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How to Stop Hair Loss and Regain Your Hair


All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication, in whole or in part or in any other
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The author has made every effort to ensure that the content in this
publication is complete and accurate. He does not take any responsibility
for its use, or for related consequences. You should consult a competent
medical practitioner before using the methods applied in this publication
Author: Mark Goldberg

More information on:

ISBN: 978-83-939195-0-5
Copyright Stop-hair-loss.org 2015

1. How does hair grow?.....................................................................................................5
2. Types of baldness...8
3. Twelve causes of baldness which the average Jones knows nothing about.14
4. What you need to do before combatting hair loss?.......................................................21
5. What to eat and what to avoid?.....................................................................................22
6. Secrets of blocking DHT...26
7. What can also help you?................................................................................................36
8. What shampoo should you choose?...............................................................................40
9. Cosmetic treatment that will help in the fight against hair loss.42
10. Pharmacological agents to combat hair loss44
11. The future of treating hair loss.52
12. Covering up hair loss56
13. How to care for your hair so that it can be long and healthy58
14. Hair transplantation - disadvantages, the advantages and disadvantages of the

I am glad that in buying this publication, you have taken a big step to stop
the process of hair loss. I know how hard it can be and how you can feel. I have
been through it myself and know exactly how it is. Remember that in order to
achieve the desired results, you need to take action using the methods that are
described here, some of which may appear strange to you. Follow the principle
that 'if you do not try you will not know'. You have to remember that the purchase
of the books alone will not give you back your hair. Many methods have been
described, and depending on your body as well as other factors, some things will
work better for you than others.
I have posted only specific information in this publication so as to respect your
time. The first three chapters are intended to show you how hair grows, and what
the most common causes of their weakness and loss are. It is important for you to
obtain this knowledge, because it directs you as to what action to take later. In the
following sections you will receive specific instructions about what to do to help
your hair for it to grow again. The last three chapters describe what methods you
can expect in the future in the fight against hair loss, how to cover up hair loss so
as to help you feel better and what are the advantages and disadvantages of
each method of hair transplantation.

1. How does hair grow?

The following section is intended to show you how hair grows and that hair loss
is a natural part of its life cycle. It is important for you to understand what hair loss
is and then be able to diagnose where the problem may lie in your case and later
to understand the meaning of certain treatment.

The life cycle of hair can be divided into three stages:

1. The growth phase (known as anagen) - a condition in which hair grows (it is
assumed that in healthy people it is 0.3 mm per day). The phase may last from 1
to 10 years, depending on the individual, although it is generally assumed that it is
four years in the case of men and 6 years for women. If you convert it to the
length of hair, it is out about 70 cm, therefore down to the length of the waist. For
some women it is difficult for hair to grow longer than shoulder length, due to the
shorter growth cycle of hair.

2. Regression phase (catagen) - this is the phase in which hair is still in the
scalp, but no longer grows. It shrinks and slowly moves outwards from the scalp.
It is estimated that its duration is 2-4 weeks. In this phase separation occurs from
the stem to the root, and thus it suppresses nourishment (essential nutrients to
the hair which you'll learn about later). The hair becomes weaker and thinner, until
it falls out.

3. The Telegenic phase - a resting phase. It is assumed that this phase lasts
from 2 to 6 years. At the beginning of this phase, the wart sends a signal which is
intended to provoke production of new hair. At the beginning, the root is
reconstructed, and then the hair stem extends. The old hair falls out and a new
one gradually appears on the scalp after several days and progressively grows
with time. Some experts also single out the regeneration phase, which is included
in the telogen, and is a period in which the hair cell, having fallen out, regenerates
before producing the next one.

As you can see hair loss is a natural part of the life cycle of the hair and it is
natural that between 100-200 hairs fall out each day .New hair should appear in
its place. If this is not the case we are dealing with a certain anomaly caused by
some factor. It is estimated that a healthy person has about 100,000 hairs on his
head. In the following two chapters, you will learn about which, and therefore try
to diagnose which of them may affect you in order toeliminate these factors.

More tips how to stop hair loss at www.stop-hair-loss.org

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