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0 Introduction
Classroom management is an essential part of teaching young learners and the goals
are fostering student engagement and securing cooperation so that teaching and learning
can occur (Joan and JoAnn, 2014 as cited in Evertson and Emmer, 2013,p.1). In the other
words, classroom management is important in the process of teaching because a teacher
have to make sure that students are actively involved in the learning process.
Classroom management involves creating optimum conditions for the business of
teaching and learning and it involves managing the learning environment and organizing
students so that the activities planned may be carried out effectively (Chitravelu,
Sithamparam & Teh, 2005). Thus, a good classroom management is when the teacher can
ensure that the learning environment is optimal so that activities that had been planned by
teacher can be conducted smoothly.
In classroom management, the major element is classroom discipline. A teacher cannot
successfully teach the students if it is not in control. This is supported by ("Maintaining
classroom discipline" n.d.), where classroom discipline is helping students to govern their
own behavior in ways that help them learn in a long-standing goal of all teachers.
In this coursework, I was given a task to observe an ESL lesson during my practicum
session. I had chosen to do my first practicum at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Sri
Damansara 1. After discussing with my cooperating teacher, Miss Yang Suat Biaw, she had
arranged for me to observe her teaching an English lesson in a year three classroom. The
class is year 3 Azam, where it is a mixed ability classroom. The pupils' levels of proficiency
are varied which are a few of them are in high proficiency in English, most of the pupils in the
classroom are intermediate and some of them are low proficiency pupils. It is because based
on the discussion with the headmaster of the school before, Mr Ghazali bin Othman, he
mentioned that the pupils family background are varied. There are pupils who used English
language as their mother tongue at home and there are pupils who cannot understand
English language at all. He also said that usually pupils who come from high economic
status family can master the English language very well. While pupils who come from low
economic status family are having problems to understand English language. Thus, in this
situation, teacher has to put on more efforts to overcome the problems.

2.0 Application on how teacher manages classroom


Based on my observation on an ESL lesson, which is year 3 Azam, I found that Miss
Yang had applied several teaching theories such as Kounins theory, Canters model and
behaviourist model. She manages her classroom discipline by applying Canters model of
discipline which focuses on assertiveness. In the class, she sets list of rules. One of the
rules is the classroom must be neat and clean. She asked pupils to pick up the rubbish on
the floor and arrange the tables and chairs neatly. Pupils also must raise up their hand
before answering the questions. According to Krause, Bouchner and Dushesne (2003),
Canters model of discipline works when the teacher insists on responsible behaviour. This
model also emphasizes that the teacher can manage the classroom well by being assertive
to the students, setting up rules and persistence in stating the expectations from the
students. The rules had been implemented in the lesson. Some of the pupils put up their
hand to answer questions while some are not. She only attends to those who rise up their
hand and answer their questions. She had manage her classroom well by setting up rules
and being assertive in making sure the pupils know the rules and what are the
consequences they might get if they are to misbehave.
Stronge (2004) said that part of the classroom organization is the furniture
arrangement, the accessibility of material, and the decoration. Classroom organization will
influence the students motivation to learn. The arrangement of the tables in the classroom
enables teacher and pupils to move around in the classroom. For instance, the pupils were
moving around the classroom to seek for help from the teacher regarding on the task given.
Thus, the year 3 Azam classroom organization had promoted learning and interaction to
occur in the class. Miss Yang was teaching listening and speaking skills to the pupils on that
day. However, due to her soft voice, she had to use whistle to control the class. For instance,
she blew the whistle to stop pupils from making noise and stay focus with the lesson. She
called the pupils to come to the front of class and sit on the floor. She also makes sure that
the floor is clean for pupils to seat. The pupils were seating in a semi-circle and facing the
white board as shown in graphic one above. Besides, in order to check whether the pupils
are listening and focus, she ensures that each of the pupils can see her face. The
consequence of the actions is Miss Yang able to make eye-contact with the pupils when
teaching an English lesson.



Graphic one
Based on the observation, I saw that Miss Yang is applying Kounins theories which
is withitness in her lesson. Kounin believe that group management which based on the fact
that the effectiveness of classroom discipline depends on monitoring closely what happens
in the class (Myint et al, 2005). According to Sandtrock (2011) as cited in Kounin (1970) used
the term withitness to describe a management strategy in which teachers show to the
students that they are aware of what happening in the class and they can detect
inappropriate behaviour of the students. Based on the observation it can be seen that Miss
Yang was alert with pupils who are not paying attention with the lesson. For example, there
were two pupils who read a magazine during the lesson. She managed to call out and
warned the pupils who do not concentrate in the lesson. I can see that she is well aware of
what happening in the class and manage to prevent any disruptive behaviour. In order to
overcome that problem, she had applied time-out to punish the pupils misbehaviour. The
pupil was asked to stand at the corner for five minutes and listen to the topic presented by
Miss Yang.
Miss Yang also had used body gestures to explain and instruct the pupils. During the
observation, she was teaching on the topic of From the Sea. She explained to the pupils the
meaning of the words such as pull and fishing rod by doing actions to the pupils. Besides,
she also used sign language such as she put her finger at the mouth which means that
pupils have to keep quiet. She used a lot of gestures in order to make the pupils understand
better. I found that, it worked on the pupils who have low proficiency level. They understand
better and they give full attention during the lesson. When she speaks and gives instruction,
she speaks very clearly and repeats the instruction for many times. This to make sure the
pupils understand better the messages. It shows that Miss Yang is applying the theories of
Congruent Communication by Haim Ginnot.

One of the evidences that Mrs. Sims manage her classroom well using the
behaviourist model can be seen in the use of social reinforcer which is praises in her class.
In the lesson, I noticed that Miss Yang praised pupils who answer correctly by saying good,
excellent and well done. Besides, she also praised, the other pupils although they had
made several errors to answer the questions asked by saying that Harith, that was a good
try; however, it is not correct. This description clearly shows that Miss Yang used the
behaviourist model in the form of praises for her classroom. According from Teacher

Matters (2011), Skinner model of discipline mentioned that human behaviour can be shaped
along desired lines by means of the systematic application of reinforcement.

3.0 Reasons for the actions

There are many reasons for the theories applied and actions taken by Miss Yang. First, it
enables her to control the lesson very well so that she can deliver knowledge to the pupils.
When pupils are misbehave, it will interrupt the teaching and learning process to be occur.
For instance, during my observation I saw that there was one pupil who did not focus and
read a magazine during the lesson. Thus the actions taken by Miss Yang such as time-out,
blew the whistle, use body language and sign language can minimize the disruptive
behaviour from happening in the lesson. Besides, pupils also will learn to respect the
teacher. Besides that, the actions taken by Miss Yang are very suitable for young learners to
learn English as the second language. It is because according to Joan and JoAnn (2014),
young learners are energetic, social, spontaneous and curious. They are hyperactive, too
talkative, cant sit still and easily distracted. By applying those theories and classroom
management, teacher is able to control the classroom discipline as well as creating a
conducive learning environment. Besides, learning objectives also can be achieved.

4.0 Suggestions or Recommendations

Based on one week practicum, I had taught year 3 Azam for several times. There are
some areas that I had made improvements to enhance teaching-learning sessions. I had
established my classroom rules to them and practiced it in the lesson. For instance, pupils
have to be a good listener and respect others. I had used token economy to encourage
pupils to follow the rules. Besides, it also can reduce misbehaviour in the classroom. Pupils
who get the most token will be rewarded. The use of token economy also can encourage
pupils to be motivated in learning.



Chitravelu , N., Sithamparam , S., & Teh, S. C. (2005). Elt methodology principles and
practice. Selangor Darul Ehsan : Herald Printers Sdn. Bhd.
Joan, K. S., & JoAnnn , C. (2014). Teaching young learners english. Geographic Learning.
Krause, K.L., Bochner, S., Duchesne, S., (2003). Educational psychology for learning and
teaching. Southbank Victoria: Nelson Australia Pty Limited.








http://www.nea.org/assets/docs/HE/mf_classdisckansasnea.pdf .


Myint, S.K., Lourdusamy, A., Quek, C.L., & Wong, A.F., (2005). Classroom management:
Facilitating teaching and learning. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Santrock, J.W, (2011). Educational Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.






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