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This paper attempted to determine the persuasiveness of word of
mouth and social sites. The research design used in this study is the
research method wherein data from documents and interview were
used to answer the research questions. The research findings are the

Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions are

1. Therefore, Social media is differing from other areas of marketing

only with respect to the objectives of the marketer and his or her
organization. Social media seeks to influence social behavior not
to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target audience and
the general society.
2. In a nutshell, Social mediaworks in marketing when social sites
easily shared the online shop that helps the marketer to be easily
recognized by people.
3. Therefore, Offline marketing is the traditional and original way of
social sites involving calling the consumers to have sort talk and
encourage them to buy the product.
All in all, Offline marketing works through different gimmicks
that the marketers did to encourage the consumers or to let the
consumers know their business or products.
The difference of online business to offline business is
Consumers see the product face-to-face. which allow customers to see
what the business is about for them. Talking to customers and
potentially making sales is easy, because people can physically visit.
Online shops must be very descriptive because online businesses are
unable to physically present products and services to customers to see
and touch before they purchase.


The following recommendations are offered for related research

in the
field of technology education.
1. This study recommends to the consumers to see or try
first the product before buying it.
2. The researchers recommend to the future business man
and woman to create

offline business and at the same

time having an online shop to have bigger profits and

won't be deficit.
3. The researchers recommend the students to used social
media in business rather than using it in outrage so while
their young they will gain profit or extra income.
4. The researchers recommend the suppliers to build their
business in social media so they can have extra income.
5. The researchers recommend the retailers to promote their
products in social media so they will gain a lot of suppliers.

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