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Kelcy Gallagher

August/September 2015

Casilla 16-01-794

Dear friends,
Me and my goddaughter,
Camila Jazmina

Greetings from the steamy Amazon! We have had a dry spell these last two months which is
unusual here in the jungle, but has made things extremely hot!

Revive: Ecuador


In July, I traveled to the United States for CornerStone Internationals Summit, held every five
years. All their missionaries met in Wilmore, Kentucky for a time of rest, rejuvenating, worship
and teaching. It was special to see my CornerStone family and to meet new missionaries who
minister in other parts of the world. It was cool to hear stories and about what work they are
doing for Gods kingdom.
After the conference, I went to Alaska to attend my brothers wedding! I spent 9 days helping with
the chaos of putting a wedding together but loved every minute of enjoying the Alaskan summer
and time with family. After the wedding, the whole family went on a 3-day backpacking trip
through the Alaskan wilderness which was definitely the highlight of the trip!


In August I helped plan and celebrate

the 15th birthday (Quinciera) of one
of our youth. In Latin America the
presence of friends and adults who
are part of their lives is very impor-


tant because it is a rite of passage from girl to woman.

They celebrate with a big party. This was one of the
most elaborate and elegant events I have been to since
living in Ecuador and I was honored to be a part of it.
My visa expired and the local church had not finished
the paperwork to renew it. had to leave the country for
two days to return on a 90-day tourist visa. I took a road
trip to Colombia (10 hours). While there, I visited one of
the most famous churches of Latin Americabeautiful
and a very cool cultural experience.

Las Lajas in Columbia

Bonfire with small group at camp!

A month ago I ventured to the coast of Ecuador with

Youth Camp
30+ Ecuadorian youth and leaders from the local church I work with
for a week of camp. We had a great time, singing, dancing, playing beach games, and times of messages and devotionals for the
youth. We also had lots of down time to play on the beach and spend individual time with each youth, investing in their lives. It was
so sweet to see the youth be vulnerable about where they are in their walks with the Lord. It was especially exciting to see youth
who, at the beginning of camp, werent wanting a relationship with God but by the end of camp accepted Jesus as their Savior and
wanted a personal relationship with Him.
Since being back in Shell, our weekly youth group and Bible studies have been even more interactive and the youth are more
involved and want to go deeper in Gods word. Numerous youth
have expressed interest in sharing the Gospel in surrounding
communities with those who have yet to hear.
Soon after returning
from camp I got a phone
call late at night from
my mom saying that my
dad had a brain aneurysm, was at the hospital and about to be put
Discipleship with the youth
on an emergency flight
from Alaska to Seattle
for surgery. All the family was quite worried. All we knew was that not many people live
from brain aneurysms. After surgery, my dad spent another month in the hospital for
monitoring and therapies. All the doctors at the hospital call him miracle man not only for
surviving but for his quick recovery. Every day we praise God for his miraculous work in
my dad.


My dad leaving the hospital

Recently we began our Awanas Bible club again. This is one of my

favorite parts of the week because their focus is the indigenous
population and I get to lead the Bible study for the 11-15 year olds.
As a group, we also get to help with the games and other Awanas
classes to teach our youth about serving others. It is fun to see familiar faces of the youth from my last years class return and to have
new faces as well!


This past week I had the honor to become the godmother of a baby girl
whose family I have been ministering to this past year. Here in Ecuador,
choosing godparents is a big deal because it is asking someone to become
another parent to your child. Its taking on the responsibility of stepping in
when the parents cant - financially, emotionally and spiritually. Its becoming the person to whom the parents look for help as their child grows to love
God and love people. I am excited and nervous, but know being the godmother of baby Camila Jazmina will be a blessing.

Coming Up...
Next month I will begin teaching English classes that are open to the community. Learning English is a big need here because it helps in getting jobs.
English classes are very expensive so my pastor asked me to start these
classes as outreach and evangelism. I am excited to help with this need for
the community.
I am also in the process of planning a youth leader conference for
leaders from all over Ecuador to come and learn more effective ways of
ministering to youth in this generation in Latin America. I am partnering
with my former youth pastor, Curtis Burnam, who does youth ministry
trainings all over Latin America. We are getting excited as we have conference calls with local pastors who want to be involved!

Becoming a godmother

Thank you for your generosity to me and to the people of Ecuador!


Please pray for...

Our youth, as they get back into the rhythm of school and work, to continue coming to youth group and be
excited about growing in their walk with the Lord

Me as I learn how to be a godmother and for my new goddaughter, Camila, to grow to love God

My English classes, as I prepare...the people who come...that I will be able to minister to them

Wisdom for us as we plan the youth leader conference

My dad as he continues to recover and do therapy

Increased monthly support and supporters!

Please make donations to:
CornerStone International
PO Box 192
Wilmore, KY 40390


more monthly supporters!


Pray-ers! (galli_08@hotmail.com)

Please designate Revive: Ecuador (support project name) or REVehicle

Automatic monthly donations available! (call or email CI office).
Donate from our website at: www.cornerstoneinternational.org/staff-gallagher/
All donations are tax-deductible.

CI office: 1-800-859-4578

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