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The Way to Keep Environment

Name : M.Fauzi Reza

Class: XI IPA 1
No : 25
SMAN 2 Bogor is the one of the school that has been given
adiwiyata title because its environment.That achievement make all of us
proud to be students in here. As the school that awarded it we should be
able to keep the environment clean, but we must know what the make up
the Environment . Environment consist of abiotic and biotic components.
These two components are different. Abiotic components are all the
inanimate objects around us, for example stone,water,light,wind etc...
,While biotic components are the living things around us, such as
human,animal and plant. Both these components relate to each other. I
will tell you the way in order to make the environment clean .
First , We have to love the school environment. It is intended for
when we love the environment then we will be concerned with the
environment. can we imagine what if we do the opposite? of course the
school will be neglected by many garbage scattered everywhere. There is
a saying that says Cleanliness is next to godliness that adage also
support that we have to love the environment so that it can be clean and
avoid various diseases.
Second , making a list of picket class. It is aimed at students in
classrooms for cleaning the classroom in accordance with respective day.
There is the time students can't do picket because of certain things ,
therefore they have to replace in the other day. Cleanliness in the
classroom is important to all students in the class because it will increase
the spirit of learning because there is no garbage that bother the lesson,
otherwise a dirty class will make us not passion of learning because we
will sense bad aroma that make our concentration decrease and
emergence of the container of the disease.
Last but not the least making a firm rule about the cleanliness of the
school. Sometimes the rules are considered trivial so that it often
neglected . However, if the rules were enforced firmly then it will create a
little pressure for people that violate it , for example students who litter
will be given fine, and if it is repeated continually then their parents will be
called to principal. Littering also bad behavior because we are polluting
the environment. The garbage then will invite a lot of flies and mosquitoes

that make us sick, and if we are sick, we have to spend money for medical
treatment. That's the impact if we dispose of litter.

In conclusion , cleanliness is important to all of people in the school .

We can avoid of the various disease if we keep the environment clean .
Cleanliness can increase our spirit to through the life . We will familiarize
the discipline if we obey school rules about cleanliness. Healthy living is
simple and not expensive, but if we're getting sick then it will be really

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