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Reprinted from the ∙ German Journal of Psychiatry ∙ http:/www.gwdg.

de/~bbandel ∙ ISSN 1433-1055

Cardiovascular changes in alcoholic patients

during withdrawal phase
1 2
Seppo Kähkönen and Boris B. Bondarenko
BioMag Laboratory, Medical Engineering Center, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki
and Cognitive Brain Research Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland
Cardiology Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Corresponding author: Seppo Kähkönen, M.D, Ph.D., BioMag Laboratory, Helsinki University
Central Hospital, P. O. Box 442, FIN-00290 Helsinki, Finland; Seppo.Kahkonen@helsinki.fi

Background: Haemodynamic changes such as tachycardia, arterial hypertension and elevated cardiac output are
usual in alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). Objective: We investigated central haemodynamics in alcoholic
patients non-invasively in different phases of AWS parallel to recording AWS symptoms. Material and methods:
22 alcoholic patients during different phases of withdrawal were investigated 1, 2, 3 and 10 days after
admission for detoxification. The intensity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) was evaluated with a rating
scale. Stroke volume (SV) was measured with an impedance cardiogram, systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), and
mean blood pressures (MBP) were measured with a sphygmomanometer by Korotkoff, and heart rate (HR) was
obtained from an electrocardiogram (ECG). Cardiac output (CO) and total peripheral resistance (TPR) were
calculated. Results: The intensity of AWS decreased towards Day 10. Concomitantly, MBP decreased which
was attributable to a reduction of both SBP and DBP. Changes in TPR were proportional to the level of change
in SV. The level of HR measured on Day 10 differed from the HR on Day 1 but not from rates on Days 2 and
3. The CO tended to be maintained at the same level during AWS. Depending on the level of CO on Day 1,
the haemodynamic parameters underwent different courses towards the end of AWS. When CO was low (<6 l),
TPR decreased and CO tended to be at the same level. The opposite was true when CO was high (> 6 l).
Conclusion: These results suggest that the adaptive capacity of haemodynamics appears to be preserved in
patients with alcohol withdrawal without evident cardiac diseases. The cardiovascular system of alcoholic
patients tends to adapt to the changing level of activity in the sympathetic nervous system during alcohol
withdrawal (German J Psychiatry 2000;3:1-6).

Key words: alcoholism, cardiac output, blood pressure, heart rate, haemodynamics, impedance cardiography,
substance withdrawal syndrome

diastolic blood pressures (DBP) as well as accelerated

Introduction heart rate (HR) often follow AWS. Even a single
moderate dose of alcohol ingestion in non-alcoholic

lcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is subjects causes significant changes in haemodynamics.
characterised by increased anxiety, During the phase of rising blood ethanol, HR and
tremulousness, paroxysmal sweating and cardiac output (CO) increase and total peripheral
reduced sleep, which develop after cessation of alcohol resistance (TPR) decreases. In contrast, during the
abuse (Gross et al., 1974, Koch-Weser et al., 1976). declining blood ethanol phase, SBP and stroke volume
Cardiovascular changes as increased systolic (SBP) and (SV) decrease (Kupari, 1983).

Pronounced haemodynamic changes are usual in AWS: Subjects and Methods

tachycardia, arterial hypertension and elevated cardiac
output (Carlsson, 1971; Beckman et al., 1981; Saunders Patients. 22 patients with alcohol dependence in AWS
et al., 1981; Clark and Friedman, 1985). Alcohol abuse were investigated within 1, 2, 3, and 10 days of
and hypertension are strongly associated, with a 50 to admission to an alcohol in-patient unit for
150% higher prevalence in heavy users of alcohol than detoxification. All fulfilled the DSM-III-R criteria for
in abstainers (Clark, 1984; Beevers and Maheswaran, alcohol dependence and alcohol withdrawal (American
1988). Alcoholics admitted for detoxification frequently Psychiatric Association, 1987). Patients with other
have blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg. In most psychiatric pathology and substance-abuse, complicated
cases, this appears as a transitory hypertension, with forms of AWS, and alcoholism, as well as evident
pressures returning to normal a few days after acute cardiologic diseases were excluded. All were males under
withdrawal. If abstinence continues, these alcoholics will 50 years of age.
usually remain normotensive at rest (Saunders et al., The patients underwent a routine clinical and
1981; Clark and Friedman, 1985). However, in some psychiatric examination. Relevant laboratory tests
alcoholic subjects the BP elevation during AWS may commonly used to evaluate liver and kidney functions
predict future BP abnormalities (King et al., 1991). The (ASAT, ALAT and urea), a blood and urine
degree of hypertension seen during AWS closely examination, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) were
correlates with AWS severity (Potter et al., 1984) and included. Withdrawal symptoms were treated with oral
with the amount of alcohol taken during the most diazepam 10-20 mg per day as needed. Diazepam was
recent hard-drinking period (Clark and Friedman, not given at least three days prior to the first
1985). A transient increase occurs in SBP, but not in examination or three days prior to the examination on
DBP during AWS, which decreases with the resolution Day 10. The characteristics of patients are summarized
of the withdrawal symptoms. The degree of change is in Table 1. Informed written consent and institutional
markedly affected by age. Younger patients have a greatly approval were obtained.
accentuated lability as compared to the older age-group
(Beckman et al., 1981). King et al. (1996) have reported Table 1. Sample characteristics
cardiodynamic changes at 3-4 weeks postwithdrawal in
alcoholic patients with transitory hypertension during Characteristic Mean ± SEM
Age (yr) 37 ± 1.4
withdrawal. Elevated peripheral resistance, elevated Duration of heavy drinking (yr) 12 ± 1.3
heart rate, and reduced stroke volume were observed Duration of AWS (yr) 8 ± 1.4
during rest and an isometric handgrip task. Daily ethanol consumption (g) 351 ± 18
Orthostatic hypotension may occur in AWS as a result Duration of last alcohol abuse (days) 19 ± 4.1
of impaired blood-pressure control. Thus, Eisenhofer et
Rating the alcoholic symptoms. The structure and
al. (1985) reported that despite a raised plasma
severity of AWS were studied with the aid of a rating
concentration of catecholamines and HR responses to
scale, which includes a list of general WS manifestations,
standing, withdrawing alcoholics as a group showed a
viz. alcohol craving, depressed mood, anxiety,
fall in BP on standing, four out of ten patients having a
suspiciousness, irritability, transient hallucinations or
fall of more than 30/5 mmHg. De Marchi et al. (1986)
illusions, weakness, insomnia, headache, tremor,
were unable to confirm these findings; only a small
polyuria, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, thirst, chest pain,
percentage (3.5%) exhibited mild to severe orthostatic
tachycardia, elevated blood pressure and hyperemia. The
hypotension, whereas a significant percentage (56%) of
intensity of each symptom was scored as follows: 2 (=
withdrawing alcoholics showed an increase in BP in a
symptom present and marked), 1 (= all other types of
standing position.
symptoms present) or 0 (=symptom is absent). The
In this study we investigated central haemodynamics in
recording of symptoms in accordance with the rating
alcoholic patients non-invasively in different phases of
scale was done on Days 1, 2, 3 and 10 of admission to
AWS parallel to recording AWS symptoms.
the hospital, at approximately the same time of the day.

Haemodynamic measurements. Cardiodynamic

variables were measured by an impedance cardiograph
system (RPG 2-02, Russia) using four band-electrodes as
described by Kubicek et al. (1966). Two aluminium band

Table 2. Central haemodynamic changes in AWS


1 85±4.2 141±4.0 91±2.4 106±2.6 71±8.1 5.8±0.5 1790±168 17±1.0
2 79±3.5 133±3.8 87±2.5 101±2.7 62±4.9 4.8±0.3 1900±164 11±1.1
3 77±2.7 129±3.6 86±3.0 99±3.0 67±5.1 5.1±0.4 1760±136 7.5±0.7
10 72±2.3 119±2.7 79±1.5 92±1.6 83±6.2 5.7±0.4 1410±101 1±0.4
ANOVA F 5.25 17.81 10.80 12.43 4.76 2.08 3.39 102.85
p <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 NS <0.05 <0.001
p1-10 Days <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 NS NS NS <0.001
p2-10 Days NS <0.01 <0.001 =0.001 <0.001 NS >0.001 <0.001
p3-10 Days NS <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 =0.02 NS =0.02 <0.001
Abbrevations: AWS= alcohol withdrawal syndromes (scores); HR= heart rate beat/min); SBP, DBP and MBP= systolic,
diastolic and mean blood pressure (mmHg); SV= stroke volume (ml); CO= cardiac output (l/min); TPR= total peripheral
resistance (dyne ×s ×cm )

electrodes, separated as widely as possible, were placed errors. Correlation coefficients (r) were calculated by the
around the neck of the subject. A third electrode band Spearman rank test.
was placed around the thorax just below the xiphoid
process, and a fourth electrode about 5 cm below the Results
third one. The outer electrodes were provided with a
constant sinusoidal current (4 mA) with a frequency of It appears that significant overall changes occurred in all
100 kHz. The potential changes, which reflect the haemodynamic parameters studied during AWS, except
changes in the impedance between the two inner for CO. The severity of AWS gradually declined towards
electrodes, were picked up. The parameters of the end of AWS, and MBP decreased concomitantly
impedance cardiography were measured with the patient with declining AWS. This decrease in MBP was
in a supine position after a 10-minute rest separately in attributable to a reduction of both SBP and DBP.
the state of unforced breathing, of inspiration, and of Changes in TPR were proportional to the level of
expiration (at least 10 epochs for each), and the mean change in SV. The level of HR measured on Day 10
value was taken. Impedance cardiography has been differed from the HR on Day 1 but not from rates on
reported to be a reliable method for measuring relative Days 2 and 3. The CO tended to be maintained at the
changes in SV and CO (Pushar et al, 1977; Sherwood et same level during AWS.
al., 1990, Fuller, 1992) The severity of AWS on Day 1 correlated positively with
The following parameters were measured or calculated the duration of recent alcohol abuse (r=0.44, p<0.05),
as follows: with heavy ingestion of alcohol (r=0.56, p<0.01), and
(1) SBP and DBP (mmHg) measured with with duration of withdrawal syndrome (r=0.60,
sphygmomanometer by Korotkoff. MBP (mm p<0.001). SBP on Day 1 correlated positively with the
Hg) calculated from the formula MBP = (SBP + severity of AWS (r=0.46, p<0.05). SV and CO correlated
2 x DBP)/3 positively with daily consumption of alcohol (r=0.52,
(2) HR (beat/min) from the ECG
p<0.05 and r=0.47, p<0.05, respectively). No significant
(3) SV (ml) of the heart by impedance cardiography
correlations were found between anamnestic
utilizing the formula of Kubicek-Gundarov
characteristics and HR, DBP and TPR on Day 1.
(Kubicek et al., 1966; Gundarov et al., 1983)
Table 3 shows that an equal decrease in MBP by Day 10
(4) CO (l/min) refers to HR x SV
can be associated with differing CO and TPR changes.
(5) TPR (dyne?s/cm-5) calculated from the formula
Thus, in patients with initially low CO, the TPR
decreased significantly (t = 2.35; p<0.05), whereas CO
did not increase (t = 0.78; p>0.05) by Day 10. In patients
Statistics. Results were expressed as the mean ± SEM
with initially high CO, a significant decrease in CO (t =
values. A one-way ANOVA for repeated measures was
2.52; p<0.05) occurred, whereas TPR did not increase (t
used for analyzing differences of haemodynamic
parameters between days. Pairwise comparisons between = 1.34; p>0.05). In the first group of patients, lowered
groups were performed using a paired t-test. In these cases a MBP led to decreased TPR which was compensated for
Bonferroni correction was used to protect against type I by increased CO. In the second category of patients,
lowered MBP was due to decreased CO.


Table 3. Changes in haemodynamics with different levels of CO on Day 1 antidiuretic hormone may induce
the pressor effect of angiotensin II
A Initial 112±3.5 89±5.8 4.2±0.3 2200±183
and catecholamines and enhance
A Change -16±2.4 -18±4.7 0.8±0.6
* the discharge of ACTH (Potter et
B Initial 109±5.9 81±8.2 8.5±0.7 1080±131 al., 1984). In contrast to this,
B Change -13±3.5 -14±8.3 -1.4±0.5 29±99
Arkwright et al. (1982) reported
Patients in group A (n=14) showed low CO (<6 l/min) on Day 1; group B (n=8)
* **
showed high CO (>6 l/min) on Day 1. p<0.05, p<0.01 in comparison with group that hypertensive alcoholics have
B change values. Abbrevations: HR in beats/min; MBP in mmHg; CO in l/min; normal plasma concentrations of
TPR in dyne ×s ×cm .
cateholamines, angiotensin and
aldosterone. There is a reversible decrease in renal
Discussion sodium excretion which closely correlates with the BP
level (De Marchi and Cecchin, 1985).
The results confirm the complex structure of alcohol It is also possible that the direct action of ethanol on the
AWS, the evolution of which is characterized by a rapid vascular wall is responsible for elevated BP in AWS.
decline in intensity of WS, including the changes in the Vasoconstriction occurring in AWS is believed to be one
cardiovascular system. Our results showed that the of the mechanisms active in the development of the
adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system in brain insults seen in alcoholic patients (Altura et al.,
alcoholic patients during AWS is preserved. During 1983). However, these effects are not identical for all
AWS, cardiac output tended to be maintained at the vascular beds. Ethanol depresses the normal spontane-
same level. The finding that haemodynamic alterations ous activity of small arteries and veins and inhibits their
paralleled changes in AWS severity may suggest that contractile responses to the endogenous neurohumoral
these changes during AWS are due mainly to substances, thus causing vasodilation (Altura and Altura,
extracardial effects. The severity of AWS also depends 1982). The direct action of ethanol on the vascular wall
on anamnestic data, such as daily consumption of makes it more sensitive to the effects of other vasoactive
ethanol, and duration of recent alcohol abuse, and substances. However, it remains unclear why the alco-
duration of withdrawal syndrome. Mechanisms of holic patient with a high blood ethanol level often has
lowered MBP differ in AWS, depending on the initial normal BP which becomes hypertensive during AWS
haemodynamic indices at the onset of AWS. (Saunders et al., 1981). Impairment of the baroreceptor
Correlation analysis of haemodynamic parameters (SBP, reflex has been observed in alcohol-treated rats (Abdel-
SV, CO) in alcoholic patients on Day 1 demonstrates Rahman et al., 1985), but Rhee et al. (1989) could not
that their level depends on the severity of AWS and on confirm this finding. Autonomic nervous damage may
heavy ingestion of alcohol. An increase in SBP as well as in part contribute to withdrawal hypertension (Yoko-
AWS severity may reflect the degree of activation of the yama et al., 1991; Murata et al., 1994; Miralles et al.,
sympathoadrenal system (Hawley et al., 1985). As the 1995). In alcoholic patients, interaction between so-
alcoholism progresses, there is a risk of toxic myocardiac dium, magnesium, and calcium ions has been described
damage and impairment of the heart's contractile as playing a role in the genesis of hypertension (Adeniyi,
function (Wu et al., 1976). 1986).
The exact mechanism of haemodynamic alterations in A hyperdynamic circulatory state is often seen in alco-
alcohol withdrawal has not been fully elucidated, but it holic patients undergoing withdrawal, and during delir-
appears to be complex and may involve central and ium tremens in particular (Mendelson, 1970; Abraham
peripheral systems regulating haemodynamics. The et al., 1985). Ballas et al. (1982) showed that the SV was
important role of endogenous active substances not significantly different from normal values, but some
determining haemodynamic changes is not excluded, of the patients during AWS exhibit decreased SVs not
the hormones of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal due to any heart diseases. However, the material of that
cortex axis playing the major role. Thus, the cortisol study included patients without severe forms of AWS,
concentration increases and correlates positively with and haemodynamic control values were not obtained
the BP level (Smals et al., 1976; Bannan et al., 1984; after AWS developing. Beta-adreno receptor blockers
Potter et al., 1984). The increase in cortisol level may be timolol and propranolol tended to normalize elevated
caused by stimulation (Gilles et al., 1982) directly or via HR and CO, and to correct high TPR (Carlsson, 1971;
the secretion of antidiuretic hormone which becomes Potter et al., 1984), showing that central and peripheral
greater in AWS (Jenkins and Connolly, 1968). This beta-adrenoreceptors may regulate withdrawal-induced
haemodynamic changes in alcoholic patients.

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The German Journal of Psychiatry ∙ ISSN 1433-1055 ∙ http:/www.gwdg.de/~bbandel

Editor-in-Chief: PD Dr. Borwin Bandelow, Dept. of Psychiatry, The University of Göttingen, von-Siebold-Str. 5, D-
37075 Germany; tel. ++49-551-396607; fax: ++49-551-392004; e-mail: bbandel@gwdg.de

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