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MI6 ISIS Rat Line & The Threat To India

By Tyler Durden
Created 09/08/2015 - 19:00
Submitted by Tyler Durden [1] on 09/08/2015 19:00 -0400
Originally posted at GreatGameIndia.com, [15]
The prosecution of a Swedish national accused of terrorist activities in Syria has collapsed
at the Old Bailey after it became clear Britains security and intelligence agencies
would have been deeply embarrassed had a trial gone ahead, the Guardian reported
Bherlin Gildo was due to stand trial at Londons Old Bailey accused of attending a terrorist
training camp between 2012 and 2013 and possessing information likely to be useful to a
terrorist. But the case against him was dropped and he was cleared of the charges
after a wrangle between lawyers and the British and Swedish security services.
On 1st June 2015, writes Seumas Milne [17] the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin
Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had
been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.
The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the
intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead with the trial would have
been an affront to justice when there was plenty of evidence the British state was
itself providing extensive support to the armed Syrian opposition. That didnt only
include the non-lethal assistance boasted of by the government (including body armour
and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of arms on a
massive scale.
Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a rat line [18] of arms
transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the
Gaddafi regime.
Interestingly, a recently declassified secret US intelligence report [19], written in
August 2012, uncannily predicts and effectively welcomes the prospect of a
Salafist principality in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in
Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence
Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as
the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria and states that western countries, the
Gulf states and Turkey were supporting the oppositions efforts to take control of eastern
Raising the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist
principality, the Pentagon report goes on [20], this is exactly what the supporting
powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is
considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).
However this is only the latest in a string of such cases.

Psychological Warfare How MI6 Controls ISIS

For months it was in the news that 400 Britons had joined the jihadis in Syria. Foreign
Secretary William Hague himself said so. However, the number of these British jihadis
is much larger and it has been revealed that some of them were trained to be Sunni
jihadists by a jihad-seeking Saudi mullah in a British mosque under the watchful
eyes of the MI6.
The Independent in June 2014 reported Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood saying at least
1,500 Britons, if not more, have joined the terrorist-led jihad in Syria and Iraq [21], rejecting
the 400 figure handed out by Hague, and 500 such jihadis referred to by U.K.s anti-terror
chief Sir Peter Fahy [22]. I imagine 1,500 certainly would be the lower end. If you look
across the whole of the country, theres been a number of people going across, Mahmood
What is even more revealing is the report that some of these jihadis were trained by a
Saudi preacher operating from within a Cardiff mosque.
The DailyMail in June 2104 pointed to Mohammed al-Arifi, who has called for holy war to
overthrow Bashar al-Assads regime, spoke at the Al Manar center in Cardiff, Wales [23].
Although banned from entering Switzerland because of his extremist views, al-Arifi has
visited the U.K. several times. A Sunni Muslim, he has been accused of stirring up
tensions with Shia Muslims, reportedly calling it evil and accusing adherents of
kidnapping, cooking and skinning children. A source close to the Yemeni community in
Cardiff told Mail Online:
These boys were groomed [at Al Manar] to fight the Shias, fight these people, fight
those thats where it started. The teaching [at Al Manar] helped the people
recruiting. If someone tried to recruit me, I wouldnt go unless Im convinced. But
once theyre groomed, all it takes is someone to say come and Ill take you.
This reminds us of the teenage jihadist schoolboy from Coventry fighting alongside ISIS
terrorists in Iraq and Syria dubbed Osama Bin Bieber [24].
Last year German officials in an operation raided two containers passing through Hamburg
Port and seized 14,000 documents establishing that Osama bin Laden was funded by UK
Queens bank Coutts, which is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland.
Following the accusations DailyMail in its 23 June 2014 report titled Queens bank forced
to deny that Osama Bin Laden had an account there [25]after 14,000 documents seized
from Cayman Islands branch reports that the Queens bank has denied claims in
European newspapers that Osama Bin Laden ever held an account with the organisation.
In 2012, Coutts was fined 8.75million for serious and systematic failings when
handling money from suspected criminals or foreign despots.
ISIS Leader a Psychological Operation
Hamid Dawud Mohamed Khalil al Zawi, most commonly known as Abu Abdullah al-Rashid
al-Baghdadi was the leader of umbrella organizations composed of eight groups and its
successor organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq ISIS. However, in July 2007, the U.S.
military reported that al-Baghdadi never actually existed. The detainee identified as Khaled

al-Mashhadani, a self-proclaimed intermediary to Osama bin Laden, claimed that alBaghdadi was a fictional character created to give an Iraqi face to a foreign-run terror
group [26], and that statements attributed to al-Baghdadi were actually read by an Iraqi
According to Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi never
existed and was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were
provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima as a form of
psychological warfare as reported [26] in the New York Times. Brigadier General
Kevin Bergner [27] currently serves with the National Security Council staff as Special
Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Iraq. Prior to this assignment, he served
as the Deputy Commanding General for Multi-National Forces in Mosul, Iraq. He also
served as the Director for Political-Military Affairs (Middle East) on the The Joint Staff in
the Department of Defense.
What about the ISIS threat to India?
At the Indo-UK Counter Terrorism Joint Working Group meeting held in London on
January 15-16 this year the British officials warned [28] their Indian counterparts of a
possible terror attack by ISIS on Indian soil.
Than on July 28, USA Today revealed [29] the end-of-days as according to the Islamic
State (ISIS). The newspaper sourced a 32-page doomsday document to some Pakistani
citizen with connections inside the Pakistani Taliban.
An investigative story published by the USA Today and reported by American Media
Institute refers to a 32- page Urdu document obtained from a Pakistani citizen with
connections inside the Pakistani Taliban.
The document warns that preparations for an attack in India are underway and
predicts that an attack will provoke an apocalyptic confrontation with America, the
report said. The document, according to the report, was independently translated into
English by a Harvard scholar and verified by several serving and retired intelligence
The document was reviewed by three US intelligence officials, who said they believe
the document is authentic based on its unique markings and the fact that language used
to describe leaders, the writing style and religious wording match other documents from
the ISIS, USA Today added.
However, Indias Ministry of Home Affairs termed rubbish the alleged ISIS
document which hinted that the terror group was preparing to attack India to
provoke confrontation with the US. Its rubbish, Joint Secretary, Internal Security-I, MA
Ganapathy told reporters said [30].
If indeed the document was a fraud it raises serious questions given the MI6 & CIA
links to ISIS; considering that the doomsday threat and the attack plan both
emanated from the same source that is alleged to have created the threat in the first
place. However, no explanation was provided by the Home Ministry as to why they chose
to term it rubbish nor an explanation sought from the western governments, intelligence
agencies or the media for publishing such a sensitive and false report that took the entire
global media in a whirl.

On the other hand last month, Indias Home Ministry announced it was working on a
national anti-ISIS strategy [31]. Many intelligence inputs followed after the publication of
those reports and arrests made all across India. Reportedly, the appeal of ISIS radicalism
had ramped up in ten Indian states.
Last month a British doctor was arrested in Jammu & Kashmir for planting IEDs
[32]. Police said Baba who is a physiotherapist has lived in London since 2006. He
returned to the valley three months ago.
Why is it that from Al Qaeda to ISIS to terrorists in J&K, all links end up in Britain?
More importantly, why such leads are not pursued by Indian Intelligence Agencies?
Surprisingly enough even the intelligence inputs we so actively act upon are also provided
by the same countries. How could we formulate a strategy to orient our security agencies
to counter a threat that we choose to ignore or do not even attempt to understand?
As is the case with any of the terrorist group many of these groups are controlled
not only by the states that sponsor terrorism but by the nations that sponsor the
states that sponsor terrorism too. So though all evidence eventually leads to North
Western frontier of India, we do not attempt to learn about who instigates these groups,
their actions, their mode of acting and the previous track record that should guide us in
doing what we as third neutral sovereign country should do. We totally ignored this angle
and even the most rudimentary of forensic investigation in our approach to the Mumbai
Train Blasts (a sequel to Spanish Train Bombings and the beginning of the 26/11 Mumbai
Attacks) [33]. We hope we do a beginning in this new direction.
By the later years of the Reagan regime, a preferred nomenclature suited to U.S. interests
became standardized for the Third World. In the case of nations to be rolled back (e.g.,
Nicaragua), governments were called terrorist and the insurgents were labeled democratic.
In the case of countries to be supported against communist insurgencies (e.g., El
Salvador and the Philippines), the governments were called democratic and the insurgents
were labeled terrorists.
from the book Rollback by Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould
One recent phenomenon emerging since dissolution of soviet era is, if there is more
than one geo-political player involved in any target nation say Nigeria or Indonesia
or India; then the turf war between the geo-political players is spilling in to the
target countries. Just like in case of East India Companies whenever their parent
countries (England, France, Holland etc) went to war in Europe, their representatives in
African and Indian colonies also went to war. So whenever one geo-political player feels
their turf is violated in any target countries then they do not hesitate to eliminate the others
or their supporters in the target countries.
Depending on the theatre of concern these sabotage operations are called by various
names and many governments in order to prevent them do various preventive actions.
Unfortunately in India there is no comprehensive study of terrorism keeping the above
perspective. Our excessive determination and focus on Islamic or Jihad terrorism though
suits our emotional need it only comprises of less than one fourth of terrorist acts
perpetuated on the soil of India since more than three decades. Subversion, sabotage,
assassinations, abductions, facility bombings, symbolic target bombings though done by
all terrorist groups we are confined and concerned only about Jihadi terrorism which is
making our response to over all terrorism and its prevalence in India ineffective.

Seumas Milne writes [17] this western habit of playing with jihadi groups, which then
come back to bite them, goes back at least to the 1980s war against the Soviet
Union in Afghanistan, which fostered the original al-Qaida under CIA tutelage. Infact,
its not just a western habit and it dates far back than 1980s since before World War I
where the roots to using modern fundamentalism as a tool of warfare lay.

Source URL: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-08/mi6-isis-rat-line-threat-india

[1] http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden
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[15] http://greatgameindia.com/mi6-isis-rat-line-the-threat-to-india/
[16] http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jun/01/trial-swedish-man-accusedterrorism-offences-collapse-bherlin-gildo
[17] http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/03/us-isis-syria-iraq
[18] http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n08/seymour-m-hersh/the-red-line-and-the-rat-line
[19] http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Pg.-291-Pgs.-287-293-JWv-DOD-and-State-14-812-DOD-Release-2015-04-10-final-version11.pdf

[20] https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/secret-pentagon-report-reveals-west-sawisis-as-strategic-asset-b99ad7a29092
[21] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/iraq-crisis-isis-has-recruited-atleast-1500-britons-to-fight-abroad-warns-birmingham-mp-9556790.html
[22] http://www.itv.com/news/update/2014-06-21/counter-terrorism-chief-500-britscurrently-in-syria/
[23] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665307/Did-Saudi-preacher-groom-jihadiBritons.html
[24] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665006/The-jihadist-schoolboy-TeenagerCoventry-believed-fighting-ISIS-Iraq-Syria.html
[25] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665811/Queens-bank-forced-deny-OsamaBin-Laden-account-14-000-documents-seized-Cayman-Islands-branch.html
[26] http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/18/world/africa/18iht-iraq.4.6718200.html
[27] http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/government/k-bergner-bio.html
[28] http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/britain-warns-india-of-possibleterror-attack-by-isis/
[29] http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/07/28/ami-isil-document-pakistanthreatens-india/30674099/
[30] http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/isis-document-on-attacking-india-rubbish-says-homeministry/1/454941.html
[31] http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-government-plans-several-strategies-to-counterisis-threat-to-india-2110252
[32] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3184259/British-doctorarrested-J-K-planting-IEDS.html
[33] http://greatgameindia.com/globalized-terror-in-a-liberalized-world

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