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EXHIBIT 32 March 24, 2014 Ms. Jackie Lacey District Atomey's Office County of Los Angeles 210 West Temple Street Suite 18000 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Ms. Lacey: Please accept this letter as a formal complaint for Unconstitutional Violations of my civil liberties and that of my unborn fetus; committed by oathkeepers of LA County under the Color of Law, both individually and in their official capacities, including but not limited to: Violation of my First Amendment Rights to Peaceably Assemble and Freedom of the Press, violation of my right to be free from False Arrests and False Imprisonments (11/14-11/16, 11/30-12/2 & 12/15-12/17 of 2011), Unlawful Search & Seizures, Excessive Bails, Withholding of Medical Attention and Torture RESULTING IN THE MISCARRIAGE OF MY FIRST PREGNANCY, Malicious Prosecution of Falsified Charges, Continued & Excessive violations of my Due Process rights, and a Falsified Mental Health Commitment (12/05/2012 until 6/13/2013) placing ‘me at a far greater curtailment of liberty than if I had remained in the Criminal Justice System. Itis my understanding that the memorandum of procedure for allegations of Criminal Misconduct, would indicate that my complaints of felonious misconduct exerted by officers of LA County under Color of Law from November 14, 2011 until November 16, 2011 should have been “IMMEDIATELY FORWARDED TO THE HEAD DEPUTY OF JSID.” It would appear that this has not only NEVER HAPPENED, but that the District Attomey’s Office may have participated directly and indirectly in perpetuating and protecting the judicial misconduct itself by prosecuting me for Mental Competency WITHOUT ANY CAUSE, AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR, IN A RETALIATORY ACT THAT SHOULD HAVE SHOCKED THE. CONSCIENCE OF THE COURTS IF THEY WERE NOT INVOLVED. Your immediate attention to this matter in the Interest of Justice For All is humbly requested. Attached please find: (A) the “Federal Complaint List of Defendants (1-96) as a complete list of those involved in this formal complaint, (B) Prima Facie Evidence of Melissa Balin’s innocence in Judge Rene Korn’s testimony to State Bar Pane! attomey Johnny Lai on December 8, 2011 in Lai’s own handwritten recollection dated ‘same, stating that Judge Korn, “only held John Doe (male) in contempt, not the female. “Those are the CA’s charges’.” It is worth noting that the courts refused to receive and file this evidence for MORE THAN FIFTEEN MONTHS, until January 31, 2013; (C) the Pitchess Motion indicating Excessive Force, Dishonesty, Mishandling of Evidence, Destroying/ Withholding Evidence, Violation of Rights, Witness Intimidation, and Inmate Abuse exerted Under Color of Law; filed on September 19, 2012 by State Bar Panel ICDA appointed attorney, Johnny Lai and the Use of Force Investigation (URN #91 1-00492-4016-187) signed off by the very Supervising Officer, Liewtenant John Mack, INVOLVED INTHE USE OF gp 9 py EXCESSIVE FORCE on January 4, 2012. nts Se armouco We The People NOVARY PERTINOATE 10153 4 Riverside Drive, Suite 465, Toluca Lake, CA 91602 Alfidaviy Temiten 9 w- (@) the falsified commitment reports of Dr. Kristen Ochoa and Dr. Sabrina DiBiagio, and (©) the court order (Case #ZM020322) authorizing the involuntary medication of a non-violent misdemeanor until June 16, 2013, WHICH HAS YET TO BE CORRECTED BY THE COURTS TO THIS DAY CAUSING ME SEVERE AND CONTINUED FINANCIAL HARDSHIP. RUE STATEMENT OF FACTS: was subjected to the following harassment and flagrant violations of due process rights from November 14, 2011 until June 16, 2013 and am still seeking Injunctive Relief to this very day for violations including but not limited to: © A total of THREE FALSE ARRESTS and withholding of medical attention, as well as excessive force exerted under the color of Law by seventeen members of the LA County Sheriff's Department at the order of Supervising Sheriff Lieutenant John Mack, resulting in the torture of a pregnant member of the media from November 14, 2011 until November 16, 2011; November 30, 2011 until December 2, 2011; December 14, 2011 until December 16, 2011; resulting in two in-custody hospitalizations due to excessive force and ultimately; the miscarriage of my first pregnancy as diagnosed from November 30, 2011 until December 23, 2011. * Malicious Prosecution of knowingly falsified misdemeanor charges by the City Attomney’s Office from November 16, 2011 until February 25, 2013 (under Case #1CA16847-02); © Court Counsel D. Brett Bianco made Judge Rene Korn unavailable for questioning until trial alleging she was a witness, and pushing court appearances so she could go on a family vacation; knowing full well that she was actually the only one who had the jurisdiction to find me to be In Contempt of Court in the first place, and that JUDGE KORN STATED ON DECEMBER 8, 2011 SHE DID “NOT” FIND THE FEMALE IN » CONTEMPT; © Removal of Court-Appointed (ICDA) Counsel FOR MORE THAN TWO WEEKS from November 7, 2012 until November 27, 2012; itis especially worth noting that ICDA Executive Director Ezekiel Perlo was aware of this violation of Due Process, through multiple e-mails and even a personal telephone conversation with me: © ANot-So-Sua-Sponte Competency Hearing called for by Judge Victor Greenberg, Judge Henry Barela, ICDA appointed attorney Anthony Tahan and City Attorney Bradley Rothenberg in a series of ex-parte tea partays held the first week of December 2012, culminating with December 4" & 5", where my Pitchess Hearing against the Seventeen Sheriffs, was unconstitutionally removed fiom the calendar without Consent or Due Process TO THIS VERY DAY; ‘© Unlawful Prosecution BY YOUR OWN OFFICE in Mental Health Court (Department 95) by District Attorney Robert DeCarteret, even though I was being prosecuted for NON-VIOLENT MISDEMEANOR CHARGES on December 20, 2012 with a falsified and unconstitutional involuntary commitment and forced medication court order by Judge Samantha Jessner based upon falsified reports by County Department of Mental Health court designated “experts” “De.” Sabrina DiBiagio and “Dr.” Kristen Ochoa from December 20, 2012 until June 16, 2013 (under case #Z1M020322) © Court-ordered weekly “Competency Training Sessions” with an incompetent PhD posing SEP 2 6 2pp5 asa doctor on behalf of the County Department of Mental Health, Sabrina DiBiagio; We The People Satin) 10153 % Riverside Drive, Suite 445, Toluca Lake, CA 91602 D. Kramer, Notary Pubic causing curtailment of my liberty far greater than if I had remained in the criminal justice system on January 4, 2014, and January 8, 2014; Although, “Dr.” DiBiagio told myself and my family at the very beginning of our January 8, 2013 “session”, the “good news” that I would no longer need to go to fake “Competency Training Sessions” with her and that she would get paid whether I came or not; she withheld the letter needed by the courts to recommend me be found Competent, until somewhere between January 22 and January 24, 2013; On January 8, 2013, I filed my Notice of An Appeal WITHOUT THE ASSISTANCE OF ANY LEGAL COUNSEL; and felt thwarted by the County Clerks of LA Superior Court and the Court of Appeals; especially but not limited to when it was discovered by all parties that Court of Appeals clerk Abraham Torres, had erroneously given me the incredibly dangerous designation of “Sexually Violent Predator” in the records system; On January 24, 2013, Judge Samantha Jessner allowed Robert Decarteret from your office to prosecute me WITHOUT ANY LEGAL COUNSEL PRESENT IN FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF MY DUE PROCESS. It is worth noting that Mr. DeCarteret repeatedly refused to identify himself to me or for the record in a manner unbecoming a member of the District Attorney’s Office: On January 30, 2013, without any further review or explanation, Judge Samantha Jessner ruled me “Competent”, essentially REVERSING HER PREVIOUS RULING OF ONLY 40 DAYS PRIOR ON DECEMBER 20, 2012, without filing it as Nunc-Pro-Tunc or even correcting the involuntary commitment until June 16, 2013; CAUSING ME. SEVERE EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND FINANCIAL HARDSHIP TO THIS VERY DAY; It is also worth noting, that although Judge Samantha Jessner allegedly had full jurisdiction as a LA Superior Court Judge, and the District Attomey was fully aware of ‘the multiple and continued violations of my due process FOR MORE THAN FIFTEEN MONTHS; Judge Jessner chose to throw the matter back to the very criminal Judge (Barela) who had questioned my Competency To Stand Trial without cause: set for hearing on January 31, 2013 back at Clara Shortridge Foltz; AND FAILED TO RULE ON ANY OF THE MATTERS SHE HAD TAKEN UNDER SUBMISSION ON. JANUARY 24, 2013; On January 31, 2013, in full public view, as per attached notarized affidavits, court appointed (ICDA) attorney Anthony Tahan, BODY-CHECKED ME like on a football field, while I was giving testimony to Judge Henry Barela in Open Court; On February 5 & 6, 2013, as a DEFENDANT AT HIS OWN TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER HEARINGS in Burbank, court-appointed (ICDA) attorney Aathony Takan still refused to quit me ala Brokeback Mountain, in spite of my securing other more than competent counsel PRO BONO through Mr. Bill McPike; LEAVING ME WITHOUT COMPETENT COUNSEL FOR MORE THAN TWO WEEKS ONCE AGAIN); ‘It wasn’t until February 25, 2013, when Anthony Tahan finally withdrew as my legal counsel due to the conflict that he was named Defendant in the Restraining Order Hearing in Judge Donna Fields Goldstein’s Burbank courtroom on February 27, 2013; It is worth noting THAT 1 WAS WITHOUT ANY LEGAL COUNSEL, when seen before Judge Henry Barela and City Attorney Bradley Rothenberg, when the charges against me were finally dropped “In The Interest of Justice 1385” without any further gp pg ms explanation than with which they appeared, and OVER AND AGAINST THE. OBJECTION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Bradley Rothenberg AND MYSELF. SEE A) We The People NOTARY CERTIFICATE 10153 14 Riverside Drive, Suile 465, Toluca Loke, CA 71602 AAS Raienygy onataa D, Kramer, Notary Pie Further detail regarding my Notarized Affidavit of Felonious Criminal Misconduct by Officers of the Court can be found in my Federal 1983 Complaint filed on December 20, 2013 and viewable at http://www.soribd.com/doc/193002594/Melissa-Balin-s-Feceral-Complaint It is worth noting that several Deputy County Counsel, under the supervision of Deputy Counsel John Krattli, have been aware of the continuing malfeasances of Justice, since January 16, 2013, when I filed Small Claims suit #LAM-13M00544. Instead of reporting to the JSID for investigation, they have spent limited taxpayer resources to COVER UP THE ALLEGATIONS OF CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT BY COUNTY EMPLOYEES RATHER THAN DO THE, RIGHT THING PROCEDURALLY TO INVESTIGATE AND SANCTION SUCH BEHAVIOR. Such actions include but are not limited to: filing frivolous motions against me in Small Claims Court when County attorneys and attorneys of ANY KIND are NOT ALLOWED in front of the bar of Small Claims Court. Behavior that would indicate that County Attorneys might perceive themselves to be “exempt” or “above the law” in any way, should not be countenanced. Itis also worth noting that when I spoke on Public Comment at the Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee monthly meeting of August 2013, chaired by County Board of Supervisors representative, Mark Ridley Thomas, | publicly demanded an investigation into the treatment of pregnant inmates at Lynwood County Jail, and served Sheriff Leroy Baca and Judge Victor Greenberg with subpoenas for my intemal Afffairs Investigation and any ‘memorandum concerning criminal case #1CA16847. It is my understanding that to this date, NO INVESTIGATION HAS EVER BEEN CONDUCTED with the regards to the unconstitutional treatment of pregnant inmates in Los Angeles County NOR has an investigation been conducted into the unlawfal termination of my first pregnancy induced by torture and excessive foree exerted under Color of Law while in cusiody during the 2011 Holiday Season. In light of my flagrantly Unconstitutional treatment by LA County and their official representatives, and on behalf of We, The People of the State of California, I request a formal investigation by your office, the Justice System Integrity Division (JSID) and those appropriate, into the treatment of incarcerated pregnant women in Los Angeles County; the use of the Mental Healt Court as a weapon against its citizens; a general prejudice against Pro Per Defendants and Pro Se Plaintiffs; and the shocking disregard shown by County clerks with respect to the sworn oath they have taken to protect and serve the Constitution for the United States of America, as ‘well as the California State Constitution of 1849. ‘Thank you for your time and attention to this matter of great importance conceming Justice for All Sincerely, : | ¢ | - ‘tae Vif J A S25 Arme Melidsa Balin NOTARY coRitare Filmmaker/activist Atri 323.839.0149 cell aay We The People 10153 ¥4 Riverside Drive, Suite 445, Toluca Lake, CA 91602 you. 1 Attach ths cad to the back of the malplece, ‘ron the front space permits 7. ao se MeTROE LEY disteicr Atte eee oF Les se eet bos Say Ee cg Fool CL er 1B. 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