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1. Agaric Ale: foul brew favored by the Neimoidians.
2. Alderaanian Ale: fermented, alcoholic beverage brewed from the fragrant grains once native
to Alderaan.
3. Altorian Milk-ale: a strange beverage fermented on Altor 14.
4. Andoan Ale: green, alcoholic beverage.
5. Bavva Ale: this wretched brew was fermented aboard the Happy Failure, in a still formed from
the innards of an Incom N21-3 power converter. The original recipe came from the planet Bavva,
in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy, where it was brewed from fermented moss.
6. Bellorian Ale: a malted, alcoholic beverage fermented in Elrood Sector.
7. Blue Ale: this is a form of beer that is brewed on many worlds.
8. Chagarian Ale: an alcoholic beverage.
9. Chartash Ale or Liquor: this abundant Adumari grain is the primary ingredient in their basic
alcohols. It can be fermented into a hard liquor or an ale.
10. Corellian Ale: a full-bodied brew.
11. Corellian Spiced Ale: one of Han's favorite beverages
12. Dalkash Ale: a flavorful ale brewed on the planet Lianna.
13. Forvish ale: an interstellar brew, Forvish ale was a strong ale that was easily distinguished
by its smell.
14. Fromish Ale: this was a type of beer that was popular during the Clone Wars.
15. Fungus Ale: this beverage was fermented from munch-fungus by the Twi'leks.
16. Geillian Ale: an interstellar brew.
17. Gizer Ale: this fermented beverage is blue in color.
18. Gizer Pale Blue Ale: a lighter version of Gizer ale, Luke Skywalker kept a supply for visits
from Han Solo.
19. Gravdinian Ale: this was considered one of the galaxy's most "dangerous" beers. A sweet
beer once it has fully fermented, Gravdinian Ale gave off a strong vapor as it fermented. In
concentrated amounts, this vapor could be lethal.
20. Hapan Ale: a mildly-intoxicating beverage brewed in the Hapes cluster.
21. Huttese Ale: developed by the Hutts, this ale had to be consumed quickly, before it dissolved
the mug in which it was served.
22. Lomin-ale: this bitter, spicy beverage produces a foamy, green head when poured. It is best
served chilled.
23. Megavegiton Ale: this alcoholic beverage is favored by Yarblok Yemm.
24. Osskum Ale: an alcoholic beverage.
25. Polanis Ale: a heady brew.
26. Polaris Ale: an alcoholic brew favored by Muftak the Talz, it is best served tepid.
27. Rodian Ale: this was a fermented malt liquor produced on the planet Rodia.
28. Shasa Ale: an ale favored by the natives of Ado Sector.
29. Spicebrew: this as a potent form of ale that was brewed with liberal amounts of spice.
30. Synthale: this was a type of synthetic ale that was produced on many backwater worlds
during the height of the New Order.
31. Tatooine Yagbitter: this dry, bitter ale was produced on the planet Tatooine.
32. Tyrellian Ale: a brew favored by the inhabitants of the planet Yelsain.
33. Tyrusian Red Ale: this potent brew, produced during the last decades of the Old Republic,
was noted for its advertising slogan, "Because yellow doesn't look good in space." This was
perhaps the best things about the ale, which had a horrid smell.
34. Venaarian Cringe-Ale: this bitter, yellow-colored beer was produced on the planet Venaari.
35. Vinta Harvest Ale: this microbrewed beer was produced by Tradium. It was specially brewed
for serving during the height of the podracing season on the planet Malastare, at the running of
the Vinta Harvest Classic. The marketing campaign revolved around the following description:
"When the races get tough, the tough reach for Vinta!"

36. Wroonian Ale: this was a fermented malt beverage brewed on the planet Wroona.
37. Zairana Ale: a brew favored by the Azzameen family.
1. Accarrgm: this is a potent Wookiee liquor.
2. Corvani Rum: this was Suroc's favorite liquor.
3. Dornean Brandy: a fine, distilled liquor created on Dornea.
4. Idlewil Liquor: this rare, expensive alcohol was distilled by the Shashay.
5. Kyrf: this fruit, grown on a single plantation on the planet Korbin, is often fermented to create
an alcoholic beverage also called kyrf. The kyrf fruit is quite flavorful, and the alcohol is quite
powerful. Cross-Galactic handles all the exportation of kyrf liquor, which is produced by Drelmar
6. Meltdown: this alcoholic beverage is similar to a Reactor Core. It is made from Spice Liquor
and Lum.
7. Nectarot: this was an inexpensive liquor that was favored by Watto.
8. Quanya: this was a potent liquor which was popular among smugglers during the early years
of the New Order.
9. Raava: this was the traditional Socorran liquor, brewed from the zsajhira berries which grew
near caches of water in the Doaba Badlands. The berries were fermented in a mixture made from
purified water from the planet Neftali. The recipe for raava was originally developed by shamen of
the Ibhaan'I tribe and was eventually entrusted to the Ethra Brewery, and was a heavily guarded
secret. When presented to another Socorran, along with the gold hoop Socorran men wear in
their ear, it demands that the receiver provide any assistance they can to the bearer.
10. Reactor Core: many individuals claim that this alcoholic beverage should only be available
via prescription. It is made from Spice Liquor and Blue Tonic.
11. Shesharilian Vodka: this powerful liquor is fermented and bottled in the Shesharile System.
12. Spice Liquor: a potent form of alcohol made from fermented spice extracts.
13. T'ssolok: this intense, Twi'leki liquor was bottled in a sculpted decanter. Thaddeus Ross often
drank a bottle of this liquor whenever he felt that hislife couldn't get any worse. Some beings
worried that the taste of the liquor would be awful, but it was actually the aftertaste the floored
most drinkers.
14. Yardle: this relatively strong liquor was popular on Tatooine during the last decades of the Old
1. Corellian Reserve: a vintage of whiskey fermented on Corellia.
2. Corellian Whiskey: a highly-intoxicating beverage.
3. Dodbri Whiskey: this is an awesomely strong spirit.
4. thorian Mist: this was a form of whiskey created by the Ithorians.
5. Johrian Whiskey: this was a blue-green grain alcohol.
6. Menkooro Whiskey: an interstellar bourbon, Menkooro was considered the perfect
accompaniment to bruallki. According to an old saying, "If you had some bruallki, you could have
bruallki and Menkooro if you had some Menkooro."
7. Sacorrian Grain Whiskey: this spirit was distilled on the planet Sacorria, from the many grains
which were grown there.
8. Whyren's Reserve: this is one of the best brands of Corellian whiskey. Tal'dira called it
1. Algarine: a wine best served at 50 degrees, in a 40-degree glass
2. Andoan Wine: this distinctive wine was produced on Ando, and was aged in heavt casks.
3. Avedame Wine: The juice of the avedame could be fermented to create a flavorful,
red wine.

4. Blossom Wine: this fragrant wine was created on the planet Naboo by distilling the natural
essences of certain flower blossoms, then combining them with other natural juices that could be
allowed to ferment. The resulting wine was delicately flavored, but was nonetheless potent.
5. Bothan Grain Wine: this Bothan wine was considered one of the most romantic of all wines,
during the last years of the Old Republic. Many couples celebrated their engagements with a
bottle of grain wine.
6. Cambrian Wine: this was a fine wine produced during the height of the New Order.
7. Celanon Semi-Dry: an excellent, but unrefined, wine.
8. Chimbak Wine: this vintage was produced on the planet Alderaan during the last decades of
the Old Republic.
9. Cuttlewine: this was a form of inexpensive wine which was produced on the planet Ando
during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
10. Deltron Spice Wine: this was a strong, spicy wine which was favored in some of the galaxy's
seedier cantinas. Unlike most alcoholic beverages, which acted as depressants when imbibed,
Deltron Spice Wine was an addictive stimulant.
11. Derellium Wine: a native Lianna vintage of wine.
12. Doan Wine: this good spirit induces a state of shock when imbibed in great quantities.
13. Drilbian Wine: a tasty fermentation enjoyed by Siene Symm.
14. Elixirof Infatuation: this was one of the most potent forms of Zeltron wine, distilled for nonZeltrons who wanted to win the affections of another being. One of the most unique properrties of
this elixir was that it did not lose its potency when mixed into food or drink.
15. Endorian Port: this full-bodied, sweet wine was vinted on the Forest Moon of Endor during
the second decade of the New Republic.
16. Glastroan Wine: this wine was produced by the Bimms who lived in the city of Glastro.
17. Gorimn Wine: this fermented Wookiee beverage is considered mild, although it packs a
wallop to humans.
18. Green Champagne: a green-colored, sparkling wine.
19. Meir Wine: this intoxicant was developed on the planet Sullust, around the time of the Battle
of Naboo.
20. Naiana: this was a type of fruity wine that was created on the planet Cerea.
21. Necr'ygor Omic: this was a popular, interstellar wine served during the early years of the
New Republic. It was said that the '47, '49, '50, and '52 vintages were among the best at the time.
22. Nectarwine: this wine is fermented from the fabled fruit fields of the planet Nepoy.
23. Pallie Wine: The pallie is a small fruit grown in the hydroponics labs of Tatooine, the pallie
could be crushed and pressed to create a nutritious juice. This juice could later be fermented to
create a flavorful wine.
24. Polanis Wine: a full-bodied red wine.
25. Renan Wine: a fine, fermented vintage.
26. Rimble-wine: this was one of the most expensive wines found in the galaxy, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Because its vintages were rare, a single bottle cost a thousand
credits or more.
27. Sand Wine: this form of wine was created on the planet Tatooine.
28. Tallian Wine: this was one of the finest wines available in the Core Worlds, during the last
decades of the Old Republic.
29. Tarul Wine: this was a popular wine that was vinted on the planet Naboo, during the last
decades of the Old Republic.
30. Zeltronian Spiced Wine: Dengar had drunk too much of this the night before Jabba died,
and so he missed the trip to the Pit of Carkoon.
Other Alcoholic Drinks:
1. Angerian Fishak Surprise: this mixed, alcoholic drink was a favorite at the Binary Bar on
2. Antakarian Fire Dancer: this was a potent alcoholic drink.
3. Bantha Blaster: a green and pink alcoholic drink that fizzes and pops as it goes down your
throat. Note that MedStar I: Battle Surgeons indicates that a Bantha Blaster had an orange-andblue coloration, and mentioned nothing about the fizzing.

4. Bantha-blood Fizz: an alcoholic drink made from clarified bantha blood.

5. Breath of Heaven: an expensive, nearly pure grade of alcoholic drink.
6. Calamari Xinphar: a drink favored by Ibtisam.
7. Coruscant Cooler: this mixed drink was popular during the height of the Clone Wars.
8. Danaru: this rich, tasty beverage is fermented from terrberries, spicy nuts, and stored in Parein
Sweetgreen fruit shells. At first, the drink is highly refreshing. However, the alcohol content hits
you hard about a hlaf-hour later. It originated on Parein II 4.
9. Dark Side Daiquiri: this mixed drink was popular during the last years of the Old Republic.
10. Dentarian Ripple: a deceivingly strong alcoholic drink.
11. Desert Bloom: this mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on
12. Double-Dip Outer Rim Rumdrop: this specialty drink, made from a variety of alcohols and
mixers, was developed by Shayne Gerarre for the Spirited Spirits shop, located on the planet
Cularin. The concoction was popularized by the SopHouses established by Vanster Enan during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
13. Elba Beer: a brew that Chewbacca likes to drink.
14. Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud: a mixed drink often served with a fizzy head formed by
ionized gas. Some establishments used microshocks to illuminate the gas, making it look like a
thundercloud. This particular beverage is highly inebriating.
15. Eyeblaster: this was a mixed, alcoholic drink favored by beings of the New Republic during
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It could be served fizzed or atomized, although the
fizzed version was considered a drink for occasional drinkers.
16. Flameout: a drink Han Solo liked to partake of every so often. If mixed properly, it could burn
the tongue while freezing the throat.
17. Gav: a drink favored by the Mon Calamari.
18. Gralinyn Juice: this fermented Wookiee beverage is considered mild enough for humans to
19. Gralish Liqueur: a form of alcohol preferred by Moranda Savich.
20. Jawa Juice: this mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on
Lianna, during the height of the New Order. The origins of Jawa Juice can be traced to Dex's
Diner, on the planet Coruscant, more than twenty years before the Battle of Yavin. It was
considered by many beings to be an acquired taste, being bitter and sharp. It also provided a
boost of energy when consumed, an effect that seemed to increase as a being drank more. Note
that the adaptation of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, written by Patricia Wrede,
indicates that this beverage was called ardee.
21. Outer-Rim Rum Drop: this was a popular mixed drink, developed on an unspecified Outer
Rim world during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was distinguished by its reddish color,
which swirled and changed as the drink was consumed.
22. PanGalactic Gargle: this was a potent mixed drink that was popular during the era of the
Clone Wars.
23. Renan Irongut: this strong, alcoholic concoction is named for what you need to have in order
to drink one.
24. Retsa: a strong drink often imbibed by Lando Calrissian.
25. Rhuvian Fizz: an alcoholic drink.
26. Skannbult Likker: this alcoholic drink is made from surplus dust-corn and dry gene wheat on
the planet Skann. It has been described as the galaxy's most volatile form of fire-water.
27. Sonic Screwdriver: this potent alcoholic mixed drink was created from spicebrew, Sullustan
gin, and Old Janx Spirit.
28. Talmog: an alcoholic drink made from equal parts of ethanol and Lyme's rose juice.
29. Tarkenian Nightflower: an alcoholic drink.
30. T'iil-T'iil: a sparkling alcoholic drink similar to champagne, served chilled for best flavor.
31. TrooperBreath: this drink, created in the bars of Il Avali on Druckenwell, had a weird,
chartreuse color.
32. Twistler: this alcoholic drink was made from Corellian brandy and fruit extract.
33. Vlizz-kick: a fermented drink favored by the Quarren, it is made from the seaweed native to
the Calamarian seas. It has a barely palatable taste, but it really packs a wallop.

34. Corellian Twister: an alcoholic beverage.

35. Algae Sugar: this sweetener is created from the dried extracts of certain forms of algae. It is
often dissolved in water and fermented, then consumed as a alcoholic beverage.
36. Ardees: this was the name of the most popular alcoholic beverage produced by the Ardees
Beverage Company, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Note that the adaptation of
Star Wars: Epsiode II Attack of the Clones, by Patricia Wrede, indicates that ardees is the
beverage consumed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Dexter Jettster, as opposed to jawa juice.
37. Blue Dwarf: an alcoholic beverage.
38. Cassandra Sunrise: this alcoholic beverage is similar to a Tatooine Sunburn, only much
more potent.
39: Claing Juice: this strong, red, alcoholic beverage was fermented on Nierport Seven, from the
small berries of the thorny claing bush that grew on the moon's cold surface.
40. Cometduster: this was an alcoholic concoction which was popular in the Outer Rim during
the early years of the New Republic. After the liquids were mixed in the glass, and impassioning
machine excited the molecules of the beverage, giving the tongue a sort of electrifying sensation
as it was consumed.
41. Deuterium-pyro: this strong, alcoholic beverage was often consumed in single shots.
42. Dorian Quill: an alcoholic beverage aged 12 years or more.
43. Drale: this was a draught fermented beverage produced on the planet Kodai.
44. Fox Beer: a malted beverage created in the Outer Rim.
45. Grakkyn: this fruit is native to the planet Kashyyyk. The flesh and juice of the grakkyn are
fermented to create a potent, alcoholic beverage.
46. Ice Blaster: an alcoholic beverage made from Sullustan gin.
47. Isothane: this alcoholic beverage is often served with water and ice.
48. Lum: a powerfully intoxicating beverage favored in the Corellian System but found throughout
the galaxy.
49. Malt Ferment: this mildly-alcoholic beverage was popular among the younger generation of
moisture farmers on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order.
50. Merenzane Gold: a subtle, sweet-tasting alcoholic beverage that has been brewed in the
galaxy for thousands of years. Depending on the vintage, it can be quite expensive. It was the
favored beverage of Kardue'sai'Malloc, who consumed it under the alias of Labria.
51. Mutant Zombie Cooler: a mixed beverage Han Solo makes sarcastic reference to while
escaping with Dracmus from the Human League on Corellia.
52. Nikta: this frothy, powerful alcoholic beverage was created by the Nikto race.
53. Norvanian Grog: an old, expensive intoxicating beverage. A 400-year-old bottle is exquisite.
It is produced on the island of N'van on the planet Ban-Satir
54. Orgone Bubbler: this beverage is characterized by a frothy, purple head.
55. Orryxian Catsblood: an alcoholic beverage favored in the Outer Rim.
56. Oshmahr: this was an alcoholic beverage that was fermented by the Devaronian people.
57. Ottegan Mead: this slightly-sweet malted beverage is created in the Ottega System.
58. Pica Thundercloud: a green, alcoholic beverage which is sipped, rather than mixed or
59. Remote Terminator: a strong beverage whose contents vary. The partaker can have the
drink served in a preprogrammed fashion, or they can the ingredients randomized.
60. Rummy Tonic: an alcoholic beverage.
61. Sea Dew: this beverage was created by the Quarren, and was popular in many bars.
62. Settov Hammer: a strong alcoholic beverage.
63. Starshine Surprise: a mixed, alcoholic beverage. It is named for the first you notice after
drinking one: the starfield whirling in front of your eyes as you hit the ground.
64. Tatooine Sunburn: a thick, bitter-tasting alcoholic beverage, the Tatooine Sunburn was
created by placing two Starshine Surprises in one glass, and was named for the twin stars Tatoo I
and Tatoo II.
65. Ugorian Spore-gruel: this is the preferred alcoholic beverage of the Ugor race.
66. Utoz: this beverage, produced on the planet Merisee, was brewed from toz grains.
67. Vasarian Brandy: an intoxicating beverage favored by Thrackan Sal-Solo.
68. Vishay Water: this is a mildly alcoholic, carbonated beverage.

69. Wookiee-wango: an alcoholic beverage made with Sullustan gin and stirred, not shaken.
70. Yurp: this alcoholic beverage was created on the planet Ryloth, during the years leading up
to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
71. Sullustan Gin: an intergalactic alcoholic spirit.
Non-Alcoholic Drinks:
1. Aitha: this protein drink is consumed by spacers to keep their bodies healthy during long runs.
It is served hot.
2. Altha Protein Drink: this was a fairly tasty, protein-packed drink that was favored by athletic
beings during the early years of the New Republic.
3. Chav: a drink with a euphoric taste. It was often served hot, but could be used as a dressing or
additive to sauces.
4. Chi'ffa: this iced drink was favored by the Bothan race.
5. Elba Water: a non-alcoholic beverage created from elba.
6. Fruit Fizz: a non-alcoholic drink favored by many of the New Republic's starfighter pilots.
7. Jaar: this is a drink given to Wookiee children. It is fermented from alcoari milk and vineberry
extract, and is very sweet to the taste.
8. Ksaa: a red drink favored by the Ssi-ruuvi, its contents are not known.
9. Leena: this orange-flavored cinnamon drink was favored by the natives of Meirm City, on the
Copper Coast of Sriluur.
10. Naris-bud Tea: a stimulating drink.
11. Paricha: this drink was brewed from the paricha root, and was usually served spiced. It was
described as having a soft flavor.
12. Pawei Juice: a tart drink.
13. Phizz: this was a soft drink favored by the youth of the galaxy, during the height of the New
14. Red Dwarf: a potent drink.
15. Ruby Bliel: this non-alcoholic drink is a favorite of young children.
16. Tarine Tea: a drink brewed on Kuan, it has been made for many generations. Custom
dictates that the leaves be first scraped, then arranged in a certain pattern in the pot before
boiling water is added and the leaves steeped.
17. Turbofizz: a drink popular in the Corporate Sector.
18. Vayerbok: this drink is served warm.
19. Veronian Berry Wine: a non-alcoholic drink.
20. Zoochberry: a small fruit used to make juice, pies, and a creamy drink.
21. Anoat Malted: this is a rich, sweet beverage has a deep, smoky flavor.
22. Bajjah: this warm beverage was often served at breakfast.
23. Belaria Juice: this fruit beverage was favored by the Iotran race.
24. Blue Milk: this nutrient-rich beverage is served on worlds where natural resources are
scarse. Planets such as Tatooine consume blue milk to supplement the water-poor diets of its
inhabitants. Blue milk is also rumored to have medicinal value.
25. Cactus Pulque: this was a form of nutritious beverage that was pressed from the cactus
plants which were native to the planet Tatooine.
26. Caf: a stimulating beverage.
27. Caffa: this stimulating beverage, favored on Core Worlds like Stassia, was best served hot.
28. Charde: this refreshing beverage is best served cold.
29. Chav: this beverage, usually served hot, was consumed on the planet Beheboth.
30. Coffeine: a strong, hot, stimulating beverage.
31. Dianogan Tea: this steeped beverage, usually served hot, was considered something of a
delicacy by the Muun race, despite the fact that it stained the lips and mouth of those individuals
who drank it. They were easily identifiable by their purple lips, purple teeth, and black gums,
although the staining effect was temporary. Drinkers of dianogan tea - named for the fact that it
was brewed from a chemical found in the spleen of a dianoga - found the stains a small price to
pay for the flavor, aroma, and mildly narcotic affect of the tea.
32. Ebranite Lu-ramin Oilmead: this beverage is created with lu-ramin (vital in the production of
certain medicines) as its base.

33. Endrolian Ground-apple Juice: this beverage is supposedly non-alcoholic, but it can be
quickly fermented into a fine spirit.
34. Fizz-Pop: this is a carbonated beverage enjoyed throughout the galaxy. The Squibs use
empty Fizz-Pop cans as the badges of their most trusted diplomats.
35. Fizzyglug: an intergalactic carbonated beverage favored on Nar Shaddaa and many
backwater worlds.
36. Friz: this bubbly beverage was often served frozen or iced.
37. Gwethh: this spiced tea was a favorite beverage of the Ithorian race.
38. Juma Juice: this non-alcoholic beverage was favored by many Jedi Knights, during the last
years of the Old Republic.
39. Misti: this brewed beverage was served on many farmers' tables on the planet Dagro, during
the last decades of the Old Republic.
40. Rusc'te: this warm beverage was a staple on the planet Exocron, and was often drank in the
41. Rush: a highly-charged, carbonated beverage, Rush contained enough natural stimulants to
keep the average human wide awake for several days.
42. Single-celery Soda: this is a favored beverage of the Ugor race.
43. Skoa: this refreshing beverage is best served cold.
44. Snig: this beverage could be served cold or boiled, depending on the drinker's tastes.
45. Stim Tea: a strong, steeped beverage that has the side effect of raising a person's alertness,
much like coffeine.
46. Tanque Tea: this was a steeped beverage that originated on Corellia.
47. TGM Protein Fruit Concentrate Refresher: this beverage, produced by the technology
corporation TransGalMeg Industries, is a staple of the company's employees.
48. Ti'il Tea: this is a hot beverage brewed from the t'iil plant's leaves. It is assumed this is
another spelled of t'iil.
49. Tisane: a warm beverage brewed on the planet Gamorr.
50. Wake-tea: this was a stimulating, hot beverage that was brewed on the planet Ord Cestus.
51. Yeade: this warm beverage was favored by the Witches of Dathomir, during the last decades
of the Old Republic.

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