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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

19/08/2015 06:30

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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90%
of All Americans
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CERN, Hoover Dam, Antichrist, Gog and Magog
revealed in 2015!!! (Unique Proof!)
Hillary's Espionage far more grave than anyone
10 Horrifying Realities Americans Find Too
Awful To Face
Satanic Depravity Pervades US Government

The Tianjin explosion was

waged as an act of war by the United States in response to
Chinas currency war with the subsequent Yuan devaluation,
according to dissident sources from mainland China.

Walker's health care flop!

Speculation has heavily centered around the fact the

weapon used to attack China was a space-based weapon.

Half the States Have Joined the Powdered

Alcohol Prohibition

China, through their new-found ally, Russia, is one of the

Senators Still Want Answers From Antibiotic

Resistance Task Force

biggest holders of EMP weapons as is their proxy puppet state, North Korea.

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Xylitol and Dogs

There will be payback. Not so coincidentally, North Korea has, once again, threatened to attack the

Female viagra gets FDA approval despite

severe side effects

United States.

St. John Eudes

AnyFlip Reveals How Flip Book Maker Turns
Readers into Buyers


Page 1 of 12

Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

Many have speculated that no such attack will ever

take place because China effectively owns the United
States, through debt holdings, and consequently would
never unleash such an attack. However, if the Tianjin
event is the beginning of a war between China and the
United States, such a consideration would quickly go
out the window because both nations would be

19/08/2015 06:30

This Weeks Rosenblat Holocaust Fantasy Award

Goes To Samuel Pisar
Land-Locked: A Critique of Carson on Property
Bill Holter: Chinese Join Currency War & Gold
Backwardation is Back
Wray & Nephew Overproof Rum UK

involved in a war for survival. Further, if such a war

were to commence, this would explain why the elite
are increasingly preparing fortified underground
bunkers which would withstand both nuclear and stand alone EMP attacks.

A Cross-Section of Effects of An EMP

Nearly all of the commercial sector is not protected.
Most data backups of commercial systems are
protected from just about every other threat, but not
protected against EMP; and most data backups are

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located within the area likely to be affected by the

EMP attack. Computer systems and the information
they contain are especially vulnerable. In the
old Dark Angel television series used to say, in the first
episode of the old Dark Angel television series, . . .
the electromagnetic pulse turned all the one and zeros
into plain old zeros . . .
An EMP attack would literally send thousands of small and mid-sized businesses in the United States
into bankruptcy in less than a millisecond. Other than your printed statements, the banks would have
no records of your ledger sheet.

Education records would be destroyed and only hard copies of transcripts would serve as the remnants
of an extinct system. Like every other institution, education would stop in its tracks. Schools would be
converted to mass shelters or morgues.

America would see catastrophic conditions immediately taking place in our hospitals and convalescent
centers. Within a few days, old age homes would lack the resources and services of the staff to help
preserve the lives of those who are virtually helpless. Patients on the operating table would stand a
good chance of not surviving. Hospital backup generating systems would be rendered unusable. Food
and water would become a scarce resource. Many hospital personnel would walk off the job by the
beginning of the third day. The only medical personnel that would stay would be those that live too far
away from home to walk. People would not be able to get their life-sustaining medications and
services, most of which are electrically powered. Our worst fears would be realized sd patients on
oxygen, diabetic medication, dialysis and other life threatening conditions would be among the first to
die, but by no means the last.


In one of the most dramatic effects, airplanes

would fall from the skies. Untold thousands of
people would immediately be plunged to their
deaths. And their deaths might be considered
merciful compared to the fate that the majority of
the rest of us would face over the next two years.
Most automobiles will not work unless they have all
pre-electrical parts. Even then how long would
gasoline be available? Many people on the various subways, would be hopelessly trapped depending on
the time that an electromagnetic pulse would be released. And we can all be sure, that the release of
an EMP would occur at the optimal time to ensure the maximum loss of life.

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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

19/08/2015 06:30

Schools and Children

One of the most tragic developments arising from an EMP attack with the fate of schoolchildren
geographically isolated from their parents who have already commuted to work. Reuniting parents and
their children would be next to impossible for the majority of Americans who have a 30 minute
commute or more to work (20 miles). In an earlier article this year, I identified and detailed the
questionnaire which went out to all school personnel which was inventorying staff school individual skill
sets such as law enforcement experience, construction as well electrical and engineering talents.
Sounds like a strange set of skills to be surveying at our public schools. What do the originators of this
document know that the rest of us should?
If you were a teacher, how long would you stay on the job and ignore the welfare of your family?
Getting home and reuniting with family will be problematic.

Your cell phones, your land lines, text, twitter, emails and faxes will not work. Nearly all broadcast
stations, especially television stations, would go off the air. Due to the high level of computerized
automation, the equipment in most radio and television studios would be so completely destroyed that
most commercial stations would be damaged beyond repair. Radio studios are actually more vulnerable
to permanent damage than many portable radio receivers. When America emerges from the event, the
NSA police state surveillance grid would be permanently in place for the extreme martial law
dictatorship or foreign takeover that will follow.

According to a statement made by Damon Penn, a DHS official, which

was offered to a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on
July 8, 2011, a limited number of critical radio stations are being
retrofitted with some EMP protection. However, most of us will be
without the benefit of mass communication. Smoke signals anyone?
In Professor William Forstchens book, Somewhere between 250,000
to 500,000 people will die in the first few minutes following an EMP
attack. Perhaps as many as 1-2 million would be dead within three
days and ninety percent of the country would perish within two

Water Borne Diseases

The greatest threat to human survival, in the aftermath of an EMP, is
the publics availability to obtain clean drinking water. This access would be greatly imperiled.
In 2010, when Haiti was hit by a major earthquake which killed over 200,000 people, the misery did not
stop with the survivors. Six weeks following the earthquake, Haiti announced its first cholera outbreak
in over a century. The cholera outbreak went on to claim 8000 more lives. The disease thrives in places
where there is insufficient water treatment, poor sanitation and inadequate hygiene. This is what
precisely would happen in most areas following an EMP attack.
Keeping drinking water clean and separate from human sewage and other contaminates would prove to
be humanitys biggest challenge. Cholera would also prove to be the biggest threat to long term
survival. It is likely that in the 24 months following the event, that most people would succumb to
cholera and other water-borne diseases.
Cholera is a horrible disease which grants its victims a very painful and agonizing death. In the 20th
century, human lifespan in United States increased by 35 years. Thirty of those 35 years was due to
improvements in sanitation. Following an EMP attack, effective sanitation would all but disappear.

Access to Water


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

19/08/2015 06:30

Without electricity to pump the water, the LA Basin would run out of water within days.
Human beings require approximately 2 Liters of water per day in order to survive. If we do not get that
water, we will die in approximately 5 days. With regard to an EMP attack, our water supplies are
especially vulnerable. The power to distribute water is highly concentrated within the United States.
Only eight municipalities provide 82% of the drinking water in the United States.
There are multiple technologies which are used to pump water from the source to its final destination.
Some require no electricity, however, most do. And even if your water system was powered by nonelectrical means, how would the personnel and staff, who monitors and maintains your water supply,
get to work without access to proper transportation?
In all of Southern California, the water must make its way over mountains. What will happen when all
electricity is gone? The resulting casualty rates stemming from civil disorder and death due to lack of
water would be unimaginable.
In a time of an EMP attack, the availability of water, as well as the safety of water would come into
question for the vast majority of Americans. The availability of clean water supplies would be the most
critical threat and would claim the most victims.

The Ogllala underground aquifer will soon be controlled by one globalist, T. Boone Pickens. The
monopolistic implications and profiting off of a major crisis are self-evident.
These grim possibilities makes one wonder why T. Boone Pickens is buying up the Ogallala reservoir.
What does he know that the rest of us should know?

The food supply would be imperiled as well. What do crops need to grow? With hydroelectric power
gone, where would the water come from for many food-growing regions in the country? Our food
supplies would dry up and disappear, thus exacerbating the threat.
Most people will perish within 30 days of famine, thus, making water shortages the greatest threat to

Social Chaos
Survivors would undoubtedly form collectives to forcefully procure food and water. The levels of
violence would be horrific. Yet, I was unable to locate any government or academic documents which
attempted to project how bad it will get. It is safe to say that it will be a waste of time to call 911 and
that every person would be under threat of attack 24/7/365.

How Bad Will It Get?

Sociologists tell us that there are five levels of societal development.
1. Nomadic Hunting and Gathering


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

19/08/2015 06:30

2. Horticulture and Pastoral

3. Agriculture
4. Industrial
5. Post-industrial.
Much of America is entering into the Post-Industrial phase. An EMP attack would reduce most Americans
to a violent existence in the first stage, Nomadic Hunting and Gathering. Without easy access to water,
most would not be able to maintain a Horticulture and Pastoral society for long. And those that did
would face dire threats from those seeking resources. This would make the death curve for the elderly
and the infirm skyrocket. Child mortality would dramatically rise. I am not predicting a return to 10,000
Years BC. However, a pre-Revolutionary War existence would largely be out of reach because of the lack
of obtainable clean water. Water is the organizing foundation for any society. Society, as we know it,
would collapse.

Mid air burst of two nuclear missiles near the middle of the country would destroy all infrastructure
that was not protected.
What would be the delivery method? That depends on the goals of the Chinese. If they are intent on
inflicting maximum casualties, they would explode to nuclear missiles over the mid-continent United
States which would destroy the countrys infrastructure in a matter of moments. If they want to kill as
many Americans as possible, without obliterating the infrastructure, they may only target lifesustaining infrastructure such as water and electricity facilities. The determining factor simply depends
on the goals of the Chinese.

I have read both the Naval War College and Professor Forstchens projections which tell us that
within two years of the event, 90% of all Americans would be dead. In the video below,
Congressman Trent Franks predicts a 60% mortality rate. The fact remains that nobody knows for
certain how many of us would perish. However, it is safe to say that most of us would perish.
I will prepare a short list of things that I think all of us, even those with limited budgets, can be doing
to prepare in a future article. In another future article, I will also examine what would happen to our
nuclear facilities after such an attack.
You can count on one thing, Tianjin will not go unpunished.


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

19/08/2015 06:30

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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

19/08/2015 06:30

Your Comments


Total 42 comments

Coal Fly Ash Used In Chemtrail Aerosols: Geophysicist Produces Conclusive Evidence!!!
AUG 18, 2015, 8:01 AM


Mr. Raccoon

We Chinese just want to OWN our very own white-skinned round eyed person!
New Political saying is EMP so there is 2 round eyes in EVERY Chinese people
THIS will be how you pay us back!
With your SLAVE Labor!
Get sexy now, ameriiiiSCUM!
AUG 18, 2015, 10:44 AM






Just turn it all on again.

AUG 18, 2015, 8:10 AM


EMP fries it. There is no on, ever.

AUG 18, 2015, 8:33 AM

You cannot be this retarded.

AUG 18, 2015, 8:44 AM




Do they really believe it was the US that set off that explosion? Or is this fear porn? I would like to
see proof; not just a typed article.
AUG 18, 2015, 8:20 AM



Er.. huh? Wot? Wuzza what.. Proof? On a Hodges BIN post?

AUG 18, 2015, 10:29 AM


doggy do

Are you an idiot or just play one on BIN?

AUG 18, 2015, 8:25 AM


doggy do

Wait, i think i know the answer: both.


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

AUG 18, 2015, 8:26 AM


19/08/2015 06:30


To expand on the Access To Water point: The best source of clean water in a crisis may come from
underground, but without electricity to run well pumps the water would be inaccessible. Check out the
Emergency Well Tube (www.emergencywelltube.com), an affordable backup tool that allows water to
be drawn from a well without electricity and without having to pull the well pump to use it.

AUG 18, 2015, 8:30 AM

The Clucker

This is downright pathetic. If youre getting paid to spread fear and confuse people you could at least
be good at it. The Zionists should fire you. (insert F-word here) you ya eraser-headed pleb.

AUG 18, 2015, 9:07 AM

Gus Fung

Wait a moment Clucker. Hoggs might be on to something.

Remember the Enora Gay ? Whale Dorphin?
AUG 18, 2015, 9:42 AM


The Clucker

Nice one Gus. Dont mess with The Mightiest Slice.

AUG 18, 2015, 12:21 PM



On the contrary, I believe Washington would welcome this!

Killing 90% of the population is apparently very attractive to them.
America would do this to itself (and blame it on the Chinese)
It would explain why EMP-hardening of the infrastructure has long been avoided, in
defiance of good common sense.
The powers that be are in a big hurry! They want an effective depopulation NOW.
Not reductions through attrition, requiring decades
AUG 18, 2015, 9:47 AM



My thoughts exactly! What a neat way to introduce Martial Law by doing an

end-around against our own country and blaming it on someone else. Our
corrupt government comes up smelling like a rose again (as M L would be,
obviously, activated for our own good).
AUG 18, 2015, 11:40 AM



Hey Cluck, did you read THE SECOND AFTER? I think not. Just make an act of culture, I
hope you can read, and talk about this afterwards. Everything described there will become
real if an EMT happens, Chinese or not. Something else: you always take out Canada
from every such evaluation, but dont forget that if this would happen, the affected zone
wont stop at the Canadian border.
Truth or not, we should be aware of this and many other dangers, just in case.
And besides, are you the Zionist in charge today of making comments? Its downright
AUG 18, 2015, 10:32 AM


The Clucker

Im not saying that what hes saying isnt possible. Im just one to keep in mind
that his predictions have all turned out to be a bunch of crap. If youre
defending the Zionists, well
thats just downright pathetic.
AUG 18, 2015, 12:23 PM



Long Term Wilderness Bug Out Bag



Page 8 of 12

Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

AUG 18, 2015, 9:10 AM


19/08/2015 06:30


Not again

The Tianjin explosion was waged as an act of war by the United States in response to Chinas
currency war with the subsequent Yuan devaluation.
AUG 18, 2015, 9:40 AM



Source is : Gleat Chiunese Underground send coded message on back of Hodges

bleakfast cereal box..
Velly Intellesting
AUG 18, 2015, 10:34 AM




Unless I missed something, (I didnt) the only evidence that the US, or anyone actually caused
Tianjin, was back channel insinuations.
That said, the danger of an emp strike has been discussed ad nausem; Its clear the US government
has bigger fish to fry than to be troubled with such details.
Wanna take down an empire? Do it from inside the wire.
AUG 18, 2015, 10:32 AM




Its easier than that. Just brainwash the population to start using nonsense phrases like
that being said or the ethnic version bein said dat and simply replace words like
PROBLEM with pussified and sissified nonsense softer sounds words like issue. Doing
these things will destroy any empire and this King of Shambala forsaken land is proof.
AUG 18, 2015, 10:48 AM



jdpWhy use an EMP when a neutron bomb would do the same, kill people but leave the
AUG 18, 2015, 10:43 AM



jdpThere is no indication it was the USA that sent the bomb into china, could have been any other
rogue nation,like Iran/nk/ which now has long range ballistic missiles.
AUG 18, 2015, 10:49 AM




For there is only ONE Rouge Nation, and that would be isra-HELL, and her Demonic
ATTACK DOG, the jew-nited Fraudulent Fascist states of TORTURE, MEDICAL and
MILITARY TERROR, which does the biding of isra-HELL!
China will be delivering to Iran SOON brand new FIGHTER JETS!
China and Iran are mulling a $1 billion deal that would see China trade 24 Chengdu J-10
fourth-generation fighter jets in exchange for control of Irans biggest oil field for two
decades, a report in the Taiwanese newspaper Want Daily said Thursday. The oil field in
question is the 350 square-mile Azadegan field, which produces around 40,000 barrels of
light and heavy crude per day. Its currently operated by the National Iranian Oil Company
and is thought to be the largest oil discovery in the country in 30 years.
AUG 18, 2015, 10:57 AM





jdpThere is no proof that the USA did the bombing

AUG 18, 2015, 10:59 AM

Mr. Raccoon

So, jew YOU, isra-HELL!

Unless you would like your limited real estate to be paved over quickly with green glass!


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict

AUG 18, 2015, 11:03 AM


19/08/2015 06:30


The American contingency plan that most do not understand is with Chemtrails.
They are in a constant state of seeding the atmosphere forming a dome with aluminum, barium and
strontium, all used to deflect a magnetic pulse.
The many HAARP stations located around America will kick in once any EPM is detonated forming a
reverse polarity to repel it.
The next step will be more destructive in which America will retaliate with a Nuclear strike!
AUG 18, 2015, 11:34 AM



Pink Slime

Good warning but you severely cheapen your article with a fiction picture. That is a picture that is
related to another incident. That plane was brought down by PILOT ERROR due to an indirect
mechanical failure.
Stop taking CHEAP shots (no pun intended) Dave!
AUG 18, 2015, 12:26 PM





Factory Farms Fear the MooCow

You absorb water in rain. What kind of rain?

Eat More GMO
AUG 18, 2015, 12:57 PM


Hopefully they dont retaliate by taking away Panda Express!

AUG 18, 2015, 1:25 PM



Agenda 21 in action
AUG 18, 2015, 2:01 PM




move to China before its too late

AUG 18, 2015, 3:22 PM



It has slowly dawned on Russia and China that they are at war with Satan himself aka hell. this non
human foe does not respect human life on either side only the dollar or its replacement world wide
human slavery.
considerations of chinese real estate in the USA therefore go out the window in this more sinister and
deadly threat one than has never surfaced before in human histoire and threatens all life on the
planet .. and they know it. Expect the worst but at the same time look foreward to the best
liberty once it is over, dead or alive. the dead who have died in christ will be ressurected first. the
others will be resurrected after the 1000 years are up.(Revelations 20-5)
The last sad hour of freedoms dream
And Valours task moved slowly by
While mute they watched till mornings beam
Should rise and give them light to die
There is a world where souls are free
where tyrants taint not natures bliss
If death that worlds bright opening be
Oh. who would live a slave in this?
Thomas Moore.
AUG 18, 2015, 4:00 PM




This ranks at a lowly 1 on the FEEEEEEEEER POOOOOOOORN 1-10 scale. Why so low? How
can you be scairt of someone whos never right?


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Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans | War and Conflict


AUG 18, 2015, 4:41 PM

19/08/2015 06:30


The Tianjin explosion had to be some type of nuke.

No other bomb gives off that type of thermal signature or blast effect. My gawd, 8,000 cars obliterated
with many of their cast iron engines vaporized! Only a nuke can do that type of damage. Plus,
120,000 sea containers tossed around and crushed like they were paper toys.

AUG 18, 2015, 6:18 PM



they hit us then we hit them with icbms with mervs end of world as the human race knows it, they are
not that dumb folks, but with obama he would give in.

AUG 18, 2015, 6:25 PM


Michael Carrigan

It may be that China owes the US $1 trillion in debts it cancelled.

Now after considering all the intellectual property and identity theft it is probably much more.
Debt are also to be forgiven each seven years as Moses commanded in Dueteronomy 15:1-2. As
Jesus said, scripture must be fulfilled. So the Chinese OWE forgiveness.
If the leaders of China kill any Americans, they have their place in hell unless they repent and give
their hearts to Jesus.
AUG 18, 2015, 6:38 PM



Mr. Raccoon

Listen to the warped logic of the BIGGEST killer cult that has EVER existed on earth! The
Caucasian male judeo-christo-FREAK, just like the mentally retarded Mike Carrigan, the
Hey, Mikey, if I get MY WAY, I collect a cash BOUNTY for delivering your sick, diseased,
brain washed judeop-christo-CREEP mind to Camp FEMA for a little high tech MIND
WIPE to wash that NASTY judeo-christo-CRITTER right out of your believing mind!
FOR, little mikey, YOU ARE THE ENEMY!
AUG 18, 2015, 9:30 PM




Dont forget the preplanted nuke of Israels Samson option to blackmail the worlds govs
AUG 18, 2015, 8:36 PM



Dont forget the preplanted nukes of Israels Samson option to blackmail the worlds govs
AUG 18, 2015, 8:38 PM




All of the fear-mongering about an EMP only to totally contradict himself with this line:
When America emerges from the event, the NSA police state surveillance grid would be
permanently in place for the extreme martial law dictatorship or foreign takeover that will follow.
What surveillance grid, moron? Its an EMP attack! What? Are they gonna attach hundreds of millions
of miles of string to empty non-perishable food cans and bring one to everyones front door so they
can still listen in to all of our conversations since our cell phones will no longer be working?
Do you even scrutinize your own articles before posting them? It must be sad to be youto always
be living in fear and hoping for the worst.
AUG 18, 2015, 9:47 PM


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19/08/2015 06:30

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