entran escalofros solo de
pensar en lo que se puede convertir el
joven Lupin si no se le pone freno con
urgencia. Mientras tanto, al seor y a la
seora Bill Weasley les gustar saber
que su hermosa y rubia hija Victoire
parece sentir una atraccin por los
rincones oscuros que frecuenta Teddy
Lupin. La buena noticia es que ambos
parecen haber inventado un mtodo
para respirar por las orejas. Gracias a
ello, han podido sobrevivir a unas
sesiones prolongadsimas de lo que en
mi juventud llambamos "darse el lote".
Pero seamos clementes. Harry Potter y
su cohorte nunca dijeron que eran
perfectos. Y a todos aquellos que
quieran saber exactamente cules son
sus imperfecciones, les remito a mi
biografa: El
Dumbledore: los trapos sucios tras la
batalla, que se podr adquirir en
Flourish y Blotts a partir del 31 de julio.

JULIO 2014
(Traduccin: http://www.pottermore.com/es/)


By the Daily Prophets Gossip Correspondent, Rita Skeeter

There are celebrities and then there

are celebrities. Weve seen many a
famous face from the wizarding world
grace the stands here in the Patagonian
Desert Ministers and Presidents,
American wizarding band The BentWinged Snitches all have caused
flurries of excitement, with crowd
members scrambling for autographs and
even casting Bridging Charms to reach
the VIP boxes over the heads of the
But when word swept the campsite and
stadium that a certain gang of infamous
wizards (no longer the fresh-faced
teenagers they were in their heyday, but
nevertheless recognisable) had arrived
for the final, excitement was beyond
anything yet seen. As the crowd
stampeded, tents were flattened and
small children mown down. Fans from
all corners of the globe stormed towards
Dumbledores Army were rumoured to
have been sighted, desperate above all
else for a glimpse of the man they still
call the Chosen One.
The Potter family and the rest of
Dumbledores Army have been given
accommodation in the VIP section of
the campsite, which is protected by
heavy charms and patrolled by Security
Warlocks. Their presence has ensured
large crowds along the cordoned area,
all hoping for a glimpse of their heroes.
At 3pm today they got their wish when,
to the accompaniment of loud screams,
Potter took his young sons James and
Albus to visit the players compound,
where he introduced them to Bulgarian
Seeker Viktor Krum.

About to turn 34, there are a couple of

threads of silver in the famous Aurors
black hair, but he continues to wear the
distinctive round glasses that some
might say are better suited to a styledeficient twelve-year-old. The famous
lightning scar has company: Potter is
sporting a nasty cut over his right
cheekbone. Requests for information as
to its provenance merely produced the
usual response from the Ministry of
Magic: We do not comment on the top
secret work of the Auror department, as
we have told you no less than 514
times, Ms. Skeeter. So what are they
hiding? Is the Chosen One embroiled in
fresh mysteries that will one day
explode upon us all, plunging us into a
new age of terror and mayhem?
Or does his injury have a more humble
origin, one that Potter is desperate to
hide? Has his wife perhaps cursed him?
Are cracks beginning to show in a union
that the Potters are determined to
promote as happy? Should we read
anything into the fact that his wife
Ginevra has been perfectly happy to
leave her husband and children behind
in London whilst reporting on this
tournament? The jury is out on whether
she really had the talent or experience to
be sent to the Quidditch World Cup
(jurys back in no!!!) but lets face it,
when your last name is Potter, doors
open, international sporting bodies bow
and scrape, and Daily Prophet editors
hand you plum assignments.
As their devoted fans and followers will
remember, Potter and Krum competed
against each other in the controversial
Triwizard Tournament, but apparently
there are no hard feelings, as they
embraced upon meeting (what really

happened in that maze? Speculation is

unlikely to be quelled by the warmth of
their greeting). After half an hours
chat, Potter and his sons returned to the
campsite where they socialised with the
rest of Dumbledores Army until the
small hours.
In the next tent are Potters two closest
associates, the ones who know
everything about him and yet have
always refused to talk to the press. Are
they afraid of him, or is it their own
secrets they are afraid will leak out,
tarnishing the myth of He Who Could
Not Be Nameds defeat? Now married,
Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger
were with Potter almost every step of
the way. Like the rest of Dumbledores
Army, they fought in the Battle of
Hogwarts and no doubt deserve the
plaudits and awards for bravery heaped
upon them by a grateful wizarding
In the immediate aftermath of the battle
Weasley, whose famous ginger hair
appears to be thinning slightly, entered
into employment with the Ministry of
Magic alongside Potter, but left only
two years later to co-manage the highly
successful wizarding joke emporium
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. Was he, as
he stated at the time, delighted to assist
my brother George with a business Ive
always loved? Or had he had his fill of
standing in Potters shadow? Was the
work of the Auror Department too much
for a man who has admitted that the
destruction of He Who Could Not Be
Nameds Horcruxes took its toll on
him? He shows no obvious signs of
mental illness from a distance, but the
public is not allowed close enough to
make a proper assessment. Is this
Hermione Granger, of course, was
always the femme fatale of the group.
Press reports of the time revealed that as
a teenager she toyed with the young
Potters affections before being seduced

away by the muscular Viktor Krum,

finally settling for Potters faithful
sidekick. After a meteoric rise to
Deputy Head of the Department of
Magical Law Enforcement, she is now
tipped to go even higher within the
Ministry, and is also mother to son,
Hugo, and daughter, Rose. Does
Hermione Granger prove that a witch
really can have it all? (No look at her
Then there are those members of
Dumbledores Army who receive
slightly less publicity than Potter,
Weasley and Granger (are they
resentful? Almost certainly). Neville
Longbottom, now a popular Herbology
teacher at Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry, is here in
Patagonia with his wife Hannah. Until
recently the pair lived above the Leaky
Cauldron in London, but rumour has it
that Hannah has not only retrained as a
Healer, but is applying for the job of
Matron at Hogwarts. Idle gossip
suggests that she and her husband both
enjoy a little more Ogdens Old
Firewhisky than most of us would
expect from custodians of our children,
but no doubt we all wish her the best of
luck with her application.
Last of the ringleaders of Dumbledores
Army is, of course, Luna Lovegood
(now married to Rolf Scamander,
swarthy grandson of celebrated
Magizoologist Newt). Still delightfully
eccentric, Luna has been sweeping
around the VIP section in robes
composed of the flags of all sixteen
qualifying countries. Her twin sons are
at home with grandpa. Is this a
euphemism for too disturbed to be seen
in public? Surely only the unkindest
would suggest so.
Sundry other members of the Army are
here, but it is on these six that most
interest is focused. Wherever there is a
red head one may make an educated
guess that it belongs to a Weasley, but it

is difficult to tell whether it is George

(wealthy co-manager of Weasleys
Wizard Wheezes), Charlie (dragon
wrangler, still unmarried why?) or
Percy (Head of the Department of
Magical Transportation its his fault if
the Floo Networks too busy!). The only
one who is easy to recognise is Bill
who, poor man, is grievously scarred
from an encounter with a werewolf and
yet somehow (enchantment? Love
potion? Blackmail? Kidnap?) married
the undeniably beautiful (though
Word is that we shall see these and
other members of Dumbledores Army
in the VIP boxes at the final, adding to
the glitz and razzmatazz of a gala
occasion. Let us hope that the behaviour
of two of their younger hangers-on does
not embarrass them, heaping shame on
those who have previously brought
honour to the name of wizard.
One always hesitates to invade the
privacy of young people, but the fact is
that anyone closely connected with
Harry Potter reaps the benefits and must
pay the penalty of public interest. No
doubt Potter will be distressed to know
that his sixteen-year-old godson Teddy

Lupin a lanky half-werewolf with

bright blue hair has been behaving in
a way unbefitting of wizarding royalty
since arriving on the VIP campsite. It
might be asking too much that the
always-busy Potter keep a tighter rein
on this wild boy, who was entrusted to
his care by his dying parents, but one
shudders to think what will become of
intervention. Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs
Bill Weasley might like to know that
their beautiful, blonde daughter Victoire
seems to be attracted to any dark corner
where Master Lupin happens to be
lurking. The good news is both of them
seem to have invented a method of
breathing through their ears. I can think
of no other reason how they have
survived such prolonged periods of
what, in my young day, was called
But let us not be severe. Harry Potter
and his cohorts never claimed to be
perfect! And for those who want to
know exactly how imperfect they are,
my new biography: Dumbledores
Army: The Dark Side of the Demob will
be available from Flourish and Blotts on

JULY 2014

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