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Bench Press

The most admired lifters in both bodybuilding and powerlifting are the
big benchers. "How much can you bench?" is the first question people will
ask when you tell them you are a weightlifter. This exercise is popular
because of the muscles it develops, and the bench press technique is easy
to learn compared to the other lifts in powerlifting competition. The
bench press develops the chest muscles (pectorals), the back of the
upper arm (triceps), and the front of the shoulder (anterior deltoid).
When properly developed, these muscles contribute a great deal to an
attractive upper body for both men and women.

Mechanics of the Bench Press

Like the squat, the mechanics of the bench press will also be broken into
three segmentspreparation, descent, and ascent.




Begin by sitting down on the far end of the bench with your back to
the upright supports. Now lie back and position yourself so that
your buttocks, shoulders, and head are firmly and squarely on the
bench. Your legs should straddle the bench, and your feet should be
flat on the floor, about shoulder-width apart or wider (figure 3.1).
This position will provide you with the stability necessary to perform a good bench press. Your eyes should be in line with the front
edge of the shelf where the bar is racked, not directly under the bar
(figure 3.2). Grip the bar in an overhand closed grip (thumbs around
bar), with the hands in the same position on both sides, and about
shoulder-width apart or wider. Do not use the open hand grip,
because it is dangerous and can lead to wrist problems after a few
years of lifting (see figure 3.3). An appropriate grip width on the bar
will position the wrist directly above the elbows as the bar touches
the chest. With help from your spotter, take the bar from the rack
and push to a straight elbow position. You should be supported
mostly by your upper back and feet. Your lower back should be
arched with your buttocks fully contracted and very lightly touching the bench.

Figure 3.1 Straddle the

bench, with the feet flat
on the floor.

Fiqure 3.2 Align your eyes with the front

edge of the shelf where the bar is racked.

Figure 3.3

The open hand grip shown here is not recommended because it can lead to wrist problems.

34 PDwaitrting

Pause with the bar in an extended arm position. Inhale, expanding
the chest as much as possible and hold, and then slowly lower the
bar to your chest. The bar should make contact with the highest
point of the chest, usually located approximately 1 inch above or
below the nipples (figure 3.4). While lowering the bar, try to push the
chest upward to meet the bar. This will cause the shoulder blades to
pull closer together and the pectorals to stretch (load up), which
causes a stronger contraction as you start your upward movement.
The elbows should not be close to the ribs, which would force the
triceps to do most of the work, or straight out from the shoulders,
which would force the pectorals to do most of the work. The elbows

Figure 3.4 During the descent phase,

lower the bar to the highest point of
the chest.



should be at a 45-degree angle between the rib cage and the

shoulders to get the maximum effort from both muscle groups
(figure 3.5).

Figure 3.5 The elbows should be at a

45-degree angle between the rib cage
and the shoulders.

Once the bar touches your chest, explode upward, creating momentum to go through the sticking point (most difficult part), which is
usually about halfway up. You should exhale immediately after
passing through this point. Continue pushing straight upward until
your elbows are locked out.



Hand Width
The biggest difference among lifters doing the bench press is the
width of hand placement on the bar. Many will take the widest grip
allowed, where they place the forefinger on the ring, which must be
covered. This shortens the distance for the bar to travel and favors
people with strong pectoral muscles and anterior deltoids. Some
will take a narrow grip, in which the little finger is about two finger
widths inside the rings. This grip increases the distance the bcir
must travel and puts a great stress on the triceps muscles. Only
people with exceptionally strong triceps should use this technique.
Beginners should start with hands shoulder width apart and then
begin to experiment with various widths until they find the one that
best suits them.

Support Work for the Bench Press

The following exercises will develop the muscles used in the bench
press. For exercise instructions, see pages 116 through 129.
1. Wide grip bench press
2. Narrow grip bench press
3. Nose breakers
4. Dumbbell flies
5. Dumbbell press
6. Front dumbbell raise
7. Press down on lat bar (triceps)
Most Common Mistakes
1. Lowering the bar too slowly to the chest. If you take too long
to lower the bar to your chest, you are wasting energy and
strength needed to raise the bar back to a straight arm position.
2. Lowering the bar too quickly to the chest. If you allow the bar
to drop too quickly, you will waste energy and strength
controlling the bar as it nears your chest.
3. Exhaling during the descent. You should inhale fully, expanding the chest as much as possible.
4. Moving or shuffling the feet during exercise. Positioning your
feet while sitting on the bench and placing most of your weight
on your feet and shoulders will control movement.

Bench FVess 37

Helpful Suggestions
The ready position
1. Chalk. Apply chalk to the hands to maintain a good grip and to
the upper back to prevent slipping on the bench.
2. Feet. Position the feet while sitting on the edge of the bench
and keep them flat and planted throughout the lift.
3. Shoulders. Shoulders should be evenly spaced on the bench.
4. Weight. Most of the weight should be on the shoulders and
5. Buttocks. Your buttocks should only lightly touch the bench.
1. Breathing. Take a large breath of air before lowering the bar,
keeping the chest expanded.
2. Bar speed. Lower the bar slowly to the proper spot on the
chest, slightly above the nipples.
3. Bar movement. Stop the bar as quickly as possible to avoid
delay of the press command.
1. The blastoff. Drive off the chest with maximum effort to create
momentum in order to pass through the sticking point.
2. Bar movement. Exert maximum effort throughout the lift to a
lockout position.
3. Lockout. Maintain a lockout position until the referee gives
the "rack" command.
Key points
1. Use a wide grip. This shortens the distance the bar has to
2. Maximize the arch of your back. This shortens the distance
the bar has to travel.
3. Use maximum breath. This expands the chest and shortens
the distance the bar has to travel.
4. Slow, controlled descent. Keep control of the bar while hitting
proper position on the chest (sweet spot).

Competitive Rules of Performance for the Bench Press

(USAPL, formerly ADFPA Rulebook)
1. The lifter must lie on the back with head, shoulders, and
buttocks in contact with the flat bench surface. Feet must be flat on
the floor. This position must be maintained throughout the attempt
once the "press" signal has been given.
2. To achieve firm footing, the lifter may use plates or blocks not
exceeding 7 inches (18 centimeters) in height and 17.7 inches (45 X
45 centimeters) in length and width. The entire foot must be flat on
the surface.
3. The lifter may have a liftoff from the spotter or coach, which
must be taken at arms' length, not at the chest.
4. The spacing of the hands may not exceed 31% inches (81 centimeters) measured between the forefingers. A reverse grip is permitted, provided that the distance between the little fingers does
not exceed 81 centimeters.
5. After receiving the bar at arms' length, the lifter will remain
motionless until the signal is given. The signal will consist of the
audible command "press." Before receiving the signal, the lifter may
make any position adjustments without penalty.
6. After receiving the signal, the lifter lowers the bar until it
touches the chest. It must completely stop before it can be pressed
back to a straight arm position and held motionless until the audible
command "rack" is given.
7. The bar is allowed to stop during the upward motion but is
NOT allowed any downward movement of either or both hands.
Causes for Disqualification of a Bench Press
1. Failure to observe the signals at the commencement or completion of the lift.
2. Any change in the elected lifting position during the lift (i.e.,
any raising of the head, shoulders, buttocks, or feet from their
points of contact with the bench or platform/blocks, or lateral
movement of the body or the hand on the bar once the "press"
signal has been given).
3. Heaving or bouncing the bar off the chest.
4. Any uneven extension of the arms at the completion of the lift.

Bench F^^ss


5. Any downward movement of either hand as the bar is being

pressed upward.
6. The bar may stop; if in the opinion of the referee, the safety of
the lifter is in jeopardy, the "rack" signal will be given.
7. Contact with the bar by spotter/loaders between the chief
referee's signals.
8. Contact of the lifter's feet with the bench or its supports.
9. Deliberate contact between the bar and the bar rest uprights
during the lift, which would aid the press.

The bench press is a favorite lift for beginners because the results
are noticeable in a short amount of time. It is also the easiest lift to
learn and master the proper techniques. If you have a good spotter,
the possibility of injury is low. The muscles developed through the
bench press are not only visually attractive but they give protection
to the vital chest area and help to stabilize the shoulder and elbow

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