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Primary School

Code of Conduct
Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

Emmarentia Primary School’s


Emmarentia Primary School aims

to provide its children with happy
memories of their primary school
years. We are committed to the
development of an educational
environment in which the
intellectual, creative, emotional,
social, spiritual and physical
capabilities of each child will
flourish, thereby providing a solid
Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

Uniform and Hair..............................................................................10
Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


Effective discipline is directly dependent upon the limits set by a code of
acceptable behaviour. The School’s Code of Conduct is based on fostering a
culture of mutual respect in an orderly, clean and safe environment.
The school rules are straightforward and we expect both parents and children
to be familiar with them.
This Code of Conduct serves as a general guide for the standards of dress and
behaviour expected of Emmarentia Primary Learners. Each Learner is expected
not only to conform to these standards, but also to assist the staff in ensuring
that all learners conform to them. Learners are expected at all times to be
loyal and to uphold the honour of the school.

Rules which promote healthy relationships

1. Children are expected to be courteous and considerate towards their classmates,
all staff members, parents and visitors to the school.
2. Respect for each other and their possessions is expected: bullying, lying and
stealing are viewed in a serious light.
3. Bad language may not be used.
4. Talking in assembly is not allowed.
5. Children are required to be punctual for all classes. This avoids disruptions and
protects the right of others to learn without being disturbed.
6. A note explaining a child’s absence must accompany him/her on returning to
7. Homework and assignments are expected to be completed timeously.
8. Enthusiastic participation is expected at all school functions - this ‘grows’ school
9. Learners are to assist in keeping the buildings and grounds neat and clean,
especially by not dropping litter at any time. All litter is to be deposited in refuse
10. Learners in school uniform outside school are expected to maintain the same
standards of behaviour expected of learners in the school grounds.
11. All school rules apply whether on school property, or public transport, or when
part off a school group on tour, or any other excursion, whether in school uniform
or civilian dress.

Rules which promote safety

1. Children are to line up promptly before school and after break outside allotted
2. Children may not run along corridors or play in the cloakrooms. These are out of
bounds during break and after school unless a teacher is present.
3. Children may not play in the staff car park.
4. Children may not enter the pool area, the hall or tennis courts without adult
5. The Staff room and staff kitchen are out of bounds at all times.
6. Children may not enter the computer Centre unless accompanied by a staff
member, or tamper with software loaded onto the network.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

7. The riding of bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades is prohibited in the school

8. Children may only be in the classrooms if a teacher, duly appointed person or
junior leader/monitor is present.
9. Children must cross the road at the Scholar Patrol crossings.
10. No child may leave the school premises during school hours without permission.
11. Any child leaving early, for any reason, must be signed out by the parent in the
register in the front office.
12. Learners may not change substitution classes without sanction from the
respective Head of Department and a note to this effect must be shown to the
respective teacher.
13. No learners may be out of class during lessons, without a note sanctioning this in
their school diary.
14. Learners may not tamper with lockers or equipment not belonging to them.
15. Learners on the school premises, in uniform, or involved with any school activity
outside school, may not be in possession of tobacco (or any of its allied entities),
alcohol, or dangerous weapons. To be in the company of a learner breaking this
rule will be considered an offence. Possession of illegal substances (drugs etc.)
will result in instant prosecution, suspension and/or expulsion.
16. Children should wait inside the school grounds for their lifts after school, not on
the pavements.
17. All sports equipment should be used with the utmost care and consideration for
the safety of others.
18. Pellet guns, pocket knives and other dangerous ‘toys’ are prohibited on the school
19. Windows broken by a learner must be replaced by the learner at his/her own
20. Chewing gum is not allowed at school.
21. The following are the allocated break play areas:
a. Grade 1 and 2 – front playground and jungle gym
b. Grade 3 – concrete apron
c. Grade 4 and 5 – upper field and embankment
d. Grade 6 and 7 – lower field

Rules which promote responsibility for School property

1. Textbooks are the property of the school and may not be defaced in any way.
2. Littering is an offence. We take pride in our beautiful grounds and gardens.
3. Graffiti on desks and walls is prohibited.
4. School property may not be wilfully damaged.
5. Seniors may not play on the climbing apparatus in the Junior Playgrounds.
6. Eating is not permitted during lessons or in the Media Centre, Computer Centre,
Auditorium and swimming pool enclosure.

Appearance and Grooming

1. Learners are expected to wear items of uniform as they were designed to be
worn. Modifications of any kind are not accepted, nor are hairstyles and
accessories (hairclips, etc) which are flashy, trendy, gimmicky or outrageous.
Deviations from the uniform as regards to dress will not be tolerated.
2. The correct school uniform is to be worn to school, to school functions and on day
excursions. Shirts must be properly tucked in.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

3. The correct sportswear is to be worn for physical education lessons, sporting

extra murals and team matches.
4. Children should leave school correctly attired i.e. in full school or sports uniform.
5. Girls’ hair should be neatly tied back if longer than shoulder length. Only green or
yellow hair accessories may be worn.
6. Boys’ hair should be neatly cut and evenly trimmed. No highlights or fancy
patterns will be allowed.
7. Girls may wear only plain studs or plain sleepers in their ears.
Only one earring per
8. ear, worn on the lobe, is allowed. No make‐up may be worn to school
9. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings.

Merits and Demerits

A merit and demerit system is operational throughout the school whereby positive and
negative behaviours are recorded. Merit badges are issued on a weekly basis for
specific accolades.

1. Should there be repeated infractions of the school rules, the child will earn
demerits and be obliged to attend a teacher-supervised detention class.
2. Chores in the classroom or school grounds will be given to the child should the
teacher deem it necessary.
3. Three demerits would result in a detention.
4. After three detentions, the child’s parents would be called in to discuss further
action. At such a meeting, the Principal, Heads of Department and a Governing
Body member would be present.
5. Acts of physical aggression or bunking of lessons could result in suspension for a
specified period of time, dependent on the severity of the incident. This is in
accordance with the regulations laid down by the Gauteng Department of

Remember, a well-groomed, well-spoken and self controlled child

reflects a positive self and school image!

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


Introduction and Aim
This Code of Conduct was determined, compiled and accepted by the school’s
Governing Body after consultation with educators, learners, parents and non-
educators at the school. This Code of Conduct will be revised annually. Effective
discipline is directly dependent upon the limits set by a code of acceptable behaviour.
The school’s Code of Conduct is based upon fostering a culture of mutual respect in an
orderly, clean and safe environment. We aim at establishing a disciplined and
purposeful environment to facilitate effective education and learning.

Emmarentia Primary’s Code of Conduct was compiled in accordance with the following
 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
 National Education Policy (Act 27 of 1996)
 South African Schools’ Act (Act 84 of 1996)
 Admission of Learners to Public Schools (General Notice 4138 of 2001)
 Education Law Amendment Act 2002 (The amendment of Section 5 of Act 84 of
 Gauteng School Education Act (Act 6 of 1995)
 Relevant GDE Circulars

“Educator” – Any person who teaches, educates or trains other people.
“Learner” – A pupil who is taught by an educator.
“Member of staff” – A person employed at the school
“Parent” – (a) The parent or guardian of the learner.
(b) The person legally entitled to custody of a learner.
(c) The person who undertakes to fulfil the obligations of
the parent or legal custodian.
“Principal” – An educator appointed or acting as the head of a school.
“Governing body” – A body of representatives elected by parents, teachers and
other stakeholders that govern the school in accordance with
National, Provincial and District legislation and circulars.
“School” – A public or independent school which enrols learners in one
or more grades from grade R to grade seven. Within the
context of this Code of Conduct “School” refers to
Emmarentia Primary School and its environs.

We aim to provide an education of progressively high quality for all learners. Lay a
strong foundation for the development of our learners’ talents and capabilities.
Combat all forms of unfair discrimination and intolerance. Protect and advance our
diverse cultures and languages. Uphold the rights of all learners, parents and
educators. Promote their acceptance of responsibility for the organisation of the

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

Management Procedures

Distribution procedures
1. The Code of Conduct is displayed in the foyer of the administration block.
2. Each learner will be given a copy of the Code of Conduct. Parents are required to
read it through with their child; both parent and learner sign it and return it to
the learner’s teacher for filing.
3. Learners are informed of what they may not do, or should do and what action will
be taken against them if they contravene the Code of Conduct.
4. An educator at the school shall have the same rights as a parent to control and
discipline the learner according to the Code of conduct during the time the learner
is at the school, on any school excursion or school related activities.
5. The principal or an educator, upon reasonable suspicion has the legal right to
conduct a search of any learner or property in possession of the learner for a
dangerous weapon, drugs or stolen property brought onto the school property.
6. These guidelines are accordance with the School Governing Body and the
Gauteng Department of Education regulations.

Principles and Values

The Rights & Responsibilities of Learners
All learners and partners at the school have the democratic right to due process and
to participate in decision-making about matters affecting them at school. They also
have the right to have their views heard. They have the responsibility to follow the
Non-Discrimination and Equality
No person may unfairly discriminate against a learner. All learners shall enjoy equal
treatment and receive equal protection and benefits of the law. They have the
responsibility to treat everyone else, as they would like to be treated.
Privacy, Respect and Dignity
Every learner has the right to have his/her human dignity respected. This relates to
respect for one another’s convictions and cultural traditions. Every learner has the
right to privacy, which includes the right not to have his/her person or property
searched, unless there is reasonable suspicion followed by the use of search methods
reasonable in scope. They have the responsibility to respect all other people, their
privacy and dignity.
Non-violence, Freedom, and Security of a Person
Every learner has the right not to be treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman or
degrading manner. Corporal punishment may not take place. Educators and learners
must use mediation and cooperation to negotiate non-violent solutions to conflict and
differences. The disciplinary system must be based on human dignity, respect and
consideration for others. They have the responsibility to cooperate and to apply the
same respect and consideration to others.
Freedom of Expression and the Right to Demonstrate and Present Petitions
Learners’ rights to enjoy freedom of expression are not absolute. Vulgar words,
insubordination and insults are not protected speech. Problems or issues should as far
as possible be resolved at school. They have the responsibility to respect all others
and contribute to an environment that promotes healthy and constructive debate and

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

School Environment
Learners have the right to a clean and safe environment that is conducive to
education. They have the responsibility to help maintain that environment.
Learners have the right to attend all classes, to learn and be taught in all approved
subjects, to make use of all school facilities and to have their potential fully
Education is compulsory for learners from the year in which they reach the age of
seven years until the last school day of the year in which the learner turns fifteen or
the ninth grade, whichever comes first.
In the case of expulsion, the Head of Department must find a suitable school for the
learner. In the case of suspension or expulsion, placement in an alternative school
setting could be considered with the assistance of a school psychologist. The School
Governing Body may suspend a learner as a punitive measure if the correct
procedures have been followed.
Learners have the responsibility to ensure that they attend school, learn, participate
fully in all school activities and contribute to a positive school environment

Discipline Guidelines
Learner Behaviour
1. Learners are expected at all times to behave in a courteous manner towards each
other, all the members of staff and visitors to the school.
2. Female staff members are to referred to by their surname or as “Ma’am”. Male
staff members are to be referred to by their surname or as “Sir”
3. Learners are expected to set a good example with regard to appearance and
behaviour both during school hours and after school hours, on or off the school
4. Learners need to guard against doing or saying anything that will bring
themselves their family or their school into disrepute.
5. No learner has the right at any time to behave in a manner that disrupts the
learning or teaching of other learners, or which causes another learner physical or
emotional harm.
6. Whenever a learner meets or passes a staff member or visitor during the day, he/
she should greet the staff member in the following manner: “Good morning, Sir”
or “Good afternoon, Ma’am”.
7. Learners should offer to carry books or parcels for members of staff.
8. If a member of staff or an adult passes along the corridor or through a doorway,
learners are to stand back to allow that person to pass.
9. If learners are sitting down when an adult enters the room, they must stand up
to greet that person, and boys should not have their hands in their pockets.
10. Learners will stand when addressed or greeted by adults.
11. Offensive language may never be used. Use of such language will result in
serious punishment.

Times: The first bell sounds at 07h40. There is to be no lingering after bells, especially
between the periods or at the end of breaks.

Careful note must be taken of the following:

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

1. Learners can only receive a late note from the Security Guard – for detention
the following school day;
2. Learners will not be allowed into class, unless a late note is shown;
3. The Secretary will monitor learners who came late or leave early.
4. The Secretary will telephone the parents when necessary and report any
problems to the respective Head of Department;
5. The Head of epartment will monitor continual absence and continued lateness;
6. The number of days late will be recorded on the learner’s report.

School and Classroom Rules

1. Learners are involved in the formulation of school and classroom rules and must
conform to these rules.
2. School rules are handed out at the beginning of a year.
3. Classroom rules and their consequences are displayed in each classroom.
4. Punishment must fit the offence.

Learning and School Work

1. Learners are required to do their school work during classes, complete assigned
homework and catch up on work missed because of absence.
2. Disruption of classes is unacceptable.

Security and Care of School Property

1. Learners must protect and carefully use all facilities and equipment.
2. If a learner intentionally misuses, damages or defaces school property, the parent
or legal guardian will be required to replace it or pay for the property damaged.

School Attendance
1. The right of learners to basic education places on them the obligation to attend
school regularly during school hours.
2. The learner’s parent or legal guardian must notify the school in writing should a
learner be absent.
3. When a pupil returns to school, a note is to be handed to the Class Teacher,
indicating the reason for the absence and signed by the parents or guardian,
with a contact number. If a pupil misses a Cycle Test or Examination, a Doctor’s
certificate must be handed to the Class Teacher.
4. This requirement is non‐negotiable.
5. Failure to do this will result in NIL being recorded for respectively cycle test or
6. examination.
7. Parents and pupils MUST note that the following reasons for absence from school
are NOT acceptable:
a) extending a long weekend
b) commencing a holiday early
c) attending family celebrations
d) orthodontic treatment
e) baby sitting, etc.
8. When learners are absent for the day for medical reasons, they are NOT allowed
then to attend extra mural activities in the afternoon or evening.
9. Learners cannot be released from writing year‐end examinations so that holidays
can be commenced earlier or to fit in with time‐share dates. Neither can

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

examinations be written earlier for the above reasons.

10. If a learner is going overseas, a letter needs to be sent to the Principal at least a
fortnight in advance, requesting permission to be released from school early.
11. No learner may leave the grounds during school hours, unless he/she has been
signed out at the front office

Responsibility for Personal Belongings

1. All personal belongings should be clearly marked with the name of the owner.
2. The school cannot take responsibility for articles that are lost or stolen. The
school does not carry insurance to cover such losses.
3. Learners are advised to keep their belongings with them at all times or to place
them in a locker or ensure that they are locked in a classroom.
4. All cell phones must be handed in to the office every morning for safe keeping
and collected after school.
5. Lost property not claimed will be sold after four weeks.
6. Where appropriate, Learners’ books/files are to be structured, orderly and up‐to‐
date. If work is missed/lost it is the responsibility of the learner to ensure
that the work is obtained.
7. All personal property must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Do not
bring large sums of money to school or valuables like cell phones, iPods, CDs,
expensive pens and calculators, etc. Please note that the school will NOT be held
responsible for any item of personal property that may be damaged, or may go
missing, including those handed in for safe‐keeping or that are confiscated. Lost
items must be claimed for on the parent’s own insurance policies.

Discipline in Sporting and other Extra-curricular activities

1. Good sportsmanship must be shown at all times.
2. Arguing with a match official, fighting or bad language will not be tolerated.
3. Learners are expected to behave with decorum at all extra-curricular activities,
including when they are being transported between venues.
4. Once learners are committed to an activity, they should attend all practices and
matches, unless they have been excused in writing.
5. Any learner who is not dressed in the correct sporting attire will not be allowed to
participate in that activity.
6. It is the responsibility of the learner to check team lists to see if they have been
selected. If a pupil is unable to play, or attend a practice, he/she must report
personally to the teacher in charge of the activity on the morning of the fixture
at the latest. In the case of illness, the learner must ensure that a message or
note is left for the member of staff in charge of the activity. Failure to turn out for
a fixture will be considered a serious offence.
During the course of the year, learners will be required to attend a selected numb
er of functions and sports’ fixtures at the school. When compulsory attendance is
required, advanced warning will be given. Dress for these fixtures is either full
school uniform or a specific mode of dress. Pupils must wear the correct dress
when representing the school as a participant or a spectator at
any inter school fixture.

Parent Accountability
Parents are expected to support the school enforce this Code of Conduct and to
ensure that:

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

1. Learners observe all school rules and regulations.

2. Learners accept responsibility for any misbehaviour on their part.
3. Parents take an active interest in their children’s schoolwork and make it possible
for the children to complete assigned homework.
4. Parents accept the responsibility of to ensure that their children are dropped off
at school on time at the start of the school day.
5. Parents are expected to collect their children timeously from any school activity.

The school will endeavour to contact parents whenever their child’s behaviour
becomes cause for concern and will attempt, in the spirit of constructive partnership,
to resolve the problem. The parents, however, remain the ultimately responsible for
ensuring that their children meet the disciplinary standards required by the school and
the parent body as a whole.

Our disciplinary procedures aim to be fair, just, corrective, consistent and educative.
Where possible the parent will be informed and involved in the correction of the
learner’s behaviour.

Disciplinary Procedures
The responsibility for maintaining discipline in the school lies with all educators as
they spend most time with learners and are most likely to deal with disciplinary
1. Should there be repeated infractions of the School rules, the child will earn
demerits and be obliged to attend a teacher-supervised detention class.
2. Chores in the classroom or school grounds will be given to the children should the
teacher concerned deem it necessary.
3. Infringements on a demerit list for each pupil in the intermediate and senior
phases will result in a detention.
4. The infringements include:
a. disruptive behaviour in the classroom,
b. not being fully prepared for a lesson,
c. homework not done,
d. rudeness to an educator.
5. After three detentions, the child’s parents would be called in to discuss further
action. At such a meeting, the principal, HODS and a School Governing Body
member would be present.
6. Acts of physical aggression or bunking of lessons could result in a suspension for
a period of time, dependent on the severity of the incident, as laid down in the
GDE regulations.
7. Detentions are held for one hour every afternoon in a designated classroom.
The school also reserves the right to arrange community service in lieu of
detention. 24 Hours notice is always provided. A detention that is missed without
permission will be doubled.

No corporal punishment is allowed. A disciplinary misconduct and consequence code
list is used.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

Dispute Resolution
Educators resolve disciplinary problems that are not serious enough to be referred to
the principal. Impartial mediation will take place to resolve disputes.

Prevention, Proactive Advice, Counselling, Penalties and Corrective Measures

In cases of minor offences, the following corrective measures will be applied:
1. Verbal warning or written reprimand by educator or principal.
2. Dictionary Work
3. Specific tasks e.g. picking up of litter
4. Supervised schoolwork that will contribute to the learner’s progress at school.
Parents are informed timeously so that transport arrangements can be made.
5. Telephone parents
6. Counselling
7. Replacement of damaged property
8. Suspension from some school activities e.g. sport, cultural activities.

Offences that may lead to Suspension

1. Conduct which endangers the safety and violates the rights of others.
2. Possession, threat or use of a dangerous weapon.
3. Possession or use of narcotics or alcohol.
4. Fighting or assault.
5. Harmful graffiti, racism.
6. Theft or possession of stolen property.
7. Vandalism or defacing of school property.
8. Disrespect, objectionable behaviour and verbal abuse directed at educators.
9. Repeated violations of school rules.
10. Victimisation, bullying and intimidation of other learners.

Suspension and Expulsion

The governing body may after a fair hearing suspend any learner who has been found
guilty of contravening the Code of conduct for a period of one week. A parent of a
learner who has been expelled may appeal against the decision within seven days of
the decision to expel him/her.

Serious Misconduct
Serious misconduct will be investigated by the police and referred to the court if

Uniform and Hair

The points below are set out as guidelines. If, for any reason, a learner cannot
observe these regulations, the onus rests on the learner and/or parent to report to the
office first thing in the morning with a note explaining the reason for this deviation to
obtain sanction for the irregularity of dress. The note, signed and dated by the Head
of Department is valid for that day only. If a child is not wearing the correct school
uniform or sportswear, the parent is to ensure that the child has an explanatory note
on his person. All items of school uniform and sportswear must be clearly marked.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

Uniform Requirements

Summer Winter
Green skirt (box pleat) with elasticised waist Green skirt (box pleat) elasticised waist or
White, short sleeve, open necked shirt long grey trousers
Black school shoes or Brown school sandals White long-sleeved shirt
White anklets Long grey socks with school colours. Beige or
Yellow or green ribbon, or ‘bobbles’ may also bottle green tights may be worn on very cold
be worn if hair is long days
Grey long-sleeved jersey with school colours Grey Blazer (optional)
at V-neck only Grey long-sleeved jersey with school colours
Green headscarves and pants may be worn at V-neck only
Black school shoes
Official school tie
Grey gloves and scarf

Summer Winter
Standard short grey school shorts Standard grey, short or long school trousers
White, short sleeve, open necked shirt White long-sleeved shirt
Black school shoes or Brown school sandals Long grey socks with school colours. Beige or
Long, grey with school colours bottle green tights may be worn on very cold
Grey long-sleeved jersey with school colours days
at V-neck only Grey Blazer (optional)
Grey long-sleeved jersey with school colours
at V-neck only
Black school shoes
Official school tie
Grey gloves and scarf

The full tracksuit is for sportswear only. The tracksuit top may be worn over the jersey
on cold days.

Compulsory Sports/Physical Education Kit

Boys and girls wear black shorts and a plain
Sports practices white or official school T-shirt for all sport
Physical education lessons practices and physical education classes, with
white tackies where necessary.
Boys and girls wear a black swimming
Swimming costume. Every child must wear a green
swimming cap.
A Red (Coldrey), Blue (Darragh) or Yellow
Inter-house competitions (Sargant) T-shirt is required for all
Inter-house competitions.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

Sports Kit for Teams

Plain black boxer type shorts with NO trim; official yellow soccer socks. (Match
shirts provided on LOAN by the school)
White boxer shorts, school white golf shirt. White tackies with white laces and
plain white socks.
School white golf shirt. Green school skirt.
White tackies with white laces and plain white socks.
Black costume and green cap. School tracksuit or school uniform to be worn
over the costume.
White shorts and school white golf shirt for matches and official white socks,
white tackies with white laces. White/green cricket hats.
School white golf shirt. White tackies with white laces and socks. Green school
Athletics Plain black boxer shorts, house colour T-shirt, white socks and tackies

Junior Leaders wear green braid on their blazers; gold braid is worn if school colours
are awarded; mixed green/gold braid is available for children who require both. The
braid should be stitched along the edge of the blazer and along the top of the pockets



1. Hair which hangs below the blazer collar will be tied up and back.
2. Hair may not be tinted or highlighted;
3. Hair must be clipped off the face;
4. Fringes must not be longer than the eyebrows;
5. All clips, fastenings, etc. must be either black, brown, green, yellow or white;
6. Ribbons must be the regulation green;
7. No “trendy” or outrageous hairstyles.

1. Boys’ hair should be neatly cut and evenly trimmed at all times including at the
closing stages of a term.
2. Hair must not be able to hang over the ears;
3. Hair must not hang over the top of the collar at the back;
4. Hair in front to be above the eyebrows;
5. Boys may not colour, highlights or gel their hair or have stepped or outrageous


1. No jewellery may be worn to school. A religious symbol may be worn if it is not

visible – i.e. if it hangs under the clothing;
2. A medic alert badge may be worn;
3. Visible piercing (e.g. Nose/eyebrows/tongue) are not allowed;

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

4. Nails must be a reasonable length and no polish other than clear varnish may
be worn
5. Girls may wear only plain studs or sleepers in their ears.
Only one earring per ear, worn on the lobe, is allowed.
6. No make‐up may be worn to school
7. Boys may not wear earrings, bracelets or any other visible jewellery;


Regulation black shoes or regulation brown school sandals are to be worn.

Boots, running shoes or shoes with buckles are prohibited as part of the
normal school uniform.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct



Code of Behaviour and Discipline

Introduction and aim

Effective discipline is directly dependent upon the limits set by a code of acceptable
behaviour. The School’s Code of Conduct is based upon fostering a culture of mutual
respect in an orderly, clean and safe environment.

The responsibilities of Educators with regards to Learners

Educators, as professionals, are expected to set an exemplary example of sound,
concerned empathic behaviour, in and outside the classroom. All learners are to be
treated fairly and with due respect, thus inculcating the values of courtesy,
consideration and mutual cooperation embodied in our motto of Goodwill.

The rights and responsibilities of Learners

Learners are taught that they have the right to be heard and to fair treatment but
with these rights go the accepted responsibilities to grant courtesy and respect to all
adults & peers with whom they have contact as fully established in our rules which
promote healthy relationships.

The responsibilities of Parents with regards to Learners

Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the School in upholding the values we
aspire to and to assist us in the task of maintaining sound discipline in our School. Our
Code of Conduct and School rules are issued to all parents at the beginning of each
new year to facilitate their involvement and cooperation.

Disciplinary Procedures
All disciplinary procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct for Learners
are relevant and applicable within this policy.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct was compiled by the School Management Team and the
School Governing Body in accordance with the following legislation:

• Constitution of the Republic of South Africa

• National Education Policy (Act 27 of 1996)
• South African Schools’ Act (Act 84 of 1996)
• The South African Council of Educators’ Act (Act 31 of 2000)
• Admission of Learners to Public Schools (General Notice 4138 of 2001)
• Education Law Amendment Act 2002 (The amendment of Section 5 of Act 84 of
• Gauteng School Education Act (Act 6 of 1995)
• Relevant GDE Circulars

Management Procedures
Educators registered with SACE:
1. Acknowledge the calling of their profession to educate and train learners.
2. Acknowledge that the attitude, dedication, self-discipline, ideals, training and
conduct of the teaching profession, determine the quality of education.
3. Acknowledge, uphold and promote basic human rights.
4. Act in a proper and becoming way.
5. Commit themselves to act in accordance with the ideals of their profession.

“Educator” – Any person who teaches, educates or trains other people.
“Learner” – A pupil who is taught by an educator.
“Parent” – (a) The parent or guardian of the learner.
(b) The person legally entitled to custody of a learner.
(c) The person who undertakes to fulfil the obligations of
the parent or legal custodian.

Educators, as professionals, are expected to set an exemplary example of sound,

concerned, empathic behaviour, in and outside the classroom. All learners are to be
treated fairly or with due respect, thus inculcating the values of courtesy,
consideration and mutual cooperation embodied in our motto of Goodwill.

The Educator and Learner

An educator must:
1. Respect the dignity, beliefs and constitutional rights of learners which include the
right to privacy and confidentiality.
2. Acknowledge the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of learners and
guide and encourage them to reach their potential.
3. Strive to enable learners to develop a set of values.
4. Exercise authority with compassion.
5. Avoid any form of humiliation and refrain from any form of child abuse, physical
or psychological.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct

6. Promote gender equality.

7. Use appropriate language and behaviour in his/her interaction with learners.
8. Take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of learners.
9. Not be negligent in the performance of his/her duties.
10. Recognise learners as partners in education.

The Educator and Parent

An educator and parent recognise each other as partners in education and promote a
harmonious relationship with themselves and attempt to keep each other adequately
and timeously informed about the well-being and progress of their child.

The Educator and the Community

An educator recognises that the school serves the community and that there will be
different customs, codes and beliefs in the community.

The Educator and his/her Colleagues

An educator:
1. Refrains from undermining the status and authority of his/her colleagues.
2. Promotes gender equality and refrains from sexual harassment of his/her
3. Respects the responsibilities assigned to colleagues and assists in the smooth
running of the school.
4. Uses proper procedures to address issues of professional incompetence or

The Educator and the Profession

An educator:
1. Behaves in a way to enhance the dignity and status of the profession.
2. Keeps abreast of educational trends and developments.
3. Promotes the ongoing development of teaching as a profession.
4. Has an obligation to assist new member of the teaching profession.

The Educator and his/her Employer

An educator recognises the employer as a partner in education and serves his/her
employer to the best of his/her ability and refrains from discussing confidential and
official matters with unauthorised people.

An educator cooperates with SACE to the best of his/her ability and accepts and
complies with the Disciplinary Powers and Procedures of SACE.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


The positive contribution that parents can and do make to a school are vital if we want
to remain an educational institution of note in the community. Without parental co-
operation and commitment to a partnership of excellence within the school, the
institution cannot flourish and continue to strive for excellence.

All parents are expected to:

1. Recognise that the education of their child/ren is a joint responsibility of the

parents and the school community.

2. Show an active interest in their children’s schoolwork and progress.

3. Encourage their children to be responsible and accountable at an age

appropriate level.

4. Encourage their children to show respect for all staff members and their fellow

5. Send their children to school ready to participate and learn.

6. Ensure their children attend school regularly and on time.

7. Ensure absences are excused.

8. Insist their children be dressed and groomed in a manner consistent with the
school’s dress code.

9. Help their children understand that in a democratic society appropriate rules are
required to maintain a safe, orderly environment.

10. Know school rules as included in this Code of Conduct and help their children
understand them.

11. Convey to their children a supportive attitude toward education and the

12. Build good relationships with teachers, other parents and their children's

13. Help their children deal effectively with peer pressure.

14. Inform school officials of changes in the home situation that may affect
student conduct or performance.

15. Provide a place for study and ensure homework assignments are

16. Remember always that children learn by example; “do as I do not as I


Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


Merit/Demerit Form
Used by all class teachers (Gr 4-7) each day.

Disciplinary Misconduct and Consequences

Describes the codes and actions that are taken.

Learner Individual Disciplinary Record

Action taken by HODS and/ or School Principal (Major infractions which include
aggressive behaviour, bullying, bunking lessons, & theft.

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


Name: Class:

3 entries = 1 hour detention

Dates and Explanation


Books not

not done

PT clothes
not brought

no brought

Other (state)

Date of detention 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. _________________

Teacher 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. _________________

Merits Issued
3 Merits earned will cancel 1 demerit

Date: _________________ For: __________________ By: _________________

Date: _________________ For: __________________ By: _________________

Date: _________________ For: __________________ By: _________________

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct



Action taken by: • Failing to attend class on • Verbal warning

• Educator time • Writing out of dictionary
• Leaving class without words
permission • Specific tasks e.g. picking
• Unprepared for a lesson up of litter
• Failing to complete • Demerits
homework • Detention by educator
• Non attendance at any • Telephone parents
school activity without a • Counselling
valid written excuse • Replacement of property
• Dress Code/ Hair • Suspension from some
Infringements school activities
• Late arrival at school
• Littering
• Unauthorised entry into
out of bounds areas
• Unauthorised loitering after
• Generally inappropriate
• Cell phones not handed in
• Absenteeism without a
• Failure to have newsletters


Action taken by: • Frequent repetition of • Any level 1 disciplinary

• Grade Head Level 1 infringement action
• HOD • Unacceptable behaviour – • Disciplinary talk with
• Principal back chatting learner
• Disciplinary Committee • Damage to property • Talk with parent or
• Unacceptable behaviour guardian
towards others including • Written warning
tampering with other • Behavioural contract with
peoples possessions learner
• Unruly classroom • Suspension from selected
behaviour activities
• Unsafe behaviour • Record on learners
• Bringing the schools name disciplinary record sheet
into disrepute • Community service
• Chewing of gum
• Truancy
• Smoking

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


Action taken by • Frequent repetition of level • Any level 2 disciplinary

• Principal 2 infringement action
• School Governing Body • Seriously threatens, • Referral to counsellor,
disrupts or frustrates social worker
teaching and learning in • Principal’s detention
the class • Record on learner’s
• Cheating in a test disciplinary record sheet
• Fighting- minor injury to • Community Service
another person • Final written warning
• Theft/ Vandalism
• Possession of a dangerous
• Insults the dignity of or
defames any learner
• Engages in an act of public


Action taken by: • Frequent repetition of • Any level 3 disciplinary

• Principal Level 2 or 3 infringements action
• SGB Disciplinary • Threatening with a • Referral to relevant
Committee dangerous weapon outside agency
• Intentionally causing • Community Service
physical injury to • Parents must be informed
somebody telephonically and in
• Extortion of another writing
person’s property/theft • Suspension from school
• Forges any document or • Application to GDE for
signature limited suspension
• Malicious damage to • Expulsion from school
• Is under the influence of or
in possession of alcohol
and drugs
• Is in possession of or uses
any illegal or harmful
• Sexual misconduct

Emmarentia Primary School – Code of Conduct


Report to
Parent/ Disciplinary
Name of Learner Grade Date Misconduct Action Taken Guardian Committee
Signature (Yes / No)


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