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Volume 1 Number 0504

ISSN 1829-6424


Jurnal Komputasi
Journal of Computational Science
Proceeding Supplement

Lattice QCD Calculation on Hadronic Binding Energy

N. Riveli and L.T. Handoko , Phys. J. IPS 1 (2005) 0504
Received: September 7th , 2004; Accepted for publication: September 7th , 2004

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ISSN 1829-6424


Jurnal Komputasi Volume 1 (2005) 0504

Lattice QCD Calculation on Hadronic Binding Energy

Nowo Riveli1 and L.T. Handoko1,2

Department of Physics, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

Theoretical Physics and Computation Group, Physics Research Center LIPI, Kompleks Puspitek Serpong,
Tangerang 15310, Indonesia

using the lattice QCD. The hadronic binding energy

Abstract : We calculate the binding energy of hadron
defined non-perturbatively trough the Lattice HQET lagrangian. The simulation has been performed in relatively small
lattice volume due to limited computing power. We present the result which can be used to obtain the heavy quark mass
by matching it with the MS renormalisation.

Keyword(s) : Lattice QCD, hadronic binding energy

E-mail : nowo riveli@f isika.ui.ac.id, handoko@lipi.f isika.net

Received: September 7th , 2004; Accepted for publication: September 7th , 2004


The basic idea of lattice QCD is to construct the theory for strong interaction in discretized space and time
[1, 2, 3]. So it enable to perform any calculations numerically. The main focus is to calculate the quark
masses which are not calculable directly from the analytic perturbative calculation. This is moreless because a
perturbative calculation of quark masses using QCD generates divergences as shown in the effective theory of
QCD known as the heavy quark effective theory (HQET) [4].

Further, it has been proposed to define a term of binding energy, [4],

which could be caculated on the
lattice space without creating any divergences.
The purpose of this paper is to perform a preliminary calculation for the binding energy using the lattice
QCD. The result will be compared to the previous works [5, 6], and the origin of the discrepancies is discussed.


followed from [4]. To obtain the non-perturbative definition of ,

we use the HQET
Below is definition
lagrangian in lattice formulation,


h(x)D4 h(x) + mh(x)h(x)

1 + am
Also considering a correlation function,
C(t) =
h0|J(~x, t)J (~0, 0)|0i ,

which is for sufficiently large time t becomes,

C(t) Z 2 exp(Et) ,


where Z is constant.
The mass term on the above lagrangian can be choosed in several ways. One of them is to study the property
of the propagator at large time and at a fixed gauge,

ln(1 + am)
Tr (S(~x, T + a))
= lim ln
t a
Tr (S(~x, t))
and assuming that the ratio above have a value at the limit of large t. The equation can then be described as
a condition where the quark propagator function does not change exponentially at large time.
c 2005 Indonesian Computational Society


N. Riveli, L.T. Handoko

Jurnal Komputasi 1 (2005) 0504

Table 1: Simulations Parameter.

set A
set B

163 32
163 32


number of configuration


As defined before, to get the value of m, we should first calculate the quark propagator. One of the possible
form for the propagator is
S(x|0) = (x)(x4 )P(x4 |0) ,
where P(x4 |y 4 ) is path ordered lattice, oftenly called as P-line,
P(x4 |y 4 ) =

 x4 y4 

U (x, x4 na),

x4 > y 4 ,


where P(x4 |y 4 ) = 1 for x4 = y 4 . According [6], it is required that the definition of improved propagator should
 x4 y4 +1 #
4 4
Px (x4 |y 4 ) .
Px (x |y = 1
To reduce statistical error, the poropagator is calculated in a fixed gauge, which we use the Landau gauge in
our case, in the form of,

1 X 
SH (t) =
hTr P(x4 = t|0) i ,
3V x
where V is lattice spatial volume.
In order to determine the value of m, further we have to calculate the effective mass defined as,

SH (t + a)
am(t) = ln
SH (t)


After obtaining values of effective mass at several t, the next step is to fit the result with the one-loop
perturbative calculation [4], that is
a m(t)

= am + ln


Throughout the calculation, we perform several configurations called as setA and setB. Each of them with the
parameters set written in Tab. 1.
Lattice configurations are downloaded from http://qcd.nersc.gov [8].


For the first step, we calculate the improved quark propagator as defined in Eqs.(6) (9). The calculation is
conducted with two parameters as written in Tab. 1. Further we obtain the value of residual mass using the
relation in Eq. (10). The results are then fitted with Eq. (11). Fig. 1 shows the plotted and fitted results for
two set of parameters.

Lattice QCD Calculation on Hadronic...

Jurnal Komputasi 1 (2005) 0504

a m(t)

= 6.0: m = 0.36(2)
= 5.8: m = 0.39(2)





Figure 1: Plot of effective mass from the improved propagator, for two simulation.

The results for m

are as follows,
am = 0.36 0.02 0.01 at = 6.0 ,
am = 0.39 0.02 0.01 at = 5.8 .


APE Collaboration did not perform the calculation of E for configuration at = 5.8, so we only use m at
= 6.0 (Eq. (13)).
Looking at the similiarity of the incline of two m
plots and impressively close values of m, we conclude
that m is independent from the parameters used in the simulations. This motivates us to safely take the result
of m from only one configuration.


we use,
To get
from eq.(13);
E from APE collaboration [7], is
a corresponds to is
So we obtain,

aE = 0.52 0.01 ,
a1 = 1.8 0.2 GeV

= E m = 280 40 MeV


for = 6.0 .


pada = 6.0 .



obtained previously by using the same method. Comparing the results

The results in Tab. 2 are the values of
in Tab. 2, we can make several conclutions,

Table 2:

TA ini

183 64
243 40
163 32


0.521 0.003 0.010
0.526 0.003 0.006
0.360 0.020 0.010


180 35 MeV
20 MeV
280 40 MeV

N. Riveli, L.T. Handoko

Jurnal Komputasi 1 (2005) 0504

m obtained in this work has the accuracy up to two decimals, while the other ones mentioned in this
paper have the accuracy up to three decimals. The error mostly comes from the statistical one. This
shows that the number of configuration and the size of volume used in this paper are not sufficient to
conduct more precise calculation.
differs with two previous results. This is quantities also because of the large statistical error. Actually,

combining few configurations will improve the accuracy.
Using different configurations might cause discrepancies. Different methods and aldorithyms in arising
the configuration will form gauge configuration with different characteristic, allthough using the same
Though the result differs significantly with the previous works, we conclude that the calculation we have
conducted is still acceptable. The reason is the figure shows the same trend with for instance in [6]. Also the
errors could arise due to different configuration we have used.


H. J. Rothe, Lattice Gauge Theory, an Introduction, World Scientific Publishing (1997).

G. M
unster and M. Walzl, hep-lat/0012005 (2000).
G. P. Lepage, http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/maths/bus.
G. Martinelli dan C. T. Sachradja, CERN-TH 7517/94, hep-ph/9502352 (1995).
M. Crisafulli, V. Gimenez, G. Martinelli dan C. T. Sachradja, CERN-TH 7521/94, hep-ph/9506210 (1995).
V. Gimenez, G. Martinelli dan C. T. Sachradja, CERN-TH/96-163, hep-ph/9607018 (1996).
The APE Collaboration, C. R. Allton et al., Nucl. Phys. B413 (1994);
ibid., Phys. Lett. B326 (1994) 295.
[8] The Gauge Connection, http://qcd.nersc.gov.

Presented at the Workshop on Computational Science 2K4, Tangerang, Indonesia, 30 th August 2004.


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