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This word is submitted by Susanne Miller <Susanne2@aol.

Keys To Spiritual Growth
The Lord has had his hand of protection over us. He has built us up in Him.
He has taught us to hear and respond to His voice. He has pruned away the
branches that didn't bear fruit. He Has taught us to rightly divide the word
of truth. He has shown us the plain difference between walking in the flesh
and walking in the spirit. He has exposed the areas of our lives that still
needed to be yielded to Him. He has showered us with His love and affection
then withdrawn it for a season so that we would know the difference between
His love and provision for our spirits and the passing comforts of this
temporal life. The call for repentance has gone out. The call to walk in
complete obedience has gone out. The conviction for lukewarmness has gone
out. We stand on a sure foundation.
The battle is about to intensify. The enemy will come against you with a
FLOOD of doubt and confusion. Do not lose your sure footing. Do not be
deceived by the convincing lies of the enemy. He will attempt to mock and
undermine ALL that you have seen and learned in me. He will show forth false
signs and wonders. Do not let signs and wonders be proof alone of a life
that is submitted to me. Signs and wonders and giftings are not the measure
of a man. I alone weigh the heart. I alone can give you the discernment you
need to distinguish a lie from the truth. Do not be impressed by signs and
wonders and giftings. The enemy can counterfeit all of these.
Do not forsake your time alone with me EACH DAY. Give me first priority in
your life. Your life belongs to me. You are bought and paid for. You must
feed on daily spiritual bread. I am the bread of your life. Do not attempt
to minister with old manna. Come to me each day for direction and provision.
Do not move in any direction till you hear my voice to your heart.
You KNOW my voice. Obey my voice alone. See through my eyes. Hear through my
ears. Love with my heart. Hold tight with my arms. Go where my feet take
Be found in ME. I am your covering in times of trouble. Make no provision
for the flesh or you will give the enemy of your soul entrance into your
life. Do not let the enemy get a foothold in your life. Confess all your
sins to me.
Purpose in your heart to obey me alone. Disobedience is NOT a small matter.
It can cost you and others more than you can ever know. You must stay clean.
I am your covering. Remain in me. Abide in my love. My love protects you. My
love heals you. My love comforts you. My love directs you. My love
you. Be a good soldier. Fight the good fight of faith. Whatever is not born
out of faith is sin. Sin not. Walk by the spirit. Stay in step with me. Do
not move ahead or fall behind or the enemy will take you out. When I say
wait, you must wait.

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