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Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases




Impact Factor
Editorial Board
Guide for Authors


ISSN: 1201-9712


The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) is published monthly by the International
Society for Infectious Diseases. IJID is a peer-reviewed, open access journal and publishes original
clinical and laboratory-based research, together with reports of clinical trials, reviews, and some
case reports dealing with the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment, and control of infectious
diseases with particular emphasis placed on those diseases that are most common in under-resourced


2014: 1.859 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2015


Eskild Petersen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital,
Skejbygaardsvej 100, 8200, Aarhus, Denmark
Editorial Office
Annette Fowler, Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, England, UK
Assistant Editor
Annette Fowler
Corresponding Editors
T Barkham, Singapore, Singapore
S Brown, Bronx, New York, USA
R Gonzlez, Barcelona, Spain
A Hoepelman, Utrecht, Netherlands
H Leblebicioglu, Samsun, Turkey
L. I. Lutwick, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Z Memish, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
P Picot, Lyon Cedex 08, France
Dr M Ramharter, Vienna, Austria
M Rodriguez-Barradas, Houston, Texas, USA
S Singh, Uttar Pradesh, India



H Wong, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Editorial Advisory Board
Jaffar Al-Tawfiq, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Ashish Bhalla, Chandigarh, India
Bin Cao, Beijing, China
Ron Dagan, Beersheba, Israel
David Fisman, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Rodrigo Guabiraba, Nouzilly, France
Hajjeh, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Mark Holodniy, Stanford, California, USA
Yao Kaihu, Beijing, China
Keith Klugman, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Marc Mendelson, Cape Town, South Africa
Xavier Sez-Llorens, Panama City, Panama
Program Coordinator
Amy Galblum, MPH, International Society for Infectious Diseases, Brookline, Massachusetts, USA





The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) is an online journal published monthly by the
International Society for Infectious Diseases.
Please note as of January 2014 the International Journal of Infectious Diseases will be
published as an open access Journal. IJID is now only accepting submissions on an open
access basis.

Manuscript types
Original articles on infectious disease topics of broad interest. We particularly welcome papers that
discuss epidemiological aspects of international health, clinical reports, clinical trials and reports of
laboratory investigations. Original articles should not exceed 3500 words in length.
Reviews on topics of importance to readers in diverse geographic areas. These should be
comprehensive and fully referenced. Maximum length 5000 words.
Perspectives are papers that advance a hypothesis or represent an opinion relating to a topic of
current interest or importance. They should be fully referenced, and should not exceed 2000 words
in length.
Correspondence relating to papers recently published in the Journal, or containing brief reports of
unusual or preliminary findings. Maximum length 400 words, one table or figure and a maximum of
10 references.
Case Reports must be carefully documented and must be of importance because they illustrate or
describe unusual features or have important therapeutic implications. Maximum length 1200 words
and a maximum of 1 table or figure. Case reports require an abstract, but this does not need to be
a structured abstract and should include no more than 5 references.
Short Communications brief reports of unusual or preliminary findings. Maximum length 800 words,
two tables or figures and a maximum of 10 references.
Medical Imagery: We would like to invite submission of high-quality, interesting and instructive
images (such as clinical and other photographs, figures or diagrams, photomicrographs, or diagnostic
imaging) suitable for the general readership of IJID. These should include no more than 200 words
of explanatory text, and under 5 references. It is necessary to have appropriate permissions from
subjects for an identifiable clinical image to be published.
The publication fee for this journal is $1,750, excluding taxes for original research articles, reviews and
perspectives and $600 for correspondence, case reports, short communications and medical imagery.

Contact details
If you have any problem submitting your paper online please contact Annette Fowler at


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Reference style
Indicate references by superscript numbers in the text.
Number the references in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.
Reference to a journal publication:
1. Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA. The art of writing a scientific article. J Sci Commun
Reference to a book:
2. Strunk Jr W, White EB. The elements of style. 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan; 1979.Reference to
a chapter in an edited book:
3. Mettam GR, Adams LB. How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In: Jones BS, Smith
RZ, editors. Introduction to the electronic age, New York: E-Publishing Inc; 1999, p. 281-304.
Note shortened form for last page number. e.g., 51-9. For more than six authors the first six
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E-mail address
Full postal address
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All figure captions
All tables (including title, description, footnotes)




Further considerations
Manuscript has been 'spell-checked' and 'grammar-checked'
References are in the correct format for this journal
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