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ENGL 100


Step 5: Essay Project Final Draft
Directions: Turn off the Track Changes feature. Copy and paste your edited draft. Select the
entire essay and choose Accept Changes if the document does not automatically make the
changes for you. Save the changes to this document; save it as Essay Project Assignment.
Then use the link provided in Blackboard to submit the document to your instructor. The
instructor should then be able to see the entire process you took to create your final draft.
The cross is a symbol of our glorious faith and because of it we are free. The
power of the cross dates back two-thousand years. Even the sight, the meaning,
and the feeling the cross brings us has not changed among the Nazarenes.
Each time I look out my window I see the top of a church cross. During the day I
have to look a little harder, because I live in the city., At night, when the cross is litup, it is very visible. It glows in the night sky even when the weather is bad. It also
shows signs of peace and solitude. The solitude of Jesus. There are also beautiful
flowers that bloom year round and bring a sort of humility to the cross.
The cross has meaning to all of us. Spiritual meaning and personal meanings, and
all are important. The most important is that Jesus died on the cross for us to be
free of sin. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith. For the
joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God(Heb 12:2 NIV). Jesus Christ died for me so that I
may live for Him. Without the cross there would be no salvation, no glory, and no
forgiveness. This is the strong-hold between us and God. We must keep it holy. Jesus
was Baptized by water and the Holy Spirit by John ,Crucified by His own people, Bled
to death on the cross, was buried and on the third day Rose again in fulfilment of
the Scriptures. He is the Glorious King of our faith symbolized by the cross.
The feelings I have each time I see a cross is that of humility . I can only do my
best to be in the image of God. Jesus is the only perfect human, all the rest of us are
not. We are taught to be God like, to do what we can. God expects us to fail, that is
how we were created. I also think of what Jesus did for me, and that is more than I
can ever repay.
Each time I see a cross, I know that Jesus has died for me. Now that I have been
called to do His work, I see a lot of crosses. Each one has vision, meaning, and
feelings for me. I know that one day I will die for Jesus and I will thank God that I
have had the freedom and opportunity to teach others of THE CROSS.

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ENGL 100

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ENGL 100

Honor Statement
Read and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:
By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing
assignment are mine alone, and if I used another persons words or ideas (by summarizing,
paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks
around any direct quotations.
By signing my name, I also understand that if I have copied someone elses ideas or words, I
have plagiarized, and I understand that the penalty for plagiarism is course failure.
Student Name: ______________________________________

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