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Control of industrial robots

Course information

Prof. Paolo Rocco (paolo.rocco@polimi.it)

Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria

General information (1/2)

Programs offering this course:
MSc in Automation and Control Engineering
MSc in Computer Science and Engineering
MSc in Electronics Engineering
MSc in Engineering Physics


08:15-10:15 (room S.11)

08:15-10:15 (room EG.1)

Course organization:
32 hours of lectures
16 hours of practice sessions (some of which in a computer room: D.31)
5 credits

Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [2]

General information (2/2)

Basics in Automatic Control
Basics in Mechanics
Essential elements in robot kinematics will be reviewed in the course

Current and advanced methodologies for the control of robotic manipulators
Tools for robot programming
Understand how the robot interacts with the environment

Course web page:

Program, lecture notes, lab material, texts of previous exams

Two-hours written examination (text in English, solutions preferably in English)
Oral integration at the instructors discretion
Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [3]

B. Siciliano, L. Sciavicco, L. Villani, G. Oriolo:
Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control, 3rd Ed.
Springer, 2009 (In English)

B. Siciliano, L. Sciavicco, L. Villani, G. Oriolo:

Robotica: modellistica, pianificazione e controllo, 3a Ed.
McGraw-Hill Italia, 2008 (In Italian)

G. Magnani, G. Ferretti, P. Rocco:

Tecnologie dei sistemi di controllo, 2a Ed.
McGraw-Hill Italia, 2007 (In Italian)
Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [4]

Program (1/3)
Industrial robotics, manipulator arms, examples

Advanced kinematics:
Review of direct, inverse and differential kinematics
Kinematics of redundant manipulators

Dynamic models of robot manipulators
Euler-Lagrange and Newton-Euler formulations: main properties
Identification of dynamic parameters
Direct and inverse dynamics

Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [5]

Program (2/3)
Motion planning:
Path planning and trajectory planning
Joint space trajectories: point to point motion and interpolation of points (splines)
Kinematic and dynamic scaling of trajectories
Cartesian space trajectories
Obstacle avoidance
Robot programming: examples
Task oriented programming (elements)

Control of robot manipulators:

Independent joint control: P/PI joint controllers, role of joint flexibility
Advanced methods for joint control
Computed torque feedforward control
PD control with gravity compensation
Inverse dynamics control
Robust and adaptive control
Operational space control

Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [6]

Program (3/3)
Interaction with the environment:
Compliance control, impedance control
Hybrid position/force control

Control with vision sensors:

Components of a visual system
Image processing
Image based and position based visual servoing

Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [7]

Office hours:
Tuesday 10:00 12:00 at DEIB, Building 20, 2nd floor. Check the official web
page before.
By e-mail


Personal web pages:

Other teaching material, old courses,

MERLIN Lab page:


See my personal web page
Control of industrial robots Course information - P. Rocco [8]

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