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Guide to believers

1.) You can believe that God has not been manifested in
actual mankind, who has more knowledge of cosmic and
planetary nature, because it is more sinful than those who
wrote the sacred texts, in an era where the life of citizens
were worthless, there were much less moral and more
people likely to believe in phantasy.
2.) There are thousands of religions, each with various
interpretations of their sacred text, as Mahavastu of
Buddhism, the Koran of Islamism, Bhagavad-Gita of
Hinduism, A Torah of Judaism, Old Testament, New
Testament, Holy Bible of Christians, but do not worry, the
3.) In our world there are believers in about five thousand
deities, but you do not worry, your God is the only true.
4.). If you are a Christian and you are submissive to your
God you can believe that you will be saved and continue
with awareness of what will surrounds you in the glory, but
Christians not submissive and the non-Christians will
become cosmic material without conscience, in the most
absolute nothing.
5.) If you are not a Christian, but a faithful believing, you
can believe in a paradise with all its pleasures, diverted or
not, morbid or not; but all other people will go to the most
absolute nothing.
6.) You can believe firmly in God, be submissive and faithful
to Him but you do not believe in the universal laws neither
in the evolution nor in the time measurements by
scientists, but do not tell anyone about your non-beliefs,
lest others think that you make a fool.

7.) You may believe that only God can offer human values
to be recorded in the mind of your children, but then be
careful!, because other gods can set different values and
sometimes criminal in the mind of other people's children.
8.) You may think that atheists are children of the devil, but
that's not what religious scholars think, including Pope
9.) You may believe that your country would be much
better if all public entities (government, legislators, judges,
schools and other) surrendered worship to your God daily
and welcome to your religious dogma, as you do. But that
has occurred throughout History and that has led to
fratricidal wars and to crimes against humanity; thats why
it is the requirement that all power institutions are secular.
10.) The human knowledge until now only leaves us two
options about our origin and future: You can believe that
God has always existed and then He created the universal
laws ... or ... the universal laws have always existed and
then you can dispense with God.

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