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Uma maldio de estagnao, Dtol Maveg




A Curse to Steal Someones Power/Talents/Energy/etc.


How Bad Can I Be? Spell for Crushing Success


Wraths Justice to the Thief Curse


*Candle Spell: to protect your home


A Guide to Spell Writing


Tips on Charm/Item Placement for Spellwork


cursing stones


How I do crystal grids


What is a crystal grid?


What is a Magic (sigil) Circle?


Une-tristesse: What are important factors to consider when writing a spell?

nypheles knotwork guide


Witches, Jars, and Burying Em


Revenge Curse Cage


Pitch Black: Nightmare Sand Curse


Hello miz Bree. I'm in need of a spell or curse. Either one would be fine. My
mother is my biggest bully. Yesterday she told me that "if you don't make
the correct decision, I will make it for you." in terms of who I voted for. She
is constantly calling me a screw-up in front of my sister, dogging me about
my sexuality, belittling me because of who I choose to be friends with, etc.
Is there a curse that would make her realize the weight of her bullshit and
have to bear it?


Revenge Curse Jar


Mirror Box Binding


storm witchs eat your words curse



Making curse stones


"He had it coming all along. If you had been there, if you had seen it? How
could you tell me that I was wrong?": A Curse to Completely Destroy
The White Thread: the Knave of Swords


Psychic Parasite Pesticide Paper Charm


Sigil Work


Sealing Charm


How to Charge Sigils


Witches Ladder Curse


Kitchen Witch Cursing






Old Mother Redcaps Liar, Liar, Your Tongues On Fire Curse


I went through some of your links and i saw some of your sigils, however,
I've ne'er use sigils, so i have no idea how they are used, can you explain
what they are and how they are used?
Witch of Dionysus and Persephone Answer:


*Witch of the Wastes Spell to Make a Curse Undetectable


*The Im Tired, Im Dying Spell


A spell bottle to protect my car?


Can you write a spell for writers block/to make somebody write well, the
gift of writing?
*A Simple Attraction Spell


*Twisted Dream a Little Harder Spell


*"Tiger Fucker" Curse to Muddy Someones Reputation


*A Curse for a Large Group


Anonymous asked: Do you know of a curse to make two people fight and
"Is there a curse to make someone get angry in general? Like maybe a
curse jar and once you shake it symbolizes/triggers that person getting to
be enraged."
a simple love curse


moonlit witchs pain inflicting curse


winter witchcraft - blinding light


Anonymous asked: I'm in need for a curse that will stop someone from
entering the psychologist proffession, as the person would do some serious
harm to others if they did. Thank you for your time.
Anonymous asked: How do you gain abd apply energy to cast a curse? I
think that's what's keeping my curses from working :/ I'm a beginner
storm witchs blizzard bitch curse


Lift a Curse


Lemon Curse Breaker


Curse Removal & Reversal


Curse Reversal


Curse Removal


Curse Breaking


Curse Trapping


Removing a Curse That You Have Cast


"Drown the Witch" Reversing Spell


Protection from Curses




How Do You Know If Youve Been Cursed?




Creating a Scapegoat


Sucking Up Negativity & Bouncing It Back


Dont Neglect Your Protection




Reflect Away Harm (Curse Reversal)


To Counter a Curse


storm sorceress crystal grids


storm sorceress resources: rain water


storm sorceress resources: storm water


storm sorceress storm crystals: banded amethyst


sirshas forget me spell


sirshas storm of tears and nightmares curse


storm sorceress tips for starting storm craft


storm sorceress storm craft basics


storm sorceress storm crystals: chrysocolla in quartz


storm sorceress a light in the storm


storm sorceress magic for a snow storm




storm sorceress guide to water scrying


Anonymous sent: do you have any suggestions for combining knot craft
and storm craft? i'm interested and connected to both but i don't know how
to combine them since i'm new to all of this haha.
coille-dithean sent: Hi lovelie, I was wondering if I could incorporate
stormcraft into my personal craft and what would be good things to read to
get me started?
reckless-violence sent: how do i write & create spells?


Anonymous sent: I'm just beginning witchcraft, I'm not sure if there's
anything I need to know before casting my first spell. Someone said I have
to be aware of the dangers or something of the spell I cast, but spells don't
come with disclaimers telling me how much I'll have to give back for
casting said spell or what could happen, so how do you know?
a dream is a wish over the rainbow protection bottle


protection methods


Anonymous sent: Hi,your post for protection you mentioned wearing

jewelry against jealousy,what were you talking about exactly?
cosmetics and glamour


Anonymous sent: is there a spell for stretch marks or unwanted body

Storm Sorceress Spell to Help an Ex Move On


Storm Sorceress Healing from Deception


Storm Sorceress Get the Job You Want Spell


Storm Sorceress Spell for Memory and Concentration


Storm Sorceress Cleansing, Grounding, and Increased Psychic Abilities 116









Storm Sorceress To Find a Lost Loved One


curse basics


Curses can be for:


Common Items Used for Curses:


Common Herbs & Oils Used for Curses:


Chants & Written Intentions:




traveling tips


Anonymous sent: how do i get myself into a trance?


Anonymous sent: Hi, I'm sorry, I saw you explaining how to go into a
trance, and I know some of my friends do it, but what exactly is the
how to make a fae box


how to make a fae garden


Anonymous sent: would you mind telling us a little on Celestial fae?



Anonymous sent: Celestial Fae anon again. I was more curious on what you
know about their culture. How did you get involved with them?
lksnow sent: I assure you, I tried my absolute best to not have to use ask,
but dragon magick sparked my interest and I was wondering if you'd be
willing to enlighten me on the subject. Regardless of if you can/will help, I
thank you for your time.
storm sorceress how to make a dragon box


Anonymous sent: can you choose how youre dragon will look


Anonymous sent: like you said with sea dragons and forest dragons, what
are the different types of dragons?
Anonymous sent: Hello! Are there any ways/spells to contact
mermaids/mermaid spirits?


spirit festivals




storm sorceress crystal cleansing methods


here, kitty kitty: a few of your favorite things charm bag


storm sorceress feed the birds spell


felisnocturnous sent: Whay do you mean by Northeastern Magic?


pennsylvania folklore, legends, hauntings, & monsters


family folklore


woolly bear caterpillar


magical properties of maple


super moon grounding & cleansing water


gathering energy spell for super moon harvest


northeastern magic: winter wishes


winter solstice & new moon incense and powder


Anonymous asked: Um are there any spells you know to cause chaos in a
group of people? For example, to make a party get out of hand?
Old-Fashioned Black Candle Revenge Spell




Spell to Attract Rain


Sirshas Forget Me Spell


Storm Witchs Blizzard Bitch Curse


Past Life Spells: Magic Mirror


Ms. Grays Nightmare inducing Jar! Enjoy!


Supernatural Soul Eater Curse


Abaddons Curse Against Sexual Harassment


Storm Witchs Blizzard Bitch Curse


The Storm Witchs Hurricane Curse:


Paint Their Roses Red ~ A Curse


Curse Removal & Reversal




Mirror Box Binding


Binding Chalk


Ancestor Water


Negativity Banishing String Charm


Grimoire of Storm Sorceress


Banishment Juice


Sailor Mars Banishing Spell


Stress Fix Bath


Moon Healing Escalation Spell


Storm Witchs Fertility Bottle


Knitting Spell (for protection)


A Dream is a Wish over the Rainbow Protection Bottle


Misty Days Rhiannon Protection Spell


by Winter Raven.


Retreat into Your Shell Sheilding Spell


Protection Powder


Sea Protection Bottle


Three Red Leaves Protection Spell


Cleanse Bad Memories Spell


Rosemary and Quartz Cleansing Shower/Bath


Raised From Perdition: A Castiel Spell


"Ghost" Cleansing Spell


The Key to Happiness Spell


Beauty on the Edge of the Wastes- A Spell for Happiness/Peace


Happiness Sugar


To Have Your Wishes Answered


Elsas Spell to Moving On and Embracing Your Self


Simple Self Confidence and Attraction Spell


Wraths Morning Coffee Spell


Lucky Powder


Liquid Luck Spell for Friday the 13th


Dys Money Jar


Money Like Water - A Spell


Success at Work Spell


The Living Wiccans Hell Hath No Fury Protection Powder


Harvest Husk Wealth Spell


Snows Enchanted Rose Spell




pra manxas no corpo poderia usar formigueiro


Naelyan me responda uma pergunta o que posso fazer para curar um

problema de visao ...posso usar a magia do formigeiro e se nao tiver
formigeiro aqui posso usa esse metodo do formigueiro com cupins pff me

E o cupinzeiro pode ser usado para outras coisas tambm semelhante ao

formigueiro em que ponto eles diferem?
Magia de formigueiro me lembrou que desde pequeno escuto minha av
dizendo que quando algum quer fazer mal a algum coloca a foto dela em
um cupinzeiro e a pessoa acaba morrendo. Isso acontece mesmo? Sempre?
Mesmo que essa pessoa tenha escudos magicos?
Teria algum problema eu fazer a do formigueiro para acne?


Minha me tem um mioma. Posso usar o formigueiro?


Mas as formigas no comem po, elas levam o po para uma cmara onde
o po servir de alimento para um tipo de fungo que ser alimento delas
quando ele crescer. Melhor dar o po para passarinhos ento, n? '-'
Em que circunstncias a magia do formigueiro seria til?


Naelyan, minha mae ta umas bolhas na lingua e j foi para uns 8 mdicos e
no melhora ela est ficando mto mal pq no somem e eles s dizem q
estresse, se eu enviar os dados dela voce envia cura para ela?Obrigado! Eu
ia usar magia do formigueiro mas fiquei com medo ento recorri a vc! 207
Posso usar magia com o formigueiro para emagrecer? lol


Naelyan, da pra fazer magia com formigueiros, qual tipo de magia e

poderia explicar como? Obrigado.


Vi uma resposta sua no ask que vc falava das maldies que tinha jogado
nas pessoas.. inclusive uma que eu morro de vontade de fazer (que de
deixar um cara impotente) mas isso no faz mal pra gente? Usar magia pra
prejudicar uma pessoa no traz consequncias?
Naelyan eu vi aqui no seu adk muitas maldioes legais q vc fez, mas e a lei
trplice? Ela nao voltou nao? Vc fez maldio e nao teve dano? '-'
Um "amigo" meu me roubou, e no posso envolver a policia nisso, ele me
viu precisando daquele objeto e ainda ficava rindo, fui descobrir hoje, o que
eu posso fazer ? Acha q uma maldiao seria justo ? Qual ? Ou entao como
fao para que aquilo volte para ele ?
Posso trabalhar magicamente com o 'cubo mgico'? Para que e como?


http://ask.fm/NaelyanWyvern/answer/114660229906 Essa maldio da

vida medocre tem escapatria ou sada?
Qual foi a maldio mais legal que j fez? rs


O que aquelas pessoas q vc lanou a maldio fizeram a vc ? Ex : Me

desrespeitaram, me trairam, me desafiaram


Friends On The Other Side Curse


Truthfinder Powder


Brees Banishing Powder


Reclaiming the Pagan Tag: Prosperity Charm


Wall of Fire Property & House Protection Spell


Lost Something?


Protection From Storm


Prosperity Charm


Flower Petal Love Spell


Simple Protections for Yourself and Your Home


My Amas Veritas Love Spell










Ignorance is your new best friend-


















Curse Candle


Forget Me Not


About Curses: How to Not Be a Sloppy Little Witch Bitch


Financially Harm Curse


Mind Flay Curse - World Of Warcraft Pop-Culture Witchcraft


The Words I Saved Curse (The Last Word Curse)


Flinging Insults Curse


Elsas Let It Snow Curse


Sealed with a C(urse)


Do you have any recommendations for a curse/spell for a person who

regularly encourages/gives advice to others to self harm in various ways
(cutting, ED advice, etc).
a simple method Ive found for making ones life miserable enough that
they might as well wish they were dead is actually quite simple.
A few ways to protect yourself when casting curses, hexes and bindings.
I was wondering, can you curse someone with a sigil? If so, how do you do
Curse for an Identity Thief




Rons Yellow Spell



Old Mother Redcaps Black As Night Curse Removal Body Scrub


Pt1. Could you possibly help me with a curse for a rapist


Spell from PSALM 55:15


Spell from PSALM 27


Old Mother Redcaps A Terror In The Shadows Nightmare Curse


The Loaf of Bread Curse


Old Mother Redcaps Phallus Breaker Curse


Old Mother Redcaps Thrown Out of the Nest Curse



Old Mother Redcaps Box of Terror Curse


Alternatives to cursing someone who means harm


Protection Charm


Elemental Protection Spell


Golden Mist Shield Spell


Knitting Spell (for protection)


A Ward of Protection


Threshold Protection Spell


Pigeons Four-Gates Warding Spell


See the Light (Spell)


Spell for Mental Clarity


Knowledge and Wisdom Spell


Spell for School


The Study Star Candle


school spells


Already Lovers Spell / To Make a Relationship Stronger


Introspective Knot Spell


Is there a spell to gently nudge someone into being attracted to me?


Honey Jar Sweetening Spell


A Spell to Make Someone Think of You


Charm Bag - Drawing Out a Latent Talent


What's the difference between a jinx, a hex, and a curse?


What are some protection wards you put up? I'd love some advice on this. I
can't seem to find the right things!





so I want to do one of the curses you've posted, but I'm not really sure
how to set up my space to protect myself. I've heard something about
mirrors and poppets? How do those work, if you don't mind me asking? 275


Energy Manipulation: Aurabecoming invisible


Energy Manipulation: Aura shaping


Have any simple, easy protections that can be set up quickly around the
self every morning?
Aura work: An argument against the case of seeing it


A witchy tip from St.-Decontaminating people before they enter your

Do you frequently charge it? And how do you charge it usually? spells,
herbs, scents, wipes? I am thinking using potted plants as anchors but
wont that hurt the plant though? I love my babies! D:
Hey Mama Bree- I have a question for you. I live in an apartment building
with my husband. The building was put up sometime in the '70s. There
have been a lot of problems here- before I moved in, my husband's
neighbor jumped from the roof. A violent couple down the hall, which has
been evicted and arrested. A lot of injuries of other tenants, etc. I feel
something in the building, but since my sensitivity only goes to "see
movement/feel dizzy when there is a presence", I don't exactly know <c>
Anonymous wrote...


Do you know any spells for protection?


Protection Spell: My Blood is Armour


Patronus Ward


Charm of the Beast


Home Protection Spell Bottle


Elemental Protection Spell


Vehicle Protection Powder


A Dream is a Wish over the Rainbow Protection Bottle


Protection Bottle Spell


Moon-Infused Protection Water


Stone Wall Protection Spell



Youll need:
- Your Body Is A Wonderland, by John Mayer, playing out loud on
- A red candle on a candle holder
- The Knave/The Queen of Wands card
- A piece of paper and a pen
- Ribbon
Light the candle, stare into the flames and think about the ideal
sexual partner youd like to attract. Let the images comes to you as you
write down the perfect person. Tie the paper with the The Knave, if youre
looking for a gentleman, or with The Queen, if youre looking for a lady. If
you prefer, you may just charge the card visualizing the kind of person you
want, no need of paper or ribbon. Put the song to play and let your
imagination work raising energy as you sing along like an incantation. If
you feel like singing more times, do it so
When you feel like youve gattered enough energy, send it to the
candle by putting the card under the candle holder in a fast movement. As
the candle burns, your spell is sended even stronger to the Universe.


Youll need:
A poppet
A black candle
7 needles
Your cauldron
Ricin oil
Once you have purified and consecrated the poppet creating the
link with the person, you may start it.
Anoint the needles slowly while you sing:
"Holy water cannot help you now
A thousand armies couldnt keep me out
I dont want your money
I dont want your crown

See Ive come to burn

Your kingdom down
Now, light the candle, stare into the flames and bless it by
"Holy water cannot help you now
See Ive come to burn your kingdom down
And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out
Im gonna raise the stakes, Im gonna smoke you out
With this flame, you light the fire inside the cauldron.
Let the candle burning and pass each needle by the its flame, let
them burn a little bit and then stick it through the poppet,
corresponding to each chakra of the person. if you intend to make
him/her life completely stagnated. If you prefer, you may only
block a part of the persons life, such as love, money, sexuality,
health and so on. Just check which is the best chakra for your
curse, and put all the 7 needles in that area. Whatever is your
intent, as you do it so, count from 1 to 7. When you stick the
seventh needle, you start widdershins* around the cauldron
holding the poppet in your hands and raising the energy by
"Seven Devils all around you
Seven Devils in your house.
See, you were dead when you woke up this morning
And youll be dead before the day is done!
When you have raised enough energy, you release it by throwing
the poppet into the flames and letting it burn till the flame goes
*Widdershins is a pagan term for counterclockwise dance or walk.

Uma maldio de estagnao, Dtol Maveg

Conforme eu tinha ficado de passar a verso traduzida, t a a
maldio com Seven Devils!
Voc precisar de:
Uma dagyde
Uma vela negra
7 agulhas
Seu caldeiro
leo de rcino
Uma vez que voc tenha purificado e consagrado a dagyde criando
um link entre o objeto e a pessoa, comece.

Unte as agulhas lentamente enquanto canta:

"Holy water cannot help you now
A thousand armies couldnt keep me out
I dont want your money
I dont want your crown
See Ive come to burn
Your kingdom down
Acenda a vela, concentre-se na chama e consagre-a ao cantar:
"Holy water cannot help you now
See Ive come to burn your kingdom down
And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out
Im gonna raise the stakes, Im gonna smoke you out
Com a chama da vela, voc acende seu caldeiro.
Com a vela ainda acesa, voc queima a ponta das agulhas untadas e
as introduz nas partes correspondentes a cada chakra da pessoa, se voc
pretende estagnar toda a vida dela. Se voc preferir, pode bloquear apenas
uma parte da vida da pessoa introduzindo as 7 agulhas em um chakra
especfico. Verifique qual o melhor ponto para trabalhar, de acordo com a
sua inteno.
Qualquer que seja seu intento, conforme voc perfura dagyde com as
agulhas, voc conta cada uma delas, do "One" ao "Seven". Quando a
stima agulha introduzida, a dagyde segura entre as mos enquanto
voc anda ao redor do caldeiro em sentido anti-horrio e canta:
"Seven Devils all around you
Seven Devils in your house.
See, you were dead when you woke up this morning
And youll be dead before the day is done!
Quando sentir que elevou energia o suficiente, libere seu cone de
poder jogando a dagyde nas chamas do caldeiro e deixando-a queimar at
que o fogaru se apague.
Uma maldio de estagnao, voc bloqueia toda a vida da pessoa ou
apenas uma parte dela. Pessoalmente, eu nunca uso uma maldio por
usar, eu as uso para trazer justia. Essa eu j usei para parar um ladro da
vizinhana, eu estagnei a capacidade dele de continuar fugindo.
Fernando Wecker Independente do motivo, voc est causando o mal
para outra pessoa. No tem algum tipo de efeito colateral ?
Dtol Maveg No assim que o Universo entende! Se algum causa
algum dano deliberado, ela pesa mais a balana pra um lado. Uma
maldio do tipo pe um contra-peso de igual valor, assim a balana
equilibrada e a justia prevalece. Bruxaria no sobre perdo e amor
incondicional. A religio que d a outra face outra. Na minha opinio, um
dos deveres de um wiccano deve ser, sim, o de trazer equilbrio ao
Universo, tudo a Deusa, inclusive os estupradores, assassinos, terroristas
e etc, mas no necessariamente isso implica que bom. Encare como uma
doena, por exemplo. Se voc pega uma gripe, um resfriado, sei l, isso
um vrus. Ao fazer Magia de cura, voc est matando ele, mas a prpria
Deusa tambm ele, alm de voc mesmo. Voc ou vrus?


"Living a lieit festers inside you, like poison. You have to
fight for whats in your heart."
- Dorian Pavus, Dragon Age: Inquisition
Intent: To help you stand by your sexuality and come to
terms with poisonous opinions and people in your life, and
ultimately leave them behind if it comes to that.
two pieces of paper
matches or lighter
herbs for protection
1. On one piece of paper write a bit about your sexuality and
what it means to you.
2. Take your marker and write my heart on the jar. Fold the
first paper up and place it in the jar. Add your protective herbs
afterward and seal the jar. Keep this somewhere safe.
3. On the second piece of paper, write what others are trying
to make you be. Use specific names if youd like.
4. Fold this sheet up and write (as big as possible) POISON
on it. Place it in your bowl and burn it to ashes.
5. Take the ashes far from your house and release them into
the wind (or bury them, if you prefer). Walk away, leaving the
harmful expectations of others behind you.

A Curse to Steal Someones Power/Talents/Energy/etc.

You know, just whatever you want to steal from them, I dont know.
Items Needed:
Some sort of fruit you can stab easily - dont ask (An apple, an
orange, a pear, etc.)
A knife for stabby purposes
A black permanent marker
Step 1: Take your fruit and write the targets name on it in permanent
marker. Write it big, but not too big, as you need to write under it.
Step 2: Underneath that, write what you intend to steal from them.
(Ex. the ability to be super cool)
Step 3: Close your eyes and picture what you want to steal from
them. (Ex. if you want to steal their super coolness, imagine them strutting
down the hallway with their hair slicked back wearin shades, but then it

changes to you struttin down the hallway with your hair slicked back
wearin shades yo)
Pick up the fruit and hold it. Imagine it contains the energies of that
quality that you want them to steal from the target. Theyre swirling around
in there, but they cant get out yet.
Step 4: Pick up the knife and STAB THE FRUIT between where you
wrote their name and where you wrote the quality or as close to that as
you can get. Just stab it. Thats the main part.
Say the following:
Let (Targets name)s (thing you want to steal) now be mine,
Let its power flow through me.
They no longer have (thing you want to steal).
I possess it, and soon everyone will see.
Step 5: Imagine all the energies of the quality you wanted to steal
rushing out, through the knife, and into you. Now, again, imagine yourself
with that quality. They dont possess it anymore, its you that is now super
Step 6: Throw away the fruitor eat it. Whatever. It has to be you
that eats it, though.

How Bad Can I Be? Spell for Crushing Success

This a spell for success, but a sort of ruthless form of success that
gets all obstacles/competition out of your way.
Youll need to be familiar with the tune of the song to do some things
here, so I suggest that you listen to it once or twice before you do this.
Items Needed:
1 small green bag/pouch (needs to be drawstring or at least
Malachite (be careful with it, it can be toxic)
Green paper
Basil, Cloves, other herbs for success
Step 1: Cut yourself a small square of the green paper and write
down what you want to be successful with. Be very detailed. Describe how
you want to get past your obstacles in order to get to the top.
When youre done, read it out loud a couple times. Close your eyes
and imagine what youve written down coming true. Now, imagine the
energy from that vision of success flowing into the paper and energizing it,
giving your wish an extra boost.

Step 2: Put the paper to the side. Get your stones and herbs and put
them close by, as well as the bag. Youll need to go quickly if youre going
along with the song, as it moves kind of fast.
Step 3: As youre putting the stone in the bag, sing the following to
the tune of the song (you can play the song and sing along if you want, or
just go from memory, it doesnt matter):
Well, theres a principle of nature
That almost every creature knows.
Called survival of the fittest
And check it this is how it goes.
The animal that eats gotta scratch and fight and claw and bite and
And the animal that doesnt, well the animal that doesnt winds up
someone elses lunch.
As youre doing this and the next two steps, imagine the energy of
your words going into the bag and boosting your goal, helping your wish of
success to come true. If you cant do that and sing at the same time, just
do it after the singing parts are over.
Step 4: Now, as you sprinkle the herbs in, sing this:
Theres a principle in business
That everybody knows is sound.
It says the people with the money
Make this ever-loving world go round
So Im biggering my company, Im biggering my factory, Im
biggering my corporate sign.
Everybody out there, take care of yours and me? Ill take care. of.
Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.
Step 5: Now, fold the paper up so it can fit into the bag. As you place
it in the bag, sing this:
All the customers are buying.
And the moneys multiplying.
And the PR people are lying.
And the lawyers are denying.
Who cares if a few trees are dying?
This is all so gratifying.
(Skip the crossed out line because it doesnt fit in with the feel of the
spell, unless youre making thneeds.)
Step 6: As you close the bag and tie it, say: "How bad can this
possibly be?"


Step 7: Keep the bag with you when youre doing something that has
to do with your goal. If its about work, keep it at your workplace. If its
about school, keep it in your backpack. If its about business/money, keep
it in your purse or wallet. Just do whatever. Its best if no one else
sees/touches it. When your wish has come true, you can keep the bag or
move it to a different place thats out of the way.

Wraths Justice to the Thief Curse

Goal: To punish a thief and highly encourage them to return to the
crime or to reveal themselves as the culprit.
Materials: a jar, several metal pins, jagged rocks, lemon juice.
Procedure: Combine the ingredients in the jar, close the lid, shake
the contents vigorously for several minutes, and say this:
The crime was committed, you ran away,
Now suffer the pain of your deed, feel the burn.
The burn of guilt and the feelings of shame.
Let these pain you, pain you into revealing yourself.
The guilt with weigh like stones upon you,
It will prick like a thousand pins in your skin,
and upon the wounds the burn of acid.
Return to the scene or reveal yourself,
and the curse I place shall end.
Shake the jar twice daily, thinking of the crime when you do.

*Candle Spell: to protect your home

Set a table in the main room of the home. You should set it up as the
following placing a pentacle in the center of the table with a red candle on
top of it, and then place 4 smaller candles around the pentacle.
Light each of the outer candles stating their direction.
Corner to corner
in all directions
Corner to Corner
of all selections.
Place your hands over each candle and guide the warmth to the fifth
Fires light
so very bright.

Fires light
now take flight.
Concentrate hard with the center candle when the time is right, you
should take each corner candle and add its flame to the center candle to
ignite it. You should blow out each of the corner candles after using it to
contribute to the center candle.
Once this is done, you will now hold the center candle high above
your head and state its purpose:
Protect this home!
It is known
From evil that roam!
It is known
Take the candle to each room to fill it with its light, when that is done
you will place it on the table again and leave it to burn throughout the night

A Guide to Spell Writing

Writing your own spells is a skill that I feel every witch
should at least attempt to cultivate. Often, the spells I create
myself are the ones that work the best for me.
The process of writing a spell is not particularly difficult, it
simply demands that you have a decent knowledge base to work
with. If youve worked with a variety of spells and techniques
writing your own spells will be that much easier.
A few Pros of writing your own spells:
Youre never missing materials
You can tailor every spell for the spirits you work with
Spells can be as involved or simple as you like
Experimentation! (I count this as a pro because its fun)
You get complete creative license with your magic
A few Cons:
You dont really get a good idea of what works until youve
been writing for a while
Sometimes its too time consuming to write your own spell
Some people cant write well (not really a problem in my
mind but I suppose it might be for some people)
So! On to the actual process of writing a spell.
The first thing you need to do is clearly define the purpose of
the spell or your objective. A good beginners rule is to start with
guidelines that are similar to those of making sigils.
Phrase it as though its presently true
Make it absolute
Make sure its descriptive and phrased in such a way that
doesnt leave a lot of loopholes for mishaps (i.e. I am ten pounds

lighter could lead to you getting food poisoning and dropping ten
pounds, not so fun)
These rules arent so hard and fast for spell writing as they
are for sigils however. Play around with these guidelines and find
what works for you! I prefer working more abstractly, working
with the natural flow of events instead of shaping them overly
much. If you work with a deity phrasing it as a request instead of
an absolute may work a bit better.
For our purposes lets say our objective is to attract a lover.
Now, we dont have anyone specific in mind, we simply want to
open up the channels that can allow love into our lives. The
objective could be phrased a number of ways, I am open to love
and draw healthy relationships to my life would work, as would
Love enters my life freely.
Next its time to figure up what kind of spell youd like to
use. This is largely going to depend on what materials you have
available to you and what kind of magic youre comfortable
working with. If you cant cook you probably dont want to be
making food-based spells and if you dont have jars that jar curse
probably isnt getting far. This is a fun place to get creative
though. Have you ever wondered if you could use something in a
spell? Now is the time to try it! (In all likelihood the answer is
Our love spell could be done any number of ways, for
example you could use:
A love attracting knot bracelet
A candle spell
A charged object that you keep near your bed
A leaf spell
You could bake magic food that you give to others (not to
make them fall in love with you but simply to put your willingness
to accept love into the universe via their energies)
Some combination of techniques
These are just the tiniest glimpse of the ways you could do
this one spell but Im sure you guys get the idea :)
From this point its all tweaking, you have your bases
covered, you just need to assemble the pieces. This includes your
standards like any kind of circle that you cast for working,
calling deities and other entities, invoking elements, etc. This
would also be a good time to figure out if you like working with
words. Most of my spells are wordless but I know there are many
witches who like to supplement their power with incantations,
rhymes and sometimes songs or chants. Writing these yourself is
an excellent way to just funnel that much more energy into your

If you try a new spell that youve written and it doesnt work,
tweak it and try it again. Writing spells is like any kind of creative
process, youre likely to find a dozen methods that dont work for
you before you find even one that does.

Tips on Charm/Item Placement for Spellwork




to keep something close, bury it in your back yard.

to attract something, bury it under the front door step
to destroy its influence, burn it.
it to move away and sink, throw it in running water
to disperse it to a distance, throw it into a crossroads
to fix its influence, inter it in a five-spot pattern
it to work by means of spirits, bury it in a graveyard
to hide its point of origin, conceal it in a tree
it to work in secret, give it in food or drink
it to work by stealth, hide it in clothing or on objects
its influence to begin or strengthen, throw it East
its influence to end or weaken, throw it West
its influence to rise and fall cyclicly, float it in a tidal


cursing stones
Charging a stone with malevolence is an ancient Celtic method of
delivering a curse. Charge the stone by holding it in your hands while
allowing yourself to be engulfed by feelings of rage, jealousy, anger, or
hatred. The stone will store your this emotion. When charging is complete,
terminate the process by setting the stone down and consciously changing
your train of thought. Reserve the stone for future use.
Should one wish to curse someone or something, hold the stone
within your hands, stroking it, while turning it counter-clockwise and
murmuring curses.
The Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes

How I do crystal grids

What is a crystal grid?
Basically, its a layout/design of crystals, stones, and various other
objects meant to help bring a certain purpose.
How do I make one?

Well, I first start out by thinking of a concept or the entire theme of the
grid. What is its purpose? What does it need to do?
I then think about the stones/objects that would best benefit the grid
I am doing.
Next, I think of a layout. How can I most effectively design my crystal
Then, I need to think about how I want it to work. Will it slowly draw
in power? Or will it be quickly? Will it draw the needed thing directly into
the grid? Or will it help spread it throughout my house?
How long will I have it set up?

Alright, Ive decided I want the main theme of the crystal grid to be good
luck. I want it to gather as much as possible and to store it in the center of
the grid.
What stones, crystals, and objects should I use?
I make a list of stones that I associate with luck

green calcite
green jasper

I make a list of stones I associate with attraction/draw

rose quartz
moon stone

I make a list of stones I associate with focus and storing

quartz crystal


With the lists down, I can start designing the layout of the grid. I
want the design to help flow the energy to the center of the grid

So now, I will focus on the outer layer of the grid. I call this layer the
outer stones
I will place down the good luck stones. Green Calcite is the one Ive
decided to go with.

With the first layer done, I will focus on the second one. I call it the
aiding layer
This layer is focusing on attracting and drawing in the good luck. I will
be putting the magnets on this layer


The next layer is called the Support layer. Its main purpose is to
focus on the center point of the grid.
Ive decided to use fluorite and quartz crystal, since they help focus
and draw things in naturally.

and the final layer, the Center point the main focus of the grid.
Ive decided that I would use a cup as the center point. It will help
store the good luck within.


What will I do with it now?

Ill leave the crystal gird somewhere (makes a pretty decoration) and
let the cup will with good luck.
When I am in need of good luck, I will take off the lid from the bowl
and release the stored luck!
Magic/Sigil Circles

What is a Magic (sigil) Circle?

Its a circle design of empowerment. Its main purpose being to
empower something (typically an object) with a specific power/purpose.

(art sources: joe021093 and scottish-kisa )


The designs of the circle can vary greatly from very simple to very
complex. Its all about what you want!
How do you make a magic circle?

There are a few different ways, but I prefer this method most of all. I keep
designing magic circles, and as I do so I keep the intention in my mind. I
wait until I feel a click, then I know that the design will work nicely. I then
place my hands upon the circle and put my energy and intent into it. I thus
activate it.

Other Methods

Have a specific symbol/shape/word in mind as you do your

design. Make the main theme of the circle reflect that


use one shape or template to create a complex (or simple)
magic circle

use a bunch of different simple shapes to design a circle


Une-tristesse: What are important factors to consider

when writing a spell?
In no particular order:

What your purpose is. I mean what is really is. Not just I want to
curse someone but I want to make this person suffer as I suffered. I
want to take away their joy and happiness. I want them to feel small.
etc. Another example for those who dont curse is rather than thinking I
want a job detail your spells purpose as I want a long term job that
pays above X amount, where I can be happy, and will be good for my
injured back. Being specific helps narrow the field down and delivers the
spell more along the manner you want it to.
Method of casting and delivery. This is true for adapting written
spells as well. What purpose does adding a candle serve? Do the
ingredients have a specific purpose or are they for the ritual and
atmosphere? (Theres nothing wrong with that but make sure you know
youre adding something just for ritual so if you share the spell others
know that the specific element is optional.) Is this a jar spell? Does it
need to be a jar spell? Can you swap it out for a charm bag or a bowl?
Can your spell be done with a knot magic instead? Your specific casting
methods should be kept in mind as well. For example,I dont do big
rituals. Matter of fact, I rarely do big set-up spells. I focus on folk magic
more than anything. Others like to cast their spells in large rituals,
invoking their gods and the elements. Some people dont believe in
casting curses or love spells. To each their own but keep that in mind






when you write a spell. How you deliver a spell to a target is important
too. Is having them touch or step on a powder important? Do you need
to be close? Or do you need to smash something on their front door? Is it
OK to do it from afar? Consider this.
Timing. By this I mean both cast under a full moon which some
people believe is important (I dont, but others do) and by timing your
spell to your specific need. Casting a weight loss spell a week before a
big event when you want to loose ten pounds not only isnt wise, but isnt
likely to work. The human body, under most conditions and with most
people, should only loose two pounds a week. Make sure you cast your
spell at the best optimal time to give it a chance to work. Some spells are
slow going, even if you dont want them to be.
Ingredients, invoking, and symbolism. This is going to vary
person to person. For example, my symbolism for turtles may not be
similar to others. It draws on my experiences with owning a land turtle
as well as living near large sea turtles and a culture that enjoys them. I
have lists of ingredients for certain spells but many of those ingredients
appear in other lists - cinnamon for example, is a common denominator
in both my love spells and money related spells, as well as others. Do
you need to invoke all the elements and deities or will one or two suit?
Do they need to be there at all? Is there an offering laid out for them in
the spell or do you need to include that separately? Is there something
for them to do or are they just observing?
Adapt and rewrite. I almost never cast a spell as written. Ill adapt
it to my particular situation and particular goal. Sometimes my
adaptation ends up spawning a new spell. Thats OK. But I recommend
practicing your spell writing by adapting spells as you see them. Do you
need all the lines in that spell? Cut out the ones invoking deities and so
mote it bes if you want to. Is this spell too fluffy for words? Change it
until it isnt. Dont work with Athena but the spells ingredients/offering is
tailored to her? Adapt it so you can work with your own deities in the
spell. Dont be afraid to rewrite one of your own spells because the
casting of it didnt feel write. You might have wrote an amazing verbal
chant but it felt awkward and stuttering when you spoke it out loud. Make
a note and add an adapted version so you have both available to you.
Sources. You can draw from all sorts of sources for your spells. I
routinely flip through the fluffy books for spells I can take and adapt.
That video game summoning that you thought was awesome? Yup, that
can be a spell. Ive lifted spells straight from childrens books (while citing
the source in my grimoire), and Ive created different versions of the
same spell base on Doctor Who. Ive worked song lyrics into spells as a
chant. Where you get your spells might not matter to some and might
matter a whole lot to others. It wont hurt, as an experiment, to look at
media or fluffy books to find a great spell.
Hope, Confidence, Courage, and Bravery. This is less about
confidence in the spell and more about confidence that you can change
your situation for the better. I also lump bravery and courage under here
too because it takes a lot to say no, Ive had enough. Im going to
change my future. Im going to do whats best for me and my own. If
youre looking to do a spell, then youve already mentally made that

decision. You dont have to be confident in the spell (although, I believe it

helps but isnt required) but having a little hope is a great thing.
Some links to look at. The First two are directly related to spell
crafting, the second two might be worth a read. Check out
the resources for more.

nypheles knotwork guide

I got an ask about how I do knotwork and ended up writing a novel,
so heres the rebloggable version that might be helpful for others.

Im a pretty forgetful person, very out of sight, out of mind type, so

knotwork and jewelry spells are one of my favorite methods of spellwork. A
visible reminder helps keep focus on the intent so remembering to do
mundane things to work towards the goal isnt forgotten after the spellwork
is done. Ive found it very practical to be able to wear the magic.
The basic idea behind the spell is that youre locking in your intent with
each knot. Binding spells are great with knotwork, as you can visualize
what you want to happen while physically binding and knotting the
cords/strings/ribbons together.


Here is an example - I made this spell bottle for a friend, who needed a bit
of help meeting new friends. After I put in the regular spell ingredients, I
sealed it with a braid-pattern friendship bracelet. Using red for courage,
orange for motivation, and yellow for communication, I visualized each part
working and weaving together to bring my friend that little push he needed
to meet new people.
You can get very complex with just using string and cords, especially if you
do friendship bracelets or macrame. Look for a pattern that flows with your
goal. Are you trying to ward something? Find or create a pattern that
features symbols that you associate with warding. I would make something
like this:


(image source)

Maybe youre planning a trip to the casino and you want a good luck charm.
Take something you associate with success or lucky and incorporate it
into something wearable. Personally, I would attach a small bell to
whatever jewelry I make for the luck part, not unlike these:

(image source)
Now, if you want to get even more intricate with your spellwork, you can
start using beads made from stones and crystals that have meaning for
you. A common and simple charm to attract love would be to wear a string
of rose quartz beads. Add in knotwork to bind it all together with a string
color that represents what youre trying to attract. Heres an example of of
a shamballa style bracelet, made with rose quartz and pink cord that could
be charged with the intent of attracting love:


(image source)

All of these methods are able to be based on your personal associations

and correspondences - use the symbols and colors that are relevant to you.
You even can make your knotwork even more potent by dressing a small
part of the finished product with an essential oil that corresponds with your
goal. (The ittiest, bittiest, tiniest drop of oil is all thats needed) This can all
be expanded beyond knotwork, too. Make necklaces, rings, earrings, key
chains, whatever you like.
Finally, If youre inclined and its appropriate for who you work with,
knotwork can also be used as an offering for your deities. You can view it as
a sacrifice of time spent working on the spell and use the finished product
for decorating your altar or shrine. Or, you can destroy it, donate it, give it
away- however the deity you work with prefers to accept offerings.
Thats basically it. Have fun!
Witches, Jars, and Burying Em
I cant be the only one that sees how many witch jar spells tell you to
bury said jar in the ground and winches. Why? Because reasons, thats

Dont roll your eyes. Read on.

Heres a few reasons why burying all the witch jars you make can be
a pain in the ass:



It can break. Broken glass can eventually make its way to the
surface and that barbeque youre having and turn into a trip to the
hospital. This is especially dangerous if the glass was coated or holding
with poisons, rust, metal, or other harmful materials.
Finding the jar again. Lets say you want to undo a spell. Or you
just need to find the damn jar after you buried it. If you didnt mark it,
youre going to be playing the guessing game on locating it in the earth.
Too many jars makes for a full garden. Think about it. Bury six
jars in small space then try to plant a garden over it. You can do it,
absolutely, but thats a lot of earth being taken up for a spell.
Youre burying a perfectly good glass jar. I hate using glass jars
for spells. I prefer to use and reuse glass jars until I cant any more. By
cant I mean they shatter, are given away, hold poisons, or contain a
smell that cant be dispersed.
It isnt your land. (Maybe) Youre renting? Live in an apartment?
On campus? Maybe you shouldnt be burying shit in places you dont own
a deed to.
Someone else could dig it up and find it. And how much would
your plan suck then?
Glass doesnt decompose. Technically called devitrification (if I
remember correctly) only some glass actually breaks down. In this
process, the glass crystallizes as typically seen in art glass, crazing,
warping, etc will occur before the glass actually becomes so fragile it will
break. This occurs over long periods of time. Some types of glass can be
broken down with chemicals such as hydrofluoric acid. But most glass we
use, such as silicates, dont break down naturally.

So what the hell am I bringing this up for and what am I suggesting

otherwise? Because I find a lot of people are bottling things up and shoving
things in jars as a matter of course. Its just what you do. And, that might
be personal practice and belief coming into play but its not necessary. Easy
and convenient but not necessary most of the time (from what I can see).
Ask yourself this when gathering ingredients for a spell:

Does it need to be buried? Does it really? Are you sure? There isnt
some other way to solve the problem?
Is this a short term spell? Maybe burying it in a potted plant is
Does it need to be liquid? You can soak herbs in vinegar, hot
sauce, protection oils, water, etc. without needing to fill a jar. It might
even be easier to soak said herbs then leave them for the spells target to

stumble upon. Hell, you could even spritz some vinegar/water/oil/etc on

it and it would probably work (depending on your paradigm and all that).
Does the spell need to be contained? Sometimes spells dont
need to be contained. Sometimes you need them to leech into the soil,
earth, and world. If it doesnt need to be contained, perhaps you should
try putting it in a paper bag or a biodegradable bottle (most of these
arent fully biodegradable and dont do it in five years as advertised so
keep that in mind) Jarscontain things. Why would you put something in a
jar if you want it to get out?
Is it a funeral? A lot of the time I see bury this spells is because
youre suppose to be given it a funeral. If you arent doing that, then you
may want to rethink burying it.
Is it a secret? I dont bury my protection witch jars. Instead, I hang
them up. I put them on display. I let the world know this place is
protected. Besides, it also serves as decoration. (Obviously, if youre in
the closet or the spell has a secret purpose, this isnt an option).
Will some other container make do? I paper bag half my bury
this spells. Especially if they dont contain liquid. And the ones that do
sometimes dont need that much liquid. Instead of shaking the jar, Ill
shake and squish the bag instead.
Can you reuse the jar? One your spell has gone off, are you willing
to dig up the jar and use it again? Im not talking about the ingredients. I
would bury the organics and bring the inorganics to a recycling station or
dump. Im talking about the jar itself. This comes down to personal belief
and practice. I go either way on it personally but to each their own.
Does it need to be sealed? Many witches seal their jars in wax.
Why not make a container of wax instead? Or seal a paper bag or
whatever. Its still sealed and yet youre not burying glass.
Does it actually need a jar? Many jar spells dont need to be jar
spells. Its for convenience. You can pour hot sauce or vinegar over paper
to curse someone. You dont always need to stick it in a jar.
Im not talking about just curses. This applies to ALL spells. And sure,
I still make spell jars. Its easy to make a jar. Its harder to deal with a spell
when its messy and everywhere. And Im not saying everyone should
suddenly not use jars. But I hope this little spiel has given at least one
person a seconds pause before they reach for that glass jar and consider
an alternative.
In the end, this is going to come down to personal practice, personal
belief, and convenience. Do what you do and Ill do what I do.

Revenge Curse Cage



Im not fucking around anymore.


These are less instructions and more documentation/demonstration

because this was fashioned specifically for someone and is not meant to be
duplicated as a general curse. For duplication, switch up the starred (*)

Simple poppet
Small jar
Black candle - targets name carved into it
White candle
Permanent marker - for a lasting effect
Loose incense and charcoal to burn it on

For the Poppet:

- Targets handwriting
- Targets photograph
- Targets signature
- Targets article in paper*
- Various Sigils to spell out intent*
- Coffee beans* - heart
- Gagroot - mouth - choke on your words
-Hot Pepper - throat - to stop spreading shit
- Black Pepper - to stop spreading shit
- Basil* - owes me money
In the Jar:
- Toothpicks around the edge
- Black salt
- Storm water
- Lime juice - stop spreading shit
- Peppermint extract* - to cool any undeserved hatred they have of
- Vinegar - to make them eat their words/stop spreading shit
-Spit of hatred
1) I created the poppet out of useless ragsas a symbol of who it
would come to symbolize. This was nothing too complicated, simple
gingerbread-person pattern hand sketched onto two pieces of fabric, cut
and sewn together. I chose to sew it completely, and cut a hole in the
chest afterwards for stuffing. (It was stuffed with the remainder of the
scrap fabric to give it shape)
2) I spent a great deal of time creating twenty different sigils (that I
might decide to share later in more detail). These I wrote on
corresponding/relating body parts of both sides of the poppet.


3) Gathering all my materials together, I carved the targets name

into a black candle. I lit some specially-blended loose incense as I
whispered my intent for the target to the poppet, stuffing it with images of
the target to bind them together. Three coffee beans were placed at the
heart (as for whythat is something I keep to myself for the sake of
anonymity); a hot pepper down the throat; gagroot, basil and black
pepper ground together were placed in last before sewing the poppet shut.
4) When the incense burned out and I was left with a charcoal, I
burned a poem I had written as a symbol of my rage. When it had turned
to ash I doused the charcoal with storm water. This blackness I mixed with
salt to create a very specific black salt. This salt I rubbed all over the
target until the poppet became completely black. Then I placed the poppet
in the jar.
5) I then filled the jar with the remainder of the loose incense and
black salt, some more storm water, lime juice, and peppermint extract.
Then I pushed thirteen toothpicks into the jar around the edges, like long
thin nails surrounding the poppeta cage. When the black candle burned
out, I placed its remains in the jar along with it.
6) Because I did not want any of this energy out in my living space, I
decided to seal the jar with white wax. White to keep the negative in,
contrasting with the black salt like a barrier between worlds. Lighting a
white candle I allowed the wax to drip all down the edges of the jar,
creating a second cage, using the entire candle.

Pitch Black: Nightmare Sand Curse



"An odd, sudden urge now compelled him to bring his fingertips to his
ear - to listen. And what he heard astounded him. Tiny screaming voices!
His Dreamsand was being turned into nightmare sand - each grain of
blackening sand now held a nightmare!" - The Sandman and the War of
This curse is best done at night, but whatever.
Items needed:

1 black candle

A fair amount of sand (or dirtor something else of the sort.

Sand is just fun.)

Sealable container (Not saying jar, but jar.)

1 pencil/black ink pen/black colored pencilsomething that

writes in black or dark gray

1 piece of paper
Step 1: Light the black candle. Get your pencil and paper. Place them
in front of you. Close your eyes and think about the target of the curse and


what sort of nightmares you want them to have. Any nightmare. A

nightmare. Just pick one.
Step 2: Write the targets name on the top of the piece of paper, and
below that describe the nightmare you want them to have. Be as
descriptive as you can be.
When youre done with that, say the following:
(Targets name) will have nightmares like I have described.

After that, imagine them having that nightmare. Imagine their

reaction. Just picture all that sort of stuff.
Step 3: Take your sealable container and put half of your sand in it.
Then, fold up your paper and place it on top. Pour the rest of your sand on
top of that. Make sure its completely covered by sand. If it isnt, just kinda
bury it a bit more.
Step 4: Close your eyes and imagine the sand absorbing all of the
energy of the spell from the paper. Think on it reaaaally well.
After that, seal your container up and let it set (preferably in a dark place)
for three days.
Step 5: On the third day, open that jar and take the paper out. Leave
the sand in the jar.
Burn the paper, keep the ashes if you can and mix them with the sand.
Step 6: Go outside and pour the sand out. Spread it around, dont
just dump it all in one place.
If you know where they live or someplace that they frequent, you can go
there and pour it out, but I think that would be a bit weird.
Step 7: Make sure to either wash your container really well or throw
it away.
Yay youre done yay


Hello miz Bree. I'm in need of a spell or curse. Either

one would be fine. My mother is my biggest bully.
Yesterday she told me that "if you don't make the
correct decision, I will make it for you." in terms of who
I voted for. She is constantly calling me a screw-up in
front of my sister, dogging me about my sexuality,
belittling me because of who I choose to be friends with,
etc. Is there a curse that would make her realize the
weight of her bullshit and have to bear it?
Okay, something very important to note here is that if your mother is
attempting to force you to vote one way or another, that is illegal. As a
citizen of legal vote age, you have the right to vote how and for whom you
choose. Any infringement upon that is voter coercion or harassment. If she
doesnt agree with how you vote, tell her, WELCOME TO DEMOCRACY,
As for the rest, bullying is never okay, and its particularly loathsome
when it comes from your own parent.
See if you can get your hands on a small mirror. Something pried out
of a cheap compact will do. With a marker, write her full name on the
mirror, then wrap it in paper and seal it in a jar with black pepper,
rosemary, cumin, and mustard seed. Splash in some vinegar or lemon juice
if youre feeling frisky, or urine, if youre really pissed. *pun sirens wail*
Shake the jar and recite:
All the harm you send at me
In the mirrors glass youll see
And on your own head it will be
Happy Cursing!





Revenge Curse Jar

Intent: To bring bad luck into the life of one who has wronged you.
Timing: Waning moon
Clay poppet
Toothpicks, pins, or nails
Yarn or thread
Lemon juice
Glass jar
1 fresh egg
Black candle stub
Go to a patch of earth at a crossroads that is not likely to be disturbed.
Carve the targets name into the poppet and say aloud:
Poppet, I name you [Name]. Your limbs are their limbs, your flesh
is their flesh. As you suffer, so shall they suffer.
Stick toothpicks/pins/nails into the poppet. Accompany each one with a
particular malady you would like the target to suffer. Bind the poppets
limbs, eyes, and mouth to prevent escape and drop it into the jar. Add
more pins or nails if desired.
Add lemon juice.
As the juice destroys the flesh, so let your fortunes sour
Let the sweet be gone from your life forth from this very hour
Add the egg.
As the egg disintegrates, your luck begins to rot
Relief you will seek from my curse, but find it you will not
Light the black candle and drip the wax into the jar.
This candle flame doth represent my hurt, my rage, my ire
May all your fortune vanish, as kindling in a fire
(If desired, light a piece of paper with a list of wrongs. Add the ashes to
the jar.)
May hardship come to find you with the waning of the moon
[Name], my curse upon you from now till crack of doom

Alternatively (if you just want to teach someone a lesson):

For all that you have angered me, my rage may yet relent
[Name], my curse upon you until you do repent
Drop the candle stub into the jar and shake well. Bury the jar and walk
away without looking back. Once at home, bathe thoroughly with the
intention of washing away any residual energy still clinging to you. Wash
your clothes and tools as well.

Mirror Box Binding

A potent and effective way to bind someone to the effects of that

which they cause. Through the means laid out below, the target of this
working will be made to reap all that they sew, in that whatever they put
out, be it malice, indifference or charity, will be returned upon them from
all about. Know then that this binding has a silver lining, in that should the
offending party made bound mend their ways, and do good and
compassionate things, the same will then begin to reflect back into their
This is about learning your lessons.
Fashion a box, to be lined with mirrors on each side. On each side,
before the mirror be adhered, mark a symbol of fate, in whatever path is
your manner. (note that should you be such a worker, blood may be used
for this task) Make sure that the marks and the mirrors cover all four sides,
bottom and top as well. As a point of note, mirrors of black work well in
this crafting, and pull into such the shadows and void to aid as you intend.
Before sealing the box, make a poppet of the intended target, or a sigil (the
name alone can work, if it must) of the name on parchment (again, blood
may be used here, but it is not a must).
With your poppet or paper ready, start incense of myrrh and dragons
blood smoking, and hold your poppet or sigil in the smoke, in the dark of
the night, either beneath the open sky, or else in a dark place where no
light but candle shines, and concentrate your energy, eyes closed as you
see the deeds of your target, see what they have done and need lesson for,
begin to chant, slow and low, shadows be creatures of whisper and secret;
Now is my will
Cast into dark

Moon may rise

And Sun may fall
(Persons name) done wrong
None to bear
Guilt for his/her shame
Bring what they give
Back unto them
From out of them
Then unto them
(Persons name) be bound to your own.
Say this over and over, working up a trance, and feel the power flow.
When the feeling is strong, and the energy risen, put the poppet (or paper)
inside the box, and close it shut. Wrap the outside 9 times 9. Nine around
each way, first with black ribbon, then with blue, and last with silver.
Now place the box where you will, and dont open it again. If you so
feel, put it in a basement or attic, where none are likely ever to go, or bury
it in the ground, for the earth to nurse it in her womb.

storm witchs eat your words curse

Making a spell I just posted rebloggable.
You will need:
hot sauce,
broken glass,
a jar,
hot sauce,
lemon juice,
a pen
some paper.
Form a mouth from the clay, or something that resembles a mouth at
the very least. Write down all the the things that were said, what tore you
down. Then tear it all up. Stuff it in the mouth, along with the nails and
broken glass. CAREFULLY form the clay around this bundle of
Put the bundle of clay in a jar and cover it with hot sauce, lemon juice
and vinegar, as all these things are particularly unpleasant to have in your
mouth. Seal the jar and bury it.



Because we will all need this at some point in our lives.
poppet (Im using one of paper)
Black candle
Pen (and sticky notes, if you cant write directly on poppet)
Make a poppet to represent the person. (Im using paper due to
convenience, and a lack of better material.) Make them look like the person
as best you can. Add any imagery/symbolism that you associate with them.
Carve their name and any other appropriate symbols into the candle
and light it.
Once complete. Write down everything about the person you want
them to realize either directly on the doll or on sticky notes that you will
put on them. (Im using hypocrite mean spirited self centered and
Have the poppet face the mirror and look at all of the things they are.
Put your will into making them really see these qualities in themselves.
Keep the doll there until the candle is almost finished burning, and
then, with what flame is left, burn the doll, and dispose of the ashes
however you wish. Let the candle finish on its own.
Keep the doll in front of the mirror until the candle burns out, and
then throw it away or flush it down the toilet, because they are acting like
garbage and a peice of shit so might as well treat it like such.

Making curse stones

Making curse stones:
Find a jagged rock, like, the MOST jagged and asymmetrical you can
find, the odder and the more jagged the better.
bring it inside, if it has dirt or grime on it DONT wash it off. Leave it,
it makes it all the more powerful. If it isnt already dirty, make it so, go
give it a nice dirt bath (optional, but makes it all the more powerful)
Now take your stone and anoint it with your Cursing oil** and say:

Jagged rock, strong and Sharp

take away and make things rot.
No matter what comes my way
bind all that try to hurt me
and send them all far away
Now you have a cursing stone that can be used in spells, rituals, or
curse jars.
Cursing/Binding oil recipe
Cursing/Binding oil recipe:
This oil is a very powerful mixture that can be used in both binding or
curse magick.
I prefer to make my own oils when it is possible as I do not always
know what is in bought ones.
What you will need to make this:
1/2 cup of oil (vegetable, olive, canola, mineral, etc)
Black pepper (ground up)
Ginger (ground or finely sliced)
Thorns(could be from a tree, rose, flower etc
Cactus thorns (can substitute for the thorns as well)
Place all on a low heat and mix until oil is ready. When finished place
in containers and use as desired be it by itself, in spells, with charms, curse
jars, bindings, etc.
Other herbs you can use in cursing/binding oil oil (for variation):
Mustard seed, poppy seed, nightshade, hemlock, cacti, etc.

"He had it coming all along. If you had been there, if you had seen it? How
could you tell me that I was wrong?": A Curse to Completely Destroy
Isnt this nice? I ask for a spell and get an outright curse. Well, this is
what the Grimoire has said. A note: I am neither promoting nor
condemning the use of curses, I am just reporting a spell. Whether you use
curses or not is entirely up to you.
You will need:

Red material
Black thread
A blade (a knife or other such object; a sharp one)
Complete and utter certainty

A note: this curse wont start off a persons destruction. They must
already have self-destructive behaviours or thoughts beforehand. This will
finish that.
Take the red material and go through your poppet creation process find things that will connect it to your target (e.g. nail clippings, their blood,
a photo, their name) and perhaps things that are unpleasant (e.g. sharp
things, spicy or bitter things), place this inside the red material while
imbuing it with the knowledge that this is a direct link to your target, sew it
up with the black thread. Embroider things onto the red material with the
black thread - symbols, sigils, words, images.
Get your blade and call to mind why you and completely, utterly, and
entirely convinced this person deserves to have everything about
themselves destroyed - their self-esteem, their sense of who they are, any
prior thought patterns about themselves, their self-worth.
You must have no doubt. If there is any doubt or questioning in your
mind as to whether the target truly deserves these things,do not do the
spell. One, it most likely wont work if that doubt is there; two, no one
wants the sort of what have I done? guilt.
Stab the poppet ten times.


Now make the poppet look pretty and attractive. Or, just surround the
completed poppet in more attractive material - perhaps gold and blue.
Make it look like a charm rather than a curse. Hide it in something that you
give to the target, or just give it to the target directly if you are confident in
your deceptive abilities.
The curse is now complete. If, later, you decide that you want to stop
it? Acquire and destroy the poppet. However, bear in mind inertia - once its
started, it will be extremely difficult to stop this sort of destruction.
Below the cut is the rationale behind this spell - the cards I drew and
my initial thoughts:
The Knot of Wyrd: the 10 of Swords
There is a cat in a red cape with ten swords stabbed into
its back. It is lying with its face towards the viewer. This is a curse. It will
cause the break down and eradication of all the targets previously held
self-concepts, a metaphorical death, stealing away all what they once held
to be true about themselves. This could be used in benefit, if someone or
yourself is stuck in old ideas and rutted in old behaviours and needs a
drastic and major change in order to pull out of it. Or you could use it to
seriously mess up someones life, in the ending draining all their motivation
to struggle.
You will need a piece of red cloth, maybe stained with
blood if you are that type, made into a poppet of the target. Or a doll, if
you cant make a poppet yourself.
The White Thread: the Knave of Swords

You have to be certain you want to destroy and eradicate

the targets sense of self and motivation any doubt at all, and the spell
will certainly not be very effective and may not even work. Fury based in
intellect, anger based on wrongs against you or a friend, a knowledge of
superiority this will keep the doubt from your mind. You have
to know that you are justified in doing this; not just feel it, but be able to
intellectually convince yourself, with arguments and evidence and all that.
In terms of physical items, youll need some sort of blade
(or, I guess, a pin or sharp object). Something you can conceive of as a
knife or a sword (for example, I have a letter opener in the shape of a
fencing sword complete with handle and pommel, which would be perfect
as it is also a sharp).
The Black Thread: the 5 of Chalices
This is not a spell to start someones destruction. There
needs to be some self-sabotage or self-destructive behaviours going on
already (or, if you are using this to pull down your own tower and start
again, this work must have already begun). Low self-esteem, dark feelings,
depression, dissatisfaction with their current state and envy for things
which are not theirs to have. Those sorts of things. This is a spell to finish
their destruction, to make sure nothing is left standing.
Tie up the poppet with black thread, so it cannot escape.
The Red Thread: the Ace of Pentacles
You must give the target the poppet, hidden in something
with the look of a friendly or useful gift or stroke of good fortune (give it to
them hidden in a toy you made for them; anonymously donate them a box
of things with the poppet hidden in there; make the poppet itself look
desirable and give it to them directly, if you have the artistic capabilities).
Then, their unravelling will commence.


Psychic Parasite Pesticide Paper Charm

By request from one of my followers, heres a nifty little charm for
keeping psychically and emotionally draining people from sucking you dry.
This is a variation on a simple binding spell and wont cause harm to the
target. It just smacks them on the nose and pushes them away whenever
they try to take a bite of you, so to speak.

Small piece of paper & writing implement
Salt & pepper
White candle
Wax paper
Fireproof surface
Write the persons name on the paper (their full name, if you know
it), then cross it out with lines or Xs. You can also write over it with a sigil,
if you prefer. (See simple sigil tutorial and example of simple sigil here.)
Sprinkle a little tiny bit of salt and pepper onto the paper and roll or
fold it up tightly. Secure it with a small amount of tape, if necessary, so
that nothing spills out.
Put the wax paper down on the fireproof surface and place the bundle
on it. Light the candle and slowly drip the wax onto the bundle, saying
whatever words you feel will keep this person from harming you.
Heres a charm Ive used in the past:
Lock the door and hide the key
You have no power over me
By the power of this charm
You cannot do me any harm
Flip the bundle and make sure you cover the bottom too. Once the
bundle is completely encased in wax, tuck it away somewhere secret where
it wont be disturbed, but it wont be accidentally moved or thrown away
either. I keep mine in a box in my sock drawer.
Should the target leave your life forever, or if you ever decide to
break the charm for any reason, simply burn the paper bundle and bury the
ashes or cast them into running water.

Sigil Work
indigovagabond asked:
I fell completely in love with your You Shall Not Pass sigil. Ive been
interested in sigil-work for a while, and would love to know if you have any
tips regarding making your own as well as pursuing that type of work?
Im a novice at sigil work myself. The You Shall Not Pass was my
first and it took me a page full of tries before I found an arrangement that
seemed right.
The format I used was actually one I saw on tumblr a while back (and
if the site wasnt running like an inebriated tortoise, Id find it to link to
*gnaws things*). It involves taking a simple word or short phrase, cutting
out the vowels and duplicate consonants, and then rearranging the letters
into a symbol for magical workings.
Thats pretty much what I did with mine.
And then I made a symbol from the letters.

Its worth noting that as I put the sigil on the mirror, I did recite the
phrase as I drew it, and I put the letters down in the order they appear
above, then sealed the whole thing with salt and peppermint oil.
Ive done a couple more sigils since then, one for a successful
business venture and one to halt wagging tongues, which was constructed
from the phrase Shut up, bitch. I may post them later on, along with the
extra stuff I do when applying and activating them, if all goes well.
The best thing Ive found about sigils is they can pretty much look
however you want them to. Its your symbol, you can tweak it until it feels
(And if anyone finds the post I referred to above, please let me know
whose it was so I can give them proper credit!)

Sealing Charm
Grab some consecrated water (or go dry, if youd rather) and trace a
symbol (or just your initials perhaps) onto your bedroom door or any item
you particularly want to be left alone.
With this symbol, I do lay
Protection here both night and day

And to them that must not touch

Make their fingers burn and twitch
You can top it off with a sprinkling of cayenne and cinnamon as a final
KEEP OUT, if you like.
Note: This spell works very well with journals or witchbooks that you
don't want anyone messing with.


How to Charge Sigils

Ive gotten a TON of asks about this lately, so Ill go ahead and do
this post tonight. This is NOT an inclusive list of ways to charge sigils, its
what I know of/can think of at the moment.
Firstly, theres two different schools. Destroying the sigil to charge
and release it, and keeping the sigil intact. Im going to note which school
each method falls into.





Destruction: Fire Writing a sigil on anything thats safe to burn, and

throwing it into fire to charge it, as its destroyed. This charges the sigil
with the energy from the flame, and is a good method for adding
passionate, strong, intense energy. (or any other things you associate with
Preservation: Fire Writing a sigil, carving, or engraving it
somewhere, and placing it close to a flame where it can absorb the heat
and energy from the fire without burning up. Has the same benefits as the
above method.
Destruction: Water Writing a sigil in something soluble, and then
soaking it in a body of water. This charges the sigil, and more specifically
the body of water that the sigil is charged and released into. Its a good
way to incorporate traits from the element of water, such as creativity,
strengthened psychic abilities, and the like.
Preservation: Water Writing or carving a sigil in/on something that
doesnt dissolve in water, such as carving a sigil into a chunk of wood. The
sigil absorbs energy from the water while it is soaking. Again, has the same
added properties as mentioned for the destructive method with water.
Destruction: Earth Writing your sigil on something natural and
biodegradable, then burying it. Such as writing a sigil on an acorn or leaf. It
then absorbs energy from the earth as it slowly decomposes. A sigil
charged this way may take on the additional energy and properties
associated with the earth, such as strength, patience, and nurturing.


Preservation: Earth Charge a sigil with a crystal grid, or similar set

up, and keep the sigil intact afterwards. It has the same added properties
as the above mentioned method for earth.
Preservation: Light Charge your sigil in light, be it daylight or
moonlight. The sigil is charged by the light.
Destruction: Light I refer to this as destruction and light, because it
deals with visibility and invisibility. Basically, write your sigil in something
that will become invisible afterwards. Such as the fog on a bathroom
mirror, lemon juice on paper, ect This is my favorite way for
creating/charging sigils dealing with spirits, communication, or unseen
traits. In this method the sigil charges every time the surface it was written
on is exposed to light.
Preservation: Energy Work/Meditation You focus on your sigil,
and charge it with energy. You are relying on your own energy for this, not
energy from another source to charge the sigil.
Destruction: Energy Work/Meditation Same charging method as
mentioned above, but you destroy the sigil in your preferred manner when
youre done, in order to release the spell to work.
More touchy methods below the break. TW for a lot of different
reasons. Each of these methods can be preservative or destructive, just
depending on if you keep the sigil in tact afterwards.

Blood Add a few drops of blood to the sigil, and the blood itself
charges the sigil.
Pain Meditate on the sigil, and break your meditation, while looking
at the sigil, by inflecting some sort of pain. Usually this can be something
like stabbing your finger with a needle, biting your lip, ect
Sex Focus on the sigil while engaging in either sex or masturbation,
and the energy from the orgasm will charge the sigil.
Intense Emotion Charge your sigil while experiencing intense
emotion such as anger, sorrow, love, ect If youre an empath you can
even channel another persons emotions to do this.
Mirror Boxes Set your sigil inside a mirror box, where the energy
inside will continue to move, adding to the charge every time it passes over
the sigil.
Death Charge sigils on/by graves, with grave dirt, or something
symbolic of death.
Birth Charge sigils with the intense pain and emotion related to birth,
or with anything from/related to birth.





Witches Ladder Curse

The Infamous Witches Ladder
Also known as the Cord of Nine Knots
Tie nine knots in a string, holding in your left hand and starting from
the left.
While saying this chant: [Victim] I conjure thee! By night your eyes
are blinded. By earth your ears are stopped. By clay your mouth is sealed.
By rocks your limbs are bound. So be it.
Bury the string in the ground and chant: Twist and tangle [victim]
never to rise again. Your eyes are dimmed. Your limbs are bound. Thus I
lay you to rest, still and silent in the ground.
Connolly, S. (2011-04-13). Curses, Hexes & Crossing: A Magicians Guide
to Execration Magick (p. 51). DB Publishing. Kindle Edition.
A curse by one of my favorite authors.

Kitchen Witch Cursing

In response to the lovely Herbalrogs post

Some granny/Appalachia/kitchen witch curse tips I can share (all
ELSE!!! Think of common properties of everyday kitchen spices and get
creative. Also be specific with your intention-like Herbalrog said, timing,
amount of time it will last, stipulations. Specificity is key with ANY magic.

pepper-great for those spreading lies and talking general shit. The
hotter the pepper (vegetable or spice) the more intense the curse.
salt-to repel someone from reentering your life and home.

vinegar-to make someone eat their words or to stop running their

basil-for someone who owes you money.
mint-to cool someones anger or hatred toward you.
potato-for someone standing in your way. carve someones name
into the potato (or initials) and then cut it up/cook as normal.
using twine when binding meat as a sympathetic magic way to
bind someones actions (gossip, lies, manipulation, whatever wrong it is
they are doing).
having a wooden spoon you use ONLY for cursing magic within the
kitchen. You can inscribe/woodburn sigils and words to your liking. This is
VERY useful. Just be sure you ONLY use it for cursing and hexing for foods.
lemon/lime/any tart fruit-to stop someones slander, lies, and
general cursing
Stirring counter clockwise is good for undoing the actions or intent of
the person you are cursing.
Stirring clockwise is for sealing/bringing to fruition .
Also remember you dont always have to cook up food for someone.

You can do cursing/hexing in your kitchen. Write someones name on

a slip of paper (or take their picture) and put it in your pot and add vinegar,
oils, needles/nailsand herbs on the stove, intending your hex on that
person. Toss out like (preferably off your property) when done.
Most kitchen witches, myself included, keep glass jars and bottles
around. You can take a piece of paper with the persons name or their
picture, put in a jar with oil and herbs and shake it up each time you focus
your hexing intent. Obviously the more shaking you do the more intense.
Do til you feel the hexing is done and theyve stopped their shit.
When cursing/hexing food (or doing the pot trick like I mentioned
above), you can also say (from Dorothy Morrisons Utterly Wicked, pg. 66):
The magic thats within this dish is meant for (name of target), as is
my wish.
On others who may hear its call it shall not have any effect at all.
Pure delight is all theyll feel as they fill their plates and eat this meal.
But (name of target) it will hit magically
As I will, so mote it be.












Old Mother Redcaps Liar, Liar, Your Tongues On Fire


This curse is designed to put an end to slander, gossip and lies.

Items needed:

Large cow/ox tongue

Sharp knife
Photograph of the target
Black pins
Cauldron/fire proof dish (please dont use glass)
Large tongs
Items to create a small fire (wood, paper etc)

On the photograph of the target, write their across their face
backwards. Also write your intent across them.. something that gets
straight to the point such as shut your fucking mouth is good enough.
Take your cow tongue and create one big slit down the middle with
your knife. Roll up the photo and stuff it into the slit on the tongue. Seal up
the slit with your blank pins. Make smaller slits everywhere on the tongue
and stuff in your cloves.
Create a small fire in your cauldron or fire-proof dish (this part is best
performed outside). Once you have a good fire going, throw in some more
cloves and hold the tongue over the fire to roast with your tongs - you may
want to use those really long barbecue tongs for this.
While youre holding the tongue up and its roasting and smoking,
visualise pain and burning to the mouth and tongue if they ever try to
slander or bully you again.
When ready, throw the tongue into the fire and watch it burn.
Visualise their shitty behaviour diminish.
Scatter the ashes however you wish, or throw it out with the trash
h3rosu asked:

I went through some of your links and i saw some of

your sigils, however, I've ne'er use sigils, so i have no
idea how they are used, can you explain what they are
and how they are used?

Witch of Dionysus and Persephone Answer:

Alright, Sigil 101:

What is a Sigil?
A sigil is a drawing, shape, or symbol created with an intent or
purpose in mind. That purpose can be anything from helping protect
your home, to helping get a job, or making you feel happier. Theres a
bunch of different ways to make a sigil. You can make it based on
existing shapes and patterns, on the shapes of letters, from music
notes, by free drawing, and thats just to name a few methods.
How do you charge a Sigil?
Charging a sigil is like filling it with energy, power, or intent. Its
basically turning it on. Theres a pretty dominant theory in sigil work
that in order to charge a sigil effectively, you should do so while
experiencing intense sensations or emotions. This means look at your
sigil while you experience pain, deep sorrow, pleasure, ect Other
methods of charging sigils include drawing it in bodily fluids (use safe
procedures while handling any bodily secretions), meditating on the
sigil, or using a charging ritual (usually involving charging the sigil with
stones, incense, or light).
Why charge a Sigil?
While a sigil holds a small amount of energy simply from being
created, charging a sigil gives it more. A sigil isnt very strong to be
honest, its a passive spell. So, the more energy you put into it, the
more effective it can be.
What do I do once I charge a Sigil?
Some people follow the idea that after you charge a sigil you should
destroy the paper its on to release the intent and energy out into the
world. You can do this by burning, soaking it until the ink runs off,
burying it, or shredding it. Some people believe it should stay
somewhere visible. Others still will fold or roll up the sigil, and put it
inside an object to be carried with you, or placed inside another spell
object to augment its strength.
Why use a Sigil?
A sigil is a good set it, and forget it type of spell. You make a sigil,
charge it, and deal with it how you see fit. Then you can forget about it,
and it lasts until its fulfilled its purpose. You dont need to do it again
until it has completed its use, and then you dont really need to use it
again, because the goal is already achieved.
Down sides to Sigils?
A sigil has a VERY limited scope of effectiveness. The more specific
the use and intent of a sigil, the more effective it is. So if you make a


sigil for love, its not a sigil for general, over-all, generic love. Its a sigil
for (i.e.) I am happily married and in love with my spouse. Also, if you
set defensive sigils on your house, they are more of alarms than
anything else, and each one would have to be reset after they were
A sigil gives you a physical object to focus on
A sigil needs charging to be anything more than a drawing
A sigil is easy to make, and charge
A sigil isnt very powerful, and has a very limited scope of use


*Witch of the Wastes Spell to Make a Curse

The best part of that spell is you cant tell anyone about it.
They wont be able to know if theyre cursed, and neither will anyone
else. Decreases odds of a curse being reversed or removed.
Items Needed:
1 black, square piece of paper
1 black or dark colored candle
1 white crayon (ayyy you actually get to use that thing)
One or more of the following: String, hot glue or regular glue, stuff
for a wax seal, tape
Step 1: Light the candle. Take the piece of paper and, with the white
crayon, write the targets name in the middle. Then, turn the paper so that
it looks to you like the name is written vertically (dont worry, pictures will
be included). In a straight line, write the intent of the curse you cast on the
target. Make sure it intersects the name. Like this:

Then, turn it a bit more so it looks more like an upright x from your
perspective instead of a t. (Xs just look more witchy.)
Step 2: Take the candle and drip wax onto what youve just written
(be careful!). Do this until you cant see the writing anymore.
As you do this, say the following as many times as you wish:

This curse is not one that anyone will find.

Though the effects will stay strong, the idea of a curse will not come
to their mind.
Hide this curse and hide it well.
Let it not be discovered by divination, wit, or spell.
If they try to investigate, let their results be but a question mark.
Until I end this curse myself, they will stay in the dark.
Step 3: Fold the paper in half. Do one or more of the following
(depending on the supplies you chose to gather): tie it up with string or
seal it with tape/staples/hot glue/regular glue.
Step 4: Put the paper in a dark space that wont be very hard to get
to. Leave it there.
If you ever want to undo this, just find the paper, unseal it, say This
spell I break. If they search for my curse, it will have a fair chance of being
found." Then, throw the paper away.

*The Im Tired, Im Dying Spell

This is a spell to do when youre tired and you feel shit out of luck
and you have more than a million things to accomplish.
Things you need:
Black Tea
Cinnamon (stick cinnamon is best)
Lemon and/or Ginger
Brew your tea and add your ginger and/or lemon. The ginger is
greatly used for success and power, and mundanely can be used to ease
aches such as an icky stomach or headache. Lemon enhances physical
energy and is great when youre experiencing mental fatigue (just a couple
drops will do). Mix well with a cinnamon stick. If you dont have a cinnamon
stick handy just add a bit of powdered cinnamon and swirl clockwise while
"Im tired, Im dying,
but Im still trying.
Lift my head,
Im not dead.
Say this while mixing until you feel that it is done. Drink the tea and
take some time to chill before you go crazy.


A spell bottle to protect my car? Both while I'm in it

and not. To protect from damage to it or myself from other's mistakes and
to stop my own mistakes from doing the same. Please and Thank you!
Items needed:
Rosemary, Bay leaf, Basil
Copper things (small enough to fit into the bottle, can be pennies)
Pen/markers and paper
1) Mix the herbs together and put them into the bottle. Heat the
water and pour it over them. Fill the bottle near to the top, but not all the
way. Imagine the protective energies from the herbs being boosted by the
water and growing in power.
2) Pop the copper things into the bottle. Imagine the protective
energies from them combining with the others and strengthening the spell.
3) On the paper, write down how you wish to be protected. It can be
a simple statement or a detailed wish. Whatever floats your boat. When
youre done, roll it up and put it into the bottle as well. Imagine the
energies already in the bottle reading your wish and empowering it.
4) Say the following:
Grant me protection while driving,
Grant my car protection even while alone.
Let me make no mistakes with dire consequences,
Let others make no mistakes that will affect me.
5) Imagine the energies from the spell surrounding you and your car,
granting protection. See yourself being protected by these energies and not
making any bad mistakes and such. Just imagine the spell working.
6) Seal the bottle. Let it sit for a few days. Then, later, you can open
it (IF YOU WANT) and use the water to anoint your steering wheel, mirrors,
windshield, whatever you want. Make sure to seal it again after.

Can you write a spell for writers block/to make

somebody write well, the gift of writing?
Items needed:
Object (can be a pen, a piece of jewelry, something youll keep with
you when you write)

1) Put the pen and the paper in front of you. Close your eyes and
clear your mind.
2) Pick up the pen. On the paper, write down everything you think of.
It doesnt have to be sentences. It can just be words, and they dont have
to make sense. Just write and do not hesitate. If you forget a word you
were going to write, leave it unfinished and move on. Just constantly write.
3) After youve filled up as much of the paper as you want (it should
be most or all of it), take the paper and roll it up. Get a bowl and fill it with
a very little bit of water (not more than 1/2 of a cup, but more than a
4) Submerge the paper into the water. Make sure it all gets soaked.
As you do this, say the following as many times as you would like:
As my thoughts flowed freely while I wrote these words,
So shall my thoughts flow, unblocked, as I write my works.
Let my mind go free, let my imagination be as effective as a childs.
Do not hold me back, let my efficiency go wild.
5) Imagine yourself being able to write without writers block. See
yourself filled with inspiration. Imagine the spells energies helping you be
the best you can be.
6) Let the paper soak in the water for a while. When you feel happy
with how long its sat, take the paper out and wash the item you chose with
(only) the water. This object can be the pen youll write with, a piece of
jewelry youll wear while writing, your keyboard (you may just want to put
the water on a cloth and lightly clean the keyboard with it if you choose
this), etc. Just whatever you want.
7) Keep the item with you as you write.

*A Simple Attraction Spell

A simple spell to bring what you want towards you, be it a job,
financial stability, a person, etc.
A tarot deck
Paper and pen
Optional: incense
Step one: Take your tarot deck and find your significator, and a few
cards that describe what you want to attract to you. I wanted to attract a
new job, so I chose my significator, The Sun, and the Ace of Pentacles, to
symbolize new growth (The Sun) through a new opportunity (Ace).
Step two: Write what you want on your paper, focusing intently on
your desires. Visualize your wants flowing from the pen into the ink,
soaking the page with your intent. Put it away in a safe place once finished.
Step three: Light the match (in a safe place) and focus on the tarot
cards youve chosen.
Chant these words:
As I burn this matchstick,
and as my cards decree

Make it that what I desire

Makes its way to me.
If you have incense, light the incense and let the smoke symbolize
the start of something new, while you leave the old (physical incense)
behind. If not, simply put out the match safely and do the same with its

*Twisted Dream a Little Harder Spell

Inspired by the Starkid musical, Twisted: The Story of a Royal Vizier

Intent: To encourage your dreams to come true. Go listen to the
song! You need to know the chorus and one other phrase to do this spell, or
play the chorus while youre performing the spell.
bay leaves
white pillar or taper candle
a (small) spoonful of sugar (feel free to leave this step out if you have
to/want to, I just like the amusing connection to the song)
1. Write your wishes on bay leaves.
2. Light your candle and burn each leaf over the candle while
singing/playing the following lines:
You got to dream a little harder
When life wont go your way
Simply dream a little harder
Trust me when I say
That when you dream little harder
Youre sure to follow through
Cause if youre good and youre attractive
No need to be proactive
Good things will just happen to you
3. When theyre all burned blow out your candle, collect the ashes
and your spoon of sugar, and head outside.
4. Sing the following phrase:
Whistle while you swallow

A spoon full of sugar

And your dream will come true
Upon a star
5. Swallow the spoon of sugar and toss your ashes in the wind.

*"Tiger Fucker" Curse to Muddy Someones Reputation


Inspired by the Starkid musical, Twisted: The Story of a Royal Vizier

Intent: Sort of a lighter curse to prevent others from taking someone
seriously and turn them into a joke. It might help with context if you watch
this scene, its Act 2 Part 1 of the musical and very funny!
picture of target
your voice/body
1. Hold the candle in your hands, thinking about your targets actions,
and fill the candle with your intent. If you want to, tell it why the person
shouldnt be taken seriously, laugh at it, anything to get you in the spirit
and push your energy into it.
2. Set the candle down. Take your marker and write the words tiger
fucker across the photo of your target.
3. Light the candle, hold the picture above it, and say:
"All hail [targets name], the tiger fucker!"
4. Pump one fist in the air while repeating tiger fucker three times.
When youre down blow the candle out and toss it and the picture in the jar.
Set it somewhere youll see it each day and when you walk by it shake it up
and say tiger fucker! three more times.

*A Curse for a Large Group

Purpose: To curse more than one target at a time, preferably part of
(or the whole of) a group or community.
You Will Need: Parchment. Ink or pen. Fire.
Notes: This spell calls for a full name. If you dont know their name,
you can name them for the purpose of your spell by focusing on them and
reciting: Since I do not have a name to satisfy this spell, I will rename

you. By the power of ________, you are now ________. I name you
Step One - Using your parchment and ink, make a list of every
person in the group you wish to curse.
Step Two - Recite, I curse this list of names and cast your spit onto
the page.
Step Three - Set the list in the fire and recite:
Spirit of fire, I ask your favor as I curse the names upon this list. Let
my curse infect every part of their lives. Let their group be disbanded and
weakened. Let them feel fear in their hearts. Let them feel doubt. Let this
curse spread like flame through the trees, but not be budged or returned to
me. This is my request. I ask this favor in exchange for my devotion and
gratitude. I will always respect the fire.
Step Four - If there are any ashes, let them cool and rub them on
your hands, then walk to the place associated with the group and touch the

Anonymous asked: Do you know of a curse to make two

people fight and clash?
I find it really funny that I received this ask, as I had been thinking of
a curse to cause a skirmish or fight all day yesterday.
Story time:
I was bathing my dog and all of this salt, dirt, and gravel kept coming
off of him because winter in New York State does that to animals. Anywho,
while I was bathing him (and consequently getting covered in mud water
by him) I remembered an instance from the end of the summer where two
other dogs tried to start a fight with mine and how I was thinking I could
have used the dirt from under the confrontation for curses. So, seeing as
that was the idea, here is the curse:
You will need:
Dirt from a place where dogs have had a fight or confrontation*
Two slips of paper and a pen
Something spicy (such as cayenne, chili, or similar)**
A jar or bottle that can be closed
If youve recently collected the dirt, allow time for it to dry completely
before using it. Moisture can cause mildew and mold in the jar.
Mix the dirt and spice you chose before putting them in the jar
On one piece of paper, write the names of one of the people you
would like to curse - on the other paper, write the second persons name.
(Add more pieces of paper to affect more people.)
Drop the pieces of paper in the jar and cap it before shaking it up.
Set the jar on a shelf or similar, and whenever youd like to stir up some
problems, shake the jar again.
*I chose this dirt under the belief that the fight or confrontation from
the dogs has resulted in energy being transmitted to the dirt. Along this

same belief, any dirt that has been taken from the site of any recent
confrontation would work.
**Something spicy to add a little kick or spark to it, adding wood the
fire so to speak. Just in case anyone was unsure.
Anonymous asked: Is there a curse to make someone get angry in
general? Like maybe a curse jar and once you shake it symbolizes/triggers
that person getting to be enraged.

"Is there a curse to make someone get angry in

general? Like maybe a curse jar and once you shake it
symbolizes/triggers that person getting to be enraged."
I dont know why I have received this exact same question three
times now on completely different days. As for an answer, its taken me a
while to think of how to go about doing this. But I have an idea.
To be made for a specific person, you will need:
A jar, bottle, or similar container (with lid)
A poppet (or similar) designated as the receiver*
A bunch of little slips of paper
A writing utensil
A match
What youre going to do:
- On each slip of paper, write something down that you know insults,
enrages, and/or irritates the receiver of this curse. Think of as many things
as possible. When you have, put the paper slips into the jar.
- Put the poppet in the jar as well, get it settled in with the triggers
on the slips of paper.
- Add the match to the jar - this is meant to spark these issues
alight when you move the jar around like, like when striking a match and
it bursts into sulfurous flame. Cap the jar.
- Whenever you want to influence anger in the receiver, shake up the
jar for a little bit. Cause the triggers to fly around the person, jumble them
up, and make sure the match bounces into the slips of paper. This is not an
immediate thing.
*Designating the poppet can be as easy as adding a piece of clothing
of the receivers, their hair, a bodily fluid (I do not suggest this), ritually
naming it after said person as their double in the curse, or anything along
those lines.

a simple love curse


Im in class and bored again so heres a curse to stop growth in a

What youll need: a green apple, a poppet, red string, a needle
1) Take a green apple and eat it. This is you giving energy to the
curse. Take five seeds from the apple.
2) Toss the seeds in a bowl of salt, crushed dead leaves, and lemon
3) Take the five seeds and stuff them into the poppet. Close the
poppet with red string.
4) Take the needle and stab the poppet through the heart. As you
do this, make a chant that represents stobbing the relationship from
5) Do not bury the poppet! Give it to the person.

moonlit witchs pain inflicting curse

(Disclaimer - Protect yourself from the possibility that this curse can
break and come back to bite you in the ass.)
Items Needed:
-A piece of paper and something to write with
-String (or anything to tie with)
- As many pins as wanted
- A photo of them, preferably on not too stiff paper
- Anything personal of theirs that can be tied with the paper
To Do:


Write their name on the paper (or on the back of the photo) and roll
it up. Tie it up tightly with the string along with anything else that feels
right. (for example, I tied it up with some rose petals from flowers given to
me by the person) Make sure to wrap it up really well with the string, as if
binding them to their fate.
Concentrate all your anger and pain and feel it envelop the paper.
Dont hold back. Scream and cry if you must. Take the pins, one at a time,
and push them into the paper, imagining them burning fiery hot through
the victim. The more pins, the more pain.
"[Name] is not free of the pain and anguish until no pins remain.
Keep this paper in a safe place that is out of reach from anyone.
Remove the pins, one by one, as seldom or often as you please. Discard
these pins immediately, its not really smart to re-use them. Once all of the
pins are out, the paper should be burnt, buried, or otherwise properly

winter witchcraft - blinding light

For starters, this is a curse. This is also a curse I have not been yet
able to test. The intention is to affect the eyesight of the target in a manner
similar to snow blindness.

Fresh, light, fluffy snow

Flashlight, candle, or similar
Name of target

- Prop up the mirror so that it sits at an angle. You dont want things
to be able to slide off of it.
- Scatter the snow over the mirror in a thin coating that leaves the
mirror revealed just beneath. If you can no longer see a reflection, you
have used too much snow.
- Shine the flashlight or light the candle to reflect in the mirror. Avoid
looking at the reflection and say:
Like sun glaring on the snow, reflecting into eyes,
This lense bounces light, their sight now fries.
Cold, white, and harsh, obscuring in spots,
Until they cannot handle, having been forced to stop.

Okay, this curse isnt perfect but I like the way its turned out.

Anonymous asked: I'm in need for a curse that will stop

someone from entering the psychologist proffession, as
the person would do some serious harm to others if they
did. Thank you for your time.
A binding curse seems like what you need. youll need their picture,
or something to represent them, and something to bind them (string or
bindweed, or similar things). Id suggest also having something to store the
end product in, like a jar or box.
Take the picture and as you wrap the string around it say something
along the lines of With this curse I bind you from [insert situation]. May
you cause no harm all the while really focusing on what you want to

Anonymous asked: How do you gain abd apply energy to

cast a curse? I think that's what's keeping my curses
from working :/ I'm a beginner
I believe the technique differs from person to person. As a starting
point think about how you gain and apply energy to other spells (spells that
are not curses) maybe if you use that technique it will also work.
Some people use anger, jealousy, or other negatively conotated
emotions to power their curses. Thats what I do, I build up the emotion
within me, until i feel im shaking with it, then I direct my hands toward the
vessel of the curse and feel the energy transfer from me to the spell. I do
that by visualizing the energy flow in my minds eye.
- Delffin.

storm witchs blizzard bitch curse

Shit youll need:

snow, preferably fallen in a storm

shards of glass
white pepper
sea or rock salt
paper/pen or photo of the target
a jar
Collect the snow and ice during the coldest part of the night. The
objective here is to freeze the target from your heart and allow them to
suffer in the bitter cold.
Assemble all of the objects in the jar. Spit upon the photo or the
name of the target, and add it to the jar.
Seal it, and watch as the ice, snow and unpleasantries cut and bite
into the target as the storm would. You are the force of nature to be
reckoned with.

Lift a Curse
Items needed:
12 white candles
1 black or dark purple candle
1 cup sea salt
1 tbsp lavender
1 tbsp white sage
1 tbsp chamomile
Perform this spell on the night after a full moon for the best results.
On your altar (or in the bathroom), place the 12 white candles in a circle.
Place the black or dark purple candle in the middle. Do not light them, yet.
Run a hot bath, and add the salt and the herbs. As you smell the
scent of the herbs, light the candles and get in the bath. Get comfortable
and say,
By the light of moons wane
Cleanse my soul of this stain
Let the ill spell be reversed
Lift away this dark curse
As I enter sacred space
Return my spirit to grace
Pour some of the bathwater over your head (keep your eyes closed).
Do this three times, and say the following each time:

I forgive what was done

Let the spell be undone
Stay in the bath until the water begins to cool. When you get out,
snuff out the candles but leave them in a circle. For the next three nights,
relight all of the candles and repeat the second part of the chant, then blow
them out. After the third night, relight only the black candle and allow it to
burn itself out completely. Dispose of the candle, ideally by burying it in the
earth, far from your home.

Lemon Curse Breaker

You will need:
a lemon
a dish
a knife
a bowl of water
a bowl of sea salt
a black pouch/sachet
a white or black candle
lavender, yarrow, rosemary, dragons blood resin
Light the candle and combine the herbs in the sachet (you can also
include protective crystals and other items). Hold the lemon in both hands
while visualizing the fruit drawing the negative energy away from you. Slice
the lemon into three parts. Say the following:
Lemon charged and cut in pieces three,
with cleansing salt and water, I will be free.
It is my will to break this curse.
And with this act, its effects reverse.
Dip the lemon slices in the water, then coat them in salt. Leave them
out to dry on the dish, near the lit candle. Once the candle burns itself out,
bury the lemon slices and the candle far from your home. Keep the sachet
with you to protect against any additional negative energy sent your way.

Curse Removal & Reversal

According to the dozen panicked messages in my inbox, we need to
have a talk about curse removal, a talk that (apparently) cant wait another

day. So, here it is. Where I will discuss different methods to remove,
reverse, and break curses that youve cast or that have been cast on you.
A Few Methods of Curse-Removal
Reversal - The act of sending a curse back to the person who cast it.
This is not (I repeat, is not) the method you want if youre the person who
cast the curse.
Removal - Simply removing a curse from a person. This can be done
by the caster, the target, or by a third party.
Breaking - Satisfying the demands made by the curse-caster in order
to have a curse removedor actually destroying the curse and all of the
negative energy from it.
Trapping - Putting a curse into an object or living thing and removing
it from yourself.
A Note Before You Begin
Some curses are written so that they cannot be removed or reversed.
If youre looking for a curse that you will want to remove later, make sure
you can find a removal (or write one) before you begin. Alternatively, if
youre the target of a curse that you cant seem to shake, try to find out
what the targets demands are and meet them. If thats out of the
question, trapping may be your best option.

Curse Reversal
Say youve been the target of a curse and you want to get even. A
curse reversal might be just what youre looking for. There are lots of ways
to reverse a curse. Some are written to send the curse back to that person
in a multiplied formmost popularly 3-fold or 10-fold. You can write your
own reversal in any way that meets your needs.The following is a simple,
quick method of reversing a curse.
Clean up any salt lines and take down any barriers that would prevent
a curse from leaving your home.
Acquire a cheap hand mirror (one that you wouldnt mind losing).
Breathe onto it. As you fog up the mirror, imagine youre breathing out all
of the cursed energy youve been carrying around.
Place the mirror on a window (facing your targets home, if possible)
with the reflective side facing outward. Leave it there overnight to reflect
the persons curse back on them.
In the morning, remove the mirror from your window and throw it
out. If you can, place a black candle in each window (you can do this one
window at a time so that no candles are left burning alone) to protect the
house and banish any leftover nasty energy.
Physically clean the house, cleanse, and redo any protections you
need to.

After reversing a curse, I always put a jar of nails at my window to

fight off return attacks.
If it helps, you can write a spoke spell to go along with the above.
Usually, I find that alone works very well.
Another good way is to make them eat itwhich is a little symbolic
and literal at the same time. I usually do this with pie, but you could use
Prepare a meal that you know this person will eat. (Preferably one
that they wont be likely to share.)
As you prepare it, let each ingredient stand for a part of the curse
you want removed, or a bad thing you want to happen to your target.
Give it to them.
This can also work as a stand-alone curse and (since theyre eating it
and therefore willingly accepting it), its not so easy to remove or reversal.
(Right, now none of you will ever eat my cooking, but moving right along.)

Curse Removal
Reader, were about to have one of those moments in which you read
my writing and then give me a weird lookbut here me out. Curse removal
is the act of ritually removing a curse. In my family, we do this with dirt.
Go outside and collect some dirt. (Preferably, loose dry dirt.)
Bring it into the house and and sprinkle it over the floors. (You can
mix it with a curse removing floor-sweep if you like.)
Take some in your hands and rub them together (as if your were
washing your hands). Say something along the lines of, Soil and mud and
earth and dirt, remove the curse thats caused me hurt.
Wash your hands and sweep the floor, sweeping the dirt out the door
if possible.
**Even though it sounds crazy, we use dirt because of its negativitysucking, neutralizing properties. Obviously, you could replace the dirt with
anything else you felt these properties in.

Curse Breaking
Curse-breaking is a removal method that only works if the curse
caster has tied a demand to the curse. For example, a curse broken by true
loves kiss. Or one that goes away when you return the Khals books to her.
And, in order to break a curse, you have to know what the persons
demands are.
The best way to find this out is with divination. Scrying, Tarot, etc are
all good tools to understand what a person wants to get out of their curse.
If you trust the person, you can just do what is required and get ready to

be curse free. If you dont, you may want to write a spoken spell to go with
your action. Something like, As I meet [full names] demands, take this
curse off of my hands. should work.

Curse Trapping
Similar to the scapecoat concept I talked about in part two, trapping
a curse is simply directing a curse into another thing to remove it from
yourself. I like to direct curses into earthen-clay figures and bury them
away from my home.

Removing a Curse That You Have Cast

Some people will tell you that its bad luck for a witch to remove their
own curse. Some wont. For myself, I dont know because I right my curses
not to be removable for the most part.
If youve changed your mind and want to take away a curse that
youve cast, try this:
Light a black candle for cleansing and banishing.
Find a photo of your once-target and anoint it with olive oil. This will
ruin the photo.
Say, My fiery anger did not last. Remove the curse that I have cast.
Let all ill will and energy flee, and let [targets name] never suspect me.
If youre looking to avoid bad luck from removing a curse, its a good
idea to give some small offering (that belonged to you) in exchange for the

"Drown the Witch" Reversing Spell

Here is a spell to take off a curse or crossed condition off of you, and
send it back to its source. No drowning of actual witches involved.
Make a doll (poppet, doll, etc.) to represent source of the curse. Use
biodegradable material since you will be drowning the doll in a river.
Include personal effects if the source is known. Otherwise, refer to the doll
as enemy. Tie the doll to a rock. Go down to a clean, running water
source and bathe yourself, rubbing yourself with the doll, praying that
whatever evil condition on you is washed off in the river and taken by the
doll. Take the doll and throw it downstream from you, commanding the doll
to take what negativity was on you with it.

Protection from Curses

A Disclaimer: I am one person and my opinions (which I have in
abundance) may not reflect the opinions of other witches, in general, or
other people who call themselves hearth witches. In fact, they probably
wont, because Im an asshole. I have a bizarre sense of humor that
doesnt convey well in text and I rant about shit I dont like. A lot. If you
dont think you can handle that, maybe dont read anything I write. Ever.

With all this talk of curses (and some actual curses) being hurled
around tumblr, it seemed fitting that my next post ought to be about
curses. Unfortunately, I figured out while writing my intro to these posts,
curses are a very big subject. And theyre gonna need a lot of posts.
So, the next three or four posts are going to be about curses
fending off, casting, and removing. If you dont believe in casting curses,
thats fine. Theres still stuff to be learned in here. And, if you still have
questions after this series is done, my inbox is always open.

How Do You Know If Youve Been Cursed?

There are a number of ways a curse can manifest. They can show up
as bad luck, trouble sleeping, nightmares, sudden illness, little things going
missing, unusually amount of spirit traffic, etc. The list is actually quite
extensive and overwhelming, and kind of makes everyone seem cursed.
If you suspect yourself of being cursed, I would advise a tarot or
pendulum reading for confirmation. In the meantime, this post will be
about things you can do to protect yourself from curses not yet cast.
But Havent We Gone Over Something Like That Before?
Why, yes, attentive reader, we have. And its all right here, if you
want to use that stuff too.



This is a thing that I talk about a lot, but never explain. Basically,
setting up an alarm is setting up a signal to alert you to a specific thing.
Curses can be that thing if you like.
There are lots of ways to set up an alarm, but Im just going to go
over my go-to way. You can use an object like a bell or a stone or
something. Or you can just make it up. For this example, well just use a
Ring the bell to become familiar with the sound. Keep ringing it until
youre able to mentally recreate it after the ringing has stopped. This could
be on the first ring or the thirteenth.
If youre working on an alarm for curses, you can add a little spoken
spell, like:
"When a curse is coming near, let a bell ring in my ear."
"Let this sound be my alarm, when magic seeks to bring me harm."
OR, if youre not into rhymes
"I want to hear this sound in the event that someone tries to curse
This can be really handy, because you may be able to get rid of the
curse before it takes effect.

Creating a Scapegoat
Creating a scapegoat is super easy to do. I have to make a lot of
them, because they break/go missing/etc whenever they absorb a curse;
but its better than absorbing it myself.
There is a little figurine on my property that is made to absorb any
curses that come my way. Hes made of clay, and I didnt actually do a
spoken spell to make him. But I made him with the intent of attracting
curses away from me, gave him a little bit of my energy as sort of a target,
and put him in a circle of magnets for a few days before setting him to
They dont require a whole lot of maintenance, apart from the
occasional offering. And, if you never get cursed you never have to make
another one.

Sucking Up Negativity & Bouncing It Back


Sometimes curses can be unintentionally thrown off balls of

negativity. To deal with this, I literally just keep bowls of lemons around.
If youre not big on keeping lemons just sitting around your house
(but why would you not be?) you can also keep a small mirror on your
windowsill to bounce things back.

Dont Neglect Your Protection

If you want to be able to rely on the magic you have in place to
protect you, you have to occasionally patch up holes and make offerings.
Things need to be kept physically and magically clean to keep working. You
cant really just put up walls and leave them untended, because theyll
weaken over time and fade away.


None of the things I just mentioned will help you with curses already
placedbecause my friends and I have been cursing a lot lately, so why
would I tell you how to get rid of that?but it will help with curses to come.

Reflect Away Harm (Curse Reversal)

Most reverse spells use mirrors to send the energy of the curse back
to the person who sent it to you in the first place. You just need:
2 small mirrors, ideally on stands
1 black candle
Sandalwood incense
Light the incense and let the smoke build up a bit around your altar
area. Carve a deep X into the candle. You now have to set up your two
mirrors so they face each other, and place the candle between them. It
should look like repeating candles reflected deep within the mirror.
Light the candle, and let your eyes focus back and forth between the
mirrors while you concentrate on the negative magic you are trying to
reverse. Repeat the words:
The magic upon me
Be trapped this night
Between these mirrors

Never see light

Repeat the chant over and over, and visualize the curse becoming
entangled in the reflections and sent back to the sender. Let the candle
burn down on its own, but leave the mirrors facing each other for 1 month.
This spell should be done right at midnight for the most power.

To Counter a Curse
Take a small narrow necked vessel, be it of glass or pottery, and place
within it the hair and nail pairings of the one to be protected to provide a
decoy for the curse, the red Witch Powder to destroy the evil influence, a
tangle of sewing threads to trap and confuse evil spirits, nine bent pins and
three large blackthorn spines to ever prick a d stab at the originator of the
cute. Close the vessel with a cork and seal it with wax. The vessel may be
secured within a chimney, buried beneath the hearth, or else buried in a
churchyard path or crossroads.
-Gemma Gary, Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways page
136, second edition.

storm sorceress crystal grids

Grids are used for various purposes (including healing, attraction,
love, and energy), to connect different crystals for a specific goal. Im going
to show you the steps to create a basic crystal grid.
Step 1: Create your grid.
Pictured below, I have a wooden grid and a drawn grid. If you do not have
a wooden grid, you can use paper, a chalkboard, or a whiteboard to draw


Step 2: Choose crystals for your first layer.

I call this the Rain Layer. The purpose of this layer is to begin to water
your desired goal.


Step 3: Choose Crystals for your second layer.

I call this the Mud Layer. This layer is the foundation of your desired goal.


Step 4: Choose crystals for your third layer.

I call this the Stream Layer. This layer carries your desires, and builds
upon the foundation of your desired goal.


Step 5: Choose 1 crystal for your focus layer.

I call this the Swamp Layer. This crystal represents the person or object
you want your crystals to affect. It is the destination of your desired
outcome. The rain, the mud, and the stream have combined to form the



storm sorceress resources: rain water

Rain water indicates water fallen without thunder or lightning.
Im going to separate rain into three categories, based upon the
strength at which it falls, in order to explain my personal associations.
1. A Light Mist:
A brief cooling down. (ex. Resting your energy on a project.)
Encouraging blossoming. (ex. Promoting new talents.)
To make wet, or lubricate. (ex. To get projects moving along.)
2. Medium:
Cleansing. (ex. Cleaning a room after sickness.)
Washing away obstacles. (ex. Push aside the challenges that
discourage your creativity.)
Promoting growth. (ex. Learning a lesson.)
3. Downpour
Banishing negativity. (ex. Ridding negative habits and people from
your life.)
Erasing. (ex. Ridding memories.)
Flooding. (ex. Overwhelming feelings, or strong increase in

You dont have to limit yourself to collecting the water in a jar, and
waiting for another day to use it. Keep it as simple or as advanced as you
wish. You can write down a project youd like to move along, and allow a
misty rain to wet it. Write all of your obstacles down on a chalkboard, wet a
paper towel in medium rain, and wash them away. Soak pictures of
memories you no longer want to keep.

storm sorceress resources: storm water

Storm water indicates water fallen, accompanied by thunder and
Overwhelming struggle (ex. Having to make a choice.)
Chaos (ex. Nothing seeming to go right.)
Unexpressed emotions (ex. Anger, fear, rage, etc.)
Rapid change (ex. Turning a situation into the opposite.)
Weathering the storm (ex. Making it through tough times.)
Increase in power (ex. Mental, physical, spiritual.)
Storm water is often used in curses to created negative situations for
others. It can also be used to create a positive outcome. Use it in a spell to
allow yourself to be able to express emotions, instead of hiding them. If
youre having money problems, copy a bank statement, or use fake money,
and pour storm water on it, with the intent to change your financial
situation. Place it in a bowl to use during meditation to gain certain powers
or knowledge.

storm sorceress storm crystals: banded amethyst

When I see banded amethyst, I am reminded of lightning in a dark


Magical Uses:
A light in the dark
Sparking new ideas
Setting objects on fire, causing them to quickly progress
Ability to receive warning, or signal before a storm, or obstacle
Connecting earth and sky
Causing fear

sirshas forget me spell

Items needed:
Container to collect rain water
Rain water

Step 1: Collect rain water in a container.

Step 2: Write your full name on a piece of paper with a pen.
Step 3: Place the piece of paper with your name on it into the
container, and let it soak in the rain water.
Step 4: As the paper is soaking, concentrate on the person youd like
to forget you and say, As the rain washes away my name, your memories
of me will fade.
Step 5: Once the water has faded your name enough that it cannot
be read, pour the entire container including the paper into the mud. Say,
This mud will seal your memories of me away.

sirshas storm of tears and nightmares curse

Items needed:
Picture/personal item of the person youre cursing
Black marker/pen
Storm water
Black candle
Light the black candle and allow it to continue burning.
Take the picture of the person youre cursing, circle their face with the
black marker, and draw an X through it. If you dont have a picture, you
can do the same thing with a personal item by putting it into an
envelope. Fold the picture/envelope up, and put it into the jar.
Pour enough storm water into the jar to fill it halfway.
"Water of the storm, flood and wash away that which has caused me
By now, you should have enough wax built up on the black candle to
be able to pour some into the storm water. Pour black wax over half of the
storm water to look like storm clouds.
"Dark clouds of the storm, darken this life. Lightning of the storm,
create obstacles of fire."
Swirl the jar to create a wind effect.
"Winds of the storm, create a path of destruction."
Add vinegar, so that the jar is about three quarters full.
"Vinegar, to sour the dreams, and turn them into nightmares."
Add about a spoonful of pepper.
"Pepper, to fill the eyes with tears."
Add about a spoonful of garlic.
"Garlic, to protect me and remove the negativity of this person from
my life."
Close the jar, and seal the lid with black wax.
Shake the jar occasionally for added effects.

storm sorceress tips for starting storm craft

Visualization. Practice it as much and as often as you can. You want
to be able to create any type of storm in your mind, and work with it. It
doesnt have to be physically storming outside for you to be able to use the
energy of a storm in your spell work.
Appeal to your senses. Sight. Do you see lightning creating
different colors in the sky? Winds forming into a tornado? Snowflakes
falling? Sound. Is it loud booming thunder? Icy quiet? Smell. Can you smell
the rain on the road? The crispness of the falling snow? The ocean water
rising? Taste. Can you taste fresh or salty water? Dirt or dust? Touch. Do
you feel warm or cold? Strong winds and waves, or soft raindrops?
Symbolism. Decide what the elements of the storm mean to you.
Maybe youve always loved snow, but are afraid of thunderstorms. You
might have no fear, and feel the urge to be a storm chaser.
Collection. When it does storm, decide which elements youre going
to collect. If you dont plan to use them right away, research the best
method for storing them safely.
Spend time in a storm. If you are able to do so safely. Allow
yourself to take in energy from it.

storm sorceress storm craft basics

To get a clear picture of storm craft, Im going to break the storm
down into parts - the calm, rain, lightning and thunder, wind, and the

The Calm
Before the storm, the skies darken, and an eerie, yet energizing silence fills
the environment. This is the element of spirit. Energy begins to increase,
and a pathway is opened for the other elements. Focus on your breathing.
Be mindful of the environment around you.

Tiny drops begin to touch your skin; then, build up into larger, sharp, liquid
spears. Water represents cleansing, the subconscious, and healing. Stand
in the rain to remove unwanted negative energies. Find a natural bowl of
rain water to scry with. Add rain water to a healing spell. Storm water, in
particular, can be used to cause a storm of events for someone or
something that has harmed you.

Fierce, and occasionally deadly, lighting can bring good fortune, or bring
harm. It may be the sign youve been waiting for if youre growing a
garden. Watch it flicker across the sky in a guided meditation for increased

Howling winds are packed with strength, and are capable of carrying many
items in their surroundings. Write notes on leaves to carry away negative
energy, or carry positive energy to someone in need.

The Collection
When the storm has passed, there are still remains left to be discovered.
After a heavy rain, there may be quite a bit of mud and fallen or misplaced
~ Mud can be used as a natural healing method for cooling swollen areas
on the body, and for bee stings. It can also be used to build - sculptures
and sigils would be a great start. Lets not forget our feathered friends! A
mud-filled bird bath is a great offering for birds, who use mud to build their
~ Winds may leave fallen branches, and heavy rains may uncover items
that were buried in the ground. Look carefully! You may be able to find
some lovely stones, or even the perfect wand.
Many of our parents told us not to stand in the rain or play in the mud, but
Im telling you its a good thing. Take off your shoes and take a hike when
the rains come by, and let the mud sooth your crafty soul. Begin the storm

storm sorceress storm crystals: chrysocolla in quartz

This crystal is by far one of my favorites from my collection. When I
look at it, and observe its appearance, I am reminded of an approaching
storm reflecting in rippling water. To me, this represents the calm before
the storm. During the calm before the storm, your environment is quiet;
and you can take the time to listen to the sounds you could not hear


Magical Uses:
Exploring the subconscious
Promoting calmness
Neutralizing energy

storm sorceress a light in the storm


A Light in the Storm is meant to be used to aid in the healing of

seasonal depression. Other uses may including aiding in the healing of
sadness, grief, and anxiety.
Items needed:
Large clear glass vase
Small clear glass vase to fit inside of the larger one
Local dirt, sand, or pebbles
Storm, rain, or source water
Tealight or votive candle
Fill the bottom of the smaller vase with dirt, sand, or pebbles, as a
weighted base, and place a small candle on top of that. If you want it
completely weighted down, youll want pebbles. If youd like it to float, just
add dirt or sand.
Place the small vase inside the large vase, and begin filling the large
vase with water. Be careful not to get any water into the small vase.
Set both vases on a flat surface, and light the candle inside of the
small vase, as pictured above.
Allow to burn for as long as needed, or until the candle burns itself
Repeat as needed.

storm sorceress magic for a snow storm

Lets talk magical uses for snow!

Snow Water
Collect snow in a jar or dish and allow it to melt.
What does snow symbolize? Think about what snow symbolizes for you,
personally. It might remind you of joyous memories of past holidays. It
might also remind you of loved ones who have passed on. For me, it
symbolizes freezing, cleansing, peace, and beauty.
How can I use snow water? Ritual baths, spells, anointing, just about
anything you can think of! Add snow water to a ritual bath to promote inner
peace and beauty. Anoint a candle with snow water during a spell to
cleanse negative energy from your life and create even more joyous

Snow Sculptures
Snow people - Could be used similar to a poppet. If using herbs or crystals,
please do research to find out what is safe for the environment and
animals, and what is not! You could even use the snow person as a
protective tool! Build it with intentions to freeze negative energies sent
your way, and melt those energies back into the ground.
Snow animals - If you have an animal companion, this would be an

excellent way to honor them. If you dont, you could choose animals to
sculpt based upon their symbolism.
Snow spirits - This would be a great way to honor deities and local spirits

Snow Sigils
Need to create a sigil? Dont forget that you can write in the snow using
your footprints! Another option is to use food coloring and water mixed into
a ketchup bottle.

Snow Meditation
Speaking of footprints in the snow, I imagine you could create quite the
impressive labyrinth!
Watching falling snow can be used as a method of relaxation and focused
meditation. Allow your mind to drift with it as it falls.
Even if youre not a lover of the snow, Ive just given you a few
reasons to appreciate it a little more! :)



Storm Sorceress Tornado Tarot Spread

Card 1 (The Debris) - The obstacles that are standing directly in your way.
Card 2 (The Funnel) - The direction in which you need to go, in order to
clear away the obstacles.
Card 3 (The Eye) - How to surround, and hold on to your desires.
Card 4 (The Cloud) - The final outcome.
(Source: Wikipedia)

storm sorceress guide to water scrying

What is water scrying?
Water scrying is a form of divination, in which one looks into water to
see various types of visions, including past, present, future, spiritual, etc.
What do I need to perform water scrying?
Still water, and a source to hold it in. This can be a natural source,
such as a yard pond, a shell, or bowl formed by a tree. It can also be a
man-made source, such as a bowl, dish, cup, goblet, or any other
container. If you cant find a source to hold the water, you can cup your
What are the steps?
Sit or stand a few feet away from the still, contained water.

Decide if youre going to ask a specific question, or wish for a general
Ask your question, if you have one.
Gaze into the water, and allow images to appear.This may not happen
on your first, second, third, or even tenth try. Do not force them. Just keep
Keep a journal. Its helpful as far as progress, and determining what
certain images and symbols mean to you.

Anonymous sent: do you have any suggestions for

combining knot craft and storm craft? i'm interested and
connected to both but i don't know how to combine
them since i'm new to all of this haha.
A storm bracelet. Use thread and charms representing the type of
storm you want involved in your spell. (Example: Blue and white threads
with snowflake charms for making good memories and protection in the
Seal a cord with mud to hold in power. Wash away the mud to release
the power.
Visualize storms while doing knot work.
Incorporate storm imagery into a charm for cord magic. (Example: By
knot of one, the storms begun. By knot of two, rain protects me and you.
By knot of three, lightning I see. By knot of four, thunder is at the door. By
knot of five, we feel alive. By knot of six, we build with fallen sticks. By
knot of seven, the storm becomes our weapon.)
Combine images of storms and sigils in embroidery.
Crochet using the storm clouds pattern.

coille-dithean sent: Hi lovelie, I was wondering if I could

incorporate stormcraft into my personal craft and what
would be good things to read to get me started?
Hey there! Of course you can incorporate stormcraft into your
personal practice! Honestly, I dont know of any books or websites related
to witchcraft focused on storms. I believe brynja-storm.tumblr.com makes
some storm-related posts (correct me if Im wrong!). Im basically creating
my own associations and practices as I go, and doing what feels right. I will
be posting more as I continue to grow my practice. Other than that, I could
take spell requests for storm craft.

reckless-violence sent: how do i write & create spells?


Decide on a purpose and be specific. I often hear, I want love, I

want to curse someone, I want things to go right in my life. What kind of
love do you want? Romantic? Family? Do you care where it comes from?
What do you want to happen to the person you are cursing? Are you just
trying to get even? Do you want them to feel guilty for lying to you? What
does it mean to you for things to go right in your life? A great job, great
relationship, happy home life? Details, details, and more details!
Decide what you really need to cast the spell. You might be able
to enchant an object, simply by telling it its new purpose. You can create
sigils, drawings, or put together a charm bag in just a few minutes. You
dont need to spend days on a spell if you feel its unnecessary. If you feel
that using additional objects will help you to focus your spell, try using
what you already have available to you. Honey to sweeten someones
personality to you. Eggshells for birth. Old keys to unlock. Take advantage
of your junk drawer. You dont always need candles, herbs, and crystals for
a spell to work.
Wording. It can be as simple as stating your specific purpose, or as
elaborate as writing a poem. You can even use words from stories, poems,
or songs. Ive come up with my own wording, combined wording from
different songs, and changed the wording on spells I didnt like the wording
of. Start with a rough draft, and tweak it until youre satisfied.
Believe in yourself. You have the ability to create and cast spells.
Dont be afraid of failure. Its going to happen at least once. Thats how you
learn and grow.

Anonymous sent: I'm just beginning witchcraft, I'm not

sure if there's anything I need to know before casting
my first spell. Someone said I have to be aware of the
dangers or something of the spell I cast, but spells don't
come with disclaimers telling me how much I'll have to
give back for casting said spell or what could happen, so
how do you know?
I like to compare casting spells to doing new science experiments.
You dont know for sure the exact outcome of the spell or the side-effects
its going to have.
Sometimes, we throw things together in an emergency situation, just
as a child would mix together a bunch of ingredients in the kitchen and
throw them in the microwave. Some of those kitchen experiments turn out
to be a delicious treat, others might set the microwave on fire. At the time,
were unaware of the effect the spell is going to have, and dont use
caution, deciding to deal with the consequences later.
Other times, we write our spells, as one would plan a new science
experiment, imagining all the possible consequences we are capable of

thinking of before casting them. We do our research, we use caution. We

word them as though we are presenting our research to a panel of college
professors in order to receive our doctorate. We still end up with sideeffects.
All spells have some sort of side-effect. Money spells might cause you
to lose a job you like, for a job that you dont enjoy as much, but one that
pays better. Lost object spells may cause you to find something you didnt
intend to or want to find. Lust spells might cause a partner to start clinging
to you. Protection spells might put you in a bubble to keep you away from
any possible harmful experiences.
Knowing all of this doesnt stop me from casting spells. I use caution
when possible. I accept that there are side-effects. I make a sacrifice to get
what I want. I step outside of my comfort zone with the intentions of
reaching my goals. I learn and I grow each time I cast a spell. The more
practice you have, the better gut feeling you will develop as to what is
going to work and what isnt.
The best tips I can give: Do your research. Use caution. Practice,
practice, practice.

a dream is a wish over the rainbow protection bottle

*Inspired by Cinderella and The Wizard of Oz
Items needed:
Sea salt
3 Bay Leaves
White feather
Thread - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - cut into 1 2 pieces
Cover the base of your jar in sea salt. This will act as your protection
Add a layer of lavender. "Protect me in my dreams, when Im fast
asleep, and even when Im wide awake."
Add 3 bay leaves. "Protect the wishes my heart makes."
Add the white feather. "Allow me to fly over the rainbow, should harm
try to overtake."
Add the rainbow of thread. "Let this smiling rainbow absorb
negativity, never letting me break."
Seal the jar. Place your hand over the jar, and concentrate on the
protective energies. Focus on building energy.
When you feel you have built enough energy for your protection
bottle, place it in a safe place.

protection methods

A few of my personal methods, and by no means a complete list.

Salt, rosemary, and water wash. Combine salt, rosemary, and
water into a large bowl. Visualize protective and cleansing energies
entering the bowl. Be specific in what you want to be protected from. Use
the wash around your home, especially doorways and windows. Create
protective sigils using the wash, if you wish.
Chalk sigils. Draw them on the foundation of your house, sidewalks,
underneath floorboards, or in the walls if youre remodeling your home.
Wards. Used to defend against specific things, and keep them away.
~ Hex signs - circular painted symbols. Different patterns and colors have
different meanings, but you can always create your own.
~ Spider houses - specific spaces designated for spiders to live to keep
away insects and other creatures that are pests or feed off of energy. I use
rocks, boxes, and small flower pots, and draw protective sigils on them.
~ Alerts - sound makers hung outside of the home. They alert you of
possible harm, and defend against it. Chimes can be purposed to do this.
You can also create your own using various items, such as string, wire,
beads, shells, bells, anything you can think of that makes noise.
Witch Ball. Clear balls hung up around the home to capture harmful
energy, that can be cleansed.
Witch Jar. Jar filled with broken glass, nails, pins, and whatever you
feel will protect you. Seal it with wax and bury it in your yard.
Charm bags. Bags filled with protective herbs and items. If you dont
have sachets or fabric, you can use a coffee filter or paper and string or
ribbon. Hang them around the house, in a vehicle, or even carry one with
Amulets. An item worn, usually jewelry, purposed to protect you
from specific harms, such as illness, jealousy, or unwanted spirits.
Glamours. Glamours are intended to make others see you how you
want to be seen, or not seen. They can be as simple as a chant, I will
travel unnoticed, I will blend in with my surroundings, Others will not
see me. Focus on this energy, and push it out of you to create a barrier.
Energy Shield. Choose an element that you feel connected to, and
visualize it creating a protective shield around you. For instance, you might
visualize yourself surrounded by fire, waves, lightning storms, or
Protection Candle. Charge a candle with protective energy.
Visualize the energy as an egg, growing around the candle, yourself, and
your home. Light the candle any time you feel you need added protection.
Ask for help. If you work with spirits, ask them if theyre willing to
help protect you.

Anonymous sent: Hi,your post for protection you

mentioned wearing jewelry against jealousy,what were
you talking about exactly?

The protection method I was talking about is referred to as

an amulet.
Amulet a small object worn to ward off evil, harm, or illness or to bring good fortu
ne; protecting charm. (dictionary.com)
You can make an amulet out of any piece of jewelry by using
a charm.
Charm - the chanting or recitation of a magic verse or formula.
For an amulet to protect against jealousy, chant over the piece of
jewelry ~
"Protect me from those filled with envy;
Those who wish harm against me.
Wear the piece of jewelry when you want to be protected from

cosmetics and glamour

In this post, Im going to cover my personal magical
associations with facial cosmetics, nail polish, and perfume. If you
wear cosmetics, this is a simple way to introduce and include magic
into your daily routine.
Think invisible ink! Have a goal youd like to focus on for the day? Write it
on your face using your foundation, and then rub it in. For example, write
successful interview if you have an interview that day. You could write
listen below your lips if its important to listen, rather than talk for the
day. Write glamour under your eyes if youre trying to impress someone.
Blush generally comes in three categories: cool, neutral, and warm. Need
to stay calm for the day? Use a cool shade. Participating in an activity that
youre deeply passionate about? Use a warm shade. Wear a neutral shade
when you want to put on your best poker face.
The eyes have the personality. If you need to look bold for the day, use
dark colors, bold mascara, and dark eyeliner. If your desire is to be
charming or friendly, you might want to try pastels and light mascara.
Bright and creative, try using bright colors, such as aqua, yellow, and lime
The lips are an accent to the eyes. If you want someone to focus on what
youre saying, try using a bright shade of red. Need to flow through your
day? Use a light shade of pink. To stay grounded, use neutral or clear lip

The wonderful thing about painting your nails is that there are so many
possibilities! Paint sigils in your first coat of polish, or in your clear top coat.
Paint animals or objects as designs on your nails. Cat eyes to stay quick
and on your feet about a situation, pumpkins for protection, candy to
sweeten others to you, the moon to appear mysterious. If fancy nail art
isnt your thing, you can just use color magic.
Common colors and a few of my associations:
Red - passion, lust, sexuality, warmth, fiery, strong foundation,
Orange - energy, excitement, full of nutrients
Yellow - happiness, ideas, creativity, sour
Green - growth, healing, earth, money, luck
Blue - calmness, subconscious, emotions, communication, water
Purple - psychic energy, power, meditation
Pink - love, romance, flirtation, harmony
Grey - stormy skies, shadows
Brown - neutral, grounding, stability, dirt
Black - power, absorbing, hidden
White - power, reflecting
Perfume associations can come just from the name of the perfume itself. A
perfume called Island Breeze might be associated with relaxation and
vacation. One called Royal might be associated with royalty and being
unstoppable. I enjoy natural scents, like lavender, which has calming
effects, and patchouli, which promotes love and money. For other herbal
scent associations, go here.

Anonymous sent: is there a spell for stretch marks or

unwanted body complications?
I dont know of any spells to get rid of stretch marks or unwanted
body complications, but you could try a glamour to make them less
Imagine lightning. Its energy, brightness, and color.
"Be as beautiful as the night sky,
Lit up in a lightning storm.
Reflect light to create radiant skin.

Storm Sorceress Spell to Help an Ex Move On

Purpose: To help an ex move on, and find new love.

Items Needed: 12 leaves, pen or marker

Notes: This spell was requested by an anonymous user who wrote,
Could you do one for helping your ex move on to another relationship?
Step 1: Begin by drawing clocks on the leaves, just the numbers in a
circle, and a dot in the middle. Recite:
(Name), Although the time has stopped moving for us,
It wont be easy, but move on, you must.
Step 2: Draw the hands on the clocks, each one a different hour. One
for noon/midnight, one for one, one for two, etc. Recite:
The hands of time still turn,
For me, you shall no longer yearn.
Step 3: Release all twelve leaves into a flowing water source. Recite:
Allow yourself in the waters to flow
Wherever a new love will grow.

Storm Sorceress Healing from Deception

Purpose: To move on and heal from deception by a loved one.
Items needed: dark food coloring, water, tall glass, Queen of Hearts
playing card/Queen of Cups tarot card
Step 1: In a sink or tub, fill a tall glass with water. Think of all of the
ways in which the loved one has deceived you, and put a drop of food
coloring into the water for each one. Recite:
(Name) You have clouded my world,
But your deceitful ways have been unfurled.
Step 2: Hold the Queen of Hearts playing card or Queen of Cups tarot
card in one hand. Concentrate on her. With the other hand, turn on the
faucet, and let the water run into the glass until the food coloring has been
washed out of the glass and the water is clear again. Chant 3 times:
I am healing, body and mind.
I feel the weight begin to lift as I wash your deceitfulness away.
I am the Queen of Hearts, the Queen of Cups.
I take charge of my castle.
I may show my weaknesses, but I am the ruler of my emotions, and I will
use my strengths to move on.

Storm Sorceress Get the Job You Want Spell

Purpose: To help you succeed in the application and interview
process to get the job you want.
Items Needed: Dried basil, 2 small strong magnets, coin, paper, pen,
green fabric or felt, gold ribbon, gold paint, scissors, sewing thread, sewing

Notes: This spell was requested by an anonymous user, who asked,

Could you please do a spell for getting a job you want?
Step 1: On a piece of paper, write a description of your dream job.
Read it aloud, and then fold it up.
Step 2: Take the coin and insert it into the last fold of the paper. Use
the magnets to hold it together on each side, and wrap gold ribbon around
it several times to secure it. Recite:
May my future employer find my job skills to be the best.
May the hiring process for me be a success.
I secure my future, my dream job.
I can prove myself when put to the test.
Step 3: Cut the fabric or felt into two small squares. 3 x 3 should be
Step 4: Sew together three sides of the fabric squares. Stuff with
coin, paper, and magnets, wrapped in the gold ribbon. Fill the remainder
with dried basil. Sew the last side. Recite:
I will be the lucky one, and come out above the rest.
Step 5: On the outside of the fabric, paint any sigils or designs you
feel necessary. Let dry.
Step 6: Carry this spell in your pocket any time you make contact
with the employer, including phone calls, picking up and dropping off
applications/resumes/paperwork, and during your interview.
*This spell will not hand a job directly to you if you do not put the
work in. Be active in the hiring process, and allow this spell to be of help.*

Storm Sorceress Spell for Memory and Concentration

Purpose: To aid in memory and concentration during homework,
tests, and projects.
Items Needed: ginkgo biloba tea, water, teacup/mug, a few sprigs of
fresh rosemary
Notes: Original request, A spell for focusing on homework.
Step 1: Brew ginkgo biloba tea and pour into cup.
Step 2: Place the rosemary over the cup, and allow the steam to
enhance the scent.
Step 3: Chant 3x:
Ginkgo tea and rosemary,
During this homework/test/project,
Give me focus, give me clarity,
Strengthen my memory.
Step 4: Drink the ginkgo biloba tea, and wear the rosemary. You can
pin the rosemary underneath a jacket, scarf, or even in a boot.


Storm Sorceress Cleansing, Grounding, and Increased

Psychic Abilities
Purpose: To cleanse and ground yourself, and promote your psychic
Items Needed: Jar with lid, water, purple tissue paper, pen, ribbon,
coffee, cinnamon
Notes: This is a four-part spell and was requested. I personally
associate the color purple, coffee, and cinnamon with enhanced psychic

Start by closing your eyes and picturing yourself sitting up against an
old, strong tree. Visualize sunlight shining down upon you. The sunlight
enters your body and small orbs of light begin to flow inside you. Feel the
light as it cleanses each part of your body from negative energy; your
head, your neck, your arms and hands, your back, your chest, your
stomach, your pelvis, your legs, and finally your feet. After the light
reaches your feet, visualize all of the negative energy in your body coming
out of your feet, and neutralizing itself as it travels deep into the earth.
Pause for a moment and take a deep breath. Recite:
I cleanse myself of all unnecessary and unwanted energies.

Now visualize that you are growing your own roots from your tailbone
and grounding with the earth. Watch them travel deep into the earths core,
just as the old trees roots have traveled. See positive energy building up
as bright light inside the earths core. The positive energy begins to enter
your roots. It travels up to you, through your feet, your legs, your pelvis,
your stomach, your back, your chest, your hands and arms, your neck, and
finally your head. Take several deep breaths and open your eyes when you
feel ready. Recite:
I am grounded. I take in the energy my mind and body need in order
for me to enhance my psychic abilities.

Step 1: Fill the jar with clean water, and seal the lid tight.
Step 2: On the purple tissue paper, write the types of psychic abilities you
would like to enhance. Example: Intuitive, medium, clairvoyant, etc.
Step 3: Set the jar on the tissue paper, and pull the tissue paper up and
around to the top of the jar. Tie with ribbon. Be sure that light is able to
shine all the way through the jar and tissue paper.
Step 4: Leave the jar in sunlight for a day. Recite:
May the sunlight and colored paper enhance this water with the
psychic abilities I desire.

Step 1: Remove the tissue paper from the jar, as if opening a gift.
Step 2: Remove the lid from the jar, and pour the water into your coffee
Step 3: Brew your coffee with the water. Add your desired amount of
Step 4: Inhale the aroma of the coffee. Allow yourself to truly
experience the scent.
Step 5: Drink the coffee. Recite:
I have cleansed and opened my body and mind.
I have built up my energies.
I am strong in my psychic abilities, and will continue to grow.

Storm Sorceress To Find a Lost Loved One

Purpose: To aid in the search for finding a missing loved one, and
help them return home safely if they so desire.
Items Needed: white candle, lighter or matches, paper map of local
area or places the person may have gone, key on chain or string
Notes: This spell was requested by an anonymous user, who asked,
Do you think you could do a spell to find a lost loved one?
Step 1: Lay out the map on a flat surface.
Step 2: Light the white candle, next to the map.
Step 3: Hold the key on a chain or string above the center of the
map, like a pendulum. Recite:
Candle burning, light the path
Down which __________ has walked.
Key swaying, unlock the doors
Behind which __________ has talked.
May __________ return home safe and sound.
If __________ wishes to be found.
Step 4: Allow the key to act as a pendulum above the map to give
insight into the location of your loved one.
Step 5: Study the flame of the candle. It may also give clues,
depending on the direction it is burning. Allow it to burn out on its own.
Step 6: Carry the map and key with you in your search for your loved

curse basics
Curses can be for:


Common Items Used for Curses:

Jars/Paper Bags/Boxes - to store the curse contents in.
Picture of person or personal item, such as hair, nail clippings, etc.
Pen/Marker/Paint - to cross out the person you are cursing, and to
write intentions.
Bodily fluids (spit, urine, etc.) - to show that the person you are
cursing means nothing to you.
Sharp objects, such as rusty nails, pins, glass, metal, etc. - to
represent actions like cutting and pinning.
Black candle wax - to seal the jar.
Any item that you believe will cause harm. Maybe you failed an exam,
and want the person your cursing to fail at something. Write your intentions
on the exam, and stick it into the jar.

Common Herbs & Oils Used for Curses:

Think *Spicy, hot, stinging, and sour.* Choose herbs and oils that will
create chaos. You can also use herbs for your own personal protection.
For Protection & Binding: Angelica Root, Chili Powder, Cinnamon,
Cumin, Garlic, Lemon Pepper, Onion
For Banishing: Angelica Root, Black Pepper, Cloves, Cumin, Curry,
Garlic, Lemon Grass, Onion
For Chaos: Allspice, Cinnamon

Chants & Written Intentions:

The most important part of the curse, in my opinion. You can fill an
entire jar with every herb, oil, sharp object, and bodily fluid you can think
of, and say CAUSE CHAOS but without direct intentions, its going to flop.
Be specific in what you want. If you want someone to have nightmares until
theyve learned their lesson, state so. If you want the person pinned to an
act they have done, state it in your intentions. If you want the person to
cry over an act they have done, yes, you state it.
Storm Sorceress Basics for Astral Travel


Step 1: Educate yourself on protection. Take protective measures in the
physical realm, and astral realm. Basic measures you should take are
protection spells, wards, and cleansing.
Step 2: Trance. You can find my post on my trance methods here.
Step 3: Find Your Gateway. Gateways allow you to pass from the
physical realm to the astral realm, and include a door to the physical realm,
an in-between space, and a door to the astral realm. Example 1: Wooden
door underground (physical realm door) - stone stairs (grey space) second wooden door (astral realm door). Example 2: Cottage door
(physical realm door) - ivy bridge (grey space) - garden gates (astral realm
door). This is done through visualization.

Step 4: Return to the physical realm. The easiest way to return is

to set an alarm. Be sure that the alarm is soft, and will not jolt you right
out of the astral. The second method I use to return is backtracking to the
gateway I entered through.
Step 5: Aftercare. Astral travel can be draining. I always suggest
having a meal prepared for when you return to the physical realm.
Step 6: Keep a journal. Write down your experiences as soon as
you return to the physical realm and have gone through aftercare, while
everything is still fresh in your mind.

traveling tips
You do not need to travel to communicate with fae, spirits, or deity. I
repeat, you do not need to travel.
This is the astral. Know how to protect yourself, the people around
you, and your home before even thinking about traveling. Know how to
cleanse and exorcise all of those things as well. Dangerous shit can go
down, especially if you dont educate yourself. Spirits can haunt you. Spirits
can possess you. They can even kill your astral form.
If youve educated yourself on protection, cleansing, and exorcism,
and feel that you are prepared to travel, only then should you choose to
Do what you need to do beforehand, so that you will not be distracted
while trying to travel. This might involve something as simple as taking off
your socks, or it might be as involved as taking a shower and eating. If you
think that bug bite on your foot is going to bother you, put something on it.
If you think your phone is going to go off, turn it off. If your throat hurts,
drink some tea. Again, do what you need to do.
Ground yourself. This helps you to be able to concentrate on
RELAX, and dont force it.
Find your connection to the lands and let your astral body flow. To
me, this sometimes feels as if I am floating through my head. Other times,
I feel like Im yanked out of my chest.
7a. You may be led by a companion.
In my personal practice, I used to have a wolf companion guide me.
At first, his eyes appeared, and we made direct eye contact for about a
minute or two before I followed him. He has recently passed, and is no
longer able to guide me. Now, I feel as though I am called more often than
7b. Once you get to the border of the lands, there will be a gateway
for you to enter the lands. Different gateways lead to different lands, or
different places in one land.
Here are some personal examples:
Ivy Arch Bridge - leads to the Elven Lands.
Stone Stairs - leads to the castle tower near the Cave of the Dragons,
just on the border of the Elven Lands.
White Gates - Leads to the Celestial Court ruled by the Silver Queen.

Anonymous sent: how do i get myself into a trance?

Definition from dictionary.com
1. a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in
which ability to function voluntarily maybe suspended.
2. a dazed or bewildered condition.
3. a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing.
4. an unconscious, cataleptic, or hypnotic condition.
5. Spiritualism. a temporary state in which a medium, with suspensio
n of personal consciousness, is controlledby an intelligence from without an
d used as a means of communication, as from the dead.
Completely relax your body, let go of wandering thoughts, and find
something for your brain to focus on. Here are some methods Ive used to
focus my brain:
Listening to repetitive sounds, like raindrops or a drum
beat. myNoise is an awesome noise generator.
Listening to slow, enchanting music, or chants. Although, any type of
music can be used.
Picking an object to focus on. Inside, this could be something like a
fan, or candle. Outside, a tree or the ocean.
Dancing. It exhausts your body, and allows your brain to focus.
The last method I use is drinking a tea, which includes mugwort*,
cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey.
*Mugwort: Should not be used every day. It is an allergen. Do not
use it if you are pregnant or lactating. (It can cause miscarriage, and has
been used for abortion.) Should you decide to use mugwort, I highly
recommend having someone with you or writing the details down (how
much you took, when you took it, your reasoning for taking it) in case of a
reaction. Start with a small amount, approximately half a teaspoon. See
how it affects you, and work your way up, if you wish.
Feel free to ask any other questions you may have!

Anonymous sent: Hi, I'm sorry, I saw you explaining

how to go into a trance, and I know some of my friends
do it, but what exactly is the purpose?
Hey, anon! Please dont be sorry for wanting to learn more! Trance is
used to alter ones state of consciousness for many different reasons. Some
including enhancing certain magical practices, traveling to the astral,
communicating with spirits, communicating with deity, and connecting with
your higher spiritual self, to name a few.

how to make a fae box

What is a fae box?
A fae box is an offering and an invitation for the fae to work with you.
Steps to Make a Fae Box
Step 1. Choose the box you would like to use. Be sure this is a box
you will use for working with the fae only. I found this box at a craft store
for about $3.

Step 2: Choose flowers to place in the fae box as an offering. Try to

find flowers close to the space youll be working with the fae in, that have
already dried. If the flowers are not already dry, tie a string to the stems,
and hang them upside down in a sunny window until dry. You may grind
them up, or leave them as is, depending on the size of your box. The


flowers I chose were tulips and lilacs.

Step 3: Place the chosen flowers into the box.


Step 4: Choose additional plants and herbs that you will be using in
your fae box. If you buy them from a store, be sure that they are organic,
and free of chemicals. I chose to use clover, lavender, rose hips, and basil.


Step 5: Grind the herbs and other plants together.


Step 6: Pour the additional herbs and plants into the box, on top of
the flowers.


Step 7: Choose something personal from your body to represent your

commitment to the fae. Hair is good choice. You can either cut a lock out,
or if your hair is like mine, and youd prefer not to cut it, you can probably
brush enough to equal a lock out. Add this to the box.


Step 8: Close the box, and anoint it with oil, consecrating it for the
use of working with the fae. You may use a base oil, or an oil of your choice
that will attract the fae. While anointing, you might want to draw a symbol
that will attract the fae with the oil, such as the Elven Star.


Step 9: Leave a note on the box for the fae. You may want to
welcome them and state your intentions in this note.


Step 10: Keep the fae box in the place you wish to work with the fae.
There you have it! Youve made your own fae box!

how to make a fae garden


The purpose of a fae garden is to attract the fae, and other nature
spirits into your life.
Step 1: Decide if youre going to make the garden inside or outside.
Step 2a: If youre going to make one inside, perhaps for putting on
an altar or faery shrine, you may want to use a small container and items
that will last year-round. In the example above, Ive used a clear, glass
container, craft moss, and small trinkets, such as mushrooms, a fence, a
broom, flower pots, and a garden sign.
Step 2b. If youd like to make a more natural garden, you may want
to use a small flower pot, a planting box, or an entire garden. Youll want to
use flowers that the fae enjoy, and are attracted to. The flowers should
also carry properties that are beneficial to you. Fae may take the form of
these flowers and enhance the properties of the flowers.
Flowers that can be used include:

Angelica - These flowers strengthen the aura and bring good

Basil - Awakens discipline and devotion, and holds knowledge of
integrating sexuality and spirituality. The fae attracted to basil are often
elves. This flower also attracts dragons.
Black-eyed Susan - A catalyst for change.
Buttercup - Healing energies and understanding.
Carnation - Heals and restores a love of self and life.
Chrysanthemum - Stimulates vitality, and strengthens life force.
Clover - Promotes love and fidelity.
Coleus - Feminine energy, healing, and beauty.
Daffodil - Helps to guide toward realization of inner beauty.
Meditation and clarity of thought.
Daisy - Draws all nature spirits. Stimulates physical awareness of the
presence of nature spirits.
Faerie Lantern - Strong effect on the imagination, and awakens
feminine energies.
Gardenia - Increases telepathic abilities with nature spirits.
Geranium - Promotes happiness.
Heather - Facilitates outward expression and promotes the
manifestation of inner abilities.
Honeysuckle - Aromotherapy knowledge, stimulates powerful
dreams, awakens psychic energy.
Hyacinth - Helps to overcome grief and death.
Iris - Opens vision to the Fae Lands.
Jasmine - Knowledge of dreams, prophecy, and promotes mental
Lavender (Be careful, not all fae enjoy this flower) - Healing and
Lilac - Increases clairvoyance, reveals past lives and how they are
related to the present.
Lily - Connects to new births and purity.
Marigold - Helps to develop clairaudience.
Orchid - Strong sexual energy.
Phlox - Awakens artistic energies and craftsmanship.
Poppy - Makes you more perceptive to other energies.
Rose - Awakens love, teaches telepathy and divination.
Rosemary - Helps rid of negative energy, clears the mind, and
promotes creativity.
Sage - Can induce light altered states of consciousness.
Snapdragon - Attracts dragons, helps to develop creative expression
and clairaudience.
Thyme - Draws fae into sleeping chambers.
Tulip - Awakens trust and stimulates greater vision.
Violet - Simplicity, modesty, luck, and increased psychic sensitivity.
*Keep in mind, not all fae will enjoy all flowers.
Step 3: Decide if you are going to include anything else in the garden
or not.
Some ideas:
Statues of fae, dragons, or other nature spirits

A small table and chairs

A bird bath
Stones that you have collected from outside, in an area close to the
garden. Do not use crystals, as these can affect the natural energies of the
"Faery Dust" - Never use glitter outside because it is generally made
from aluminum. If you want to use something shiny, try edible glitter used
in baking, instead.
Step 4: Maintain your garden. Keep it clean and free of weeds.
Step 5: Feel free to leave offerings to the fae in the garden.
Step 6: Enjoy your fae garden, and welcome the fae and other spirits
who reside in it!
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews

Anonymous sent: would you mind telling us a little on

Celestial fae?
The Celestial fae I work with are found in a dark, cold kingdom in
space. They do not like to involve themselves in others affairs when they
feel the matters are below them. They appear in shades of blue and silver,
and tend to be standoff-ish to most from outside their lands. The queen can
be intimidating, as she is very serious, and demands the best in everything.
She has a gorgeous scrying bowl, and is most excellent in her scrying

Anonymous sent: Celestial Fae anon again. I was more

curious on what you know about their culture. How did
you get involved with them?
The Silver Queen appeared to me in a dream with two of her guards
and two maidens. She continued to show up, until I was able to understand
the message that she and her court watched over the Starlit Forest from
their kingdom.
I have a bit more information on my other blog, tindometaure. I just
made two posts on where the Celestial Fae originally came from, and how
they became the Celestial Fae. These posts include small bits of their
culture, as well. You can find them here.

lksnow sent: I assure you, I tried my absolute best to

not have to use ask, but dragon magick sparked my
interest and I was wondering if you'd be willing to

enlighten me on the subject. Regardless of if you

can/will help, I thank you for your time.
No worries! I enjoy asks, so thanks for asking! :)
For me, dragon magic is magically working with different dragons in order
to achieve a desired result for myself or for the dragons. Just as people
have their own magical specialties; such as ocean magic, storm magic,
kitchen magic, protection magic, or love magic, dragons do as well. A lot of
the work I do with one dragon in particular involves protecting her lands
and loved ones and my home and loved ones. It goes both ways and we
work together. I write informational posts about my work with dragons, fae,
and elves on one of my other blogs,tindometaure. Hope that helps to
explain the basics!

storm sorceress how to make a dragon box

The purpose of a Dragon Box is to attract dragons, and give
continued offerings. Enjoy!

Step 1: Choose a box. I bought an unfinished box and painted this

design on it with acrylic paint, and added dimension with mod podge

dimension. If youre not crafty or not into painting, you can choose a box
that already has a design on it.

Step 2: Create a nest. Dragons enjoy a comfortable place to relax.

For this box, I used dried moss since I work with forest dragons. You could
use other types of greenery for forest dragons, or other material for
dragons of different environments. For example, sand for sea dragons.

Step 3: Choose herbs that will attract dragons. I focused on wisdom

and friendship. Dragons are wise creatures, and need to know that they
can trust you. I chose common kitchen herbs ~ sage, which has the
property of wisdom, and rosemary, which has the property of friendship
Dont have these herbs on-hand? Here are some other recommendations:
Wisdom herbs, flowers, & plants: almond, elder, iris, lilac, milk thistle, oak,

peach, and sunflower.

Friendship herbs, flowers, & plants: acacia, apple, bluebell, gardenia,
meadowsweet, myrtle, passion flower, rose, and sweet pea.

Step 4: Choose crystals that will attract dragons. Again, wisdom and
friendship is likely to attract them. Ive chosen peridot for friendship, and a
dragon crystal.
Other options:
Wisdom crystals: amber, chrysocolla, fuschite, garnet, jade, lapiz
luzuli, malachite, opal, pearl, sodalite, and turquoise.
Friendship crystals: emerald, garnet, moss agate, pearl, peridot,
sapphire, sugalite, turquoise, and unakite.


*Optional*: Choose an item thats part of their environment. You

may want to use this as an offering after youve made contact. I chose sea
glass because the forest is close to the sea, and the dragons I work with
often visit there.

Step 5: Add the OoOoO! Shiny! Dragons love the oooo shiny! Ive
chosen a golden key and gold glitter.
Other ideas: Coins, rhinestones, metallic polymer clay, beads, and
Step 6: Once youve made contact, you may find that the dragon
who has contacted you asks for certain items as offerings. Maybe theyd
like you to write a riddle for them. Maybe they really enjoy a certain type of
candy. You can add those things too!
You now have your very own dragon box!

Anonymous sent: can you choose how youre dragon will

UPG: In my experience, dragons are nothing like a pet you get to
create the look of. They are beings in the astral with many MANY different
appearances. The dragons I have met so far have had the common look of
the Western dragon, with four legs and wings, though this is not true for all
dragons. They have been various colors, with forest details - since this is
where they dwell.

Anonymous sent: like you said with sea dragons and

forest dragons, what are the different types of dragons?

There are tons of different types of dragons, depending on culture

and country. The ones I work with are different, depending on environment.
For example - forest, sea, desert, mountain, etc. You can check out
mydragon resources post for more info on the different types of dragons.

Anonymous sent: Hello! Are there any ways/spells to

contact mermaids/mermaid spirits?
Hello anon! The simplest way to attract them would be to leave out
an offering. Water, shells, blue crystals, blue candles, comb & mirror,
anything symbolizing the moon. I generally contact them (or rather, they
contact me) through water scryings. I have an e-shrine dedicated to
Aphrodite (She of Beautiful Buttocks) if youre looking for some inspiration.
Some of the other members of the Ocean-Oracle network might give you
some other suggestions, too. Hope this helps! :)

spirit festivals
Spirit Festivals begin August 18 and continue through November 1. It
is a time of celebration and honoring for all spirits. I use the term spirits
as an umbrella term for a wide range of beings, including ghosts, faeries,
mythical creatures, otherworldly beings, and deities. I began celebrating
the festivals last year, and have added a number of activities since that
time for my celebration this year.
Here are some of my activities planned for this year:
Meditation. Take a moment each day to reflect on the spirits you work
with, whether they have been in your life for years, or only for a brief
moment. Consider how you and the spirits have changed together.
Altars. Create altars specifically for the spirits in your life. Dont feel you
have to limit yourself by just using a table or a dresser. Altars can be
placed almost anywhere! Shadow boxes make wonderful wall altars.
Outdoor altars can be set up on tree stumps, or even placed into glass
ornaments to hang. You can include photographs, heirlooms, items that
once belonged to the deceased, statues, decorations, and any other item
you can think of to remember and celebrate them.
Offerings. Depending on the spirits, the offerings will vary. Ancestors may
be easier to give offerings to if you remember their favorite foods and items
during their lifetime. Other spirits require research and getting to know
them personally to discover their likes and dislikes. If you are unsure, many
spirits accept lighting a candle as an offering. A few examples: Certain
ghosts in my house might enjoy a bit of home-cooked Italian food left out

with some wine. House faeries here enjoy milk with sugar and shiny
objects. Nature faeries may enjoy something seasonal, such as maple
leaves, maple sugar, or pumpkin spice coffee. The minor demons are drawn
to spicy foods.
Charm Bags. Use as a form of encouraging communication with spirits, as
well as protection from unwanted spirits. Making charm bags can be as
simple as gathering all of the items you need, putting them into a bag that
you are able to close, and stating your specific intentions. In my practice, I
make three types of bags. I start by making protection charm bags,
including protective herbs, such as rosemary and sage. These bags serve
as a protection from unwanted or ill-will spirits. Next, I create a crossroads
charm bag, which is meant to focus on the places that are a location
between the worlds, and includes snake shedding, crossroads dirt, skeleton
keys, feathers, and other items I associate with the crossroads. This bag is
similar to a message telling the spirits that this is a location they may visit.
Finally, I make spirit communication charm bags, including herbs
associated with attracting spirits. Some common herbs associated with
attracting spirits are catnip, echinacea, marshmallow root, mint, rose hips,
and sweetgrass. These bags serve as a message to the spirits that I am
willing to communicate with them.
Stories. Read and tell stories about the spirits in your life. Remember good
memories of the deceased. Ask family members to tell stories of your loved
ones. Go to your local library and read folk tales and legends about local
spirits. Write what you have learned in a book and pass it down to future
Genealogy. Research your family history. Discover where your ancestors
came from and learn more about their culture. Be sure to keep records.
Visit cemeteries. Walk through and appreciate the life cycle. Clean off the
headstones of those you know and those you dont know. Decorate the
graves of those you know. They will be thankful.
Spirit Supper. In memory of the deceased, invite them to a meal with
you, and hold a silent supper with family and friends. Prepare dishes that
the deceased once enjoyed. You may even choose to leave out a plate for
each of them, or a plate in the middle of the table for them to share.
Communication. Listen to the spirits. Talk to them. Become aware of what
they are searching for. Offer to help them, if you wish. If you are unable to
easily communicate with them on your own, you can use a method of
divination, such as tarot or a pendulum.



Carnelian - energy & focus

Goldstone - protection
Moonstone - travel protection, past life regression, divination
Obsidian - grounding, centering, divination, cleansing
Onyx - balancing, protection, scrying
Seers stone - divination & scrying

storm sorceress crystal cleansing methods

Youve just met your first set of crystals, and you want to begin
working with them. Before you begin, its important to know that crystals,
as well as other items, carry energy with them. Since its hard to determine
what type of energy they are carrying, you will want to cleanse them of all
previous energies before you start working with them. The following
methods are methods I personally use.
Method 1: Smoke Cleansing
This method involves the help of incense. I pick up one crystal at a time,
and pass it through the incense, back and forth, three times. While passing
each crystal through the incense smoke, I focus and visualize the crystal
being cleansed. If it helps your focus, you may want to add a chant, such


as, I cleanse you.

Method 2: Fire Cleansing
This method is basically the same layout as the incense method, but
instead of incense, I use a candle flame. I pass the individual crystals, back
and forth, three times, about two inches above the flame. This method is
great if you dont have incense on-hand, if youre allergic to incense, or if
you arent a fan of incense.
Method 3: Quartz Cleansing
This is the method I used while living in a college dorm. As many college
students living in dorms know, most buildings prohibit the use of candles
and incense. Once you have a cleansed clear quartz crystal, it can help you
cleanse other crystals and tools. With this method, you simply put the
crystals you wish to cleanse in a pouch or bowl with the already-cleansed
quartz crystal, and leave them to cleanse for a day.
*Some sources may tell you to use salt, water, or dirt to cleanse your
crystals. Although this may be fine for some crystals, it is not for all
crystals. I avoid these methods to avoid damage to the crystals I work

here, kitty kitty: a few of your favorite things charm bag


Purpose: To help attract stray cats to you and your home, in addition
to providing food, water, and shelter.
Items Needed:
- drawstring bag
- non-toxic marker
- yarn
- feathers
- catnip
On the drawstring bag, draw the Here, Kitty Kitty attraction sigil
shown above.
Tie feathers together with yarn, and wrap the remaining yarn around
the feathers, and place them into the drawstring bag.
Fill the remainder of the bag with catnip.

Energize the bag with love, warmth, comfort, and other positive
energies you think the cat might need.
Tie the bag securely outside where you have seen the cat. As you do
so, call out, Here, Kitty Kitty!

storm sorceress feed the birds spell

Purpose: To attract birds to your area.
Notes: This spell was requested by an anonymous user wishing to
attract birds in order to appreciate their beauty. The process is a common
family project to feed the birds in the Northeast. The charm is inspired by
Mary Poppins Feed the Birds lyrics.
Items needed:
Cardboard roll, leftover from paper towels or toilet paper
Peanut butter
Butter Knife or Spatula
Bird seed
Large plastic bag
Pour bird seed into the large plastic bag, enough to make a thick seed
cover on the cardboard roll.
Using a butter knife or spatula, spread peanut butter onto the
cardboard roll, covering the entire outside.
Put the cardboard roll, covered in peanut butter, into the plastic bag
with seeds. Seal the bag and shake lightly until the seeds cover the entire
Remove the cardboard roll from the bag, and thread with yarn, long
enough to be able to hang it.
Hang the cardboard roll outside, in a safe place for birds. As you do
so, chant or sing:
Though my words are simple and few,
Listen, listen, Im calling to you.
Feed the birds, thats what I cry
While overhead, the birds fill the skies.
*If the peanut butter is too oily, you can add cornmeal. Be sure to
keep peanut butter feeders fresh.

felisnocturnous sent: Whay do you mean by

Northeastern Magic?
Northeastern Magic is a combination of folk magic and witchcraft that
Im currently working on creating. Its based on the geography, culture, and
family life in Pennsylvania and New York that are becoming part of my

pennsylvania folklore, legends, hauntings, & monsters

Italian-American Folklore
Italian-American Superstitions
Polish Mythology
Folk-lore of the Pennsylvania Germans
Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Signs
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions
Weird Pennsylvania
Haunted Places in Pennsylvania
The Legend of Sara - Mansfield University
Giant Skeletons of Spanish Hill
Monsters of Pennsylvania: Mysterious Creatures in the Keystone State
Pennsylvania Big Foot
*This is not a complete list, and will continue to grow as I further my
research. Please note: Some of my research may be specific to my area,
and to my familys cultures. *

family folklore
mano di cornuto - extending the pointer and pinky fingers from the
left clenched fist to resemble goat horns - to ward off evil.
Wild birds in the house are bad luck.
Breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck.
Throwing salt over your left shoulder brings good luck.
Walking under a ladder is bad luck.
If your toes swell up, its going to rain.
Death comes in 3s.
Mint to help with healing, particularly digestion.
Pysanky - decorated eggs which symbolize Spring, birth, rebirth, and
fertility. My family has a few of them from Poland that have been passed
down through the generations. [photo]
Horseshoe over the doorway - symbol of luck and protection.
If anyone drops a fork at the table, the visitor will be a man, if a
knife, the visitor will be a woman.
A cat, when left alone with an infant, will strangle it by sucking its
Elder-blossom tea for sickness.

The chirping of a house cricket, or clicking of a deathwatch, foretells a

Hex signs - my grandma has always had at least one hanging on her
front porch. [photo]
Always stop to look for a 4-leaf-clover in a clover field. Theyre good
Spirits and Monsters
Boogie man - tall, brown wrinkly skin, with long arms, and long
Jack Frost - brings the cold weather and winter.
Garden/flower faeries - live in fruit, vegetables, and flowers.
Leprechauns - short, mostly friendly, tricky, and like to play games.
Gnomes - short, older men, with long beards.
*Note: Certain things may not have originated from the culture they
are listed under. However, thats the part of my family Ive learned them

woolly bear caterpillar

This little baby has been helping me in the gardens this week.

Woolly Bear Caterpillar, Pyrrharctia isabella

These caterpillars usually appear during the summer and autumn months,
inching along leaves. However, if they feel threatened, they will curl up into
a ball. During the winter months, they find a safe spot for hibernation. They
then emerge again in the spring, form a cocoon, and transform into the
orange-yellow Isabella Tiger Moth.
It is said that the Woolly Bear Caterpillar can predict the weather. The more
black that appears on the caterpillar, the more severe the winter will be.
More brown indicates a milder winter.
Weather magic, especially relating to winter.
Divination relating to weather.
Withdrawing from someone or something, or curling up into a ball.
Resources [x]

magical properties of maple

In my area, we have local maple syrup available behind the kids skating
rink. Maple Festival happens in the Spring, and contests are held between
locals for the best maple syrup.
Maple wood is known for its magical properties of spirituality, healing,
cleansing, knowledge, communication, binding, love, prosperity, and
traveling. [X]
Colors vary and are often found in combination, depending on the
type of maple, and the season. They include shades of red, orange, yellow,
green, and brown. Use the color combinations to your advantage in color
magic. A red and green leaf could help in a spell for growing stronger. An
orange and brown leaf could be included in a charm for a joyful home. A
yellow and green leaf could help with happiness and health.
Textures are dependent on the season. In Spring and Summer, the
leaves are soft and flexible. Use to soften your words when discussing
difficult topics. Use in a glamour spell to soften your physical features.
Make your schedule more flexible, or your approach to new things more
flexible. In Autumn, the leaves become dry and crunchy. Use to crush a
relationship or shatter bad memories.
Scent is the strongest in the Autumn. It reminds me of smokey sugar
and spices. This scent would be great for spicing up passion, romance, and

Often, we pick out the best leaves and seal them in wax paper using
a hot iron. Write your wishes on these leaves, and frame them until the
following autumn.
At Halloween, we rake the leaves into bags decorated to look like
ghosts and pumpkins.
Maple leaves make great compost for your garden.
Medicinally, maple syrup contains anti-oxidant compounds, which also
have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-diabetic properties. [Read the full
research article.]
Magically, maple syrup could be used following the same properties of
its wood. The syrup generally has a light and sticky texture. It could be
used in spells for remembering, sticking to your goals, sweetening a deal,
sweetening someone to you, or creating a sticky situation for someone.
Try some delicious recipes
And my personal favorite, and creation, Maple & Mint Sun Tea

super moon grounding & cleansing water

This water is meant to be used in a shower or bath for personal
grounding and cleansing.
jar, clear
rosemary, a few sprigs
tigers eye
Place the rosemary in the jar.
Fill the remainder of the jar with water.
Place the jar in a safe place where it will soak up moonlight.
Place the tigers eye on top of the jar.
After allowing the water to soak up the energies of the super moon,
use it in a shower or bath.
Repeat 3x, With this water, I cleanse myself of unwanted energies
and ground my remaining energies.

gathering energy spell for super moon harvest

Step 1) Decide what type of energy youd like to gather and
strengthen, and harvest the fruit or vegetable related to it.
Zucchini - prosperity and sex
Green Beans - divination, money, luck, and sex
Peppers - prosperity, strength, and energy
Tomatoes - love
Cucumbers - fertility and healing

Blueberries - protection
Strawberries - success, luck, and love
Blackberries - healing, protection, and money
*Not a complete list, but what I can get out of family or local
Step 2) Place your fruits and vegetables in a glass bowl, and fill the
rest of the bowl with water. Cover with plastic wrap. Depending on
preferred taste, you may want to create separate bowls.
Step 3) Place the bowl under the light of the super moon, and allow
the water, fruits, and vegetables to soak up the energy.
Say: May the energy of the super moon be gathered into all that this
bowl holds.
Step 4) After you feel the water, fruits, and vegetables have soaked
up enough energy, you have a few options:
Leave the fruits and vegetables in the water to drink and eat.
Example: strawberry cucumber water.
Separate the fruits and vegetables from the water. Use the fruits and
vegetables in recipes, and save the water in a jar for later use in spell
Make fruit jam. A how-to.
Can your vegetables. A how-to.
Dry beans and use them as a divination tool.
Sources [X]

northeastern magic: winter wishes


- A jar for any wishes you might have during the Winter season.
- A protection method.
- Offerings and connection for Winter fae, deities, etc.
Items Needed:
- Vase, jar, or terrarium
- Wood slices
- Permanent marker
- Glass bulbs
- Winter scents - herbs, dried fruit and berries, etc.
- Cotton & glitter
Fill a large glass container 1/4 full with cotton and glitter to create a
snow effect.
Draw any sigils or symbols representing your goals on the wood slices
with permanent marker, and then put them into the glass container. You
dont have to write all of your goals at once. Feel free to write them
throughout the Winter season. If using as a method of offering, draw
symbols related to the Winter fae or deities.
Fill your glass bulbs with Winter scents related to your goals, or
offerings, and then carefully place them into the glass container.
Place in a safe place, and enjoy for the entire Winter season.
Winter scent suggestions:

- Allspice
- Apple
- Bay
- Cedar
- Clove
- Cinnamon
- Coffee
- Cranberry
- Ginger
- Hazelnut
- Lemon Zest
- Mint
- Nutmeg
- Orange Zest
- Pine
- Rosemary
Bonus:No one has to know of your magical intentions, unless you
want them to. It looks like a lovely Winter decoration. :)

winter solstice & new moon incense and powder

Purpose: For cleansing and raising positive energy.

- Pine
*To create a powder, mix 2/3 part cornstarch, and 1/3 part herbs.

Anonymous asked: Um are there any spells you know to

cause chaos in a group of people? For example, to make
a party get out of hand?
Here are some traditional witchcraft spells to induce discord, get
creative with the application. Think punchbowl maybe?
"A stone that is bitten by a mad dog hath the power to cause discord,
if it be put in drink.
To cause enmity between friends, mark an X on a leaf of sage with
the name of one friend writ on it, and bury it under the doorstep of the
other. As the leaf falls apart so will their friendship.

That a person may hate everyone, give him to drink wine in which is
mingled the blood from the ear of a black cat, prickles from a rose, and
dried ants. He will have a falling out with everyone he meets.
To part all friends and lovers gather a twig for each letter of the
names of those whom you enchant. Take two twigs at a time in your hand,
one from each name, and break them together at one blow, reciting over
them the victims names. Then bury the twigs together in a heap.
Witches Potions and Spells, by Kathryn Paulsen
Here are some Hoodoo tricks for the purpose:
"To Cause Confusion in a House: Mix dauber dirt with red pepper,
black pepper, black mustard seeds, and salt and sprinkle it all around a
house in which you want to create confusion and discord.
Confusion Sprinkle: To cause a household of people, or all the
employees at a business, to misunderstand one another, fail to follow
instructions, or make poor decisions, walk backwards across the doorway of
the premises sprinkling a mix of black mustard seed and sulfur powder.
To Cause Inflammatory Confusion in an Enemys Household: Mix red
pepper flakes with equal parts black mustard seeds, grains of paradise,
whole black pepper corns, and poppy seeds. Grind the mix to a powder by
hand, cursing the entire time, and throw the powder on your enemys
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic, by Catherine Yronwode

Old-Fashioned Black Candle Revenge Spell

"Cut the top off a black jumbo candle, tum it upside down, and carve
a new tip at what was the bottom. Carefully heat it a section at a time and
press 99 whole pepper corns into it all over the surface. Place it in a saucer
on top of the enemys name paper and dress it by pouring a whole




Spell to Attract Rain

queerlaguz :
You will need:

bowl of water (rainwater is best)


wand (driftwood or any plant related to water is best)

decent chance of rain 70% or higher (not even the most

powerful spell can draw rain when there isnt a cloud in the sky)

this is best performed outside, but inside should work

If you are inside, place the bowl of water either in the
center of the room or, even better, by a window with a view of the
Dip the wand in the water; point it north.
State your intent (you wish to make it rain) and why you
want this.
Steps 2 and 3 should be repeated for the other cardinal
Finally point your wand up towards the sky and state
your intent and reasoning one more time.
If you are able to go outside, toss the remaining water
into the air and let it fall around you (or a little bit ahead of you if
you dont want to get wet). If you want to save the water you can,
but the spell might not be as effective. If you cant go outside or
save the water, you will have to dump the water down a drain. Just
because you have to dump it down the drain doesnt mean you
cant turn it into a continuation of the spell, though! Try tossing it
into the air while standing in the shower or bathtub. You can also
toss it out the window (make sure theres nothing under your
window that shouldnt have a bowl of water poured on it).

Sirshas Forget Me Spell

stormsorceress :
Items needed:

Container to collect rain water

Rain water

Step 1: Collect rain water in a container.

Step 2: Write your full name on a piece of paper with a pen.
Step 3: Place the piece of paper with your name on it into the
container, and let it soak in the rain water.
Step 4: As the paper is soaking, concentrate on the person
youd like to forget you and say, As the rain washes away my
name, your memories of me will fade.

Step 5: Once the water has faded your name enough that it
cannot be read, pour the entire container including the paper into
the mud. Say, This mud will seal your memories of me away.
Jafars Back Me the Fuck Up Spell
chaoticwanderings :
"You either need to back me the fuck up, or shut the fuck up."
Inspired by the Starkid musical, Twisted: The Story of a Royal
Intent: To get a friend or family member to either back you up
or leave you the hell alone. Intentionally simple, because I noticed
I tend to make my spells to long and complicated.

blue candle (tealight is the best option)

sewing needle/toothpick
your voice

1. Using your sewing needle or toothpick, carve the name of
your target into the top of the blue tealight candle.
2. Light the candle and watch the persons name slowly melt.
Think about the situation in which you are currently in and why
youre doing this spell.
3. Once the name is mostly melted or covered in melted wax,
aggressively say the following phrase:
or shut the fuck up.








4. Let the candle finish melting, saying the above phrase as

many times as youd like, getting more aggressive each time. When
the candle is melted blow it out and imagine the smoke carrying
your intent out to your target. Dispose of the wax and go talk to
that fucker.

Storm Witchs Blizzard Bitch Curse


brynja-storm :
Shit youll need:

snow, preferably fallen in a storm

shards of glass
white pepper
sea or rock salt
paper/pen or photo of the target
a jar

Collect the snow and ice during the coldest part of the night.
The objective here is to freeze the target from your heart and allow
them to suffer in the bitter cold.
Assemble all of the objects in the jar. Spit upon the photo or
the name of the target, and add it to the jar.
Seal it, and watch as the ice, snow and unpleasantries cut and
bite into the target as the storm would. You are the force of nature
to be reckoned with.

Past Life Spells: Magic Mirror

seashellies :
Do not expect immediate success with this spell. It takes
practice, an extended period of time may be required before results
are achieved. It is more difficult than it seems, do not perform the
ritual for more than 15 minutes at a time, until a successful
momentum is achieved. You will need a chair and a table, with a
white candle and either a fixed or hand held mirror.
1. Take all protective spiritual precautions. Cast a circle
around the table and chair.
2. Burn mugwort and sandalwood within the circle.
3. Light the candle and place it between yourself and the
4. Keep your mind clear and calm.


5. Gaze at your face in the mirror neutrally - this is not the

moment to criticize or count pimples.
6. Call your own name clearly and distinctly three times.
7. Eventually you will be tempted to call another name or
another name will simply fall from your lips. Try it: Ask the mirror
to show you who you were.
Source: X

Ms. Grays Nightmare inducing Jar! Enjoy!

Now the purpose of this jar is just like your typical curse jar. Expect,
its a little broader. What you do after said jar is completed, while shaking
the holy hell fire out of it, you think of the person you want to have the
this is the Nightmare jar:

Now the ingredients which is what I used you can add or take away I
dont care, and obviously I cant stop you. So here we go!
about a cup of vinegar

the vinegar is the represent bitterness, and the base for everything
3 tbs. of ground Cayenne pepper

this is represent your rage.

3 sticks of cinnamon

this is for you, to strengthen your will power, and boost the strength
of the curse.
2 tbs. of ground sage

this is for the power of manifestation. Use this to manifest your will
and your malice.
And last, but not least the chant I placed in the jar with a perment
mark and cardboard.
corrupt thy dreams but dont awake,
till morning comes thy dream i take,
and leave in place this dark nightmare

Then, after all of that is done, I added:


thumb tacts , and clothes pins

to pin them to their fear and hold them in the darkness

Nails and screws

to jab and hurt them in a emotional way

Then, you seal it! with red or black wax, is my recommendation.
but feel free to use whatever color you draw power from!

and then TA- DA. Your very own Nightmare Inducing Jar! I hope it
brings you much pleasure, even if it only comes from shaking it to release
your anger!


Supernatural Soul Eater Curse

gilaerlinn :
Basically, the idea is to eat someones soul! kinda like a
Dementors Kiss.
This is the curse to really fuck someones shit up.

IMPORTANT WARNING: I have changed the lyrics to the song

to make it safer. It causes the targets happiness to drain away
from them in this form. Using the original song could be considered
a DEATH CURSE. You have been warned.
What you need:
A bowl of ice or ice water, a small piece of quartz or amethyst, a
poppet, a shotglass of water, scissors, needle, thread, 1 silver
item, 1 gold item, 1 money (crumpled bill, loose change (Dont
worry its not getting burned or whatever)),
1 structure- this means like Build a tower out of Legos or stack
some books or something. Youre going to knock it over, so dont
make it fragile!!
1. Make your poppet. Sew the piece of quartz/amethyst into
its heart/chest area. This is now your targets soul.
2. Take a minute and soak your hands in ice or ice water. BE
CAREFUL your hands dont go numb! Were chilling them, not
freezing them.
3. Begin the song. Put utter contempt and icy rage into it.
~Oh, Death
Oh, Death
I wont spare you over another year!
Well, what is this that you cant see?
Ice cold hands taking hold of thee!~
4. As you say ice cold hands, grab the poppet. Do not be
gentle! Take the scissors and open its chest, where the crystal is.
5. Continue singing.
~When joy is gone and sorrows take hold
Who will have mercy on your soul?~
6. Fun part! The next line is no wealth no ruin no silver no
gold. As you sing it, toss the money behind you, then strike your
structure down, then toss your silver and gold items behind you.
(In that order)
7. After that, ~Nothing satisfies me like your soul!~
Rip the crystal heart out!


8.1 Now we are going to make crystal water. Amethyst and

quartz are both safe- if you are using another stone for whatever
8.2- Drop the non toxic stone in the shot glass of water, and
prepare to finish the song.
~Oh, Death!
Well, I am Death, none can excel!
Ill cast you into the fires of Hell!
Oh, Death!
Oh, Death!~
9. Remove the crystal and take the shot. Slam the glass on
the table and say the last verse:
~My name is Death, and the end is here!~
10. Burn the poppet in the fires of hell! (Use fire safely guys)
Alternatively, you could drown it in sorrows, cut it to pieces
with knives/razors, what have you.
Congratulations, you just ate a delicious soul! That asshole is
going to seriously regret pissing you off. May the verse have mercy
on their soul, because you certainly wont!!

Abaddons Curse Against Sexual Harassment

chaoticwanderings :

Requested by anonymous
Intent: To establish dominance over someone who is sexually
harassing you.

poppet (preferably cloth and a little big, because you will

be punching it)


red candle (votive or pillar)




1. Write your targets name across the head of the poppet and
imagine their face in your head as you do it. After youre done,
write the word dominance on your palms and knuckles.
2. Take your needle and etch the words sexual harassment
into the top of the candle near the wick. Do it slowly, and think
about all the times theyve harassed you.
3. Light the candle and let it melt enough so that there is a
decent amount of melted wax in the middle (if youd like to do the
whole candle, use a wax melter or pot and melt the entire thing).
4. While thats melting, set your poppet on a chair, wrap the
belt around the middle, and pull it tight in the back so its
completely restrained to the back of the chair. Dont be afraid to be
5. Once you feel enough wax is melted, take your candle (or
pot of melted wax; now that I think about it, a pot and a few
candles sound much moreevil effective) and stand in front of the
poppet. Say the following words (alteration on Abaddons words to
Somebody thought it was a good idea
to make you think youre King of my body
6. Slowly pour the wax over the poppets head, imagining
throwing all their shit back at them and watching them burn in it,
and say:
but you dont own me.
7. Let the wax cool and dry before taking on this next part.
Youre going to want to get very aggressive here. Punch, slap, spit
on the poppet, whatever youd like, while saying these phrases in
I am the Queen* of my own body,
You do not get to touch me,
look at me, talk to me,
or make me feel uncomfortable,
ever again.

Or I will burn your kingdom down.

8. Do it as many times as you need to, until your anger calms
down. Give it one more strong punch/slap at the end. When youre
done, take the poppet off the chair but keep the belt around it,
making sure its nice and tight. Stick it in a bag, tie the bag tight,
and through that fucker out.
*Feel free to substitute whatever word youd like for Queen if
thats not how youd identify.

Storm Witchs Blizzard Bitch Curse

brynja-storm :
Shit youll need:

snow, preferably fallen in a storm

shards of glass
white pepper
sea or rock salt
paper/pen or photo of the target
a jar

Collect the snow and ice during the coldest part of the night.
The objective here is to freeze the target from your heart and allow
them to suffer in the bitter cold.
Assemble all of the objects in the jar. Spit upon the photo or
the name of the target, and add it to the jar.
Seal it, and watch as the ice, snow and unpleasantries cut and
bite into the target as the storm would. You are the force of nature
to be reckoned with.

The Storm Witchs Hurricane Curse:

brynja-storm :
Ingredients needed:


Rain water, preferably collected during a thunderstorm.
If you dont have this handy, tap water can suffice.

Bits of glass, wood, gravel, any unpleasant debris you

want flung around your target.

Blood, spit or any other personal tidbits you want to add

in order to give the curse a little extra oomph.

A picture or something belonging to your target that you

can burn

A jar or bottle

A grey, white or black candle

A lighter or matches
Add the water, sharp pointy things and personal tidbits to the
bottle or jar. Burn the photo/object that pertains to your target.
Add the ashes to the jar or bottle, then seal that sucker up with
the wax from the candle that youve chosen.
Then shake it. Shake the fuck out of it. Use any storm-related
thought forms or incantations you want to further express your
intent. Visualizing the contents of the curse breaking down your
target is especially effective. Store the curse somewhere within
reach, and give it a shake whenever you want to reinforce the
To break it: break the seal on the jar or bottle, smash it, or
throw it in the trash.

Paint Their Roses Red ~ A Curse

ceryneian-hind :


But I dont want to go among mad people, Alice remarked.

Oh, you cant help that, said the Cat: were all mad here. Im
mad. Youre mad.
How do you know Im mad? said Alice.
You must be, said the Cat, or you wouldnt have come here.
What You Need;

A white rose or flower

Red paint

A jar
The Procedure;
The white rose is the person, the target, the red paint will be
all of the things you want to see happen to them, in defense of
what they have done; you want to cover them with the color, make
them vulnerable, expose them, to draw attention to them. Maybe
like they did to you. You want to cover their eyes with redness, to
blind them, to send them into madness, to make them lose
They think youre mad, dont they?
Well, its time to show them what madness really is.
So, with each decorative stroke of the flower, make these
movements deliberate, focus on your purpose, bind your rage to
the flower and paint, visualize the meaning of what these two
concepts symbolize. As you paint, sing this song;
Painting the roses red
Were painting the roses red
We dare not stop
Or waste a drop

So let the paint be spread

Were painting the roses red
Were painting the roses red
Oh, painting the roses red
And many a tear we shed
Because we know
Theyll cease to grow
In fact, theyll soon be dead
And yet we go ahead
Painting the roses red
If you get tired of singing, continue to think it over in your
mind, or even play the actual song if you can.
Get your jar, and put the rose inside. You dont have to break
this jar either, not unless you care to release them from this curse
later on. Youre going to be binding their fate within the vessel.
You will put the rose inside, and seal it, leaving the flower to
wither inside for as long as you like an example of how long you
think they deserve it. Until they acknowledge their mistake, theres
no letting them go.
The clearness of the glass around it will signify that everyone
can see the chaos thats beginning to happen to them, especially
you. Everyone will know what they have done wrong; they will not
be able to hide from their mistakes, their errors.
Put your jar in a nice visible place, or what have you, and
finish and bind the spell:
Ive painted their roses red,
not pink, not green, not aquamarine,
Ive painted their roses red.
Now, this isnt wishing death upon anyone, of course, since
the lyrics indicate the flowers dying. The death is metaphorical, as
this indicates the ending to their cruelty, to whatever it is that
needs to be stopped, whatever is it that has harmed you or
someone else.
They are now exposed for what they are, they will now deal
with the consequences, they will see the redness of their mistakes
upon themselves, just as we all do.
And we hope that it drives them mad.

Curse Removal & Reversal

thelivingwiccan :
khal-dresden :


According to the dozen panicked messages in my inbox, we

need to have a talk about curse removal, a talk that (apparently)
cant wait another day. So, here it is. Where I will discuss different
methods to remove, reverse, and break curses that youve cast or
that have been cast on you.
A Few Methods of Curse-Removal

Reversal - The act of sending a curse back to the person

who cast it. This is not (I repeat, is not) the method you want if
youre the person who cast the curse.

Removal - Simply removing a curse from a person. This

can be done by the caster, the target, or by a third party.

Breaking - Satisfying the demands made by the cursecaster in order to have a curse removedor actually destroying the
curse and all of the negative energy from it.

Trapping - Putting a curse into an object or living thing

and removing it from yourself.
A Note Before You Begin
Some curses are written so that they cannot be removed or
reversed. If youre looking for a curse that you will want to remove
later, make sure you can find a removal (or write one) before you
begin. Alternatively, if youre the target of a curse that you cant
seem to shake, try to find out what the targets demands are and
meet them. If thats out of the question, trapping may be your best
Curse Reversal
Say youve been the target of a curse and you want to get
even. A curse reversal might be just what youre looking for. There
are lots of ways to reverse a curse. Some are written to send the
curse back to that person in a multiplied formmost popularly 3fold or 10-fold. You can write your own reversal in any way that
meets your needs.The following is a simple, quick method of
reversing a curse.

Clean up any salt lines and take down any barriers that
would prevent a curse from leaving your home.

Acquire a cheap hand mirror (one that you wouldnt mind

losing). Breathe onto it. As you fog up the mirror, imagine youre
breathing out all of the cursed energy youve been carrying

Place the mirror on a window (facing your targets home,
if possible) with the reflective side facing outward. Leave it there
overnight to reflect the persons curse back on them.

In the morning, remove the mirror from your window and

throw it out. If you can, place a black candle in each window (you
can do this one window at a time so that no candles are left
burning alone) to protect the house and banish any leftover nasty

Physically clean the house, cleanse, and redo any

protections you need to.

After reversing a curse, I always put a jar of nails at my

window to fight off return attacks.
If it helps, you can write a spoke spell to go along with the
above. Usually, I find that alone works very well.
Another good way is to make them eat itwhich is a little
symbolic and literal at the same time. I usually do this with pie,
but you could use anything.

Prepare a meal that you know this person will eat.

(Preferably one that they wont be likely to share.)

As you prepare it, let each ingredient stand for a part of

the curse you want removed, or a bad thing you want to happen to
your target.

Give it to them.
This can also work as a stand-alone curse and (since theyre
eating it and therefore willingly accepting it), its not so easy to
remove or reversal. (Right, now none of you will ever eat my
cooking, but moving right along.)
Curse Removal
Reader, were about to have one of those moments in which
you read my writing and then give me a weird lookbut here me
out. Curse removal is the act of ritually removing a curse. In my
family, we do this with dirt.


Go outside and collect some dirt. (Preferably, loose dry

Bring it into
floors. (You can mix it

Take some in
your were washing your

the house and and sprinkle it over the

with a curse removing floor-sweep if you
your hands and rub them together (as if
hands). Say something along the lines of,

Soil and mud and earth and dirt, remove the curse thats caused
me hurt.

Wash your hands and sweep the floor, sweeping the dirt
out the door if possible.
**Even though it sounds crazy, we use dirt because of its
negativity-sucking, neutralizing properties. Obviously, you could
replace the dirt with anything else you felt these properties in.
Curse Breaking
Curse-breaking is a removal method that only works if the
curse caster has tied a demand to the curse. For example, a curse
broken by true loves kiss. Or one that goes away when you return
the Khals books to her. And, in order to break a curse, you have to
know what the persons demands are.
The best way to find this out is with divination. Scrying, Tarot,
etc are all good tools to understand what a person wants to get out
of their curse. If you trust the person, you can just do what is
required and get ready to be curse free. If you dont, you may
want to write a spoken spell to go with your action. Something like,
As I meet [full names] demands, take this curse off of my hands.
should work.
Curse Trapping
Similar to the scapecoat concept I talked about in part two,
trapping a curse is simply directing a curse into another thing to
remove it from yourself. I like to direct curses into earthen-clay
figures and bury them away from my home.
Removing a Curse That You Have Cast
Some people will tell you that its bad luck for a witch to
remove their own curse. Some wont. For myself, I dont know
because I right my curses not to be removable for the most part.
If youve changed your mind and want to take away a curse
that youve cast, try this:

Light a black candle for cleansing and banishing.

Find a photo of your once-target and anoint it with olive

oil. This will ruin the photo.


Say, My fiery anger did not last. Remove the curse that
I have cast. Let all ill will and energy flee, and let [targets name]
never suspect me.

If youre looking to avoid bad luck from removing a

curse, its a good idea to give some small offering (that belonged
to you) in exchange for the removal.
More info!


I get questions about this a lot. For obvious reasons, the asker
usually wants me to reply privately, which means that, although I give
everyone the same response and suggestions, the topic never appears on
my blog.
Am I cursed? The short answer is, probably not. Whether you believe
that magic works because it does, or it works because people believe in it,
or that it doesnt work at all; one thing will always be true about allegedly
magical matters. There is usually another explanation. Maybe its bad luck.
Maybe its just a rough week. Maybe you havent got enough sleep and
youre drawing connections where there are none. Keep this in mind: dont
jump to conclusions. Getting upsetting isnt going to make anything any
better. With that being said, the possibility (however small) of a curse is a
little unnerving. So, what can you do to be sure?
Step One: Do divination. Pick up your Tarot cards or runes or whathave-you and start reading. Make a list of questions you want answered
and started there. If your reading indicates a yes, proceed to step two.
(More on Curse-Detection Here)
Step Two: Get a second opinion. For your second reading, go to
someone else and explain the situation. Then ask for a reading. Make sure
the system of divination is one familiar to you. Make note of the cards or
symbols pulled and reflect on the reading later, on your own time. Make
sure you look over all the possible meanings of the cards and symbols. If
this reading indicates a yes, proceed to step three.
Step Three: Get a second second opinion. For your third reading,
youll want to ask for something thats called a blind read. This means that
the fortune teller reads without knowing the situation. Again, make sure
the system of divination is one familiar to you. Make note of the cards or
symbols pulled and reflect on the reading later, on your own time. Make
sure you look over all the possible meanings of the cards and symbols. If all
three readings indicate a yes, proceed to step four.
Step Four: Break/remove the curse. Its extremely unlikely that
youve been cursed. But, on the off chance youve rubbed elbows with the
wrong crowd, there are plenty of curse-breaking-slash-removal spells
floating around out there. I have one of my own on my contents page:
Curse & Bad Luck Banishing Spell
Step Five: Cleanse. After youve shaken off the alleged curse,
perform a basic cleansing to remove any left over spooky.

Step Six: Protect. Put up some personal protections so it doesnt

happen againbut mostly, so you feel safer.
This reminds me that I really need to dig out my Have I Been
Cursed spread

Mirror Box Binding

natural-magics :
A potent and effective way to bind someone to the effects of
that which they cause. Through the means laid out below, the
target of this working will be made to reap all that they sew, in
that whatever they put out, be it malice, indifference or charity,
will be returned upon them from all about. Know then that this
binding has a silver lining, in that should the offending party made
bound mend their ways, and do good and compassionate things,
the same will then begin to reflect back into their lives.
This is about learning your lessons.
Fashion a box, to be lined with mirrors on each side. On each
side, before the mirror be adhered, mark a symbol of fate, in
whatever path is your manner. (note that should you be such a
worker, blood may be used for this task) Make sure that the marks
and the mirrors cover all four sides, bottom and top as well. As a
point of note, mirrors of black work well in this crafting, and pull
into such the shadows and void to aid as you intend. Before sealing
the box, make a poppet of the intended target, or a sigil (the name
alone can work, if it must) of the name on parchment (again, blood
may be used here, but it is not a must).
With your poppet or paper ready, start incense of myrrh and
dragons blood smoking, and hold your poppet or sigil in the
smoke, in the dark of the night, either beneath the open sky, or
else in a dark place where no light but candle shines, and
concentrate your energy, eyes closed as you see the deeds of your
target, see what they have done and need lesson for, begin to
chant, slow and low, shadows be creatures of whisper and secret;
Now is my will
Cast into dark

Moon may rise

And Sun may fall
(Persons name) done wrong
None to bear
Guilt for his/her shame
Bring what they give
Back unto them
From out of them
Then unto them
(Persons name) be bound to your own.
Say this over and over, working up a trance, and feel the
power flow. When the feeling is strong, and the energy risen, put
the poppet (or paper) inside the box, and close it shut. Wrap the
outside 9 times 9. Nine around each way, first with black ribbon,
then with blue, and last with silver.
Now place the box where you will, and dont open it again. If
you so feel, put it in a basement or attic, where none are likely
ever to go, or bury it in the ground, for the earth to nurse it in her
(submitted by lettersfromanywhere )

Binding Chalk
wickedbrass :
intrepidcrow-girl :
So, last night while I was traveling the realms I received
instructions for how to make something called Binding Chalk. Its a
pretty easy recipe and it has tons of uses so I thought Id pass it
along to you guys.

Plaster of Paris

Wood ash

Cedar dust (basically dried cedar thats been put through

a spice grinder)



Chalk molds (Depending on the size/shape you want
thisll differ. You can use paper towel rolls, large straws, candy
molds, egg cartons, etc.)

Tempura paint if you want to color your chalk

Follow the mixing instructions on your plaster of paris,
adjusting the water content as you add your wood ash, cedar and
salt to keep the consistency right. I would suggest making this in
smaller batches and not adding too much ash, cedar or salt so your
chalk doesnt fall apart or get crumbly. If youd like you can color it
with a bit of paint.
Once mixed you need to prep your molds. If youre using
paper towel rolls or straws youll need to insert a tube of wax paper
to keep the plaster from sticking to the cardboard and youll need
to seal off one end of the tube with masking tape. Im pretty picky
about my chalk size so I like to take empty toilet tissue rolls and
cut them down the length of one side. I can then re-roll them to a
custom size and tape it in place. When your mold is ready you can
spoon your chalk bater into a plastic baggie, snip a corner off and
pipe it in.
Let it dry overnight, it can take anywhere from 8-24 hours to
dry (possibly more if you use a thick mold). Once dry you can
remove it from the mold and use it!
Binding chalk has a large range of uses. While the name
suggests its primarily for binding its actually just an excellent
medium for protection and energy repelling. Its useful for

Drawing circles to perform spells in

Drawing sigils

Protective lines (across doorways, window sills, property

lines, etc)

Banishing spells

Holding spirits by containing them within a circle (I

would not suggest this except in the most dire of times. Trapping a
spirit is tricky, dangerous and often ethically questionable)
My ask box is always open if anyone has any questions or
comments :)
Imma try this. But Ill probably use a silica-based plaster
instead of gypsum plaster, iron filings/sand in lieu of the cedar and
possibly some other form of soot in place of the wood ash (or coke
from a forge would be ideal)

Ancestor Water
lavenderwrath :
Place a bottle of water on the grave of a relative. Allow it to
sit for at least twenty-four hours or as long as a moon cycle. Pour a
small amount of this water into a bowl to place on your ancestor
shrine, especially during the Samhain (Mourning Night) season or
any time you work with your ancestors.

Negativity Banishing String Charm

chaoticwanderings :

(excuse the terrible quality picture, my camera is awful)


black thread/string
small bells
clove of garlic
any beads or charms you want to include
matches/candles/incense (your choice)

note: in the picture, I ran out of black thread so I used white

thread with black beads
Tie your bells, charms, and beads about one-two inches apart
from each other. Once youre about halfway through, stab a hole in
a clove of garlic and tie the garlic to the charm. Continue on with
tying bells, beads, and other charms one-two inches apart.
Make it as long as youd like. When youre finished, either
light a candle, incense, or match and hold your charm in the smoke
of it. I used matches, lit them, blew them out, and allowed the
smoke from the matches to cleanse my charm.
If youre using fresh garlic keep in mine that this charm wont
be permanent. You may need to make a new one at some point. Put
the charm up somewhere in your room, kitchen, etc. and shake it
when you need a little extra oomph.

Grimoire of Storm Sorceress

Banishment Juice
blessed thistle
whole cloves (3)
juniper berries (3)
bay leaf
dragons blood resin
Place herbs in a small sachet and simmer in distilled water for 10-20
minutes. Since I have a bit of a tea problem, I cheat and place my herbs in
a loose-leaf tea bag. Let the liquid cool, pour into a spray bottle, and spray
each room of your home to clear out negative energy and unwanted
guests. (This was just my blend based on what herbs I had on hand, feel
free to make substitutions.)

Banishment Juice

blessed thistle
whole cloves (3)
juniper berries (3)
bay leaf
dragons blood resin
Place herbs in a small sachet and simmer in distilled water for 10-20
minutes. Since I have a bit of a tea problem, I cheat and place my herbs in
a loose-leaf tea bag. Let the liquid cool, pour into a spray bottle, and spray
each room of your home to clear out negative energy and unwanted
guests. (This was just my blend based on what herbs I had on hand, feel
free to make substitutions.)

Sailor Mars Banishing Spell

A spell to banish negative people affecting your life

Recently a certain negative person has been affecting a friend
of mine, and others. I wanted to make a banishing spell
incorporating Sailor Mars, an entity I wish to work with.
The object of this spell is simple: To banish a negative
spirit/person/entity affecting your life.
What youll need:

A piece of paper
Representation of the negative person/spirit
Candle or open flame (optional)

Fireproof bowl (optional)

Place your representation of the negative person in front
of you, where you can easily place something on it.
On your piece of paper write Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai,
Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen or or All warriors
have been lined up in formation here. They all mean the same
thing, it depends on your preference.
When youre finished, stand up and face your target. You
can either say Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen or
All warriors have been lined up in formation here. (They mean the
same thing).
Slam, or just place, the paper on the target and say Evil
spirit/person/entity begone!
If your representation is paper, you can place it in a
fireproof bowl and burn it with a red candle or match or lighter in
order to strengthen the ritual.

Stress Fix Bath

blessedbemyway :
I created this bath to help me deal with all the stress that is
going on in my life. I thought it would help wash away all the
negative things that have been holding me down. Also, I like baths.
So! Here we go!
-1-2 cups sea salt
-1/2-1 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup of olive oil
- 10 drops of lavender oil
- Lavender buds, optional but add a nice touch
-Candles, optional
-A tub full of hot water
1. Light the candles, if using and place them around the tub. I but
mine at the end so I could look at them and relax, but I like fire. If
you dont, skip that part!
2. Add all the materials to the bath while the water is running, this
will help churn the mixture up and sort of mix the bath.
3. Step into the bath and picture it washing away all the bad

things, kinda like how it washes away dirt. The second you are
submerged all that negativity is going to go away.
4. Sit there and think calming thoughts, allow the lavender to
sooth you.
5. Emerge from your tub feeling clean and stress free! The scent
will cling to you all day, every time you smell it think back to the
time of peace and quiet you had in your bath.
6. Blow out your candles and drain your bath. You can rinse off the
lavender buds with some water, but I wouldnt recommend rinsing
in the shower because that will take away all the oil that your skin
is still absorbing.
7. Enjoy your silky skin and stress free day! :D

Moon Healing Escalation Spell

the-brambled-way :

Here is a clip of Sailor Moon using the move.

The purpose of this spell is to, as could be deduced, heal.
However, it is not meant so much for physical healing as it is for
mental health. Everyone, from time to time, feels like theyre
moving away from where they want to be. Perhaps you developed a
bad habit that you find harmful or at least unhelpful to your overall
mental state. You may have low self-esteem or have started putting
others down. It could be nearly anything that is deviating from
your desired mental state - from who you strive to be.
Youll Need:

Wand (All the better if you have a toy of the Moon Stick)

Glitter (White suggested or any color you associate with

A Crescent Moon Charm (Pendant, embroidered cloth,

anything with a crescent moon on it)

A round shiny (A marble , a crystal, a rock. Anything

roughly round and silver/white/transparent.)

White Cloth

Ribbon (White suggested, any color associated with

healing, direction, motivation, or the trait/path you wnat to move
The first step is to raise your wand over your head then bring
it back to your face. Yes. Just like Sailor Moon. Get freakin
dramatic and super serial with this, guys. Then raise it back over
your head as you turn in a clockwise circle, exclaiming or thinking
to yourself Moon Healing Escalation! If you arent comfortable or
capable of it, you dont have to imitate Sailor Moons posing during
this step.
Next, if youre casting a circle, instead of casting it around
you in the normal way, itll be in a full circle in front of you which
will bubble back. As in front so behind if you will. Even if you arent
casting a circle, do this step and then toss glitter in the air. Its
gonna get everywhere. You can relax your epic Sailor Senshi pose if you got into one - at this point and kneel amongst the glitter you
just scattered. If you cant kneel, sit. If you cant sit, wallow in the
glitter like a pig in mud. Be the lord/lady of the glitter. You and the
glitter are one.
If visualization is something you do regularly, continue
imagining glittery white light falling around you. If visualization
isnt your thing, as well as if it is, simply concentrate on the thing
that has been causing you to move away from how you wish to be.
Take some time to really meditate on why youve started acting this
way or thinking this way. Work it out as best as you can. If you
really cant figure it out, or if you prefer, concentrate instead on
how you wish to be.
If you are religious, you can also take this time to say a small
prayer. If Sailor Moon or Queen Serenity are your deities, in
particular, I suggest holding the Moon Stick/your wand with clasped
hands and putting on your best anime pleading face, looking up.
(You know what I mean.) Ask for aid in moving back to where you
want to be or promise to move in that direction to the best of your

Now take your crystal, your moon representation, and your

white cloth. If your cloth has a crescent moon on it, thats the two
birds with one stone. Place the crystal in the middle of the
crescent moon - or both crystal and moon in the middle of the
white cloth - and declare this your power. Use visualization, will,
intent, breathe on it in a super special way, knock it against the
floor three times - however you usually put in energy or intent or
make spells work. The crystal is the source of your motivation to
move back on track.

Wrap both objects in the white cloth and tie the ribbon around
it. Anytime you feel like you are moving off track again, repeat this
spell until you reach the part with the object. At this point, hold
the bundle in the air (do the x-shaped stance if you want) and
yell/say/think Refresh! Feel the power of whatever you put into
the crystal and let it move you back on course.

Storm Witchs Fertility Bottle

brynja-storm :
For use as a little magical oomph if youre looking to be
hearing the pitter-patter of little spawn feet.
Shit youll need:
apple seeds
storm water
air from your lungs
a strand of your hair (and your partners, if you so choose)
a scrap of fabric that reminds you of the sex that you want to
conceive* (Ex. If I wanted a girl, Id use a scrap of pink lace)
green wax or thread
a bottle
Layer the soil and seeds in the bottle, sprinkling the layer
with a bit of storm water. Add your fabric and hair, then breathe
into the bottle. This act is meant to breathe life into your intent
and aid it to manifesting.
Seal bottle with green wax or thread.

To undo, dismantle and discard contents.

*This is optional
***This will not solve infertility issues, nor will it invalidate birth
control. Dont expect to magically get pregnant if youre actively
using contraception.

Knitting Spell (for protection)

whichcrafthings :
This poem/spell came to me earlier while I was cooking, and I
hurried to write it down. I knit, but I think anyone who knits,
crochets, embroiders or does some other kind of fibercraft can use
this. I tried not to use language specific to knitting. I would
envision the person the handmade item is intended for, wearing the
thing, its protection forming a web around them, as you chant:
May this garment be as armor
a shield against the woes of life.
Bring peace and steadiness of mind,
snatch good fortune into your loops
even as I weave you.
Give him/her/them shelter from the winds
the biting rain and cold,
and bring him/her/them back, as day ends
to the warmth of home.
You could add a line or two, invoking a protective deity or
spirit (especially one associated with crafts). I feel that it would be
most effective or most appropriately used as youre starting a
project, though you can repeat the chant continuously and
meditate on your loved one.


A Dream is a Wish over the Rainbow Protection Bottle

stormsorceress :
*Inspired by Cinderella and The Wizard of Oz
Items needed:


Sea salt


3 Bay Leaves

White feather

Thread - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet cut into 1 - 2 pieces
Cover the base of your jar in sea salt. This will act as
your protection base.
Add a layer of lavender. "Protect me in my dreams, when
Im fast asleep, and even when Im wide awake."
Add 3 bay leaves. "Protect the wishes my heart makes."
Add the white feather. "Allow me to fly over the rainbow,
should harm try to overtake."
Add the rainbow of thread. "Let this smiling rainbow
absorb negativity, never letting me break."
Seal the jar. Place your hand over the jar, and
concentrate on the protective energies. Focus on building energy.
When you feel you have built enough energy for your
protection bottle, place it in a safe place.

Misty Days Rhiannon Protection Spell

by Winter Raven.

I was inspired by this weeks episode of AHS: Coven to do a Misty

Day themed pop culture spell. Misty is always so lively, happy, and full of
joy, love and innocence. When her character mentioned doing a protection
spell in the episode, the gears in my head began turning. I thought, if
anyone would be good inspiration for protection, its Misty. This is the result
of that, I hope it proves useful!
You Will Need:

A scarf, shawl, or piece of flowy fabric that you can wrap around your
White candles (any number of your choosing).
A playlist of music that soothes and inspires you.
The Spell:
Light the white candles, put on the shawl/scarf or gently hold the
piece of fabric with your fingertips. Put on the playlist.
Dance, spin around and listen to the music with your clothing of
choice as you visualize a white light surrounding you, dispelling negativity
and shielding you.
When you feel like youve finished and that you are adequately
protected, blow out the candles and say, Ive surrounded myself with a
white spirit light to protect me.
Wear the shawl or scarf, or tie the fabric to your wrist while you go
about your day to remind yourself that you are protected.

Retreat into Your Shell Sheilding Spell

stagkingswife :
This is a spell I did for a friend who may have some empathic
tendencies and who sometimes feel overwhelmed by what other
people around him are feeling. It can also be used for other
situations when you just want a barrier between you and other
people, or if youve ever wished you could just retreat into a shell
like a Mollusc.
What You Need:

A Shell (any kind will do but one with with a natural hole
in it will be best if you want to string it on anything)



Bay Leaves




String or thread to hang the shell on

Any herbs/stones/whatever you view as protective.


Come up with a protective sigil or symbol. You may
already have one, feel free to use that.
Boil the freshwater (it can come from the tap, thats
totally fine)
Place all of your herbs in a bowl or mug, pour the boiling
water over it and let steep. Just like tea!
While that steeps, dip a finger, paintbrush, pencil, pen,
whatever into the saltwater and trace your sigil onto the shell.
Let the shell dry, and then rinse in the herb infused
water. For added strength let is soak for a little while.
For more added strength re-draw the symbol in
pen/sharpie so that it will be visible.
Carry it with you. This is why I put it on a bracelet.
Vehicle Protection Powder
natural-magics :


parts rosemary
juniper berries
part mint
part comfrey
part catnip leaves

Mix and crush all ingredients with a mortar and pestle until
powdered. Pour powder into a black pouch and hide it somewhere
in your vehicle. Replace with fresh powder monthly.

Protection Powder
amethyst-wings :
- 2 parts Dragonsblood
- 2 parts Sandalwood
- 1 pinch of salt
Mix and sprinkle outside and around your house to dispel and
stave off negativity.

Sea Protection Bottle

water-witch :

What youll need:

1 small or medium size jar

Dark blue candle

Broken sea shells

Sea urchin spine

Sea salt

Murex shell
Combine ingredients and seal with cork and dark blue wax.
Place near the entrance of your home inconspicuously or bury in
the yard near the entrance. It works similar to a Witches Bottle, for
protection and warding off psychic attacks.

Three Red Leaves Protection Spell

natural-magics :
Autumn is the ideal time for this protection spell. Begin by
gathering 3 red leaves from any plant, bush or tree. Lay the leaves
on a flat surface to form a triangle. In the center of the triangle of
leaves, place a lit candle. On each leaf, place a few drops of
chrysanthemum oil (rosemary oil also works).
Speak the following words three times:
Red leaves, gift from earth,
Birth to death and death to birth,
Keep all evil far away,
Day to night and night to day.
When you have spoken the words three times, extinguish the
candle and wrap the leaves in a white cloth or place them in a
white pouch. Place the packet under your mattress or near your
bed within three feet of your head for protection against
nightmares and invasions of negative energy.

Cleanse Bad Memories Spell

natural-magics :


This spell is used to wash away bad memories and cleanse the

A beeswax candle
Two bowls
Water from a flowing river or stream
A small stone from the river or stream
A piece of white cloth (a handkerchief will do)

Fill the bowls half-full with the river or stream water.

Light the candle and place the bowls on either side of it.
Holding the stone in your left hand, bring to mind those memories
you wish to be diminished and finally swept away. Still using your
left hand, pass the stone through the candles flame and speak
aloud the following words:
Memories I wish to leave,
River, wash them clean,
In your power I believe,
Power I have seen.
Place the stone in the bowl to your left and rub the stone, as
if cleansing it, using only your left hand. Remove the stone and
speak the following words aloud:
Memories, like darkness fade,
In the mornings sun,
And leave but shadows in the shade,
Where the river runs.
Move the stone to your right hand and place it in the bowl of
water to your right, allowing it to rest at the bottom of the bowl.
With your right hand, gently swirl the water in the bowl. When the
water stops moving, extinguish the candle, remove the stone from
the bowl using your right hand, place it on the white cloth and
allow it to dry in the air. Once thoroughly dry, the stone should be
placed under your pillow while you sleep

Rosemary and Quartz Cleansing Shower/Bath


spiritmap :
After a rough couple of weeks, I decided I could use a
cleansing ritual. Just wanted to get all those bad vibes off, ya
know? Since I have a lovely little Rosemary plant growing right
now, I made use of its purifying and cleansing properties .
What Youll Need:

2 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary

1 Clear Quartz Crystal (small enough to place/balance

on top of head)
What to Do:
Take a shower or bath. As you are washing, repeat the
phrase I wash away everything that no longer serves me. Make
sure you clean yourself thoroughly. Once you are physically clean,
place the quartz on top of your head and take the Rosemary sprigs.
Get the sprigs wet and use them to shake the water onto yourself,
saying With this Rosemary, I cleanse away anything that no
longer serves me. Use the sprigs to splash water all over, taking
care to cover every limb, and the top of your head. If the quartz
crystal doesnt stay on your head, use your hand to keep it there,
but dont let it fall. Once you are finished, put the sprigs and
quartz somewhere safe and focus on all the negative or old, useless
energy going down the drain. You should feel clean and refreshed.
I broke some of the rosemary needles in order to get a more
potent rosemary smell while splashing myself.

Raised From Perdition: A Castiel Spell

witchywanderings :
maidenofthefarnorth :
This spell will be a cleansing and warding spell to remove
negativity and create a ward to hang in your room.


tan color ribbon/string/yarn
white candle
handprint on paper
Latin word for evil on paper
olive oil

1. The first step to this spell is to make the handprint. I would use
a simple craft paint, in tan color but you can use a different color
to suit the spells purpose. But before the paint dries, sprinkle salt
on it so it dries in the paint.
2. On a separate paper draw out your word for evil. Make it as
lovely or as rough as you want, because next youre gonna burn
that fucker. Light your white candle and begin burning the paper,
safely I might add! As youre burning it you need to be collecting
the ashes in a dish. Think about all the evil in your life, think about
it as clearly as you can. Be specific in your visualizations. Now
picture it disappearing, burning away, as if Castiel is burning it all
3. Once you have the ashes, and your handprint is dry with
salt, take the ashes and mix them with a little olive oil to make a
mild paste. Now take the paste and carefully apply it also to your

handprint. Now you have paint, salt, ash, and olive oil on that
4. Take your finished and dry handprint and roll it up gently.
Tie the tan string/ribbon around it. And say this now:
With this handprint, I call on Cas.
Pull me from my perdition and burn the evil
right out of my life. Take my demons and
banish theyre hate. Give me back my free will.
Free me from my fears.
"I grabbed you tight and raised you from perdition." Take your
finished scroll and keep it near what you find most important, like
your desk, bed, altar. Keep it near you, it will cleanse away current
negatives and ward against the future ones.
(I decided in the actual chant, maybe to clarify who were
calling on we should say Cas, not Castiel. You dont want the real
angel in this case.)
NOTE: Dont use the Enochian.
You had me at Castiel

"Ghost" Cleansing Spell

chaoticwanderings :
cuz I need something that can wash off the pain.



~Inspired by Ghost by Ella Henderson

Intent: To cleanse yourself of anything or anyone that has
been getting to you.

washable markers

crystal for protection (I use quartz for personal reasons)

river or other large body of water (if impossible, use

your shower but keep the water on the colder side)*


*be smart, if the river looks to strong or too dirty just use
your shower
1. Take your washable marker and write all over your body
whatever is haunting you. Write out your worries, concerns, any
nightmares youve been having, anything that relates to it.
2. Go to your water source (be it a river, lake, or a cold
shower) and, holding your crystal in hand, slowly wade in. Walk in
until youre in up to your shoulders, hold your arms out, and say:
"Give up the ghost,
Stop the haunting.
Give up the ghost,
no more haunting.
3. At this point, if youd like to pray to any spirits or deities
you follow for assistance in this process you can do it now. Squeeze
the crystal tight while youre either praying or reciting the above
4. Start to rub away the marker on your body. When you think
youre done go dry up, take an actual shower to get the rest off,
and tuck the crystal under your pillow before you go to bed.

The Key to Happiness Spell

~<p>With a key at hand , light a white candle. Visualize the
metaphorical door you wish to open with the key. ~On a piece of paper
draw a door that will open to your wish.
<p>Pour some candle wax on the drawing of the door and place the
key in the wax, to weld the two together.
~Let the wax cool.
~Fold the paper around the key to form a neat envelope or parcel.
~General seal all the edges with wax from the candle.
~Blow out the candle.
~At night , toss the parcel into a fire, imagining as vividly as possible
the door you are passing through. Pour your passion into the flames and

send your desires upward. ~The spell has been cast do not dwell on your
wish, because such thoughts drag it back to earth and sap it of its energy.
~Have faith in your desire becoming fulfilled. :)
~Happy casting ! :D
~The Witch Darkest of Lights






Beauty on the Edge of the Wastes- A Spell for

The place was truly marvelous. Between the bushes and their loads of
purple, red and white flowers, the wet grass was full of smaller flowers:
pink ones with only three petals, giant pansies, wild phlox, lupines of all
colors, orange lilies, tall white lilies, irises, and myriad others. There were
creepers growing flowers growing flowers big enough for hats, cornflowers,
poppies and plants with strange shapes and stranger colors of leaves.
Items needed:
1 or more flowers (any type, any size)
1 white or yellow candle
1 quartz crystal
Step One: Light the candle. Hold your flower(s) and your quartz.
Step Two: Focus on letting your negative energies flow into the
quartz, and allow it to absorb them. Let them leave you. Allow every
negative, worry, memory that is bugging you, etc. all go away for the
moment. Find yourself at peace.
Step Three: Once you think youve gotten rid of all the negative
things you can, focus more on the candle and the flowers. Imagine them
filling you with their beautiful, positive energies, replacing the negative
ones you just pushed away.

Think of endless fields of beautiful flowers and other plants. Think of

pleasant springs in a low valley, with glimpses of mountains in the
background. Imagine your perfect little flowery wonderland. Dwell on this
feeling for a moment. Try to feel as close to peaceful as possible.
Step Four: Say the following as many times as you wish:
In my heart, my mind, my soul,
There is one thing that I know.
Happiness I deserve today,
And happiness is what will come my way.
After this, let it be known,
That I shall have the happiness I need to own.
This is my wish,
True it will become.

Happiness Sugar
southernbellepagan :
A little spell to make some sugar that will sweeten your

Elemental representations

Some sugar. I just used a spoonful for a single use but

you could choose to make a lot more.
Set up the elements in their directions.
Start with one and work clockwise. As you get to each
element, think about things that make you happy that pertain to
each element. Focus on them. Maybe for earth you think of the
beauty in the world around us, for air the knowledge you have and
the potential of learning more. For fire maybe the warmth of love
and friendship, or even just being warm in general. For water
maybe the beauty of the unknown, how great curiosity is. Really
think about things that make YOU happy! Those were just my
examples that I used.
I chose to add a little of my representations to the
sugar: a small pinch of salt, letting the incense smoke waft over it,
letting it sit in the candle light, and a drop of water.
Now that your thinking of all these happy things, let
that energy go into the sugar.

Eat your sugar. Focus on the sweetness in your mouth,
and imagine that as you do this you are also filling yourself with
those positive energies, so much so that your are pushing out the
Alternatively, you could just hold your sugar container and fill
it with happy, positive energies if you happen to already be in a
good mood.
If your making a lot of sugar, put it in a storage container.
Use a spoonful anytime you need to sweeten your mood or outlook.
You could also add it to anything if your not about just eating
straight sugar.
This was inspired by everything I read saying that sugar was
used in sweetness spells. I figure, if it sweetens a spell, maybe it
could sweeten up a mood or outlook, too.

To Have Your Wishes Answered

trueriptide :

Youll need:

a miniature pail/bucket (or you can make an origami

basket , which would be best if you end up leaving it outside)

one persimmon

rope or string

slips of paper

pen (preferably gold or yellow color)


Set up the basket. You will be taking this to the closest tree
you feel the most connection to. If you dont already have an
established connection with one, take a walk around and see which
seems to pull to you the most.
On the slips of paper, write out your wishes that you desire.
Make them as specific as possible.
Take the persimmon, bucket, paper and string to the tree.
Speak what youve written on the paper slip before putting it into
the bucket. Then tie one end of the string to the bucket. Youll be
pulling it up on the highest branch you can safely reach (a bit like
a pulley). With the other dangling end, tie that to the bucket as
Unless youre using a store-bought bucket, the persimmon
wont be fitting into it, so you can leave it at the roots of the tree
as a gift to the spirits who will answer your desires.
*Note: Typically persimmon can get a bit expensive and you
would have one whole persimmon per wish, but to make it easier
on your wallet, cut up the persimmon into slices; one for each slip.

Elsas Spell to Moving On and Embracing Your Self

roskein :
Inspired by (if not literally taken from) the "Let it Go" scene
and song from Frozen , and beewitch 's comment on this post!
Works best on a new moon night, or close to sunrise.
I suggest you read the lyrics and change them for something
more personal if you can.
You will need :

Hair accessories

An outfit you dislike, that doesnt make you feel like


An outfit you adore, that is representative of who you


White candles (or any coloured ones, make sure the

colour is representative of what you need to move away from)

Sheet of paper and pencil

Start by braiding your hair, or putting hair accessories in. It

has to feel restraining. If this step is impossible for you, wear
restraining clothes, something that makes you uncomfortable or
that is not representative of your identity. Prepare a set of more
comfortable clothes and put them on the side.
Sit down on the floor and light a few white candles in a circle
around you. They will represent what restrains you, what you need
to move on from. Take a pencil a sheet of paper. Write down what
the candles represent. Identify what your cold or snow is, what
you need to embrace about yourself.
When youre done, close your eyes and picture yourself
walking away from the things that restrain you.
Get ready for some singing or chanting.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldnt keep it in, heaven knows Ive tried
Read out loud the list youve made, then keep singing :
Let it go, let it go
Cant hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I dont care what theyre going to say
Let the storm rage on
[The cold/snow part of yourself you need to embrace] never
bothered me anyway
Its funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me cant get to me at all
Its time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
Im free
Take your list and crumple the paper. Destroy it in tiny pieces
while chanting :
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky


Let it go, let it go

Youll never see me cry
Stand up.
Here I stand and here Ill stay
Let the storm rage on
At this point, you can burn what remains of your list (or leave
After this, I suggest you start dancing and jump out of the candles
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
Im never going back, the past is in the past
Now undo your hair, take off your uncomfortable clothes. Put
on your identity while singing the last few lines.
Let it go, let it go
And Ill rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
My chains are breaking down
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
[Your personal cold] never bothered me anyway
Smile as wide as you can, and if possible, admire how
fabulous and amazing you are.

Simple Self Confidence and Attraction Spell

saltwater-phoenix :
Materials Needed:

Sea Water
Clam shell (optional)

1. Mix Rosewater in a clam shell or a bowl.


"Sweet like roses shall I be

to all whom see and speak to me.
Only positive attention shall I attract
negativity and pain shall this attraction lack.
2. Throw in some sea water.
"Beautiful and fierce (or whatever sort of things you associate
with the sea)
as the ocean shall I be
and no matter what I will always love me for me.
3. Rinse your face with this mixture. I would leave it on for
like 10 or 15 minutes. Dance around, sing, do whatever feels right
to you. And then wash it off with warm water.

Wraths Morning Coffee Spell

wrath-fire-ice :


Goal: Feel empowered and energized for the coming day, and
add a dash of wellness.
Materials: a cup of coffee or latte or iced coffee (or tea),
worry stone of your choice, vitamin supplement of your choice (or
prescription meds), and the Strength tarot card from your deck.
Procedure: Take the vitamin, drink your coffee, hold your
worry stone, run it through your fingers. After finishing that, place
the stone on top of the tarot card and repeat this chant 3 times
(edit the chant if you substitute anything):
Im awake, Im present in mind and body,
Im energized with coffee, and with the air I breath,
Im well with the vitamins I need to be healthy,
I claim Strength in my day, with the Strength in my heart.
I am the Lion, I am the proud, the mighty, the tough.
I may be frail in form, but in nature I am the bold,
I am the Strength, the strength of character, of will,
Empowered by all I might need, I am the owner of my day.

Continue about your day as normal, feeling stronger for your

self-care. Keep the worry stone with you.

Lucky Powder
stormsorceress :
spellyalater :
So Ive got all these damned crickets running around my
house Oddly. and I say oddly because I have lived on this
property for 3 years now and 1. These crickets are black. We
dont /have/ black crickets, we have camel crickets; 2. When I say
my house I actually mean my Studio, because I have never seen
one of them anywhere outside of the studio.
So what am I deciding to do with all these crickets if I can
catch them? Lucky Powder. Ground. Fucking. Cricket.
Warning: This prolly isnt for the faint of heart, so if youre
queemish about killing bugs, youre better off elsewhere And no, I
dont want to hear anything about it, I really give no fucks You
are talking to the bitch who ripped the head off a grasshopper and
buried it as a plant fertility spell after she caught the fucker
munching on her Ginger, so what the else would you expect from
Luck Powder and ground pesky cricket. Yes. Moving on now.

Crickets - dead and dried out.

Eggshells - washed and thoroughly dried

Clover - dried, doesnt matter what type

Mint - dried, doesnt matter what type

Allspice - dried (though youll prolly end up with ground

because thats what the kitchen spice isle sells)
Mix it all up however you want, powder that shit with a mortar
and pestle, and go have fun.
-runs off to catch the pesky fucking cricketsBOOK OF SHADOWS I | 203

Oooo now I have something to do with frog and scorpion

feeder crickets that dont survive before theyre food!

Liquid Luck Spell for Friday the 13th

christowitch :
You will need:

Chamomile Tea
Gold Candle.

Light the Gold candle on the table. Make the tea according to
you taste. Set tea and honey in front of candle. Put in 3 spoons of
honey ( could be small or large depending on how sweet you like
your tea). As you are pouring the honey into the cup say:
Today I make liquid luck
to help me through my day
As I drink this from the cup
May luck point the right way.
Sit down in front of the candle and sip on your tastey Liquid
Then snuff out the candle and see where the day takes you.

Dys Money Jar

wrath-fire-ice :



euro, and

small jar
mint leaves
chamomile flowers
sandalwood powder
red clover
blue vervain
assorted coins [several pennies, a dronning, a 50 cent
a groszy]
star anise pod

Put in all the herbs and then the coins on top, and the star
anise pod on the very top. Seal up. Say this:
In times of need, when luck is low and not there,
When jobs and money are scarce, we need help.
I bless this jar with positivity and hope for help.
Within here, are money attractors to inspire
To inspire myself to work hard, and to gain
To inspire others to see my merits and reward.
Bless this jar with all the best intentions for the future.

Money Like Water - A Spell

***Disclaimer: This is not a spell for getting, keeping, and hoarding
money. There is a time for that, of course, but this is a spell for money

Stuff you Need:

5 of each coin denomination

Crystals/Herbs for money and abundance (optional)

Jar/Bottle/Container of some sort in which to keep the spell

Naturally collected water (preferably rain water, but Im from

San Diego where thats not really an option, so I used sea water)

Piece of Jewelry, any kind

First, take the coins and clean them. Wash them off, shine them up,
show them some love!
Take the coins and put them in the container you chose. If you work
with crystals/herbs, throw those in there too.
Pour the water into the container over the coins saying:
"Let money flow like water. Let money pour into my life so that I may
let it flow out again; washing over those around me, coming and going,
from thunderstorm to trickling stream, may I always have enough to keep
and more to share, let money flow like water!"
Dip the piece of jewelry in the water, asking that it may be blessed
with the power to attract and encourage the flow of money to you. Keep

the jar wherever youd like, adding more water when you feel the need to
renew the spell!
Since all my spells are involved with the Gods, I added some more
things to my casting to make it a Hermes-specific spell. That involved
saying prayers to Him first, ringing of my new altar bell, having His candle
burning, offering incense, putting His image on my altar, etc. etc.
Feel free to make this spell as religious or as secular as you would
like! Go ahead and adapt it to your own needs, this is just a basic skeleton
for starting off yourself!!

Success at Work Spell


1 Purple or Gold pillar candle

1 Rosemary stem
1 Small bottle
Incense of your choice
Pen & Paper
A token from your job
But I recommend having either an altar or a place to keep the spell,
with candles, for a long period of time.
Ritual Instructions:


Cast a circle around the spell ingredients and holding table/altar only,
leaving the direction youre standing near (should be south) open - THIS IS
On the piece of paper, write your full name, the name of your
workplace, and what your goal(s) is/are [i.e. Enjoy doing my work Have
more energy at work Make management]
Tear a piece of this paper off and make a sigil using your goal
Wrap the large piece of paper around your token, and set beneath or
beside the purple candle
Take the small paper and place it and the rosemary in your bottle
Light the purple candle
Take a few minutes to focus your thoughts on the goal, holding the
bottle in your hand
Light the last candle in your circle, sealing it


After three minutes, uncast the circle and take the rosemary bottle.
This is now a charm that you take with you to work
You do not need to continue casting the circle, but light the purple
candle for three minutes every day, until it is gone
Your goal should either be met or its way to being met in this time.
It may be that youll need to redo the entire spell multiple times, depending
on the difficulty of your goal.
Click the Read More for my personal notes
1/1/2013 - Cast this spell with a purple and gold pillar candle with
the goal written Make enough money to support family.
1/13/2013 - Was fired from job.
2/10/2013 - Found new job making $3 more per hour than was
making before. Successfully achieved goal, albeit not in the expected or
intended way.
11/15/2013 - Cast this spell again using natural beeswax blueberry
muffin scented candle given to me by neighbor. Anointed it with jojoba
bean oil in order to re-focus the intent of the candle.
Cast for husband, with goal Make management.

The Living Wiccans Hell Hath No Fury Protection

This is a very simple protection salt I use to ring around my rituals,
cleanse my spaces, and even sweep the floor with.


Its good because not only does it protect, but gives a nice bite back
to any negativity/entity/thing that tries to cross it. Best for ritual work
and simple spirit work, not necessarily protection from physical attackers.
Its something pretty much every single one of my readers can make
at home with its ridiculously simple ingredients and process, but its not
something that everyone would think of off the top of their head.
Ready? Here we go. Try not to sneeze!
You'll need:

1 part sea salt (coarse is best: see picture below)

1 part black peppercorns
1 part chili powder


a large bowl
mortar and pestle
bottles (size varies on how much you want to make)
funnel (optional, but not worth leaving out)


Step 1:
Place the coarse salt and black peppercorns in the mortar and pestle.
Grind them together. Yes, technically this could also be done with ground
pepper, but I find the actual effort put into grinding them makes the
powder more effective.


Thisll take a long time youll want it to turn to a fine, light brown
Step 2:
Yes, you guessed it: place the sea salt and chili powder in the mortar
and pestle and grind together. Remember how I said this was easy?

This should turn to a light orange, almost pink when finished (my
pictures really dont do it justice).
Step 3:
Add the two together. You can see the peppercorn mix on the left and
the chili pepper mix on the right.


Step 4:
Ready? Time to get this thing in a bottle. This is where that funnel I
mentioned earlier can really come in handy.

And there we have it! Put a nice little label on it, put the date you
made it on the back, and now you have your own all-purpose protection

**Recipe and photos property of TheLivingWiccan. Do not

remove source.**

Harvest Husk Wealth Spell

fuckyeahpaganism :
This spell is best done during the fall when corn is in
season. If not, any other time will be fine.
What You Need:

One full leaf of a dried corn husk

A dollar bill
A piece of green ribbon, yarn, or twine
Patchouli oil

Flatten out the husk leaf and rub patchouli oil along the inside
surface. As you work in the oil, repeat the following words:
With the power of harvest corn,
Bring me money, dusk till morn
Harvest wealth
Financial health
And now success is born.
Lay the dollar on the husk, and roll the two together into a
tight tube. Tie it closed with the green ribbon, leaving a little extra
ribbon for hanging. Hang it above a main door in your home (it
doesnt have to actually dangle into the doorway) and wealth will
soon follow.

Snows Enchanted Rose Spell

faerietaleenchantress :
This is a multi-purpose spell. If you want a long lasting
enchantment, use a dried rose. Personally, I use a rose bud
preserved in a necklace charm. Roses are for love, affection,
friendship and protection.
Shit youll need:

A rose of your choice

cinnamon or dragons blood essential oil
a vase
somewhere to place the rose

Anoint the rose with your oil of choice, focusing on what it is

you wish to bring into your life. Keep in mind that this spell is a
general emotions magnet spell. It IS NOT a make xir love me
Whisper your intent into the rose. As the petals fall, your will
shall come to pass. To keep love and protection within your heart,
use a preserved rose.


a respeito do formigueiro, ele seria uma boa opo para

ajudar a quebrar uma maldio?
Dependendo da maldio e de como ela foi gerada seria. Mas
cuidado, uma maldio feita com magia de sangue no pode ser
quebrada desta forma. Se vc tentar, pode acabar piorando a
situao porque o alvo poder ficar doente ou at morrer. Eu no
usaria esta tcnica para quebrar uma maldio desconhecida.
Vamos supor que seja uma praga rogada pela me da pessoa.
A praga virou uma maldio que vc quer quebrar. Vc pode colocar a
maldio em uma ma e colocar no formigueiro, por exemplo. Mas
se vc no tomar cuidado com a forma como fizer isso, pode acabar
afetando a me da pessoa, entende? Ou mesmo algo em sua vida
que esteja ligado a esta maldio.
Vamos dar um exemplo mais especfico. A pessoa quer ser
modelo e a me dela no acha que seja uma boa escolha de
carreira. Em um momento de raiva ela diz: "Essa carreira s vai te
trazer desgraa." Vamos supor que esta praga tenha virado uma
maldio. A carreira da pessoa est amaldioada, nada d certo. Vc
, ou a pessoa resolve colocar a maldio em uma ma e colocar no
formigueiro. Vamos analisar 3 formas diferentes pelas quais esta
magia pode funcionar:

1 - quebrando a maldio pura e simplesmente - esta ser a

soluo ideal e perfeita do ponto de vista da pessoa.
2 - j que a carreira da pessoa s est trazendo desgraa, uma
forma de acabar com o problema acabando com a carreira da
pessoa. A profisso de modelo est focada na beleza fsica, se isso
3 - a me acha que a carreira s traz desgraa, o problema ser
resolvido se a me da pessoa morrer ou se houver um rompimento
completo nas relaes entre a pessoa e a me dela.
A magia toma sempre o caminho de menor resistncia. Qual
o caminho de menor resistncia neste caso?
Vc pode resolver isso colocando clusulas para proteger todos
os envolvidos. Mas no seria mais simples colocar a maldio em
um prato e quebrar? Assim, o pior que pode acontecer ela no

pra manxas no corpo poderia usar formigueiro


Naelyan me responda uma pergunta o que posso fazer para

curar um problema de visao ...posso usar a magia do formigeiro
e se nao tiver formigeiro aqui posso usa esse metodo do
formigueiro com cupins pff me responda
A menor q seja um tumor nos seus olhos, no use formigueiro
ou cupinzeiro p isso.

E o cupinzeiro pode ser usado para outras coisas tambm

semelhante ao formigueiro em que ponto eles diferem?
Pode ser usado p o mesmo tipo de magia.


Magia de formigueiro me lembrou que desde pequeno escuto

minha av dizendo que quando algum quer fazer mal a algum
coloca a foto dela em um cupinzeiro e a pessoa acaba morrendo.
Isso acontece mesmo? Sempre? Mesmo que essa pessoa tenha
escudos magicos?
Vai depender das defesas da pessoa, claro. E da fora da
vontade e da inteno de quem fez. O alvo pode no morrer, mas
pode ficar seriamente doente.

Teria algum problema eu fazer a do formigueiro para acne?

Tem, no uma boa ideia.

Minha me tem um mioma. Posso usar o formigueiro?


Mas as formigas no comem po, elas levam o po para uma

cmara onde o po servir de alimento para um tipo de fungo
que ser alimento delas quando ele crescer. Melhor dar o po
para passarinhos ento, n? '-'
No, este processo parte do feitio. O que vc coloca no
formigueiro cortado em pedacinhos e levado p dentro do
formigueiro onde ser consumido aos poucos pelo fungo, passando
por um processo de total transformao e depois trazendo alimento
e vida nova. por isso que to bom para lidar com tumores. O
tumor precisa ser reduzido e consumido aos poucos e todo o
processo transformado em uma coisa nova para que no acontea
de novo. Ao mesmo tempo as formigas representam a vitoria do
sistema de defesa do corpo. So 3 camadas sobrepostas de magia
em um nico feitio.

Em que circunstncias a magia do formigueiro seria til?


Para destruir um tumor, para destruir um relacionamento ou

alguma coisa, como uma empresa.

Naelyan, minha mae ta umas bolhas na lingua e j foi para uns

8 mdicos e no melhora ela est ficando mto mal pq no
somem e eles s dizem q estresse, se eu enviar os dados dela
voce envia cura para ela?Obrigado! Eu ia usar magia do
formigueiro mas fiquei com medo ento recorri a vc!
Mande os dados dela. E no use o formigueiro p isso.

Posso usar magia com o formigueiro para emagrecer? lol

Eu no recomendo. Magia com formigueiro muito poderosa,
vc pode acabar perdendo sua sade.

Naelyan, da pra fazer magia com formigueiros, qual tipo de

magia e poderia explicar como? Obrigado.
Nossa, da p fazer demais! Magia com formigueiro o bicho!
Quer um exemplo super legal? Uma pessoa com cncer pode fazer
um po doce e associar o tumor ao po e colocar no formigueiro. O
tumor vai diminuindo a medida em q o po for devorado. Isso vale
p qq coisa de que vc queira se livrar.

Vi uma resposta sua no ask que vc falava das maldies que
tinha jogado nas pessoas.. inclusive uma que eu morro de
vontade de fazer (que de deixar um cara impotente) mas isso
no faz mal pra gente? Usar magia pra prejudicar uma pessoa
no traz consequncias?
H controvrsia. Em primeiro lugar eu nunca lancei uma
maldio que no fosse uma retribuio. Ou seja, se a pessoa fosse

inocente, nada teria acontecido com ela. o equivalente mgico de

se punir algum por um crime cometido. Mas quem te garante que
aquela pessoa era culpada? Eu no fiz para a pessoa, fiz para o
culpado, o responsvel pela situao. Se a retribuio atingiu
aquela pessoa porque ela era culpada.
Dito isso existem situaes em que observar a justia divina
muito mais prazeiroso. Isso porque os Deuses e o Universo so
extremamente criativos quando o assunto fazer algum pagar
pelo que fez. Muito mais criativos do que jamais conseguimos ser.
A questo que muitas vezes queremos ver a punio acontecendo
j, neste exato minuto e momento. E a Deusa se amarra em
sorvete (lembra do ditado que vingana um prato para ser
comido frio?).
Existem bruxas que acham que a melhor forma de lidar com
um inimigo desejar tudo de bom para aquela pessoa. Se estiver
tudo bem com ela, ela no vai ter motivo para te encher o saco. E
vc ainda vai colher a recompensa por desejar bnos para a vida
de algum. Eu no sou uma pessoa to boa assim. Acredito que
somos responsveis por nossas escolhas e pelas consequencias
dessas escolhas. E acredito que eu posso ser um instrumento de
justia, afinal, no sou um instrumento dos Deuses?
Mas eu s fao isso se estiver disposta a pagar o preo pelo
fechada na rua no merece ser amaldioada, porque dali a dois
minutos eu j nem vou lembrar do que aconteceu. Algum que fizer
mal a meus filhos no merece descanso, porque eu jamais vou
esquecer o que a pessoa fez. E estou disposta a pagar qualquer
preo para ver esta pessoa pagar.
Ento, respondendo a sua pergunta. Sim, se vc faz uma
maldio, haver um preo a pagar. Resta a vc decidir se o que a
pessoa fez justifica o preo que vc vai pagar.

Naelyan eu vi aqui no seu adk muitas maldioes legais q vc fez,

mas e a lei trplice? Ela nao voltou nao? Vc fez maldio e nao
teve dano? '-'

Se eu estiver zangada o suficiente p lanar uma maldio em

algum, eu tb estarei disposta a pagar o preo por ela. At hoje
minhas maldies sempre foram retribuies. Eu nunca amaldioei
algum de graa. Se a maldio pegou porque foi considerada
justa pelo universo.
Meu lema : jamais faa mal a um inocente. Inocente, por
definio aquele que no provoca. Se uma pessoa provoca, ela
deixa de ser inocente.
Bruxos, como todos os predadores, devem ser deixados em

Um "amigo" meu me roubou, e no posso envolver a policia

nisso, ele me viu precisando daquele objeto e ainda ficava rindo,
fui descobrir hoje, o que eu posso fazer ? Acha q uma maldiao
seria justo ? Qual ? Ou entao como fao para que aquilo volte
para ele ?
Pea justia aos Deuses. Se gostar do panteo grego chame
por Nmesis.

Posso trabalhar magicamente com o 'cubo mgico'? Para que e

Algumas ideias:
Vincule suas protees mgicas a seu cubo mgico, de forma que a
nica forma de venc-las seria resolvendo o cubo.
Coloque uma imagem do que vc quer para a sua vida dividida nos
quadradinhos do cubo, de forma que qdo vc resolver o cubo a
imagem se forme completa, use isto como feitio para conseguir o
que vc quer.
Afaste duas pessoas colocando cada uma em uma das cores. Qdo
vc resolver o cubo, elas estaro separadas.
Destrua uma maldio colocando-a no cubo resolvido e depois saia
misturando as cores.


http://ask.fm/NaelyanWyvern/answer/114660229906 Essa
maldio da vida medocre tem escapatria ou sada?
Apenas se eles se retratarem, admitirem seu erro e
oferecerem reparao. Enquanto isso no acontecer, seus prprios
atos alimentaro a maldio.

Qual foi a maldio mais legal que j fez? rs

Eu vou falar algumas e voc decide qual foi a mais legal:
J deixei uma pessoa 24 horas com soluos.
J fiz uma pessoa ser atacada por baratas.
J fiz uma pessoa passar uma semana com diarreia.
J fiz uma pessoa ter uma crise de gases durante uma
apresentao de trabalho.
J fiz uma pessoa ser processada por fraude.
J contribu para que vrios estupradores fossem presos.
J fiz um bully colher a recompensa devida por atormentar meu
J fiz uma pessoa perder seus poderes mgicos e sua capacidade
J fiz uma pessoa ser reprovada em uma dissertao de mestrado.
J fiz uma professora ser demitida por maltratar uma de minhas
J fiz vrias pessoas serem envenenadas pelas prprias lnguas
J deixei uma pessoa 7 anos sem conseguir ter um relacionamento.
J fiz uma pessoa perder tudo o que tinha.
J deixei um cara impotente.
J causei a multa de dois estabelecimentos por violao da sade
J fiz um sndico ser obrigado a deixar o cargo.
J fiz um marido descobrir que estava sendo trado.
J fiz uma mulher descobrir que estava sendo trada.
J ajudei a unir duas pessoas e depois destru o relacionamento
quando uma delas traiu minha confiana.
J fiz mais de uma pessoa ser demitida ou transferida para outro
J fiz um professor ser demitido de uma universidade.


Mas a minha favorita foi ter condenado duas pessoas

mediocridade. Elas jamais iro progredir seja no que for, nunca se
destacaro, nunca faro sucesso em nada, elas nunca recebero
um prmio ou sero reconhecidas. Tero empregos medocres, vida
medocres, futuros medocres. Vivero e morrero na mediocridade.
And mediocrity, my Queen, is a terrible, terrible fate. Jim

O que aquelas pessoas q vc lanou a maldio fizeram a vc ?

Ex : Me desrespeitaram, me trairam, me desafiaram
So existem duas razes:
1 - a pessoa traiu minha confiana
2 - a pessoa prejudicou um dos meus.
Uma vez amaldioei outra bruxa por causa de um desafio, mas
foi um mal entendido. Estvamos brincando sobre ataque mgico,
ela disse: "give me your best shot". Bem, eu mandei. Achei q ela
fosse defender, mas ela achou q eu estava brincando. Tadinha, foi
parar no hospital.
Ningum nunca me desrespeitou na minha frente e quem faz
isso pelas costas (ou escondendo-se atrs do anonimato) no
merece minha ateno a ponto de receber uma maldio. Sua
mediocridade e covardia ja so maldies suficientes. Deixo que os
Deuses os julguem.


lexiscorner :

Yes, Lexi still watches Disney musicals at nearly a-quarter-of-acentury-old.

Because they are, truly, magical. And no, this isnt me plugging for
Disney out of nostalgia. If you pay attention to some of the songs,
the lyrics also double as spells (if applied with the right intention
and focus) and, at least for me, using songs that remind me of my
childhood helps me get in touch with my inner child, and get
excited and confident about the spell Im performing.
The following list consists of some of the songs I think work very
well as spells. Its formatted as such:
Song Title - Movie
types of spells or magic they can apply to
Hope this serves to inspire! If you have additions, please feel
free to reblog and add to the list!
A Whole New World - Aladdin
scrying, divination, astral travel
When You Wish Upon a Star - Pinnochio
confidence, motivation, reaching goals
Once Upon a Dream - Sleeping Beauty
communicating with a spirit/entity who appeared in a dream,
dream magic
Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
hospitality, bonding with new friends or acquaintances; impressing
friends, family, business contacts, party guests, etc.
Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid
encouraging two parties to start dating, love magic
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah - Song of the South
happiness, breaking a bought of depression, encouraging optimism
Youll Be In My Heart - Tarzan
protection of a loved one, shielding magic for someone else
Chim-Chim-Cheree - Mary Poppins
luck magic, getting through hard financial times

A Spoonful of Sugar - Mary Poppins

make difficult tasks less daunting
I Just Cant Wait To Be King - The Lion King
promotion at work, being recognized for ones efforts, domination
over enemies or difficult party, standing up for ones self
I Wanna Be Like You - The Jungle Book
to inherit the positive qualities of another person
Prince Ali - Aladdin
to make others take more notice of you or your cause
Cruella de Vil - 101 Dalmatians
cursing someone with nightmares or paranoia
God Help the Outcasts - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
spiritual assistance, intervention, justice for an instant of
Baby Mine - Dumbo
comfort someone who is going through emotionally-difficult times
Be Prepared - The Lion King
mind control, assuming dominance over another
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan
networking, making connections, getting insight from another
Honor To Us All - Mulan
beauty spells, making good first-impressions, good luck at a job
Im Wishing - Snow White
love magic, attracting a potential partner
Ive Got No Strings - Pinocchio
breaking anothers spell on you, encouraging a bad relationship to
end, freedom, liberation magic


Friends On The Other Side Curse

- to cause nightmares for someone who is insulting you,
gossiping about you, or otherwise making your life difficult by
running their mouth
Dont you disrespect me, little man
Dont you derogate or deride
Youre in my world now, not your world
And Ive got friends on the other side
You will need:
Photo of the person, or a blank cloth poppet
Targets hair or nails, if you can get them
Black marker, or needle and black thread
Valerian (for a constant groggy feeling)
Juniper berries (to cause visions)
Lobelia (aka Gagroot, to make them choke on their words)
Allspice (to alleviate diarrhea of the mouth)
Cypress (to cause dreams to become nightmares) [Substitute
for Yew]
Jar with tight-fitting lid
Coins or food offering
Step One: Take the photo or poppet, and the black marker or
needle and thread, and draw Xs or sew a series of cross-stitches
over the mouth. The number will depend on how badly the target
has been slandering you. For worse transgressions, use more Xs.
I bind your mouth, I bind your voice
Because you made the foolish choice

To insult, slander, and seek to maim,

But now it is YOU who will be shamed.
Step Two: Place the poppet or photo, and the hair and nails
into the jar. Add the lobelia and the allspice. While adding the
valerian, juniper berries, and cypress, say:
No more words and no more speech
But dreams I place within your reach
Into your head these herbs will send
A nightmare world without an end
You chose to derogate and deride
Now meet my friends on the Other Side
Step Three: Fill the jar with vinegar (or urine, if you prefer),
and seal it. Wax or duct tape around the rim will prevent escape.
Step Four: Take the jar to a cemetery. Bury it inside the
gate. Leave the coins or food as an offering for the dead who dwell
there. Walk away without looking back.


Truthfinder Powder
For when you thinkor knowsomeones lying to you or
generally being an untruthful jerkface.
Copal resin
Table sugar
Grind the ingredients together with a mortar and pestle until
theyre the consistency of fine sand. If you happen to have
something cute to put it in, bottle that glorious stuff.
Sprinkle the powder where you know the target will walk, be
it on a doorstep or a walkway or what have you. You can specify a

target or just let the magic work on its own, in which case any
person walking over it will feel inclined to tell the truth when put to
the test or questioned directly.
Note: This powder and its effect are technically in the realm
of compulsion magic. However, the effect is subtle and falls into
sort of a gray area in that regard.
[Original Idea: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells, Judika Illes,
HarperOne, 2009.]

Brees Banishing Powder

Ahhhh, nothing like the scent of a fresh bottle of Get The Fuck
2 parts powdered cayenne pepper
1 part ground cinnamon
1 part black salt (equal parts charcoal and salt)
1/2 part black pepper
1/2 part powdered eggshell
To Apply:
Shake it up and sprinkle it wherever you feel a barrier is
Particularly good for keeping away nosy or bothersome
people, or an ex who just cant take a hint.

Reclaiming the Pagan Tag: Prosperity Charm

I wrote this spell in early 2012 when I was having some
trouble finding a steady job with good pay. Paying my bills and
doing frivolous things like buying food was becoming difficult. This

charm was cast in an early Beltane circle on my birthday. Three

weeks later, I was offered a job that was exactly what I needed.
*The name of your preferred God or Goddess, if you have one,
may be substituted for Brighid. You can also substitute your own
chant if it seems appropriate.
Intent: To bring gainful employment and good fortune
green candle
needle & green or gold thread
sachet bag
herbs: dandelion, goldenrod, violet, star anise
violet essential or fragrance oil
Timing: Waxing Moon
Gather your supplies and cast your circle, if youre using one.
Light the green candle.
In the sachet bag, combine dandelion blossoms, goldenrod,
violet, and one star anise. Anoint with three drops of viol oil.
Sew the bag closed, back and forth at least three times, while
Let fortune come with the waxing moon
Help what I need to find me soon
A better job to pay the bills
Come find me as the Goddess wills
Mark, O Mother and good Brighid
Hear me now, I pray you heed
A wish from necessity, not from greed
[This is my personal invocation. Feel free to make up your

Pass the sachet bag over the candle three times to seal it.
Keep the sachet bag in your purse, wallet, pocket, with your
resume, or in a crock with your spare change. I find it works best if
you can put it in something and carry it with you as often as
possible. Mine is in my purse, and has been since it was made.

Wall of Fire Property & House Protection Spell

Intent: To protect a house and property from unwanted
Timing: Full moon
Dragons Blood powder or oil
Ground sea salt
Cinnamon stick
Peppermint leaves
Bowl of water (at least 2qt size, like a mixing bowl)
Optional: red food coloring or hibiscus tea bag
Note: If Dragons Blood is not available, you can substitute
chili peppers, hot chili powder, or tabasco sauce.
Make an infusion with the cinnamon stick and the peppermint
leaves, about a cups worth. Combine this with the Dragons Blood
and ground sea salt in the bowl of water. If desired, add a few
drops of red food coloring or swirl the hibiscus tea bag in the water
to add red color.
Stir slowly, pouring your will to protect your home and
property into the bowl as you do.

Take the bowl outside to your property line. Walk all the way
around your property, sprinkling the water along the line. Invoke
whatever deities, ancestors, or personal or household spirits you
feel are appropriate and ask them to help protect your home, or
simply reinforce the casting with your own will. Say whatever
words you choose. If it helps, imagine the droplets of water
springing up as tongues of fire when they hit the ground.
Reserve some water and use it to wash the thresholds and
windowsills. If there is anything left, keep a little bit in a bottle in
your kitchen, on your altar, or wherever you feel is appropriate. If
you have asked anyone for help, leave them a little thank-you
offering. (I find bread or cake and a bit of wine do the trick nicely.)
The idea of this spell is that you place a magical wall of fire
around your property and your house. Any intruders coming onto
the property may find themselves getting a a hot bite on the foot
and should not wish to remain.

Lost Something?
Heres a quick and easy spell I always use when Im having
trouble finding a lost object.
Stand in a clear space in the room where youre searching,
look up at the ceiling, and clap your hands three times.
Household spirits, gather round
Let now what is lost be found
Let your gaze fall where it will. Check for the lost item in the
first place that draws your attention.
I use this often. It never fails. Seriously. Works. Every. Time.
It helps to leave out some sweets or a glass of juice or wine
every so often to keep those little helper spirits happy.

Protection From Storm


Literally came up with this on the fly this afternoon, with the
hurricane approaching. Posting it for anyone who wants to get a
little extra protection in before it hits.
wooden spoon
wine, mead, or cider (I used all three)
consecrated water, preferably collected rain
white candle
offertory incense (I used amber)
Light the candle and the incense. Fill the chalice with your
chosen libation mixed with the rainwater. Take it and the spoon and
go outside. Starting at the east corner of the property, walk the
entire perimeter. Using the spoon, sprinkle the boundary,
foundation, and cars, trees, and anything else you want protected
while chanting:
Water of storm, accept my offering
Vent not thy fury upon this house
Nor these people
Nor their possessions
Continue until you have come full-circle. Bless the front door
if you wish (I did), then pour the remaining libation out in the
direction of the oncoming storm. Reserve a few drops to keep in
the chalice on the altar.
Go back inside, make your final preparations, and let the
candle and incense burn down.
Be safe, everyone!

Prosperity Charm

I wrote this spell in early 2012 when I was having some

trouble finding a steady job with good pay. Paying my bills and
doing frivolous things like buying food was becoming difficult. This
charm was cast in an early Beltane circle on my birthday. Three
weeks later, I was offered a job that was exactly what I needed.
*The name of your patron God or Goddess may be substituted
for Brighid. You can also substitute your own chant if it seems
Intent: To bring gainful employment and good fortune
green candle
needle & green or gold thread
sachet bag
herbs: dandelion, goldenrod, violet, poppy, star anise
violet essential or fragrance oil
Timing: Waxing Moon
Gather your supplies and cast your circle.
Light the green candle.
In the sachet bag, combine dandelion blossoms, goldenrod,
violet, poppy, and one star anise. Anoint with three drops of viol
Sew the bag closed, back and forth at least three times, while
Let fortune come with the waxing moon
Help what I need to find me soon
A better job to pay the bills
Come find me as the Goddess wills
Mark, O Mother and good Brighid
Hear me now, I pray you heed
A wish from necessity, not from greed

Pass the sachet bag over the candle three times to seal it.
By all the power of Three Times Three
As I will, so mote it be!
Keep the sachet bag in your purse, wallet, pocket, with your
resume, or in a crock with your spare change. I find it works best if
you can put it in something and carry it with you as often as
possible. Mine is in my purse, and has been since it was made.

Flower Petal Love Spell

Inspired by Practical Magic (1998), this is a love spell that I
wrote partly for myself, but also for a friend of mine.
You will need:
Large bowl
Consecrated water
Rose oil (or Rosewater)
Garden with many flowers in bloom, or lots of leaves
River or stream with a good current, or a windy night
Timing: Full Moon
[Note: It is not a good idea to perform this spell with a
specific person in mind, as those sort of spells easily backfire, or
become disappointing if your crush turns out to be attached or not
everything you hoped for. Instead, picture someone who you have
not yet met who fulfills your hearts desire.]
Record a list of desirable traits in your BoS or journal.
Describe your ideal mates physical appearance, and mental,
emotional, and spiritual habits. Be as thorough as you like. The
more specific you are, the more likely it is that you wont get pixed
by a loophole. Try to present things in a positive fashion, i.e.

He/She will be kind, but dont be afraid to mark down traits that
you definitely DONT want, i.e. He/She will not smoke.
Cleanse yourself with a ritual bath and dress in something
that makes you feel desirable and lovely. If possible, go barefoot.
Taking the bowl in hand, walk into the garden and thank the earth
and the plants for their gifts before you begin.
Walk through the garden. Pluck a blossom, petal, or leaf for
every trait you desire in a lover or a mate, reciting each out loud
as you do. (Be careful not to take too much from any one plant.)
Place them into the bowl. Continue until you have gone through the
entire list.
Rub the rim of the bowl with consecrated water and rose oil,
clockwise, three times, while visualizing your energy pouring into
the bowl to join the blossoms and petals, as an attractant to your
prospective lover. Chant as you do:
Lover fair and Lover fine
Come and join your heart with mine
I pray you, love the whole of me
And ever true and faithful be
I offer up my love, my all
And pray you heed my earnest call
Take up the bowl of blossoms and cast them either into a
strong-flowing body of water or into a strong wind, saying:
Water/Wind, flow through hill and tree
And bring a lover back to me
Go home and light a red candle. Sit for a while and muse on
the idea of meeting the person your spell might bring into your life
as the candle burns down.
Thereafter, keep your eyesand your heartopen!

Simple Protections for Yourself and Your Home

All of the things listed below are measures that I have either
tried myself, learned from friends, or picked up from a book
somewhere along the line. I have a fairly extensive listing in my

Book of Shadows, cobbled together from various sources, most of

which I do not properly remember. However, I feel that most of
them are close enough to common knowledge to excuse my lousy
1) Lay a line of salt across a doorway or windowsill. Refresh
each time it rains or whenever you feel uneasy in the room/house.
2) Over a doorway, hang any of the following:
White sage (protection, purification, warding)
Besom (protection, house blessing, can be made of many
Iron horseshoe, open end up (fortune, warding off ill luck)
Pentacle/ankh/etc. (house blessing)
Rowan twigs (protection, warding off intruders)
Twig of acorns (protection, refresh seasonally)
Charm bag (made to specific purpose)
3) Keep a bottle of anointing or perfume oil on your altar.
Include it in the circle whenever you cast a blessing or spell of
protection or healing. Then, on days when you feel low or drained
or in need of extra strength, anoint your pulse points and your
third eye with a few drops. (This also works with consecrated
water, but I find the scent of the oil to be a nice reminder
throughout the day.)
4) On your altar, keep a small dish of stones and/or crystals
with which you have a resonance. Allow them to absorb magical
energy from your venerations. When you have need of their
properties, simply slip one into your pocket. (This can also be done
with small pieces of jewelry. I find anything with a crystal works
particularly well.)
5) Sleep with spearmint leaves under your pillow or mattress
to ward off bad dreams and keep you safe while you sleep.
6) Hang an ivy plant by the front door to keep away negative
influences and unwanted guests.

7) Smoke-cleanse a room with purifying herbs to cleanse the

atmosphere and clear away negative energy.
8) Leave a trio of white candles burning in any room that feels
heavy or oppressive.

My Amas Veritas Love Spell

There are roughly a zillion of these circulating on the internet.

After it was used in Practical Magic, there isnt a witch on the
planet who didnt jump at the chance to alter and use it. Including
me. This is my interpretation of it.
Things Youll Need:
A list of traits. They can be physical things (hazel eyes),
emotional things (slow to anger), mental things (loves to read).
You can include skills (speaks another language) or hobbies (likes
photography) or quirks (cuddles in their sleep). The point is that
you have a picture in your mind of the person youre looking for
and can list them.
Rose petals. One for each trait. The petals colours have their
own special meanings and can be used to help enhance the spell
further. One could also use Victorian flower meanings and use other

flowers in the place of petals as well. For simplicity, red roses are
wonderful for this. Orange blossoms are great if youre hoping for
something long term and possibly permanent.
A piece of you. Blood is best. Hair will work in a pinch.
A bowl of water, preferably from a natural source, or whatever
water you personally find sacred. Size will depend on the number
of traits.
Ground and focus.
Begin to add the petals to the water, one at a time, stating
each trait clearly and letting it become part of the overall picture in
your mind. Dont rush this. If youd like, spend a moment with each
petal and imbue it with emotions or thoughts of what the trait
youre looking for means to you.
When all of the petals have been added, add the piece of
yourself. You dont need much.
Stir clockwise, gently to avoid spilling, and speak to the
person youre looking for. Tell them about how wonderful they are
and how excited you are to meet them. Talk about the things youll
do in the future. Whatever you want. This is your time with them.
When finished, take the water and pour it into a running bath.
Soak, letting the spell, and them, become part of you.
If youre anything like me, youll probably feel really sappy
after this, so spend the rest of the night watching romantic movies
or listening to love songs.
The important part here is to follow your heart. If you get the
feeling you really need to go to that obscure Italian caf, do it. If
you get invited to a party and you get a nudge, go. You cant find
love if you dont actually look for it. The spell will draw you
together naturally. It wont make you fall in love (and it wont fix a
broken relationship), so thats still on you.
I wont give you a full list of the stuff because some of them
are rather personal, but these (along with those listed as examples
above) are some of the traits I used that drew me to my husband:
Theyll enjoy drinking tea and actually know how to make it

Theyll write poetry, even if its not very good

Theyll be fiercely protective of those they call family
Theyll love learning about other people and places and want
to travel
Theyll have an accent that comes out when they get
flustered, like mine, and hate it, like I do, which only makes it
worse. That way, they cant make fun of me.
Theyll be supportive of my magic, even if they dont
understand it.
I love this movie, I love this spell.



sinkingcrowfeathers :

A curse for friends which you are fed up with, but dont want
to legitimately make suffer. (Too much.)

What Youll Need:

A jar
A yellow candle
A picture or representation of your friend
Your tears
Anything that would burn (lemon juice, chili powder etc)
1. Light your yellow candle.Place your representation of your
friend in the jar. Think about what theyve done and how theyd
wronged you.
2. Put your tears into the jar and chant. Youve wounded
me greatly and now you will know the pain that you have
caused me.
3. Pour in your lemon juice or what have you. "This pain will
not subside until you realize what youve done."
4. Pour in your tears "You will feel my pain and realize the
gravity of your wrongs. You will be punished."
5. Pour in some wax from your yellow candle. But despite
this, our friendship will still thrive.
6. Seal it and shake that jar like a motherfucker.

I know its not on your spell

request list but i was wondering if u
had any ideas for a curse from Lilo and
Stitch where she made dolls out of
pickles and Agent Bubbles find her
shaking the jar saying "My friends
need to be punished." Sorry if this was
long! And thanks in advance!



We do have a Lilo and Stitch ta g , in which the only thing in it

is an adaptation of exactly what youre talking about.
But, if youre looking for something less involved or more of a
cause misery and pain
The best thing I could think of would be to copy it.
Make spoon copies of your target(s). Stick them in a large
pickle jar that still has the juice in it. Shake it while saying you
need to be punished.
You could always substitute the spoons for popsickle sticks
and you could always add things to the pickle juice like rusty nails
or whatever. You could even replace the pickle juice with war water
or some other liquid concoction that could be used to induce pain
or misfortune.
You could also say you need to feel pain or you need to fall
(like, out of a position of power/out of wealth/going to a place
considered lower than they are). Chance the words to something
simple but get across what you want to happen.
Hell, a little extra could be rooting the curse in the ground by
digging a hole pouring all of the juice/water/whatever into the hole
and burying the model person/people. Only way to get rid of it then
would be to dig it up, burn/destroy the objects, and pour noncursed water where you poured the cursed juice/water.
Since the scene was so simple and short, you could adapt it
just about any way you can think of.
- Candy

What is Eye-biting?:
Eye-biting, sometimes known as the Evil eye, is a method of
cursing used by some witches. It is the act of manipulating what
one could call a sorcerous gaze to deliver a curse.


These curses can affect the target in any number of ways,

attract bad luck, disease, break up a couple, tire them out, a lot
really, the list is pretty long. It is a difficult, but extremely
practical method of cursing, which is a very good skill to look into
at least, if not adopt.

Learning Eye-biting:
Eye-biting is a method of cursing, so you can already tell it
isnt for everyone, however it is still a practical skill to look into. It
teaches you a lot about various gazes and the effects each one can
have. It can teach you that there are various ways of seeing auras
and spirits even.
So, the method I use is fairly simple, because I dont see the
need for fancy methods when something raw and practical sits
before me. Heres a basic rundown of my method and what I
believe you need to eye-bite:
Reason, even if this reason is simply pure spite, you still need
one. Nothing works without a driving force behind it, and reason is
the force behind eye-biting.
Emotion, lots of this one, rage, anger, wrath are all good
places to start, you need these to fuel this curse. Without these the
curse would be an empty shell, with no punch whatsoever.
The Gaze, most important part, you have to have that look
down. You have to be able to channel all your reason and emotion
into this gaze, you have to project it as concentrated it as you can
at the target.
Visualisation, you need to visualise what you want to happen
too, otherwise your just giving a nasty ass glare that may or may
not curse the person with a random affliction.
And there you go, my simple method on eye-biting.




This curse is to make its target feel the repercussions of their

actions, to become submerged and weighed down by them.

Firstly youll need:

A Poppet
A Jar
A Weight (pebble etc)
Water (id use storm water)
Pen & paper
Something to like the poppet to your target (optional)

Firstly make your poppet, make sure its not going to absorb
water, id say make it like the one pictured. Name it your target.

"I name this poppet [target name] all i do until it, i do unto


Get your jar and fill it with water, charge it with your anger.
Once this is done write down all the reasons your cursing your
target/what they should drown in - the painful feelings they caused

This could be precise like feel the pain you caused me or

key words like guilt. Toss them into the jar male sure they sink or
at least submerged underwater.

Tie your yarn to a weight or pebble and tie it to your poppet.

You can say whatever else you wish at this point such as this
pebble ways you down, in your actions shall you drown

But you could just simple say.

[target name] drown in it

Then put the poppet in the jar.

As long as it stays submerged it will be affected by this curse
and your target will feel the weight of their actions.



Anon requested Moriarty curses and although this probably

wasnt what they had in mind its the first thing that came to mind.
To the anon: you may be getting a few curses, Moriarty is my

Intent: To strike the fear of God (all of them) into your

enemies. This curse is meant to cause someone enough paranoia
and fear that they think youre after them and lurking over their
should waiting to strike, even if youre not.


wood or clay poppet (something sturdy)

purple ribbon (longish)
red marker
herbs associated with fear, chaos, and mental connections
(personally I chose chili pepper, anise, onion powder, and vervain
but you can do whatever works for your correspondences. Make
sure to research your herbs before using anything)

1. Crush up all your herbs into a fine powder if theyre not in

that state already

2. Lay the purple ribbon out flat and write the words did you
miss me? over and over again with your marker.

3. When youre done, rub the ribbon in the herbal mixture,

especially the side with the words.

4. Tie the ribbon around your poppets feet with the words
facing the poppet. Then slowly wrap the ribbon completely around
the poppet. As youre wrapping it around the head say:

I owe you a fall, and I wont stop until I get it.

5. Wrap the poppet up in a cloth and keep in somewhere safe.

Remember, the point of this curse is to make the person think
youre after them and lurking in the shadows. Its more of a mental
curse than a physical curse, so we want to keep the poppet safe.


Ignorance is your new best friendInspired by Ignorance Paramore. This is a curse for your
friends who dont like that youre changing.

Heres what youre going to need.

Black Candle
Writing Utencil
Picture of your friend
A Broom
A Bowl

Lets get started.

So what youre going to do is light your Candle.

Take the piece of paper and write upon it all the ignorant
things you can think of.

Take the picture of your friend, and put it ontop of the paper.
Then take your candle and pour wax around the edge of the
picture. This will bind your friend to the ignorant things on the

State, Ignorance is now your new best friend, <name>

Now, take the paper with your friends picture on it, and light
it on fire. Make sure to catch all the ashes though.

Then pour them on your doorstep and sweep them outside.




Daniel and I and the whole StrexCorp management team got

you that StrexPet, because we know you love animals so much!

Need to quietly and underhandedly bring about someones

ruin give someone the gift of an everlasting and friendly
companion? StrexCorp Synernists Inc has just the thing for you!

You Will Need:

A mechanical pet of some sort. A FurReal Friend or Furby is

best, but even a small motorized pet toy will work. Just make sure
it is cute and unassuming
A red sharpie


Take whatever cute companion you have chosen to destroy

befriend your target and open the battery hatch. Remove the
batteries, or, if it did not come with batteries, obtain some. Hold
them in your left hand in the reverse position they would be in
when correctly placed in the pet (positive and negative sides
reversed). Next, take the sharpie and draw the following symbol on
the inside of the open battery hatch, or wherever on the hatch it
may fit.

Holding the batteries tightly, focus on your target and

visualize their demise enjoyment with a smile! And dont forget to
chant the StrexCorp slogan:

Look around you: Strex.

Look inside you: Strex.
Go to sleep: Strex.
Believe in a smiling god.
StrexCorp. It is everything.

When you have sufficiently charged the batteries, place them

correctly inside the pet and gift it to your target with the most
sincere apology/warm wishes/sympathy you can! Kill them with
kindness, I always say!

And remember: Hard work is good work in the eyes of the

Smiling God! Never stop working!




Have you ever had that strong feeling about someone in

general or something they did that just makes you stop and say
Son of a Bitch! Well, if youre Dean Winchester thats a big
fucking yes. I know Ive had some of those days and had many a
person inspire me to say it. So Ive decided to design a curse that
will help deal with those people. With a little help from a certain
hunter. This is also going to be like a drinking game. Im gonna do
a shot every time I add something to the jar. (Before you get
concerned, youre only adding like at most 4-5 items.) This jar is to
silence someone who has pushed one too many buttons, it will
make their own nastiness come back to them. It will make them
unhappy, have bad luck, and loose some sleep. And I wish youd
shut your pie hole.


bottle of whiskey or vodka or scotch or just beer

small amount of motor oil
small jar big enough to hold what youve got to put in it
a few nails

blood (optional for those who are squeamishuse spit instead)

a penny (preferably one of the oldest, nastiest, barely a
penny anymore)
piece of paper
black candle


1. Grab youre materials and find a nice comfy spot. The jar
you picked outits time to make it into an instrument of doom!
Now for this.Im gonna have episodes of Supernatural playing in
the background so I get the right vibes of Dean. When youre about
to start say this: Hey Dean, I found a job. I brought the shots, lets
gank a bitch. Ill be including a few quotes as we add stuff to the
jar. Now picture that person whos been pissing you off. "Dude,
youre fugly."

2. Take a shot of the alcohol and toss it in your jar (and take
a shot to drinkduh). Saying: Heres some shit to cloud your mind.

3. Now the motor oil goes in, saying: Oil, to darken your life
and clog your luck in muck and murk.

4. The nails come next kids. Im gonna use many 3-4 smallish
nails. Saying: The sharpness youve inflicted on others now digs at
you. Feel the pain it causes others, bitch.

5. On the piece of paper, write the intended victims name,

roll that up and toss it in, saying: I know you, my enemy, my
victim. As you suffer, I grow strong. (Hope you arent forgetting
your shots :P)

6. Now that black candle, carve into it the phrase Son of a

Bitch. Then light it. Say this: This flame is my hate, it burns bright
and strong. When it dies, my hate will fade, and youre suffering

7. Lastly, the penny. Put it in with a drop of your blood (or

spit) on it. Say this: Pennies are lucky but this one has no luck. Its
nothing but pain and misery and bad luck. With this, I curse you.
Fucking son of a bitch!

8. Now, when the jar is complete, put the lid or cork on it,
seal it with wax from the candle, leave your candle burning for a
bit. If you want the curse to last forever, bury the jar. If you want
it to be temporary, keep it somewhere safe and when you are done
with the curse, empty the contents out and burn them (safely, mind
you.) "So screw destiny right in the face. I say we take the fight to
them, do it our way."

9. Finish with a shot for yourself and one next to the jar and
candle for Dean, close with this: Shots on me, Dean.





A nightmare jar worthy of the Devil himself.

You will need:

sea or storm water (mix salt with water if all else fails)
flotsam (bits of wood, nails, glass etc)
flames (hot sauce, pepper, etc.)
Something to represent the target
a black or red candle
a jar
The goal here is to drown your target in nightmares. First,
place the object that represents them into the jar. Fill it about
three quarters of the way with your storm water, or until the object
is completely submerged. Add your shipwreck flotsam, mugwort,
and your flames. Melt the wax of the candle over the lid of the jar
to seal it. Imagine the nightmares you wish your target to have,
and shake the jar. Keep it as long as necessary.





A year ago today, I was in a completely different place with

someone who I thought was genuine so in honor of them (Ahaha,
no) Here is this simple curse for all of you who have been wronged
by a friend in the past and want them to feel isolated.


A poppet
Personal items of the victim (hair, blood etc)
A box
Your tears (cried while thinking of them would be best)
Blue thread/string (optional)
1. Either dress or anoint your poppet to represent your victim
with the personal items.

2. (Optional) Bind them with the blue thread to essentially

bind them to the sadness of being alone. You used to have a friend
like me but now, you never will. Not me nor anyone else.


3. Picture a dark blue bubble or shroud encircling the

poppet/victim. Know that they will never be able to break free of
this darkness.

4. Stick some needles to the poppet to represent the pain

theyll feel.

5. Drop some of your tears onto to the poppet and focus on

how you want them to realize that theyve wronged you. Youve
never had a friend like me and you never will again.

6. Place the poppet in the box. Tie some thread around it to

bind them inside if youd like.

7. Bury that box and laugh your ass off. (Im kidding. Unless
you want to, then go for it.)




Background: In the SPN verse, iron deters a witches powers,

as shown in the image above of James Frampton being restrained

by iron chains when the Winchesters suspected him of committing

several murders.

Purpose: To be used on a witch who you feel is abusing their

abilities, used to limit or cut off their powers. It will not hurt them,
but prevent them from using their magical powers for a short
period of time.


small amber stone (protection)

chamomile (stress reduction)
lemon peel shreds (magical purification)
plant roots (stability)
iron chained necklace - 1 or 2
toothpick or needle
*as always, substitute whatever you feel fits better for you.


1. If youre using dry ingredients mix them in a bowl together.

Cut all fresh ingredients (including the roots) into very small pieces
and mix them in.


2. Soften the clay between your hands. When its soft enough,
mix your herbs in with the clay. Work it in until theyre evenly in
the clay.

3. Shape the clay into a poppet of your target. For this curse
youll have to make the whole body.

4. Using your needle or toothpick, carve the targets name

into the forehead of the poppet.

5. Push the amber stone into the heart of the target. This will
ensure that they are not physically harmed by the curse.

6. Take your iron chain and tie it around the feet of the
poppet. Wrap the remainder of the chain slowly around the entire
poppet, reciting the following:

You who misused your powers,

abused carelessly your gifts,
I bind you from your magic

7. if you run out of chain or want to strengthen the bind, start

a new chain and repeat step six (wrap the new chain either where
you left off with the last one or start with the head this time).

8. Keep the poppet somewhere safe when youre done. This

binding curse wont last forever so be prepared to redo it should
you desire for the effects to last longer.





To discipline ones target and make them realize the severity

of their actions.


representation of target
(expendable) headband
moon water; water charged in moonlight, phase at
practitioners discretion
(optional) moonstone

Pre-preparation: Either go outside or do this spell in a space

with no risk of damaging fragile objects nor the like. If timing is
important in your practice, determine which phase of the moon
best fits for you to perform this spell.


1. Set up the representation at a distance relative to your

workspace requirements and ability to launch objects.

2. Take the other items to the opposite side of your

workspace. Soak the headband in the moonwater. If you have
moonstone, either put it in your pocket or in your non-dominant

3. Remove the headband with your dominant hand, and

position yourself as Usagi is at the stopped point of this video. Aim
at the representation of your target, and lob the headband as
appropriate at it, saying:

Moon Tiara Stardust!




To lay down an impossible obstacle for ones target, who has a

knack for getting out of everything.



wood, bark or chips of any kind

maple leaves or seeds, for restraint
representation of target
writing utensil
jar with lid

Pre-preparation: Make sure you wont get splinters from your

wood samples. Also choose a writing utensil you wont miss too

1. Lay the representation on a surface. Designate the writing

utensil as your targets Sonic Screwdriver, which is the key to their
ability to escape the consequences of their wrongdoings, and lay it
next to the representation.

2. Take the samples of maple and wood and press them firmly
against the representation and utensil. If it helps, add in this
variation of a nursery rhyme that appeared in one of Moffats

Tick tock goes the clock

And what now shall we play?
Tick tock goes the clock
Now summers gone away?

Tick tock goes the clock


You thought that you could win?

Tick tock goes the clock
You have done yourself in.

3. Sweep all the materials into the jar and seal it. Whenever
your target manages to evade the impact of their actions, give the
jar a little or vigorous shake.



Intent: To force a liar out of hiding and expose their misdeeds

and trickery.
Galangal Root
Deers Tongue Herb
Copal Resin
Dragons Blood Resin
Black Sugar
Black Salt
Mortar & Pestle
Collection Dish
Mesh Strainer


Grind the Galangal Root and Deers Tongue with mortar &
pestle until a fair amount of powder collects in the bottom. Sieve
the material through a fine mesh strainer into a collection dish;
this removes the larger ungrindable pieces and gives you cleaner
powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the strainer helps
reduce lost material.)
Grind small amounts of the remaining ingredients and add
them to the dish. Mix everything well and bottle immediately.
Sprinkle where you know your target will walk, or across the
entrance to a room or dwelling, or in the corners of a room. (The
powder is most effective when trodden upon by the target.) As you
do so, visualize a flaming eye stripping away their lies and
dishonesty. If you wish, you can recite the now-famous line:
"You cannot hide. I seeee you."

Curse Candle
An unpleasant mix for unpleasant people.
A candle (a tealight is fine)
Peppermint oil (be very careful with how much you use)
Ground sage
Ground rosemary
Black ink (just a drop or two)
Anything else you find unpleasant
Air freshener of your preference
A lighter

Gather the list of ingredients. On the candle, carve
STRNGHCLQFDW onto it with something small and sharp.
Charge the candle and push your energy into the letters you
carved into it (these will work to focus the curse and make it more
Add the ingredients in the order listed (again, be careful with
the peppermint).
Light the candle.
Optional: Say Stirighcliquifiwi for an extra kick.
Tell the curse its target and let it burn down (if you have any
specific instructions for it, tell them to the candle before the flame
Spray some air freshener and get rid of the terrible smell from
the peppermint.
Dispose of the remains.
This curse has been tested and it works.

Forget Me Not
A curse full of regrets made with no regrets
A poppet or representation of target
A jar or container big enough to contain the poppet

Rose petals
Strips of paper
A pen
Pre-make poppet (this is a curse poppet so please make
accordingly). On each strip of paper (and there should be a large
amount) write Forget me not.
Have all of your supplies on your workspace.
If you usually cast a circle, do so now.
Light however many candles you want to. Theyre mainly for
dramatic effect.
Kiss the poppet (sweetly, if you can manage).
Now place it into the container. With each line you say, place
a strip of the paper you wrote on into the container with it.
Forget me not
Forget me never.
You will regret this mistake
Now and forever.
Cross me once.
Cross me twice.
Now that you have,
Youll see Im not so nice.
I whisper to you nothing sweet.
I whisper to you nothing kind.

But youll always remember me.

I shant fade with time.
You had me once.
You had my favor.
You threw me away.
Now not even the gods can help this be over.
Forget me not.
Forget me never.
Youll remember me
And regret forever.
Once this is done, close and seal the container. I recommend
doing something like blowing the buried poppet one last kiss before
doing so. It will never be opened again unless you want to break
the curse.
If you cast a circle, close it now.
Put the container somewhere hidden or throw it away. I do not
recommend breaking this curse.
This curse has been performed and has worked.

About Curses: How to Not Be a Sloppy Little Witch Bitch

craftingmagick :
Curses are freaking awesome. Fear a witch with a curse in
their back pocket.


Curses are a form of baneful magick aimed at a specific

person(s), or an obeject. When done well, they can be extremely
powerful and potent forms of magick. The effects of a curse are
long lasting, and can potentially change someones life drastically
for the worse.

Curses are some real shit.

Most people just lump any baneful magick into a single group
calling it a curse, when actually there are many different kinds of
spells that can harm people (eg. hexes, blastings, crossings, etc..)
The way I see it, magick knows no distance. Wether you live
right next to me, on the other side of the world, you can cast
magick on/for them.
As far as using/getting taglocks to connect the spell, thats a
different story.
A taglock is something you use to focus the spell on a specific
person. Common taglocks are something with DNA, so blood, hair,
fingernail clippings, menstrual blood, and the like. In a situation
where I couldnt get anything physical of theirs (hair, handwriting,
etc), I would just use a photo. A photo of the person is great, and
there are so many things you can do with it. You can put the photo
in a poppet, burn the photo, put it in a jar with all kinds of nasties,
line a box with mirrors so their negativity reflects back onto them.
Be creative! Put your creativity to work. And let your
emotions add to the fire. Be passionate about what youre doing. It
helps a BUNCH.
And when youre done, be sure to specify in the spell that it
isnt to affect you. Try your best not to get yourself wrapped into
your working. In my personal belief, I think thats how people think
cursing negatively affects them. Its not because they are cursing
that they are being punished, but rather they just got themselves
mixed up in the process, causing some splashback onto them.
And when youre done, cleansing yourself is always a must! It
doesnt do you any good to walk around with that negativity on
you, or to let it lurk in the area you cast it.


And when youre done with everything, try to not think about
what youve done. Do something mundane. Let the curse do what it
needs to do.
(sources: http://runewynd.tumblr.com/post/98295272926/seri

Financially Harm Curse

thistletongue :
To harm someone financially you will only need a few things
for a powerful curse.
String and Thread
(Or just purchase a small bag)
Something you associate with fire (pepper, red stones, etc.)
Something to cut with
Actual fire (matches, lighter)
(Optional offering)
First sew a cloth bag or buy one (Id recommend making your
own, its easy and your energy will be in each stitch.
Next fill the bag with something you associate fire with.
Pepper, red petals and thorns, stones anything. Imagine his wealth
bursting into flames before him, how he will crumble to ruin as he
is financially destroyed. Cut a hole into the bag and pour out some
of the fire.
Third chant something along the lines of:
"I am the hole in your pocket,
Born of the fire of your misdeed.
I am the hole in your pocket,
And I will devour your greed.


After this I would burn the bag entirely to dispose of it.

I would also make sure to ward yourself and to do this in a place
you wouldnt mind a little chaotic energy.
Lastly, it may suit you to leave an offering for some pesky
spirits that may be inclined to help you.
*(This can be modified to be a hex simply by altering the chant
to something like :
"With each poor deed
I steal your greed.
With ill wishes and poor health
I sabotage your wealth.
Your actions hold weight
And you will suffer for your hate.
You shall not be free,
Until you apologize to me.)

Mind Flay Curse - World Of Warcraft Pop-Culture


Im a little vindictive tonight about someone tell me how

cursing is T3H 3VUHLS and yelling at me about the three-fold law
and how pop culture pagans should be ashamed of ourselves, so
lets do some real black magic shall we?

A spell to bring misfortune upon your target by blinding their mind Inflict debilitating confusion and lethargy upon them.
What youll need:
Two candles, black and purple. A white candle painted black or
purple is fine too. If you have neither, just use a pair of white
candles and charge them with your intent over a meditation
session, or how you normally charge objects.
An effigy of your target - This can be a picture, poppet, or
just their name written on a piece of paper, as long as it represents
your target.
An amethyst.
Step 1: Respect. Tenacity. Power.
Meditate with the Amethyst crystal. Do whatever you normally
do to get into your mind-state. Focus on your personal power your strength, your ambition, your greatness, your cunning, and
the anger or malevolence you feel. Get into a state where you
feel powerful. This may be a feeling that your target has robbed
from you - take it back.
The cult of the forgotten shadow values respect - respect for
your betters, respect for yourself.
The cult of the forgotten shadow values tenacity. Through
unwavering perseverance, you can do anything you desire.
The cult of the forgotten shadow values power. Those who
grasp for too much power may find themselves overwhelmed those who seek none, who crave nothing, desire nothing, and cling
to the past need not exist.Power is bettering yourself within the greatest
of your own abilities.

Step 2 - Psychic warfare:

Once you feel charged with your own personal power, it is
ready to begin your ritual. Light the black candle first.
Concentrate until you feel empowered further - this is your
offensive Shadow form.
Light the purple candle, then speak:
"I call upon the Forgotten Shadow, Antethesis of the Holy
Light - embrace me in a divine shroud."
This is the defensive side of your Shadow Form.
Holding your amethyst, pick up your effigy. Hold the amethyst
above the purple candle, and the effigy above the black candle. Be
careful not to burn yourself.
Visualize your mind manifesting as a purple and black beam
into the amethyst, then amplifying and being redirected into the
Concentrate on the effects you wish to inflict upon your target
- Headaches, migraines, insomnia, confusion, emotional conflict,
despair, any that strike your fancy. This is YOUR power, influencing
your target. This is YOUR strength. This person disrespected you,
did not give you your dues. SMITE THEM.
You may speak aloud what you feel as well, for example,
Your mind is my plaything, <name>. You have <transgression>
and as such you will suffer. The more you concentrate on
weaponizing your anger, your hatred, and your personal strength,
the stronger this spell will be.
Step 3 - Winding Down:
When you feel that you have sufficiently caused suffering to
your target, remove them from above the candles, and use the
string to tie the amethyst to the effigy.
Douse the candles.
Cleanse yourself - this will remove negativity from yourself.
You may take an herbal bath with rosemary or salt, or take a
shower. You may meditate on purity of your mind, on harmony

within yourself, or use a clear quartz necklace. Whatever you

normally do to cleanse yourself.
Ground yourself and eat something.
Place the effigy somewhere it will be safe. Every so often,
concentrate on it to refresh the strength of the spell.
When you want to end the curse, burn the effigy and say:
"Retribution has been served."

The Words I Saved Curse (The Last Word Curse)

What youll need:
Semi-Rotten or bruised fruit (Im using apples for personal
A jar
Alright youve got your fruit, pick up the pointy bits and jam
them (carefully) into it. As you do this say everything you wanted
to say but didnt. Curse them out loud, use any words that seem to
hold power. Youre just saying everything you held back as you
prick every part of the fruit.
Toss the remainder into the jar with the fruit.
Now pour in some salt to shake into the wounds.
As you do this curse them with some intent. What do you want the

end result to be? Why are you cursing them in the first place? What
do you hope to accomplish?
Seal the jar however you wish and shake it. Shake it as you
reflect on who the person is and how much you know about them.
Make sure you do this good and hard. If you think physically
marking the curse with their name or features will help do that as
Once youve finished take this jar and dispose of it. Throw it in the
trash. Your work is done. Youve created the festering wounded
curse that will latch on to the intended. You set the wheels in

Flinging Insults Curse

A curse for when someone calls you a stream of bitter (and
oftentimes unoriginal and lackluster) insults.
What youll need:
About 5 - 8 sharp jagged stones of any type
A wide open space
Take one stone at a time. Think of the insult you were called,
if you cant remember it exactly thats alright. Focus on the person
that called you it. Pick up the stone and call them something back,
something spectacularly witty and wicked. Call them anything
under the sun, yell it or hiss it but mean every syllable. Curl your
fingers into a tight fist and hurl the rock as far as you possibly can.
As you do this feel free to continue screaming a slew of insults.
Continue until youre exhausted or out of rocks. One of them is
bound to hit their mark.
When youre done try to ground yourself and clear your mind.
Leave the bitter feelings in that spot. Leave the curse behind, so it


is free to seek out the target. Once youre sure youve separated
yourself from the curse leave the area and do not look back.

Elsas Let It Snow Curse

witchyelsa :

To make others give ones target the cold shoulder, expose all deeds and
misdeeds of ones target, and bring general misfortune to ones target.
clean glass jar with screw-on lid
figurine representing target
hot glue gun or other waterproof sealant
glycerin or baby oil
tiny white or silver-colored beads
stirring utensil

black salt
1. For the figurine, you can use a fast food kids meal toy, a
figurine made of clay or glass or ceramic, or even Play-Doh sculptures
that you can oven-dry and seal . Do whatever you want to designate it as
your target, be it by writing their name on it, making a sigil in
Sharpie, or having the figurine resemble them.
2. Whatever figurine you use, you will have to adhere it to the
lid of the jar. If you do use hot glue, be careful as it goes without
saying that it is hot. Let the glue or sealant dry thoroughly, and/or
as instructed on the products packaging. When its dry, carefully
wiggle the figurine around to make sure its secure. If it isnt,
apply more glue or sealant, or try a different product.
3. Take your materials to a large kitchen sink, since things
may get messy. Fill the jar with water right before the screw
threads. Add a splash of glycerin or baby oil, which will make the
snow fall slower. Add in the glitter and/or beads and salt, and stir
everything up. Now fill the jar to its brim, to prevent air bubbles.
4. Put the jar in the sink basin. Apply glue or sealant to the
threads of the lid. Carefully settle the figurine into the jar, allowing
excess water to pour out due to displacement. When the lid is
completely on the brim, screw it closed tight and let the glue or
sealant solidify.
5. Once the snow globe is done, hold it however you can and
recite this variation of Let It Snow.
Oh, the weather inside is frightful,
But the facts are so delightful.
And since youve no place to go,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
It doesnt show signs of stopping,
So your social life is flopping.
Your spirits start to sink low.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
When you finally meet a blight,
How Ill love that youre out in a storm!


May no one hold you really tight,

And may you not ever be warm.
The facts arent worth denying,
And, you jerk, dont you go dying,
For as long as I hate you so,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
6. Shake the snow globe to enforce the curse. You could also
gift it to your target and let them do all the work.

Sealed with a C(urse)

A Welcome to night vale inspired spell.
So this one is based upon the bonus episode 2, what of the
sea. This is a spell for when you have been cursed and wish to
send it back.
What youll need:
How to do it :)
first write your name on the envelope in block letters.
on the paper write what you believe you have been cursed
with, add other things you see fit: sigls, runes whatever.
put in the envelope, seal it and write S.W.A.C on the flap,
also in block letters.
now write over your name and change it to the name of the
one who cursed you
leave the envelope outside by a door.

Hope this helps!


Do you have any recommendations for a

curse/spell for a person who regularly
encourages/gives advice to others to self harm in
various ways (cutting, ED advice, etc). They're very
good at making themselves look like a friend to those who are
vulnerable. Anything to stop them (permanently) from doing any
more harm and expose them to those they've been hurting.
cursebook said:
Stopping permenantly generally involves a binding spell. My
personal favourite method of binding is powerful and works, but
requires not being disturbed. Basically, you write the persons
name on a piece of paper and stuff it in the freezer and say
Freeze, freeze, for as long as I please.
You could also print out a picture of the person (or make a
cloth or clay poppet) and tie the representation of the person with
string (personally, Id use black for the thread colour, if colour
means anything to you) while telling the representation that you
bind this person against causing harm to others. (Im also a fan of
stitching the mouth of the representation shut - I use a black pen
and draw stitches on the mouth.)
Mirror Box Binding - to learn a lesson
Eat Your Words

Making Curse Stones

He Had It Coming
Psychic Parasite

a simple method Ive found for making ones

life miserable enough that they might as well wish
they were dead is actually quite simple.
One is to make a dough image of the person (it can be done in wax
or putty if need be) with either a piece of a personal object of
theirs embedded or a picture put inside.
As you knead the dough, put in a pinch of pepper, sulfur and dirt
froma grave.
Once the figure is fully formed you write their name on it and
baptise it in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Afterwards, you nail it to a hawthorn or alder tree, with
three coffin nails: one through the chest, then the head and then
the genitals saying: It is not my hand that torments you, but the
hand of Sathan (chest)/Lucifer (head)/Asmoday(genitals) that
torments you. Each nail should be hit three times with the
appropriate name being spoken.
Leave without looking back.

A few ways to protect yourself when casting curses,

hexes and bindings.
A few people have told me that they are afraid of a curse, hex
or binding coming back on them. So, here are a few ways that I
protect myself from this happening and a few herbs that will help
with this as well.


First, my process for deciding that a curse, hex or binding is

necessary is as follows:
I consider what the intended cursee has done. Do their
actions warrant a curse, hex or binding? What would the
appropriate curse, hex or binding be? What would be going above
and beyond that appropriate level?
It is important that the curse, hex or binding be absolutely
deserved. If there is any doubt in your mind as to whether the
person deserves the curse, hex or binding, do not do it. Be
absolutely sure.
Thoroughly consider the appropriate level of curse, hex or
binding. I know several death curses, but I have yet to use one of
them. Very few actions warrant a death curse. Generally, a
binding is sufficient. But, if the actions of the cursee have caused
a tremendous amount of trouble, then a hex or curse is probably
deserved. I find that remembering Hammurabis Code is invaluable
in this process; An eye for an eye
So, it is my opinion that if you can without a doubt say that
someone deserves a curse, hex or binding and that curse, hex or
binding does not go above and beyond the scope of what the
intended cursee has done to deserve it, then all should be well.
That has been my experience. However, if you feel that you need
that little extra protectionhere you go.
Pray to your patron deity. Tell them what has been done to
you and that you wholeheartedly feel that this curse, hex or
binding is deserved and appropriate. Ask them for their help in the
curse, hex or binding and for their protection afterwords. Wait at
least 24 hours before you perform the curse, hex or binding to
make sure it is absolutely needed.
If you have the means, you should cleanse your space with
Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedar, and Sage. You can just use one,
except for the Myrrh, or mix them all together. Do this daily, until
you feel that it is safe to stop.
Take a Holy Herbs Bath. This is a sachet of Holy Basil,
Lavender, Rosemary, Verbena, Thyme, Rosebuds and another herb
of your choice that is related to protection that is placed in a


steaming bath. It will cleanse you of negativity better than any

besom can!
Make a Mojo Bag containing the previously mentioned herbs,
and include Red Sanders (Red Sandalwood). Hang it atop your
front door or the door to your bedroom.
Tie Devils Shoestring to your headboard to drive away evil.
(From Anna Rivas Modern Herbal Spellbook.)
The herb Rue is said to protect whomever possesses it, but
when given to or placed near someone else, it hexes them. This
would be a good herb to add to any protection herb mix.
Holy Basil is considered an omnipotent herb, and a very
strong herb for protection. Consider carrying this around at all
times, or keeping some on your altar or above your doorway.
Add a protection clause into your incantation when you speak
the curse. Usually, it will go something like this: This curse is
deserved, no harm shall come to me or the ones I love Of
course, you can word it however you want.
A trick I learned early on for protection is to simply tie a
white ribbon around your wrist while you perform the curse. To
further that, you can tie a white ribbon to your door knob for a
similar effect.
If you are still uncomfortable with doing a black magick curse,
hex or binding, try a white magick binding. I find them to be less
effective, but it is really up to the magician. I wont say there is
no chance of anything coming back from that or that there is even
less of a chance, but it is all about the psychological difference
between white and black magick.
One of the great things about any kind of magick is that a lot
of it is psychological. If you tell someone that you put a curse on
them, they start behaving as if they are cursed, even though you
know that you DIDNT really curse them! So, maybe just make a
witchs ball/jar with a few sharp objects and lemon juice, then
place it on their property where they will find it. No incantation,
no writing, just something to mess with their head. That will have
no consequences as far as magick goes. Make sure to wipe away
any fingerprints so there are no legal consequences as well!

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the ways to protect

oneself from the magicks that you inflict upon others. There are
many more spells, herbs, sigils, symbols, rituals, oils, incenses,
baths and teas out there that can help to protect a magician from
magicks cast by other magicians and by themselves. If you have
any specific questions, send me an ask, and I will do my best to
answer them!


I was wondering, can you curse someone with a sigil? If

so, how do you do it?
cursebook said:
This is what 90% of my curses are.
What I do is I write out the intent of the curse and the victims
name in a complete sentence.
Example: May Charles Manson and his supporters forever have
Then I create the sigil by taking out all vowels, spaces, and
repeating letters and organising the remaining letters into a format
that I like.
Then I charge the sigil.
Sometimes I put them on the internet to have other people charge
them. Sometimes I charge them myself and put them in curse jars.
Sometimes I write them on post-it notes and hide them around the
area I want affected (I did this at my old job at Wal-Mart).
And then I just sit back and let the curse take effect.
~ Mod Nova


Curse for an Identity Thief

breelandwalker :

Intent: To bring hardship into the life of an impersonator by

sharing your own pains and troubles.
Jar with tight-fitting lid
Black candle stub
Vinegar (or urine)
Pins & nails
Twine or yarn
Duct tape
Blueberry Leaf - for ill luck and hardship
Thorns - for suffering and loss
Cayenne - for pain
Wormwood - for bitterness and confusion
Mistletoe - for illness
Since its unlikely that you would know the actual name of the
person who stole your identity, name the poppet Thief. Bind the
limbs, particularly the thieving hands, and the mouth. Push thorns
into the eyes. If desired, carved the letter Straif into the chest (see


Place the poppet into the jar and add the egg, vinegar, pins,
nails, and herbs. Light the black candle stub and drip wax into the
jar while reciting:
Your hands I bind, your voice I take
No peace or rest, asleep or awake
Your eyes I pierce with sharpest thorn
No peace or rest, by night or morn
Your heart I bind with bitter gall
No peace or rest, no none at all!
My wrath I send, and spirits vile
To walk behind you all the while
Youve stolen what belongs to me
So may your bones accursed be
You sought to take and so I give
For one years time, this curse shall live
And after, if you choose to steal
It wakes again with eager zeal
Dont try to run, youll flee in vain
I name you Thief! I bring you pain!
Blow out the candle (or spit on the wick) and drop it into the
jar. Seal the jar and wrap it well with the duct tape to prevent
Afterwards, you can bury it in a planter pot or at a crossroads
(or in a cemetery, if youre feeling particularly viciousleave a little
bread and some coins if you do this). Wherever you bury it, be sure
to walk away without looking back and cleanse yourself and your
tools thoroughly when you get home.
Herb Substitutions:
Blueberry Leaf - Blueberry Fruit (rotting fruit works just as

Thorns - Thumbtacks (or just sharp twigs)

Cayenne - Any Pepper (cayenne usually available in the spice
Wormwood - Mugwort or Lemon Juice
Mistletoe - Cinnamon or Coconut (the husk is preferable)


Purpose: To make/help someone realize how badly theyve hurt

You Will Need: A black bag. A broken mirror. A hair from your target.
Step One - Put the hair and the pieces of mirror in the bag
and seal it.
Step Two - Squeeze it gently in your left hand and say:
Mirror mine. Mirror mine.
Reflect _____s actions, words malign.
Make them see what they have sewn.
Open their eyes, and make it known.
Looking glass, looking glass.
Break us out from this impasse.
Make them sit. Make them pause.
Make them understand the pain theyve caused.
This is my spell. Direct it well.
Let them understand my hell.
Through this bag, I lay a charm,
to make them see theyve done me harm.
Store the bag in a place facing your targets home, or tuck it
into their home somewhere.


Rons Yellow Spell

shelby-villagewildswitch :
On page 105, Ron attempts to turn Scabbers yellow.
"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."
Turn it into a curse to make them scared and fearful of
Turn it into a spell to bring someone happiness.
Curse jar with- yellow coloring, top with yellow wax, put in
something to connect to the individual (like a picture of a rat with
their name on it!), and put in things that scare them!
Daisies, a sun, yellow coloring, something to connect to the
individual (again, like a picture of a rat with the individuals name
on it), and other things that make them happy or are associated
with happiness.
Let me know if you have any other ideas!

Hello girls. I'm gonna tell you a sad story. In one of my jobs,
they never paid me (actually, they never paid anyone of their
employees), I'm in a legal struggle with these fucktards, and they
ain't paying all the money they owe me. I already cursed my
fucking former boss (thief knife curse you kindly posted here), but

I want to cause the institution ruin and make all

the shit they did reversed to them (make'em go to

jail, poverty and disease would be good)

What do you

recommend me? Thank you.

cursebook said:
Rora here.
Friend I want to say a thing you might and probably dont
want to hear.
Cursing a institution, or large chain of stores, or a board of
directors ( for future asks) is extremely hard to pull off. There are
a bunch of reasons from You dont know who they work with on
this or any other plane to Some of the people might be innocent
and I believe that cursing innocents will get shit thrown at you
from the universe
I dont know exactly what to do for these fucknannas.
But I HIGHLY suggest researching legal and monetary type
entities/gods/spirits and evoking those whom you can connect to to
plead your case and get them on your side.
If you have enough evidence ( This goes to physical evidence
and memories as well) they might just be compelled to take action
for you ( and hey remember to offer them some food and drink and
maybe even shiny things or favors in the future as payment)
I hope this helped and FOLLOWERS FEEL FREE TO REBLOG




Old Mother Redcaps Black As Night Curse Removal

Body Scrub
oldmotherredcap :
This is my own recipe for a curse removal scrub.
I will be selling my own hand blended magical scrubs, including this one, in my
shop very soon.
- 2 cups sea salt
- 1 cup jojoba oil
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons activated charcoal
- 1 tablespoon zeolite clay
- 1 tablespoon ground rosemary
- 1 tablespoon crushed juniper berries
- 2 drops lavender essential oil
Because this scrub contains oil, be careful when in the shower. The tiles may
become slippery.
Focus on using this scrub on the chest and hands. Take deep
breaths when scrubbing your body and visualising yourself free
from any negative energies as you scrub away the curse. Rinse
your body well. (Can also be used lightly on the face).

Pt1. Could you possibly help me with a curse

for a rapist. Me and my friend were at a party and a mutual
friend of ours took advantage of her while she was under the
influence. This was someone we both trusted and he was
completely sober.
cursebook said:
Pt2. She wouldnt take action or tell anyone and when I tried
to she wouldnt admit to anything or get help. She said I dont
want to ruin someones life.. But I believe someone like that
deserves way more than a ruining please help darling ty<3
PS. (You dont need to post this) but we are all above the age
of 18 Ive tried to get her help but she says its whatever and she
doesnt care. I feel like this needs to be done. Both of our trusts
were broken and this is just.. Wrong.
Personally, Im having conflicted feelings over this. While I do
understand your feelings and your anger towards the rapist. Rape
is a serious crime and if someone is willing to rape, then that
person is willing to have their life destroyed.
But, your friend, as the victim, is expressing an interest to
not take action. Since your friend is the victim, I would be more
inclined to put her feelings before yours. I know that sounds
horrible, butdoing magic on behalf of someone who doesnt want
it done normally leads to REALLY bad results. Officially, thats my
Unofficially, as Nova of House Firespiral, where we are All War,
All The Time, cursebook has some wonderful curses in the Revenge
Curses tag. The first curse currently on the tag is a Phallus Breaker
curse, specifically designed for rapists of the male persuasion.

Spell from PSALM 55:15

seraphickalmagick :

"O God, break the teeth in their mouths."

A curse against ones enemies. Especially relevant to those
who would gossip behind your back or slander your name.
Suggested accompaniments:
Black candle, for banishing negativity
Bloodstone, for protection against enemies and grounding
A jagged rock, to charge with your intention (this can be
stored in a dark place after use and used for other curses, too.)

Spell from PSALM 27

seraphickalmagick :
When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies
and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart
will not fear, though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
A spell for protection and maintaining strength in the face of
adversity. Can double as a curse if you have specific enemies and
foes in mind.
Suggested accompaniments:
Black candle, to ward off negativity
Red candle, for strength
Wisteria incense, for protection
Dear OP. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. - Instant and forever follower


Old Mother Redcaps A Terror In The Shadows

Nightmare Curse
oldmotherredcap :
This curse is designed to cause restless sleep, night terrors and insomnia.
Items needed:
- Chalkboard. If you dont have a chalkboard, you can spray paint
an old mirror with chalkboard spray paint, which you can buy from
most craft stores.
- Different Coloured Chalk
- Photo of the target (optional)
You will also have a relativity good idea of their fears.
Sit down somewhere quiet with your chalkboard. If you are using a
photo of the target, place it in the middle of the board with a bit of
tac. If not, draw your target with your chalk in the centre.
From one corner of the board, create one big spiral around the
board turning clockwise, finishing at the targets forehead.
On the lines of the spirals, draw whatever fears your target has.
For instance, if they have an instance fear of sharks, draw one focusing on the
intensity and powerfulness of their jaws. If they have a fear of fire, draw the fire
feeling the intensity of the flames through your fingers. etc.
Whilst drawing their fears throughout the lines of the spiral,
visualise the target getting tormented in their sleep, waking up in
cold sweats, not being able to get a good nights rest etc. Have this
image clear in your mind, and concentrate on it.
Keep it somewhere safe. You can erase the previous nights work
and create new terrors by simply wiping it away and starting

The Loaf of Bread Curse

oldmotherredcap :

The witch will gather the ingredients needed.

- black pepper
- black mustard seeds
- vinegar
- Dirt, the nearer to the victim/enemies property the better.
- personal item/s of enemy/victim (hair, jewellery, fingernails etc)
or something to represent them.
All of these ingredients shall be mixed together in a simple
recipe for a loaf of bread. As the dough is kneaded and worked, the
witch will focus her attention on the intended harm of the curse.
The witch will enforce the curse through spoken words, the
suffering that shall be endured.
Once the bread is ready for baking, the victim/enemys initials will
be carved in the loaf.
Once the bread has baked and is still warm, the witch will stick 9
needles or pins or nails into the top of the loaf.
The loaf will then be placed somewhere private. It can either be
buried or hung from a tree. As the bread rots and decays, the curse
will take affect and the victim will suffer.


Old Mother Redcaps Phallus Breaker Curse

Content Warning: rape
Trigger Warning: rape
oldmotherredcap :
This curse is designed for rapists and molesters.
Items needed:
- Ingredients for basic bread recipe (flour, yeast, salt, water etc)
- 2 tablespoons charcoal
- 5 extra tablespoons salt
- Good splash vinegar
- 1 egg
- Brush

- Knife
- String
- Bird seeds
Combine all of your ingredients into a basic recipe for bread. The
bread is going to be formed into a phallus shape, so you may want
to cut a basic recipe for a loaf of bread by half.
Whilst your kneading your dough, add in the extra salt, charcoal
and vinegar. Now is the time to get angry. You will work out all of
your anger and frustrations toward to the rapist/molester into the
dough. Mutter your curses.
When the dough is ready, form it into a phallic shape. Use your
knife to carve in the targets name down the length of the bread.
Bake it.
When the bread is ready and cooled, brush all over with an egg
wash and dump the bird seeds on it, making sure they are nice and
stuck. You might want to leave it to dry for a little while.
When ready, tie a string around the base of the phallus, and hang
it up in a tree, spitting on it as you do so - you want to hang it up
somewhere where you can see it getting pecked at by wild birds.
When the phallus has been nice and demolished, break up any
remaining pieces, and bury them far away from your property.


Old Mother Redcaps Thrown Out of the Nest Curse

oldmotherredcap :


This curse is designed to isolate someone from their family or a group of

friends for their harming behaviour. For those who are constantly being verbally
or physically abusive toward others, and when mundane options have not worked.
Items needed:
- Nest (you can either make one from fallen twigs and twine, or see
if you can find an abandoned one in the wild. You can also create a
nest in a box, full of soft twigs and cotton)
- Eggs
- Texter
- Paints or food dyes
- Mortar and Pestle
Create your nest out of the materials you have. The number of
eggs will depend on the people in the group/family, plus the target
in the group who is to be isolated and outcasted.
Paint or dye your eggs. You will dye the targets a completely
different colour from the rest of the group. For instance, you can
dye the eggs red and the targets black or blue. When they are dry,
write each persons name on their corresponding egg. For the
target, write their name on the egg three time backwards.
Once you have a nest formed and your eggs have been painted or
dyed. Put them all in the nest - this includes the targets egg.
Leave the nest for one night.
The next day, place the targets egg somewhere outside the nest.
Leave again over one night.
The next day, take the targets egg outside. Visualise them being
isolated and pushed out of the group. Smash the egg onto the
concrete. Pick up all the little bits of shell you can and grind it up
to a fine powder in your mortar and pestle.
Take the powder and dump it all in a river or place of running
water. You may say a chant or a simple be gone! at this point.
Walk away without looking back. Keep your nest with the remaining
eggs safe until the course has run its course.


Old Mother Redcaps Box of Terror Curse

oldmotherredcap :
This curse is inspired by the old folk tradition of cursing and reversing
spells with a mirrored box. However, instead of mirrors and glass, we are going to
use aluminium foil. This curse is designed to rebound the negativity back to its
source, causing torment, pain and further anguish.
Items needed:
- Box (a shoebox, wooden box or a traditional coffin shaped box
can be used)
- Aluminium foil
- A human wax figure
- String
- Pins
- Sharp rocks or broken glass
- Images and items to cause torment
With your chosen box, line the inside with aluminium foil. Make
sure no spots are missed - you may want to use a little glue or tac
to help it stick. Line the bottom of the box with your sharp rocks or
broken glass.
You will need to obtain or create a wax human figure. These can
often be purchased from occult shops. However, if you do not wish
to buy one, you can get a coloured candle of your choice and melt
it and form it into a shape of a human/your target.
You will birth and name you figure once ready. Simply breathe life
into it and impose full control over the target.
When ready, place the figure inside the box, laying it directly onto
the rocks or glass. Push pins all the way through the hand and feet
into the bottom of the box so the figure is unable to move. You
may wish to say something at this point expressing no more harm
may come from the targets behaviour and all actions and negativity
will be directed back at them.
If applicable, place images and objects inside the box that will

further cause torment. This can be as simple as writing their own

words they have used to cause harm on pieces of paper and
throwing them into the box.
Leave the box undisturbed, and do not open it again until you wish
to relinquish the curse and destroy the figure.

Alternatives to cursing someone who means harm

darthbuttercup :
This post is not intended as curse/ill-intended spell shaming . This is for
anyone who is uncomfortable using a curse for any reason. In my
case, I dont like to curse people I live with, and the deities I
worship are very specific about when curses are appropriate, so I
have to have alternatives on hand.
All associations are based on my personal practice and
I do not write my spells down when I create them (I am a
fountain of bad witchy habits), so most spell links are from naturalmagics lovely collection .
1. Cast a protection spell
The first step to handling someone you cannot curse should
always be to increase your personal protections. If you cant
interrupt the flow of harm, you can build up your protections to at
least make it less painful.
Runes: Elhaz (to protect and maintain dignity without a fight),
Thurisaz (to resist/fight passively), Dagaz (to hold back darkness)
Protection Charm
Elemental Protection Spell
Golden Mist Shield Spell

Knitting Spell for Protection

2. Cast a ward
Protect your living space from them as well, particularly if
they are likely to attempt to approach your home/room.
Runes: Inguz (the protection of the hearth), Dagaz
Ward of Protection
Earth Protection Ward
Threshold Protection Spell
Hell Hath No Fury Protection Powder (A personal favorite)
Four Gates Ward
FOR THE NEXT THREE SECTIONS: I tend to work by feel on
the fly, so I had a hard time finding written spells to accomplish
these tasks. I encourage writing your own , but linked spells to give
you an idea of what youre working toward.
3. Cast a spell of understanding/teaching
If you dont feel right cursing them, making them understand
what their actions have caused might be more your speed. Its
important to the healing process or creation of remorse.
Runes: Sowulo (stark illumination in the dark), Kenaz (the light
shed upon new knowledge), Ansuz (the truth)
See the Light Spell
Spell for Mental Clarity
Knowledge and Wisdom Spell
Study Star Spell
4. Cast a spell of remembering

I especially like to have people whove harmed me consider

their past, how much kinder they once were, and all of the good
people they have left in the dust. I know such instances of
rememberance make me more compassionate, and hope it has the
same effect on them.
Runes: Gebo (gratitude/love for those that have helped you
become who you are), Eihwaz (endings and beginnings, the doors
of choice)
Spell to Make a Relationship Stronger
Introspective Knot Spell
5. Cast a spell to call their better traits forward
This is what I go for when nothing gentler works, and there is
no way I can remove them from my life.
Runes: Mannaz (support from shared experiences), Berkana
(rebirth/revitalization). If they come from a tradition of service or
goodwill, Othala (inherited cultural wealth) could also work.
Sweetening Spell
Charm to Draw Out a Latent Talent

Protection Charm

This charm can be used for personal protection, or it can be

given to someone else to protect them. Supplies:

a white or black candle


any of the following stones: hematite, amethyst, black

tourmaline, obsidian, black onyx, tigers eye, clear quartz, agate,
citrine, or any other protective stone
any of the following herbs: lavender, marjoram, rosemary,
yarrow, dragons blood, angelica root, frankincense, sandalwood,
mint (click here for a list of more herbs associated with protection)
something clear and smooth, such as a marble or tumbled
clear quartz (to deflect negative energy)
a lock of hair from yourself or the person youre giving the
charm to
a black or white pouch - or cloth, needle and thread for
making a sachet with
Light the candle to help you focus and for its protective
energy. Pick up and hold each of the objects in your hands. Focus
on the candles flame while imagining each item being charged with
protective light and energy. Place each item in the pouch after you
feel its been charged. When everything has been added to the
pouch, tie it securely shut and say,

May whoever holds this charm,

be protected from all harm.
Surrounded by protective energy,
I (or loved ones name) will walk in safety.
Repeat the chant as many times as you like. As you do,
visualize a protective shield emanating from the pouch as you hold
it, and think about how this shield will protect you or the person
you decide to give the charm to. Place the charm near the candle
(but not too close) and imagine the flames energy burning away all
negativity and darkness. Leave the pouch there for as long as you
wish, then carry it with you or give it to your loved one to carry
with them.



Elemental Protection Spell

1 crystal
1 bowl of salt
1 bowl of water
incense of your choice
1 red, white or black candle
Pass the crystal through the flame of the candle and say

By fire be cleansed.

Pass the crystal through the smoke from the incense and say

"By air be cleansed."

Sprinkle the crystal with the water and say

By water be cleansed.

Sprinkle the crystal with some of the salt and say


"By earth be cleansed."

Visualize the energies of those four elements, and surround

yourself with them, using them as a protective barrier. Now, take
those energies and envision them being absorbed into the object.
Now, that crystal holds those protective energies. Carry the crystal
with you in whatever manner you choose.

Golden Mist Shield Spell

This protection spell is very easy to master. It creates an aura

around you similar to a golden orb of mist filled with positive
energy, which blocks other peoples negative thoughts and
emotions. If you find yourself among negative people, this is a
useful spell to use. Breathe deeply, then say the chant as you
visualize a shield around you.

The breath of life

and the light of my mind
create an enchantment
of protection and comfort.
As the air I breathe is purified,
I surround myself with an orb of gold.
This golden haze
is constantly purified
and separated from any negativity.
May my space be protected.

Knitting Spell (for protection)

This poem/spell came to me earlier while I was cooking, and I
hurried to write it down. I knit, but I think anyone who knits,
crochets, embroiders or does some other kind of fibercraft can use
this. I tried not to use language specific to knitting. I would
envision the person the handmade item is intended for, wearing the
thing, its protection forming a web around them, as you chant:
May this garment be as armor
a shield against the woes of life.
Bring peace and steadiness of mind,
snatch good fortune into your loops
even as I weave you.
Give him/her/them shelter from the winds
the biting rain and cold,
and bring him/her/them back, as day ends
to the warmth of home.
You could add a line or two, invoking a protective deity or
spirit (especially one associated with crafts). I feel that it would be
most effective or most appropriately used as youre starting a
project, though you can repeat the chant continuously and
meditate on your loved one.



A Ward of Protection

This is a really simple protection spell to defend a room or a

space against bad energy! All you need are some pennies, a bowl
of water, salt, a feather or some incense, and a candle to represent
fire. Using all the representations of the elements, bless and purify
each of the pennies, visualizing an unbreakable barrier of good luck
and protection. When youre finished, place a penny, heads-up, in
each of the corners of the room or at the barriers of the space you
want to protect. Voila! Simple and protective.


This ward is used for protection and creating a calming effect

within the wards boundaries.

I suggest cleansing the home before putting this ward up.

This can be done simply by cleaning the home from top to bottom
and taking out trash, with the intent of reclaiming your space and
cleansing unwanted energy. I spread a mix of salt, protection and
calming herbs such as cinnamon and chamomile.

If you need to keep your practice hidden. Salt mixes can be

added to a spray bottle with water then sprayed outside around
windows and doors. If someone asks what youre doing just say
you are testing a DIY repellentwhich isnt really a lie. ^_^

Okay now for what you will need.


-Soil from your yard/garden (enough to make 5 palm size



The Herbs

-Cinnamon.. from the inner bark of cimnamomum trees. I

relate most bark to protection since thats what bark provides for
trees and can be used to make shelter. The smell is unavoidable. I
find power behind that effect on the senses for elemental wards.

-Basil.. thriving off neglect and heat from the sun, remaining
fruitful and sweet to taste. I relate basil to the power of
overcoming negative energy.

-Chamomile..known for its calming properties.

(dry herbs are suggested. measure in equal parts 1/2-1 tbsp


Add the herb mix with water but not too much. Too much
water will make the soil muddy.

When mixing the herbs and soil together chant out loud or in
your mind.


Let this soil rise a earthly wall

shielding my home from harm.

Herbs of protection and peace

create balance and harmony.

Using your own words for the chant may have greater power.

Keep in mind youre connecting your energy with the earth,

possibly draining your energy.

Divide the soil into five equal parts and roll into balls.

Place or bury the four balls at the four corners of your

property. Allow yourself to become in tuned with this ward before
the full moon. One of these balls will become a grounding ward
because this ward can be very draining over time if not powered by
the moon. On the full moon place/bury the last ward in the center
of your garden/yard. Be sure to focus your intent on connecting the
ward to the moon and taking the burden off yourself. Be respectful
and thankful to the earth and moon for working with you to keep
the land protected and calm.

(Source: thehiddenvixen)


Threshold Protection Spell

This is a very simple spell to help keep negative energy from

entering your home. Materials:

3 cloves of garlic
A handful of coarse sea salt
A handful of rosemary
Stir everything together in a bowl, and leave on a windowsill
during the night of a full moon.

Then, take the bowl outside and spread the salt and herbs
around the outside of your front door and any other doors in the
house. The main door that you use should get the most of the
mixture. For added protection, sprinkle a little on the window sills,
too. If you live in an apartment, pour the contents in small bottles
and keep them by the front door and windows.

Pigeons Four-Gates Warding Spell


Purpose: A warding spell to protect the home


You Will Need: Four stonesat least the size of your fist. Paint
(or paint markers).

Notes: This spell is meant to be used as one layer in a series

of wards and boundaries.

Step One - Using a compass, determine north, south, east,

and west relative to the location of the building youre protecting.
Make note of these places.

Step Two - On each of the four stones, paint an open circle.

Then paint a cross over each circle to close the gate.

Step Three - Starting in the west and moving anti-clockwise

bury the first stone by the west marker, saying:

I close this gate to harm from the spirit world.

Bury the second stone in the south, saying:

I close this gate to harm from curses and chaos.

Bury the third stone in the east, saying:

I close this gate to emotional turmoil and unrest.

Bury the last stone in the north, saying:


I close this gate to ill health.

Step Four - Recite:

All harm and ill I have rejected,

by the gates and wards, I am protected.


See the Light (Spell)


A spell to bring understanding to a closed mind and lift the

veil of ignorance from their eyes. Best done in a dimly lit area.

What youll need

A candle

An athame or other pointed object


A representation of your target (photo, poppet, etc.)

Take your athame (or sharp object) and carve a word (or
more) into your candle that represents the characteristic(s) you
take issue with in your target. Examples would be prejudiced,
bigoted, sexist, racist, unaccepting, or simply ignorant. Place
your representation of your target near the candle, close enough so
that it will be illuminated by the candles light. Chant as you light
your candle.

Open up your covered eyes

No more hatred, no more lies

Your clouded judgment, thick as smoke

Surrounds your heart til it is choked

You hurt those who are innocent

Purely out of ignorance

But soon youll stop this senseless fight

For soon youll learn to see the light


If you wish to ask a deity for help in your work, now would be
a good time. Let the candle burn all the way down and keep the
representation near it while it burns.


Spell for Mental Clarity


yellow candle
sage incense or herbal stick (peppermint or rosemary would
be suitable alternatives)
This spell calls on the power of the element of Air, so its
helpful to perform it outside or in front of an open window
(especially on a breezy day). Light the candle and the incense.
Calmly breathe in the scent of the incense and focus on the candle
flame. Say the following:

I call upon the power of Air

To clear my mind of confusion,
To help focus my thinking
And clear away the clutter
That keeps me from making important decisions.
Bring in the winds of clarity,
Help me to think rationally and clearly.


Allow the candle to burn itself out (or allow the breeze to blow
it out). Repeat as needed.

Knowledge and Wisdom Spell

This spell can be used to enhance ones ability to learn and to

acquire knowledge and wisdom, making it useful to perform during
times of soul-searching or study. The spell works best when cast on
the third night of the waxing moon, but it may be done at any


A length of yellow twine/string/ribbon

Three sticks of wood of equal length (10 inches or longer is
You must be outside, under the open sky, when the spell is
cast. You do not need to be able to see the stars, so an overcast
sky is fine.

On the night you wish to cast this spell, go out to a quiet and
secluded place. Once you have found a suitable place, kneel on the
ground and meditate on your desire, be it general or specific. You
should think clearly as to what it is you desire most in the way of
wisdom or knowledge.

Next, take the three sticks of wood and lay them flat on the
ground to form a triangle. In the center of the triangle, place the
index finger of each of your hands, tips side-by-side and held

firmly against the earth. Speak the following words aloud three

Stars of the heavens,

Family of our Mother Earth,
Ancients who are present now,
Likewise at her birth,
Impart to me, the knowledge I seek,
Clear and true and bright.
Make now mighty what is weak,
In this single night.

Once you have finished reciting the chant three times, pick up
the sticks and, with the cord, tie them in a bundle. Place the
bundle in a secure place where it will remain undisturbed for three
consecutive nights, including this first night. On the morning of the
fourth day, the bundle may be removed and discarded.

Spell for School


The Study Star Candle


This memory spell should be cast before a study session, and

it will help you retain what you are reading about. Let the candle
burn as you study, and snuff it out when you are done.

An orange taper candle

A piece of paper
Orange or yellow marker
Sage oil
Light the candle near where you are studying. Focus on the
candle light, and open up your thoughts to receive new material.
On the paper, draw a seven-pointed star. Try to get it as even as
possible but it doesnt need to be perfect.

school spells
Dab a small smudge of oil in the center of the star, then fold
up the paper into quarters. Rub another bit of oil onto your
forehead between your eyes. Repeat the words:

Open my mind
Open my thoughts
Bring to my memories
What I need to learn.

Hold the ideas

Hold the thoughts
Bring to my memories

While the candle burns.

As you study, keep the paper in your hand or use it as a

bookmark. When youre done your study session, blow out the
candle. Save the paper, and use it with the lit candle when you
study next time. Just repeat the words each time you do it.

If you are going to be studying somewhere that makes this

impossible (like a library or a friends home), then light the candle
and do the ritual before you leave. Take the star sigil with you and
use it as you work. Put out the candle when you get home.

(this is awesome, but I dont think leaving the candle

unattended would be a good idea.)


Already Lovers Spell / To Make a Relationship Stronger


You will need the following items for this spell:

Bay leaves

Lemon juice
A pot
A stove
Glass jar/tube/container
Mix the herbs and spices into the pot and add water (only an
inch or two high).
Boil on high and add lemon juice.
While boiling for 5 minutes, picture your significant other and
your love and bond growing stronger and imagine both of you
smiling and happy.
(Optional) ask your deity to bless your spell.
Poor herbs/spices and the water into the glass container.
Leave container out in moonlight for one night.
When ready to be used, rub a small amount of the liquid
across your wrist, heart and forehead with your significant other in

Source: http://www.spellsofmagic.com



Introspective Knot Spell

The New Moon is a powerful time for introspection and an

excellent time for working on things that deal with the shadow self.
Here is a spell to help with some inner issues you may be
struggling with.

Youll need to gather a piece of yarn, twine, or rope a few feet

long. Pick three issues you would like to unravel and untangle to
gain clarity on. Tie a knot in the rope for each issue. Make solid
knots, but leave them loose enough so you will be able to untie
them again.

Once you have knotted your rope, hold it in meditation and

contemplate the various options you have for dealing with the issue
at hand with each knot. Once you feel you have internally
confronted and contemplated each issue, begin to untie each knot
while reciting the following:

"Knot of one, this issue be done.

Knot of two, this issue I undo.
Knot of three, this issue is history.

Bury or safely burn the rope.


Is there a spell to gently nudge someone into being

attracted to me?

Honey Jar Sweetening Spell

This type of spell has been around for a long time. Its usually
used to encourage people to be kinder to you as well as taking a
liking to you (romantic or platonic), without outright forcing them
into a friendship/relationship. Its also quite useful for smoothing
over arguments between yourself and loved ones. The materials are
easy to obtain, though the spells bit detailed.


A glass jar of honey with a metal lid

A piece of parchment paper or brown paper from a bag
Magnets (two to bring you closer to a person)
Some sugar, if you like, for extra sweetness
Incense (any)
A tool for carving
A saucer or small tray, to catch dripping wax
Essential oil in an appropriate scent for your desired result
sensual patchouli or red sandalwood for passion, lavender for love,
cinnamon for money and success, mint for cooling anger, etc.
Start by drawing a circle on the paper. Carefully tear (dont
cut) the edges, so you have a round piece of paper. Write the
persons full name on it. Turn the paper 90 degrees and write your
own name on top of theirs, covering it.

Think of a simple phrase that sums up what you want to

happen and write it around the edges of the paper over and over
without lifting the pen, so its in an unbroken line.
Pleasenoticeme-noticeme-noticeme, or showkindnessshowkindess, letsforgive-letsforgive, etc.

Light the incense, and enjoy the aroma. Open the jar of honey
and taste a little bit, then say:

As this honey is sweet to taste, so I hope (name) may be

sweet on me.

Put the open jar on a saucer. Fold the paper with the names
toward you. Fold it three times. Pour a little sugar in the jar. Drop
the paper in. If you are using two magnets, they should be joined.
Cap the jar. Inscribe the candle with the persons name and your
intent, using a nail, toothpick or thumb tack. Anoint the candle
with the oil. Put the candle on top of the jar, light it and allow it to
burn itself out (keep an eye on it for safety reasons).

Inscribe a fresh candle and repeat this every Monday until

successful. Once temporary situations are resolved, bury the jar in
your backyard. If you dont have a back yard, bury it in a planter
with soil.

See also: A Spell to Help Someone Think of You



A Spell to Make Someone Think of You


Purpose: To remind someone of you.

You will need: A bell or windchime.

Notes: You can allow the windchimes to ring on their own, or

do it yourself.

Step One - Hang your windchime outside, in the direction of

the targets home, where you met them, or where the meeting you
want them to think about took place.

Step two - Recite:

With every stirring of these chimes,

Let my memory spring to mind.
Tintinnabulation, be my friend.
Help ________ to think of me again.
This is my command to the bells,
to let me be remembered well.

Charm Bag - Drawing Out a Latent Talent


In a small draw-string bag (perhaps orange in color) about 12 inches deep, put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

licorice root
Once assembled, hang the bag outdoors at sundown. At
midnight, remove the bag and place it around your neck. You must
wear it for the next 24 hours. After the first 24 hours, you can
place it under your pillow the night before anything important
where you feel you need some extra help with reaching your full
potential. Remember this charm is to bring out your existing talent,
not give you one you dont already have.

Source: Spellbound by Katrina Hobbs.


What's the difference between a jinx, a hex, and a

cursebook cursebook said:


A curse is a spell cast with malevolent and ill intention. They

are usually cast to cause a certain harm to the target. However, we
can curse to protect and curse out illness and disease.
A hex is a spell that can be either good or bad. However, in
modern times the word has taken on an evil connotation for
reasons I dont really understand. The word is derived from a
German word, hexe which means witch. In turn, it is the
manner in which we cast a hex that relates to its purpose.
A jinx is generally cast to cause temporary annoyance and
back luck. Usually an object is jinxed so it may then come in
contact with the target - such as a pendant or heirloom.

What are some protection wards you put up? I'd love
some advice on this. I can't seem to find the right
cursebook cursebook said:

I dont discuss my actual wards as Im pretty sure that

someone who makes me feel unsafe is reading this blog and Id
rather not show my hand.

However, I did make this post about curses and protection a

few days ago so Ill just grab some of the text and links from that.
I do some of these and I have a few others I dont share. I work a
lot with charms, plants, and sigils:


Heres a post I made about protection from curse and

mitigating the effects of ones you cast and why I dont give away
my own spells.

Also, I think protection is key to a lot of things. This person is

hurting you. So, stop them. Dont let them hurt you. That involves
protection. Here are so post about protecting yourself:

Heres a good post on the importance of regular shielding

This post is about energy manipulation
This was a post from last month about drawing runes or sigils
on yourself or under your nail polish
This is a neat post about decontaminating people before they
come into your space
A good post about warding your space
Heres a bunch of protection spells
a jar spell I did to absorb negativity


If you dont incorporate protective magic and regular shielding

into your routine, you probably should! No matter how many locks
you have on your apartment, its always good to have that extra
magical oomph, regularly reinforced. Obviously take into

consideration all of the mundane things you can do to protect

yourself and your home - consider renters insurance, good locks,
alarms if someone tries to break in, etc. In order for magic to
work, its important to use common sense as well!

Every night before I go to sleep I do an affirmation for

happiness, health, and protection, and visualize a protective shield
around my apartment and my bicycle outside. (Bike theft is a huge
thing in the city.) Twice in the past month (that I am blatantly
aware of, Im sure there have been many more instances) this has
paid off - once I forgot to lock up my (brand new) bicycle to the
bannister outside my apartment, and 30 minutes later when I came
outside to leave it was magically still there. Similarly, a few weeks
later I forgot my helmet outside when I was locking up my bike. We
went to go see a show, remembered at the intermission, and when
we came back outside my helmet was there, right next to my
bicycle. Talk about some protection magic!

Im really happy I got into this habit, even though forgetting

stuff like that isnt like me at all! (Im usually really on the ball. In
both of these situations I was frazzled and had a lot on my mind,
trying to do 20 things at once, and rushing from place to place we all have our moments where we just blank out, and its best to
prepare ourselves for when that inevitably happens, despite how
rare it may be.) Its really important to reinforce protection on a
regular basis, especially since I live in the downtown core. In a
small town you would likely get away with leaving your bicycle
unlocked, but here if theres something unlocked just left
somewhere, someone usually takes it within a few minutes. Once I
saw a girl talking to a friend, her bicycle was leaning against a bike
rack about two feet away from her. This guy just walks by and hops
on her bicycle and starts riding it away, and she chases after him
and gets her bike back! Its insane downtown sometimes! Suburbia
and the countryside have different challenges, and its always great
to be well prepared.

If youre not familiar with shielding, heres a little primer:


Shielding protects you from anything youd consider

undesirable or negative. Shields are erected through visualization
and concentration.
In creating your shield, visualize a strong, bright white light
around yourself, your home, your bike, your cat, whatever, and feel
it keeping you safe and sound. My mother likes to visualize herself
in a giant fluffy marshmallow, so the white light thing isnt
mandatory! Visualize something that works for you, dont be afraid
to be creative!
You can also layer your shields. I like to shield with the four
Greek elements, so after the white light shield Ill picture a water
(or whatever element I decide to start with) shield over that one.
Ill visualize a strong but thin and constantly moving shield of
water. The constant movement will make it harder to penetrate. Ill
do the same with the other elements - for air imagining a thick,
moving fog; for fire a crackling fire; for earth a wall of quickly
growing vines. Feel free to personalize this to your practice! In the
Chinese system of elements they incorporate metal and wood, so if
that resonates more with you feel free to incorporate those into
your shielding! If you have a strong connection with rain, visualize
a rain shield, or maybe a shield of sunflowers.
Thats it! Not too crazy, right? And definitely something simple
to incorporate into a regular (if not daily) magical practice!

Brightest blessings! Xx


Anonymous wrote...

so I want to do one of the curses you've posted, but I'm

not really sure how to set up my space to protect

myself. I've heard something about mirrors and

poppets? How do those work, if you don't mind me
So, heres the thing. Im pretty sure that someone that makes
me feel unsafe is stalking this tumblr or is having someone do it for
them. My witchy sense start tingling from time to time and part of
my personal protection is not putting all my cards on the table.
That is part of the reason I dont post my personal spells. That,
and I cant really guarantee my spells will work for other people as
I craft them specifically for me and my situations.

That being said, Im not going to post about my specific wards

or protections or barriers or whatever. Id rather not show the hole
in my armor or the missing scale ala Smaug, ya know?

What I will link to is this good post about regular shielding.

Regular shielding is a good start. Mirrors can be charged or have
protection/reflection sigils drawn on them and place in your
windows or around your altar, or worn on your person. A poppet
can be made out of fabric, clay, or even just paper, maybe even
chalk drawn on the ground or put a mirror in that poppet. Whatever
you have. Charge it with some thing from you: toenail clippings,
hair, or just spit as an attractor or deflection. Maybe tie a string to
it while you are working your magic that you literally cut and sever
he tie once the spell is done.

I will say that a small part of my general protection is this jar

spell from a few months ago that is somewhere near me and is
intended to absorb negative energy. When it is used up Ill make a
new one and throw it away.





I started a thing at the new moon. It&#8217;s a jar to absorb

negativity. I&#8217;m sure you can sort your own method. Mine
has war water, black ink, a mirror to bounce some back and some
other things. I did a 3 card spread to go along with and I&#8217;m
pleased with that as well.
I started a thing at the new moon. Its a jar to absorb
negativity. Im sure you can sort your own method. Mine has war
water, black ink, a mirror to bounce some back and some other
things. I did a 3 card spread to go along with and Im pleased with
that as well.

Energy Manipulation: Aurabecoming invisible

So, I have a handful of these aura manipulation posts. I am a

proponent for aura manipulation because for me it is one of the
best tools of self-care that doesnt require the person to go get
anything or give away that theyre feeling some sort of way. You
dont have to close your eyes or mumble anything. You just kind
of feel your way through it.
Here are the previous posts:
Energy Manipulation: Aura Shaping
Protection Ask Answered
Auras: The case against seeing it

This particular post is going to focus on the art of becoming

invisible. Now, this isnt like Susan Storm quality invisibility. This
drops you below the radar of people who may or may not need you
for some arbitrary reason and pushes you to the back of their
mind. With this, Ive had people walk right past me, look through
me, and fail to realize that Im standing near them. I use it mostly
on days where I dont want to be bothered and Ive been doing it
since I was in middle school, because I hated answering questions

and participating in anything.

A few warnings:
-You do not literally become invisible. You cannot use this
technique to sneak into anywhere or break the law where cameras
will pick you up or someone is actively looking for people breaking
the law.
-Once you make yourself known, its broken. Youd have to
start all over again for that specific person. It can still be up for
-If you forget to take it down, it dissipates very slowly and
you can find yourself wondering why the clerks at Target arent
approaching you because you really do have a question right now.
-I have almost gotten into car accidents because people dont
see (sense) me. We are already in a place where people dont pay
attention to the road. Your invisible aura does not help. DO NOT
-Use with caution on public transportation. I for one dont like
being sat on.
-Works best for people who have a habit of being very still.

The invisibility method is a type of shielding. It is a solid type aura,

rather than filtered and it is best not to leave it up too long
because of energy issues that are covered in other posts.
Sense your auras current condition you dont have to see your
aura to sense it. You can feel it, smell it, taste it, whatever.
Sense where your brain is currently. You dont have to shut your
brain up. Youre just going to turn down the volume. Have the
same thoughts flow uninhibited, but let it be a whisper. Its kind of
like how you dont want anyone else to know youre in the house,
so you keep the TV turned down.
Visualize (sense) your aura camouflaging with your surroundings.
Remember that youre inside your aura. So, you also camouflage
with your surroundings. Once you feel completely covered and

covert, youve disappeared.

This isnt tested by you waving your hands in front of someones
face and demanding they tell you if they can see you. Its tested by
how many people fail to notice you or how many near misses you
have with people almost running into you. If you can go through an
entire school day without having to answer any questions or being
interrupted in your work during the day.
The last one is what I use it for now. I have a lot of shit to get
done and no one in my office has the same amount of work, so
they come and bother me. Thus, I disappear so I can complete my
tasks undisturbed. I also use it at forced social events and
conferences where I dont want to hold fake conversations for the
sake of filling in the silence. I like silence.
So, this is how that works for me. I cant say itll work for
everyone. I cant even say how long youd have to practice because
Ive been doing it for nearly two decades now. But, I hope it helps
on those days where you wish you could just disappear.

Energy Manipulation: Aura shaping

Magic is most serious.
Sweet, got that out of the way. Everything you do in magic does
not have to be serious. There are things you can do for fun, to
relax, to relieve stress and anxiety. It doesnt all have to be with
the straight faces and whatnot.
Heres something I hope will make you smile. This is a pagan post.


Aura shaping is something we practice in my household. Most

people have the goal of having a clear aura with nothing in it. Not
us. Nope we have lots of shit in our aura.
My husband has a fish tank and has lots of astral fish darting
around him. It makes him happy and keeps him calm. I carry astral
weaponry in my aura. It makes me feel safe.
There are days when I know that I have to appear bigger than I am
or more imposing or intimidating and I shape my aura into a pair of
18ft, black wings. Sometimes I form it into a large skeleton in
armor carrying a broadsword.
Sometimes, I paste floating smiley faces, butterflies, and sparkles,
because I need a pick-me-up. Sometimes, I use it to boost my
energy work and magic by making my aura an additional set
Aura shaping, involves one taking their normal egg shaped aura
and using it like play-doh to make it into things, or making things
manifest in ones aura to achieve an effect.
If you follow me, you probably remember someone asking me
about shielding (this post here ), in which I advise them on
visualization techniques to harden and filter their auras to control
energy flow. Aura shaping is an advanced version of this. You can
still protect yourself with a hard or filtered shell, but you can also

change the shape of the shell for extra effect.

Beware of solid aura constructs. They will choke off your
energies and make you feel like your life force is suffocating if they
are worn for too long.
Placing things in your aura means keeping track of the things
in your aura. If you keep inventory then you know when something
is there that should not be there.
Playing with your aura has side effects. What you put into your aura
and how you shape your aura will affect you physically, mentally, and
This is an exercise and it will raise your vibrations and/or
require you to raise your vibrations in order for it to work for you.
Ascension comes with issues.
The amount of energy you give off in the astral will increase
which sometimes attracts nasties. Be aware of this and protect
yourself accordingly.
Try not to overload your aura. Youre literally carrying this
stuff. Itll weigh you down and tire you out.

The point is that you dont always have to be goal oriented.

Sometimes you need a rabbit bounding around your aura because
you like rabbits and it makes you feel good. Sometimes you need
to texture your aura like your favorite blanket to relieve stress and
anxiety. Sometimes you want to wear a tattoo but arent old
enough or cant decide on a design and just want to have it floating
around you to see how it feels.
Its okay to do effective exercises that can be completely pointless.
Have fun and learn to manipulate your personal energies.

Anonymous asked:

Have any simple, easy protections that can be set up

quickly around the self every morning?

Before this becomes a habit for anyone please see this post
on why I dont give out spells .
However, Im a visualization and energy manipulation kind of
person and I dont view shielding as spell casting. Its more like
getting dressed.
Shielding unlike most protections is only you and your aura
and you manipulating the structure of your aura to make it harder
for things to get in. And all youre doing is feeling these changes in
your aura. If you are unable to feel your own energy, then you
have a different set of issues that need to be addressed entirely.
So, there are three shielding techniques that I like to use
because of my empathetic and amplifying traits ( see this post ).
1. Building an outer shell.
This is basic. Youre hardening your aura and depending on
what you have to do that day painting it a symbolic color. For
instance, I work in a customer service oriented field. If my
department has made a mistake that will effect a lot of people and
make them angry, I will have a hard, light blue shell for calming or
baby pink for comfort. So, that when they come to me they get the
benefits of the color correspondence but are unable to spew
grossness all over my well being.
2. Reflective shell
This is a little healthier. The hard shell is a very temporary
thing and I dont suggest wearing it every day. Youll snuff yourself
out. However, since the reflective shell is also hard, it is also not
something you want to keep on all the time.
Basically the inside of the shell is black, like the back of a
mirror. This allows you to let bad emotions and negative energy out
(versus the simple colored hard shell that has a tendency to keep
those things in). The outside is reflective like the clearest mirror
youve ever seen. I use this when I visit judgmental family or
friends. That way when they throw that energy at me, it comes
right back at them and they start using those judgments on
themselves. Its quite interesting to watch.

3. Filtering
This is where youre aura acts like a water or air filter. Its not
solid, but its strong enough. Now, here comes a really depressing
reality. Ready? The filter catches the big negatives that float
around us everyday and lets the small positives through. That
might just be me. The negative just has a so much bigger impact
on my days than the positive, simply because the positive gets
blown away so easily.
Anyway, you visualize your aura as netting. I like designing
mine. Sometimes I do flowers, or lattice and I color this too based
on what Im doing that day. If I need to whip folks into happyexcitement for a creative project, Im school bus yellow all day.
Since the filter allows you to breathe and allows things in and out
without suffocating you, you can wear it all day everyday. But, the
other two are really useful in stressful situations.
So, I hope that helped. I know that visualization and energy
manipulation isnt really easy for everyone. But those are the
things that have worked for me. I wish you luck with that.

Aura work: An argument against the case of seeing it

So, a question from thefaeriegarden wandered across my dash
that basically asked how does one do the aura thing based on
this post.

Welp, lets dive in.


What is aura?
Aura is the energy bubble that surrounds your body (or any
body essentially), that is emitted from you *point*. Whether it
comes from your heart, or its your astral bodys emission, or body
heat is up to debate.

more likely than not, you cant see it.
Im just going to say it like that. Even if you claim to see it,
thats not my business, know that it is absolutely okay not to be
able to see your aura or anyone elses. Not everyone has synthesia.
Again thats okay.


"But St., if I cant see it, how do I do the thing?"

You feel the thing

"But St., what if I cant even feel the thing?"

We can work on that as well.

See, whether or not you can see or feel the thing, you have
evidence that the thing exists. If you are inside your domicile,
staring at this post, then you are not feeling the wind or seeing it
ruffle the trees. People will come and tell you its windy. The news
will say it was windy. The garbage can you forgot to bring in is
going to tell you it was windy.

With aura, science has taken a crack at this energy field that
surrounds our being. There are sources online and in scientific
journals that explore the subject. People have made steps to prove
that auras exist.

What does this mean to you?

Well, it means you have to buy into it. You have to buy into
the existence of this thing that you cant see or feel kinda like
bacteria for those of us who went to schools too poor to afford
microscopes or books with pictures.

Ok so to reiterate, it is absolutely okay and possible to work

with your aura despite not being able to see it. It is even okay to
work with your aura even if you cant feel it.

So, how do you do the thing?

Visualization practice.

"But St., I suck at visualization."

Thats okay, too. Ill get back to that, let me finish this first
thought, though.

Visualizing your aura is just as legit as actually seeing it,

because in my experience, your visualization of your aura is the
first step in changing you aura. What I typically tell people is that
the first color that appears in their minds eye for that split second,
is probably the correct color of their aura. Sometimes you get a
flash of color before you change it to the color you desire. Some
people always see blue. Some always see a flash a pink, brown,
yellow, etc. Then it goes away to whatever your desired color is.
Heres an exercise that you can try right now:
Close your eyes. And without thinking of a color, visualize a
bubble around you what color was that bubble? Thats your aura
color at the moment.
If you cant visualize, as in you cannot conjure a picture in
your brain or minds eye, please dont fret. Visualization is
probably one of the most limited term used in magical studies. I
hate it.
Im asking you to sense your way through your
visualization. Some people are more tactile than others. Some
people are more auditory. Not everyone uses eyes to get
information from the world. You have more senses than that. So,
next time you make an attempt to visualize something and an
image doesnt appear, pay attention to the other sensations that do

appear. If youre visualizing an ocean, do you smell the salt? Do

you hear the waves crashing? Do you feel the humidity? <- those
are legit feelings. Those are just as, if not more, important than
Your first step in aura work, is to figure out how you sense
the world and how you visualize.
The rest just falls into place. Molding your aura is either
visualizing the shapes that surround you or float around in your
energy goop, or using your hands to feel around you and manually
shape items in your aura and around, or hearing them pop into
existence, or smell things like fur, clay, etc.
Everything takes practice. Its okay to customize that practice
to fit your needs. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Now my methods may not fit with everyone. Thats okay.
These are just suggestions. Nothing here is law. Whats good for
the goose is not always good for the gander.


A witchy tip from St.-Decontaminating people before

they enter your space



I dont know how your lives are set up, but I am very lucky to
have a lot of personal space. Like a lot. 99% of the time if
someone needs to speak to me they have to walk through a door or
pass a threshold.

Humans carry a ton of muck, like animals who get barbed

seeds stuck to their fur and incidentally pollinate the world they
live in with said seeds. So, when people step into your personal
space, they pollinate that space with their energy.
Of course you can always cleanse that space after they exit
every time they exit over and over again until you give up.
You can set up a decontamination block. Much like one before
you enter a sterile area such as a lab where they make
You do this by fortifying your thresholds and doors. My door
has a nice, glowing, white film that people pass through before
entering my space. It decontaminates their energy and leaves all of
their bullshit outside.
When theyre done talking to me, they leave, pick their shit
back up and go on about their business <- which keeps me from
running into it when I leave the space. However, it also makes
people very aware that your space is different from the rest of the
space. Sometimes you get the stepping in and out, and comments
of your space being warmer/colder/more pleasant, etc.
So yeah decontamination.

Do you frequently charge it? And how do you charge it

usually? spells, herbs, scents, wipes? I am thinking
using potted plants as anchors but wont that hurt the
plant though? I love my babies! D:

I recharge it once a week or every two weeks. I have a

reminder set up in my calendar on my phone. Being persistent
keeps it from breaking down too far and needing a lot of energy to

I am not a tool-heavy practitioner. So, I rely heavily on my

own visualization and sensation skills. With that said, you could
definitely charge some Clorox wipes and literally wipe down the
door frame with the intent to create the protective barrier, and
visualize it/sense it sealing.
Plants Ive had a sad experience with negative energy and
plants. Plants are sensitive. I have a giant spider plant and a
pothos vine plant. When I moved into my new office, I didnt have
time to cleanse the space (the previous occupant was a shitbag)
and it nearly killed my pothos. It still hasnt really recovered. My
spider plant is flourishing though. So, I think it depends on the
sturdiness and correspondence of the plant.
I just have a barrier at the door of my shop, but maybe
decontamination would be a good choice as well.


raytray-pkthunda wrote...

Hey Mama Bree- I have a question for you. I live in an

apartment building with my husband. The building was
put up sometime in the '70s. There have been a lot of
problems here- before I moved in, my husband's
neighbor jumped from the roof. A violent couple down
the hall, which has been evicted and arrested. A lot of
injuries of other tenants, etc. I feel something in the
building, but since my sensitivity only goes to "see
movement/feel dizzy when there is a presence", I don't
exactly know <c>


<c> What it is or what I could possibly do. Do you have any

ideas or tips?
Boy, DO I.
Apartments are problematic when it comes to warding, due to
the shared walls and the sometimes-sketchy history of the place.
Luckily, you can adapt the methods commonly used to ward a
house or property to keep your apartment safe too.
There are endless amounts of simple charms for keeping
homes safe. Most are of a set it and forget it variety; others you
may need to refresh occasionally. I recommend clearing and
claiming your space, and salting the doors and windows, at a
Ward yourself to help keep bad feelings at bay, or to create a
filter so that your sensitivities dont get overwhelmed.
And if worst comes to worst, start a fightor finish one.
If you run into anything ooky, my askbox is always open for

Anonymous wrote...
Do you know any spells for protection?

Protection and Warding

War Water
Ward Water
Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Spell #2

Herbal Protection Bath

Protection Bottle Spell
Protection Charm
Protection Charm #2
Earth Protection Ward
A Ward of Protection
Witch Bottle for Protection
Witch Bottle for Protection #2
Full Moon Protection Spell for Jewelry
Fiery Wall of Protection Powder
A Spell for Safe Flight
Charm for Safe Travels
Safe Travel Charm Spell
Vehicle Protection Powder
Floral Attrangement Protection
Moon Infused Protection Water
Rainbow Protection Bottle
Protection Sachet
Stone Wall Protection Spell
Easy Protection Charm
House Protection Charm
Protection Bottle Spell
Anti-Intruder Charm
Crab Alarm Protection Charm

Peace and Protection Spell Bottle

Protection Powder
Elemental Protection Spell
Threshold Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Charm
Sea Protection Bottle
Simple Shrine Spell of Protection
A Witchs Jar for Protection
"Hell Hath No Fury" Protection Powder
Dragons Blood Peace and Protection Charm
Samhain Protection Spell
Samhain Protection Amulet
Winter Weather Protection Charm
How to Make a Protective Talisman
Home Protection Spell Bottle
Enchant an Object for Protection
Simple Protection Sachet
Charm of the Beast
Three Red Leaves Protection Spell
Simple Hex Ward Against Theft
"Rhiannon" Protection Spell
Potent Protective Witch Bottle
Wreaths for Protection and Happiness
Door Blessing Spell

Patronus Ward
Peacock Key Ward
Protection Spell: My Blood is Armor
Property Protection Spell
Wall of Fire Property & House Protection Spell
Protection Blend (for jars/bottles/pouches/incense)
Wearable Protection Charm (enchant jewelry piece)
Basic Warding Jar
Protection Bouquet Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Sea Witchs Charm Bag for Warding
These should help! Thanks to @natural-magics

Sirdame Snakes

Protection Spell: My Blood is Armour

A spell to protect you from negativity and weakness, to
reinforce your emotional armour. To protect you from harm that
comes from within.
Black pepper, lime, garlic
Red pen

Red cloth
Red ribbon (or scrap of cloth, elastic, string)
Needle and thread (or staples, glue)
Blood/red paint/red ink

Cut a square of fabric and sew it into a pouch. While sewing,

focus on your intent. Stuff the pouch with your herbs, and sew it
Sew or otherwise attach a length of ribbon to either side of
the pouch. You should be able to tie them together around your
This is your first shield.
Write the phrase My blood is armour in a circle around your
non-dominant arm (left, for most people) where you will tie the
shield. Repeat it if necessary.
Along the back of your arm, smear the blood/paint/ink,
preferably into a rough square shape.
The blood and words together form your second shield.
Tie the cloth shield in place, over the blood shield, while
repeating the words My blood is armour, and focusing on being
protected from negativity and weakness.
I realize the phrasing is a little obscure and definitely use a
different chant if you prefer. I used this chant because of the idea
of having armour under your skin, having armour to protect you
from within. Also, I actually use the Sindarin translation Gerin
sereg nin sui ambath nin, which is more exactly I have my blood
as my armour.



Patronus Ward


Now Im all sure weve heard of the patronus. Its s spell from
the Harry Potter series. The patronus spell goes like this: expecto
patronum. To successfully cast the spell, one must muster the
happiest memory they can think of (the happier the memory, the
better the charm will work) and begin drawing circles with their
wand so as to increase the power of their spell. They must then say
the incantation, Expecto Patronum; the Patronus will come from
the tip of the wand and can be directed towards a target by
pointing ones wand at said target. Designed to work against
Dementors and Lethifolds, it also was used as a messenger type
spell by Dumbledore.

So whats my point? My point is, heres my patronus spell.

wand (can be a wand like substitute)

4 stones
The first step is the hardest, for this you need to spend a fair
amount of time. You need to do some deep inner thinking and work
out what is the animal you really identify with. Im making you pick

this yourself because it needs to be what you feel the connection

with. Once youve picked one out, look into them more, see what
theyre known for and what theyre associated with.
The pen and the paper are for writing down about your
animal. Make it detailed and well put, so that when you need your
patronus, you can properly visualize it without as much thought.
Now, pick a truly happy memory, something that makes you
smile and maybe laugh at the mere thought of it.
Write that memory down along with the animal information.
Place the paper where you can always find it. In your BoS or
grimoire or what have you.
Now take the stones and doodle the animal on them or just
name the animal on them if your not happy with your doodles.
Take your wand, picture your happy memory and your animal,
say: expecto patronum, while making the circular motions over the
Now place the stones at the four corners of your room or


Charm of the Beast

A charm for personal and/or home protection.


dried lavender
dried rosemary
dragons blood resin
a black or red drawstring pouch
fur from a powerful animal (found/scavenged, do not harm or
aggravate the animal to get its fur)
Grind and mix the herbs and resin together, then pour the
mixture into the pouch. Add the fur, close the pouch. Hold it in
your hands and say the following while envisioning the animal and
how its strength inspires you:

"Creature who is strong, creature who is mighty,

Lend your power to this charm.
Those who intend to do me harm,
shall turn on their heels and run.

Uses for the blend/charm:

Draw a pentacle, sigil or any personal symbol of strength
and/or protection on the pouch carry it with you for personal
strength and protection.
Throw the charm bag into an outside fire to encourage
protection of the property.
Bury the charm bag near your doorstep to ward against
negative energy and unwanted visitors.
Burn the mixture (not the pouch) to drive away negativity
that afflicts you.
Burn the mixture (not the pouch) in your home or in a room
that you wish to cleanse.


Home Protection Spell Bottle

Find clear bottle or jar that has a lid (such as an empty candle
jar with a cork lid or a canning jar) and add the following
ingredients while visualizing your home bathed in a warm
protecting energy:

1/4 to 1 cup salt

1 clove garlic
3 bay leaves
7 tsp. dried basil
4 tsp. dill seeds
1 tsp. sage
1 tsp. anise
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. fennel
Mix the ingredients well and then seal the jar with white
candle wax.

Elemental Protection Spell

1 crystal

1 bowl of salt
1 bowl of water
incense of your choice
1 red, white or black candle
Pass the crystal through the flame of the candle and say

By fire be cleansed.

Pass the crystal through the smoke from the incense and say

"By air be cleansed."

Sprinkle the crystal with the water and say

By water be cleansed.

Sprinkle the crystal with some of the salt and say

"By earth be cleansed."

Visualize the energies of those four elements, and surround

yourself with them, using them as a protective barrier. Now, take
those energies and envision them being absorbed into the object.
Now, that crystal holds those protective energies. Carry the crystal
with you in whatever manner you choose.


Vehicle Protection Powder

2 parts rosemary
2 juniper berries
1 part mint
1 part comfrey
1 part catnip leaves
Mix and crush all ingredients with a mortar and pestle until
powdered. Pour powder into a black pouch and hide it somewhere
in your vehicle. Replace with fresh powder monthly.

A Dream is a Wish over the Rainbow Protection Bottle


*Inspired by Cinderella and The Wizard of Oz

Items needed:
Sea salt
3 Bay Leaves
White feather

Thread - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - cut

into 1 - 2 pieces

Cover the base of your jar in sea salt. This will act as your
protection base.
Add a layer of lavender. "Protect me in my dreams, when Im
fast asleep, and even when Im wide awake."
Add 3 bay leaves. "Protect the wishes my heart makes."
Add the white feather. "Allow me to fly over the rainbow,
should harm try to overtake."
Add the rainbow of thread. "Let this smiling rainbow absorb
negativity, never letting me break."
Seal the jar. Place your hand over the jar, and concentrate on
the protective energies. Focus on building energy.
When you feel you have built enough energy for your
protection bottle, place it in a safe place.

Protection Bottle Spell

Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you

physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat
to your security. You will need:

4 tbsp Frankincense or Myrrh

4 tbsp Black powdered Iron

4 tbsp Sea Salt

4 tbsp Orris-root Powder (or oak moss)
1 white candle
1 bottle with a cork or lid
Mortar and pestle
Parchment Paper
Black Ink or black ballpoint pen
Black thread
Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl.
Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on
it with black ink:

I neutralize the power of (name of adversary) to do me any

I ask that this be correct and for the good of all.
So it shall be!

Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it,

and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients.
Then take the white candle and while turning the bottle
counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it. Last,
secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed
and no animals or people will dig it up. This bottle should never be

Moon-Infused Protection Water



a container or bottle (I used a spray bottle)

teaspoon of garlic powder or a clove of raw garlic*
4 dried bay leaves
teaspoon of salt
5 - 10 small chips of obsidian**
a full moon
Crush up the bay leaves and put them in the container. Add in
the garlic, salt, and obsidian chips. Fill with water to what ever
amount youd like. Set out in the light of the full moon. Be sure
you bring it in before sunrise.

Note: You could also do this same recipe and leave it out in
the sun to add the element of fire and make it a little more
volatile. I was going for a peaceful vibe so I did moon light.
*Cooking habit. Eyeballed about a teaspoon. Measurements
dont matter unless you want them to.
**Obsidian is a 5-6 on the Mohs Scale so it might be effected
by the salt water but I used chips because I dont intend to use
those stones again.


Stone Wall Protection Spell


You will need:

12 small stones
A white or black candle
A compass
At dawn, light the candle and place it on a flat surface,
preferably a tabletop. Lay the stones on the tabletop, but not too
close to the candle. Next, say the following:

Earths foundation, cold and strong,

In existence for so long,
Of your might I ask a deed,
For protection that I need.

Next, begin forming a circle around the candle with the

stones. Keep the circle loose at first (the stones should not be
touching each other), then begin moving the stones closer to the
candle, forming a tighter circle around it, until at last, the stones
are all touching each other and are in a tight circle around the
Next, use the compass to determine the direction of North.
Once you have determined North, remove the northernmost stone
from the circle. Place the stone in an inconspicuous, northern spot
in the room or in your home. This will begin your field of
Next, going in a counter-clockwise order, take the next stone
from the circle and place it in a position in your room or in your
home, relative to its position in the circle. Continue doing this with
the stones, using the compass to determine their relative positions,
until all the stones have been distributed throughout your
room/home and your field of protection has been established. If it

helps, visualize a protective field around your home/room, with the

stones as anchor points.
Once the stones have all been distributed and placed in
inconspicuous places, extinguish the candle. Leave the stones in
the positions you placed them. If you must move one, or if it
accidentally gets moved after the candle was extinguished, you
must then perform this spell again to reestablish the field of



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