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Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)

Biorthogonal Nonuniform Multiwavelet Packets associated with

nonuniform multiresolution analysis with multiplicity D

Nadya A. S. Atlouba, 2Ajit Paul, 3Naser R. Naser

1 2 3
, , Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
SHIATS, (Deemed to be University), Allahabad, India-211 007

ABSTRACT:- A biorthogonal wavelet packets associated with nonuniform multiresoltion analysis

(NUMRA) was introduced by Firdous shah, In this paper we generalize and define the biorthogonal
nonuniform multiwavelet packets associated by nonuniform multiresolution analysis with multiplicity D
(NUMRA-D). Further from the meaning of Fourier transform we study their characteristics.

KEYWORDS:- NUMRA with multiplicity D, nonuniform Multiwavelet, biorthogonal wavelet packets,

Riesz basis, Fourier transform.



In [9,10] Gabardo and Nashed considered a generalization of Mallats[16] theory of MRA based on
spectral pairs where the translation set is of the form {0, /} + 2, where 1 is an integer, 1 2
1, is an odd integer and , are relatively prime, which is called NUMRA. In [14] we provided the necessary
and sufficient condition for the existence of NUMRAMW multiplicity D. G.Gripenberg and X. Wang gave the
characterization theorem for dyadic orthonormal wavelet in 2 () Wavelet packets constructed by coifman [15]
it was gave rise to a large class of orthonormal bases of 2 () into direct sum of its closed subspaces Wavelet
packets. Behera[2,3] has constructed nonuniform wavelet packets associated with NUMRA. In [1] we
constructed multiwavelet packets associated with nonuniform multiresolution analysis with multiplicity D
(NUMRA-D). Firdous [8] introduce the notion of biorthogonal wavelet packets associated with nonuniform
multiresolution analysis. Our result extends the biorthogonal wavelet packets of Firdous shah into NUMRA-D
in has constructed nonuniform wavelet packets associated with NUMRA.



We will state some important preliminaries and notation in this section that we are need it in the recent
paper. First we recall the definition of as defined in [14], some of its properties and the associate
multiwavelet packets [1-3, 8, 14] as follows:
Definition 2.1. A nonuniform multiresolution analysis with multiplicity for dilation 2 and translation
, is a collection { } of closed subspaces of 2 () satisfying the following axioms:
(1) +1 , ,
2 +1 , ,
(3) = {0},
(4) 2 (), and
(P5) There exist functions 1 , 2 , . . . , 0 , called the scaling functions, such that the collection { (
) , 1 } is a complete orthonormal basis for 0 .
In the axiom (5), the set of scaling functions {1 , 2 , . . . , } is called multiscaling function of
multiplicity . When 1, the dilation factor of ensures that 2 .
In the theory of multresolution analysis, another sequence { } of closed subspaces of 2 () is defined by
= +1 , and denotes the orthogonal complement of in +1 , for an { }
with dilation factor . These subspaces hold the scaling property of { } , and we have :
2 () = = 0 ( 0 )

| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |


| Vol. 5 | Iss. 8 | August 2015 | 53 |

Biorthogonal Nonuniform Multiwavelet Packet associated with by nonuniform multiresolution analysis with
A set of functions { 1 ( 1)} = in 2 () is said to be a nonuniform multiwavelet
associated with the { } if the collection { ( ) 1 ( 1), } forms an
orthonormal basis for 0 . We call to be an multiwavelet. In view of properties of , the
{ /2 ( ) , 1 ( 1),
forms an orthonormal basis for 2 () if is a nonuniform multiwavelet.
Below we mention a result obtained in [14] that will be used in sequel.
Theorem 2.2. Suppose { } is an with dilation and translation . If there exist functions
, 1 , in 1 such that the family of functions
1 = ,

: 1 ; 1 ;

forms an orthonormal system for the generating subspace 1 , then; = ( 1) is a necessary and sufficient
condition such that the above system is complete in 1 .
Proposition 2.3. Suppose { } is an with dilation and translation . Then the space 1
consists precisely of the functions 2 () whose Fourier transform can be written as

, (),


for locally 2 functions

. .


for 1 together with



+ 2 ,
where 1 and 2 , = 1, 2, . . . , , are locally , 1/2-periodic functions.
In the above proposition the space 1 consist functions 2 (). Since (1/)(/) 0 , there exists a



sequence { = ( , , . . . ,

)} satisfying


, 2

< such that

( ) ,



or, equivalently, by taking the Fourier transform of both sides of the previous equation, we obtained the result
(2.1) and (2.2), with
, =

() =

, 2



() =

2 +


We denote by and column vectors in and in as = {1 , . . . , } and = {1 , . . . , },

respectively. In particular, since () 0 1 , from Proposition 2.3 there are locally 2 functions 0 , , for
1 , , such that, for a.e.

0 ,


Taking 01





and 02
02 , in the matrix notation, this can be written as follows:
= 0 , . . ,
with 0 () = 01 () + 2 / 02 ()
, where the matrices 01 and 02 defined by
01 = 01


and 02 = 02

1 ,

are usually called low-pass filters (or scaling matrix filters)

associated with the scaling family .

Similarly, in case of () 0 1 , where 0 = : 1 ; , there are locally 2

functions 1

, for 1 and 1 such that, for a.e. ,

() =


| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |


() + 2 / 12 () (),




| Vol. 5 | Iss. 8 | August 2015 | 54 |

Biorthogonal Nonuniform Multiwavelet Packet associated with by nonuniform multiresolution analysis with

whose matrix notation is given as follows by considering 11



= 1 (), . . ,
with 1 = 11 () + 2 / 12 (), where the matrices 11 and 12 defined by
11 = 11
12 = 12
are usually called high-pass filters associated with the scaling family (, ).



: 1 , 1






= =1 ,,
(/) , . . .

will be called the basic nonuniform multiwavelet packets corresponding to the { } of

2 () associated with the dilation .
Note that (4.2) defines for every non-negative integer l and every such that 1 .
Now 0 = , = 1, . . , is a multiscaling function of multiplicity while , 1 1, = 1,
, , are the basic multiwavelets associated with . Now for any 0 = {0}, we define
: 1 , recursively as follows. Suppose that { : 1 , 0 } are defined already. Then

define +
, 0 1, by




( ).


Note that (4.2) defines for 0. Taking Fourier transform we get

)() = =1 ,, (/) (/) , 0 1, 1 .


Theorem 2.5.[1] Let : 0, 1 be the basic nonuniform multiwavelet packets associated with
the { }. Then
: () () +1 1, , 1 is an orthonormal basis of , 0.
( ) 0 () 1, , 1 is an orthonormal basis of , 0.
( ) 0, , 1 is an orthonormal basis of 2 ().


Now as in (4), (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11) we can define:

=1 0
= =1 1

= =1 ,,
(/) , . .


= =1
( )


(+ )() = =1
(/) (/) , 0


1, 1


: = 0, 1 , ;

0; = + 1 1 ; 1 , ; 1 ( 1);


= 1,2


Definition 3.1. A pair of function , () 2 () are biorthogonal, if their translates satisfy

. , (. ) = 0, ,
Where 0, is kronecker symbol.
If , () 2 () are a pair of biorthogonal scaling functions, then
. , (. ) = 0, , , 1 .

Moreover we say that . , . , 1 1,1 are pair of biorthogonal
nonuniform multiwavelet associated with a pair of biorthogonal scaling functions . , (. ) if the family
. : , = 1, , 1, 1 is a riesz of 0 , and
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |


| Vol. 5 | Iss. 8 | August 2015 | 55 |

Biorthogonal Nonuniform Multiwavelet Packet associated with by nonuniform multiresolution analysis with
. , (. ) = 0 , , 1 1, 1
. , (. ) = 0 , , 1 1, 1
. , (. ) = , , , , 1 , 1, 1


Proposition 3.2. If , () 2 , 1 1 are a pair of biorthogonal nonuniform

, , 2 =
= 0 0 = =1

= . : , , 1 1, = 1, ,

Lemma 3.3. Let , () be a pair of scaling functions. Then , () are biorthogonal scaling if
and only if =1 ( ) = 1 a. e .
Lemma 3.4. Asume that , 2 , 1 1, 1 are a pair of biorthogonal nonuniform
multiwavelet associated with a pair of biorthogonal scaling functions 0 () and 0 (). Then,


+ 2 ,, + 2 = , , 0 , 1, 1

Proof. By (11), (14), (17), (21) and Lemma 3.3, we have


+ 2 + 2

, =

,, 1 + 2

0 ( 1

+ 2 ) ,, 1 + 2

,, 1 + 2

0 1 + 2

,, 1 + 2

=0 =1

0 1 + 2) + 2

0 1 + 2 + 2

,, 1 + 2

,, 1 + 2

=0 =1

Theorem 3.5. Suppose : 0, 1 and : 0, 1 are nonuniform

multiwavelet Packets of multipilicity D with respect to a pair of biorthogonal scaling functions 0 () and
0 (), respectively. Then, for 0, we have
. , . = 0, ,
, 1
Proof. The proof it will be by induction, for = 0,1, , 1, (15) is true from (11), (14). Assume that it
holds when < ; > 0. For = . Order = + , where 0, 0 1 & < . We have
. , (. ) = 0, =1 ( ) = 1 , .
. , (. ) = . , (. )


,, (/) (/)

=1 ( 0,2 +)





[0,2] =1


[0,2] =0 =1

| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |

,, (/) (/) 2

+ 2
+ 2 ,, (/) (/) 2

+ 2 ( + 2)

() 2


,, (/)

,, (/) 2

+ 2 ,, ( + 2) 2


| Vol. 5 | Iss. 8 | August 2015 | 56 |

Biorthogonal Nonuniform Multiwavelet Packet associated with by nonuniform multiresolution analysis with
2 = 0, .


Theorem 3.6. Suppose : 0, 1 and : 0,1

are Nonuniform
multiwavelet Packets of multipilicity D with respect to a pair of biorthogonal scaling functions 0 () and
0 (), respectively. Then, for 0, we have
1+ . , 2+ . = 0, 1 , 2 , , 0 1 , 2 1,1
Proof. Similar steps in above proof.
Theorem 3.7. If : 0, = 1, , and : 0, = 1, , are basic nonuniform
multiwavelet packets with respect to a pair of biorthogonal multiscaling functions 0 () and 0 (),
respectively. Then, for , 0, we have

. , (. ) = , 0,
Proof. For = , the result (25) follows by Theorem 3.5. When , and 0 , 1 0 , the result
(25) can be get from Theorem 3.6. Assuming that , and at least one of , does not lies in 0,1, ,
1, then we can rewrite , as = 1 + 1 , = 2 + 2 , where 1, 2 0, 0 1 , 2 1.
Case 1. If 1 = 2 , then 1 2 . Therefore, Eq. (25) follows by (11),(15), Lemma and (22), i.e.,

. , (. ) = 1 + 1 . , 2+ (. )

= 1 + 1 . , 2+ (. )

1 + 1 .

2+ . 2

, 1 , 1 1 1 2 1 , 2 , 1 2

, 1 , 1 1 1 2 1 , 2 , 1 2

( 0,2 +)

1 1 ( + ) 2 1 ( + )


, 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 2

, 1 , 1 ( + 2) , 2 , 1 ( + 2) 2

[0,2] =0

1 , 2 2 = 0, = 0


Case 2. If 1 2 , order 1 = 3 + 3 , 2 = 4 + 4 , where 3 , 4 0 and 0 3 , 4 1. If

3 = 4 , then 3 4 . Similar to Case 1, (25) can be established. When 3 4 , we order 3 = 5 +
5 , 4 = 6 + 6 , where 5 , 6 0 and 0 5 , 6 1. Thus, after taking finite steps (denoted by
), we obtain 0 , 2 1 and 0 , 2 1. If = 2 , then 2 .Similar to the
Case 1, (25) follows. If
, then

. , 2 .

= 0,

( ) 2 ( ) = 0

Furthermore, we obtain

. , (. ) = . , (. )

= 1+

| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |

. , 2 + 2 (. )


| Vol. 5 | Iss. 8 | August 2015 | 57 |

Biorthogonal Nonuniform Multiwavelet Packet associated with by nonuniform multiresolution analysis with

1 + 1 . 2 + 2 (. ) 2

= , 1 , 1 , 3, 2 ( +
2) 3242,2,1,4,12

, ,

, ,

( , + )

, +1 ,

, +1 ,

, ,


[ , ]

, +1,

( + ) 2


( (


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| Vol. 5 | Iss. 8 | August 2015 | 58 |

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