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1. Josie pays 98 pence per litre for petrol in England.

When Josie travels to America, she

pays $1.20 per litre. Given that 1 = $1.45, calculate, to the nearest p, how much cheaper
a litre of petrol is in America than in England.
2. Each internal angle of a regular polygon is 156. Determine the number of sides of the
3. Factorise x2 xy + xz zy.

OAB is a sector of a circle with radius 12 cm and AOB = 50. Calculate the length,
in cm to 3 significant figures, of the arc AB.

ABD is an isosceles triangle with AB = AD, and ABD = 65. The side AB is
extended to
the point C so that AD = DC. Find the size, in degrees, of BDC.

6. ABCDE is a pentagon. The coordinates of A, C and D are (2, 0), (3, 5) and (5, 5)
respectively. The line y = x is the line of symmetry of the pentagon. On the grid, draw
and label the pentagon ABCDE.
7. Solve the equation

x x +2 5


8. A right circular cone has base radius 7 cm and perpendicular height 24 cm. Show that the
curved surface area is 175 cm2.
9. A school entered 15 pupils for a mathematics O level examination. The mean mark
for the 15 pupils was 56. The 5 weakest pupils had a mean mark of 24. Calculate the
mean mark of the other 10 pupils.

10. Solve the equation 5x2 11x 2

0, giving your answers to 2 decimal



In quadrilateral ABCD, ABD = BCD = 90, DAB = 48, ADC = 106 and
BC = 7 cm. Calculate the length, in cm to 3 significant figures, of
(a) BD,
(b) BA.

13. ABCDE is a regular pentagon with sides of length 12 cm. Find the area, in cm2 to 3
significant figures, of the pentagon ABCDE.
14. One angle of a quadrilateral is 100 and the sizes of the other three angles are in the ratios
1:3:6. Calculate the sizes, in degrees, of the other three angles.
15. On 1st August 2005, the value of a car was 12 600.
On 1st August 2006, the value of the car had decreased by 10% of its value on 1st August
On 1st August 2007, the value of the car had decreased by 5% of its value on 1st August
Express the loss in the value of the car over the two years as a percentage of its value on
1st August 2005.
16. The coordinates of the vertices of triangle P are (4, 1), (5, 2) and (5, 1).
Triangle P is enlarged by scale factor 2, centre (4, 0), to give triangle Q.
(a) On the grid, draw and label triangle Q.
Triangle Q is reflected in the line y = x to give triangle R.
(b) On the grid, draw and label triangle R.
17. Solve for x and y
2x 3y = 5,
5x 2y = 4.

ABCD is a trapezium with AB parallel to DC, and AD = BC. The point E lies on DC such
that AE = BE = 6 cm, and the point F lies on DC such that AF is perpendicular to DC.
Given that AEB = 50 and ADC = 55, calculate, to 3 significant figures,
(a) the length, in cm, of AF,
(b) the length, in cm, of AD,
(c) the area, in cm2, of ABCD.

19. 32 000 nails were put into three boxes coloured blue, red and yellow in the ratios 2 : 5 : 9
(a) Calculate the number of nails that were put into the blue box.
4000 nails were removed from the yellow box.
(b) Calculate and simplify the new ratios of the numbers of nails in the blue, red and
yellow boxes respectively.
20. Each edge of a cube is of length 3 m. The edges are increased by 20%.
Calculate the percentage increase in the volume of the cube.

Figure 4 shows a solid pyramid ABCDE with a rectangular base ABCD, where
AB = 10 cm and BC = 12 cm. The point of intersection of diagonals AC and BD of the
rectangle ABCD is F, where EF = 20 cm. The base of the pyramid is placed on a horizontal
table so that EF is vertical. The midpoint of the line AB is G.
Calculate, to 1 decimal place,
(a) the length, in cm, of EG,
(b) the area, in cm2, of AEB,
(c) the length, in cm, of EB,
(d) the size, in degrees, of AEB,
(e) the total surface area, in cm2, of the pyramid ABCDE.

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