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12:23 pm, 9/10/2009, Thursday, 2 Ik/Wind Mayan calendar day



As I gaze out the window on the rain-soaked landscape, the cloudy view of trees and shrubs beckons. I seem to see or sense, rather, a Native American moving so skillfully, so quietly through the scene that not even by a twig cracking is his presence betrayed. Quietly pondering, I go into the vision, becoming, myself, that Native one, living, being part of that life. I look at the difficulty of the training to go so quietly through the forest, reliving it, as a child. I am back, having, again, the sense of what it is like to live right out along nature, to not have the cities, cars, and all the accouterments (i.e., trappings) of modern life. Well, life, in their day, was modern, too... Only there was an agelessness about it. Perhaps they didnt even have a word for modern. The visions dont come so clear as to include full linguistics. Anyway, there, rejoicing quietly within, as one with those early Americans, I enjoyed and went through the seasons, the hardships of that, the constant moving about, living on the land instead of off of it. I felt the full naturalness, the majestic, awesome beauty that is/was that life and lifestyle. And then Im crying, sobbing. So quickly does it come on me, and the words that come are, Oh Jesus, what have we done in your name? As I see the rounding up, the forcing away from their native lands of my people. I see the radical forcing of this new doctrine, this religion upon my people, the forced schooling of our children, as they are raped of our heritage, so cruelly, so coldly... and I weep. I look to our Lord, there above, with love and understanding -- after all, He certainly didnt do it -- He is just as hurt by it all as anyone, here in 3D. Yet, I am angry with religion, all of it! It is cruel, inhumane, and barbaric, in the extreme, and all with the face and front of such piety. Garbage! To be anything approaching fair, of course, one must look to those in power with such complaints, for it is not, it is never the little people, the regular folks in the world who practice these things, who foist them on us, on others. It is always the ones hidden behind the scenes, who seek both to wield their power and to cement it in, destroying all that might threaten it; up to and including anyone who gets in their way. So it is certainly not against those who practice their religion that this anger flows. Back to the vision. Though most of it is captured, above, as well as it can be in

words, there is more, of course, so much more. The feelings that went with it are tremendous, and remain with me, still. Not so much any hatred, or even anger, but just the sense, the beautiful, peaceful, rightfully-one-with-nature sense of what it is like to be the Native person, from whatever land. There is a deep health in this that modern man just cannot grasp, for it is too foreign to him, and to his modern culture. It would show up a wrongness about the way we live, and wo/man is not so good at seeing that, where he is in the wrong. (This is due to excessive identification with the thoughts, but thats another story, entirely, of course.) Ah, I am so grateful, for I have this blessed sense, still. It lingers with me. I am so grateful for the way these other lives come to light, come to life in my awareness. It is not, at this time, such a deep thing that I lose awareness of the body here, completely. Instead, it just fades into the background, as the scenes play out, around me, as the feelings and sensings of the supposed past come to life within and all around. One never knows what will arise. It has only started since I have become and been so open to the feelings, so willing to be with both the sad, the bad ones, not stuffing or repressing these, as of old was my habit...like so many. It probably helps that there is this willingness to let come what comes, and not judge or repulse anything. So, both joys and deep sadnesses are felt; today, even deep anger, and hatred. So be it, for whats real simply is. Theres an additional beauty here, as well, in the changing, the deep changing, of the sense of time...of what it is, and what it is not, in spite of what people have so long believed. Yes, naturally, those very beliefs get in the way of this experience, of any experience that goes against the beliefs a person holds. Belief is far more powerful than weve been taught. Thus, in my eradication of masses of old, ancient, outworn beliefs, I am made ready and fertile for this new sensing and experiencing of time. It becomes, now, rather than a belief, an actual experience of the simultaneousness of it, creeping in on little cat feet, bringing me these lovely experiences of these other mes, these other days and places, senses and sensings. It is truly beautiful to behold. Yet, it is challenging to put into words, knowing those words will be read by those, by some, at least, who still hold those beliefs about the linearity of time, the past-present-futureness of it. I have no notion, any more, of what that will be like, in the reading of these words, since it took leaving that behind to have the experiences. Oh well, whatever. Once again, it is what it is. Should anyone desire, however, to perhaps quickly accelerate the eradication of old, worn out beliefs still resident there, within the largely inaccessible subconscious, let me suggest a route I took, which was the use of NLP, or NeuroLinguistic Programming, which directly accesses the subconscious. It is quite a

journey, and not the easiest way, for sure, as one lives through some trauma as the old makes way for the newly self-chosen ideas to be laid in their place. My choice, and this is another TECH TIP, is the website of Teri Mahaney, which is SuperSleep.com. One can both learn all about it, there, and access whatever tools one desires, taking either the ready-made CD route, or the self-created one; she empowers both. To get an excellent overview of her work and philosophy, see her interviewed at ConsciousMediaNetwork.com. This taking over of ones subconscious, and making wise choices about what beliefs reside there, is all a part of being, of becoming sovereign beings, once again. The Natives were and are that, but we have lost the sense of it, in the modern times, and particularly in the West. We cannot even imagine what it is to stand upon our own two feet, and be calm, and not lonely in that. Or rather, should the loneliness come, it is no big deal, and one would not sacrifice anything at all of ones integrity or self to assuage the pain. It is very much as Sri Nisargadatta says in my morning reading:* Weak desires can be removed by introspection and meditation, but strong, deep-rooted ones must be fulfilled and their fruits, sweet or bitter, tasted. Such it is that drives or has driven us into multiple lifetimes; the tasting of those fruits. He speaks from a beautiful realm of freedom, wherein one can say, with him, The state of mind: there is a world is secondary, for, to be, I do not need the world, the world needs me. For, greater than the desire to live, is the freedom from the urge to live. Having lived so very long, like so many of us, I know I approach this freedom from the urge to live...at least, to live in 3D, for that is what is meant. One simply cannot, after all, cease to live; it is not possible. Good day.

I AM THAT, Ch. 26, pp. 97-98

~~~~~~~~~ TAGS
"Native American" journal siritual reincarnation memory experience forest vision time past Jesus found-up "Trail of Tears" indian christian religion 3D inhumane anger piety power manipulators nature modern culture grateful acceptance repression beliefs timeless simultaneous sensings linear NLP subconscious "Teri Mahaney" choices sovereign integrity Nisargadatta freedom

For Scribd:
Native American, reincarnation, memory, forest, vision, Jesus, Trail of Tears, indian, christian, 3D, inhumane, power, manipulators, nature, repression, beliefs, simultaneous, sovereign, Nisargadatta, freedom

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