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Plenary Discussion

Blok 3
Basic Medical Sciences I

By :

Fakultas Kedokteran Umum

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Tutorial 11


Clarifying unfamiliar terms


Mens Varsity Eight
Body Temperature

: Power or performance
: Such as a grup
: A chairman of varsity eight
: Euforia, sensational, or commotion.
: About cold or warm on body human
: Confuse, bewildereed, flustered.
: Loss of body fluid

Problem definitions

Why does the athlete feel pain in his muscle after having exercise?
Why does the heart rate increase right before he starts the race?
Why does the athlete lose his weight in the end of the race?
Why does the frequency of heart rate increase after exercise?
Why does the bodys temperature increase after exercise?


Because blood flow is less than the muscles need

Because of the anticipatory response
Because the athlete has a water loss or dehydration
In order to have a homeostatic mechanisme
In order to have a homeostatic mechanisme

Analyzing the problem

Body Temperature
Obtained from literature, the existence of a human activity carried out, will raise the
temperature of the body. From the data obtained, it can be seen that there is an increase in
body temperature in the experiment object. In the experiment the body temperature of
objects between before and after the move is not very different light. On a mild activity,
body temperature Hida between before and after light activity only 0.1 different one, even
at body temperature Sella fixed or not change, 36.9. Normal human body temperature
ranges from 36.8 to 37.4. This indicates that the activity light is not too much to raise the
temperature of the human body. In theory, it should be the object of strenuous experiments
there was an increase in body temperature is higher than in light activity. But it may be
seen from experimental data that the increase in body temperature in strenuous activity is
just 0.1, just as in light activity. The difference is only, in light activities, objects
experiment that increased body temperature, while only 1 person at a heavy activity, obek
experiment that increased temperature is both.
The increase in body temperature is caused because thermoregulasi process conducted by
the body. Human enzyme to work effectively at 37 C. Central temperature regulation in
the hypothalamus of the brain. There are several effectors that are involved. Temperature

regulated by several mechanisms. Fluctuations in temperature detected by a receptor called

thermoreseptor, example is the skin. If we are too hot or cold either because of the
influence of in our bodies, it will thermoreseptor memgirimkan nerve impulses to the
hypothalamus. Next hypothalamus sends messages to the effector responses such as skin to
increase or reduce heat loss from the surface in various ways.
Respiration frequency
We can be seen increase the frequency of respiration after performing the activity. Whether
it's mild or severe activity were both increased, only after doing heavy activity, increase of
frequency of respiration will be more than after a mild activity. Appropriate literature, at
rest, approximately 200ml of Oxygen on the amount that consumed 1 quart of blood every
minute. During strenuous activity, use of oxygen can be increased up to 30-fold. Therefore
there must be a mechanism to adjust respiration effort to metabolic demands. Basic rhythm
of respiration is controlled by the nervous system in the medulla and pons. To answer the
demands of the body of this rhythm can be changed. The size of the chest cavity is
influenced by respiratory muscle activity. These muscles contract and relax in response to
nerve impulses are transmitted to him from the center of the brain. In addition, the most
common mechanism to control this is the feedback inhibition: Product inhibit anabolic-end
path (inhibit) enzyme menngkatalisis initial step path. This will mecegah diversion major
metabolic intermediates that are being used for more important activities to something that
is less necessary. Cells also control the katabolismenya. If the cell is having to work hard
and his ATP concentrations start to decline, respiration will be more rapid. When there are
a lot of ATP to meet demand, slowing respiration, organic molecules mencadangkdan
worth it for other functions. From the literature study, diketahuiu also that one of the
factors affecting the increase in frequency of respiration is the increase in body
temperature because the muscle work harder, so that the respiration rate increases.
Heart Frequency
We can be seen frequency nadi after conducting the activity, whether mild or severe
activity will increase the frequency pulse. Just like at the frequency of respiration, pulse
rate of increase in activity is more severe than in mild activity. This indicates that the more
serious activities, the higher the pulse frequency. This is in accordance with one result of
the positive feedback theory that the blood vessels that drain the skin will be widened to
carry more heat out of the body if the body temperature rises, so this resulted in decreased
blood pressure. If blood pressure decreases, receptors in the carotid arteries will detect it
and send signals to the brain. The brain then sends messages to the heart to accelerate the
pulse so that the flow of blood pumped pingkatan larger and resulted in blood pressure.
This is a sign that the body perform regulatory effect of increased body temperature. If we
are too hot because of the influence of in our bodies, then thermoreseptor will send nerve
impulses to the hypothalamus. Next hypothalamus sends messages to the effector
responses such as skin to increase heat loss from the surface by:
- Increased body temperature responded with the establishment of hair feathers (piloereksi)
due to contraction of the muscles of the skin

- Glands under the skin will secrete sweat to the skin surface to increase heat loss by
evaporation if the body temperature rises. Secretion of sweat will stop if body temperature
is back to normal.
- Blood vessels that drain the skin will be widened to carry more heat out of the body
(vasodilatation) if the body temperature rises, and blood vessels will shrink
(vasoconstriction) to minimize heat loss through the skin when the body temperature is
normal again.
The mechanism to control the quantity of fluid in the body involve hipofisis glande in the
base of brain. If the body is lack of water the hipofisis glande will expend a substance to
bloodstream. Which is called by antidiuretik hormone. Antidiuretik hormone will stimulate
the ren to keep the water as much as possible If the body lack of water the ren will keep
the water automotocally moved from reserve in the cell into bloodstream to keep blood
volume and blood preasure until the liquid can be replace throw intake increasing. The
causes of body liquid expenditure is more than the intake, the liquid lack usually causes
the calsium content in the body is increasing. Several things which causes dehydration are
vomiting ,diare, the use of diuretic or the medeicine which causes signal expent most of
water and salt, overheat, fever, the decreasing of liquid intake due to several reasons.

Dehidration Characteristics
a. Light :
dry mouth
dry mouth
difficulty concentrating
emotional instability
b. medium
decreased skin elasticity
weight loss
c. Heavy
sunken eyes
pale skin
fingertips into the cold
the color of the skin on the fingertips turned blue
slow pulse
decreased consciousness
decreased urine volume.
- Finger tip to be cold because the blood flow to the capillary finger-kalpiler in
- The volume of urine in the dehydration has a significant difference. the higher the
level of dehydration resulting in more concentrated urine. because at the time of

dehydration the body will automatically hold all body fluids that will come out of
the body, including the fluid is removed through the urine.
Heart rate before exercise and right after start the exercise
Before the start of exercise, your preexercise heart rate usually increases well above
normal resting values. This is called an anticipatory response. This response is mediated
through rlease of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine from your sympathetic nervous
system and the hormone epinephrine from your adrenal glands. Vagal tone probably also
decreases. Because the preevercise HR is elevated, reliable estimates of actual RHR should
made only under condition of total relaxation, such as early in the morning before the
subject rises from a ewstful nights sleep. Preexercise HRs should not be used as estimates
of RHR. When you begin to exercise, your HR increases directly inpropotion to the
increase in exercise intensity until you are near the point of exhaustion. As you approach
that point, your HR begins to level off. This indicates yhat you are approaching your
maximum value. The maximum HR is the highest HR value you achieve in an all out
effort to the point of exhaustion.
Reason why the muscle feel hurt when doing exercise
Blood flow patterns change as you move from rest to exercise. Through the action of the
symphatatic nervous system, blood is redirected away from areas where it is not essential
to those areas that are active during exercise. Only 15%-20% of the resting cardiac output
goes to muscles, but during exhaustuve exercise, the muscles receive 80% to 85% of the
cardiac output. As the body starts to over heat, more blood is redirected to the skin to
conduct heat away, so the heat is lost to the enviroment. The more blood that flows to the
skin, the less that is available for muscles. Wheras, the active muscles need for increase
blood supply.
Relation between body temperature and dehydration
Water loss during exercise increase because, as heat in the body increases, more water is
lost in sweat. Sweat becomes the primary avenue for water loss during exercise. In fact,
the kidneys decrease their excretion in an effort to prevent dehydration. Fluid loss
decrease plasma volume. This decreases blood pressure, which intern reduces blood flow
to the muscles and skin. In an effort to overcome this, HR increases. Because less blood,
reaches the skin, heat dissipation is hindered, and the body retains more heat. Thus, when a
person is dehydrated by 2% of body weight or more, both heart rate and body temperature
are elevated during exercise.

Relation dehydration with weight loss

Human body consist by 60% of water. Dehydration is a condition as an loss of body fluid.
Dehydration symptoms generally become noticeable after 2% of one's normal water
volume has been lost. Initially, one experiences thirst and discomfort, possibly along with
loss of appetite and dry skin. This can be followed by constipation. Athletes may suffer a
loss of performance of up to 30% and experience flushing, low endurance, rapid heart

rates, elevated body temperatures, and rapid onset of fatigue. In long time, it can be lead to
weight loss.
Relation Homeostatic after exercise
When exercise, body will be warm because of increased activity in blood. There will be a
process of heat from the body's expenditure. Sweat glands under the skin secrete sweat (a
fluid containing mostly water with some dissolved ions) which travels up the sweat duct,
through the sweat pore and onto the surface of the skin. This causes heat loss via
evaporative cooling; however, a lot of essential water is lost.
Dehydration is the lack of body liquid.
The mechanism to control the quantity of fluid in the body involve hipofisis glande in the
base of brain. If the body is lack of water the hipofisis glande will expend a substance to
bloodstream. Which is called by antidiuretik hormone. Antidiuretik hormone will stimulate
the ren to keep the water as much as possible If the body lack of water the ren will keep
the water automotocally moved from reserve in the cell into bloodstream to keep blood
volume and blood preasure until the liquid can be replace throw intake increasing. The
causes of body liquid expenditure is more than the intake, the liquid lack usually causes
the calsium content in the body is increasing. Several things which causes dehydration are
vomiting ,diare, the use of diuretic or the medeicine which causes signal expent most of
water and salt, overheat, fever, the decreasing of liquid intake due to several reasons.
In the framework of homeostasis for the survival of cells of the body that are less
supportive circumstances, the body will do the regulation. Examples of regulation is the
increase in body temperature, sweating, increased respiration and pulse frequency due to
inactivity. Activities will be higher weight increase in body temperature, the amount of
sweat, respiration and pulse frequency than a mild activity. Regulatory mechanisms within
the framework of homeostasis in the human body there are two kinds: Negative feedback,
which is a process that occurs when our body systems need diambatkan or even a complete
halt a process that is happening and Positive feedback, which is a response to induce or
reinforce a physiological process and / or action of a system, this response is usually a
cyclic process could be continued to strengthen an action or a process until a response to
negative feedback takes over. All organisms body system work together to maintain
homeostasis in the body. Homeostasis of cells and tissues needed to be able to work
properly deal with the stressor changes in the external environment. As for some of the
important homeostatic mechanism among others thermoregulasi, osmoregulation,
regulation of water and electrolytes, and glukoregulasi.

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