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Online Assignment

Name -Lekshmipriya R
Candidate code-18214384007
Option -Physical Science

Curriculum in

The word curriculum originates from the Latin word
currere which means to run and hence curriculum means a course
to be run for reaching a goal. Curriculum was regarded as
synonymous with classified selections made from accumulate
knowledge into separate subjects or disciplines to be taught to
students. But in the present context due to the changes in the
education system curriculum acquired a new meaning. It is thus
regarded as the sum total of the experiences the pupil receive
through the manifold activities that go in the school, and in the
numerous interactions between the teacher and the pupils. There
are a number of definitions for curriculum.
One of them is Kilpatrick-Curriculum includes objectives, materials,
methodology and organization.
Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist to mould his material
according to his ideal in his studio. The material is highly self-active
and responds consciously

Functions of science curriculum

To provide continuous as well as sequential experience right
from the very beginning of the school on into the college.

To approach science conceptually rather than factually.

To use these methods of instruction which familiarize students
not only with the nature o

f scientific enterprise but also with

various aspects of the processes

To provide deeper insights into the scheme of the structure of

science i.e. its philosophy, history and methods of enquiry.

To provide effectively for individual differences, ability needs

and interests.

To make maximum use of skills and resources

To provide for built in mechanisms which provide for its
continuous and critical evaluation

General Principles of Curriculum

Educationalists have laid down certain principles for
developing curriculum. They are

1) The principle of child centeredness

Education is meant for the child and hence all educational
activities should be meaningful and appropriate for the child
for his all-round development

2) The principle of community centeredness

a child is living in the community, If that child should become a
useful member of the community he should first u

the needs of the community and try to solve them in a
systematic way

3) The principle of activity centeredness

Curriculum should be planned in such a way that each content
is taught through activities

4) The principle of integration

Curriculum should be designs such that the needs of the child
on one hand and the needs of the democratic society on the
other are integrated

5) Forward looking principle

The aim of education should be to prepare a child to lead an
adult life

6) Conservative principle
Culture is changing .For a child to know his past culture and
tradition there is no other way than the curriculum

7) Creative principle
Curriculum should have provisions to develop the creativity of

8) Motivation principle
Intrinsic motivation is needed for a child to learn effectively.
Therefore curriculum should be goal directed

9) Maturity principle
The curriculum should be suited
development of the pupil

to the mental and physical

10) The principle of balance

Curriculum should maintain proper balance between the direct
and indirect experiences

11) The principle of utility

Curriculum should be of practical use to the pupil and hence
should maintain vocational and technical bias

12) The principle of preparation for life

The school curriculum should be designed in such a way that it
should help pupils to prepare for life

Types of Curriculum


Subject Centered

A subject centered curriculum is a basis for instruction that

focuses on the courses being taught, each one separately from
the other. This traditional method of teaching concentrated on
one subject per class period or block of time with little or no
carry over into another subject


Activity centered

Activity centered curriculum is a modern approach in

curriculum development. It is a reaction against the traditional
curriculum which was subject centered or teacher dominated
child centered education and activity movement led to the
concept of activity centered curriculum


Integrated curriculum

Curriculum integration can be described as an approach to

teaching and learning that is based on both philosophy and
practicality. It can generally be defined asa curriculum approach
that purposefully draws together knowledge, skills, attitudes and
values from within or across subject areas to develop a more
powerful understanding of key ideas


Hidden curriculum

Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten unofficial and often

unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn
in school. The hidden curriculum concept is based on the
recognition that students recognize and absorb lessons in school
that may or may not be part of the formal course of study

Curriculum is the sum total of the experiences the pupil
receive through the manifold activities that go in the school.
Functions of science curriculum are well defined and specific.
Educationalists have laid down certain principles for developing
curriculum. Each and every principle is relevant while constructing

Teaching science Dr. Mariamma Mathew
Science Education- Dr. K Sivarajan
- Prof. A Faziluddin
Science Education- Dr. T K Mathew
- Dr. T M Mollykutty

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