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Policy Statement
Space Management
Space Management Objectives
Space Allocation
Space Standards and Planning
Space Utilisation and Functional Suitability
Space Accounting
Space Audit and Annual Report
Space Charging
Leased Property
Student Residential Accommodation
Energy, Environment and Carbon management
Equality and Diversity

1.0 Policy Statement

1.1 The University operates with limited resources. Space is a limited
resource and space management is one way of minimizing surplus or poorly
utilised space so that funds can be reallocated to meet other critical needs.
1.2 The University is committed to a strategy of managing space by improving
space allocation, standards, planning, utilisation and performance of related
activities to support the Universitys strategic objectives
1.3 The long term goal in Estates Strategy is to occupy the most fit for
purpose and cost effective space possible to operate using consolidated and
rationalised flexible facilities and improve utilisation including creating
appropriate decant space to facilitate strategic estates development.
1.4 This goal will also be achieved in compliance with the Workplace (Health,
Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
1.5 The Estates and Buildings Office (EBO) will identify the techniques and
scope of work necessary to deliver effective space management and related
1.6 EBO will produce a University Space Management Guide to enable
procedural implementation of this policy
2.0 Space Management
2.1 Space management is the process of allocating available space to users in
an equitable way, projecting and planning space requirements, identifying
deficiencies, monitoring use, assisting users with space usage problems, and
resolving space problems to maximise efficiency and effectiveness.
3.0 Space Management Objectives
3.1 Space Management is needed to ensure that:
(1) Available space is allocated equitably and appropriately among all users
(2) Use and occupancy of space is continuously maintained and updated
and any unauthorized use is highlighted and re-allocated appropriately
(3) Surplus or poorly utilised facilities are closed and possibly disposed of to
reduce maintenance and operating costs
(4) Occupancy is consolidated and rationalised to maximise utilisation and
minimize energy, maintenance, and other operating costs
(5) Space standards reflect use of Information and Communications
technology (ICT) infrastructure and working practices
(6) New buildings and facilities are constructed only if needed
4.0 Space Allocation
4.1 Space will be allocated to users in an equitable way by use of the EBO
Space Standards and Reference Areas. These Standards and Reference Areas
will define the individual and/or collective square metres area allocation for all
of the Universitys activities.
4.2 The standards will take account of current and planned ICT innovations
and changes in working practices

4.3 EBO will be responsible for all space allocation and re-allocation where
space becomes vacant and is no longer required by allocated occupiers
4.4 The Estates Committee will make final decisions on space allocation in
circumstances where conflict resolution is required. The Space Management
Guide will detail the escalation process to minimise the number of issues
handled by Estates Committee.
5.0 Space Standards and Planning
5.1 The Senior Management Group (SMG) and Estates Committee will approve
the EBO Space Standards annually and these will be used to conduct short
term through to long range planning activities including projected space needs
to match growth activities and estates master planning.
5.2 Space planning will be led by the EBO in liaison with Colleges and
University Services and EBO will validate and identify authorization for all
space use.
5.3 Colleges and University Services will be required to review their space
annually and maintain accurate records of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff
numbers, space usage, pedagogical models and research activities to inform
space allocation calculations and transfer of space for central shared uses.
5.4 The Registry Office will provide the official total Student FTE numbers each
session to inform the space allocation calculations
5.5 EBO will conduct space consolidation and rationalisation feasibility studies,
option appraisals and projects in support of Colleges and University Services
Business Planning
6.0 Space Utilisation and Functional Suitability
6.1 Utilisation is a measure of how often space is used for the purposes
6.2 Functional suitability is a user subjective measure of how suitable space is
for the purposes intended
6.3 These measurements will be assessed annually for all space by EBO on the
basis of sampling or a full record.
7.0 Space Accounting
7.1 Space accounting or recording will involve the compilation, verification and
maintenance of all space data and related/linked electronic floor plans.
7.2 This activity will primarily involve recording space allocation in comparison
with space reference areas and standards and highlight any under or over
provision, space utilisation and functional suitability.
8.0 Space Audit and Annual Report
8.1 EBO will produce an annual audit report validating space holdings,
allocation, utilisation and functional suitability.

8.2 This report will provide feedback to inform the space management process
and enable strategic planning decisions to be made by SMG and Estates
Committee including approval of any changes to space standards.
8.3 SMG and Estates Committee will also approve any University wide space
reduction, utilisation and functional suitability targets and these will be
documented in Estates Strategy and the Space Management Guide
8.4 The annual audit report will also inform space charging and any capital
expenditure decisions for new buildings and facilities.
9.0 Space Charging
9.1 Space will not be charged on a rental basis and the allocation and
apportionment of space overhead costs will be decided by the Finance Office
informed by EBO space allocation accounts. These costs will include energy,
maintenance and other operating costs referred to as Premises Costs in
Income and Expenditure accounts
9.2 The University will progressively move to a building by building allocation
and apportionment of Premises Costs which will enable Colleges and
University Services to inform strategic decisions on their long term space
planning and utilisation.
9.3 Space use will be charged on a cost per hour per room basis for all
timetabled and booked Central Teaching and Examination Space.
10.0 Leased Property
10.1 Leased property is included in this policy
11.0 Student Residential Accommodation
11.1 Student Residential Accommodation is excluded from this policy
12.0 Energy, Environment and Carbon Management
14.1 All space management will comply with the Universitys Energy,
Environmental and Carbon Management Policies.
13.0 Equality and Diversity
15.1 All space management will comply with the Universitys Equality and
Diversity Policy and Disability and Equality Scheme (DES) Action Plan for
Physical Access
Date Reviewed: May 2010
Version Number: 1
Author/Revised by: Director of Estates
Approved by: University Court on Recommendation of Estates Committee and SMG
Next Review Date: May 2012

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