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Key Royal Condominium Association, Inc.

Board Of Directors Meeting

October 7, 2009

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

Date of Meeting: October 7, 2009

Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M.
Place of Meeting: Key Royal Clubhouse, 8204 Key Royal Lane, Naples, FL. 34119

President Ken Stephens called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.

Call to Order

Roll Call: Ken Stephens and Sharon Stites were present. Joe Kalinowski was absent. Also
present was Susan L. Bedyan and Steve Rodeiro; Property Managers.

Reading and Approval of the Minutes from the May 13, 2009 and May 19, 2009 Board of
Director’s Meetings

Motion by Sharon Stites to waive reading of the minutes and approve them as written.
Second by Ken Stephens
Vote 2:0
Motion carried

New Business:

Ken Stephens began the meeting with the introduction of the Community Channel and
the current offer from Comcast for the free digital receiver for residents

Ken spoke about the following topics:

Parking procedure for overnight guests and the circumstances surrounding not
responding to parking warnings.

Pool and Spa Rules- Rules were ratified during the May 19, 2009 meeting and new
pool and spa signs have been posted.

Storage buildings-We have reconnected the electric as a safety measure for our
residents at a connection cost of approximately $90.00 and a future monthly billing to
total approximately $50.00.
Key Royal Storage -mailed letters to customers to state that no further rentals would
be granted, but rescinded that decision and have raised prices to stay in business.

Officer Reports

President Ken Stephens spoke about the following:

1. Two separate incidents involving gate damage; one was a moving van which we
have settled thanks to a lot of due diligence on John’s part and the second involving a
resident who has reimbursed the Association for the damages.

2. Positive emails and letters received from seasonal residents in response to the
maintenance and landscaping of the Association and an anonymous negative email
directed toward the manager and how such emails will be disregarded.

3. The need for volunteers to organize a Halloween party for the children and to assist
with some plantings in front of the clubhouse. Susan King and Fran Perrothers
volunteered to help and Al Ramirez, Sr. made a donation for the purchase of
Halloween candy.

4. The preparation of letters to residents regarding breezeway clutter.

Vice President Sharon Stites spoke about the following:

1. The aging of the property and unit upkeep and maintenance; i.e. hot water heaters,
replacement of water hoses on clothes washers and dishwashers, dryer vent & a/c
filter cleaning.

2. A recent kitchen fire in Unit 436 which caused water damage on all 3 floors and the
importance of having homeowner’s insurance.

3. Maintenance employees for the Association and how the privilege to perform work
for residents was abused in the past and how it is no longer allowed due to liability,

President Ken Stephens spoke about the current state of finances:

Operating Account $ 139,615.42

Escrow (insurance) $ 24,113.66
Escrow (egress) $ 7,041.88
Reserves (liquid) $ 8,053.70
Reserves (CD) $207,177.16
Pay Pal Account $ 500.00
(Pay Pal is a new account that was opened at Ken’s account to assist with the ease of
ordering supplies for the office).

Attorney’s Report

(The Attorney’s Report was moved up out of the original sequence for the Agenda).

Association Attorney John Goede discussed the stabilization of foreclosures this

quarter and that $34,000 has been brought in since the last quarter.


Steve Rodeiro spoke about a discrepancy regarding the amount of foreclosures and
bankruptcies previously presented at the last two meetings resulting from a change in
procedure between Presidio’s office and John’s office.

Steve discussed the delinquencies from the past quarter which totaled approximately $
115,239 and current quarter which total approximately $150,000 totaling $ 260,000

Anne Schultz questioned the time frame for delinquencies to be turned over to John’s
office and Steve explained that John becomes involved usually after an owner
becomes more than 30 days (one quarter) behind in their payments.

John discussed an example of an aggressive measure taken against an owner who

stopped paying her assessments and how he filed a foreclosure action against her
which resulted in the (temporary) possession of the unit to the Association and that we
have been collecting rent for the past 8 months.

Anne Schultz asked if the Association offers payment options to owners who cannot
pay their assessments on time and Ken explained that the condominium documents
dictate how/when the payments are to be made.

Vice President Sharon Stites spoke about Chinese Drywall and clarified that we do not
have any problems.

Committee Reports

President Ken Stephens spoke about the following:

1. Laurel Lakes easement committee-Key Royal and Laurel Lakes has been working
on a solution for maintaining the boundary between the two properties and an
agreement that we have drawn up and still in the process of negotiating.
Management Report

Property Manager Susan L. Bedyan gave the following management report:



6/09/09 –Trimmed 115 Queen Palms and 105 Sabal Palms according to Collier County
Code at a cost of $16.00 each totaling $ 3,520.00.


6/24/09 We purchased a used golf cart at a cost of $2,500.00 thereby terminating our
month-to-month lease with B&W. By purchasing our own cart and downsizing to one
cart, we are saving $1,379.60 a year.


6/3/09 Installed a new Elite loop detector; (as an enhanced safety feature to prevent the
gates from closing while vehicles pass through the travel range) at a cost of $264.98.
• 7/13/09 Exit gate hit and damaged by a vehicle. A gate bracket was straightened and re-
attached to the Elite gate arm at a cost of $ 299.80.


(3/09) Has installed the four main drain grates as per Florida State Health Department
Regulations at a cost of $650.00 and (6/17/09) repaired a leaking spa filter tank at a cost
of $ 467.00

• Conducted our Quarterly Exterior Fire Sprinkler Inspection on 8/17/09 at a cost of

$450.00. The next quarterly inspection has been scheduled for Monday, November 23,


Beaumont Communications will be scheduling our Annual Fire Alarm Inspection per the
National Fire Protection Act within the next 1-2 weeks.

• During mid rainy season (August) we began experiencing problems with power surges
and outages resulting in malfunctioning timers and clocks for the Sunset Lake Fountain.
During each malfunction, the timers were checked and/or reset according the type of
malfunction occurring. However, the timer needed to be replaced and the fountain is
now functioning properly. The labor involved with the replacement of the timer was
performed by an outside employee of Presidio at no additional cost to the Association.


The motor for the Sunrise Lake began failing in July. We began soliciting estimates for
repair by consulting with Hass Electric, Lake Doctors, Crystal Clear Fountains and Aqua
Visions in order to secure the most cost efficient and satisfactory long term service to
preserve the integrity of the fountain. Although the motor functioned during this time, it
was decided that further damage could be caused by repeatedly turning it back on each
time it malfunctioned, so the motor was kept off.
An estimate provided by Aqua Visions was authorized. The circuit breaker for the
fountain control box was examined due to repeated instances of tripping. The insulation
for the motor and motor cable were also checked and found to be out of the correct
operating range. The fountain was brought to shore for inspection and testing. After
conducting several voltage and ampage tests, it was determined that the motor was
defective and needed to be replaced and the underwater connections to the motor cable
had to be re-wired. The motor was ordered and the fountain was removed and a complete
cleaning of the fountain and lights was performed. The total cost for all work was


We have installed a new BBQ Grill between the clubhouse and building 1 at a cost of
3 new pool umbrellas have been purchased at a cost of $ 568.60.
The new bike rack has been purchased at a cost of $ 177.23 and installed by between the
garage and building 17 outside the pool gate. The labor involved with the installation
was performed by an outside employee of Presidio at no additional cost to the
A new rug for the clubhouse has been purchased at a cost of $ 421.88.
Thank you to Sharon Stites who donated a rug which has been added to our sharing
library area.
The business office has an answering machine to alleviate the need to contact the
answering service during business hours.
Clubhouse Rentals-Revision. There is now a $50.00 fee for clubhouse rentals for after-
hour parties as well as a $100.00 refundable fee which is returned after clean-up and

Over the last 3 months we have received 23 lease applications for residency
consideration. 21 of which have been approved.
2 applications have been rejected due to illegal occupancy and those residents have been
notified that they must vacate no later than Saturday, October 10, 2009
There is currently one unit in contract for purchase.
One unit has sold as a short sale.
2 units are in contract as pending short sales.
One unit has been purchased at the court house auction.
The procedure for submitting Lease Applications begins when a lease, Lease Application,
and Approved Lease Addendum are completed and submitted for consideration with
$100.00 (non-refundable) Application fee. A criminal background check is then
conducted. The results of the background check determine whether or not the applicants
will be scheduled for an interview/orientation with the Board to review the Rules and
Regulations, Valet Waste procedures, parking procedures, pool, gym and general
clubhouse rules and regulations. Gate access, pool keys, pool visitor passes, parking
decals and trash containers are given out during this meeting as well.

New out-of-state owners are scheduled for interviews upon the first available date when
they arrive at their unit.

Upon completion of the interview process, the Board executes the approval portion of the
Approved Lease Addendum and the new residents may begin moving into their unit.

New Business

Fines Committee Appointment:

Karin LaFemina has volunteered to serve as the third member of the fines committee.

Motion by Sharon Stites to appoint Karin LaFemina to the Fines Committee.

Second by Ken Stephens.
Vote 2:0
Motion carried.

Al Ramirez, Sr. asked about the duties of a fines committee member and volunteered to
serve as an alternate.

Motion by Sharon Stites to appoint Al Ramirez, Sr. as an alternate to the Fines

Second by Ken Stephens
Vote 2:0
Motion carried.
Gate Access Issues:

President Ken Stephens spoke about the following issues:

1. Tailgating.
2. Gate code issues being given out/ “shared”.
3. Solutions to the above being barrier arms and/or the elimination of codes.
4. Proper usage of the telephone directory and the gate keypad.
5. Options for reordering parking stickers; possibly implementing a 1-2 year
expiration date on “tamper proof” decals.

Preliminary Budget Considerations for 2010.

President Ken Stephens began listing some of the recent purchases vs. some of the
anticipated purchases that the Association is looking toward:

1. new chairs and table-( recently purchased).

2. the need for new exterior light fixtures for all buildings- (currently building lights
are replaced as needed).
3. the need for repairs for the tiki hut.
4. complete tree trimming and new landscaping.

2010 Insurance Renewal

President Ken Stephens discussed the following:

1. Upcoming renewal date of December 2009.

2. Entertaining proposals from current company BB&T and a local company; IRMS.

Questions from Owners

Patti Place questioned the Board’s approval of a current owner in foreclosure

being permitted to rent a unit here without paying their financial obligation to the
Association for their own unit and the reasoning behind the decision. The Board
confirmed the decision and explained that the unit was currently in the bank’s name and
no longer the property of the owner.

Al Ramirez, Sr. commented on the outstanding job that is done with maintaining the
Property, but he feels that some leasing guidelines could be relaxed.

A discussion regarding the possibility of and procedure for changing rules in the
condominium documents arose. (the need for 180 votes).
Ralph Whitley asked that during our next discussion with Laurel Lakes, we could discuss
their exit gates being open which allows traffic to pass through at sometimes dangerous


President Ken Stephens made a motion to adjourn at 8:43 p.m.

Vice President Sharon seconded the motion.
Vote 2:0
Motion carried.

Board Meetings are open to all Key Royal Residents.

Participation is reserved to Owners only.

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