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3 25 Day Block

Pre-Placement 16/08/15
Some thoughts:
I really want to try my best this placement, especially to be prepared and work hard.
Ive created a checklist of things I want to ask my mentors, however, here a some
things I would like to know before I finish my placement this time around:

o How to give appropriate feedback
o How to assess
In class? Take notes
Tests at the end of the topic?
Identifying what to implement in class
Work load
o How to cater to different students, and being aware of that
o What to set as homework/classwork
Knowing students
o How do I know my students
o Cater the curriculum to what they are like
Class management strategies

Lets see how we go! Dont be good, be great.

Some prompt questions:
What did you notice and why did you notice it?

Monday 16/08/15

Day 1

P3 Psych34
Looking a mental health: tying up the end of the topic.
Looking at the BPS model: useful diagram
- Students really quiet
- Maybe because they are year 12
Teach yr 11 psych
Teaching year 11 psych, going through some content, so far so good. They seem a little
reluctant to participate in discussion, but hopefully, they will be a bit more engaged.
It has been reiterated to be strict with these guys: prepare them for year 12, and to have high

I would like to incorporate some interesting activities in this class, were they can
learn and talk together, create that sense of community

Some things I noticed:

Very quiet class, keep expectations high.

Jessica Ivankovic



Comparing different students work rate: most are up to Q3, so they work at very
similar rates.
One of the boys in the class was talking, about the content, think of strategies to
ensure he is engaged in class discussion. Because he is into the content, however,
he was discussing quietly with his friend (it seems like something I would do, because
I dont like speaking up)
o Seemed really engaged talking about the content with his table friend and
Could tell that the end of the class, everyone knew, and was ready to pack up. So I
reflected-in-action, looked at my watch and told the class what they were supposed to
do, just in time.
o Follow up with it these students as we are supposed to reiterate high
expectations for them. They need to put in the work

Thinking I should have stopped the class, waited for them to stop and listen, then let
them be excused
o Why? They should leave when excused by the teacher
o It could be considered disrespectful to leave while someone is talking (the
o All the students may have been thinking about was Ive gotta get going

A great day to come back. It will be interesting to observe these students, and really get to
know them as individuals

Hopefully at some stage, I can really connect with them, which may have been done
in the year 12 class
o One of the students said they found year 12 psych boring, and I was like
what part of psych do you enjoy? and she replied with criminology, and
crime scene, and so I asked her if what she was doing now is relevant to
crime scene, and she was like yeah it can be. It looked like it was a lightbulb
moment for her, I urged her to consider things in psychology that may apply
to criminology and make the link, because it will add to her experience in

Tuesday 18/08/15

Day 2

Year 10 psych observe

Lying really relevant and students can relate to it. Due to lack of class time from school
activities last week, the lessons have to be condensed.
Reading through the PDF as a class. Relating these to examples of real life. It would be pretty
cool to integrate a few youtube videos, to illustrate and break it up, though because of limited
time, probably cant
It doesnt appear all students were engaged; a few were playing games.
Though, most students were following along. Individual class assessment. More time in class
to do their assessment pieces.
Year 11 Further maths
Matrices new topic is being introduced. Use of powerpoint to teach, drawing on the white
board to annotate. Setting exercise 12A for students to work.

Jessica Ivankovic



Efficient, introducing classpads (casio calculator). Dammit, they use casio instead of TI.
Different variations on the calculator, eventually Ill have to learn it, I can feel it!
The teacher looks like she has a really good rapport with the students. She focuses a lot of
her energy on the right side of the room. Because of this, it seems like she really knows the
students, as these students dont appear to be focused 100% on task. She doesnt raise her
voice, she doesnt tell people they shouldYet, it appears that the student understand her
expectations of them with the utmost clarity. She watches them and they know that she is
watching them at some stage.
Year 11 methods observe
Rate of change Going through different ways of representing rate on a graph. Calculating
rates, speed etc. The gradient is known as the rate.
PowerPoint and chatting through examples on the board.
Ideas for linking activities:
Rate of change:

Speed/time graph
o Linking to graphs, intercepts etc.
o The kids knew expectations, all really quiet, asked questions when they
needed to.

Wednesday 19/08/15

Day 3

Year 8 maths observe

Interesting learning curve. One of the teachers was away most of last week, and so the
students havent been going through the chapter. So, shes doing a catch up lesson and
seeing how much everybody knows by giving them different coloured paper with questions
based on perimeter.
While the students are working on those questions, come formulas are put on the board.
Going through the formulae on the board
Helping students around the room. Ive got to work on the way I ask questions for
understanding, without giving too much away and also with more clarity.
Year 10 maths
Solving quadratics for year 10s. The different types, budgeting for time, complete the square.
Students really good, and really responsive. Why?
Not sure. They like maths a lot, they have a good relationship with their teacher.
Expectations are clear at the start of the year, if they played up you are in year 10,
everyone in the classroom is here to learn, if you wanna talk, Ill sign your diary and you can
go to the library.
It has worked, and they are well behaved.
Year 8 maths core observe

Jessica Ivankovic



Going through an example with geometry and shapes. Quickly going through them, the
students are picking them up. Noticed the students getting restless close to the end, so
quickly got through.
- Maybe they werent engaged?

Thursday 20/08/15

Day 4

Observe year 12 methods

Going through revision and tests, approaching students individually, what they need help
with. Treating it as a study session.
Year 8 maths
Made a mistake going through the content. It was okay though! Some of the students had
trouble with the work. Some things to point out to remember:

Keep an eye on students, with behaviour and work. Set standards.

Two tables were not doing work.
o The back table was running a muck and the front two boys, we really
o Use firm voices when addressing them

It was suggested by my mentor that some students not doing the work may need a little push
start i.e. help them with a question to get them started.
Try not to be too uptight for not doing work

Maybe you should also focus on engaging tasks, collaborative work

Year 11 psych
Good class, good class discussion.
Reflection-in-action: decided what work to set students based on their lack of
I thought in the moment that in order for some of these students to have a better
understanding, and contribute to class,
Some things I noticed:
One of the boys seemed engaged and was talking to one of the other boys, however it was
purely about the content. He also handed in his ERA today, even though it was assumed he
was not going to.
The two groups of girls were really good with their contribution to class. However, some of the
other tables were really quiet
Good use of the content: Just need more practice, getting into the swing of things, discussion
In the moment, I decided to tell students to read the next topic we will be covering in class
(factors influencing reluctance to help) last minute, in hopes that they will contribute to class
I feel I cant just ask people to contribute in the classroom sometimes. There is a diffusion of
responsibility -> like the class hahaha good idea for relating concpt to psych lesson.

Jessica Ivankovic



Here is something that I would like to build on over the course of my place with these
students. More contribution to class, taking responsibility for their learning. But how?

Friday 21/08/15

Day 5

So so so so so priviledged, NAY HONOURED to participate in a PD day with the teachers of

the college. The days speaker was Glenn Pearsall and he has quite the reputation.
Word clouds: Fist to five: strategy to get feedback in the classroom.
Chorusing: engagement when other students join in. Acknowledge them and ask for input.
Questioning tool kit. The more mistakes students make, the better learning. Make safe in
class to make mistakes.
Side approach, what might be the answer? To speculate. Create a safe environment.
Race the bell: factorial evaluate great for year twelves.
a worded problems in maths: new pan prompts
Non verbal signals.
Talking tokens.
Lots of strategies to talk about in terms of assessing students feedback immediately. Using
technology to assess students. Eg exit pass.
Part three: better richer learning.
It was an AMAZING opportunity, in which we were provided concrete examples of where to
enrich the learning experience of students in the classroom, as well as for students to get
feedback from themselves in class.
The entire time, I was thinking of ways I could relate to the year 11 psych class as well as the
year 10 and 8 maths classes.
For example, it turns out that getting the students to read the following topic was an excellent
move before our next class, as I can facilitate discussion and practice my questioning
Hopefully some techniques to get the year 8 math students to show their working out while
doing composite shapes such as writing the formula, and annotating, I can get them to
Im so glad we all have a little booklet to refer to like a bible!

Monday 24/08/15

Day 6

PD day today, maths examples discussed, with students from the autism spectrum. Give
opportunity for students to express their interests. Quiet magic. World racing Luke 1M
followers in Twitter. Respect autistic students and respect.
How do you go when it's the parents you're fighting against? There were too many parents
speaking for their kids.I know your kid is in the spectrum, but I feel this is a good opportunity,
that I feel they will benefit from

Jessica Ivankovic



Labels can help you better understand their perspectives, but don't act according to their
label, use it only as a resource.
Also PDs, different workshops.
Workshop1: daymap and how to use that to communicate with parents. Creating tasks and
student files etc.
Workshop2: working through goals for parent teacher interview. Goal setting for
students.reflection to engage students and make it meaningful.
Workshop3: develop rubrics and tests based. All resources on professional learning details
stile. Using multiple intelligences and blooms according to a rubric. Assessing, and modifying
and adapting based on ausvels. Really good and some things to think about.
Workshop4: rubric for topic. Using skills. How does that apply to mathematical? Skills and
stuff, what do we assess one?
Appropriate verbs for solo taxonomy. Pay attention with these.
These different workshops highlighted that teachers work together collaboratively, and
continue to strive and learn from each other. They share resources, practices, what they
found work and didnt work, in order to share with their peers for the benefit of improving
students over the course of subjects.
Some of the workshops highlighted the ability to differentiate based on the marking scheme of
assessment tasks (rubrics) and others just focused on relfection and how their faculty worked
to improve.

Tuesday 25/08/15

Day 7

Today the students are back to school after their long weekend.
Year 11 psych teach
Tried to adapt a few things that worked really well. The aim was to put the responsibility on
the students, to come up with the answers and use each other to understand the content.
They were instructed to read the relevant pages of factors influencing reluctance to help, for
class discussion. After attending the PD session on Friday, I really wanted to engage
students in the classroom and practice questioning techniques. I really wanted to encourage
students to think through conversation, this looked like it gave them the opportunity to
collaborate as a class, and not have the information handed to them on a slide. These
students have a way of disengaging in class, and zoning out, so I also wanted to see if they
understood the content.
My mentor was really pleased. Mentioned that it was really good, got them to think and take
responsibility for learning. She said that even the students that would normally talk during
class activities were listening and paying attention. At one point They were really engaged by
the time the kitty case that we discussed, all of these ideas, and the noise increased amongst
tables. She noticed it was really hard at first, but you were resistant and stuck through, made
them really think they had to contribute and that doing the discussion task with students
havent done the reading is a hurdle enough.

Jessica Ivankovic



I noticed a few things too. I used my wait time, took the time. At one stage I realized that
students were talking to each other, debating. I didnt have to say anything, I just let them
speak. There were still some quiet students I had to notice in order for them to participate. F,
B, C amongst the most quiet. I students become engaged in the discussion, such as G, V, S,
B and I. Really appreciated their input and it helped the class a lot.
Getting students to try and do it, while reinforcing that they should have done their homework
and readings to come to class.
Really happy with the class, my mentor mentioned that I should count this class as a success,
and I even got a fist bump from her.
Observe Year 11 general
Extremely high expectations of class, which is very good, intolerable to bad behaviour. Even
when students are disruptive. Isnt scared of them, and encourages respect.
Wanted to move one of the girls in the front row, to split the group up, she blatantly said no,
and the other girls started to kick up a stink. The teacher wanted to move them, but didnt.
Maybe because she knows all hell will break loose in the classroom, if she does.
In terms of organisation and planning, the teacher has a digital planner, a table on the word
document outlining what is going to be covered during the lesson. Maybe I could do
something like that?

Wednesday 26/08/15

Day 8

Year 10 Methods teach

Im really glad that I got to use technology in this classroom, to quickly illustrate what the
discriminant was, got a few photos of my board work and my iPad which worked out well. I
may have freaked out at one point, tried to redeem myself, but kept my cool. I noticed,
because Ive only taken the class twice or three times, prior to this round, they were very used
to their normal teacher, and reluctant to change. Things such as I put the 3 dots on the board
that mean therefore and straight away got picked up on it (what does that mean? Dont do
it). One of the girls was rather annoying, always asking questions, but got agitated when I
couldnt answer properly, because she couldnt ask properly. I feel that because the students
respected their teacher, they respect me after seeing me throughout the year. Which made it
okay when I stuffed up. But they were really good students overall, and its excellent to see
that they take responsibility for their learning.
Year 11 Psych teach
I am really enjoying the year 11 psych class!
My mentor and I discussed a learning strategy that she wanted to implement within the
classroom based on the PD we attended at the end of last week. Self-assessment, where

Jessica Ivankovic



students were to mark their major assessment task based on the rubric they were given to
complete it in the first place. We were hoping that they would benefit from the experience,
and it looked like they did. I handed out the ERAs back, and the students read through and
marked them. They read carefully. Some students were saying oh my god I made a mistake
others were just flicking through patiently, and marking with their greyleads.
When finished, we swapped everyones ERA with another person. In the class, and urged
students to be honest, everyone is doing this, and think of it as a learning experience.
After that, class discussion was conducted, and I asked students questions like what did you
learn?, how do you feel? what did you notice?. Some of the students responded with some
parts werent as clear, and didnt add up. Others mentioned that they really benefited from it,
but didnt know how to explain it. Students were then given time to reflect and write a
summary of their experience and what they had learned.
It looks as though they have really stepped up their game over the time that I have been here.
I cant believe I said You gon learn today! The class just lost it.
I had no time for post-it note exercise, which I wanted to do to influence the types of
questions that were going to be on the test for topics 8-10. Ill see if I can do this for Fridays
class this week.
Students today came up and worked within the timeframe, was considering on saying its
okay guys, ill give you some time to work in class on Friday to tweak it, but there is not need
to do so. I set high expectations and the worked very productively on them! Great.
I believe I used the space effectively when grouping students to work. They managed to
huddle on the three tables quite close together, it worked well. Because when I needed to
address them, I went up to all of the tables and talked to them intimately
I praised all of the students who worked well in class, and handed in their PP. Which, as
mentioned, was all of them.

Year 8 Maths teach

Interesting lesson today. I think it was a really positive step towards my classroom
management. One of the trouble makers (J), I confronted, and he talked back. I told him that
they have been acting silly the entire lesson, and that they should use this time effectively.
But miss, I don't know, if you dont know, ask for help. You have been stuffing around and
havent asked for help once. If you ask, I will help you. And he asked for help, and was quiet.
I still have a long way to go to reinforce consistent expectations of some of the students in the
class, as Im only a student teacher, and secondly, because groups are going to change
again in.
Ive gotta make sure to learn all of their names, I feel it will be 10 times easier to address
students individually in terms of class behaviour, but especially in terms of cold calling
students what do you think the volume is?

Jessica Ivankovic



I just find it so difficult to understand the students strengths and weaknesses, because they
are always changing, I never know their names, it is just super hard to develop a rapport with

Thursday 27/08/15

Day 9

Year 11 Methods observe

Going through examples on the board. The students were quiet, not asking questions. Only a
couple of students contributed. Why this method? I feel maybe I may need to use this
method, instead of asking questions in the year 10 class, because they are used to it.
Time is given in class to work on questions 1-17.
It would be good to probably project the graph on the board, and visually zoom in on an
example, maybe something to add to give a clearer picture.
Year 11 physics observe
This class seems to be very organised using Daymap. Quick kick off, some of the key points
in the lesson. Relating the concept of refraction to real life.
Using examples how light bends.
Using the experiment for the students to investigate how light refracts when it is approaching
a rectangular prism at an angle of 45 deg. from the vertical.
checking up on students who have who have completed to check if they are on the right track.
Do another on, and a different angle.
Application questions to help reinforce, and for students to find out how they can relate the
angles. So it is an investigation reporting findings, in true science. Checking up on every
Using self-marking strategy for improving diagrams, and it has been working from last lesson
really good strategy.
Year 12 methods
Going through some examples of questions of practice exam questions on the board.
Pointing out any tricks etc.
After school math meeting
Talking about different textbooks. And whether students would benefit from a change in
Changing the scope and sequence, incorporating the different topics in the changed VCE
maths curriculum. Introducing their module at the year 10 level to assist them in VCE further
Year 7 -8 maths: discussing activities. Ditching the worksheet ideas. Good idea.

Jessica Ivankovic



Friday 28/08/15

Day 10

Psych year 11 teaching

It was tricky this morning, the students were having difficulty concentrating, they werent
feeling the class today. So I fed off of them, gave them a break, and told them to work at their
own pace. My mentor thought it was a good idea to give them a break as well. It made me
realise that you must take into consideration how students are feeling on the day, and adapt
to them. Why? Im not sure why, maybe it was because it was simply the end of the week.L.
I spoke about the overall feedback with the class, they just took it, no questions, which was
weird, but they just seemed tired. I gave them the rubric with feedback and told them if they
had any questions, to ask me during independent learning. Some of the students got worried
were we getting graded on this? I said it was nothing official, its just feedback based on
what was completed and that I had to do it for uni.
I gave students time to work through what they wanted to, independent learning, which
worked out really well, they were in no mood for instruction today.
Maths methods year 10
Transformations in class, using a table to get through the transformations section. Covering
dilation, reflection and translation in the one lesson. They seem to be really getting it, and it
appears that the table is super effective.

Monday 31/08/15

Day 11

Methods year 11 observe

Very quiet class used to prepare students for the SAC on Wednesday. Clear expectations of
class, students are responsible and willing to work on things they need to.
Year 8 PE
Playing a warm up game with the students, relay games. The students were acting silly, and
high expectations were implemented. Really interesting to see these students in a different
Teaching psych 11
It was okay today. I had my expectations. The students that wanted to get something out of
the class, got something and tried.
I found it really difficult to do a revision on 2 chapters that I didn't teach. I wasnt sure what
they covered, or their level of understanding, but I was more confident with the topic that I
taught (pro and anti social behaviour).
Some of the students were engaged, others werent. They responded really well to the task
when I first did this game. Maybe the questions were a bit better? I think they may have been
more engaging in the way I asked them, and I knew the topics a bit better? Tricky.

Jessica Ivankovic



Tuesday 1/09/15

Day 12

Year 10 Maths
Really rushed and tricky. I tried to use an app and it took a bit of time to download, so it took a
lot of work from their class time. But, the students responded well to the task over time. I feel
that this app would have been more useful in class if they knew the content better, as revision
Im thinking at this point to try the app again and use it again, now that the students have it.
They can sketch the graphs with more detail then which will be good.
I covered a lot of content in the class, so next class were going to break it up and work from
Year 8 maths entre
It was good the way I introduced the topic, a little bit of a story about the Cartesian plane. I
used my website to reference and paint a picture of what we looked at. The students seemed
to understood very well all of the content, just some of them didnt do the work. The front table
with L, A, just being boys. Ls a little disrespectful at times, Ill have to make sure I tight nip
that in the bud.
I managed to split the group of three boys, Harry, Noah and Sam. I was really happy with this
approach, as I explicitly told the boys look one warning, you guys better do your work, I dont
want to move you guys. I came back in a couple of mins and they had not improved, so I said
that's it, youre moving. I didnt yell, I didnt raise my voice; I waited patiently, and told them
to move. My mentor sent me an email after saying she thought I was going to fold. Very
happy. They werent bitter, they didn't yell, they were just dawh man so it was okay. Its good
to see that they respect me.
I set high expectations and kept tabs on some of the students., trying to buzz and note what
they were working on. They spent a lot of time working on drawing the axes that I think I may
need to bring graph paper to class next lesson, and some glue and scissors.
The class really enjoyed battleship a lot, and were engaged in it. I really good activity for them
to work on.
Observe VCAL class

Walking to the Patch for the vcal projects.rupurtswood harvest 25 oct. The year 10 boys
helped with the garden, planting flowers in bigger pots, moving branches for the pigs, running
errands and contributing to the farm.
The boys worked well and were interested in the work that they were doing.

Wednesday 2/9/15

Day 13

Observing year 8 science

Revision class, it is good to see some students that I teach in a different class. Saying hi and
remembering some of the students names. They were playing up a little bit, but there is not
use in yelling at them.

Jessica Ivankovic



Teaching year 10 methods

Teaching the class was okay. I noticed this class get easily freaked out when being taught. To
rest their minds, my mentor and I decided to break up the parts of sketching the parabola.
At first, the students were really confused, and chatty. But, I regain attention, which was nice,
and they were listening. After checking up on them, they seemed to understand it. Some of
the boys were playing up in class, and not doing some of the work. I just wanted them to pay
attention when I was delivering the content, so they didn't get distracted.
Some of the students had lapses in knowledge from missing a day or so, and they struggle a
little in that sense. Im really happy that I explained a concept the null factor really well, as
the students seemed to get it. So I was good. I feel like the students are really reliant also.
Teach year 8 maths
Im not 100% content with how I am presenting the work. I really need to work on how to
clearly teach certain elements. Maybe if that means spending more time figuring out how to
present the work. Or even researching and watching Youtube videos to research. so
hopefully that works well!
I was really worried with some of the boys. i.e Brodie, Ben and Jye, they are ridiculously crazy
it is unbelievable! But they ended up having to sit the test that they missed last week, in turn,
missing the content for the lesson even more. How can you help these students when they
play up? Is this something that you should approach the parents with to inform them? Do the
parents even care? Are the parents all like it is your job you fix it because I have heard some
stories from my mentor about some of the parents with the other teachers, putting the
responsibility solely on the teacher, without regarding the work ethic of their child.
It got me a little down, but I should really focus on the positives:
Most of the class got most of the questions completed, which was excellent!
It was period 4, so what do you expect students to do. I think it was great that they worked on
the questions.
I really should have considered the types of strategies to use with Noah and Harry. They are
really good, and maybe they just needed an individual example to go through. I should have
done that this lesson. Ive also got to be aware of my rapport with them. They appear to be
too friendly with me, and it appears to be early signs of being manipulative.
It went well, but I know I could have done better in class.

Thursday 3/9/15

Day 14

Observe drama year 8

They were very energised, the year 8 drama class. The teacher pointed out something
interesting about the dynamics of the class today. That because of MADD day yesterday, the
students are a bit energised and looking forward to the weekend, so they feel a bit restless.
So the teacher was flexible, and diverse in her approach. She through that students wouldnt
concentrate on their theory work that was supposed to be done today, and instead, students

Jessica Ivankovic



were doing prac in preparation for their assessment. Its really good to take into consideration
how your students may feel. For instance, as long as they focus on the math exercises, it
doesnt matter if they don't during the activities, if it is on P4 at the end of the day.
The boys seemed crazy, but they participated and got their work done. The class presented a
mime on sayings, which was interesting. It was also good to see that the students were able
to present their mime as a story, and clearly articulate that through their movements (even
though they may not have focused on that).
Teach year 10 maths
I was happy with today. I presented the content slower than I thought I would, going into
detail, and cutting out the middle-man. The class was instructed to only find the y-intercept
and the turning point using complete the square, so it was good to revise. Some of the
students ended up skipping ahead to putting it all together during the examples, so I wanted
to see if I could fit one last example by the end of class. Ended up only getting the
I really have to make sure that when I teach the TP on Monday, to touch base on how to use
the table, even if I use small diagrams with arrows. Just to relate the turning point to what it
means by a parabola.
Next lesson: I only got to see how Ebony, Joel, Josh and Michael predominantly, I really want
to touch base with the others, especially Casey and Jack, I dont want them to think I hate
them (why? Because I called them out today in class. I interpreted Casey looking down at his
paper, and not faceing the front, I don't believe he was writing down the notes. I want to check
their progress to show that I care).
I was happy with my instruction, it made sense. Im glad I set the next exercise to do on the
Observe year 12 physics
Private revision study, where they are studying for a sac. The teacher was going around the
tables, and helping students individually. I tried to listen to the ways he was questioning his
students. Making a deal with the students, also providing the year 12s a practice exam. I
noticed it was hard for his students to work on the Friday afternoon, so the teacher decided to
give the students a 2.5 hour prac exam, to have a head start in class, and finish them on the
weekend. Just so the students are working effectively in class.

Monday 7/9/15

Day 16

Year 10 maths methods teach

Really happy with today's class ecstatic!
Some of the students are having trouble with square rooting numbers, they don't remember
that if there is a square root of 4 that it is plus and minus two, I may have to point that out next
lesson during revision.

Jessica Ivankovic



I was deliberately pushing one of the girls to finding the solution, and she was basically like
just tell me. I didn't want to I wanted her to put two and two togethe, and to fingered out the
answer herself, which she did eventually linking the work. It made me realise the importance
of being consistent over lessons, as students may feel lost with some explanations.
Some of the students aren't confident with complete the square, but as I explained a couple,
they ended up getting it.
Spur of the moment decision to use fist to five techniques, to make note of how the students
are progressing with the topic. I have noticed that a lot more of them are feeling confident in
their approaches, and 95% of the class has improved in their knowledge of different
strategies. One of the boys was still having trouble, and I made sure to tell him that it if he has
any trouble, he has to tell me, he really does. He had a big weekend partying with his footy
mates and stuff, his a good kid.
The girls were a bit chatty up the from and one of them swore, which I pointed out. There
were notices on the bulletin about swearing, so as soon as I heard about it, I was straight on
Which leads me in to reflecting on what happened at the end of Friday's class. One of the
boys said that he wouldn't have time to do the homework on the weekend because he has a
house party and more parties to go to where he is going to party and get drunk. My response
was I don't care, I don't wanna know this. Reflecting on it now, I felt at the time that it was
inappropriate, and that I really shouldn't be acknowledging this sort of behaviour as a teacher.
I think the way I reacted to it was blow out of proportion, and that I should really.
I think the way that I reacted was because I was conscious of how some of the year 8s saw
me, and how a few of the boys were being super nice to me to get into my good books.
I think in future, it would be good just to listen, and only really good to draw the line when it's
something really stupid. I could possibly say something like that is really inappropriate, I don't
need to hear it. But apart from that, he didn't say anything super inappropriate, it was okay.
I've got to speak to my mentor about this, because I noticed that she would have spoken to
Year 8 Teach
Very good class, delivery was a bit weird, Ive really got to

Tuesday 8/9/15

Day 17

Year 11 teach
Students were given their tests to work on. It was just a test day.
Year 11 and 12 Geography
Geography looking at different area, CBD, inner mixed space, suburbia, rural urban, using
photos and cutting out. Talking about different aspects of the IMZ, and summarising.

Jessica Ivankovic



Science faculty meeting

Really good activity, where logic and reasoning is used. Even got some of the activities,
where you had to use logic.

Wednesday 9/9/15

Day 18

Year 11 Maths Methods

It was a really good class. I felt really relaxed when teaching and I had a bit of fun teaching
the year 11s. There was a bit of banter occurring with the year 10, some of the boys, but it
was okay. I learned to distinguish between the really nasty banter and just banter. So it was
really good. The only thing about the banter was that, I feel because of my age and the fact
that I look like a year 12, alongside with my student teacher status, there is that compromise
in professional relationship, which I hate. Ive got to find a way to break this somehow.
Year 11 psychology
I tried really hard planning this lesson by myself, and looking at ways to make it more
engaging, and it felt that the students just didnt appreciate it. I hardly got conversation or
input when asking questions, and I really took a beating from that. There are some really
good students in the class, only a few, but the rest, they just social loaf and its awkward
teaching this class.
When the activity came along, some students took it really well, the other students just didnt
really care about it and didn't really use it for their benefit. I expected the activity to go for a
little longer in class, so I left a bit of time. Some of the girls who didnt put as much effort into
the activity finished early and I really had to discipline them, which I didnt do this lesson.
They were distracted and being idiots. Next lesson, really keep on top of this, strategies like
are you girls working if you finished your work it is your responsibility to ask what else you
can do to enhance learning.
I probably had to tie that lesson up a little quicker because of the lack of effort of some of the
girls. And when I tried to get some class input, no one wanted to share their pictures. Like
what the?! Its like pulling teeth.
And the boys, dont even get me started at the back. The two boys I am so disappointed with
them. I have got to discipline, and not be scared of receiving smack from them. It is their
attitude that I need to address. They are in class, and I am trying to make it engaging for
them, and they are the ones that just dont care. And Ive tried and tried but not. They were
being smart asses and sarcastic also. I will get them.
Year 8 maths
Absolutely horrible. I hated the lesson because of myself. First of all, what went wrong was I
couldn't find the appropriate PP for my examples. Secondly, I assumed that students had
looked at linear rules of y = mx + b, and tried to question them about it. Only one of the girls

Jessica Ivankovic



knew. This lead to students not getting it. But after debriefing with one of the other math
teachers, she said that her students didnt get that lesson either, which was okay, its not
100% me, its a tricky concept for the students to grasp.
Thirdly, because of my lack in confidence, I felt as though I didnt have the authority to
discipline the students. I should have taken phones away if I saw them out, I should have kept
on top of the noise level in class. I should have given students warnings if they were acting
like idiots and then followed through by moving them if they didn't comply.
Some pros, I was happy I did damage control, and went around to students, slowly they were
grasping concepts and they tried really hard, which was lovely to see. I was happy with
everyones progress and effort. Some students that may have had trouble with the concepts
were Brodie, Harry and Noah. Ive got to check up on the girls individually at the back as well,
because they may say they understand it, when really they could have misconceptions.
I am going to take into consideration these factors, and put a recap exercise on the board, to
check how student work, while I set up the class. Then we can all go through the answers
and address any issues.
Tomorrow, I will be great, I can do this, I will get this. I just need to become aware, and sort of
back off. I am going to be a teacher, and I must start thinking like one.
I think in future, it would be good just to listen, and only really good to draw the line when it's
something really stupid. I could possibly say something like that is really inappropriate, I don't
need to hear it. But apart from that, he didn't say anything super inappropriate, it was okay.
I've got to speak to my mentor about this, because I noticed that she would have spoken to
Year 8 Teach
Very good class, delivery was a bit weird, Ive really got to

Jessica Ivankovic



Tuesday 8/9/15

Day 17

Year 11 teach
Students were given their tests to work on. It was just a test day.
Year 11 and 12 Geography
Geography looking at different area, CBD, inner mixed space, suburbia, rural urban, using
photos and cutting out. Talking about different aspects of the IMZ, and summarising.
Science faculty meeting
Really good activity, where logic and reasoning is used. Even got some of the activities,
where you had to use logic.

Wednesday 9/9/15

Day 18

Year 11 Maths Methods

It was a really good class. I felt really relaxed when teaching and I had a bit of fun teaching
the year 11s. There was a bit of banter occurring with the year 10, some of the boys, but it
was okay. I learned to distinguish between the really nasty banter and just banter. So it was
really good. The only thing about the banter was that, I feel because of my age and the fact
that I look like a year 12, alongside with my student teacher status, there is that compromise
in professional relationship, which I hate. Ive got to find a way to break this somehow.
Year 11 psychology
I tried really hard planning this lesson by myself, and looking at ways to make it more
engaging, and it felt that the students just didnt appreciate it. I hardly got conversation or
input when asking questions, and I really took a beating from that. There are some really
good students in the class, only a few, but the rest, they just social loaf and its awkward
teaching this class.
When the activity came along, some students took it really well, the other students just didnt
really care about it and didn't really use it for their benefit. I expected the activity to go for a
little longer in class, so I left a bit of time. Some of the girls who didnt put as much effort into
the activity finished early and I really had to discipline them, which I didnt do this lesson.
They were distracted and being idiots. Next lesson, really keep on top of this, strategies like
are you girls working if you finished your work it is your responsibility to ask what else you
can do to enhance learning.
I probably had to tie that lesson up a little quicker because of the lack of effort of some of the
girls. And when I tried to get some class input, no one wanted to share their pictures. Like
what the?! Its like pulling teeth.

Jessica Ivankovic



And the boys, dont even get me started at the back. The two boys I am so disappointed with
them. I have got to discipline, and not be scared of receiving smack from them. It is their
attitude that I need to address. They are in class, and I am trying to make it engaging for
them, and they are the ones that just dont care. And Ive tried and tried but not. They were
being smart asses and sarcastic also. I will get them.
Year 8 maths
Absolutely horrible. I hated the lesson because of myself. First of all, what went wrong was I
couldn't find the appropriate PP for my examples. Secondly, I assumed that students had
looked at linear rules of y = mx + b, and tried to question them about it. Only one of the girls
knew. This lead to students not getting it. But after debriefing with one of the other math
teachers, she said that her students didnt get that lesson either, which was okay, its not
100% me, its a tricky concept for the students to grasp.
Thirdly, because of my lack in confidence, I felt as though I didnt have the authority to
discipline the students. I should have taken phones away if I saw them out, I should have kept
on top of the noise level in class. I should have given students warnings if they were acting
like idiots and then followed through by moving them if they didn't comply.
Some pros, I was happy I did damage control, and went around to students, slowly they were
grasping concepts and they tried really hard, which was lovely to see. I was happy with
everyones progress and effort. Some students that may have had trouble with the concepts
were Brodie, Harry and Noah. Ive got to check up on the girls individually at the back as well,
because they may say they understand it, when really they could have misconceptions.
I am going to take into consideration these factors, and put a recap exercise on the board, to
check how student work, while I set up the class. Then we can all go through the answers
and address any issues.
Tomorrow, I will be great, I can do this, I will get this. I just need to become aware, and sort of
back off. I am going to be a teacher, and I must start thinking like one.

Thursday 10/9/15

Day 19

Observe Year 12 psych

Talking through depression with the class and having students discuss the content.
Independent work, a lot of the year 12s have independent work or study.
They seem a little distracted, they have had a lot of SACs, so they need a break. Its taking a
toll on students.
Observe year 8 maths
The teacher used the environment really well, amazing! Very clear expectation. I think this
class is the entre class, because it was well structured and they were instructed to
specifically copy things down.

Jessica Ivankovic



Teach year 8 maths

Ten times better than yesterday. I felt more confident, I had structure. It seemed like the kids
really knew what they were doing.
The boys at the back were being smartasses. Im thinking of getting some of them to sit at the
front, instead of sitting at the back. That way I can keep an eye on them. Those two boys
were little shits, and Im not sure why. This was a different group of boys compared to the
group at the start of the year. Maybe they were also disengaged? Maybe they didnt get it
also. Because I had noticed a couple of them were away, and were behind. And my mentor
only intervened because the boys were playing up, and tricking me when they were at the
back of the room. I have really got to listen and keep my eyes peeled, its annoying, and its
embarrassing that they can get away with it. They were being jerks.
Staff meeting
Talking about the crisis in Syria and how the Salesian community feels about it. Its tragic.
Another note and discussion about the NAPLAN results and what they mean for the school,
how the school has improved immensely.
Another discussion about students with ASD, and how there is the secret agent mission for
them, which is a great initiative for these students, so they can develop social skills and
recognizing emotions, its really fun and cool
The main thing today is that I have to learn to have faith in myself. I really do. M said that I
must be kind to myself, because if Im not, the job will eat me alive. ML has been absolutely
amazing also, and I cannot thank her enough. She has been amazing and Im really going to
miss these teachers when I finish.

Friday 11/9/15

Day 20

Psych year 11
The students seemed really engaged in the class. Some students we chatty and I had to pull
them up on it at the start of the class. But as a whole, they appeared interesting in finding
their unique intelligences. I felt as though I didn't know the content thoroughly enough, which
made it tricky to teach at times. But I believe that all just comes with experience. And my
mentor has mentioned that Im really good with the content and that being confident with it
comes with experience. It is really tricky to engage this particular group of students, and I've
had this problem, it's like that no one wants to do psych or be there.
Assembly whole school
Students gathered for a whole school assembly at the stadium. There were announcements
such as student of the term for each form, the media crew travelling to Samoa with father Will
and the anniversary of 9/11, putting emphasis on faith, and being kind. Refugees in Syria also
demonstrated this, and the Naughton house initiation, raising money for MND. The Salesians
play an integral role in the community.

Jessica Ivankovic



Year 10 maths
Students were set to doing the test and I conducted it. I felt awful because the students
werent confident with the test at all.

Monday 14/9/15

Day 21

Italian class
The class were playing a game of naughts and crosses, Italian style. The class was really
loud, I think because it was the last week of school, which influences
Maybe I can play this game in maths or psych, answering questions. The students were really
talkative at times, but it was alright. Noisy class, but they were engaged and helping each
other out.
Using a formative test to check how students understand the topic.
Introducing to play and instrument.
Psych Class year 12 observe
Revision. Giving students some practice exams. Going through different factors of BPS.
Psych class year 11 teach
So far, some of the students have ben disruptive. I was very happy with the way that I reacted
to a student using their phone. The class isn't engaged in the task at all. It may be a
I identified a situation where the students were disruptive, and my mentor asked what I would
do, and I didnt have an answer ARGH how could I not have an answer!? Anything at all?! I
didnt know what to do because I was thinking about the group and the PowerPoint. In the
end, I wanted them to present the information I'm a succinct form. I gave them,plenty of time
to do it in class, and I still received slabs of information on each PowerPoint slide. When I
deliberately put on the board expectations and guidelines. I'll have to fill in the gaps when I
upload the PDFs.
Almost experienced conflict with one of the students. When I moved two of the students so
they would be more productive, they were really lippy and bitchy towards me, but I honestly
didn't care. When I told B to move, she gave me a bit of lip, and said I don't wanna move. I
just stood there and waited and didn't argue. And she ended up moving, I was totally
expecting her to argue also crazy as.
Parent teacher observations some of the interactions were interesting to observe. One of
the year 10 boys said he was going to drop methods, he just tries hard and he is stressing
about it. It was okay when we were talking to the mum. One of the girls in year 10 was having
trouble with attendance and missing out on school, in turn falling behind in maths. She
needed that boost of confidence because she is slowly falling behind, even though she isn't
doing well, the teacher suggested that she start with a clean slate, for the subject, put

Jessica Ivankovic



everything behind her, and move forward, and that she asked if there was anything that she
could do to help, offer her email etc. one of the students got grilled by his parents, where the
parents were on the teachers side and was grilling them.

Tuesday 15/09/15

Day 22

Parent teacher interviews day

Really good to see that it is important to listen to the parents, and keep them happy.
A lot of the parents asked what can I do to help, which really put the trust in the teacher as
I noted that a lot of the parents were saying things like my child went really well in maths
during year 7, and now they are falling down sort of asking for an explanation.
It was a

Wednesday 16/09/15

Day 23

Year 8 English observe

Absolutely amazing class. High expectation, the classs knows exactly what is expected. The
teacher is absolutely amazing.
The first activity was a line debate, where students were separated
It made me think to work towards having a maths classroom like this. The kids knew exactly
what was expected of them. They were given time frames to work in, to train them to use their
time effectively. It is advised to do this, to prepare them for senior school and life. If you give a
timeframe, use it effectively.
The second activity was when students were given a capital city, they were to research it for
precisely 5 minutes, and report to the class one point why they should visit their researched
They were then to vote on which peers country they would visit and why. Their homework by
next class each student is given a minute to make as many points
Reflection, what would you do differently?
This is what many years of experience looks like.
Year 10 maths
We ended up going through the test this lesson, everyone was pretty good, patient, paying
attention. I was really happy that some questions were asked, but no one argued, so it looked
like what I was going through was fair.

Thursday 17/09/15

Day 24

Year 8 science class

Revision class, it's the end of term and all the students are feeling it. Really versatile with
class. Year 8, end of term, activities are short and sharp, which tries to balance. Glen Pearsall

Jessica Ivankovic



in the class is crazy cool!

Ive got to do that in class. They really got into it.
30 points if it looks like Adrian YEAH
And its a race go.
The students were to draw a mind map of forces for the next activity and play a game.
Kahoot games to use as a revision tool in science. Students really got into that and
hyperactive. It was their last science class for the term.
One of the students got really aggressive when he answered the question wrong, he kicked
the chair. One of the experiences teachers saw it, and straight away sent him out of class to
cool down. Then spoke to him 2 mins after when he cooled down, telling him that kicking the
chair was inappropriate. It was short and sharp
Year 8 maths
Test conditions, because some of the students were going to premier league, they couldnt do
the test. It was a 45 min test, so the test ended up starting after. I gave responsibility to the
year 8s, to use that 15 mins for study revision, any last minute questions and so on. You
could tell some of the ones who were really trying hard, and asking questions. One of the
boys asked if I was going to be teaching next term, I think my teaching style was his style
also. And it was really nice to hear him annoyed when I told him I finished my rounds and
wasnt coming back.
A couple of the boys ended up giving me hugs, they were too friendly during the year. But I
feel it was their personality. I managed to at one point, reiterate expectations.
Year 11 psych.
I didnt want to move one of the girls in class today, but she was chatting and being really

Friday 18/09/15

Day 25

Year 11 psych
Last lesson to use as a study lesson. Recapping the placement and going over the report.
Really happy with everything.
Again, I felt really shaky with the content, but all good. I put the responsibility on the students
to come up with their notes for their folio. It is good because they need to come up with their
own resources.
Whenever I feel like Im going to tear up, I must implement a strategy to counter that, like
thinking of a joke, or banana hammock from scrubs, or stupid sexy Flanders from
Simpsons, Or why you always lying that song from Youtube, or even some funny dubsmash
that Im going to make after school. Yes make sure you think of that.
They worked really quietly in general.

Jessica Ivankovic



Year 10 maths
This lesson was just a free period, as my mentor advised that I not start the new topic. The
students were really good to talk to, and got to know them on a personal level before leaving
them. Some of the girls really liked my style of teaching. My mentor mentioned a few days
ago that she got really good feedback from the students when she asked them what they
thought of me. The one of the students said that I should apply for a job her, and she would
vouch for me. One of the other boys said that Im too nice, and that theyll eat me alive. He
offered that as constructive feedback, not to take it personally, but to try and be a bitch like
he said (hes words, not mine).
But they were a really good class, and I shall miss them.

Jessica Ivankovic



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