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21 Draw the isometric view of a frustum of

square pyramid of base side 50mm, top face side
20mm and height 60mm, when its axis is vertical.

side 20mm and height 60mm, when its axis is


14.22 Draw the isometric view of a frustum of

hexagonal pyramid of base side 30mm, top face

14.23 Draw the isometric view of a frustum of

cone of base diameter 60mm, top face diameter
35mm and height 50mm, when its axis is vertical.

14.24 A square prism of side 40mm and height

60mm is resting on the HP on its base such that
two of its base edges are parallel to VP. It is cut by
a section plane which is perpendicular to VP,
inclined at 30 to HP and bisecting the axis. Draw
the isometric view of the bottom portion of the

14. A square prism of side 20mm and height

40mm rests on one of its ends on HP. All the base
sides of prism are equally inclined to VP. It is cut
by a section plane which is perpendicular to VP,
inclined at 45 to HP that passes through a point
on the axis 7mm from top. Draw the isometric
view of the bottom portion of the prism.

14.25 A hexagonal prism of base edge 30mm and

height 70mm is resting on the HP on its base such
that two of its base edges are parallel to VP. It is
cut by a section plane which is perpendicular to
VP, inclined at 40 to HP and bisecting the axis.
Draw the isometric view of the bottom portion of
the prism.

14.26 A hexagonal prism of base edge 25mm and

height 50mm is resting on the HP on its base such
that two of its base edges are parallel to VP. It is
cut by a section plane which is perpendicular to
VP, inclined at 45 to HP and bisecting the axis.
Draw the isometric view of the bottom portion of
the prism.

14.27 A square pyramid of base edge 40mm and

axis height 70mm is resting on the HP on its base
such that two of its base edges are parallel to VP.
It is cut by a section plane which is perpendicular
to VP, inclined at 30 to HP and passing through a
point at a distance 40mm from the base along the
axis. Draw the isometric view of the bottom
portion of the pyramid.

14.28 A pentagonal pyramid of base edge 30mm

and axis height 65mm is resting on the HP on its
base such that one of its nearest base edges is
parallel to VP. It is cut by a section plane which is
perpendicular to VP, inclined at 30 to HP and
passing through a point at a distance 35mm from
the base along the axis. Draw the isometric view
of the bottom portion of the pyramid.

14.30 A cylinder of diameter 50mm and axis

height 60mm is resting on the ground on its base.
It is cut by a section plane which is perpendicular
to VP, inclined at 55 to HP. The section plane
passes through a point at a distance 45mm from
the base along the axis. Draw the isometric view
of the bottom portion of the cylinder.

14.63 A cone base diameter 50mm and axis

height 80mm rests with its base on HP. A cone is
cut by a section plane perpendicular to VP,
inclined at 30 to HP and passing through appoint
50mm above the base along the axis. Draw the
isometric view of the truncated cone.

14.32 Draw the isometric view of a sphere of

diameter 16mm which is centrally placed over
frustum of a square pyramid of height 25mm.The
frustum has a base of side 35mm and top side

14.33 A cylinder of diameter 30mm and axis

height 50mm is placed on its base centrally at the
top of square slab 50 mm and thickness 20mm.
Draw the isometric view of the entire set up.

14.35 hemispherical piece of metal 90mm in

diameter is joined centrally to the end of a
cylindrical piece of metal of diameter 60mm and
length 75mm so as to form snap headed rivet.
Draw the isometric view of the rivet when it is
held with the hemispherical head at the top.

14.58 A hexagonal shaped slab of base edges

30mm and height 60mm has a right circular
through hole of 40mm diameter. Draw the
isometric projection of the slab, if the axes of the
hole and slab coincide.

14.59 A dust bin is in the form of a frustum of a

hollow square pyramid with the base dimensions
of 20mm sides and the top open surface of 45mm
sides. Draw the isometric view of the hollow dust
bin, if its height is 50mm and the wall thickness is

respectively. The height is 22mm, draw the

isometric view.

14.60 A frustum of a cone has its top and bottom

diameters 35mm and 50mm respectively and
altitude 53mm. It rest on the top face of a frustum
of a square pyramid. The sides of the top and
bottom faces of the pyramid are 58mm and 70mm

14.61 A cylindrical slab of 75mm diameter and

45mm thick is surrounded by a cube of 38mm
side. On the top of the cube rest a square pyramid

of altitude of 38mm and side of base 25mm. The

axes of the solids are in the same straight line.
Draw the isometric view of the set up.

base such that the nearest corner of the base

10mm behind PP and one of its vertical faces is
perpendicular to PP. The central plane is 30mm to
the right of axis of the prism. The station point is
30mm in front of PP and 50mm above the ground.
Draw the perspective view of solid.

16.09 A triangular prism of base edge 25mm and

axis height 40mm is resting on the ground on its

16.10 A square prism of side 40mm and height

50mm is resting on the ground on its base. One of
its vertical faces is touching the PP and the central
plane is 40mm to the right of axis of the prism.
The station point is 25mm in front of PP and
65mm above the ground. Draw the perspective
view of solid.

16.11 A square prism of side 30mm and height

50mm is resting on the ground on its base such
that one of its vertical faces is parallel to and
20mm behind to PP. The central plane is 45mm to
the right of axis of the prism. The station point is

60mm in front of PP and 65mm above the ground.

Draw the perspective view of solid.

to PP. The central plane is 50mm to the right of

axis of the prism. The station point is 40mm in
front of PP and 70mm above the ground. Draw the
perspective view of solid.

16.12 A square prism of side 40mm and height

55mm is resting on the ground on its base. The
picture plane is passing through the axis of the
prism such that one of its vertical faces is parallel

16.13 A square pyramid of base edge 40mm and

axis height 50mm is resting on the ground on its

base such that the nearest base edges is parallel

to and 15mm behind PP. The central plane is
20mm to the left of nearest base edge, which is
perpendicular to PP. The station point is 35mm in
front of PP and 55mm above the ground. Draw the
perspective projection of the solid.

16.15 A rectangular pyramid of base edge

60mm40mm is resting on the ground on its base
such that one of its longer base edges is touching
PP and the solid is resting behind PP. The central
plane is 20mm to the left of the nearest smaller
base edge which is perpendicular to PP. The
station point is 35mm in front of PP and 80mm
above GL. Draw the perspective projection of the


16.16 A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 30mm

and axis height 70mm is resting on the ground on
its base such that the nearest base edges is
parallel to and 20mm behind PP. The central plane
is 60mm to the left of the axis of the solid. The
station point is 110mm in front of PP and 80mm
above the ground. Draw the perspective view of
the solid.

16.17 A hexagonal prism of base edge 20mm and

axis height 40mm is resting on the ground on its
base such that the nearest base edges is parallel
to and 15mm behind PP. The central plane is
30mm to the right of the nearest vertical edge of
the prism. The station point is 70mm in front of PP
and 90mm above the ground. Draw the
perspective view of the solid.

16.19 A cylinder of base diameter 50mm and axis

height 60mm is resting on the ground on one of
its generators such that its nearest end is 15mm
behind PP. The central plane is 70mm to right of
the axis of the cylinder. The station point is 80mm
in front of PP and 60mm above GL. Draw the
perspective projection of the cylinder.

16.20 A cube of side 50mm is resting on the

ground on one of its faces such that all its vertical
faces are equally inclined to PP and the nearest
vertical edge touches PP. The central plane is
passing through the axis of the cube. The station
point is at a distance 60mm in front of PP and


80mm above GL. Draw the perspective projection

of the cube.

its base such that one of its base edges is on PP.

The station point is 50mm in front of PP and
80mm above the ground. The central plane
passes through the apex of the pyramid. Draw the
perspective view of the pyramid.

16.21 A pentagonal pyramid of base edge 30mm

and axis height 65mm is resting on the ground on


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