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July 16, 2008

CS II Press
Tucson Arizona


Now, with the public “beheading” of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio,
the public is finally waking up to the ugly reality of Pima County Open Border
Policy and it’s chief architect, Pima County Legal Defender Isabel Garcia.

The time has come to take a deeper look at the dark, metastasizing cancer
that lies at the heart of Pima County government.

For years, thinly veiled by the adoring local media as a “humanitarian,”

Pima County Legal Defender Isabel Garcia has worked hand-in-hand with the
Mexican government to encourage anarchy, the violation of federal immigration
law, the death of thousands of Mexican citizens and the creation of a new empire
carved out of the American Southwest, populated by former Mexican citizens,
called “Aztlan.”

I began to focus on Ms. Garcia just after “The Riot in Armory Park” on
April 10, 2006, when the power of the Open Border Lobby was at it zenith.

In early 2006 the public watched transfixed as millions of people, led by

organizations such as MEChA, La Raza and Derechos Humanos, marched in
American streets proclaiming “today we march, tomorrow we vote!” while
Congress scrambled to make preparations to grant a general amnesty.

The public demonstrations coupled with congressional calls for amnesty

was a classic power taken from the communist playbook of the 1950’s. Read The
Shadow Party by David Horowitz, pages x and 101.

On April 10, 2006 a small group of activists and I protested Pima County
Open Border Policy, Derechos Humanos, and an angry crowd of 15,000 who had
gathered in Armory Park, Tucson Arizona to hear a variety of speakers demand
the return of all white people to Plymouth Rock, the surrender of American
sovereignty and claim allegiance to “the race.”
Via a bullhorn I encouraged listeners “to return to Mexico and finish the
dream of Zapata.” Then I set fire to a Mexican Flag, clearly stating my reasons for
so doing: “This flag is the political symbol of Mexico’s oppressed poor. I stand for
the end of economic exploitation. Viva Zapata. Long live George Washington.
Long live the American and Mexican revolutions.”

What happened next was the beginning of a riot, violent assaults upon my
group and six Tucson police officers and the subject matter of two federal
lawsuits, Warden v. Tucson City Officials and Warden v Garcia, which is now
before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The next day I was arrested after Isabel Garcia met with various local
officials including Tucson City Manager Mike Hein and Tucson Police Chief
Richard Miranda, both of whom promised Garcia they “would restore trust to the
(Open Border) community.”

My arrest, which opened my eyes to the link between local officials and
Open Border Policy, inspired my return to political activism, a series of street
protests, ten more arrests and my new political identity, supplied by the local
media, as “Warden, the Notorious Mexican Flag Burner.”

Listen up folks: you are just now waking up to what insiders have known
for many years.

Pima County and Tucson City economic prosperity is founded on the

construction and operation of economic infrastructure—hotels, golf courses,
resorts, convention centers, hospitals, etc.,—and the creation of active adult
retirement communities such as Saddlebrooke1, Rancho Vistoso, Quail Creek,
Sunflower, etc., which provides the tax base pay for it.

Construction has pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into Arizona’s

economy, making our state number one in recreation and retirement. People
come to Pima County because we offer inexpensive housing surrounded by lush
golf courses and other amenities.

We out-compete other states for America’s retirement dollars because our

contractors, protected by friendly politicians, have access to an endless supply of
cheap Mexican Illegal labor.

Pima County Legal Defender Isabel Garcia, assisted by a friendly media,

local politicians, and the Pima County Board of Supervisors, provides the legal
and political infrastructure to promote and protect this continual flood of illegal
Mexican citizens into America.

Saddlebrooke is in Pinal County but its’ residents spend their money in Pima County.
Do you finally get it? Our economy is based on the violation of federal law
and the ill gotten fruits of an on-going criminal enterprise, which only now, under
employer sanctions and increased public scrutiny, is beginning to collapse.

In the coming days and weeks we will continue to read the consequences
of “The Beheading Sheriff Joe,” a constitutionally protected symbolic act2 that, in
light of our current mourning of Officer Eric Hite, was remarkably stupid from a
political viewpoint.

The real question is: what will you the people do when the furor dies down
and left wing media apologists continue to support Ms. Garcia?

Will you continue your present apathy?

Will you continue to impotently bitch in newspaper blogs and on morning

radio talk shows? Or, will you now finally wake up, roll up your sleeves and take
constructive action to hold your public official accountable?

When you are finally pissed off enough and ready to assume the duties of
citizenship, just give me a call.

Roy Warden, Director & Publisher

The Tucson Weekly Public Forum
& Common Sense II
(520) 881-0535

Symbolic acts are remarkably revealing: I burn Mexican Flags to protest the exploitation of
Mexico’s poor; Isabel Garcia “beheads” Sheriff Joe to protest American law officers who enforce
U.S. Immigration law.

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