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Commitments to Combating Poverty

Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development


1. Stakeholders: Governments in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations

1.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods
1.1.1 Activities Empowering communities
2. Stakeholders: Governments with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local
community organizations
2.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods
2.1.1 Activities Management-related activities
3. Stakeholders: Governments
3.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods
3.1.1 Activities Management-related activities Data, information and evaluation
3.1.2 Means of Implementation Capacity-building
3.1.3 Financing and cost evaluation
3.2 Strategies and policies
3.2.1 Activities
4. Stakeholders : United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and
with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations
4.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods
4.1.1 Activities International and regional cooperation and coordination
5. Stakeholder: Economic and Social Council
5.1 Interlinkages
5.1.1 Activities
6. Stakeholders: Governments with international cooperation and assistance
6.1.1 Activities

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
1. Stakeholders: Governments in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations

1.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods

1.1.1 Activities Empowering communities
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations) empowered women through full participation in Women
Art 3.7 (a) decision-making?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations) respected the cultural integrity and the rights of Indigenous people
Art 3.7 (b) indigenous people and their communities?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations) promoted or established grass-roots mechanisms Communities
Art 3.7 (c) to allow for the sharing of experiences and knowledge between communities?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations) given communities a large measure of Communities
Art 3.7 (d) participation in the sustainable management and protection of the local natural resources in order to enhance their productive capacity?

1.) If yes: a.) How and When?

b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (in cooperation with appropriate international and non-governmental organizations) established a network of community-based
Art 3.7 (e) learning centers for capacity-building and sustainable development?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development

2. Stakeholders: Governments with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local
community organizations
2.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods
2.1.1 Activities Management-related activities
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (a) generated remunerative employment and productive occupational opportunities compatible with country-specific factor endowments, on a scale sufficient
to take care of prospective increases in the labour force and to cover backlogs?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 With international support, has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local Resource-poor
Art 3.8 (b) community organizations), where necessary, developed adequate infrastructure, marketing systems, technology systems, credit systems and the like and the people
human resources needed to support the above actions to achieve a widening of options for resource-poor people?

Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) given
high priority to basic education and professional training?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Local populations
Art 3.8 (c) provided substantial increases in economically efficient resource productivity and measures to ensure that the local population benefits in adequate measure
from resource use?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Community
Art 3.8 (d) empowered community organizations and people to enable them to achieve sustainable livelihoods? organizations
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) set up
Art 3.8 (e) an effective primary health care and maternal health care system accessible to all?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) All landowners—
Art 3.8 (f) considered strengthening/developing legal frameworks for land management, access to land resources and land ownership—in particular, for women—and especially women
the protection of tenants?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (g) rehabilitated degraded resources, to the extent practicable, and introduced policy measures to promote sustainable use of resources for basic human needs?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Poor
Art 3.8 (h) established new community-based mechanisms and strengthened existing mechanisms to enable communities to gain sustained access to resources needed
by the poor to overcome their poverty?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (i) implemented mechanisms for popular participation—particularly by poor people, especially women—in local community groups, to promote sustainable

1.) If yes: a.) How and When?

b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (j) implemented, as a matter of urgency, in accordance with country-specific conditions and legal systems, measures to ensure that women and men have the
same right to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and have access to the information, education and means, as
appropriate, to enable them to exercise this right in keeping with their freedom, dignity and personally held values, taking into account ethical and cultural

Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) taken
active steps to implement programmes to establish and strengthen preventative and curative health facilities, which include women-centered, women
managed, safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessible services, as appropriate, for the responsible planning of family size, in
keeping with freedom, dignity and personally held values, taking into account ethical and cultural considerations?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Urban centres
Art 3.8 (k) adopted integrated policies aiming at sustainability in the management of urban centres?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (l) undertaken activities aimed at the promotion of food security and, where appropriate, food self-sufficiency within the context of sustainable agriculture?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (m) supported research on and integration of traditional methods of production that have been shown to be environmentally sustainable?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations)
Art 3.8 (n) actively sought to recognize and integrate informal-sector activities into the economy by removing regulations and hindrances that discriminate against
activities in those sectors?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Landless poor
Art 3.8 (o) considered making available lines of credit and other facilities for the informal sector and improved access to land for the landless poor so that they can
acquire the means of production and reliable access to natural resources?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Poor
Art 3.8 (p) provided the poor with access to fresh water and sanitation?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Poor
Art 3.8 (q) provided the poor with access to primary education?

1.) If yes: a.) How and When?

b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?

3. Stakeholders: Governments

3.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods

3.1.1 Activities Management-related activities
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) Whole population
Art 3.8 (j) implemented, as a matter of urgency, in accordance with country-specific conditions and legal systems, measures to ensure that women and men have the
same right to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and have access to the information, education and means, as
appropriate, to enable them to exercise this right in keeping with their freedom, dignity and personally held values, taking into account ethical and cultural

Has the government (with the assistance of and in cooperation with appropriate international, non-governmental and local community organizations) taken
active steps to implement programmes to establish and strengthen preventative and curative health facilities, which include women-centered, women
managed, safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessible services, as appropriate, for the responsible planning of family size, in
keeping with freedom, dignity and personally held values, taking into account ethical and cultural considerations?

Has the government programmes focused on providing comprehensive health care, including prenatal care, education and information on health and
responsible parenthood and provided the opportunity for all women to breast-feed fully, at least during the first four months post-partum.

Has the government programmes fully supported women’s productive and reproductive roles and well-being, with special attention to the need for
providing equal and improved health care for all children and the need to reduce the risk of maternal and child mortality and sickness?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not? Data, information and evaluation

Agenda 21 Has the government improved the collection of information on target groups and target areas in order to facilitate the design of focused programmes and Women
Art 3.9 activities, consistent with the target-group needs and aspirations?

Has evaluation of such programmes been gender-specific, since women are a particularly disadvantaged group?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
3.1.2 Means of Implementation Capacity-building
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has national capacity-building for implementation of the above activities been given high priority? Local
Art 3.12 communities
Has capacity-building been focused at the local community level in order to support a community-driven approach to sustainability and to establish and
strengthen mechanisms to allow sharing of experience and knowledge between community groups at national and international levels?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
3.1.3 Financing and cost evaluation
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 How much of the average annual total cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme has the government contributed?
Art 3.11
The activities of this programme are estimated to be about $30 billion, including about $15 billion from the international community on grant or
concessional terms.
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
3.2 Strategies and policies
3.2.1 Activities
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD IV In accordance with commitment 2 of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development 6/ adopted by the World Summit for Social Development, has Impoverished 1996
3 government formulated or strengthened, national strategies to eradicate absolute poverty and reduce overall poverty? nations

Have these strategies been comprehensive in order to address all aspects of poverty and integrate gender perspectives?

In addition, has the government integrated environmental issues in such strategies and ensured that they are related to national sustainable development

Have such strategies been supported by the international community, which should assist developing countries, including through international
organizations, in their efforts to achieve the overall goal of eradicating poverty and ensuring basic social protection?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD III Has the government formulated or strengthened policies and strategies geared to substantially reducing overall poverty in the shortest possible time, and Impoverished
75 reducing inequalities, and to eradicate absolute poverty by a target date to be specified by each country within its national context? countries

Have these strategies incorporated measures to ensure environmental sustainability?

1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD IV Have all efforts to eradicate absolute poverty and reduce overall poverty within the context of sustainable development been accompanied by mechanisms Least developed
5 that would effectively address those issues? countries
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
CSD III Has the government stressed the need for a multidimensional and integrated approach towards the goal of poverty eradication in partnership with all actors
76 of civil society? Poverty, youth
and women
Have national strategies been geared towards the implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and Programme of Action of the
World Summit for Social Development, in particular commitment 2 of the Declaration and chapter II of the Programme of Action?

Have national budgets and policies been oriented, as necessary, to meet basic needs, reducing inequalities and targeting poverty as a strategic objective?

Has the government created an enabling economic environment aimed at promoting more equitable access for all to income, resources and social services?

Have women been a central focus of poverty eradication efforts?

Has the government introduced programmes that would focus on the specific needs of children and youth, consistent with the Convention on the Rights of
the Child?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD III Has the government reaffirmed, promoted and striven to ensure the realization of rights contained in relevant international instruments and declarations? Impoverished
77 countries
Have people living in poverty been enabled so as to have access to productive resources and sustainable livelihoods, including credit, land, education and
training, and technology?

Has the government been empowered to participate in the formulation and implementation of the policies and decisions affecting them?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD III Has the government freed up resources for programmes aimed at the eradication of poverty? Impoverished
78 countries
Have activities geared towards eradication of poverty been accompanied by meaningful programmes that aim to substantially reduce environmentally and
socially unsustainable patterns of production and consumption?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?

4. Stakeholders: United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with
appropriate international and non-governmental organizations

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development

4.1 Enabling the poor to achieve sustainable livelihoods

4.1.1 Activities International and regional cooperation and coordination
Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate Governments
Art 3.10 (a) international and non-governmental organizations assisted Governments, when requested, in the formulation and implementation of national action
programmes on poverty alleviation and sustainable development?

Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate
international and non-governmental organizations given particular attention to action-oriented activities of relevance to the above objectives, such as
poverty eradication, projects and programmes supplemented where relevant by food aid, and support and special emphasis on employment and income
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate Developing
Art 3.10 (b) international and non-governmental organizations promoted technical cooperation among developing countries for poverty eradication activities? countries

1.) If yes: a.) How and When?

b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate Governments
Art 3.10 (c) international and non-governmental organizations strengthened its existing system for coordination of action relating to poverty eradication, including the
establishment of a focal point for information exchange and the formulation and implementation of replicable pilot projects to combat poverty?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate Governments
Art 3.10 (d) international and non-governmental organizations in the follow-up of the implementation of Agenda 21, given high priority to the review of the progress
made in eradicating poverty?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate Poor and needy
Art 3.10 (e) international and non-governmental organizations examined the international economic framework, including resource flows and structural adjustment
programmes, to ensure that social and environmental concerns are addressed, and in this connection, conducted a review of the polices of international
organizations, bodies and agencies, including financial institutions, to ensure the continued provision of basic services to the poor and needy?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
Agenda 21 Has the United Nations system, through its relevant organs, organizations and bodies, in cooperation with Member States and with appropriate Developing
Art 3.10 (f) international and non-governmental organizations promoted international cooperation to address the root causes of poverty? countries

Have developing countries been weighted down by external indebtedness?

Has development finance been inadequate?

Do barriers restrict access to markets?

Have commodity prices and the terms of trade in developing countries remained depressed?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?

5. Stakeholder: Economic and Social Council

5.1 Interlinkages
5.1.1 Activities
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD III Has ECOSOC examined how to ensure synergy and cooperation between the Commission on Sustainable Development and other functional Economic and
81 Commissions with responsibilities in the area of poverty eradication, including consideration about the proper division of labour among them? social sector

1.) If yes: a.) How and When?

b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
CSD III Has the ECOSOC focused its attention on the linkages between programmes aimed at poverty eradication and sustainable development deriving from Poverty
82 Agenda 21 and the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development? eradication and
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD IV Has the ECOSOC in its work the Commission focused its attention on the interlinkages between poverty and the environment, taking into account the Imp overished
6 fact that poverty is a complex multidimensional problem with origins in both the national and international domains, and recognizing that economic nations
development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development?

6. Stakeholders: Governments with international cooperation and assistance

6.1.1 Activities
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) improved access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities and Rural poor and
session productive resources, including land, water, credit, technical and administrative training, and appropriate technology, with particular efforts to urban informal
27 (a) broaden the human and social capital basis of societies so as to reach the rural poor and the urban informal sector? Provided universal access to basic sector
social services, including basic education, health care, nutrition, clean water and sanitation?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) provided universal access to basic social services, including basic education,
session health care, nutrition, clean water and sanitation?
27 (b)
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) progressively developed, in accordance with the financial and administrative Least developed
session capacities of each society, social protection systems to support those who cannot support themselves, either temporarily or permanently; the aim of countries
27 (c) social integration is to create a "society for all"?

Commitments to Combating Poverty
Agenda 21: Chapter 3 and UN Commission Sustainable Development
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) empowered people living in poverty and their organizations by involving them Least developed
session fully in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategies and programmes for poverty eradication and community development and by countries
27 (d) ensuring that these programmes reflect their priorities?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) addressed the disproportionate impact of poverty on women, in particular by Women
session removing legislative, policy, administrative and customary barriers to women's equal access to productive resources and services, including access to
27 (e) and control over land and other forms of property, credit, including micro-credit, inheritance, education, information, health care and technology?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) worked together with interested donors and recipients to allocate increased shares Impoverished
session of official development assistance to poverty eradication? countries
27 (f)
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?
Source Recommendation Target Group Target Date Reference
CSD 19th special Has the government (with international cooperation and assistance) intensified international cooperation to support measures being taken in Impoverished
session developing countries to eradicate poverty, to provide basic social protection and services, and to approach poverty eradication efforts in an integral countries
27 (g) and multidimensional manner?
1.) If yes: a.) How and When?
b.) What was the impact?
c.) How was it measured?
2.) If not: Why not?


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