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abanico - fan
abarrotar - to place a waler or strongback
abastecer - to furnish, supply
abatanador, el - wooden maul
abatimiento - lowering; slump (conc)
abertura - opening, aperture
abiselar - to bevel, chamfer
abocardador de tubos, el - tube expander
abocardar - to countersink
abollar - to dent, bump
abrazadera- clamp, clip; cleat
abretubos, el - pipe swage; tube expander
abrigar - to shelter, cover, protect; to wrap up
abrigo- protection, cover; windbreak
absorbedor, el - absorber
absorber - to absorb
acanalar - to groove, channel, corrugate, flute
accesorios - accessories, fittings
accionado- driven, actuated, operated
-- a vapor - steam-driven
-- elctricamente - motor-driven
-- por correa - belt-driven
-- por engranajes - gear-driven
accionar - to drive, actuate, operate
aceitador, el - oiler; oil cup, lubricator
-- a presin - force-feed lubricator
-- cuenta gotas - sight-feed lubricator
aceitaje, el - oiling, lubrication
aceitar - to oil, lubricate
aceite, el - oil
-- aislante - insulating oil
-- combustible - fuel or furnace oil
-- crudo - crude oil; raw oil
-- de alumbrado -illuminating oil, kerosene
-- de azufre - sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol
-- de calefaccin - furnace oil
-- de carbn - kerosene, coal oil
-- de horno - furnace or fuel oil
-- de lmpara - kerosene
-- de vitriolo - sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol
-- lubricante - lubricating oil
aceitera - oil can; oil cup
-- a presin - squirt can
-- con gota visible - sight-feed oil cup
-- de resorte - oil gun

aceitoso - oily
aceleracin, la - acceleration
acelerar - to accelerate, hurry
acepilladora - planer, surfacer
acepillar - to plane, face, mill; to brush
acequia - sewer; irrigation ditch, canal
acera - sidewalk
acero - steel
-- al carbono - carbon steel
-- al cobre - copper-bearing steel
-- al cromo - chromium steel
-- al cromoniquel - chrome-nickel steel
-- al manganeso - manganese steel
-- al niquel - nickel steel
-- colado - cast steel
-- de aleacin pobre - low alloy steel
-- de aleacin rica - high alloy steel
-- de alto carbono - high carbon steel
-- de construccin - structural steel
-- de herramientas - tool steel
-- de liga - alloy steel
-- de nitruracin - nitrided steel
-- dulce - mild or soft, or low-carbon steel, flange steel
-- fundido - cast steel
-- inoxidable - stainless steel
-- mangansico - manganese steel
-- moldeado - cast steel
-- muerto - killed steel
-- para nitruracin - nitriding steel, nitralloy
-- perfilado - structural shapes, rolled steel sections
-- suave - soft or mild or low-carbon steel
acerocromo - chromium steel
aceroniquel - nickel steel
acetileno - acetylene
acidez, la -acidity
acidificar - to acidify, to acidize
cido - acid
-- clorhdrico o hidroclrico - hydrochloric acid
-- lodoso - sludge acid
-- sulfhdrico - hydrogen sulfide
-- sulfrico - sulfuric acid
acidular - to acidulate, to acidize
aclarador, el - clarifier
aclarar - to clarify
acodado - bend, bent to an angle
acodalamiento - shoring, trench bracing
acodalar - to shore, brace
acodamiento - bend, elbow; shoring, trench

acodar- to bend; to shore, brace; to square-up; to offset (surv.)
acollar - to calk with oakum
acondicionador, el - conditioner
-- de agua - water softener
acoplamiento - coupling, splice, joint, connection
-- electromagntico - magnetic clutch
-- hidralico - fluid drive
-- universal - universal joint
acoplar - to couple, join, connect, hook up
acorazado - armored; enclosed; (elec.) ironclad
acordelar - to layout with a chalk line
acorvar - to bend
acostarse - to get out of plumb
acostillado - ribbed
acotacin - elevation or dimension marked on a plan; monument
acotamiento - setting boundary monuments; dimensioning; shoulder of road
acumulador, el - storage battery, (mech) accumulator (ac)cumulator
acstico - acoustic
achaflanar - to bevel, chamfer, splay
adelgazador, el - paint thinner
adelgazar - to make thin; to taper; to soften (water); to thin (paint); to cut back (asphalt)
adema - shore, prop
ademado - timbering, bracing, shoring
-- de cajn - cribwork
ademar - to shore, timber
adiestrar - to train, guide
aditivo - additive
-- en polvo - powdered admixture (conc.)
adulzar - to soften ( metals or water)
aeronafta - aviation gasoline
afiladera - sharpener, whetstone
afilado - sharp
afilar - to sharpen, whet, grind
afirmado - road surfacing, pavement
aflojar - to loosen, slack
afluir - to flow in
agarradera - handle, grip; clamp
agotador, el - stripper (dist.); exhauster
agotar - to strip (dist.) to exhaust; to drain
agregado - aggregate (conc.)
-- coloidal - admixture (pet)
-- en polvo - powdered admixture (conc.)
-- grueso - coarse aggregate
agrimensor, el - surveyor
agrimensura - land survey; surveying
agua - water
-- blanda - soft water
-- de albaal - sewage

-- de alimentacin - feed water

-- de complemento - make-up water
-- de elaboracin - process water, (conc.) mixing water
-- de noria - well water
-- de reemplazo o
de rellenar - make-up water
-- delgada - soft water
-- dulce - fresh water
-- dura - hard water
-- potable - drinking water; domestic water supply
-- abajo - downstream
-- arriba - upstream
-- fecales - sewage, sanitary sewage
-- industriales - industrial wastes or sewage
-- inmundas - sewage
-- metericas - rain or storm water
-- residuales industriales - industrial wastes
aguarrs, el - turpentine
agudizar - to sharpen (tools)
agudo - sharp, acute; sharp (curve)
aguiln, el - boom, jib, mast arm
-- activo - live boom
-- de gra - crane boom; derrick boom
-- para pala de cable de arrastre -dragline boom
aguja - needle; (rr) switch point;(carp) brad, finishing nail
agujero - hole
-- de perno - bolt hole
-- de prueba - test hole
-- manual - hand hole
-- oblongo - slotted hole
agujuela - brad, finishing nail
aguzadera - whetstone
aguzador, el - drill sharpener
-- de lpices - pencil sharpener
aguzar - to sharpen, whet, point
aherrumbrarse - to rust
ahusado- tapered
ahusamiento - taper
ahusar - to taper; to batter
aire, el - air
-- a presin - compressed air
-- arrastrado- entrained air
-- comprimido - compressed air
airear - to aerate; to ventilate
aislacin, la - insulation
-- trmica - heat insulation
aislador, el - insulator
aislamiento - insulation; isolation

aislante, el - insulating material

aislar - to insulate, isolate
ajustador, el - machinist, fitter, mechanic; adjusting tool
ajustar - to fit, adjust, make true; (surv) to balance
ajustarse a - to fit into
ajustarse sobre - to fit over
ajuste, el - adjustment, fitting, setting
-- a inglete - miter joint
-- a martillo - driving fit
-- ahusado - taper fit
-- apretado - tight or close fit
-- con holgura - loose fit
-- del trazado - balancing the survey
-- empotrado en caliente - shrink fit
-- estrecho - press fit, shrink fit
-- forzado - tight, force, press or drive fit
alambique, el - still (small)
-- acorazado o de casco - shell still
-- de tubos - pipe or tube still
-- desintegrador - cracking still
-- para redestilacin- rerun still
alambiquero - stillman
alambrado - wiring, wire mesh, screen; wire fence
alambrar- to wire
alambre, el - wire
-- cargado - live wire
-- de atar- tie wire (ref)
-- de guardia - guard or ground wire
-- de masa - ground wire
-- trenzado - braided or stranded wire
albaal, el - sewer, drain
albaear - to do mason work
albail, el - mason, brick layer
albailera - masonry
albayalde, el - white lead
-- rojo - red lead
alberca - pool, pond, basin, tank
alcance - reach, range
-- de trabajo - scope of work
aleacin - alloy
alear - to alloy
aleta - fin, gill; lug (mech); vane (turb)
aletas de enfriamiento - cooling fins
alfiler, el - pin, peg
alfilerillo - finishing nail, brad
algas - algae
alicates, los - pliers; pincers; tongs
-- aislados - insulated or electrician's pliers
-- de guarda lnea - lineman's pliers

alimentado a petrleo - oil-fired

alimentado por gas - gas-fired
alimentar - to charge; to feed
alisar - to plane, face, smooth, polish
alivio - relief
-- de esfuerozos - stress relief
-- de vaco - vacuum relief
-- de aspiracin - suction head
almacn, el - warehouse, store room
almacenador, el - warehouseman
almacenamiento - storage
almacenar - to store, stock
alquilar - to rent; to alkylize
alquilizar - to alkylize
alquilo - alkyl
alquitarar - to distill
alquitrn, el - tar, pitch
-- de carbn - coal tar
-- de hulla - coal tar
-- de petrleo - oil tar
-- mineral - asphalt
altitud - altitude, elevation
alto - high
altura - elevation, altitude, height; (hyd)head; (estr) depth
-- de carga - head
-- de descarga o de impulsin - discharge head
-- de paso - headroom
-- de presin - pressure head
-- de succin - suction head
-- dinmica - velocity head
-- esttica static head
-- manomtrica total - total head
alumbrado - lighting
alumbrar - to light
almina- alumina, aluminum oxide
aluminato - aluminate
aluminio - aluminum
alveolado - honeycombed
alza- rise, lift; shim
-- de la vlvula - valve lift
alzada - (dwg) elevation; face of a building
alzado - elevation
-- de costado - side elevation
-- delantero - front elevation
-- en corte - sectional elevation
-- trasero - rear elevation
alzar- to hoist, raise, lift
allanar - to grade, level

allane, el - leveling, grading

amarra - tie, lashing; cable clip, mooring
amarrar - to tie, lash, splice, make fast
amarre, el - tie, splice; anchorage; (conc) bond
amasada - batch of mortar
aminorar - to lessen
amoladora - grinder
amolar - to grind, sharpen
amonaco - ammonia
amontonar - to pile, pileup
amortiguador, el - shock absorber, damper; muffler; door check, buffer
-- de chispas - spark arrester
-- de choque - shock absorber, bumper
-- de escape - exhaust head, exhaust silencer
-- de ruido - silencer, muffler
amortiguar - to cushion, deaden, lessen; to damp
amperaje, el - amperage
amperimetro - ammeter
amperio - ampere
analizador - analyzer
aadir - to add
anclar- to anchor
ancorar - to anchor
ancho- width, breadth; wide
-- de via - (rr) gage
-- tipo - (rr) standard gage
anchura - width, breadth
andamio - scaffold
andar - to run (machinery)
andn - platform,walkway
ngulo - angle
anhdrico - anhydrous
anillo- ring, collar, rim; piston ring
-- aceitador - oil ring
-- colector - (elec) slip or collector ring
-- de cierre hidraulico - (pump) lantern ring
-- de mbolo - piston or packing ring
-- de empuje - thrust collar
-- de engrase - oil ring
-- de estancamiento - seal ring
-- de frotamiento - (motor) slip ring
-- de lubricacin - oil ring
-- de respaldo - backing ring
-- de rodadura- bearing race, raceway
-- desgastable - wearing ring
-- fiadorretainer (ball bearing)
-- limpiador de aceite - wiper ring
anodizar - to anodize

nodo - anode
anteojos - goggles
antepresupuesto - preliminary estimate
anteproyecto -- preliminary design
antestudio - preliminary study
anticido- acid-resisting
anticoagulante - anticoagulant
antidetonante, el - antiknock
antioxidante - antirust, rust-resisting, antioxidente
antiprico - fire resisting
antirresbaladozo - nonslip, nonskid
antorcha - welding torch; plumber's torch
anular - annular
apagar - to extinguish, quench; to slake (lime); (elec) to switch off
apalancar - to pry, move with a lever
aparato - apparatus, device, fixture
-- de distribucin - switchgear
-- de mando - control mechanism
-- de seguridad - safety device
-- dibujador - drafting machine
aparatos sanitarios - plumbing fixtures
aparejar - to rig; to lay out
aparejo - block and fall; chain block; tackle, rigging
-- a cadena - chain block
-- de dibujo - drafting machine
aplanadora - roller; grader
-- a vapor - steam roller
-- con pies de cabra o de pezua - sheeps foot or tamping roller
-- pata de cabra - sheep's foot roller
aplanar - to level, grade; to smooth up
apretar - to tighten; to set (brake)
apuntalar - to share, brace, prop
arandela - washer, gasket; burr
-- de aceite - oil retainer
-- fiador o de seguridad - lock washer
-- fijadora - check or lock washer
-- de levas - camshaft
arcilla - clay
-- de flltro - filter clay
-- esquistosa - shale
arco - arch; arc; (elec) arc
-- cubierto - shielded arc
-- protegido - shielded arc
archivador, el - filing cabinet
archivar - to file (documents)
archivero - filing cabinet
arena - sand
argamasa - mortar
argolla - ring; staple; shackle

ariete, el - ram; water hammer

-- hydraulico - hydraulic ram; water hammer
armadura - erection,assembly; bent; truss (conc) reinforcement
armar - to assemble, erect; to reinforce, to truss
armella - eyebolt;
aro - hoop, ring; (auto) tire rim
-- dentado - ring gear
arrancaclavos - clawbar, nail puller
arrancar - to start (a unit)
arrastrar - to haul, drag; to entrain
arrastre, el - hauling,carrying dragging
-- de agua - (boiler) priming
-- de mbolo - piston drag
arollar - to roll, wind, reel
artefactors de alumbrado - lighting fixtures
artefactos sanitarios - plumbing fixtures
artesano - skilled workman, mechanic
artifice - skilled workman; maker
asa - handle; thimble
asbesto - asbestos
asentador, el - chisel; settler (petr)
asentar - to set, seat; to grind (valves)
asentarse - to settle
aserrar - to saw
aserruchar - to saw
asfalto - asphalt
-- adelgazado - asphalt cutback
-- diluido - asphalt cutback
asidero - handle
asiento - (str) bearing, seat; (conc) slump; settlement (fdn) site, location
aspa - vane; blade (propeller); reel
aspas - X-bracing
spero - rough; uneven
asta - pole, mast; handle
astillar - to chip, splinter
astillarse - to spall
atadura - tie, knot, fastening
atar- to tie, bind, lash
atirantar - to guy, stay; to truss
atomizador, el - atomizer
-- de pintura - paint sprayer
tomo - atom
atornillador, el - screwdriver
-- de empuje - automatic or spiral screwdriver
atornillar - to screw
atrancar - to bolt, fasten with bolts
atravesar - to cross; to pierce
aumentar - to augment,increase

azada - spade, hoe

azadn, el- hoe, grubhoe, spud
azufre, el - sulfur
azufroso - sulfurous
azulejo - glazed tile
bache, , el - rut; mudhole
bajada - descent, slope, downgrade; down-spout
bakelita- bakelite
balance, el - balance
-- calrico - heat balance (balance de calor)
balanza - scale, balance
-- analtica - analytical balance
-- de plataforma - platform scale
-- de precisin - analytical balance
balde, el - bucket, pail
-- de arrastre - dragline bucket, drag scraper
balero - ball bearing
-- de rodillos - roller
balicero - rodman
banco - (geol) stratum; (carp) bench; (const) bent; level ground
-- aserrador - saw table
-- de cota fija - bench mark
-- de doblar - bending table; ( reinf. rod) fabricating bench
-- de grava - gravel bank
-- de nivel - bench mark
-- de sierra - saw table
-- de soldar - welding table
-- de taller o de trabajo - work bench
banda - belt, band
-- de cadena - chain belt
-- del embrague - clutch band
-- de transmisin - driving belt
-- del ventilador - fan belt
-- eslabonada - endless belt
-- transportadora - belt conveyor
- V - V-belt
baar - to dip ( in paint, molten zinc, asphalt
baquelita - bakelite
barniz, el - varnish
-- de laca - shellac
-- secante - drier
barnizar - to varnish
baromtrico - barometric

barra - bar, rod (tool)

-- colectora - bus bar
-- de conexin - connecting rod
-- deformada - deformed (reinf) rod
-- radial - radius rod
-- tirante - tie rod
barrena - drill, auger, gimlet, drill bit; crowbar
barrenadora - drill
barrenar - to drill; to blast
barreno - drill; drill hole
barrera - fence
barreta - crowbar; small bar
barretear - to bar, work with a bar
barril, el - barrel
barro - clay, mud, sult; sludge
barrote, el - heavy bar; grate bar; ladder rung
basamento - base; pedestal
bscula - scale (for weighing)
-- de balancin - beam scale
-- de plataforma - platform scale
-- de pozo - pit scale
-- de via - track scale
base, la - basis; base; rail flange
.-- de la soldadura - root of weld
bastidor, el - frame; chassis
bateria - battery (all senses)
batir - to beat, hammer, tamp; to stir
bauxita - bauxite
benceno - benzene
berbique, beriqui, el - carpenter's brace
bicho - bug, thumb tack
biela - connecting rod
-- motriz - connecting or main driving rod
bifsico - two phase (elec)
bifilar - two wire (elec)
bixido - dioxide
-- carbnico - carbon dioxide
birlo - study bolt
bisagra - hinge
bisel, el - bevel, chamfer
biselar - to bevel, chamfer
blindado - armored, ironclad; (elec) shielded
blindaje, el - armor, armor plate; (elec) shielding
bloque, el - block
bloqueo - blocking
bobina - (elec) coil
bobinado, bobinaje, el - (elec) winding
bobinar - to wind
boca - mouth, entrance; nozzle

bocina- bushing, bell end (of pipe); horn

bodega - warehouse, storehouse
bolsa - bag, sack; pocket
-- de aire - air pocket, air lock
-- de vapor - vapor lock
bomba - pump, fire engine, bomb
-- a mano - hand pump
-- al vacio - vacuum pump
-- a vapor - steam pump
-- alimentadora - feed or boiler-feed pump
-- calorimtrica - pump calorimeter
-- centrifuga - centrifugal pump
-- contadora - metering pump (gasoline)
-- de diafragma - diaphragm pump
-- de doble paso o de dos escalones o de
de dos otapas o de dos grados - two-stage pump
-- de doble efecto - double-acting pump
-- de efecto nico - single-acting pump
-- de mbolo - piston pump
-- de mbolo buzo o de mbolo macizo - plunger pump
-- de hlice - propeller or screw pump
-- de impulsor abierto - open-impeller pump
-- de motero - plunger pump
-- reciprocante - reciprocating pump
-- de succin al extremo - end-suction centrifugal pump
-- de succin lateral - side-suction centrifugal pump
-- de trasiego - transfer pump
-- doble - duplex pump
-- giratoria - rotary pump
-- multigradual - multistage pump
-- para pozos profundos - deep-well pump
-- reforzadora - booster pump
-- rotativa - rotary pump
-- triple - triplex pump
bombas gemelas - duplex pump
bombaje, el - pumping
bombeable - pumpable
bombeador, el - pumper
bombear - to pump; to crown
bombearse - to bulge, spring
bombero - pumpman; fireman
boquilla - small opening; chuck; socket; bushing; nipple; nozzle
-- aisladora - insulating bushing
-- aspersora - spray nozzle
-- de borne -(elec) terminal bushing
-- de brida - flanged nozzle
-- de engrase - oilhole
-- de flujo - flow nozzle
-- de manguera - hose nozzle

-- mezcladora - mixing nozzle

-- para soldar- soldering bushing
-- rociadora - spray nozzle
borde, el - border, edge; dike, levee
bordear - to flange; to edge
bordo - dike; edge
-- de contencin - levee, dike
-- de encauzamiento - levee
-- provisional - cofferdam
borrador, el - rough draft; eraser
borrar - to erase
bosquejar - to sketch
bosquejo - sketch, plan, rough draft, outline
bote, el - bucket; dipper
bracero - laborer workman
brazo - arm; leg of an angle; branch
-- del cigueal - crank arm
-- del mbolo - piston rod
-- de grua - boom, jib; stiffleg
-- de palanca - lever arm, leverage
-- de pared - wall bracket
-- de romana - beam of a scale
-- polar - pole arm (planimeter)
-- rigido - stiffleg
-- trazador - tracing arm (planimeter)
brazos - labor (men)
brea - pitch, tar, petroleum asphalt
brida - flange clamp; splice plate; briddle (cable); (rr) splice bar
-- ciega - blind flange; blank flange
-- corrediza - slip on flange
--curva - saddle or tank or boiler flange
-- de acoplamiento - companion flange; coupling flange
-- de cara alzada - raised face flange
-- de junta montada - Van Stone or lapjointed flange
-- de obturacin - blind flange
-- de orificio - orifice flange
-- lisa - blank flange
-- roscada - screwed flange
-- soldada - welded flange
bridas gemelas o de unin - flange union companion flanges
bridar - to flange
brigada - party, squad, gang
-- de campo - field forces or party
-- de dibujantes -squad of draftsmen
-- del trnsito - transit party
broca - drill, drill bit
brocha - brush
-- para pintura - paint brush
broche, el - hasp

bronce, el - bronze; brass

brjula - compass
bruir - to burnish, polish
buje, el - bushing, sleeve
-- de contratuerca - (elec) lock-nut bushing
-- de reborde - shoulder bushing
-- de reduccin - bushing
-- de tubo-conducto - (elec) conduit bushing
-- para soldar - soldering or welding bushing
buja - spark plug; candle; candle power
bujia-pie - foot candle
burbuja - bubble
buril, el - small chisel
butano - butane
butileno - butylene
buzn, el - bin, bunker; letter box
caballete, el - trestle bent, A frame; gantry
-- de aserrar - saw horse
-- de aserrar - saw horse
-- en H - H frame
caballo - horse; horsepower; saw horse; wood roof truss
-- de fuerza o de vapor - horsepower
-- caballo-hora - horsepower-hour
-- al eje - shaft horsepower
-- de rgimen - horsepower rating
cabeza - head (rivet, bolt, nail); head of water; flange (girder)
-- , de - on end
-- de la biela - big end
-- empaque - stuffing box
-- inferior - bottom flange (girder)
-- para llave - wrench head (bolt)
-- superior - top flange (girder)
cabezal, el - cap, header, lintel
-- de cajn - box header (boiler)
-- de cerco - ring header (boiler)
-- de conexin multiple - branch T (piping)
-- de entubamiento - casing head
-- de pozo - casing head
-- de tubos - branch T (piping); tube header (boiler)
cabina - elevator car
cable, el - cable, rope, line; (elec)
-- acorazado - (elec) armored cable

-- alimentador - (elec) feed cable

-- armado - armored cable; multiple-conductor cable
-- atesador - tightening or take-up line
-- blindado - armored cable
-- corredor - running rope
-- de abaca - Manila rope
-- de acero - wire rope or cable
-- de alambre - wire rope
-- de algodn - cotton rope
-- de alzar - hoisting line
-- de arrastre - dragline, hauling cable
-- caamo - Minila or hemp rope
-- de carga - load or carrying cable
-- de compensacin - take-up line
-- de conductor mltiple - (elect) multiple-conductor cable
-- de corrida - running rope
-- de elevacin - hoisting or fall or load line
-- henequn sisal rope
de izar - full or hoisting or load line
-- de labor - running rope
-- de levante - hoisting line
-- de refrenamiento - snubbing line
-- de retencin - guy cable
-- retroceso - back-haul rope
-- Manila - Manila rope
-- mensajero - carrying or messenger or load cable
-- muerto - standing rope; dead line
-- para vientos - guy cable
-- preformado - preformed wire rope
-- protegido - (elect) shielded cable
-- rastrero - hauling cable
-- sustentador - carrying or load cable
-- trenzado - (elect) stranded or braided cable
cabo - rope, strand; foreman; handle; end
-- de hacha - ax handle
-- de labor - running rope
-- de pico - pick handle
-- de retenida - guy cable; guy strand
-- Manila - Manila rope
-- muerto - standing rope, guy cable
-- para vientos - guy strand
cabrestante, el - winch; A frame
-- de cadena - chain block
cachucha - cap (bubble cap)
cadalso - scaffold, staging
cadena - chain; tie; brace, reinforcement; buttress
-- afianzada - tire chain
-- transportadora - chain conveyor

cadmio - cadmium
cada - fall, drop; (hyd) head; (struct) failure
-- bruta - (hyd) total head
-- de friccin - (hyd) friction drop
-- efectiva - (hyd) effective head
-- esttica - (hyd) static head
-- pluvial - rainfall
-- til - useful head
caimn, el - Stillson wrench; tongs
caja - box, case; carbody; (carp) mortise, recess; (mach) housing, casing; (elec) outlet
box, junction box; (read) section excavated for pavement
-- de acceso - inspection box; (elec) pull box
-- de ascensor - elevator shaft
-- de bomba - pump casing
-- de cambio - (auto) gear case, gearbox
-- de caracol - (turb) scroll case
-- de caudales - safe
-- de cigeal - (auto) crankcase
-- de contrato - (elec) receptacle, socket
-- de empacadura - stuffing box
-- de empalme - (elec) junction or splice box
-- de empaque - packing case
-- de empaquetadura - stuffing
-- de enchufe - (elec) receptacle, outlet
-- de engranajes - gear case, gearbox; (auto) transmission
-- de escalera - stairwell
-- de estopas - stuffing box
-- de fuego - firebox
-- de heramientas - tool box, tool chest
-- de incendio - hydrant
-- de paso - (elec) pull box
-- de registro - manhole (street)
-- de unin - junction box
-- de vlvula - valve chest; valve box
-- de ventilacin - air or ventilation shaft
-- del volante - flywheel housing
-- espiral - (turb) scroll case
-- estancadora - gland
-- fuerte - safe
-- partida - split casing
-- y espiga - mortise and tenon; bell and spigot
cal, la - lime
-- apagada o hidratada o muerta- slacked lime
-- custica o viva - quicklime, caustic lime
calar - to perforate; to wedge; to treat with lime
calavera - tail light
calcado - tracing
calcador - tracer

calcar - to trace, copy

cace, el - wedge, liner, shim; underpinning; iron tire
calcinador, el - calciner
calcinar - to calcine, burn
calcio - calcium
calcular - to calculate; to estimate
caldear - to heat; to weld
caldeo - heating; welding
caldera - boiler; tar kettle
-- de calor de desceho o de calor residual - waste-heat boiler
-- de retorno de llama - return-tubular boiler
-- de tornallama - return-tubular boiler
-- de tubos de agua o de tubos hervidores - water tube boiler
-- de tubos de humo o de tubos de llama - fire-tube boiler
-- humotubular - fire-tube boiler
-- gneotubular - fire-tube boiler
-- instantnea o rpida - flash boiler
-- tubular de retorno - return-tubular boiler
calefaccin, la - heat heating
calentada - a heat (steel)
calentado al blanco - white-hot
calentado al rojo - red-hot
calentador, el - heater; feed-water heater
calentar - to heat
calentarse - to heat up, run hot
calibrador, el - gage
calipers - sizer
calibrar - to gage; to caliper; to calibrate
calibre, el - gage, bore, caliber; calipers
caliza limestone
calor, el - heat
-- aprovechable - useful heat
-- de desecho - waste heat
-- de fraguado - (conc) heat of setting
-- especifico - specific heat
-- latente de fusin - latent heat of fusion
-- calorimetro - calorimeter
calzada - paved roadway
calzar - to wedge, shim; to key
calzo - wedge; shim; foot block
cama - bed, bed plate; cog; cam; body of flat truck or car
cmara - (auto) inner tube; chamber, room; camera
cambiador, el - changer; (elec) switch
-- de calor - heat exchanger
-- de frecuencia - frequency changer
-- de velocidad - speed changer, variable speed transmission
camin, el - truck
-- chato o de cama plana - flat truck

-- de gra - truck crane

-- de volteo - dump truck
-- mezolador - (conc) truck mixer
camisa - jacket, lagging; sleeve, bushing; drill chuck
canal, el - canel, channel; chute, flume; (elec) raceway, wireway
canal, la - conduit, pipe, duct; channel iron; roof gutter; groove, slot
-- de bajada - downspout
-- de lluvia - gutter
-- U - channel iron
canalado - currugated, fluted, grooved
canalizacin, la - flume; piping; system of ducts; wiring; layout of conduits
-- de desages - sewer system
-- elctrica - electric wiring; system of conduits
-- maestra - mains
canasta - basket, strainer
canastilla - bucket
cangiln, el - bucket
-- de arrastre - dragline bucket
-- de elevador - elevator bucket
cantimplora - weep hole
canto - edge; thickness of a board; pebble, boulder
-- laminado - rolled edge (steel plate)
-- recortado - sheared edge (steel plate)
-- rodado - pebble, cobble, boulder
-- vivo - square edge
caa - shank, handle shaft; stem; rod
-- de barrena - drill shank
camo - hemp, jute
-- de arcilla vitrificada - sewer pipe, glazed tile pipe
-- de fundicin - cast-iron pipe
-- de fundicin liviana - soil pipe, light-weight cast-iron pipe
-- de hierro centrifugado - centrifugal cast-iron
-- de macho y campana - bell-and-spigot pipe
-- maestra o matriz - mains
-- de drenaje - drain pipe, drain tile
can, el - gun barrel
capa - layer; stratum; ply; coat (paint or plaster) course (masonry)
-- caf - brown coat (plaster)
-- de acabado - finishing coat
-- de ladrillos - course of brick
capacidad, la - capacity; (elec) capacitance
-- asignada - rated capacity
-- de conduccin - flow capacity; (elec) current-carrying capacity
-- electrosttica - permittance, electrostatic capacity
-- inductiva especifica - permittivity, specific inductive capacity, dielectric constant
-- interruptera - (elec) interrupting capacity
-- trmica - heat or thermal capacity
capacitador, el - (elec) capacitor, condenser

capacitancia - (elec & mech) capacitance

capacitor, el - (elec) capacitor, condenser
capataz, el - foreman, boss
capitan, el - capitan, foreman
capota - hood; auto top
captador de polvo, el - dust collector
capuchn, el - (auto) valve cap; (piling) driving cap; chimney cap
caracol, el - spiral; (turb) scroll case
cartula - dial of an instrument
carbn, el - carbon, charcoal; coal
-- de laa o de madera o vegetal - charcoal
carborundo - carborundum
carburador, el - carburetor
carcasa - casin, frame
-- motor - motor frame
-- espiral - (turb) scroll case
crcel, la - clamp; vise
-- de banco - bench vise
-- para sierra - saw clamp
-- para taladradora - drill or jig vise
carcomerse - to become worm-eaten; to decay; to be undermined
carcomida - decay; corrosion; (conc) honeycomb
carcomido - (lumber) wormy; corroded; decayed
careta - mark, face shield
-- antigs - gas mask
-- de soldador - welding mask
carga - load, loading; freight, cargo, (hyd) head; (conc) charge, batch; (elec) charge,
load; (met) charge, heat
-- admisible - allowable load
-- de fractura - breaking load
-- de hormigonera - batch of concrete
-- de prueba - test load, trial load
-- de rotura - breaking or rupture load
-- de seguridad - safe load
-- de servicio o de trabajo - working load
-- dinmica - moving load; dynamic head
-- efectiva - (hyd) effective or net head; (truck) pay load
-- esttica - (hyd) static head; (str) static or dead load
-- hidralica - head
-- inductiva - (elec) inductive or lagging load
-- limite - safe or allowable load
-- muerta - (str) dead load
-- permanente - (str) dead load
-- plena - full load
-- por lotes - less-than-carload freight
-- por vagones - carload freight
-- presumida o prevista o supuesta
- design loading
-- propia - (str) dead load
-- remanente - residual charge (elec)

-- rodante - moving or rolling load

-- tipo - (str) standard loading
-- transversal - (str) beam loading
-- util - pay or useful load; live load
-- viva - live load
cargadero - loading platform; freight station; charging opening
cargar - to charge (a unit); to load
cargo - cargo, freight
carpeta - coating; pavement; slab; folder, letter file
-- de fundacin - foundation slab or mat
carpintear - to do carpenter work
carpinteria - carpentry; carpenter shop
-- de blanco - trim, mill work
-- de encofrado - form work
-- de modelos - pattern making
-- de obra - structural carpentry
-- de taller - shop carpentry; mill work
-- mecnica - mill work; mill, carpentar shop
-- metlica - light ironwork in a building, especially doors and windows
carpintero - carpenter
carrera - strongback, waler, stringer; (carp) wall plate, sill; purling; girt; highway;
(machy) stroke, throw, travel; (masonry) course
-- ascendente - upstroke (piston)
-- de admisin - admission or intake stroke
-- de aspiracin - suction stroke
-- de barrida - scavenging stroke
-- de compresin - compression stroke
-- de defensa - (wharft) fender
-- de descarga - delivery stroke
-- del distribuidor - valve travel
-- del mbolo - piston stroke
-- de
encendido - ignition or working stroke
-- de escape - exhaust stroke
-- de la excntrica - throw of the eccentric
-- de expulsin - exhaust stroke; scavenging stroke
-- de fondo - ground sill
-- de fuerza - power stroke
-- de ladrillos - course of brick
-- de la leva - lift of a can
-- de la marea - range of the tide
-- del martinete - drop of a pile hammer
-- de pared - (carp) wall plate
-- de retroceso - back stroke
-- de techo - ceiling joist
-- de trabajo - working stroke (piston)
-- descendente - down stroke
-- motriz - working or power stroke
carreta - cart, wagon; wheelbarrow

-- de remolque - trailer
carrete, el - reel, coil; spool
carretilla - wheelbarrow; small car; hand truck
carretillada - wheelbarrow load
carretn, el - wagon, cart, truck; cooncrete buggy
-- de remolque - trailer
-- regador - sprinkling wagon
carretonada - wagon load, truck load
carretonero - truck driver, teamster
carril, el - rail, track, traffic lane; narrow road
-- guia - guardrail
carriles de oruga - crawler tread
carrito - small car; concrete buggy; trolley, traveller
carro - car; wagon, truck, cart; automobile
caja o cerrado o de cajn - boxcar
-- o tanque - tank car
-- de plataforma o plano o raso - flat car
-- de remolque - trailer
-- elevador - lift truck
-- entero, por - in carload lots
-- gndola - gondola car
-- inferior - undercarriage
carro-monta cargas - lift truck
carros completos, por - in carload lots
carroceria - automobile body; truck body
de volteo - dump body
crter, el - housing, casing, cover
cartn, el - cardboard, mill board, heavy paper; gusset plate, bracket
-- alquitranado - tar paper
de bagazo - celotex
-- de yeso - plaster board, wall board
casa - house; firm
-- de bombas - pumphouse
-- de calderas - boiler house
cascajo - gravel, crushed rock
cscara o cascarn el - casing shell
casco - shell, casing; helmet
-- de
caldera - shell of a boiler
-- de soldador - welding helmet, head shield
casillero - rack (for pipe, etc.)
casquete, el - cap; shell; helmet
-- de tubo - pipe cap
-- de unin - union bonnet (valve)
-- de la vlvula - valve bonnet
casquillo - ferrule; gland; sleeve, bushing; socket; pipe cap; base of an incandescent
-- de soldar - soldering bushing, sweating thimble
-- de tubo-conducto - (elec) conduit bushing

-- por soldar - welding neck; stub end

-- reductor - pipe bushing
cataltico - catalytic
catalizador, el - catalyst
-- de lecho fijo - fixed-bed catlyst
-- usado - spent catalyst
catarina - sprocket
catear - to make borings, explore the ground; to sample
cateto - leg of a right triangle
catin - (elec) cation
catdico - cathodic
ctodo - (elec) cathode
caucho - rubber
caudal, el - volume of flow
custico - caustic
cautin, el - soldering iron
cavador, el - excavator
-- de zanjas - trench machine, ditcher
cavadora - excavator
cavar - to excavate, dig
cavazanjas, mquina - trench machine
cavitacin, la - cavitation
cebar - to prime (a pump); to feed, charge ( a boiler)
cedazo - screen, sieve, strainer
cegar - to wall up; to plug, stop up
ceja - flange; tire bead
celda - cella; bin
clula - cell; cubicle
cemento - cement
-- armado - reinforced concrete
-- de alta resistencia a corto plazo - high-early-strength cement
-- de alta resistencia inicial - high-early-strength cement
-- de alta velocidad - high-early-strength cement
cenizas - ashes, cinders
central, la - plant, station; powerhouse; telephone exchange
-- auxiliar - standby power plant
-- de transformacin - transformer station, sub-station
-- elevadora - pumping station, hoisting installation
centrar - to center
centro - center
-- a centro - center to center
-- de la e
-- de la carga o de distribucin - (elec) load center, center of distribution
de gravedad - center of
muerto - dead center
cepa - butt end; stump; footing; cut off wall
cepilladora - planer, plane; jointer
cepilladuras - shavings

cepillar - to plane, face, dress; to brush

cepillo - plane; brush
-- alambre o de acaro o metlico - wire brush
cepo - waler, strong back; clamp, vise
cera - wax
cerca - fence; near
-- alambrada - wire fence
cercado - fence, fencing
-- eslabonado - chain-link fencing
cercar - to fence
cerco - fence; hoop; frame; (tire) rim; iron tire
-- de alambre - wire fence
-- de puerta - door frame
-- de rueda - tire
cercha - rib of an arch center; stair string
cerda - bristle
cerillos - wax matches
cerner - to screen, sift
cernidor, el - screen, sieve
cernir - to screen, sift
cero - zero
ceroso - waxy
cerradura - lock
cerrar - to close; to fasten, lock; to enclose; to obstruct, block
-- con llave - to lock
el trazado - to close the survey
cerrojo - door bolt, bolt of a lock, latch
cesta - basket; bucket; strainer
cesto - basket
-- del papel - waste basket
cetano - cetane
ciclo - cycle, period of time
cicln, el - cyclone
ciego - blind (flange, nut, window, etc.), blank (flange, etc.)
cielo - ceiling; top
-- abierto, a - on the surface
-- descubierto, a - on the surface
-- raso - flat or flush ceiling; plastered ceiling
-- raso acstico - accoustical ceiling
ciencia - science
cierre, el - clasp, fastener; closure, locking
-- de vapor - vapor lock
-- hidralico - water seal
-- relmpago - zipper
cierro - inclosure; fence
cifra - cipher, number
cigenal, el - crank shaft
cilindrada - piston displacemnt, cylinder capacity
cilndrico - cylindrical

cilindro - cylinder; roller, roll

-- apisonador - tamping roller, paving roller
compresor - road or paving roller
-- de bomba - pump cylinder; working barrel
de caldera - shell of a boiler
-- de frenaje - brake cylinder
-- de laminar - roll in a steel mill
-- de
prueba - test cylinder
cimbrarse - to sway, vibrate
cimentacin - foundation, footing
-- de zampeado - mat foundation
-- sobre pilotes - pile foundation
cimentar - to lay a foundation
cimiento - foundation, footing; foundation material; cement
-- ensanchado - spread footing
cinc, el - zinc
cincar - to galvanize
cincel, el - chisel, cutter
cincelador, el - chipping hammer; chipping chisel
cincelar - to chisel, carve; to chip
cincho - belt, hoop, band
cinta - belt; tape; strip; batten, waler; girt
-- aisladora - insulating or friction or binding tape
-- de acero - steel tape
-- de agrimensor - measuring tape
-- de empalme - friction or insulating tape
-- de transporte - belt conveyor
circuito - circuit
-- derivado - branch circuit
-- inducido - secondary circuit
-- intuctor - primary circuit
circular - to circulate
circulo - circle
circunferencia - circumference
citacin a licitadores, la - call for bids
citarilla - thin partition block or wall
claraboya - skylight; transom
clarificador, el - clarifier
clarificar - to clarify
claro - clear space; clear span, bay, opening
clasificador, el - classifier, screen
clasificar - to classify, grade; to screen, to rate
clavar - to nail, spike; to drive piles
-- hasta el rebote - to drive to refusal
clave, la - key, keystone (dwg) legend
-- de trabazon - (concrete) bonding key
clavetear - to tack, nail
clavija - pin, peg, dowel, drift bolt, botter; (elec) plug

-- de la cigea - crankpin
-- de las patas - cotter pin
-- de escala - ladder rung
-- de expansin - expansion bolt
-- bendida - cotter pin, split pin, spring cotter
clavito - brad, small nail, tack
-- para contramarcos - casing nail
clavo - nail, spike
-- comn de alambre - common wire nail
-- corriente - common nail
-- de doble cabeza - double-headed nail
-- de rosca - screw nail, drive screw
-- de 1 pulg. - two penny nail
-- de 1 1/2 pulg. four penny nail
-- de 2 pulg. - six penny nail
-- de 2 1/2 pulg. - eight penny nail
-- de 3 pulg. - ten penny nail
-- 3 1/4 pulg. - twelve penny nail
-- 3 1/2 pulg. - sixteen penny nail
de 4 pulg. - twenty penny nail
de 5 pulg. - forty penny nail
de 6 pulg. - sixty penny nail
de 8 pulg. - eighty penny spike
-- lancero - toenail
-- para hormign - concrete nail
clavo-tornillo - drive screw
claxon, el - horn
clima artificial - air conditioning
cloaca - sewer, sanitary sewer
cloacal - pertaining to sewerage
cloracin, la - chlorination
clorador, el - chlorinator
clorar o clorificar o clorinar o clorizar - to chlorinate
cloro - chlorine
cloraro - chloride
-- de hidrgeno - hydrogen chloride, hydrochloric acid
-- sdico - sodium chloride
cobre, el - copper
cociente, el - quotient
cdigo - code
-- de edificacin - building code
codmero - codimer
codo - (cons) knee; (mach) crack; (pip) elbow, bend
-- abierto - long elbow
-- angular - miter elbow
-- cerrado - short elbow
-- compensador - expansion bend
-- con base o con soporte - base elbow

-- con derivacin o con salida lateral - side-outlet elbow

-- de campanas - bell-and-spigot quarter bend
-- de curva alargada o de rado largo - long-radius elbow
-- de enchufes - socket-end elbow
-- de inglete - miter elbow
-- de palanca - crank
-- de reduccin - reducing elbow
-- de retorno unido - return bend (close type)
-- de servicio - service or street elbow
-- en U - return bend
-- macho y hembra - service or street elbow
-- para inodoro - (plumbing) closet bend
-- suave - long-radius elbow
coeficiente, el - coefficient
-- completo de traspaso de calor - overall
coefficient of heat transfer
-- de absorcin - absorption factor
-- de aprovechamiento - (elec) load factor
-- de elasticidad - mo
-- de elasticidad - modulus of elasticity
-- de friccin o de frotamiento - friction factor, coef. of
-- de produccin - load factor (compressor)
-- de rozamiento - coefficient of friction
-- de trabajo - factor of safety
-- de traspaso superficial de calor - film coefficient of heat transfer
-- dielctrico - dielectric constant
cohete, el - blasting fuse; blast hole; dynamite cartridge; rocket
cojear - to knock (engine)
cojin, el - cushion, pad; pillow block
-- roscado para soldar - welding pad
cojinete, el - bearing, pillow block, journal box; bushing; die
-- a municiones - ball bearing
-- a rulemn - roller bearing
-- axial - axial or thrust bearing
-- de bancada - base or main bearnig
-- de bolas radial - radial ball bearing
-- bolillas - ball bearing
-- de empuje - thrust or axial bearing
-- de manguito - sleeve bearing
-- de rolletes - roller bearing
-- exterior - outboard bearing
cok, el - coke
cola - glue; tail
-- de martillo - peen of a hammer
-- de milano o de pato - dove tail
-- de rata - rat tail file; drift pin
colada - melt (metal); pour, batch (conc.)
coladera - strainer; leaching cesspool; sewer, drain

colado en el lugar - poured in place (conc)

colador, el - strainer
-- de cesta - basket-type strainer
-- de coque - coke strainer
colapso - failure, collapse
colar - to pour; to strain; to cast
colarse - to seep, percolate; to sift
colector, el - collector; catch basin, trap; sewer, drain; (elec) commutator
-- cloacal - main sewer
-- de aceite - oil trap; drip pan
-- de aire comprimido - air receiver
-- de polvo - dust collector
-- de sedimentos - mud drum (boiler)
colector - cabezal - header of a boiler
coleta - burlap
colgadero - hanger
colgador, el, o colgante, el - hanger
colgar - to hang
columna - column
-- compuesta - (str) built-up column
-- de burbujeo - bubble column
-- de fraccionamiento - fractionation tower
combinarse - (chem) to combine
combustible, el - fuel; combustible
combustin, la - combustion
-espontnea - spontaneous combustion
-- retardada - after burning
combustleo - fuel oil
-- de calefaccin - furnace oil
comejn, el - termite
compactacin - compacting, consolidating
compacto - compact, dense
comps, el - compass; dividers, calipers
compensador, el - compensator; equalizer, adjuster; balancer
compensar - to compensate; to balance, equalize
componente, el o la - component; (chem) constituent
componer - to repair, overhaul
composturas - repairs
compresibilidad, la - compressibility
compresible - compressible
compresin, la - compression
compresive - compressive
compreso - compressed
compresora - compressor
-- a correa - belt-driven compressor
-- a motor - motor-driven compressor
-- axial - axial-flow compressor
centrifuga de aletas radiales - radial-blade centrifugal compressor

-- de aletas corredizas - sliding-vane rotary compressor

-- de cinco grados - five-stage compressor
-- elevadora - booster compressor
-- rotativa - rotary compressor
comprimible - compressible
comprimir - to compress, compact
compueesto - compound; (str) built-up
-- aislador - insulating compound
-- de cortar - cutting compound
-- de curacin - (conc) curing compound
-- de retacar - calking compound
-- de soldar - soldering paste; brazing compound
-- de tarrajar - boiler compound
-- impermeabilizador - waterproofing compound
-- para banda - belt dressing
-- para enchufes - joint compound
-- para rosca - thread paste
computar - to compute, calculate
cmputo - computation
cncavo - concave, dished
concreto - concrete
-- aguado - sloppy concrete
-- armado - reinforced concrete
-- en masa - mass concrete
-- fresco - green concrete
-- graso - rich concrete
-- magro o pobre - lean concrete
-- premezolado - ready-mixed or plant-mixed concrete
-- premoldeado - pre-cast concrete
-- reforzado - reinforced concrete
concha - shell, casing; boiler scale
-- de almeja
- clamshell
condensador, el - condenser; (elec) capacitor
-- de inundacin - flooded condenser
-- de paso mltiple - multiflow condenser
-- de reflujo - reflux condenser
-- de superficie - surface condenser
condensar - to condense
conduccin, la - conduction
-- de calor - thermal conduction
conducir - to carry, conduct, convey
conductancia - conductance
-- calorifica - thermal conductivity
conductividad, la - conductivity
-- magnetica - magnetic conductivity, permeability
-- trmica - thermal conductivity
conducto - conduit; duct; flue; chute
-- de aceite - oil duct or groove; oil pipe

-- de alambres - wireway, reaceway, (elec) conduit

-- de desage - sewer, drain
-- de fibra - fiber conduit
-- de humo - flue
-- fibroso flexible - (elec) flexible tubing
-- metlico flexible - (elec) flexible metallic conduit
-- mltiple - (elec) multiple-duct conduit
-- para barras colectores - (elec) busway
-- portacable - (elec) cable duct
conductor, el - (elec) conductor; conveyor
-- a tierra - ground wire, grounding conductor
-- a tierra de la red - system grounding conductor
-- compuesto - (elec) composite conductor
-- de alimentacin - feed wire, feeder
-- de arrastra - drag conveyer
-- de correa - belt conveyer
-- de cubetas - bucket conveyor or elevator
-- de entrada - lead-in wire
-- de gusano o espiral - screw conveyor
conectar - to connect
conector, el - connector
-- a tierra - (elec) grounding connector
-- de brida - flanged connection
-- de rosca - threaded connection
conexin, la - connection, joint
-- de estrella - (elec) star or Y connection
-- de rosca - threaded connection
-- empernada - bolted connection
-- en delta o en tringulo - (elec) delta connection
-- para tuberia - pipe coupling; pipe fitting
-- por enchufe - (elec) plug connection; (pip.) bell-and-spigot joint
confitillo - pea gravel or stone
conformador, el - grader; driftpin;
conformadora - grader; shaper; former
congelar, congelarse - to congeal, freeze, solidify
conjunto - assembly
commutador, el - electric switch; commutator
cono - cone
conocimiento de embarque - bill of lading
construccin, la - construction; structure
contruido en el lugar - built-in-place
construir - to construct, build, erect
contador, el - meter
-- de ratio-horas - watt-hour meter
-- de vueltas - revolution counter, speed indicator
contorno - outline, contour
contrabalancear - to counterbalance
contrabrida - counter flange; follower (Dresser coupling)

contracarril, el - guard rail

contra codo - (pip) S-bend
contrachapada, madera - plywood
contraerse - to contract, shrink
contrafuego - fire-proof, fire-resisting
contrafuerte, el - buttress; abutment
contragolpe, el - return stroke (piston)
contraincendios - fire-proof, fire-resisting; for fire fighting
contraincendio - fire fighting
contrapeso - counterweight
contrapresion, la - back pressure
contratante, el - contracting party
contratar - to contract
contratista, el - contractor
contrato - contract
-- a costo ms honorario - cost-plus or fee contract
-- a precio determinado - fixed-priced contract
-- a precio global o a suma alzada - lump-sum contract
-- a precios unitarios - unit-price contract
-- de enganche - contract to furnish workman
contravstago - piston tail-rod
control, el - control
-- a distancia o remoto - remote control
controlador, el - controller
controlar - to control; to check, verify
conveccin, la - convection
convenio - agreement, contract
convertidor, el - converter
convertir - to convert
coordenadas - coordinates
copia - copy
-- al carbn - carbon bopy
-- azul - blue print
cople, el - coupling
coque, el - coke
coquificar, coquizar - to coke
coraza - armor, protective covering
corazn, el - core; heart wood
corcho - cork
cordel, el - rope, cord; belt course
-- de marcar - chalk line
cordn, el - cord, strand of rope; belt lacing; (struct) chord, flange; (masonry) course;
(pip) spigot end; (carp) (weld) bead
-- de traslape - (weld) overlap bead
correa - belt, strap; purlin, girt
-- conductora - belt conveyor
-- en cua - V belt
-- sin fin - endless belt
corredera - slide, track; (surv) target

-- de regla - slide of a slide rule

correderas - guides; skids
corrida - run, travel
corriente, la - current, flow; electric current
-- alterna (c.a.) - alternating current (a.c.)
-- alternada - alternating current
-- con rotor fijo - blocked-motor current
-- directa (c.d.) - direct current - (d.c.)
corroer - to corrode
corrosin, la - corrosion
-- con esfuerzo - stress corrosion
corrugado - corrugated
cortaalambre, el - wire cutters, nippers
cartacao - pipe cutter
cortadora - cutter, chisel
cortadura - cutting, shearing; shearing stress
cortafierro - cold chisel
cortafiletes, mquina - thread-cutting machine
cortafrio, cortahierro - cold chisel or cutter
cortar - to cut
cortarroscas - threading machine
cortatubo - pipe cutter, tube cutter
corte, el - cut; section; cutting edge; shearing stress
corto circuito - short circuit
costalera - burlap
costo - cost
-- ms honorario fijo - cost plus fixed fee
-- ms porcentaje - cost plus percentage
-- ms sobre costo - cost plus fee
-- primitivo - original cost
-- seguro y flete (CSF) - cost, insurance and freight (CIF)
-- unitario - unit cost
costra - scale; crust
-- de caldera - boiler scale
-- de herrumbre - rust scale
-- de laminado - mill scale
costura - seam, joint
cota, cotacin, la - elevation
cotizar - to quote
criba - screen, strainer
cristal, el - glass
-- armado - wire glass
-- irrompible - safety or non-shattering glass
cromo - chromium, chrome
cromoniquel - chrome-nickel (steel)
croquis, el - sketch
cruce, el, crucero - (pip) cross

laterales - lateral bracing

cruceta - crossarm; cross head
crucetas - X bracing
crudo - crude; raw (untreated)
cruz, la - (pip) cross
-- filar o reticular - cross hairs
cuaderno - notebook, field book
-- de hojas sueltas - loose-leaf notebook
-- de nivelacin - level book
cuadrado - square
cuadrante, el - quadrant; dial of an instrument
cuadrar - (math) (carp) to square
cuadrtico - quadratic
cuadrilla - gang, party, squad
-- de colocacin - (conc) placing gang
-- de dibujantes - squad of draftsmen
cuadro - square; timbre frame; table of figures, tabulation; (elec) switchboard
cuarteadura - crack, split
cuartearse - to crack, split, (lbr) to check
cubeta - bucket
-- autoprensora - clamshell bucket
cubeta draga - dragline bucket
cbico - cubic, cubical
cubierta - cover, lid; roof, roof covering; (mech) casing, hood; overburden
-- de tuberia - pipe covering
cubilete, el - beaker
cubo - pail, bucket; cube; cubical contents; hub; socket; boss
-- de almeja - clamshell bucket
-- de arrastre - dragline bucket
cubrejunta, el - splice plate, butt strap
cucharn, el - bucket, scoop, skip, scraper
-- cargador - skip loader
-- cogedor - scraper
-- de conchas de almeja - clamsheel bucket
cuchilla - blade, knife, cutting tool
-- de contacto - (elec) blade of a switch
-- de interruptor - (elec) switch blade
empujadora o niveladora - bulldozer
-- zanjeadora - ditcher
cuchillo - knife, blade; scrapper
cuello - collar, neck, throat; journal; gland, stuffing box; pipe coupling
-- Venturi - Venturi throat
cuentavueltas, el - tachometer, counter
cuerda - cord, line, rope; chord; girder flange; screw thread
-- de alinear o de marcar - chalk line
-- de caamo - Manilla rope
-- de plomada - plumb line
-- izquierda - left-hand thread
cuerpo - body; corps, party

-- compuesto - chemical compound

-- de agrimensores - survey party
-- de bomba - pump barrel; pump casing
-- de varretilla
- wheelbarrow tray
-- de mbolo - piston barrel
-- de fundicion guarnecido de bronce - iron body bronze-mounted
-- de polea - shell of a tackle block
-- de remache - shank of a rivet
-- de la vlvula - valve body
-- dividido - split casing (pump)
-- espiral - (turb) spiral casing, scroll case; (pump) volute casing
-- muerto - dead man
-- simple - (chem) element
cuesta - slope, hill, grade
culata - slope, hill, grade
culata - butt; haunch; cylinder head; yoke
cuneta - ditch, gutter
cua - wedge; key; frog of a plane; paving stone
cuar - to wedge
cuota de flete - freight rate
cura - (conc) curing
curacin, la - (conc) curing; (lbr) seasoning
curado - curing
curar - (conc) to cure; (lbr) to season
curso - stroke, throw, travel
-- del mbolo - piston travel
cursor, el - (mach) slide; indicator (slide rule)
curva - curve, bend
-- abierta - (pip) long sweep
-- cerrada - (pip) short sweep
-- compensadora con doble desplazamiento - double-offset expansion U-bend
-- compensadora en U - expansion U-bend
-- de deformacin o esfuerzo - deformation or stress-strain curve
-- de dilatacin - expansion bend
-- histeresis - hysteresis loop
-- nivel - contour line
-- de paso - (pip) crossover
-- de pie - (pip) base elbow
-- de retorno - return bend
-- en U - U-bend
-- senoidal - sine curve
curvar - to bend
curvatura - bending; curvature
curvo - curved

chafln, el - bevel, chamfer; knee brace

chaflanar - to chamfer, bevel
chapa - sheet, plate; veneering
-- acanalada o currugada - corrugated sheet
-- calada - perforated plate
-- de nudo - gusset plate
-- de palastro - plate steel, sheet iron
-- de relleno - filler plate
-- de unin - splice plate
-- desplegada - expanded metal
-- etiqueta o de identidad - nameplate
-- lisa - flat sheet metal
-- nodal - gusset plate
-- ondulada - currugated sheet metal
-- tubular - tube sheet
chapeado - veneering; plywood
chaqueta - casing; jacket
chaveta - cotter, key, wedging piece
checar - to check; to crack
chicharra - ratchet; electric buzzer
chifln, el - nozzle; flume
-- de agua - water jet
-- de arena - sand blast
chispa - spark
chispar - to spark
chisporroteo - (elec) sparking; (weld) spatter
choque, el - impact, shock, collision
-- de agua o de ariete - water hammer
-- elcctrico - electric shock
chorro - jet; stream
-- de arena - sandblast
-- de municiones o de perdigones - shot blast
-- de vapor - steam jet
chamacera - sleeve, bearing, pillow block, journal box
-- anular - annular or radial bearing
-- de empuje - thrust bearing
-- exterior - outboard bearing
dado - die
dados para tornillos - bolt dies
dados para tuberia - pipe dies
dar - to give
-- cuerda - (inst) to wind

-- presin - to get up steam

-- vapor - to steam
-- viaje - to taper
drsena - dock, wharf; inner harbor, basin
dato - datum
datos - data
decantador, el - settling tank, catch basin
declive, el - slope, grade, incline, pitch
dedal, el - cap, ferrule
defensa - bumper, fender, guard, protection
deformacin, la - deformation, strain; distortion
-- plstica - plastic deformation
-- de soldador - welder's apron
delantera - front end, front part
delgadez, la - slenderness
delgado - thin, light
delinear - to design, draw
demanda - demand, load
demarcacin, la - demarcation
densidad, la - density
denso - dense, thick
depsito - warehouse; bin; tank; reservoir; sediment, precipitate
-- de aduana - customs warehouse
-- de aire comprimido - air receiver
-- decantador o de sedimentacin - settling basin
depurar - to purify
derecha - right hand
derechos - taxes, duties, fees; rights
-- aduaneros o arancelarios - customs duties
-- de entrada o de importacin - import or customs duties
-- de muelle - wharfage
-- de patente - patent royalty
-- portuarios port charges, harbor dues
derechura - straightness
derredor, el - circuit; contour
derretido - grout; melted, molten
derretir - to melt, fuse; to dissolve
derrochar - to waste
derroche, el - waste
derrumbarse - to fail, collapse; to slide (earth)
desabollar - to straighten out dents or bulges
desacidificar - to neutralize acids
desacoplar - to uncouple, disconnect
desadoquinar - to tear up pavement
desaereador, el - dearator
desaguadero - drainpipe, drain; sewer
desaguar - to drain; to discharge
desage, el - drainage; drain; gutter

desairear - deaerate
desajustarse - to get out of order
desajuste, el - bad order, breakdown
desalojamiento - displacement
desapuntalar - to remove shores
desarmador, el - screw driver
desarmar - to dismantel, desassemble; to strip (forms)
desarreglado - out-of-order
desarreglo - bad order
desasfaltar - to remove asphalt, deasphalt
desatascar - to remove an obstruction
desatorar - to remove obstructions; to clear away rubbish
desatornillar - to unscrew
desbarbar - to chip, trim, smooth off
desbutanizadora - debutanizer
descalibracin - faulty calibration
descanso - stair landing
descarga - unloading, dumping; (hyd) discharge, outlet; exhaust; (elec) discharge
descargadero - unloading platform
descargador, el - (elec) lightning arrester; (comp) unloader
descargar - to unload; to discharge; to exhaust
descentrado - out-of-line, off center, eccentric
descomposicin, la - decomposition
descompostura - bad order, breakdown
descompuesto - out-of-order; desintegrated
desconector, el - disconnect, disconnecting switch
-- fusible - disconnecting fuse
desconectar - to disconnect; (elec) to cut out
descontaminacin, la - decontamination
descostrar - to remove scale
descostrarse - to spall; to scale
desecacin, la - drying; (lbr) seasoning; drainage
desecador, el - dehydrator
desecar - to dry, season; to drain, de-water
desecho scrap, junk; (surv) offset; detour
desempaquetar - to remove packing
desempolvar - to dust, remove dust from
desencajar - to throw out of gear, disjoint
deseclavijar - to remove a dowel or pin
desenergizar - to de-energize
desenfrenar - to release brakes
desenganchar - to unhook, disconnect; disengage, release, uncouple
desengranar - to throw out of gear, disengage
desenmohecer - to clean off rust
desenroscar, desentornillar - to unscrew
desequilibrado - unbalanced
desescombrar - to clean away rubbish; to muck
desexcitar - to de-energize

desfasado, el - (elec) phase displacement

desfasamiento - phase difference
desfogar - to vent
desfogue, el - relief (pressure); vent; outleft
desforrar - to remove sheathing or lining
desfrenar - to release brakes
desgasificador, el - degasifier
desgasificar - to degasify
desgastar - to erode, wear, abrade
desgastarse - to wear, wear out
desgaste, el - erosion, abrasion, wear
desgracia - accident
desguarnecer - to strip off fittings, dismantle
desherrumbrar - to clean off rust
deshidratador, el - dehydrator, dewaterer
-- de gas - knockout drum
deshidratar - to dehydrate, dewater
deshidrogenacin, la - dehydrogenation
deshidrogenar - to dehydrogenate
desimanar, desimantar - to demagnetize
desincrustador, el - boiler-tube cleaner; scaling hammer
desincrustante, el - boiler compound
desincrustar - to remove scale
desinflado - flat (tire)
desintegracin, la - cracking
-- catalitica - catalytic cracking
-- trmica - thermal cracking
desintegradora, la - cracking unit
desintegrar - to desintegrate; to crack
desisobutanizar - to deisobutanize
deslavar - to erode, wash away to wash, rinse
deslave, el - erosion, eroded material
deslindar - to survey
desmagnetizar - to demagnetize, de-energize
desmantelar - to dismantle
desmontar - to dismantle, desassemble; to clear (land); to excavate, dig, cut
desmontavlvulas, el - valve lifter
desmonte, el - clearing; excavation
desnatador, el - skimmer
desnatar - to skim, remove scum
desnivel, el - difference of elevation, fall, drop; (hyd) head
-- bruto - gross head
-- de funcionamiento - operating head
-- efectivo - net or effective head
-- til - useful head
desnivelacin, la desnudo - bare (wire)
desparafinar - to dewax
desperdicio - spoil, excavated material; waste; residue

desperfecto - damage; flaw, defect

despilfarrar - to waste
desplazamiento - displacement
desplazar - to displace
desplomar - to batter, incline; desplomarse - to get out of plumb; to collapse; (conc)
desplomo - deviation from the vertical
despojar - to back off; (pet) to strip
despojos, los - debris, rubbish, spoil
-- de albaal - sewage
-- de hierro - scrap iron, junk
desprender - to detach, unfasten; to give off, emit
desprederse - to slip, slide, sag, slough
desprendimiento - loosening; landslide, slip
despropanizadora - depropanizer
despuntado - blunt, dull
desrecalentador, el - desupereater
destemplar - to anneal;
destemplarse - to loose temper
destemple, el - annealing
destilacin, la - distillation
-- al vaco - vacuum distillation
-- intermitente - batch distillation
destiladora, destilador, el - a still
destilado - distillate
destilar - distill
destilera - distilling plant
destornillador, el - screwdriver; wrench
-- a crique - ratchet screwdriver
-- de berbiqu - screwdriver bit
-- de golpe o de percusin - impact screwdriver
destornillar - to unscrew
destral, el - hatchet
destreza - skill, dexterity, ability
desulfurar - to desulfurize, sweeten
desviacin, la - diversion; deviation; deflation, (surv) departure; displacement
-- del arco - (weld) arc blow
-- de las escobillas - (mot) brush displacement or shift
desviadero - (rr) siding; turnout
desviador, el - deflector, baffle; bypass
desvio - diversion; by-pass; (rr) siding detour
detallar to detail
detalle, el - detail
deterioro - wear and tear; deterioration
detonar - to detonate, explode
devanado - (elec) winding
-- en derivacin - shunt winding
-- en jaula - squirrel-cage winding

-- enparalelo - parallel or multiple

-- en serie - series or wave winding
-- imbricado - lap or multiple winding
-- inducido - armature winding
devanador, el - reel, spool
devanar - to reel; to wind
dextrgiro, dextrogiratorio - turning clockwise
diagonal - diagonal
diagonales cruzadas - X or diagonal bracing
diagrama, el - diagram
-- de fuerzas - force diagram
-- del indicador - indicator diagram
-- vectorial - vector diagram
dimetro - diameter
dibujador, el o dibujante, el - draftsman, designer
dibujar - to draw, draft
-- en escala - to draw to scale
dibujo - drawing, plan; design, pattern
-- a mano libre o a pulso - freehand drawing
-- de construccin en fbrica - shop drawing
-- de detalle - detail drawing
-- de ejecucin o de trabajo - working drawing
-- de montaje - erection plan
-- de taller - shop drawing
-- patrn - standard plan or drawing
dieciseisavo - one-sixteenth
diente, el - tooth; cog; (conc) bonding key
diesel, el - diesel
diezmilsimo - one ten-thousandth
diezmilimetro - one ten-thousandth
diezmillonsimo - one ten-millionth
diferencial, la - differential; chain block
diluente, el - diluent; (paint) thinner
diluir - to dilute; to cut back (asphalt)
dimensin la - dimension
-- a escala - scaled dimension
-- extrema - over-all dimension
dimensional - dimensional
dimensionar - to proportion, dimension; to size
dinmico - dynamic
dinamita - dynamite
dinamitar - to blast
dnamo - dynamo, generator
dnamo-motor - motor-generator
dintel, el - lintel, cap, doorhead
dixido - dioxide
-- carbnico - carbon dioxide
-- de azufre - sulfure dioxide
dique, el - dike, levee; dam; barrier

directrices, las - guide vanes (turb)

diseador, el designer
disear - to design; to sketch
diseo - design; sketch
disipar - to dissipate (heat), disperse
disolver, disolverse - to dissolve
disponible - spare, available; on hand
dispositivo - device, appliance; fixture, mechanism; arrangement, layout; facility
-- de mando - control mechanism
-- de seguridad - safety device
dispositivos de distribucin - switchgear
distanciamiento - spacing, pitch
distribucin, la - distribution
-- del encendido - ignition timing
distribuidor, el - distributor; spreader; slide valve (stm. eng.); distributing bar (reinf);
-- cilndrico o de mbolo - piston valve
distribuir - to distribute; to sort, classify
disuelto - solute; dissolved
doblado - bent
-- al fuego o en caliente - hot-bent
-- en frio - bent cold
doblador, el - bender
-- de tubos-conductos - (elec) hickey, conduit bender
dobladora - bending machine
doblar - to bend; to double
doble - double, duplex
-- citara - wall 2 bricks thick
-- efecto, de - double acting
-- escuadra - T square
-- extra fuerte - double-extra-strong
doblegarse - to buckle
doblez, el - bend, kink
dormido - mudsill, sleeper
dos bocas, de - double-ended (wrench)
dos capas, de - two-ply; two-coat
dos etapas, de - two-stage (pump)
dosificacin - dosing; (conc) proportioning, mixture
draga - dredge; dragline outfit
dragad ra - dredge
dragaje, el - dredging
dragar - to dredge
drenaje, el - drainage
drenar - to drain
drene, el - drain
dctil - ductible
ductilidad - ductillity
ducto de cables - cable duct

duela - stave (barrel)

duelas para cielo - ceiling
dulce - fresh (water); soft/mild (steel); sweet (chem)
durable - durable
duradero - durable
duraluminio - duralumin
dureza - hardness; hardness of water
-- Brinell - Brinell hardness
durmiento, el - mudsill, groundsill
duro - hard
ebullicin, la - boiling
economizador, el - economizer
-- de trabajo - labor
ecuacin, la - equation
edificacin, la - construction; building
edificar - to build, construct, erect
edificio - a building
educcin, la - eduction; (eng) exhaust (pump) discharge
eductor, el - eductor, exhauster; steam ejector
-- doble, de - double-acting
-- simple, de, o nico, de - single-acting
eficaz - effective
eficiencia - efficiency
efluente - effluent, out flow
eje, el - axis; axle, shaft, sheave pin, core
-- acodado cigeal - crankshaft
-- auxiliar - counter shaft
-- de atrs - rear axle
-- de caamo o de henequn - hemp center (cable)
-- de coordenadas - axis of coordiinates
-- de la excntrica - eccentric shaft
-- de levas - camshaft
-- de mando - driving axle
-- de momentos - center of moments
-- de sierra - saw arbor, saw mandrel
-- de transmisin - driving or line or transmission shaft
-- de visacin - line of sight (level)
-- delantero - front axle
-- fibroso - fiber center (wire strand)
-- impulsado - driven shaft
-- loco - idler shaft
-- mayor - majer axis
-- menor - minor axis

-- motor - driving shaft, driving or live axle

-- neutro - neutral axis
ejemplo - model, pattern; example
elaboracin, la - manufacture, fabrication processing
elaborar - to work (mat'l); to process; to manufacture
elasticidad, la - elasticity, resilience, spring
elstico - elastic; (auto) a spring
elastita - Elastite
ele, la - angle iron; pipe elbow
-- cerrada - short elbow
-- con derivacin - side-outlet elbow
-- de base - base elbow
-- de curva abierta - long-radius elbow
-- de reduccin - reducing elbow
electricidad, la - electricity
electricista, el - electrician; electrical engineer
elctrico - electric, electrical
electrodo - electrode
electrogenerador, el - electric generator
electrgeno - generating electricity
electrolitico - electrolytic
electrolito - electrolyte
electromagntico - electromagnetic
electrnica - electronics
electrosttico - electrostatic
electrotcnico - electrical engineer
elemento - element; (struct) member
-- de caldeo - heating element
elevacin, la - elevation, altitude; (dwg) elevation; lift
-- delantera - front elevation
-- en corte - sectional elevation
-- en el extremo - end elevation
-- lateral - side elevation
-- posterior - rear elevation
elevador, el - elevator, lift, hoist; booster
-- de cangilones - bucket elevator
-- de correa - belt elevator
-- de cubos - bucket elevator
elevar - to elevate, hoist, raise
-- al cuadrado - (math) to square
-- a potencia - (math) to raise to a power
elongacin, la - elongation
embalastar - to ballast
embarcadero - loading platform, wharf; ferry
embarcar - to ship; to load
embarque, el - shipment, loading
embobinar - (elec) to wind
embolada - piston stroke; piston displacement
mbolo - piston, plunger

-- buzo o de empaque central - center piston

-- buzo de presaestopa exterior - outside end-packed pluger
-- compensador - balance piston; (turb) dummy piston
-- distribuidor - piston valve
-- equilibrador - balancing piston
-- macizo - plunger, ram
mbolos opuestos - opposed pistons
embrague, el - clutch
embridar - to flange
embudo - funnel; hopper
embutir - to embed; to counter sink
embaque, el - gasket, packing, oakum; (elec. cab) bedding; (struct) filler plate
-- de cara completa - full-face gasket
-- devstago - rod packing
emparejar - to grade, level off; to screed; to rough- plaster
emparrillado - grillage, grating, grid
empatar - to splice, join
empate, el - joint, splice, seam
-- de inglete - miter joint
-- de solapa - lap joint
-- de tope - butt joint
emplomar - to lead
empotrado - embedded; fixed (beam)
-- por una extremidad - fixed one end
empotrar - to embed, to fix in a wall
emprestito - borrowed fill
empuje, el - thrust, push, pressure; bearing (rivet or pin)
emulsificar o emulsionar - to emulsify
emulsin, la - emulsion
encadenado - bond
encadenado - bond
encadenar - to chain; to brace; to buttress; to bond (masonry)
encajar - to rabbet; to gear; to fit
encaje, el - rabbet; recess, socket; fitting
encamisar - to place lagging, lining, sleeve, or bushing
encargado - man in charge
-- del trnsito - transitman
encendedor, el - igniter; exciter
encender - to ignite
encenderse - to take fire
encendido - ignition
-- anticipado - preignition
-- doble - dual ignition
-- espontneo - self-ignition, spontaneous ignition
-- por chispa - spark ignition
encerado - tarpaulin; oilskin
encerrado - enclosed, sealed
encima - above, overhead, on top
encoger, encogerse - to contract, shrink, shorten

encolado - (paint) sizing

encolar - to glue; to size
encostrarse - to form scale
encuadrar - to square; to frame
encuentro - joint; junction; intersection
encuar - to wedge, key
enchapar - to veneer; to line with sheet metal
enchaquetado - jacketed
enchavetar - to key
enchufar - to plug iin; to telescope; to fit (a tube or pipe) into another
enchufe, el - bell end of a pipe; bell-and-spigot joint; (elec) plug
-- de campana - bell-and-spigot joint
-- fusible - fuse plug
-- hembra - bell end of pipe
-- macho - spigot end of pipe
enderezar - to line, straighten; (elec) to rectify
endulzar - to sweeten (oil)
endurecedor, el - hardener (all senses)
endurecer - to harden
-- a martillo - to hammer-harden
enduricido - hardened
enduricido - hardened
-- al airo - air hardened
-- al martillo - hammer-hardened
-- superficialmente - case hardened
endurecimiento - hardening; hardness
-- de trabajo - work hardness
energia - energy, power
-- absorbida - input
-- de salida - output
-- hidraulica - water power
radiante - radiant energy
-- trmica - steam-generated power
energizar - to energize
enfocar - to focus
enfoque, el - focus, focusing
enfrenar - to brake
enfriado cooled
-- a liquido - liquid-cooled
-- por agua - water-cooled
-- por aire - air-cooled
enfriador, el - cooler; coolant, chiller
-- intermedio - intercooler
enfriamiento - cooling, refrigeration
-- atmosfrico o evaporativo - atmospheric or evaporating cooling
enfriar - to cool, chill
enfriarse - to cool, cool off
enganchar - to hook, couple, engage; to employ; to recruit labor

enchanche, el - coupling, coupler, hitch; recruiting (labor)

engargolar - to groove; to make a male-and-female joint
engarzar - to hook, couple
engranaje, el - gearing; a gear
-- angular o cnico - bevel gear
-- cilindrico - spur gear
-- de dientes helicoidales angulares - double helical gear
-- de espina de pescado - herringbone gear -- de inglete - miter gear
-- de rosca o de tornillo sin fin - worm gear
-- doble helicoidal - herringbone gear
-- en bisel - bevel gear
-- espiral - spiral or helical gear
-- fresado - machine-cut gear
-- helicoidal - helical or worm gear
-- hipoidal - hypoid gears
-- impulsado - mandado - driven gear
-- impulsor o motor - drive gear, driver
-- intermedio o loco - idle gear
-- recto - spur gear
-- reductor - reducing gear
-- transmisor - drive gear
engranar - to gear, engage
engrane, el - gear, meshing
engrasadera - grease cup
engrasado - grease job
engrasador, el - grease cup; grease gun oiler
-- a pistola - grease gun
-- de compresin - grease cup
-- de gotas visibles - slght-feed lubricator
-- de pistn - grease gun
engrasar - to grease, lubricate
engravar - to surface with gravel
engrudo - belt dressing; paste
enjuagar - to rinse; to backwash (filter)
enlacar - to shellac
enlace, el - interlocking; linkage; lacing; bond
enladrillado - brick work, bricklaying
-- reforzado - reinforced brickwork
enladrillador, el - bricklayer
enladrillar - to lay brick
enlatar - to roof with tin; to lath; to lag; to cleat
enlistonado metlico - metal lathing
enlistonar - to lath, to lag; to cleat, batten
enmohecerse - to rust
enrejado - grating, grillage; latticing; grizzly; (adj.) foul (rope) kinked
-- de alambre - wire netting; wire mesh
enrojecido al fuego - red-hot
enrollar - to wind, reel, coil
enroscar - to thread, to screw up; to coil, twist

enrosque, el - threading; screwing up

ensamblaje, el - assembling, joining, joint, framing
ensamblar - to assemble, frame, join, connect
ensamble, el - joint, assembly
ensanchar - to widen, enlarge; to ream
ensayo - test, assay; trail, experiment
-- al choque - impact test
-- al jabn
-- a tinte - dye test
-- a la traccin - tensile test
-- de asiento - (conc) slump test
-- de campaa - field test
-- de doblado - bending test
-- de golpe - shock test; impact test
entalpia - enthalpy, heat content
entrecierre, el - interlock; partial closing
entrepao - panel; shelf
entrepilastra - spacing of pilastera
entropia - entropy
entubar - to pipe
envoltura - casing, jacket, housing; lagging
envolvente, el - casing, jacket
-- aislador - insulating, lagging
-- de caldera - boiler shell; boiler lagging
enyesado - plastering
enyesador, el - plasterer
enyesar - to plaster
equidistancia - spacing, pitch
equilibrar - to balance, counterbalance
equilibrio - equilibrium, balance
-- de calor - heat balance
-- dinmico - dynamic or running balance
-- esttico - static or standing balance
equipo - equipment, plant, rig; gang, shift
-- clasificador - screening equipment
-- de dia - day shift
-- de ingenieros - engineering party
-- de noche - night shift
-- de ocasin - used equipment
-- mudador de tierra - earth-moving equipment
-- proporcionador - (conc) batch plant
-- suavizador - softening plant (water)
equivalente mecnico del calor - mechanical equivalent of heat
ereccin, la - erection
erector, el - erector, steel worker
erigir - to erect, set up, build
erosin, la erosion
erosionar - to erode

erosivo - erosive
error - error
-- de cierre - (surv) error of closure
esbozar - to sketch
esbozo - sketch
escala - ladder; scale (of a drawing); scale (draftsman's); gage
-- absoluta - (temperature) absolute or Kelvin scale
-- de arquitecto - architect's scale
-- de emergencia - fire escape
-- de flotador - float gage
-- de millas - scale of miles
-- de octanos - octane scale
-- de sueldos - wage scale
escalafn, el - scale of wages; register of employees
escalar - to scale (a drawing)
escalera - stair, stairway, ladder
-- de escape o de salvamento - fire escape
escaln, el - step, rung, stair tread; (exo) bench
escalonado - stepped; graded (gravel)
escalonar - to form in steps; (surv) to offset
escantillar - to gage, measure; to lay out
escantilln, el - straightedge, screed, screed board; rule; gage; template
-- de Birmingham - Birmingham wire gage
escape, el - leak; exhaust; outlet; (rr) siding
-- de incendio - fire escape
escarpado - steep, battered
escoba - broom
escobilla - brush; whisk broom
-- de alambre - wire brush
-- de alambres - wire commutator brush
-- de carbn - (elec) carbon brush
-- grafitica - (elec) graphite brush
escombrar - to muck, remove spoil; to clean up rubbish
escombros - spoil, muck, rubbish, debris, dirt
escoria - slag, clinker
-- de cemento - cement clinker
escorias de alto horno - blast-furnace slag
escrepa - scraper
-- de empuje - bulldozer
escritorio - desk
escuadra - square; angle iron; (dwg) triangle; knee, corner brace, gusset plate
-- a - square, at right angles
-- de esambladura o de unin - gusset plate
-- en T - T square
-- fuera de - out of square
escurridero - drain hole, outlet; drip; leak
escurrirse - to run off, drain; to leak
esfera - sphere
esfuerzo - stress; effort

-- admisible - safe or allowable stress

-- cortante doble - double shear
-- cortante simple - single shear
-de aplastamiento - crushing stress
-- de apoyo - bearing stress (beam)
-- de compresin - compressive stress
-- de contracn - (conc) shrinkage stress
-- de empuje - bearing stress on rivets or pins
-- de flexin - bending stress
-- de prueba - proof stress
-- de rotacin - torsional stress
-- de ruptura - breaking stress, ultimate or rupture strength
-- de seguridad - safe stress
-- de tensin - tensile stress
-- de trabajo - working stress
-- en la fibra - fiber stress
-- especifico - unit stress
-- flexor - bending stress
-- limite de trabajo - allowable working stress
-- restante - residual stress
-- tangencial - tangential or hoop stress
-- unitario - unit stress
eslabn, el - link
eslabonamiento - linkage
esmaltar - to enamel
esmeril, el - emery
esmerilado - grinding
-- al aire o sin puntas - centerless grinding
-- en hmedo - wet grinding
esmerilador, el - emery wheel, grinder
-- de vlvulas - valve grinder
esmeriladora - grinder, honing machine
esmerilar - to grind; to polish with emery
espaciado - spacing; pitch (rivet)
espaciar - to space
espacio - space
-- libre o muerto - clearance (free space, or dead space)
con spalda - back to back
-- con espalda - back to back
esparcir - to spread, distribute
esprrago - pin, peg; welding stud
esptula - trowel; putty knife, spatula
especificacin, la - specification
-- model o normal - standard specification
especificar - to specify
espejo - mirror; model
espeso - viscous; heavy; thick, dense
espesor, el - thickness; density; viscosity; gage (sheet); depth (slab)

espiga y campana o y enchufe - bell and spigot

espoleta - fuse
-- de tiempo - time fuse
-- fulminante - blasting cap
espuela - spur; (rr) siding; (tool) point, spur
espuma - scum; foam, froth
espumar - to foam; to froth
esquema, el - sketch, plan, diagram; scheme, plan
-- almbrico - wiring diagram
-- de las cargas - load diagram
esquemtico - diagramatic, schematic
esquina - corner, angle
estabilizacin de suelos - soil stabilization
estabilizador, el o estabilizadora - stabilizer
estabilizar - to stabilize
estable - firm, steady; stable (chem)
estaca - pile, sheet pile; stake
-- de cerca - fence post
-- de declive - slope stake
-- de rasante - grade stake
-- directriz, la - guide pile
-- limitadora de talud - slope stake
estacada - sheeting, sheet piling; fence
estacar - to stake out
estacin, la - station, plant; survey station
-- de bombeo - pumping plant
-- de fuerza - power plant, power house
estacionario - stationary
estadal, el - measure of length about 3.3m; square measure about 11.2 sq. m; level
-- de corredoera - level rod
-- estadimtrico - stadia rod
estadalero - rodman (level)
estallar - to explode, burst
estallido - explosion, outburst; crash
estandar - standard
estandardizacin, la - standardization
estanque, el - reservoir, basin
-- almacenador - storage reservoir
-- de clarificacin o de deposicin - setting tank or basin
-- de enfriamiento - cooling pond
-- de rociada - spray pond
-- decantador - setting basin
-- mezclador - mixing tank
estao - tin
estator, el - stator
estengrafo - stenographer
estilete, el - style, pencil of a recording instrument; (dwg) stylus, tracer
estimacin, la - an estimate, estimating

estimador, el - estimator
estimar - to estimate, appraise
estimativo - estimated
estirado - drawn (tubing); expanded (metal); stretched
-- en caliente - hot-drawn
-- en duro - hard-drawn
-- en frio - cold-drawn, hard-drawn
estopa - burlap; oakum, caulking yarn
estopero - staffing box
estrenar - to run in (machinery)
estreno - running in (machinery)
estria - groove, fluting
-- de lubricacin - oil groove
estriado - fluted, ribbed; checkered (plate); serrated (gasket)
estriar - to groove, flute, knurl, score
estribo - abutment; buttress; (reinf)
stirrup, hoop; (bldg) joist hanger, bridle iron
estructura - structure; (conc) forms
estructural - structural
estrujar - to extrude
estucar - to stucco
estuco - stuco
estudiar - to study; to plan, design
estudio - study; design, survey
etano - ethane
etapa - (machy) stage; station, stop
ter, el - ether
-- de petrleo - petroleum ether
etilo - ethyl
etiqueta - label, tag
evacuar - to empty, exhaust, evacuate
evaluacin, la - valuation, appraisal; evaluation; computation
evaporacin, la - evaporation
evaporador, el - evaporator
-- instantneo - flash evaporator
evaporar, evaporarse, - to evaporate
exactitude, la - accuracy
exapolar - (elec) six pole
excavacin, la - excavation, out, digging
excavadora - excavator; power shovel
-- a cangilones - trench machine, bucket excavator
-- acarreadora - carryall scraper
excavar - to excavate, dig
excntrica, excntrico - eccentric
excitacin, la - (elec) excitation
excitador, el - exciter
excitar - to excite, energize
excusado - water closet, toilet room
expandir - to expand

expansin, la - expansion
expansor, el - expander
explosin, la - explosion
explosivo - explosive
extender - to stretch; to spread; to lay out; to draw up (contract)
extensin, la - extension; tension
extinguidor, el - extinguisher
-- a espuma - foam fire extinguisher (Underwriters approved)
extinguir - to extinguish
extractor, el - extractor, puller
-- de engranaje - gear puller
-- de muestras - sampler
-- de neblina - mist extractor
extraer - to extract; to pull (piles)
extrafino - extra-fine
extrafuerte - extra-strong, heavy-duty
extragrueso - extra-thick, extra-heavy
extrapesado - extra-heavy
extrapotente - high power
extrarresistente - extra-strong
extraviarse - to get out of line
extremo muerto - dead end
extremo a extremo - out-to-out, overall
eyector, el - ejector, eductor
-- a chorro de agua - water jet eductor
-- a chorro
de vapor - steam-jet ejector
-- cebador - (pump) priming ejector
-- condensador - ejector condenser
-- de agua a vapor - steam-operated water ejector
fbrica - factory, mill, shop; plant; masonry; a building
-- contral o generatriz - control station power house
-- de acero - steel works
-- siderrica - steel mill
fabricacin, la - fabrication, manufacture
fabricante, el - fabricator, manufacturer
fabricar - to fabricate, manufacture; to construct; to process
factor, el - factor (all senses)
-- de absorcin - absorption coefficient
-- de amortiguacin - damping factor
-- de amplitud - amplitude or crest or peak factor
-- de capacidad - (elec) capacity factor
-- de capacidad de la planta - plant capacity factor
-- de carga - (elec) load factor

-- de carga de la planta - plant load factor

-- de carga de la red - system load factor
-- de demanda - (elec) demand factor
-- de potencia - (elec) power factor
-- de rendimiento - performance factor, load factor (compressor)
-- de seguridad - factor of safety
-- de seguridad final - ultimate factor of safety
facturar - to bill, invoice; to check baggage
fachada - facade, front of a building
-- de caldera - boiler front
falda - slope, hillside
faldear - to make a hillside excavation
faldeo - side hill cut; slope of a hill
falso - false
-- pilote - pile follower
falla - failure, breakdown
-- estructural - structural failure
fallar - to fail
fango - mud, muck, silt; sludge
farol, el - lantern, lamp; head light
fase, la - phase (elec, chem, metals)
fasmetro - (elec) phase meter
fatiga - stress, fatigue
-- admisible - allowable stress
-- con corrosin - corrosion fatigue
-- cortante o al corte - shearing stress
-- de compresin - compressive stress
-- de flexin - bending stress; bending fatigue
-- de metales - fatigue of metals
-- de ruptura - breaking stress, ultimate strength
-- de seguridad o de trabajo safe or working stress
-- de tensin o de traccin - tensile stress
-- superficial - surface fatigue
fatigmetro - strain gage
fatigar - to stress
fnico - carbolic, phenic
fenol - phenol
ferreria - iron work; iron shop
ferroteria - hardware; hardware store; iron work
frrico - ferric
ferrita - ferrite
ferritico - ferritic
ferroacero - semisteel
ferroso - ferrous
ferrugineo - containing iron
frula - ferrule
fiador, el - fastener, retainer, toggle, catch
fianza - bond (surety)

fibra - fiber; grain (wood)

-- atravesada - cross grain
-- fina - fine grain
-- gruesa - course grain
-- recta - straight grain
fibras de vidrio - fiber glass
fibroso - fibrous
fichero - card index
fieltro - felt
-- asfaltado - asphalt felt, roofing felt
fierro - iron
-- angular - angle iron
-- canal - channel iron
-- forjado - wrought iron
-- fundido - cast iron
figura - figure
fija - trowel
fijar - to fasten; to fix
fijo - stationary, fixed
filo - cutting edge; (topo) ridge
-- de cincel - chisel point
-- de corte - cutting edge
filoso - sharp-edged (tool)
filtrador, el - filter
filtrar - to filter
filtro - filter
fino - fine; light (oil)
finos - fines
finura - fineness, grain
-- del molido - (cement) fineness of grinding
fiscalizacin, la - control, supervision, inspection
fiscalizador, el - inspector, supervisor
fiscalizar - to control; to inspect
fisica - physics
fisico - physicist; physical
fisurarse - to crack
flama - flame
flanche, el - flange
flecha - shaft, axle; spade of a concrete vibrator
flete, el - freight; freight rate; freight charges
-- debido o por cobrar - freight collect
-- pagado - freight prepaid
flexibilidad, la - flexibility, pliability
flexible - flexible
flexin, la - bending, flexure
-- compuesta - compound flexure
-- pura o simple - pure bending
flexionarse - to deflect, bend, buckle

flculo - floc
flojo - slack,
loose; unstable (ground)
flor de, a - flush with, level with
flotador, el - float
flotante, el - float; floating
flotar - float
fluidez, la - fluidity, liquidity
fluidificar - to liquify, flux, fluidize
flido - fluid
fluir - to flow
flujo - flow; flux; (metal) creep
-- de dispersin - (elec) leakage flux
-- inductor o magntico - magnetic flux
-- laminar o viscoso - laminar or viscous flow; streamline flow
-- turbulento - turbulent flow
fluor, el - fluorine
flus, el - flue, tube
-- de acero enterizo - seamless tubing
-- de caldera - boiler tube
fluseria - set of boiler tubes
fluvimetro - flow meter
fluyendo - flowing
foco - focus; focal point
-- elctrico o incandescente - incandescent lamp
fogn, el - firebox, furnace
foguear - to stoke a furnace
fogueo - stoking
fondo - bottom, far end, base, bed; depth
-- de la caldera - boiler head
-- del cilindro - cylinder head
-- del mbolo - piston head
-- de la rosca - root of thread
-- del la soldadura - root of weld
fondos - bottoms (oil)
fontaneria - pipework, piping, plumbing
fontanero - pipe fitter, plumber
forja - forge; forging
-- con martinete - drop-forging
-- de banco - bench forge
-- de herrero - blacksmith forge
-- de soldar - welding or brazing forge
forjable - malleable, forgeable
forjado - forged, wrought
-- a martinete o a troquel - drop-forged
-- en caliente - hot-forged
-- en frio - cold-forged
forjador, el - blacksmith
forjar - to forge; to rough-plaster

forma - form, shape; (conc) form

formar - to form
formn, el - chisel
frmula - formula
forrar - to line, sheath, cover, ceil, coat, face, lag
forro - lining, lagging, sheathing; casing; bushing
-- aislante - insulation
-- centrifugado - spun lining
-- de cilindro - cylinder lining
-- de cojinete - bearing sleeve, bushing
-- de chumacera - bushing, liner
forros de zanja - sheeting, sheet piling
fortificar - to strengthen,
brace, buttress, shore
fosa - pit; drain
-- sptica - septic tank
fosa - pit; drain
-- sptica - septic tank
foso - trench, ditch, pit
-- de succin - suction pit
fotoesttico - photostatic
fotografia - photography; a photograh
fotografiar - to photograph
fotogrametria - photographic surveying
-- area - aerosurveying
-- terrestre - terrestrial photographic surveying
fotomapa - photoplan, photomap
fotosttico - photostatic
fotstato - photostat
fracaso - failure; breakdown
fraccionador, el - fractionator
fraccionamiento de viscosidad - viscosity breaking
fraccionar - to break down; to fractionate
frgil - brittle
fragilidad, la - brittleness
-- custica - caustic embrittlement
fragua - forge; blacksmith shop; (cement) setting
-- final - final set (cement)
-- inicial - initial set (cement)
fraguado - forging; setting (cement)
fraguador, al - blacksmith
fraguar - to forge; (cement) to set; to cure (asphalt)
franco - open, free, clear; exempt
-- a bordo o sobre vagn (FAB)- free on board (FOB)
-- de derechos - duty-free
-- sobre muelle - free alongside (FAS)
franja - strip, band
franqueo - postage; prepayment; clearance (machy) relief, backing off
-- superior - head room, vertical clearance

frecuencia - frequency
frenar - to brake
freno - brake
-- para puerta - door check
frente, el - face, front
-- muerto - dead front (switchboard)
-- vivo - live front (switchboard)
fresa - bit, milling tool
fesado - milling
-- y taladrado - faced and drilled
friccin, la - friction
-- cintica o de deslizamiento - sliding friction
-- de arranque o de zafar o esttica - starting or breakaway friction
-- de rodamiento - rolling friction
frotador, el - rubber
frotamiento - friction
-- de deslizamiento - sliding friction
-- de rodadura - rolling friction
fuera - out, outside
-- de ajuste - out-of-adjustment
-- de aplomo - out-of-plumb
-- de centro off-center
-- de escuadra - out-of-square
-- fase - out-of-phase
-- de linea - out-of-line
-- de redondo - out-of-round
-- de servicio - out-of-service
fuerza - force, power
-- al freno - brake horsepower
-- centrifuga - centrifugal force
-- indicada de caballos - indicated horsepower
funcionamiento - operation
funcionar - to run, work, operate
fundacin, la - foundation
-- corrida - continuous footing
-- ensanchada - spread footing
-- escalonada - stepped footing
fundamentar - to lay a foundation
fundamento - foundation, footing
fundente, el - welding compound, flux
funderia - foundry, casting
fundido - cast; fused, melted
fundir - to cast; to melt; to blow out (fuse); fundirse, to melt, fuse
fusible, el - fuse
-- de accin retardada - time-delay or time-lag fuse
fusin, la - fusion

gafas de soldador - welding goggles
galactita - Fuller's earth
galn, el - gallon
galvanizacin (la) por inmersin en caliente - hot or hot-dip galvanizing
galvanizado al fuego o en caliente - hot-galvanized
galvanizar - to galvanize
galvanmetro - galvanometer
gancho - hook
ganchos escaladores - climbing irons
garantizar - to guarantee
garfios de trepar - climbing irons, climbers
garganta - throat, nozzle of ejector; groove, channel
-- del Venturi - Venturi throat
garra - clutch, catch, claw, grip
garrote, el - brake
garrucha - sheave, pulley, tackle block
-- de cadena - chain block or hoist
-- diferencial - differential hoist
gas, el - gas
-- acetileno - acetylene gas
-- cloacal - sewer gas
-- combustible - fuel gas
-- de boca de pozo - casinghead gas
-- de desperdicio - waste gas
- icuado de petrleo - liquefied petroleum gas
-- natural - natural or casinghead gas
-- residualo seco - dry or residual gas
gases de deshecho - waste gases
gases de escape - exhaust gases
gaseiforme o gaseoso - gaseous
gasifero - containing gas
gasificar - to gasify
gasleo gas oil
gasolina - gasoline
-- de alto actanaje - high-octane gasoline
-- de destilacin directa - straight-run gasoline
-- estabilizada - stabilized gasoline
-- mezclada - blended gasoline
-- natural - natural or casinghead gasoline
-- reformada - reformed gasoline
gastar - to wear, wear out, wear away
gasto - volume of flow; discharge; consumption; wear
-- crtico - critical flow
gato - jack; rail bender
gaveta - drawer, locker; (auto) glove compartment

gemelo - twin, duplex, double

generador, el - generator
-- de espuma - foam generator
generar - to generate
girar - to revolve, turn, slue, swivel, swing, rotate; to gyrate; to draw (draft)
giratorio - revolving, gyratory, rotary
giro - revolving; turn; revolution
gis, el - crayon
glicol, el - glycol
-- de etileno - ethylene glycol
gobernar - to control
gobierno - control
-- a distancia - remote control
golpe, el - blow, shock; (eng.) stroke
-- de ariete o de agua - water hammer
-- de aspiracin - suction stroke
-- de compresin - compression stroke
-- de compuerta - water hammer
-- de expulsin - exhaust stroke
-- de retardo - back lash
-- de retroceso - return stroke; backlash
golpear - to strike, pound; (eng) to knock
golpeo - striking, pounding; (eng) knock
por encendido - spark knock
golpetear - (eng) to knock, hammer
golpeteo - knocking, pounding
-- del mbolo - piston slap
goma - gum; eraser
-- de borrar - eraser
-- elstica - rubber
-- esponjosa de borrar - sponge rubber
-- laca - shellac
gordo - (conc) rich; (water) hard; oily; bulky; fat
gota - drop (liquid)
goteadero - drip
gotear - to leak; to drip
goteo - leakage, leaking; dropping; drip, leak
gotera - leak; eaves, gutter
gotero - drip (sill); weep hole
gozne, el - hinge
grada - step; stepladder
gradiente, el - grade, slope, gradient
grado - grade, class, rate; (machy) stage; (math) degree
-- antidetonante - antiknock ratin
-- de octano - octane rating
-- de pureza - (metal) fineness
-- de velocidad - rate of speed
--, de un - single-stage (pump)
-- unico, de - single-stage

graduacin, la - gradation, graduation, grading; (machy) staging

-- cetnica - cetane rating
-- de presin - (turb) pressure staging
-- de velocidad - (turb) velocity staging
-- octnica - octane rating
graduador, el - gage; graduator; adjuster
grfica - diagram, graph
-- del indicator - (eng) indicator card
grfico - diagram, graph, chart; graphic; graphical
grafio - ruling pen
grafitico - graphitic
grafito - graphite
gramo - gram
grano - grain
-- cerrado - close grain
-- fino - fine grain
-- grueso - coarse grain
granoso, granular, granuloso - granular
grnulo - granule
grapa - clip; clamp; staple
grapn, el - clamp
grasa - grease; slag
-- de copa - cup grease
-- lubricante - cup or lubricating grease
-- para caja de engranajes - transmission grease
-- para coppilla de presin - cup grease
-- para engranajes - gear compound
-- para inyector - gun grease
grasera de compresin - grease cup
grasiento - greasy, oily
grava - gravel
-- en bruto - pit-run gravel
-- graduada - graded gravel
-- sin cribar o tal como sale - run-of-bank or unscreened gravel
gravedad especifica - specific gravity
gravera - gravel pit or bank
gravilla - fine or pea gravel
gremio - labor union; craft union; trade, craft
-- del oficio - craft union
-- obrero - trade-union; labor union
grieta - crack, seam; (lumber) check
-- capilar - hair crack
-- decontraccin - shrinkage crack
gra - crane; derrick; hoist
-- atirantada - guy derrick
-- con pie de gallo - stiffleg derrick
-- corredera o corrediza - traveling crane; traveling derrick
-- de aguiln - derrick; jib crane
-- de arrastre - dragline excavator

-- de brazo - jib crane

-- de brazos rigidos - stiffleg derrick
-- caballete - gantry crane
-- de camin - truck crane
-- de carriles - crawler or caterpillar crane
-- de contravientos de cable - guy derrick
-- de orugas - crawler crane
-- de palo - gin pole
-- de pescante - jib crane
-- de piernas rigidas - stiffleg derrick
-- de portico o de portal - gantry or bridge or portal crane
-- de poste - gin pole
-- de puente - traveling crane; bridge crane
-- de retenidas - guy derrick
-- diferencial - differential hoist
-- fija - derrick
-- viajera - traveling crane
grueso - thickness; thick, dense, heavy, coarse; hard ( water); harsh (conc)
grupo - group; set
-- de carga - battery-charging set
guantes (los) de soldador - welder's gloves
guardabanda, el - belt guard
guardacorrea, el - belt guard
guarismo - figure, number, cipher
guarnecer - to trim, fit out; to stucco; to line (brake); to bush (bearing)
guarnicin, la - packing; gasket; lining, curb; (mech) insert
-- de amianto - asbestos packing
-- del embrague - clutch lining
-- de freno - brake lining
-- espiraloide - labyrinth packing
guarniciones, las - fittings, trimmings
-- de conducto - (elec) clamp fittings
-- divididas - split fittings
guia - guide
-- colorimtrica - (lab) color chart
-- de espigar - doweling jig
-- de rotular - (draft) lettering guide
-- de la vlvula - valve guide
-- para biselar - chamfer gage
guiar - to guide; (auto) to drive
guillotina - a shear
gusano - drill bit; worm
habilitar - to equip, fit out, rig
haber - to make; to do

-- asiento - to settle
-- estacin - to fix a transit point; to set up a transit
-- masa - (elec) to ground
-- saltar - (blast) to fire, shoot
hacha - ax, hatchet
hachazo - blow of an ax
hebra - grain (wood); thread
helar, helarse - to freeze
hlico - helical
helio - helium
hembra - pipe cap; nut; female (mech)
-- de terraja - die for male thread
-- de tornillo - nut
hemisfrico - hemispherical
hemisferio - hemisphere
hendodura - split, crack; (lumber) check
hender - to split; (lumber) to rip;
henderse - to split; (lumber) to
hendible - easily split, clearable
hendidura - split, crack, seam; (lbr) check
heptano - heptane
hermtico - water tight, air tight, hermetic
-- al aceite - oiltight
-- al vapor - vaportight, steam tight
herraje, el - ironwork, hardware
herramienta - tool
herreria - ironwork; blacksmith shop
herero - blacksmith
herrumbre, la - rust
herrumbroso - rusty
hervidero - water leg of a boiler
hervir - to boil
hexano - hexane
hexopolar - (elec) six-pole
hidrante, el - hydrant
-- de incendio - fire hydrant
hidrocarbono, hidrocarburo - hydrocarbon
hidroformacin la - hydroforming
hidrogenar - to hydrogenate
hidrgeno - hydrogen
hielo - ice
-- seco - dry ice
hierro - iron; any iron implement
-- al niquel - corrugated iron
-- acanalado - corrugated iron
-- acerado - semisteel
-- angular - angle iron
-- batido - wrought iron

-- canal - channel iron

-- de desecho - scrap iron, junk
-- de fragua - wrought iron
-- de fundicin - cast iron
-- de lingote - ingot iron; pig iron
-- de primera fusin - pg iron
-- dulce - wrought iron; ingot iron
-- dulce de fusin - malleable cast iron
-- en bruto - pig iron
-- forjado fraguado - wrought iron
-- fundido moldeado - cast iron
-- I - I beam
-- laminado - rolled iron
-- ondulado - corrugated iron
-- perfilado - structural shapes
-- soldador - a soldering iron
-- U - channel iron
-- vaciado - cast iron
-- viejo - scrap, junk
hilada - layer, course, (conc) lift
hilera - purlin; ridgepole; (mas) course
hilo - wire; thread; strand
-- de guardia - (elec) guard wire
-- de plomada - plumb line
-- fusible - (elec) fuse wire
-- piloto - pilot wire
hipoidal - hypoid
histresis, la - hysteresis
hogar, el - furnace, firebox, home
-- abierto, de - open-hearth (steel)
hoja - leaf; sheet; ply; blade; pane (glass); window sash
-- calibradora - thickness gage, feeler
-- de computaciones - work sheet
-- de
cuchillo - knife blade
-- de elstico - leaf of a spring
-- de empuje - bulldozer
-- de latn - sheet brass
-- de madera - veneer
-- de sierra - saw blade
-- maestra - main leaf (spring)
-- metlica - sheet metal; metal leaf, foil
-- niveladora - scraper blade
-- topadora - bulldozer
hojalata - tin plate; sheet metal
hojalateria - sheet-metal ; sheet-metal shop
hojalatero - tinsmith, sheet-metal worker
holgura - (machy) play
horas extras - overtime

horadar - to drill, bore, perforate

horado - drilled hole, through hole
horca - gallows frame; fork
horizontal - horizontal
horma - mold, form; dry wall
hormign, el - concrete
-- armado - reinforced concrete
-- elaborado - ready-mixed concrete
-- en masa - mass concrete
-- enjuto o magro - lean concrete
-- gordo o graso - rich concrete
-- pobre - lean concrete
-- reforzado - reinforced concrete
-- simple - plain concrete
hormigonada - a pour, lift
hormigonar - to concrete
hormigonera - concrete mixer
-- automvil o de camin - transit or truck mixer
-- por cargas - batch mixer
hornada - (met) a melt
horno - furnace, kiln, oven
-- de caja - box-type furnace
-- de combustin arriba - overfired furnace
-- de combustin lateral - side-fired
-- de combustin por debajo - underfired furnace
-- de hogar abierto - open-hearth furnace
-- de recalentar - soaking furnace
-- de tubos - pipe still
horqueta - yoke, fork of a road
-- y tornillo exterior - (valve) outside screw and yoke (OS&Y)
hoyo - hole, pit
huacal, el - crate; cribwork
hueco - void, hollow, cavity
-- del ascensor - elevator shaft
-- de escalera - stair well
huelga - strike (labor)
-- patronal - lockout
huelguista, el - striker
huella - stair tread, track, rut; width of tread of a vehicle
-- antirres baladiza o de seguridad - safety tread (stair)
hule, el - rubber
humear - to smoke, emit smoke; to fume
humedad, la - humidity, dampness, moisture
-- relativa - relative humidity
humo - smoke, fume
hundir - to sink;
hundirse - to settle; to sink; to cave in
husillo - stud, mandrel, spindle, sheave pin
huso - drum, winch head

-- de torno - lathe spindle

idear - to design; to plan
ignicin, la - ignition
-- a contratiempo - back fire
-- por compresin - compression ignition
-- por chispa - spark ignition
igualador, el - equalizer
igualar - to equalize;
igualdad, la - equality; uniformity; evenness
iluminacin, la - illumination, lighting
-- difusa - diffused illumination
-- proyectada - flood lighting; spot lighting
iluminar - to light, illuminate
imn, el - magnet
imanar, imantar - to magnetize
impacto - impact
impenetrable al polvo - dust-tight
impermeabilizacin, la - waterproofing, damp proofing
impermeabilizante, el - waterproofing material
impermeabilizar - to waterproof
implementos - tools
impregnado de aceite - oil-impregnated
impresin, la - print, printing
impresora - printing machine
imprimador, el - primer (paint)
imprimar - to prime
imulsar - to drive, actuate, operate
impulsin, la - discharge; impulse, drive
impulsor, el - impeller, runner (pump); tappet
-- abierto - open impeller
-- de admisin simple - single-inlet impeller
-- de paletas alabeadas - warped-vane impeller
-- de la vlvula - tappet rod
-- encerrado - shrouded or fully enclosed impeller
-- semiencerrado - semi-enclosed impeller
impulsores opuestos - opposed impellers
impurezas - impurities
incandescente - incandescent
incendio - fire
inclusin, la - inclusion
-- de escoria - slag inclusion
gaseosa - (weld) gas inclusion
incombustible - fireproof, incombustible
inconsistente, - unstable (ground), loose, not compacted

incorrosible - rust-resisting, rustproof

incrustacin, la - scale, incrustation
incrustado - embedded, incrusted
incrustante, el - incrustant; scale-forming
incrustar - to embed; to form
indicacin, la - (inst) reading
indicador, el - indicator, gage; annunciator; sign
-- de alineacin - alignment gage
-- de fases - (elec) phase indicator
-- de flecha - deflection gage
-- de gasto - flow indicator
-- de golpeo - (eng) knock meter
-- de nivel - level gage; gage glass
-- de presin - pressure gage
-- de tensin - (elec) voltage indicator; tension indicator
-- de tiro - draft gage
-- de tuberia - pipe locator
-- de vacio - vacuum gage
-- velocidad - speedometer; speed indicator
-- registrador - recording gage
indice, el - index; (inst) hand
-- antidetonante - antiknock rating
-- cetnico - cetane number
-- de acidez - acid number or value
-- de compresin - compression ratio
-- de dureza - hardness number
-- de tarjetas - card index
-- octnico - octane number
induccin, la - induction
inducido - armature
inducir - (elec) to induce
inductancia - inductance
inertes, los - aggregates
inestable - (struct) (chem) unstable
inflamacin, la - firing; (eng) ignition
-- de chispa - spark ignition
-- espontnea - spontaneous combustion or ignition
inflamar - to ignite;
inflamarse - to take fire, ignite
inflar - to inflate
informe, el - report
ingeniar - to devise
ingeniera - engineering
-- de campo - field engineering
ingeniero - engineer
-- asesor o consulting - consulting engineer
-- civil - civil engineer

-- de suelos - soils engineer

-- diseado - designing engineer
-- electricista - electrical engineer
-- encargado - engineer in charge
-- jefe o mayor - chief engineer
-- localizador - layout engineer
-- matriculado - licensed engineer
-- mecnico - mechanical engineer
-- petrolero - petroleum engineer
-- proyectista - designing engineer
-- residente - resident engineer
ingenio - mill, plant
ingreso - entrance, ingress
inhabilitado - out-of-order, broken down
inhibidor, el - inhibitor
injerto - (pip) T; Y; branch
-- a presin - pressure tap
-- doble - cross
inmiscible - immiscible
inodoro - toilet (fixture); odorless
inorgnico - inorganic
inoxidable - rustless, rust-resisting
inseguro - unsafe
insercin (la), insertado - insert
inserto - insert; inserted
insoluble - insoluble
inspeccin, la - inspection
inspeccionar - to inspect
inspector, el - inspector
instabilidad, la - instability
inestable - unstable
instalacin, la - installation; a plant
-- sanitaria - plumbing
instalador, el - erector
-- de caeria - pipeman, plumber
-- de lineas - (elec) lineman
-- electricista - electrician
-- sanitario - plumber
instalar - to install, erect, place, set
instrumental, el - set of instruments; instrumental
instrumentista - (surv) instrument man
instrumento - instrument
-- grfico o registrado - recording or graphic instrument
-- indicador - indicating instrument
instrumentos de agrimensura - surveying instruments
instrumentos de dibujo - drafting instruments
integrador, el - integrator, totalizer
intercambiador, el - interchanger, exchanager
-- de calor - heat exchanger

intercierre, el - interlock
intercondensador, el - intercondenser
interenfriador, el - intercooler
interenfriamiento - intercooling
interfacial - interfacial
interfase, la - interface
intergranular - intergranular
interpolar - to interpolate
interruptor, el - (elec) switch; circuit breaker; relase; interruptor
-- al aire - air-break or air switch
-- a distancia - remote-control switch
-- a flotador - float switch
-- automtico de circuito protector - circuit breaker
-- de separacin o desconectador - disconnect switch
-- en aceite - oil or oil-break switch
-- maestro - main or master switch
intersticio intersticio - (turb) clearance
intervalo - (elec) gap
inutilizado - broken-down, out-of-play
invertido - (sewer) invert
inyeccin, la - grouting, injection
inyectar - to inject; to grout
-- de cemento o de lechada - grout machine
-- de grasa - grease gun
isomero - isomer
isomtrico - isometric
isooctano - isooctane
izador, el - hoist, elevator
izaje (el), izamiento - hoisting
izar - to hoist; to heave
jalar - to haul, pull
jaln, el - (surv) rod, pole; milepost
-- de mira - level rod
jalonar - to run a survey line
jalonero - rodman
jaula - cage; crate
-- de ardilla - squirrel cage (motor)
-- de bolas - ball cage, retainer
-- de cojinete - bearing cage
jefe, el - chief
-- de brigada o de equipo - (surv) chief of party
-- de carpinteros - carpenter foreman
-- de compras de servicio - purchasing agent

-- de construccin - construction manager, superintendent

-- de cuadrilla - squad boss
-- de dibujantes - chief draftsman
-- de estudios - chief designer
-- de maquinaria - master mechanic
-- de obras - works or project or construction manager
-- de oficina - office manager
-- de operarios - labor foreman
-- de proyectos - chief designer
-- de taller - shop mechanic, master mechanic
-- de turno - shift boss
-- mecnico - master mechanic
jeringa - syringe
-- de grasa - grease gun
-- para aceite - oil gun
jornada - day's work; shift
-- doble - double shift
jornal, el - wate, day's wates
juego - set; (machy) throw; (machy) play, clearance, lash
-- de la leva - lift of a cam
-- de motor y dinamo - motor-generator set
-- de nuez - ball-and-socket joint
-- de planos - set of plans
-- en vacio - lost motion
-- generador - generator set
-- lateral - side play
-- longitudinal - end play
-- muerto o perdido - lost motion, backlash
junta - drift pin
-- a inglete - miter joint
-- a tope - butt joint
-- atornillada - screwed coupling, threaded joint
-- corrediza - slip or expansion joint
-- de anillo - ring joint
-- de colado - (conc) construction joint
-- de compensacin de dilatacin - expansion joint
-- de construccin
- construction joint
-- de cubrejunta - butt joint
-- de hule - rubber gasket
-- de montaje - field joint
-- de pasador - pin joint
-- de superposicin - lap joint
-- de trabajo - (conc) construction joint
-- enchuflada - bell-and-spigot or male-and-female joint
-- giratoria - swivel joint
-- metaloplstica - metallic gasket
-- montada solapada - lap joint
-- resbaladiza - slip joint

Junta Nacional de Aseguradores - National Board of Fire Underwriters

-- a rosca - screwed joints
-- alternadas - broken or staggered joints
juntar - to splice, join, couple
juntura - jont, splice
-- de pestaa - flanged coupling
-- montante - vertical joint; field joint
-- para manguera - hose coupling
kerosina - kerosene
kilovatiaje, el - power in kilowatts
kilovatio - kilowatt
kilovatio-hora - kilowatt-hour
kilovoltamperio - kilovolt-ampere
kilovoltmetro - kilovoltmeter
kilovoltio - kilovolt
laberinto - labyrinth
labio - lip, edge
-- cortante - cutting edge (drill)
labor, la - work, labor
laboratorio - laboratory
laboratorista, el - laboratory worker
labrable - machinable
labrado - dressing, machining; wrought; manufactured
-- por llama - flame machining
labrar - to work; to dress, face mill; to manufacture
-- en caliente - to hot-work
-- en frio - to cold-work
-- toscamente - to rough-dress
laca - lacquer; shellac
lacar - to shellac
ladeado - out-of-plumb
ladearse - to tip, get out-of-plumb; to tilt; to warp
ladeo - sway, tilting, sidesway
ladero - (rr) siding
lado - side; let of an angle
ladrillado - brick work
ladrillar, el - brickyard; brick kiln
ladrillar - to lay brick, pave with brick

ladrillo - brick
-- aislador - insulating brick
-- alivianado - hollow brick
-- comn o corriente - common brick
-- de fuego - fire brick
-- recio - common brick
-- refractario - fire brick
-- refractario aislante - insulating
lagrimal, el - weephole
laja - layer; stratum of rock; spall
lajeado - laminated
lmina - sheet, plate; sheet metal
-- acanalada - corrugated iron
-- de ballesta - spring leaf
-- de fibra - fiber board
-- de goma - sheet rubber
laminacin, la - lamination
laminado - laminate; rolled (steel); laminated
-- a troquel - die-rolled
-- en caliente - hot-rolled
-- en frio - cold-rolled
laminador, el - rolling mill; roll
-- acabador - finishing roll
-- de planchas - plate mill
laminar - to roll (steel); to laminate; laminated (adj)
laminilla - scale (rust), flake
-- matlica - metal foil
laminita - shim, small plate
lmpara - lamp
-- plomero o de soldar - blowtorch, gasoline torch
lamparilla - small lamp; incandescent lamp
lana - wool
-- de asbesto - mineral wool
-- de cristal o de vidrio - glass wool
-- mineral - mineral or rock wool
-- ptrea - rock wool
lanzaarena - sandblast outfit
lanzamortero - cement gun
lapicero - mechanical pencil; pencil holder of a compass (draft)
lpiz, el - graphite; pencil, lead for pencil or compass; (elec) carbon point
-- de maderero - lumber crayon
laquear - to lacquer
largo - length; long
-- desarrollado - developed length
-- total - overall length
lastrar - to ballast, weigh down; to surface with gravel
latente - latent
lateral - (pipe) lateral, Y; side (adj)

-- de reduccin - reducing Y or lateral

latigazo - whipping of a cable
latn, el - brass; a large can
-- cobrizo - red brass
-- corriente - yellow brass
-- de aluminio - aluminum brass
lavado contra corriente - countercurrent washing
lavador, el - washer
-- de arena - sand washer or tank
-- de gas - gas scrubber
lavar - to wash
lazo - loop, tie
lectura - (inst) reading
lechada - grout; slurry
lecho - bed, stratum
lengeta - tongue, lug; (rr) switch point or blade; (rr) point of a frog; (mech) key, spline
-- calibradora - thickness gage
-- paralela
postiza - feather key, spline
-- y ranura - tongue and groove
lenta quemadura, de - slow-burning
lente, el - lens
-- ocular - (inst) eyepiece, eyeglass
letrero - sign; (dwg) title
letreros - (dwg) lettering
leva - cam; dog, catch
levador, el - cam
levantador, el - lifter, elevator
levantamiento - survey; raising, lifting
-- altimtrico - topographical survey
-- de planos - surveying, mapping
-- estadimtrico taquimtrico - stadia survey
-- ordinario o planimtrico o plano - plane surveying
levantar - to hoist; to survey; to lift, heave
-- una planimetria - to make a survey
-- una topografia - to make a topographical survey
levantavlvula, el - tappet, push rod; valve lifter
levgiro - turning counterclockwise
libra - pound
libraphi, el - foot-pound
libre - free
-- al costado vapor - free alongside (FAS)
-- a bordo (LAB) - free on board (FOB); loaded on cars
-- de derechos - duty-free
-- de impuesto - tax-exempt
librementeapoyado - simply supported
libreta - notebook
-- de campo - field book
-- de trazada - transit notebook

licuar - to liquefy
liga metlica - alloy
ligar - to bond, tie; to alloy
ligazn, la - tie, fastening; (masonry) bond
ligero - thin, light (oil)
lignina - lignin
lija - sandpaper
-- de barborundo - carborundum paper
-- esmeril - emery paper
lijadora - sandpapering machine; sander
lijar - to sandpaper
lima - file (tool); (roof) hip or valley, hip or valley rafter
limaduras, limalla - filings
limar - to file; to shape
limite, el - boundary, limit
-- de elasticidad - elastic limit
-- elstico aparente - yield point
limo - mud, silt
limpia - cleaning; clean
-- por chorro de arena - sandblasting
-- por llama - (paint) flame-cleaning
-- por vapor - steam-cleaning
limpiador, el - cleaner; stripper
-- al vacio de succin - vacuum cleaner
limpiaparabrisas, el - windshield wiper
limpiar - to clean; to strip, clear
limpiatubos, el - pipe-cleaning machine; tube cleaner
limpiavidrio - windshield wiper
limpieza - cleaning, clearing; stripping
limpio - clean
linaza - linseed
lindero - boundary, border, property line
lnea - line, track; one-twelfth of an inch
-- bsica de base - baseline
-- continua o corrida - (dwg) full line
-- de cota - (dwg) dimension line
-- de eje - axis, center line
-- de fuerza - (elec) line of force
-- de marcar - chalk line
-- de mira - line of sight
-- de montaje - production or assembly line
-- de punteria - line of sight
-- de punto y raya de puntos y trazos - (dwg) dot-and-dash line
-- de puntos - (dwg) dotted line
-- de rayas de trazos - (dwg) broken or dash line
-- de transporte de energia o de transmisin - transmission line
-- frrea o ferroviaria - railroad track, railroad
-- interrumpida - (dwg) dotted or broken line
-- limitrofe - boundary line

-- llena - full or solid line

-- media - center line
-- puntada o punteada - (dwg) dotted line
-- quebrada - (dwg) dash or broken line
-- troncal - (rr) trunk line
lingote, el - (met) pig, ingot; bloom; billet
lintel, el - lintel
lista - list; strip
-- de empaque - packing list
-- de partes - (machy) parts list
listn, el - lath, cleat, batten, slat; lattice bar
-- de cierre - sealing strip
-- de defensa - wearing strip
-- de enrasar - furring strip
-- para clavado - nailing strip
-- yesero - lath
listn-guia - screed, ground
listonado - lath, lathing
-- metlico - metal lath
listonar - to lath
listoncillo - lath
litro - liter
liviano - light (wt)
lbulo - lobe, lug; flange
localizar - to lay out, locate, place
lodo - mud; sludge
lodoso - muddy
lomo - ridge; shoulder of a road; (mech) boss
lona - canvas; tarpaulin
longitud, la - longitude; length
lubricacin, la - lubrication
-- a inundacin o por inmersin - flood librication
-- a plena presin de presin completa full-pressure lubrication
-- a salpicn o por salpicaduras - splash lubrication
-- de goteo drop-feed oiling
-- forzada - force-feed oiling
-- por anillo - ring oiling
-- por mecha - wick lubrication
lubricador, el - lubricator
-- de alimentacin regulable - adjustable-feed lubricator
-- de alimentacin visible - sight-feed lubricator
lubricante, lubrificante, el - lubricant
lubricar, lubrificar - to lubricate
luces, las - lights
lumbre, la - light; skylight; transom
lumbrera - opening; shaft; skylight; engine port; louvre
-- de admisin - steam or intake or admission port

-- de aspiracin - (pump) suction port

luz, la - light, span, opening; clearance (bldg) bay
-- trasera - tail light
llama - flame
-- aeroacetilnica - air-acetylene flame
-- carbonizadora - corbonizing flame
-- de arco - arc flame
-- exidante - oxidizing flame
-- reductora - reducing flame
llamar a concurso a licitacin - to call for bids
llana - plain; plasterer's trowel, mason's float
llanta - iron tire, tire rim; tread; rubber tire; steel flat
-- de refaccin o de repuesto - spare tire
-- de volante - flywheel rim
-- picada o ponchada - punctured tire
llantas de oruga - crawler tread, caterpillar mounting
llantera - tire iron
llave, la - key (lock); wrench; (mech) key, wedge; valve, cock, bibb, faucet; (elec) key,
small switch; (masonry) header, keystone
-- a botn a pulsador - push-button switch
-- a crique - ratchet wrench
-- acodada angular - offset wrench; angle
-- de boca - open-end wrench
-- de bridas - flanged valve
-- de cadena - chain wrench or tongs
-- de caja o de casquillo o de copa o de cubo - socket or box wrench
-- de cao - pipe wrench
-- de cola - fitting-up or spud wrench
-- de compuerta - gate valve
-- de chicharra - ratchet wrench
-- de compuerta - gate valve
-- de chicharra - ratchet wrench
-- de choque - impact or pneumatic wrench
-- de doble entrada o de
dos bocas - double-ended wrench
-- de escape - exhaust valve; blowoff cock, petcock
-- de golpe o de impacto - impact wrench
-- de macho - plug valve or cock
-- de media vuelta - plug cock; stop cock
-- de nivel o de prueba - gage cock
-- de paso - by-pass valve; shutoff or line valve; master key
-- de purga - blowoff valve, drain cock, pet cock
-- de retencin - check valve; shutoff cock
-- de seguridad - safety valve

-- de torsin - torque wrench

-- de trabazn - (conc) bonding key
-- de trinquete - ratchet wrench
-- de tuercas - wrench
-- desconectadora - disconnect switch
-- indicadora - indicator cock
-- inglesa - monkey wrench
-- maestra - master or pass key
-- para boca de agua o para hidrante - hydrant wrench
-- para tubos - pipe wrench
-- tubular - socket wrench
-- universal - monkey wrench
llenaderas - loading rack
llenador, el - filler plate
llenar - to fill
llevar - to carry, convey
-- una poligonal - (surv) to run a traverse
lloradera - leak
lloradero - weep or drain hole; leak
macho - dowel; mandrel, shaft, journal, spindle; sheave pin; sledge hammer; pier,
buttess; tap; plug valve; spud (vibrator)
-- llave - plug of a cock
-- de perno - bolt tap
-- de roscar o de terraja - tap
-- para tuberia - pipe tap
-- y campana - bell and spigot
-- y hembra - male and female
madero - log; a timber
-- de escuadria - squared timber
madrina - shore, brace; stringer
maestra - (pipe) main; screed, ground (masonry); girder
maestro - journeyman, master workman
-- de obras - construction manager; superintendent
malacate, el - hoisting engine, winch, hoist
-- de hincar - pile-driver engine
maleable - malleable
malla - mesh, screen; network
-- ancha - coarse mesh
-- angosta - fine mesh
-- de alambre o metalic - wire mesh
-- cerca - woven-wire fencing
mamparo - bulkhead
-- contraincendio - fire wall
mampostear - to build with masonry
mamposteria -

masonry, stonework
mampuesta - a course
mandado - driven, actuated, controlled
mandar - to send; to control, drive, actuate
mandibula - jaw
mandil, el - apron
-- alimentador - apron feeder
mando - drive, operation, control
-- a distancia - remote control
-- a mano - hand control
-- de engranaje - gear drive
mandril, el - mandrel, spindle, arbor, driftpin; broach; boring tool; chuck
-- de ensanchar - driftpin
-- de expansin - tube expander; expanding or cone mandrel
mandrilar - to bore; to roll (tubes) to broach, to drift (holes)
manecilla - hand of a gage; small lever, handle
manejabilidad, la - (conc) workability
manejar - to handle; to manage; (auto) to drive; (eng) to run, operate
manejo - handling; management; operation
-- a distancia - remote control
-- de materiales - material handling
manga - hose; (mech) sleeve
mangas de soldador - welder's sleeves
mango - shank, handle, grip
manguera - hose; inner tube
-- de incendio - fire hose
-- neumtica - air hose
-- para vapor - steam hose
manguito - sleeve, pipe coupling; bushing; socket; small handle, chuck
-- aislante - insulating sleeve or coupling
-- de acoplamiento - sleeve coupling
-- de cilindro - cylinder sleeve
-- de unin - (elec) splicing sleeve; coupling sleeve
-- enroscada - threaded coupling
-- para soldar - welding sleeve
-- sujetador - (elec) hickey
manija - handle; clamp; hand of a gage
-- para machos - tap wrench
-- para robinetes - cock wrench
maniobra - operation; control; handling
maniobrar - to operate, handle
manipular - to handle
manivela - crank, handle
mano, la - hand; (paint) coat
--, a, - by hand
-- aprestadora o de aparejo o de fondo - priming or filler coat
-- de campo - field coat
-- de obra - labor; workmanship
-- de taller - shop coat

manmetro - pressure or steam gage, manometer

-- al vacio - vacuum gage
-- de agua - water manometer
-- de Bourdon - Bourdon gage
-- de diafragma - diaphragm gage
-- de mercurio - mercury manometer
-- de tubo U - U-tube manometer
-- marcado o registrador - recording gage
mantener - to maintain
mantenimiento - maintenance
manuabilidad - (conc) workability
manuable - handy, easily handled; (conc) workable
manubrio - crank, handle
manutencin, la - maintenance
mapa, el - map
-- topogrfico - contour map, topographical plan
mquina - machine, engine
-- a nafta - gasoline engine
-- a vapor - steam engine
-- borradora - (dwg) erasing machine
-- calculadora - calculating machine
-- de dibujar - drafting machine
-- de elevacin - hoist
-- de encorvar - bending machine
-- de enroscar - threading machine
-- de escribir - typewriter
-- de imprimir - (dwg) printing machine
-- de inyectar cemento - grout machine
-- de sumar - adding machine
-- Diesel - Diesel engine
-- dobladora - power bender, bending machine
-- heliogrfica - blueprint machine
-- izadora - hoisting engine, hoist
-- motriz - prime mover
-- rotuladora - (dwg) lettering machine
maquinar - to machine
maquinaria - machinery
-- caminera - road machinery, road-building equipment
-- de construccin - construction equipment
maquinista, el - hoist operator
-- de tractor - tractor operator, cat skinner
marca - brand, make; mark
-- de comercio o de fbrica o registrada - trademark
marcas guias - erection marks; match marks
marco rigido - (struct) rigid frame
marcha - movement, progress
-- de ensayo - trial run
-- en vacio - idling; running with no load
-- muerta - lost motion, backlash

marchar - to go, move, function; to progress; (machy) to run, operate

mariposa - butterfly (valve); wing nut
-- regulador de tiro - butterfly damper
marmita - small furnace, tar kettle, small boiler
maroma - cable, rope
martillar - to hammer
-- cincelador - chipping hammer
-- con bolita o boca esfrica o de bola - ball-peen hammer
-- de carpintero o
de orejas o de ua - claw or carpenter's hammer
-- macho - sledge hammer
-- neumtico - air hammer; jackhammer
-- para descanti
-- perforador -- rompedor martillo-cincel martillo-piln martinete, el - pile driver, pile or drop hammer
-- de caida - (piling) drop hammer
-- forjador - trip or forging hammer
masa - mass, bulk; (elec) ground
masilla - putty
masonera - masonry
mastique, el - mastic
matar - to bevel; to round off; (met) to kill; (lime) to slack; (elec) to disconnect
matraca - ratchet
matricula - license
matriculado - registered, licensed
matriz, la - die, mold, form
mazo - maul, sledge
macnica - mechanics; machinery, mechanism
mecanismo - mechanism, gear
-- de control - (elec) switchgear
-- de maniobra - operating mechanism
mecanizar - to mechanize
mecangrafo, mecangrafa - typist
mecate, el - rope
mecha - fuse; wick; drill bit
-- aceitadora - oiling wick
-- de expansin - extension bit
-- extractora - tap or screw extractor
media - (math) mean
medicin, la - measurement; mensuration
-- de comprobacin - (surv) tie or check distance
mediciones de referencia - (surv) ties, reference measurements
medida - measure, measurements; rule, measuring tape
-- con calibrador - caliper rule
-- de tabla o para madera - board, measure
medidor, el - meter; batcher, measuring device; gage; (surv) tapeman

-- cargas - (conc) batcher

-- de corriente - flow meter
-- de deformacin - strain gage
-- de flujo o de gasto - flow meter
-- de golpeo - knock meter
-- de velocidad - speedometer
-- de voltaje - voltmeter
medidora de piladas - (conc) batcher
medio - middle, mean
medir - to measure
megavatio - megawatt
megavoltio - megavolt
mejorador, el - (conc) admixture
menos - minus
mercurio - mercury
mesa - table; stair landing; wall plate
-- de control - control desk
-- dibujo - drawing or drafting table
-- de entradas - an office in every
Government dept. where all docs are received for subsequent distribution
-- de trabajo - work bench
metal, el - metal; ore
-- antifriccin o blanco - Babbit or bearing metal
-- bsico - (weld) base or parent metal
-- de aporte - (weld) filler metal
-- desplegado - expanded metal
-- estirado - expanded metal; drawn metal
-- monel - monel metal
-- no ferroso - non-ferrous metal
metlico - metallic, metal
metano - methane
metanol, el - methanol
metileno - methylene
metilo - methyl
mtrico - metric
metro - rule, scale; (meas) meter, lineal meter
-- cuadrado - square meter
-- cbico - cubic meter
-- de tramos o plegadizo - folding rule
mezcla - mix, mixture; mortar
-- a brazos - (conc) hand mixing
-- delgada o pobre - lean mixture
-- grasa - rich mixture
mezclador, el - mixer
mezcladora - mixer
-- de lechada - grout mixer or machine
-- de macdam bituminoso - bituminous mixer
-- en camin - truck or transit mixer
-- por cargas - batch mixer

mezclar - to mix
micrmetro - micrometer
miembro - member, piece
milsimo - thousandth
mina - mine, pit
-- de arena - sand pit
-- de grava - gravel pit or bank
mingitorio - urinal (upright)
minimo - minimum
minio - red lead
minutas - (surv) notes
-- taquimtricas - stadia notes
mira - level rod; a sight
-- atrs - back sight
-- a adelante o de frente - foresight
-- de espalda - back sight, plus sight (level)
-- de estadia - stadia rod
-- de nivelar - level rod
-- taquimtrica - stadia rod
mirilla - small opening in a boiler door; small window; (surv) target; (inst) peep sight
miscible - miscible
mitad, la - half; middle
modelar - to form, shape
modelo - model; pattern; standard; blank form
-- a escala - scale model
mdulo - modulus
-- de elasticidad en corte - modulus of elasticity in shear, coefficient of rigidity
-- de finura - fineness modulus
molal - molal, molar
moldaje - forms, forming
moldar - to
form; to mold
molde, el - form; mold; pattern
-- deslizante - (conc) slip form
moldes, los - (conc) forms
-- ensamblados en obra o hechos en sitio - forms built in place
-- laminados o contraplacados - plywood forms
moldeado - forming; formed
-- en el lugar - (conc) cast in place
-- en el terreno - (piling) cast in place
moldear - to cast; to mold; to form
moldeo - forming, centering; casting
-- centrifugo - centrifugal casting
-- en matriz - die casting
moldura - a molding
molcula - molecule
molcula-gramo - gram molecule, mole, mol
molecular - molecular
moledor, el - grinder

moledora - grinder
moler - to grind
molibdono - molybdenum
molido - grinding
molienda - grinding, milling
molino - mill, grinder
momento - moment
-- de flexin o flexionante o flexor - bending moment
-- de inercia - moment of inertia
-- de vuelco - overturning moment
monofsico - (elec) single phase
monofilar - single-wire
monolitico - monolithic
monxido carbnico - carbon monoxide
montacarga, el - material hoist; winch, windlass, hoisting engine
-- de cadena - chain hoist or block
montado en bronce - bronze-mounted
montador, el - erector, steelworker
montadura - mounting, setting, erection; (boiler) setting
montaje, el - mounting, erection, installation
montante, el - post, upright, stud; jamb, guide; stile; vertical member of a truss; mullion
-- cornijal - corner post
-- de contencin - (boiler) buckstay
-- de escala - ladder string
montar - to erect, assemble, mount, set
-- en caliente - to shrink on
montear - to lay out, make a working drawing of
montera - skylight; overburden
montn, el - pile, heap
-- de acopio de almacenamiento - stock pile
mordaza - clamp, jam
-- tirador de alambre - come-along clamp (lineman)
morsa - vise
mortaja - mortise, socket
mortajar - to mortise
mortero - mortar
-- bastardo - mortar gaged with plaster of Paris
-- hidrulico - cement
-- lanzado - gunite
motobomba - pump and engine
motocamin, el - motor truck
motocompresor, el - motor-driven compressor
motogenerador, el - motor-generator
motogra - truck crane
motomezolador, el - (conc) truck mixer
motor, el - motor; engine; driving, motive
-- a combustin interna - internal-combustion engine
-- a nafta - gasoline engine

-- abierto - open motor

-- blindado - totally enclosed motor
-- de anillo de anillos rozantes de aro corredizo - slip-ring motor
-- de combustin - internal combustion engine
-- de cuatro tiemo - four-cycle engine
-- de explosin - gasoline engineer
-- de gas - gas engine
-- de induccin - induction motor
-- de inducido de jaula de jaula de ardilla - squirrel-cage or bar-wound motor
-- de inducido devanado - slip-ring motor
-- de potencia fraccionada - fractional-horsepower motor
-- Diesel completo - full-Diesel engine
-- en derivacin - shunt-wound motor
-- en serie - series-wound motor
-- primario - prime mover
-- sincrnico - synchronous motor
motor-generador - motor-generator
motorizar - to motorize
movedizo - movable, unstable
mover - to move, drive, actuate
movido a correa - belt-driven
movido por motor - motor-driven
mvil - portable, movable, mobile
movimiento - movement, motion
-- de tierras - dirt moving
-- perdido - lost motion
muebles (los) para bao - plumbing fixtures
muela - grindstone, whetstone; grinder
-- de esmeril - emery wheel
muelle, el - spring; wharf, dock, pier; (rr) platform
-- antagonista - recoil or reactive spring
-- de ballesta de hojas - laminated spring
-- de compresin - compression spring
-- de retorno - retraction or return spring
-- en espiral - spiral spring
-- tensor - tension or extension spring
muerto - deadman, anchorage
muesca - notch, mortise, groove
-- de chaveta - keyway
muestra - sample
-- fortuita sin escoger - grab sample
muestreador, el - sampler
-- de tierra - soil sampler
muestrear - to sample
muestreo - sampling
mufla - block and fall
-- con cadena - chain block
multicapa - multilayer
multifsico - (elec) polyphase

multifilar - multiwire
mltiple, el - manifold; multiple
-- de admisin - intake manifold
-- de escape - exhaust manifold
-- efecto, de - multiple-effect
mun, el - journal, pivot, trunnion
-- de cigeal de la manivela - crank-pin
muonera - socket; journal box, bearing
muro - wall
-- a prueba de incendio contrafuego cortafuego - fire wall or stop
-- de apoyo - retaining wall; bearing wall
-- de carga - bearing wall
-- de cimiento - foundation wall
-- de contencin a gravedad - gravity retaining wall
-- de cortina - (bldg) curtain wall
-- de defensa - wing wall; parapet
-- de fachada - front wall
-- de retencin de sosten de sostenimiento - retaining wall
-- divisorio - partition wall
-- refractario - fire wall
nafta - gasoline, naphtha
-- de alto octanaje - high-octane gasoline
naftalina - naphthalene
neopreno - neoprene
nervadura - rib; (roof) purlin
nervio - rib; (str) web; stay; purlin
neumtico - pneumatic tire; pneumatic
-- de repuesto - spare tire
nicromio - Nichrome (alloy)
nicho - niche; (elec) cubicle; (elec) cabinet
niple, el - (pipe) nipple
-- corto - short nipple
-- de largo minimo de resca corrida - close nipple
niquel, el - nickel
niquelado - nickel-plated
niquelifero - containing nickel
nitrogeno - nitrogen
nitruracin - nitriding
nivel, el - grade, level, elevation; (inst) level
nivelacin, la - leveling, grading
nivelador, el - grader; (surv) levelman
niveladora - grader, road scraper
nivelar - to level, grade; to run levels
nomograme, el - nomograph, nomogram, alignment chart

norma - norm, standard, pattern

normal, la - standard, normal; perpendicular
normalizar - to standardize; to normalize (iron)
ncleo - core; nucleus
-de camo - hemp center (cable)
-- de cordn metlico de torn de alambre - wire-strand core
-- del transformador - transformer core
nudo - knot (rope or lumber); (truss) panel point, connection; coupling
-- apretado - (lumber) sound or fast knot
-- blando - (lumber) rotten knot
-- corredizo - running knot or bowline; slip knot
-- de presilla - bowline knot
-- de rizos derecho llano - reef or square knot
-- flojo - (lumber) loose knot
-- sano - (lumber) sound or tight knot
nuez, la - drill chuck; ball-and-socket
nmero - number
obra - work; job, project; structure
obrar - to work; to construct, make
obras - works; jobs
obrero - workman; laborer
-- diestro - skilled workman
obstruir - to obstruct, block
obturacin, la - plugging off
obturador, el - plug, stopper; (plumbing) trap
obturar - to stop up, plug, seal
octagonal - octagonal
octgono, el - octagon; octagonal
octanaje, el - octane rating
octnico - octane (adj)
octano - octane
octavo (un) - one eighth
oferta - bid, proposal
oficina de campo - field office
ohmio - ohm
ojo - eye; opening, span, bay
-- de la escalera - stair well
olefinas - ofefins
leo - oil
oleoductos - pipeline for oil
oleosidad, la - oiliness
oleoso - oily
mnibus, el - bus, omnibus

--, barra - (elec) bus bar

onda - wave; (elec) surge, impulse
-- senoidal sinusoide - sine wave
-- sonora o acstica - sound wave
-- transversal - (vibration) shear or transverse or S wave
operar - to run, operate, work
operario - workman, laborer, operative
operar - to run, operate, work
operario - workman, laborer, operative
opresor, el - setscrew; cable clip
oquedad, la - cavity, hollow; porosity
orden de compra - purchase order
oreja - lug, flange
orificio - orifice, hole
-- alargado - slotted hole
-- de admisin - (eng) intake port
-- de aristas vivas de borde afilado - sharp-edged orifice
-- de drenaje weep or drain hole
-- de entrada redondeada - rounded-approach orifice
-- de escape - (eng) exhaust port
-- de estrangulacin - throttling orifice
-- de purga - drain hole
-- de revisin - inspection hole
-- guia - pilot hole
-- sin contraccin - suppressed orifice
orilla - edge; (river) bank, shore
-- cortante - cutting edge
-- de acera - curb
orillar - to trim, edge; to skirt
orinal, orinario - urinal
ovalado - oval, slotted (hole)
overoles, los - overalls
oxidacin, la - oxidation, rusting
oxidar - to oxidize; oxidarse - to rust
xido - oxide
-- de hierro - iron oxide
oxigeno - oxygen
pabilo - wick; packing
paila - boiler (small); boiler plate
paileria - boiler shop
pailero - boilermaker
pala - shovel; blade; paddle; scraper
-- a vapor - steam shovel

-- de arrastre de buey de caballo - drag or slip scraper

-- de cable de arrastre - dragline excavator
-- de fuerza de potencia - power shovel
-- empujadora - dozer shovel
-- mecnica - power shovel
-- oval redonda - point shovel
-- punta cuadrada - square-point shovel
-- transportadora - carryall or hauling scraper
-- zanjadora - ditching shovel, trench hoe
pala-draga, pala-gra rastrera - dragline excavator
palada - shovelful
palanca - lever, crowbar; arm of a couple; purchase
-- de cambios - gear-shift lever
palanquear - to pry
palanquita - small lever
palastrear - to trowel
palastro - steel plate; sheet metal
-- de ensamble - gusset plate
-- ondulado - corrugated sheets
paleador, el - shoveler
palear - to pound; to shovel
paleo - shoveling
paleta - small shovel; blade; trowel; blade
tamper; pallet; paddle; (turb) wicket, vane; (turb) bucket
-- acabadora - finishing trowel
-- de amasar - gaging trowel
-- de la hlice - propeller blade
-- de madera - (masonry) float
-- de regulacin - (turbine) wicket; guide vane
-- directriz o guiadora - (turb) guide vane, wicket gate
palomilla - wall bracket; bearing; journal box
-- de barandilla - handrail bracket
panales, el - (conc) honeycomb
pandear - to buckle, sag, bulge
pandeo - buckling, sagging, bulging
panel, el - panel; bay of a building
pantalla - screen; (inst) sunshade; (weld) face shield
pao - panel; cloth
-- de filtro - filter cloth
papel, el - paper
-- aislador - insulating paper
-- alquitranado - tar paper
-- cuadriculado - cross-section or graph or coordiante paper
-- de calcar - tracing paper
-- de carbn - carbon paper
-- de cartucho - (drafting) cartridge paper
-- de dibujo - drawing paper
-- de edificacin - building paper
-- de esmeril - emery paper

-- de granate - garnet paper

-- de lija - sandpaper
-- embreado - roofing or tar paper
-- heliografico - blueprint paper
-- para juntas - gasket paper
-- para perfiles - profile paper
-- semilogaritmico - semilogarithmic paper
paquete, el - package; (met) billet
par, el - (mech) (elec) couple; (bldg) rafter; (elec) cell
-- de arranque - starting torque
-- de fuerzas - couple
-- elctrico - electric moment; electric cell
-- motor de rotacin - torque
-- trmico - thermocouple
parabrisas, el - windshield
parachispas, el - spark arrestor
parada - stop; obstruction; (elec) outage; shift, gang, crew
parado - steep
parador, el - (mech) stop
parafango - mudguard
parafina - paraffin
parafinicidad, la - parafincicity
parafinico - paraffinic
parafinoso - containing paraffin
paragolpes, el - bumper, buffer; bumping post; fender pile
paralela - parallel
paralelas de cruceta - crosshead guides
paralelar - to parallel
paralelo - parallel
paralizar - to stop, shutdown
parallamas, el - flame arrester or check; fire stop or wall
parar - to stop, shutdown
pararrayos, el - lightening arrester or rod
paraviento - windshield
parchar - to patch
parche, el - patch
pared, la - wall
-- cargada de apolyo - bearing wall
-corta fuego contra incendio - fire wall
-- de arrimo - curtain wall; partition
-- de relleno - curtain or panel or filler or enclosure or apron wall
-- divisoria de separacin - division wall, partition
-- divisoria parafuego - fire partition
-- maestra - main or bearing wall
paredn, el - thick wall
parejo - even, flush
paro - shutdown; breakdown; strike; lockout
-- obrero - strike

-- patronal - lockout
parte, el - report, communication
-- del accidente - accident report
-- del accidente - accident report
partidora de hormign - concrete or paving breaker
pasada - (exch) (weld) pass
pasador, el - pin, cotter; tie rod
-- ahusado - taper pin, driftpin
-- de articulacin - wrist pin
-- del cigueal - crankpin
-- del la cruceta - crosshead pin
-- de chaveta - cotter pin
-- de grillete - shackle bolt
-- hendido - cotter pin
pasamano - handrail, banister; gangway
paso - step, pace, passage; step, stair tread; ladder rung; (mech) pitch
-- circunferencial - circular or arch pitch
-- de hombre - manhole
-- regulable - (turb) variable pitch
pasta - paste
-- de cal - lime putty or paste
-- de cierre - (elec) sealing compound
-- de soldar - soldering paste
-- para correas - belt dressing
-- para vlvulas - valve-grinding compound
pasteca - snatch block, guide or lead block
patente, la - patent; license, permit
patin, el - shoe; brake shoe; skid, slide; base of a rail; flange; leg of an angle
patitas de carnero - sheep's foot (roller)
patrn, el - standard; template, pattern, jig
-- de agujerear - drilling template
-- de taladrar - drill jig
pavimentacin, la - pavings, pavement
pavimentar - to pave
pavimento - pavement
pedal, el - pedal, treadle, foot lever
pedernal, el - flint; niggerhead (stone)
pedestal, el - pedestal
-- de armadura - (struct) truss shoe
-- de chumacera - (mach) bearing pedestal
pedido - order, requisition; demand
pedregal, el - gravel
bed; stony ground
pedrusco - boulder; cobble
pega - pitch, mastic, cementing material
pegada - blast, shot
pegar - to stock, glue; to hit, strike; to fire a blast
pegarse - to cohere, cake, stick, bind
pegar fuego - to set fire

peine, el - screw chaser, die for threading; grooving tool; (elec) comb, collector
-- para hembras - inside chaser
-- para machos - outside chaser
pelarse - to scale off
peldao - step, tread, ladder rung
-- de registro - manhole step
-- de seguridad - safety tread
pelicula - film
-- superficial - surface film
pelo - hair; fiber, filament; (inst) crosshair
pendiente, la - grade slope, gradient
penetracin, la - penetration, punching (shear)
pena - peen of a hammer
pen, el - laborer; (mech) journal, spindle
-- de albail - mason's helper, hod carrier
-- de muelle - dock laborer, stevedore
-- de pico y pala - common laborer
peonaje, el - common labor; gang of laborers
peraltar - to raise; to bank (curve)
peralte, el - raising; depth of a girder; (stair) rise
peralto - rise (arch) (step)
percolador, el - filter
percolarse - to seep, percolate
prdida - loss
perfil, el - profile, section; a rolled steel shape
-- angular - steel angel
-- de canal - channel iron
-- de construccin estructural - structural shape, rolled steel section
-- doble T I - I beam
-- edafolgico - soil profile
-- en escuadra - steel angle, angle iron
-- laminado - rolled steel section
-- U - channel iron
perfiles corrientes - regular structural shapes
perfiles de ala ancha - wide-flanged sections
perforacin, la - drilling, boring, perforation; drill hole; rivet hole
-- de prueba - test boring
perforadora - drill
-- de hoyos para postes - post-hole digger
-- de mano - jackhammer; hand drill
perforar - to drill, bore, perforate
periferia - periphery
perifrico - peripheral
perimetro - perimeter, girth
periodo - (elec) period; cycle; stage
permiso - permit,
-- de importacin - import permit
permutador trmico - heat exchanger

perno - bolt, spike, pin, stud

-- agarrador - clamp bolt
-- ciego clavado - drift bolt
-- comn - machine bolt
-- de anclaje de cimiento - anchor or foundation bolt
-- de ereccin de montaje - fitting up or erection bolt
-- de grillete - shackle bolt or pin
-- de puntal - stay bolt
-- de sujecin - anchor bolt
-- ordinario - machine bolt
-- prisionero - stud bolt, tap bolt; anchor bolt
perpendicular - plumb bob; perpendicular
persiana - window blind, shutter; louver
perspectiva - perspective
pesa - a weight; counterweight
pesas de contrapeso - counterbalance weights
pesada, la - weighing
pesado - heavy; viscous
pesantez, la - weight, heaviness; gravity
pesar - to weigh
pescante, el - jib, boom; cab of truck
peso - weight; a scale
-- atmico - atomic weight
-- bruto - gross weight
-- dinmico - live or moving load
-- especifico - specific gravity; unit weight
-- esttico muerto propio - dead weight, dead load
-- unitario - unit weight
pestaa - flange, rib, shoulder; tire rim
pestillo - latch, catch; bolt of a lock
petrleo - oil, petroleum
-- a granel - oil in bulk
-- combustible - fuel oil
-- crudo - crude oil
-- de alta gravedad - high-gravity oil
-- dulce - sweet oil
-- parafinoso - paraffin-base oil
petrolizador, el - oil sprayer, road oiler
petrolizar - to oil (raod), coat with oil
pezua - sheep foot (roller)
picada - survey line, line of stakes; staking out
picador, el - worker with a pick; operator of a pneumatic tool
picadora - chipper
picadura - puncture; pitting; cut of a file; roughening of a concrete surface
-- gruesa - rough cut (file)
picaduras - pitting
picar - to pick; to break, crush, to chop; (conc) to roughen; to pit (rust); to puncture tire)
picarse - to become pitted
pico - pick; spout, nozzle; tip; beak of anvil

-- , a, - steep
-- bate
- tamping pick
-- soldador - welding tip
pichancha - strainer
pie, el - foot; leg of a bent
-- corrido - running foot
-- cuadrado - square foot
-- cuadrado de table - board foot
-- cbico - cubic foot
-- de cabra - pinch bar, crow bar; claw bar; sheep's foot (roller)
-- de rey - foot rule; gage
-- de table - board foot
-- de talud - toe or foot of a slope
-- derecho - stud, upright, leg of a bent, post, column, stanchion
-- por segundo - foot-second
pie-bujia, el - foot-candle
pie-libra, el - foot-pound
piedra - stone, rock
-- afiladera aguzadera asentadora de aceite de afilar de repasar - oilstone,
--amoladera de afilar - grindstone
-- de cordn de guarnicin - curb-stone
pierna - post, upright, leg; leg of an angle
pieza - piece, part, member; room
-- comprimida - (struct) compression member
-- acordamiento - transmition piece
-- de acuerdo - (pipe) fitting; transition piece
-- de armadura - (struc) web member
-- de enrejado (struc) web member; lattice bar
-- de mquinas - engine room
-- de prueba - test piece
-- de repuesto - spare part
piezas de reserva - spare parts
pigmento - pigment (paint)
pila - basin; raised reservoir; water tap; pile, heap; (blgd) pier; (elec) battery, cell
-- de acopio - storge pile
-- de existencia - stock pile
-- de pilotes - pile bent
-- termoelctrica - thermocouple, thermopile
pilar, el - pier, buttress; column, standard
pilastra - pilaster
pileta - sink, basin, trough; pool
-- de sedimentacin - settling basin
piln, el - basin; tower, trestle bent; drop hammer
-- de gravedad - drop hammer
-- de vapor - steam hammer
pilotaje, el - piling
-- de retencin - sheet piling

pilote, el - pile
-- compuesto - composite pile
-- con resistencia de punta - point-bearing pile
-- de carga - bearing pile
-- de cimiento - bearing or foundation pile
-- de columna - end-bearing pile
-- de ensayo de prueba
- test pile
-- de friccin - friction pile
-- encerrado - cased (concrete) pile
-- inclinado - bater or brace pile
-- prevaciado - precast concrete pile
-- sustentador - bearing pile
-- vaciado en sitio - concrete pile cast in place
pilotes de palastro - steel sheet piling
pilotear - to drive piles
pincel, el - brush
-- para pintura - paint brush
pincelada - brush stroke; brush coat
pinchadura - puncture (tire)
pinchar - to puncture; to tap
pinchazao - puncture (tire)
pinta - pint
pintar - to paint
pintor, el - painter
pintura - paint, painting
-- al agua a la cola de agua fria - cold-water paint, kalsomine
-- al barniz - varnish paint
-- al leo de aceite - oil paint
-- aluminica - aluminum paint
contrafuego - fire-resisting paint
-- de rociar - spraying paint
-- mate - flate paint
-- primaria - priming paint
-- vidriada - enamel paint
pinza - clamp, clip
pinzas - pinchers, nippers, pliers, tongs, forceps
-- con corte adelante - end-cutting pliers
-- cortantes de filo - cutting pliers
-- cortantes al costado - side-cutting pliers
pin, el - pinion
piquete, el - stake; survey pole; picket
piqueteo - staking; piling; pile driving
pirlisis, el - pyrolisis
pirmetro - pyrometer
piso - floor, story; road bed; bottom
-- monolitico - concrete floor having finish cast integrally with slab
pisonador, el pisonadora - tamper
-- de impacto - impact tamper

-- de relleno - backfill tamper

pisonadura - tamping, ramming
pisonar, pisonear - to tamp, compact, ram
pistola - pistol; paint sprayer; jackhammer
-- de arena - sandblast nozzle
-- de barrenacin - jackhammer
-- de cemento - cement gun
-- de grasa - grease gun
-- lubricadora - grease or oil gun
-- neumtica - jackhammer
-- pulverizadora - spray gun; airbrush
-- remachadora - riveting hammer
-- rompedora - paving breaker
pistn, el - piston
pistonada - piston stroke
pistoneo - piston
pitn, el - nozzle, spout; screw eye
-- atomizador - spray nozzle
pivotar - to pivot
pivote, el - pivot
-- de direccin - (auto) king pin, knuckle pin
placa - plate, slab, sheet
-- de apoyo - (struct) bearing plate
-- de asiento - bearing or wall or base plate, bed-plate
-- de base - bed plate, base plate
-- de burbujeo - bubble tray
-- de cara - (struct) face plate
-- de cubierta - cover plate
-- cua - liner; shim
-- de choque - baffle plate
-- de defensa - wearing plate
-- de empalme - gusset or connecting plate
-- del fabricante - name plate
-- de frotamiento - wearing plate
-- de fundacin - base plate, bed plate
-- de junta - splice or gusset plate
-- de nudo - gusset or connection plate
-- de orificio - orifice plate
-- recubrimiento - (struct) face plate
-- de relleno - (struct) filler plate
-- de rozamiento - rubbing or waring or chafing plate
-- de tubos - tube sheet, flue plate (boiler)
-- de unin - splice plate, gusset plate
-- deflectora - baffle plate
-- delantal - skirt plate
-- escurridiza - flashing
-- portatubos - tube sheet
placa-marca - name plate

plan, el - plan, scheme, design

-- de trabajo - construction program
plana - trowel, flat
plancha - plate, sheet, slab; plank
-- abovedada - (struct) buckle plate
-- atiesadora - (struct) tie plate
-- cizallada - sheared plate, plate with sheared edges
-- de alma - web plate
-- de asfalto - asphalt smoother
-- de base - base plate
-- de canto laminado - mill-edge plate
-- de canto recortado - sheared-edge plate
-- de cubierta - cover or flange plate
-- de desgaste - wearing plate
-- de doblar - (pipe) bending slab
-- de escurrimiento - flashing
-- de fondo - bed plate
-- de orificio - orifice plate
-- de unin - splice plate; gusset plate
-- estriada - checkered plate
planchita - shim, small plate
planialtimetria - contour map; topographical survey
planimetrar - to measure with
a planimeter
planimetra - planimetry; plane surveying, mapping; ground plan, map
--, en, -- in plan
planimetro - planimeter
plano - plan, drawing; plane; flat, level
-- acotado - topographical plan; dimensional drawing
-- altimtrico - topographical plan, contour map
-- azul - blueprint
--, de, -- on the flat
-- de colado - (conc) fill plane, lift line
-- de comparacin de referencia -datum plane
-- de ejecucin - working drawing
-- de taller - shop drawing
-- hidrogrfico - chart
-- maestro - master plan
-- topogrfico - topographical plan, contour map
planta - plant, equipment; ground plan; floor
-- alta - upper floor or story
-- baja - ground floor
-- de fuerza - powerhouse, power plant
-- del piso - floor plan
-- de repuesto - spare equipment
-- desintegradora - cracking plant
-- estabilizadora - stabilizing plant
--filtradora - filtering plant
-- generadora - electric power plant

-- filtradora - filtering plant

-- generadora - electric power plant, generating statioin
-- hormigonera - (conc) mixing plant
-- mezcladora de cemento - cement-blending plant
-- piloto - pilot plant
-- quebradora - crushing plant
-- revolvedora - (conc) mixing plant
-- seleccionadora - (aggregate) screening plant
-- suavizadora de agua - water-softening plant
-- vista - top view, plan
plantar - to place, set; to set up erect
planteo - layout, arrangmenet
plantilla - pattern, jig, template; screed; subgrade; invert; (dwg) French curve
-- del canal - bottom, floor
-- de espesor - thickness gage, feeler
-- de filetear - screw chaser
-- de gua - jig
-- de montaje - assembly jig
-- de rotular - (dwg) lettering guide
-- de soldador - welding ;jig
-- de taladrar - drilling template
-- de yeso - floating screed
-- sujetadora para soldar - welding fixture or jig
plaquita - shim, small plate
plastocemento - plastic cement
plataforma - platform, road bed, subgrade; flat car
platinos - (auto) contact points
-- del distribuidor - distributor points
-- del ruptor - breaker points
plato - plate, disc; web of a wheel; face plat of a lathe, chuck
plegar - to fold, bend; to snub (belt)
plena carga - full load
plena velocidad - full speed
pleno - plenum; full, complete
pliego - folder; file of papers; document
-- de condiciones - specifications, bidding conditions
-- de licitacin - information for bidders; bidding form
pliegue, el - ply, sheet; fold, bend
plomada - plumb bob
plomar, plomear - to plumb
plomeria - plumbing, lead work
plomero - plumber
plomo - lead; plumb bob
--,a, - plumb, vertical
-- tetraetilo - tetraethyl lead, ethyl fluid
pluma - pen; boom; gin pole
-- de dibujo - lettering pen
-- de gra - derrick or crane boom
-- para cable de arrastre - dragline boom

plumbito sdico - sodium plumbite

pobre - poor; lean (conc); lean (mixture)
pocillo - sump, catch basin
poder, el - power, strength; authority
-- dielctrico - dielectric strength
-- resolutivo - resolving power (inst)
podrimiento - rot, rotting
podrirse - to rot, decay
polainas de soldador - welder's leggings
polea - pulley, sheave
-- acanalada - sheave
-- de aparejo - tackle block
-- de garganta - sheave
-- de pestaa - flanged pulley
-- diferencial - differential hoist, chain block
-- ranurada - sheave
-- poliestireno - polystyrene
polietileno - polyethylene
polifsico - polyphase, multiphase
polifilar - multiple-wire, multiwire
polilla - termite
polin, el - roller; skid; ground sill; nailing strip on I-beam
polipaste, polispasto - tackle, block and fall, rigging
-- diferencial - differential hoist
polisulfuro - po
polisulfuro - polysulfide
polivinilo - polyvinyl
polo - pole
polucin, la - pollution
poluto - polluted
polvo - powder, dust
plvora - powder, gun powder
polvorero, polvorista, el - blaster, powderman
ponchadura - puncture
ponchar - to
poner - to put; (inst) to set; (surv) to set up
-- a tierra - to ground (elec)
-- aire - to inflate
-- el freno - to set the brake
-- en circuito - to switch on (elec)
-- en marcha - to start (machinery)
-- en obra - to erect, install
porcelana - porcelain
porosidad, la - porosity
poroso - porous
porra - maul, sledge
portaaislador, el - (elec) insulator bracket
portaalambre, el - (elec) wire holder

portabandera, el - (lev) rodman, flagman

portabarrera, el - guardrail support
portabolas, el - ball or bearing race
portacadena, el - (lev) chain man
portatubo - pipe hanger
porte, el - freight
-- a pagar - freight collect
-- pagado - freight prepaid
portezuelo - handhole
prtico - gantry; portal; (struct) mill bent; rigid frame
-- de claro mltiple - multiple-span bent
-- dentado - saw-tooth bent
portillo - opening in a wall; weep hole; gate
portn, el - opening; large door; gate
posicionador, el - welding positioner, positioner (inst)
postcalentamiento - post heating
postcondensador, el - aftercondenser
poste, el - pole, stud, column, stanchion
-- de agua potable - drinking fountain
-- de alambrado - fence post (wire fence)
-- de alumbrado - lighting standard, lamppost
-- de cabria - gin pole
-- de cerca - fence post
-- de farol - lamppost
-- de lmpara - lamppost
-- gra - gin pole; podestal crane
posteria - line of posts
postor, el - bidder
postura - bidding; a bid
potable - potable
potencia - power
-- a plena carga - full-load horsepower
-- al freno - brake horsepower
-- calorifica - calorific or heating value
-- consumida - input
-- de anexin - (elec) connected load
-- de entrada - input power
-- hidrulica - water power
-- indicada - indicated horsepower; rating
-- instalada - installed capacity
-- motora o motriz - motive power
-- til - useful power
potencial, el - potential
potencimetro - potentiometer
pozo - well, pit
-- de ascensor - elevator pit
-- de aspiracin - suction pit
-- de decantacin - settling basin
-- de entrada - manhole

-- de escalera - stair well

-- de percolacin - leaching cesspool
-- de recogida - sump
-- de registro de visita - manhole
-- negro - cesspool
-- sptico - septic tank
prearmado - preassembled
prebombeo - cold springing, initial distortion
precalentador, el - preheater
precalentar - to preheat
precio - price
-- alzado - lump sum price
-- corriente de plaza - market or current price
-- unitario por unidad - unit price
precipitador, el - precipitator
-- de polvo - dust precipitator
precolar - (conc) to precast
preencendido - preignition
preenfriador, el - precooler
preenfriar - to precool
preensamblado - preassembly
prefabricado - prefabricated
prefatiga - initial stress, prestress
prefatigado - prestressed
preignicin, la - preignition
premezclado - (con) premixed
premoldeado - precast, premolded
prendas de proteccin - (weld) protective clothing
prensa - press, vise, clamp
-- a cadena - chain vise
-- de banco - bench vise
-- de curvar de doblar - bending press
-- de chapa caliente - hot press
-- de filtrar - filter press
-- de taladro - drill press
-- de tornillo - vise; screw press
-- dobladora - crimping or bending press
-- para caos - pipe vise
-- rebordeadora - flanging press
-- recalcadora - upsetting press
-- taladradora - drill press
prensado en caliente - hot-pressed
prensado en frio - cold-pressed
prensaestopas, el - stuffing box
-- de laberinto - labyrinth stuffing box
prensar - to press
presaturado - presaturated
preservativo - preservative
presilla - clip, clamp; loop, bight

presin , la - pressure
-- a reventar - bursting pressure
-- asignada - rated pressure
-- de aplastamiento - collapsing pressure
-- a apoyo - bearing pressure
-- de ensayo de prueba - test pressure
-- de estallido - bursting
-- de rgimen - cooking or rated pressure
-- de trabajo - working pressure
-- manomtrica - gage pressure
-- media efectiva - mean effective pressure
-- no equilibrada - unbalanced pressure
prstamo - borrowed fill; borrow pit; a loan
presuponer - to estimate
presupuestar - to estimate, to budget
presupuesto - estimate; budget
pretratar - to pretreat
prevaciado - (conc) prescast
primario - primary
primera destilacin, planta de - topping plant
primera mano - (paint) priming coat
prisionero - setscrew, stud bolt, tap bolt, cap screw
-- de cabeza hueca - socket-head cap screw
-- de resalto - shoulder stud
-- de rosca continua - continuous-thread stud bolt
-- de rosca doble - double-end stud bolt
-- encajado - hollow set screw
-- espigado - pivot-point set screw
privada - privy
privado - private
probador, el - tester; testing machine
probar - to test, to taste
probeta - test piece; test tube; buret
procedimiento - process, method, system, procedure
proceso - process, processing
produccin la - production; product, throughput
producir - to yield, produce
producto - product, yield; income; thruput
-- de desecho - waste product
-- secundario - by-product
profundidad, la - depth
profundizar - to deepen
profundo - deep
prolongar - to prolong; (dwg) to produce
propano - propane
propileno - propylene
propuesta - bid, proposal, tender
-- a precios unitarios - unit-price bid

-- a suma alzada - lump-sum bid

propulsin , la - propulsion, drive
-- a cadena - chain drive
-- de engranajes - gear drive
-- por correa - belt drive
propulsor, el - propeller; impeller; propulsive, driving
prorrogar - to extend, prolong
prorrogar - to extend, prolong
proteger - to protect
protuberancia - (mech) boss
-- para conexin roscada - (pipe) tapping boss
proyeccin, la - projection; designing
-- ortogonal - orthographic or orthogonal projection
proyectar - to
design, plan; to project
proyecto - design, plan; a project
-- de ejecucin - detail design
prueba - test; test piece
-- al choque - impact test
-- al freno - brake test
-- de doblado - bending test (bar)
-- de flexin libre - free bend test
-- de fluidez - pour test
-- de mella - nick-break test
-- de pliegue en frio - cold-bending test
-- en fbrica - mill test
-- por plegado - bending test
prueba de, a, - proof against
-- cidos - acid-proof
-- agua - water-proof
-- aire - air-tight
-- chispa - sparkproof, nonsparking
-- moho - rustproof
-- explosiones - explosion-proof
-- fuego incendio - fire-proof
-- goteo - drip proof, leak proof
-- polvo - dust proof
puente, el - bridge; (carp) cap header
-- de alcantarilla - culvert bridge
-- del hogar - (furnace) bridge wall, fire or flame bridge
-- delantero - (auto) front axle
-- posterior trasero - (auto) rear axle
puerta - door; gate
-- contrafuego a prueba de incendio - (bldg) fire door
-- de cerco - gate
-- de cortina articulada - rolling steel door
-- de hombre - manhole
-- incombustible - (bldg) fire door
puesta - setting, placing

-- a punto - adjusting
-- a tierra - (elec) ground connection
-- en marcha - (mach) starting
-- en obra - placing, erection, installation
-- en servicio - putting into service
puesto a bordo - free on board (FOB)
puesto sobre vagn - loaded on cars
pulgada - inch
-- cuadrada - square inch
pulidora - polisher, buffer
pulimentadora - lapping or buffing
pulimentar - to polish; to buff; (valve) to grind
pulir - to polish; to finish; to surface
pulsacin, la - pulsation; (elec)
surgir - (elec) pulsa
pulsador, el - pulsator; push botton
pulsar - to pulsate
pulsativo - pulsating
pulso, a - by hand; (dwg) free hand
pulsometro - pulsometer
pulverizador, el - pulverizer; atomizer sprayer
-- de pintura - paint sprayer
pulverizar - to atomize; to pulverize
punta - point; nail
-- coladora - point; nail
--, de, - on end
-- de aguja - (rr) switch point; needle point (compass)
-- de cabeza perdida - brad, finishing nail
-- de cajonero - box nail
-- de los dedos, a - finger-tip (control)
-- de flecha - (dwg) arrow point
-- de Paris - common wire nail
-- de torno - lathe center
-- de vidriar - glazier's point
-- fija - dead center
-- para hormign - concrete nail
-- rmbica - diamond point
puntal, el - shore, strut, prop, compression member
punteado - pitted (rust)
puntiagudo - pointed, sharp
puntilla - finishing nail, brad
punto - point
-- a punto - point-to-point
-- caliente - hot spot
-- caracteristico - (pump) design point
-- cedente - yield point
-- de burbujeo - bubble point
-- de combustin - fire point; burning point

-- de condensacin - fire point; burning point

-- de condensacin - dew point
-- de congelacin - freezing point; pour point
-- de cota fija - bench mark
-- de deformacin - yield point, elastic limit
-- de destilacin - distillation point
-- de ebullicin - boiling point
-- de encendido - ignition point
-- de fluidez - pour point
-- de fuga - (dwg) vanishing point
-- de fusin - melting point
-- de ignicin - ignition point
-- de inflamacin - flash or ignition point
-- de inflexin - (struct) point of contraflexure, inflection point
-- de partida - (lev) starting point
-- de rasante - (lev) grade point
-- de referencia - (lev) reference point datum point
-- de rocio - dew point
-- de tangencia de trmino - point of tangency
-- fijo altimtrico fijo de nivel - bench mark
-- muerto - dead end; dead center; (auto) neutral position
-- obligado - (lev) control or governing point
-- topografico de referencia - bench mark
-- y raya y trazo - dot and dash (line)
punzar - to punch
punzn, el - punch; (valve) needle; pile spud
-- centrador de centrar - center punch
-- de marcar de
puntear - center or prick punch
-- para clavos - nail set
punzonar - to punch
puo - grip; door knob; handle
pureza - purity
purga - draining; venting; blowoff
purgador, el - blowoff, drain cock
purgar - to drain; to cleanse; to vent; to blow off; to purge
purificador, el - purifier
purificar - to purify
quebrado - (math) fraction; broken; bankrupt; (topo) hilly
quebrador, el; quebradora - crusher
quebrajar, quebrajarse - to crack, split
quebrantable - brittle
quebrantadora - crusher; paving breaker

quebrantar - to crush, break

quebrar - to crush, break, rupture; to fail, become bankbrupt
quemador, el - burner
-- a chorro de vapor - steam-atomizing burner
-- de petrleo - oil burner
-- de surtidores mltiples - multiple burner
-- mecnico - mechanical-atomizing burner
-- para combustibles mltiples - multi-fuel burner
quemar - to burn; quemarse - to burn up, to burn out (bearing)
quiebra - crack; brankruptcy, failure
quimica - chemistry
quimico - chemist; chemical
quitacostra - scale remover
quitapintura - paint remover
quitar - to remove - take away; extract, take off, strip
rabo - shank, handle; breech (tackle block)
radiacin, la - radiation
radiador, el - radiator
radiante - radiant; radian
radiar - to radiate
radio - radius, radium
-- de giro - bradius of gyration; turning radius
-- de viraje - turning radius
radioaxial - radial-thrust (bearing)
raz, la - root; (math) root
-- cuadrada - square root
-- cbica - cube root
-- de la soldadura - root of weld
raja - crack, fissure, split; splinter, chip; (lumber) check
rajable, rajadizo - easily split, fissile
rajadura - crack, fissure, split
rajar - to split; (pile) to broom; rajarse - to crack, split; (pile) to broom
ralo - light, thin (liquid)
rama - branch, arm; leg of an angle
ramas desiguales - unequal legs (angle)
ramas iguales - equal legs
ramal, el - branch arm;
strand of rope
-- a 45o o Y - (pipe) Y
-- a 90o o T - (pipe) T
ramificarse - to branch off
rampa - ramp, slope, grade, incline
rana - (rr) frog
rangua - socket; step bearing, pivot bearing

ranura - groove, slot (as in bubble cap), keyway, channel, rabbet, dado
-- de aceite - boil groove
-- de chaveta - (mach) keyway
-- de engrase de lubricacin - oil groove
-- para aro - piston ring groove
-- y lengueta - tongue and groove
ranuradora - grooving machine or tool; slotting machine
ranurar - to slot, groove, rabbet, channel
rpida - chute, flume
rapidez, la - speed
ras, el - level, surface, plane
-- de, al, - flush with
rasador, el - straight edge, screed board
rasante, la - grade line, subgrade
-- con - flush with
rasar - to level, smooth off, strike off
rascaceite, aro - scraper ring (piston)
rascadera, rascador, el - scraper
rascar - to scrape, roughen
rasero - straight edge, screed board
rasgador, el, rasgadora - rooter, ripper
rasgar - to rip, tear
rasgueo - (dwg) shading
raspa - rasp, coarse file
raspador, el - rasp, scraper; (pet) stripper
-- de tinta - ink eraser
raspante, el - abrasive
raspa pintura, el - paint scraper
raspar - to scrape, rasp
raspatubos, el - tube cleaner; go-devil
rasqueta - scraper
rasquetear - to scrape; to roughen
rasqueteo - scraping
raya - line; boundary; payroll, day's wages
rayado - ruling; laborer; fluted, scored ribbed
rayador, el - grooving tool; timekeeper
rayar - to groove, scratch, score; to pay off; (dwg) to hatch; to rule
rayo - ray; spoke; stroke of lightening; radius razn, la - ratio, rate
-- agua-cemento - water-cement ratio
-- de delgadez - (struct) slenderness ratio
-- de engranajes - gear ratio
-- de transformacin - transformer ratio
reaccin, la - reaction
reaccionar - to react
reactor, el - reactor; (elec) reactor, impedance coil; converter
rebabador, rebabeadora - chipping hammer
rabajado recessed, offset; cut back (asphalt); (lumber) plowed
rebajar - to decrease; to cut down, relieve, rabbet, scarf, shave off, back off; to offset;

to neck down; to cut back, dilute; (struct) to cope

rebaje, el - a cut
rebajo - offfset, rabbet, scarf; groove, recess
reblandecer - to soften; to cut back (asphalt); reblandecerse - to soften
reblandecimiento de agua - water softening
reborde, el - edge; dike; flange; (weld) overlap, roll
-- de acera - curb
-- del macho - (pipe) spigot bead
rebordeadora - flanging tool
rebordear - to flange
rebosar - to overflow
rebotar - to rebound
rebote, el - rebound, resilience
recalcar - to calk; (struct) to upset; (rr) to tamp; (masonry) to point
recalce, el - underpinning, wedging
recalentador, el - superheater; reheating pan (asphalt)
recalentar - to superheat; to overheat; to reheat; recalentarse - (mach) to run hot, heat
recalentn - overheating
recmara - bedroom
recarga - recharging
recargar - (mech) (elec) to recharge
recargue, el - recharge; surcharge; super-imposed load
recepcin, la - acceptance, (of the job)
-- definitiva - final acceptance (job)
receptculo - (elec) receptable; jack
receptor, el - receiver (all senses)
-- de aire - air receiver
-- del condensado - condensate receiver
-- telefnico - telephone receiver
recibidor (el) de aire - air receiver
recio - strong; coarse
recipiente, el - container, vessel; air receiver; pressure tank
-- de acetileno - acetylene cylinder or bottle
-- de aire - air receiver
reclamador, el - reclaimer
reclutamiento - recruiting (labor)
recoccin, la - annealing
recocer - to anneal
recocido - annealing
-- completo - full annealing
recedo - bend
recogedero - collecting basin; drainage area
recogedor, el - collector
-- de aceite - drip pan
-- de cieno - sludge collector
recompresin, la - recompression
reconcentrado - a concentrate

reconcentrar - to concentrate
reconocer - to
reconstruccin, la - reconstruction
reconstruir - to reconstruct, rebuild
recorredor (el) de la linea - (elec) lineman
recorrido - route, path, travel, run; (eng) stroke
-- del mbolo - piston stroke or travel
recortado a la orden - cut to length
recortadora - cutter; shear; shaper
recortar - to cut, cut off, cut away; (struct) to cope
recorte, el - cutting, a cut; (struct) cope
-- en bisel - bevel cutoff
recortes - cuttings, chips
recta - straight line; (rr) tangent
rectificacin, la - rectification
rectificador, el - rectifier (all senses); grinder, honing machine
-- de cilindro - (eng) cylinder hone
-- de engranajes - gear grinder
-- de herramientas - tool grinder
rectificadora - rectifier; grinder, dresser
-- de barrenas - drill grinder
-- de fresas - cutter grinder
-- de machos - tap grinder
-- de mesa - bench grinder or dresser
-- sin puntas - centerless grinder
rectificar - to rectify; to rebore (cylinder); to true up
recto - straight; right (angle)
recuadro - panel
recubrimiento - lap, overlap; facing, covering; road surfacing; coating; (reinf)
recubrir - to cover; to sheath; to lap; (auto) to recap
recuperable - recoverable
recuperar - recover; to reclaim
rechazar - to reject
rechazo - rejection
rechazos - rejects (screen)
rechinado - (mach) squeaking
rechinar - to squeak
red, la - net, netting; network, system
-- de aguas corrientes - water system
-- de alambre - wire mesh
-- de distribucin - (elec) (water) distribution system
-- de saneamiento - sewerage or drainage system
redestiladora - redistillation or rerun column
redevanar - to rewind
redituar - to produce, yield
redondear - to round off
redondo - round

reduccin, la - reduction (all senses); reducer

reducido - (piping) reducer
reductor, el - reducer; reducing valve
-- de luz - (auto) dimmer
-- de velocidad a engranaje cnicohelicoidal - spiral-bevel-gear spped
-- de velocidad a engranaje recto - spur-gear speed reducer
-- soldable - (pip) welding reducer
reempaquetar - to repack
reemblazable - renewable
reemplazar - to replace, renew, substitute
reensavar - to retest
reesmerilable - regrinding (valve)
refaccin, la - spare part, replacement
refaccionar - to repair
refiln, de - obliquely, on the skew
refinacin, la - refining
refinado - refined
refinador, el - refiner
refinar - to refine
refineria - refinery
-- de petrleo - oil refinery
refinero - refiner
reflector, el - searchlight, headlight; reflector; reflecting
reflejar - to reflect
reflexin, la - reflection
refluir - to flow back
reflujo - reflux
reformacin, la - reforming
-- catalitica - catalytic reforming
-- trmica - thermal reforming
reformador, el - reformer, platformer
reforrar - to relign
reforzado - reinforced
reforzador, el - booster (all senses)
reforzar - to reinforce; to strengthen; (elec) to boost
refraccionar - refractionate
refractario - fire-resisting, refractory
refractividad, la - refractivity
refrenar - to snub (cable)
refrigeracin, la - refrigeration, cooling
-- por absorcin - absorption refrigeration
-- por aire - air cooling
refrigerado por aceite - oil-cooled
refrigerador, el - cooler, refrigerator
refrigerante, el - refrigerant
refrigerar - to cool; to refrigerate
refuerzo - reinforcement
-- de malla soldada - welded wire reinforcement

-- negativo - reinforcement for negative bending moment

-- positivo - reinforcement for positive bending moment
regalia - bonus; royalty
regar - to sprinkle, spray, water
regenerador, el - regenerator; stripper; regenerative
regenerar - to regenerate (all senses)
regenerativo - regenerative
registrador, el - recorder
-- de demanda - (elec) demand register
-- de esfuerzos - stress recorder
-- de flujo - flow recorder
-- de temperature - temperature recorder
-- de tiro - draft
registrar - to record, register, enter; to examine; to check (baggage)
registro - record, log; opening, handhole, manhole
-- de chimenea - damper
-- de empalme de encuentro - (sewer) junction manhole
-- de hombre - manhole
-- de inspeccin - manhole
-- de limpieza - handhole, cleanout hole
-- de mano - handhole
-- de tiro - damper
-- de vlvula - valve box
-- grfico - a graph
regla - rule, scale; straightedge, level board, screed board; rule, precept
-- de clculo - slide rule
-- de curvas - (draft) irregular or French curve
-- de enrasar - straightedge, screed board
-- flexible - (draft) spline, curve rule
-- plegadiza - folding rule
-- recta - straightedge
-- T - T square
reglamentar - to regulate
reglamento de edificacin - building code
reglilla - slide of a slide rule
regln, el - straightedge; measuring rod
regreso - return
regulable - adjustable; controllable
regulacin, la - regulation, governing; (eng) timing
regulador, el - governor, regulator, adjuster, controller; throttle valve
-- a presin de aceite - oil-pressure governor
-- centrifugo - centrifugal or fly-ball governor
-- del agua de alimentacin - boiler-feed regulator

-- de aire - (auto) choke

-- de rbol - shaft governor
-- de bobina mvil - (elec) moving-coil regulator
-- de bolas - ball governor
-- del campo - (elec) field regulator
-- de carga - (elec) load regulator
-- de la contrapresin - back-pressure regulator
-- de correa - belt take-up
-- de corriente - (elec) current regulator
-- de disparo - disengagement governor
-- de estrangulacin de gollete - throttling governor
-- de frequencia - frequency regulator
-- de gasto - rate-of-flow controller
-- de inercia - inercia governor
-- de mariposa - throttle valve
-- de nivel - level control
-- de presin - pressure regulator
-- de resorte - spring governor
-- de temperatura - temperature regulator
-- de tiro
- damper, draft controller
-- de volante - flywheel governor
-- de voltaje - voltage regulator
-- del volumen del flujo - rate-of-flow controller
-- diferencial o dinamomtrico - differential or dynamometric governor
-- registrador - recording controller
regular - to regulate, govern; regular
rehabilitar - to recondition, overhaul
rehervidor, el - reboiler
rehervir - to reboil
reja - rack, grating, grill
rejado - rating
rejilla - rack, grating, grid, grill, bar screen
-- del radiador - (auto) radiator grill
-- de ventilacin - louver; ventilation grill
rejuntar - to point, fill joints
relacin, la - ratio, relation; report
-- agua-cemento - (conc) water-cement ratio
-- de amortiguacin - damping ratio
-- de compresin - compression ratio
-- de engranajes - gear ratio
-- de esbeltez - (struct) slenderness ratio
-- de transformacin - transformer ratio
relai (el), relais(los) - (elec) relay
-- de sobrecarga - overload relay
-- de tensin - voltage relay
-- disparador - trip relay
relaminado - rerolled (steel)
relampaguear - to flash

relampagueo - flashing
rejejar - to taper, slope; to step back (wall); to batter
relevador, el - release, tripping device; (elec) relay
relevo - relief, shift (men); (mech) relief, spare
releve, el - relief (map)
rellano - stair landing
rellenador, el - (struct) filler plate
rellenar - to backfill, fill, refill
relleno - backfilling, filling, fill, earthfill; filler
remachacar - to recrush
remachado - riveting
-- de montaje - field riveting
-- de taller - shop riveting
remachar - to rivet; to clinch
remache, el - rivet
-- abocardado - countersunk rivet
-- ciego - blind rivet
-- de cabeza achatada - flathead rivet
-- de cabeza cilindrica - machine-head rivet
-- de cabeza de cono truncado - conehead rivet
- de cabeza embutida - countersunk rivet
-- de cabeza rasa - flush rivet
-- de campo de montaje - field rivet
-- de
taller - shop rivet
-- flojo - loose rivet
remandrilar - to rebore (cylinder; to reroll (boiler tubes)
remaquinado - refacing
rematar - to finish, top out; to take bids
remate, el - competitive bidding; top crest; pile cap
remendador (el) de mangueras - hose mender
remendar - to patch; to repair
remojar - to wet, moisten, drench, soak
remoledor (el) - tubular - tube mill
remoler - to regrind; to grind
rendija - crack, crevice
rendimiento, redimientos - efficiency, output, yield, duty; earnings
rendir - to produce, yield
renovable - renewable
renovacin, la - renewal, replacement
restato - (elec) rheostat
-- de rejilla - grid rheostat
reostriccin, la - (elec) pinch effect
reparaciones, las - repairs
reparar - to repair
reparo - repair, repairing; protection, defense; obstruction
reparticin, la - distribution; division, section, department
-- de las cargas - load distribution
-- de los esfuerzos - stress distribution

repartir - to distribute
repasadora - (carp) finishing plane
repasar - to review; to revise; to recycle
repaso - review, revision; recycling
repavimentar - to repave
repelente, el - repellent
-- al agua - water-repellent
-- al fuego - fire-repellent
repellador, el - plasterer
repellar - to plaster, stucco
repello - plaster, stucco
-- acstico - acoustic plaster
repicar - (conc) to roughen with a pick or hammer and chisel
repiquetear - (mach) to clatter, chatter
repisa de ventana - window stool or sill
reposadero, reposadera - setting basin, sump
reposarse - to settle (sediment)
reposicin, la - replacement; (elec) reset
-- manual - (elec) hand reset
reposo - settling, depositing sediment
repuesto - recovery, replacement
repuestos - spare parts
resanar - (conc) to patch and point; to mend
resbalar - to slide, slip, skid
resbalo - steep slide
resbaloso - slippery
rescatar - to recover, salvage
resecar - to dry; to drain
resfriar - to
cool; (met) to chill
residuo - residue; sludge
residuos - rubbish, garbage
resistencia - resistance, strength; (elec) resistance, resistor
-- al aplastamiento - crushing strength
-- al cizallamiento a la cortadura - shearing strength or resistance
-- a la compresin - compressive strength
-- a la extensin a la traccin o tensora - tensile strength
-- al fallar a la fractura a la rotura - breaking or ultimate strength
-- a la fatiga - fatigue resistance
-- a la flexin - bending strength
-- a punto cedente - yield strength
-- a reventar - bursting strength
-- al rodamiento - rolling resistance
-- a la torsin - torsional strength
-- aisladora - electric or dielectric or insulating strength
-- de arranque - starting resistance
-- de carga - compressive strength
-- de columna - (struct) column strength; (pile) point resistance
-- de frotamiento de rozamiento - frictional resistance

-- de puesta en marcha - starting resistance

-- de punta - (pile) point resistance
-- del suelo - bearing power of the soil
-- del viento - wind resistance
-- dielctrica - electric or dielectric or disruptive strength, dielectric rigidity
-- especifica - unit strength; (elec) resistivity, specific resistance
-- final - ultimate strength
-- friccional frotante - frictional resistance
resistente - strong, resistant
-- al agua - water-resistant
-- a la friccin - antifriction
-- al fuego - fire-resisting
resorte, el - spring (steel)
-- de ballesta de hojas - laminated spring
-- de espira cnica - volute spring
-- de tirabuzn - spiral spring
-- espiral - coil or spiral spring
respaldo - back; (weld) backing strip
respirador, el - respirator
resquebrajar, resquebrajarse - to crack, split
resquebrajo - crack, split, fissure
resquebrar, resquebrarse - to crack, split
resquicio - crack, crevice, split, chink
restirador, el - drafting board
resumidero - catch basin, sump
retacador, el
- calker
-- de relleno - backfill tamper
retacar - to calk; to tamp
retaque, el - calking; packing; tampering
retazos - scrap
retn, el - pawl, catch, dog, fastener
-- de aceite - oil retainer
-- de bolas - ball retainer (bearing)
-- de engrase - grease seal
-- de lubricacin - oil seal
-- de vidrio - glazing molding
retenedor, el - (mach) retainer
retenida - guy, tieback; (elec) bridle
reticulado - framework; framed
-- de alambre - wire mesh
retraso - retardation, delay; lag
-- de fase - (elec) phase lag
retrete, el - water closet, toilet room, latrine
retroceso - backward motion
-- de la llama - backfiring; (weld) flashback
retrolectura, retrovisual - backsight
reventar - to burst, explode, blow out; reventarse - to burst; (blast) to go off
reventn, el - blowout, explosin; chalk line

revestido de cemento - cement-lined

revestimiento - lining, facing, sheathing, surfacing
-- aeroceludar - air-cell pipe covering
-- de embrague - clutch facing or lining
-- de taludes - slope paving, riprap
-- por rotacin - (pipe) spun lining
revestir - to line, face, surface, coat
revisin, la - inspection, review, examination
-- aduanera - custom inspection
revocar - to plaster, stucco, to deny
revoco - plastering, stucco
revoltura - mixture; (conc) batch; mortar
-- de comprobacin de contra ensayo - (conc) check batch
-- de tanteo - trial batch
revolucin, la - (mach) revolution
revolvedora - (conc) mixer
-- de camin - truck or transit mixer
-- intermitente - batch mixer
revolver - to revolve, turn; to turn over, mix; to agitate, stir
revuelta - winding; a turn
rezago - salvage material
ribera - river shore
ribero - dike, levee
riel, el - rail; track; ingot
riesgo - risk, hazard
-- de incendio - fire hazard
rigidez, la - stiffness, rigidity
rigido - rigid, stiff
rima - reamer
rimar - to ream
rimero - pile, stack
rincn, el - corner, angle (interior);
rinconera - corner, angle; corner bracket; corner piece
rin, el - haunch
roca - rock
-- picada - crushed stone
-- rodada - boulder
roce, el - friction
-- resbaladizo - sliding friction
-- rodadero - rolling friction
rociador, el - spraying nozzle
-- de brea - tar spray
-- de pintura - paint sprayer, airbrush
rociar - to sprinkle, spray
rocio - spray; sprinkling; dew; light shower
-- de enfriamiento - cooling spray
-- metlico - metal spraying, metalizing
rocoso - rocky

rodado - cobble, boulder; running gear; tread of a wheel; rounded

-- tipo oruga - crawler tread
rodadura - rolling; rut; tread of a wheel
rodaja - sheave; small wheel, caster
rodaje, el - tread of a wheel; set of wheels
rodamiento - a bearing; revolving, rolling
-- de bolas - ball bearing
-- de rodillos - roller bearing
rodar - to revolve, roll
rodete, el - rotor, impeller, (pump or turbine) runner; ring
-- impusor - pump runner
rodillo - roller
-- a vapor - steam roller
-- apisonador compresor - tamping roller
-- de pie de cabra pata de cabra - sheep foot roller
-- guia - guide roller or pulley
-- loco - idler roller or pulley
-- tensor - tension roller, idler pulley
-- triburador - crushing roll
roer - to erode, corrode; to wear out
rojo - red
-- apagado - dull red
-- cereza - cherry red
rol, el - roller
roladora - roll, roller
rolar - to roll
rollo - log; roller; roll, coil
rompedor, el - breaker, crusher
-- de caminos - road ripper, rooter
-- de concreto neumtico - concrete or paving breaker
-- a cilindros - crushing roll, roll crusher
rompepavimentos, el - paving breaker
rompepiedras, el - stone crusher
romper - to break, crush, rupture
-- juntas - to break joints
romperremaches, el - rivet buster
rompevientos, el - wind break
rondana - washer, burr
-- de presin - lock washer
rosca - thread; nipple; nut
-- a la izquierda o zurda - left-handed thread
-cnica - taper thread
-- cortada o labrada - cut thread
-- cruzada - crossed thread
-- de tubo - pipe thread
-- de perno - bolt thread
-- de tornillo - screw thread
-- hembra o matriz - remale or internal thread

-- macho - male thread

roscar - to thread, tap
-- a macho - to tap
rotacin, la - rotation, revolution
-- dextrorsa - clockwise rotation
-- sinistrorsum - counterwise rotation
rotmetro - rotameter
rotar - to roll; to rotate
roto - broken
rotmetro - rotometer
rotor, el - (elec) rotor; (turb) runner
-- bobinado devanado de arrollamiento - wound rotor
-- en jaula de ardilla - squirrel-cage rotor
rtula - hinge joint; knuckle
rotulacin, la - lettering on a plan; hinge joint
rutular - (dwg) to letter
rtulo - tag, label; sign
rotura - fracture, breaking, rupture
rozador, el - (elec) wiper
rozadura - friction, rubbing, chafing
rozamiento - friction, rubbing
-- cintico de deslizamiento - sliding friction
-- de rodadura por rotacin - rolling friction
-- esttico - starting friction
rueda - wheel; (turb) runner
-- achatada - flat wheel
-- de amolar - grinding wheel
-- de garganta - sheave
-- dentada - gear; sprocket; chain pulley
-- esmeril - emery wheel
-- excntrica - cam or eccentric wheel
ruido - noise
rumbo - direction, route, course; compass bearing
ruptura - rupture, breaking, failure
sacapuntas, el - pencil sharpener
sacar - to pull out, draw, extract, take away
-- una muestra - to take a sample
sacudida - shaking
sacudir - to shake
sala - room
-- de dibujo - drafting room
salida - outlet, mouth, outfall; (elec) outlet; (bldg) exit
-- de incendio - fire escape
salirse - to leak

salpicadura - (lubr) splash; (weld) spatter, splatter

salpicar - to splash; (weld) to spatter
salto - fall
sangrar - to bleed
saponificar - to saponify
saturacin, la - saturation
saturadora - saturator
saturar - to saturate
al aire - air-dried, air seasoned
secado al horno - kiln-dried
secador secadora - drier
secar - to dry; to season
secarse - to dry out, become dry
seccin, la - section
seccionado seccional - sectional
seccionar - to section; to cross-section
seco - dry
secoya - redwood
secundario - secondary
sedimentable - settling, settleable (solids)
sedimentacin, la - sedimentation, sett silting up
sedimentar - to deposit silt; to cause to settle
segregacin - (conc) segregation
segueta mecnica - power saw
segueta para arco - hacksaw blade
segueta para fierro - hacksaw
segundos de viscosidad Saybolt - Saybolt seconds
seguro - (mech) pawl, dog, latch, stop insurance
sellar - to seal, close
sello - seal
-- a presin - pressure seal
-- de grasa - grease seal
-- de lubricatin de aceite - oil seal
semforo - signal (light)
semicirculo - semicircle
semieliptico - semielliptical
semiesfera - hemisphere
semirredondo - half round
sencillo - single, simple
seno - sine; slack of rope; sag, bight
-- de onda - trough of a wave
senoidal - (adj) sine
sensibilidad, la - (inst) sensitivity, responsiveness, smallest reading
sensitividad, la - sensitivity
seal, la - signal, sign
sealar - to signal; to place signs
separador, el - separator; spreader, spacer
-- de aceite - oil separator

separadora - separator, classifier

sptico - septic
serie, la - series
-- electroquimica electropotencial - electronotive series
-- parafincia - paraffin series
serpentin, el - (pipe) coil, worm
-- calentador - heating coil
-- enfriador de refrigeracin - cooling coil
serrin, el - saw dust
serrucho - hand saw; crosscut saw
-- de cortar a inglete - miter saw
servicio - service; duty
-- pesado - heavy duty
sesgar - to skew; to chamfer, bevel
sesgo - skew
sierra - saw
-- circular de disco - circular or buzz saw
-- corta metal de arco para metales - hacksaw
-- de cadena
de disco - circular or buzz saw
-- corta metal de arco para metales - hacksaw
-- de cadena - chain saw
-- de cinta de cordn huincha o sin fin - band saw
sifn, el - siphon; trap
sifonar - to siphon
signo - sign, mark, signal, symbol
silbido - whistle
silbato - whistle signal; (elec) hissing (arc), whistling
silenciador, el - silencer, muffler
silice gelatinosa - silica gel
silla - saddle, chair
simbolo - symbol
simple - single, simple
-- efecto, de - single-acting
sin condensacin - noncondensing
sin costura - seamless
sin chispas - sparkless
sin retorno - non return (trap)
sincrnico - (elec) synchronous
sincronizador, el - synchronizer
sincronizar - to synchronize
sincrono - synchronous
sindicato - syndicate
-- gremial - trade-union, labor union
-- iindustrial - industrial union
-- obrero - labor union
siniestra - left-hand
sintesis, la - synthesis
sinttico - synthetic

sintetizar - to synthesize
sismico - seismic
sismo - earthquake
sistema, el - system
-- a vacio - vacuum system
-- cloacal - sewer system, sewerage
-- de enfriamiento - cooling system
sobrecalentador, el - superheater
sobrecalentar - to overheat; to superheat
sobrecarga - surcharge; overload; live load; overburden
sobrecargar - to overload; to surcharge; (elec) to
sobrecosto - fee on cost-plus contract
sobreedificar - to build on top of
sobreelevacin, la - superlevation; increase in height
sobrenfriar - to supercool; to overcool
sobreesfuerzo - overstress
sobrefatiga - overstress
sobrefatigar - to overstress
sobreintensidad, la - overvoltage
sobrejunta - splice plate, butt strap, scab
sobrejuntar - to splice with butt straps; to scab
sobremedida - oversize
sobremonta - (weld) overlap
sobrenadar - to float
sobrepeso - overweight
sobrepresin, la - excess pressure
sobresaliente - overhanging, projecting
sobresalir - to overhang, jut out, project
sobresaturado - supersaturated
sobrestante, el - foreman
sobretamao - oversize
sobretensin overvoltage
sobretiempo - overtime
sobreverterse - to overflow
socavar - to undermine; to excavate; (hyd) to scour, undercut
soclo - footing
soda custica - caustic soda
soga - rope
solapa - lap
solapadura - lap
solapar - to lap, overlap
solar, el - plot, lot
soldabilidad, la - weldability
soldable - weldable
soldado - welded, soldered
-- a solapa - lap-welded
-- a tope - butt-welded
-- por recubrimiento por superposicin - lap-welded

soldador, el - welder; soldering iron

soldadora - welding outfit
soldadura - welding, soldering; solder; welding compound; a weld
-- al arco - arc welding
-- a gas - gas welding
-- a horno - furnace weld
-- con arco de hidrgeno atmico - atomic hydrogen welding
-- con filete - fillet weld
-- de arco protegido - shielded-arc welding
-- de cua - plug weld
-- de electrodo cubierto- covered-electrode welding
-- de esprragos - stud welding
-- de forja a mano del herrero - blacksmith welding
-- de montaje - field weld
-- de obturacin de sello - seal welding
-- de paso multiple - multipass weld
-- de paso simple - single-pass weld
-- de plata - silver solder; silver brazing
-- de plomero - plumber's solder
-- de prueba - test weld
-- de solapa - lap weld, lap-welding
-- de tapn - plug weld
-- en ngulo interior - fillet weld
-- en posicin plana - downhand welding
-- estancadora - seal weld
-- fuerte - brazing or hard solder; brazing
-- fundente - welding compound
-- intermitente - intermittent weld
-- oblonga - slot weld
-- oxhidrica al arco - atomic hydrogen welding
-- oxiacetilenica - oxyacetylene welding
-- punteada por puntos - spot or tack or intermittent welding
-- salteada - skip weld, staggard intermittent welding
-- sobrecabeza - overhead weld
soldaje, el - welding
soldar - to weld, solder, braze, sweat
-- con latn con soldadura fuerte en fuerte - to braze
solenoide, el - solenoid
solera - sill, sole
piece; (hyd) invert; a steel flat; floor tile; curb
-- de fondo - sill, ground plate, ground sill
-- de puerta - saddle, threshold, door sill
-- de ventana - window sill
solidificar - to solidify
slido - solid
soltar - to loosen, release, let go
solubilidad, la
solubilidad, la - solubility
soluble - soluble

solucin, la - solution
solvente, el - solvent
sombreado - (dwg) shading
sonda - drill, earth auger
sondar, sondear - to make borings, to drill; to take soundings
sondeo - boring; sounding; drilling
soplador, el - blower, ventilator
sopladura - blowhole (casting)
soplar - to blow
soplete - blowtorch, welding torch
-- atomizador - paint sprayer
-- cortador - cutting torch
-- de arena - sandblast
-- de perdigones - shot blast
-- oxiacetilnico - oxyacetylene torch
sopletear - to weld with a torch; to solder
soplo - blast
soportar - to support, carry
soporte, el - support, bearing, standard
-- colgante - hanger
-- de cua - knife-edge bearing
-- de rodillos - expansion bearing, roller support
-- exterior - outboard bearing
sordo - soundproof
sostn, el - small pier, support
sostener - to support
stano - cellar, basement
suave - smooth; soft (water); mild (steel); easy (curve); light (grade)
suavizador, el - water softener
suavizar - to soften (water); to flatten (slope)
subalimentador, el - (elec) subfeeder
subasta - competetive bidding
subastar - to take bids; to auction
subcontratar - to subcontract
subestacin, la - (elec) substation
subestructura - substructure
subida - ascent, upgrade, rise
subsanar - to repair; to correct; (conc) to patch and point
subsuperficial, la - subsurface
subyacente - underlying
succin, la - suction
-- al extremo - end suction
-- lateral - side suction
suelo - floor; ground, soil; bottom
-- falso - filled ground
sufrir - to carry, support
sujecin, la - fastening
sujetaalambre, el - wire holder or clip

sujetacable, el - cable clip

sujetador, el - fastener, clip, clamp, anchor
sujetadora - clip, clamp, fastener
sujetafusible, el - (elec) fuse clip
sujetatubos, el - pipe clamp
sulfato - sulfate
sulfuro - sulfide
sumadora - adding machine
sumar - to add; to recapitulate
sumersin, la - submersion, submergence; (paint) dipping; (metal) quenching
sumidero - sump, catch basin; cesspool; sink
supercargador, el - supercharger
superconstruccin, la la superestructura - superstructure
superficie, la - surface, area
-- calrica de caldeo - heating surface
-- de apoyo - bearing area
superfraccionador, el - superfractionator
supersaturar - to supersaturate
surtidor, el - jet; supply pipe; spout, nozzle
surtir - to furnish, supply; to spout, spurt
suspender - to hand, suspend
suspensin, la - suspension
suspenso - suspended, hanging
suspensor, el - hanger
-- de muelle - spring hanger
sustentar - to support
T, la - (pipe) T; T (steel); (dwg) T square
-- de dibujante - T square
tabique, el - partition; flat brick
-- desviador interceptor - baffle wall
tabla - board; width of a board; (struct) cover plate; table, tabulation
-- aisladora - insulating board
-- de dibujo - drafting board
-- de materiales - bill of materials
-- de pie - (scaffold) toe board
-- de piezas de repuesto - parts list
-- de zcalo - base board
-- multilaminar - plywood
tablero - switchboard; (carp) panel; (bldg) floor; panel of a truss
-- de anuncios - bulletin board
-- de bornes - (elec) terminal board or block
-- de conmutadores - switchboard
-- de cortacircuitos - panel board
-- de control - switchboard, panel board

-- de dibujo - drafting board

-- de distribucin - switchboard, distribution switchboard
-- de fusibles - fuseboard
-- de gobierno o de mando - control panel
-- de instrumentos - instrument board; (auto) dash
-- de torno - apron of a lathe
-- rebajado - drop
-- terminal - (elec) terminal board
tablestaca - sheet pile
-- de alas - steel sheet pile with center flange
-- en Z - Z-type steel sheet piling
-- de alma combada - arched-web sheet piling
-- de alma profunda - deep-web sheet piling
-- de alma recta - straight-web sheet piling
-- entrelazadas de enlace - interlocking sheet piling
tablestacado - sheet piling
-- de traba - interlocking sheet piling
tabln, el - plank
tabln-llana - straightedge, screed board
taco - plug, bung; chock
tacmetro - tachometer
tachuela - tack, small nail
tajada - cut, slice; section
tajadera - cutter, chisel, colt set; rivet buster; hacksaw
tajadora - cutter
tajar - to cut, notch
tajo - cut, excavation, trench; wooden block
-- a media ladera o en balcn - side hill cut
-- abierto o descubierto - open cut
taladrar - to drill, bore
taladro - drill, auger, carpenter's brace; drill hole, bolt hole
-- a mandril - chucking drill
-- anular de alma - core drill
-- de tierra - earth auger
-- para macho - tap drill
talud, el - slope, batter
-- natural - slope of repose
taludar - to slope
talla - cut (file)
tallador, el - cutter
-- de roscas - threading machine
tallar - to cut, carve, dress; (mech) to generate
taller, el - shop, mill, factory
-- agremiado o exlusivo - union or closed shop
-- de forja - blacksmith or forge shop
-- de fundicin - foundry, casting shop
-- de laminacin - rolling mill

-- de mecnica o mecanico - machine shop

-- de modelaje - pattern shop
-- franco - open shop
-- siderrgico - steel mill
tallerista - shopworker
tallo - shank of a tool
tamao - size
tambor, el - drum, reel
-- classificador - revolving screen
-- de compensacin - (pump) balance drum
-- del freno - brake drum
-- de izar elevador - hoisting drum
-- de vapor - (boiler) steam drum
tamizador, el - screen, strainer, sifter
tamizar - to screen, sift
tanque, el tank
-- almacenador - storage tank
-- asentador de decantacin - settling tank
-- de acero empernado - bolted steel tank
-- de compresin - air receiver, pressure tank
-- de reposo o de sedimentacin - settling basin
-- depurador - scrubber
-- sptico - septic tank
tanteos, por - by trial and error
tanto - so much; (conc) batch
tapa - cover, lid, cap; cylinder head; pipe cap
-- de registro - manhole or handhole cover
-- de tubo - pipe cap
-- de unin - (valve) union bonnet
-- para soldar - welding cap
tapadera - cap, cover, lid
tapador, el - plug, stopper; packer; cover; sealant
tapajunta, el - splice plate, butt strap, scab
tapaporos, el - (paint) primer, filler
tapar - to cover; to plug
tapn, el - plug, stopper, bung; bulkhead
-- ciego - bull plug
-- de avellanar de cabeza hueca - countersunk plug
-- de evacuacin de limpieza de purga - drain plug, washout or cleanout plug
-- de prueba - test plug
-- de receptculo - (elec) receptacle plug
taponar, taponear - to plug
taquigrado, taquifrafa - stenographer
tarabilla - latch, catch
tarima - platform, bench, stand, rack
tarraja - bolt-and-pipe machine, threading machine
tarrajadora - threading machine; tapper
tarrajar - to thread

-- con macho - to tap

tas, el - small anvil
tasa - rate; valuation; rating
-- de agua - water rate
tasar - to rate; to appraise
taza - basing, bowl, bucket
-- de grasa - grease cup
-- engrasadora lubricadora - oil cup
te, la - (pipe) T; (struct) T bar
-- de bridas - flanged T
-- de rosca - screwed T
tecla - key of adding machine, typewriter, etc.
teclado - keyboard
techado - roofiing, roof covering; a roof
techar - to roof
techo - ceiling; roof
techumbre, la - roof, ceiling
tejaroz, el - eaves
tejido - fabric; mesh
-- de refuerzo - mesh reinforcement
tejo - bearing, pillow block
tela - cloth
-- ce calcar - tracing cloth
-- de dibujar - drawing cloth
-esmeril lija - emery cloth
teleinterruptor, el - (elec) remote-control switch
telerregulacin, la - remote control
teletipo - teletype
temblor, el - earthquake
temperatura - temperature
-- de acercamiento - approach temperature
-- de ampolleta hmeda - wet-bulb temperature
-- de ampolleta seca - dry-bulb temperature
-- de rocio - dew point
-- de saturacin - saturation temperature, dew point
templa - (conc) batch
templado - tempering, quenching
-- al aceite - oil-tempered; oil quenched
-- a llama en fragua - flame-hardened
templar - to temper, quench; to stress; to haul taut
temple, el - temper, tempering
tenacillas - pliers, pincers, tweezers
tenaza - claw, clamp
-- de cadena - chain wrench or tongs
tenazas - cutters, pliers, tongs, nippers, pincers
-- atornilladoras - pipe tongs
-- de corte - cutting pliers or nippers
tender - to spread, stretch; to lay (rails); to set (forms); to pull (wires) to spread plaster

tendido - line; stretch, run; slope of a roof; coat of plaster

-- de tuberia - pipe lines
-- elctrico - electric wiring
tensin, la - tension
-- aplicada - impressed voltage
-- de circuito abierto - open-circuit voltage
-- de desenganche - drop-out voltage
-- de entrada - input voltage
-- de rgimen - rated voltage
-- de rotura - ultimate tensile strength
-- de salto - flashover voltage
-- de servicio - working or operating voltage
-- especifica - unit tensile stress
-- superficial - surface tension
tenso - taut
tensor, el - tension member; guy; turnbuckle, sleeve nut
tentemozo - shore, prop, strut
teodolito - transit
termal - thermal
trmico - thermic, thermal
termocupla - thermocouple
termmetro - thermometer
termopar, el - thermocouple
termopermutador, el - head exchanger
terracerias - earth fill, earthwork
terraja - stock (for dies); threading machine
terrajadora - threading machine
terrajar - to thread, cut threads, tap
terapln, el
- earth fill, earthwork, embankment
terraplenar - to fill with earth
terremoto - earthquake
terreno - land, ground, soil; terrain
-- de cimentacin - foundation material
-- de recubrimiento - overburden
-- falso - filled ground, unstable ground
-- flojo - unstable soil, loose ground
-- sano - solid ground
tesar - to tighten, have taut
teso - taut
testa - face, front, head
-- de, - on end
testera - front, front wall; header
testigo - sample, specimen; (surv) reference point
tetraetilo - tetraethyl
tiempo - time; weather; (eng) cycle, stroke
tienta - earth auger, sounding rod; feeler gage
tientaclaro - feeler gage
tierra - earth, soil, land, ground, dir (elec) ground

tieso - stiff, taut, tight; (conc) stiff

tijera - shears, snips; saw horse
tijerales - X bracing
tijeras - scissors
tipo - standard; rate; type, kind
-- de flete - freight rate
tira - a length (pipe); strip, stripe
-- aislante - (elec) insulating strip
-- calibradora - feeder gage
-- de respaldo - (weld) backing strip
tirada - lift of concrete, coourse of masonry; a stretch, length
tirador, el - handle, door pull, door knob; puller
-- de alambre - wire puller, come-along clamp
-- de cable - cable puller
tirafondo - wood screw
tiraje, el - draft
-- descendente - down draft
-- forzado - forced draft
-- inducido - induced draft
tiralineas, el - drawing pen
-- loco - contour pen
-- para rayado - hatching pen
tirante, el - tie rod, guy, tension member; stay bolt; beam; depth of water; (adj) taut
tiranteria - framework, floor framing
tirar - to pull, drag, draw; to throw, throw away; to blast; to dump; to waste
(excavation); to draw (stack)
tiravlvula, el - valve rod
tiro - (mech) draft; a length; flight of stairs
-- aspirado - induced draft
-- de escalera - flight of stairs
-- descendente - down draft
-- forzado - forced draft
-- normal - natural draft
-- ventilador - air or ventilation shaft
tironear - to drag, labor, hold back, work with an effort
titulo - (dwg) title; license
tiza, tizate - chalk
tobera - nozzle, tuyere
-- atomizadora - spray nozzle
-- de aspiracin - suction nozzle
-- de choque - impingement nozzle
-- lanza arena - sandblast nozzle
-- lanza mortero - cement-gun nozzle
-- pulverizadora - spray nozzle
tocho - (met) billet
toda velocidad - full speed
tolerancia - tolerance
-- en ms - plus tolerance
-- en menos - minus tolerance

tolva - hopper, bin

tolvas cargadoras - (conc) mixer bins
tomas - intake; water tap; (elec) outlet; (elec) tap
-- de embutir - (elec) flush outlet
-- de enchufe - (elec) plug receptable
-- de potencia - power take-off
-- de receptculo - (elec) receptacle outlet
tomacorriente, el - (elec) outlet, tap
-- de clavija - plug receptacle
tomadero - inlet, intake
tomafuerza - power take-off
tonelada - ton
-- bruta larga - long or gross ton
-- corta neta - net or short ton
-- mtrica - metric ton
toneladas de porte - tons capacity
tonelaje, el - tonnage
topadora - bulldozer
topar - to strike against, butt into, collide with; to make a butt joint
tope, el - butt; lug; bumper, buffer; stop, check; butt end
--, a, - butt to butt
-- amortiguador - shock-absorbing bumper
-- retn de bolas - thrust ball bearing
torbellino - whirlpool, eddy
torcer - to twist
torcido - (cable) strand; (adj) twisted
torcretar - to place gunite, do cement-gun work
torcreto - gunite; shotcrete
tornallamas, el - fire bridge, bridge wall
tornapunta - spreader, brace, strut, spur
torneado - turning (latne)
torneadora - turning machine or tool, cutter bit
torneaduras - latne cuttings, chips
tornear - to turn on a lathe; to machine
torneo - turning
torneria - lathe work; lathe shop
tornillo - screw; bolt; vise
-- a charnela - hinged vise
-- de ajuste o de apriete o de descanso o de fijacin o de presin - set screw
-- de
armar - erection bolt
-- de cabeza o de casquete - cap screw
-- de cadena o de casquete - cap screw
-- de cadena - chain vise
-- de coche - carriage bolt
-- de expansin - expansion bolt
-- de mquina - machine bolt
-- de mordazas - jaw vise
-- esprrago - stud bolt

-- exterior y caballete - (valve) outside screw and yoke

-- fijador u opresor - set screw; stud bolt
-- prisionero - set screw
-- prisionero de punta ahuecada - cup-pointed set screw
-- sujetador o tapn o trabante - set screw
-- tensor - turn buckle
-- transportador - screw conveyor
-- y yugo exteriores - (valve) outside screw and yoke
-- zurdo - left-hand screw
tornillos calzadores niveladores - (inst) leveling screws
torniquete, el - turn buckle; turnstile; fence ratchet; tourniquet
torno - lathe; hoist, hoisting engine; drum, reel
-- corredizo - traveling hoist
-- de aire - pneumatic or air hoist
-- de espiar - warping drum
torn, el - (cable) strand
torre, la - tower
-- de absorcin - absorption column
-- de borbotaje de burbujeo - bubble column
-- de destilacin - distillation tower
-- de elaboracin - processing tower
-- de enfriamiento atmosferico - atmospheric cooling tower
-- de enfriamiento de tiro mecnico - mechanical-draft cooling tower
-- de expansin - flash tower
-- de fraccionamiento - fractionating tower
-- de perforacin de taladrar - (oil) derrick
-- de primera destilacin - stripping tower
-- de transmisin - (elec) transmission tower
-- deasfaltadora - deasphalting tower
-- despentanizadora - depentanizer
-- enfriadora o refrigeradora - cooling tower
-- rociadora - spray tower
torsin, la - torsion; twist
torzal, el - twist, strand
-- empaquetador - twist packing
tosco - coarse, rough; tough
toxicidad, la - toxicity
txico - toxic
traba - tie; chock; (masonry) bond; obstruction
trabado - lock; interlock
trabudura - bonding, bond
trabajafilidad, la - (conc)
trabajable - workable
trabajar - to work
-- en vacio - to idle (machine)
trabajo - work, job; labor; duty; stress
-- de desmontes - dirt moving, excavation
trabar - to fasten; to lock; to join; to jam; (mas) to bond; to set (saw)

trabarse - to jam; (cable) to foul

trabazn, la - (mas) bond; (str) web of a truss
trabe, la - beam, girder
-- armada - plate girder
-- compuesta - built-up girder
-- de alma llena - plate girder
trabilla - (str) anchor
trajante, el - flue, breeching; smoke jack; air shaft; throat
-- de cloaca - sewer inlet
-- de piso - floor drain
trailla - scraper
traillar - to grade with a scraper
trama - (cable) lay; construction
tramo - bay, span, panel; flight (stairs); length, run, stretch
trampa - trap; trap door
-- basculadora - tilting steam trap
-- compuesta - compound steam trap
-- de aire - air trap
-- de cubo invertido - inverted bucket steam trap
-- de flotador abierto - bucket steam trap, open float trap
-- de flujo a nivel - (pipe) running trap
-- de impuso - impulse steam trap
trancar - to dam; to obstruct, block
tranquil, el - plumb line
transformador, el - transformer
transformar - to transform
trnsito - transit
transmisin, la - transmission
transmisor, el - transmitter; (adj) transmitting
transmitir - to transmit
transportador, el - conveyor, carrier; protractor
traqueteo - vibration, trembling, chattering
trascolar - to seep, percolate
trasegar - to transfer liquid to another container
trasladar - to transfer, shift, traverse
traslado de tierra - earth moving
traslapar - to lap, overlap
traslapo - lap, overlap
trasminacin, la - seepage
traspalar, traspalear - to shovel
traspaleo - shoveling
traspaso - (mech) transfer
-- de calor - heat transfer
tratado - treatise; treated
-- al caldeo - heat-treated
-- a presin - pressure-treated
tratador - treater
tratamiento - treatment

-- por llama - flame-treating

-trmico - heat treatment
tratar - to treat (water, timber, etc.); to negotiate; to process
travs de la linea, a - (elec) across-the-line
travesao - cap, header, spreader, batten, crosspiece, bolster; floor beam
travesero - cap, batten, cleat, crosspiece
traviesa - (rr) crosstie; batten, cap, header, sill; (elec) crossarm
trazado - line
trazado - line, route, location; traverse
-- cerrado - closed survey, loop traverse
trazador, el - one who lays out work
trazadora - plotting machine; tracer
trazar - to locate, layout; to traverse, to plan, design, draw; to trace
trazo - line, location; (dwg) dash; (dwg) trace
-- y punto - dot and dash (line)
trazumo - seepage
trefilado - stranded (wire)
treintaidosavo - one thirty-second
trementina - turpentine
tren - train; equipment, outfit
-- de construccin - construction plant or equipment
-- de dragado - dredging equipment
-- de engranajes - gear train
-- de ensamblaje - assembly line
-- de sondeo - boring outfit, drilling rig
-- generador - (elec) generating set
trpano - drill
-- de sondar - earth auger
trepar - to drill, bore; to climb
trepidacin, la - vibration
trifsico - (elec) three-phase
trifilar - (elec) three-wire
trincar - to lash; (cable) to seize
trincha - chisel
trinchera - trench, ditch, deep cut
trincheradora - ditching machine
trincherar - to ditch, dig trenches
trinquete, el - pawl, dog; ratchet
triple efecto, de - triple-acting
triplice - triple, triplex
tripular - to man
triturador, el o trituradora - crusher
triturar - to crush, stamp
troca - truck
trocha - trail; (rr) gage; (rd) traffic lane; tread, gage
trole, el - trolley
trompa - nozzle; (conc) elephant-trunk chute
tronchador, el - cutter

tronera - opening in a wall; flue, chimney

troque, el - truck
troquel, el - die
troquelar - to stamp, form in a die; to wedge
trucha - winch; jib crane
trulla - trowel
tuberia - pipe, piping,
pipe line; tubing; pipe-work
-- alimentadora - feeder pipe
-- colectora - gathering lines
-- conductora - line pipe
-- corriente de rosca - standard screwed pipe
-- de arcilla vitrificada - vitrified clay pipe
-- de bridas - flanged piping
-- de conduccin - line pipe; supply main
-- de duelas de madera - wood-stave pipe
-- de enchufe y cordn - bell-and-spigot pipe
-- de fundicin - cast-iron pipe
-- de hierro centrifugado - centrifugal cast-iron pipe
-- de pared delgada - thin-walled pipe
-- de pared gruesa - thick-walled pipe
-- de platinas - flanged pipe
-- de tornillo - screwed or threaded pipe
-- de unin de enchufe - bell-and-spigot pipe
-- enteriza - seamless tubing
-- estirada - drawn tubing
-- extraliviana - light weight or extra-light pipe
-- forrada de caucho - rubber-lined pipe
-- forrada de vidrio - glass-lined pipe
tuberia-filtro - strainer; well point
tubero - pipe man; pipe or steam fitter
tubo - pipe, tube
-- acodado - a bend
-- ahorquillado - Y branch
-- ascendente - riser
-- aspirante - suction pipe; (turb) draft tube
-- con aletas - finned tube
-- de bajada de descenso - downspout, leader, downpipe
-- de burbuja - (inst) bubble tube
-- de escape - exhaust pipe, outlet
-- de expulsin - exhaust pipe; discharge pipe
-- humo de llama - (boiler) fire tube
-- de impulsin - discharge or pressure pipe
-- de llegada - inlet pipe
-- de nivel de agua - (
-- de nivel de agua - (boiler) gage glass
-- de paso - by-pass
-- de rebose - overflow pipe
-- de salida - outlet pipe

-- de subida - riser
-- desviador - by-pass
-- estirado - drawn tubing
-- expelente - discharge or delivery pipe
-- hervidor - (boiler) water tube
-- montante - riser
-- mltiple de admisin - intake manifold
-- mltiple de escape - exhaust manifold
-- sin costura - seamless tube
-- soldado a solapa - lap-welded pipe
-- soldado en espiral - spiral-welded pipe
tubo-conducto - conduit; raceway, electric conduit
tubo-embudo - (conc) tremie
tubuladura - tubing, piping
tubular - tubular
tuerca - nut; lock nut
tulipa - bell end of pipe; bellmouthed opening
tupido - dense, thick
tupir - to pack, calk
turbina - turbine
-- a vapor - steam turbine
-- de expansin multiple - multistage turbine
turbogenerador, el - turbogenerator
turbosoplador, el - turboblower
turbulencia - turbulence
turbulento - turbulent
turno - shift (period or work)
-- de colada - (conc) a batch
-- de fundicin - (metals) a heat
ubicacin, la - location, site
ubicador (el) de escapes - leak detector
ubicador (el) de tuberia - pipe finder
ubicar - to locate
umbral, el - sill, threshold; lintel
undulado - corrugated; wavy; undulating
unidad, la - unit
-- britnica de calor trmina inglesa - British thermal unit
unifilar - one-wire
uniformar - to standardize
unin, la - joint, coupling, connection; (pipe) union
-- cardn - universal joint
-- circular de circunferencia - girth
or circumferential joint
-- corrediza - slip or expansion joint

-- de anillo y ranura - (pipe) ring-and-groove joint

-- de bisel - miter joint
-- de bridas - flange union, flanged connection
-- de deslizamiento - telescope or sliding joint
-- de dilatacin - expansion joint
-- de enchufe - bell-and-spigot joint
-- de gozne - hinge joint
-- de montaje - (str) field joint or splice
-- de pestaa de platinas - (pipe) flange union
-- de reduccin - (pipe) reducing coupling
-- de solapa - lap joint
-- giratoria - swivel joint
-- macho y hembra - male-and-female union
-- para soldar - (pipe) welding union
-- resbaladiza - slip joint
-- roscada - threaded coupling; screw joint; screw union
-- universal - universal joint
unir - to couple, connect
urinario - urinal
ustible - combustible
til, el - tool
tiles, los - tools, equipment
-- de dibujo - drafting
instruments; drawing materials
utillar - to tool, equip with tools
vaciada - dumping; (met) a melt; (conc) a pour
vaciado - casting, pouring, dumping; excavation, (adj) cast, poured, dumped
vaciar - to empty, evacuate; to pour, cast; to dump; to excavate
vacio - vacuum, void; (adj) empty
-- en, - (mach) idle, light, with no load
vacuo - vacuum
vacumetro - vacuum gage
vahos - fumes
valor, el - value
-- antidetonante - knock rating (gasoline)
-- calrico - fuel value
-- calorifico - heat value
vlvula - valve
-- angular - angle valve
-- corrediza - slide valve
-- checadora - check valve
-- de aleta - butterfly valve
-- de alivio - safety valve; relief or vacuum-breaking valve
-- de barra - bar-stock valve

-- de caja de hierro - iron-body valve

-- de columpio - swing check valve
-- de compuerta - gate valve
-- de comperta acuada - wedge-gate valve
-- corredera - slide valve
-- de cortina en cua - wedge-gate valve
-- cuerpo de fundicin - iron-body valve
-- de cua - wedge-gate valve
-- de charnela - flap or swing check valve
-- de derivacin - by-pass valve
-- de desahogo - relief or safety valve
-- de desahogo a la atmsfera - atmospheric relief valve
-- de descarga - blow-off or exhaust or unloading valve
-- de disco tapn - globe valve with plug-type disc
-- disparo - pop or pop safety valve
-- de espiga - needle valve
-- de estrangulacin - throttle valve
-- de expulsin - discharge valve; blowoff valve
-- de flotador - float valve
-- de flobo - flobe valve
-- de flobo tipo aguja - needle-point valve
-- de gozne - flap or check valve
-- de lengeta - feather valve
-- de mando - pilot valve; control valve
-- de maniobra - control valve
-- de mariposa - butterfly valve
-- de paso - by-pass valve; shutoff or line valve
-- de placa - plate valve
-- de platillo - tappet valve
-- de purga - blowoff valve
-- de reduccin de presin pressure-reducing valve
-- de retencin a bisagra - swing check valve
-- de retencin a bola - ball check valve
-- de retencin de vapor - (boiler) non-return or stop-and-check valve
-- de seguridad de disparo - pop safety valve
-- de seguridad de palanca - lever safety valve
-- de seguridad de resorte - spring safety valve
-- de solenoide - solenoid valve
-- de tapn - plug valve
-- desviadora - by-pass valve
-- esfrica - globe valve
-- estranguladora - choke or throttle valve
-- globular - globe valve
-- labrada de barra - bar-stock valve
-- reguladora - pressure-regulating valve; governing valve
-- reguladora de gasto - flow-control valve
-- respiradera - vent valve
valla - fence, barrier, barricade

vallado - fencing
vallar - to fence
vano - opening in a wall; (bldg) bay
-- de puerta - doorway
vapor, el - steam; vapor
-- acuoso - water vapor
-- agotado perdido de escape - exhaust steam
-- de elaboracin - process steam
-- recalentado - superheated steam
-- vivo - live steam
vaporar - to vaporize
vaporizacin (la) instantnea - flash vaporization
vaporizar - to vaporize
varilla - rod, bar, steam
-- corrugada - (reinf) corrugated bar
-- de la corredera del distribuidor - valve stem or rod
-- de bombeo - sucker rod; pump rod
-- del mbolo - piston rod
-- de refuerzo - reinforcing bar
-- de vlvula - valve stem
-- deformada - (reinf) deformed bar
-- fundente soldadora - welding rod
-- tirante - tie rod
varillar - to rod (conc)
vaso - basin, reservoir; vessel, receptacle, battery jar
vstago - stem, shank, rod, spindle
-- corredizo ascendente - traveling spindle, rising stem
-- de corredera - valve stem or rod
-- del mbolo - piston rod
-- de la vlvula - valve stem
-- guia - guide stem; (engine) tail rod
-- saliente - rising stem
vatiaje, el - wattage
vatihora - watt-hour
vatijormetro - watt-hour meter
vatimetro - watt meter
vatio - watt
vatio-hora, el - watt-hour
velocidad, la - velocity, speed
-- caracteristica - specific speed
-- con plena carga - full-load speed
-- critica - critical velocity or speed; stalling speed
-- de acceso o de aproximacin - (hyd) velocity of approach
-- de embalamiento - (eng) runaway speed
-- de llegada - (hyd) velocity of approach
-- de rgimen - working or rated speed
-- de sincronismo - (mot) synchronous speed
-- especifica - specific speed
-- unitaria - rate of speed

ventana - window, window sash

-- a bisagra - casement or hinged window
-- batiente - casement window
-- corrediza - sliding sash
-- de contrapeso de guillotina - double-hung window
venteo - vent
ventilacin, la - ventilation
ventilador, el - ventilator, fan, blower
-- aspirador - exhaust fan
-- axial - axial-flow fan
-- centrifugo - centrifugal fan
-- continuo de caballete - continuous ridge ventilator
-- de cumbrera - ridge ventilator
-- de hlice - propeller-type fan
-- de tiro forzado - forced-draft fan
-- eductor - exhaust fan, exhauster
-- para caballete - ridge ventilator
-- soplador - blower
-- tipo hongo - mushroom ventilator
ventose - air valve, vent
venturimetro - (hyd) Venturi meter
vera - edge, border
verificacin, la - verification; (inst) adjustment
verificar - to check; (inst) to adjust
vernier, la - vernier
verruga - (met) blister
vertedera - mold board; blade of a bulldozer or road scraper
vertedero - (hyd) spillway, weir
vertedor, el - pouring device; (hyd) spillway, weir
verter - to pour; to dump; verterse - to spill over
vertical, la - vertical line; (adj) vertical
vrtice, el - crest, peak, vertex; (surv) corner
vertido - (conc) a pour
vertiente, la - slope of a roof; a drip
vertidura - lining
vibracin, la - vibration
-- amortiguada - damped vibration
-- libre - free vibration
-- simptica - sympathetic vibration
vibrador, el - vibrator
-- de pala - (conc) spade
-- superficial - (conc) surface vibrator
vibradora - vibrator
vibrar - to vibrate
vicio - defect, flaw
vidriar - to glaza (window or tile)
vidriera - window; window sash
vidrio - glass; pane, light of glass

-- acanalado - ribbed or fluted glass

-- alambrado o armado - wire glass
-- cilindrado - plate glass
-- de nivel - gage glass
-- de seguridad - safety or non-shattering glass
-- deslustrado despulido esmerilado - ground or frosted glass
-- inastillable - non-shattering glass
-- reforzado - wire glass
vidriosidad, la - (met) cold, shut
vidrioso - vitreous
viento - wind; guy
vientos reinantes - prevailing winds
vierteaguas, el - (bldg) flashing; (elec) rain shed
viga - beam, girder, joist
-- acartelada consola - cantilever beam
-- armada - trussed beam; built-up girder
-- atiesadora - stiffening beam
-- canal - bchannel iron
-- cepo - spreader for hoisting
-- compuesta de alma llena - built-up or plate girder
-- continua - continuous beam
-- de losa de placa - (conc) T beam
-- de palastro - plate girder
-- de rigidez - stiffening beam
-- doble T - I beam
-- embutida o empotrada o encastrada - fixed beam
-- ensamblada - built-up girder
-- H - H beam
-- maestra - girder
-- U - channel
-- voladiza - cantilever beam; overhanging beam
vigueria, vigueteria- set of beams, floor framing
vigueta - beam, joist purlin
-- cabecero - header beam
-- de canal - channel iron
-- I - I beam
vigueta-escuadra - angle iron
vilorta - hoop, ring, collar; washer
virgen, la - (mach) support, standard, housing
virola - collar, hoop, ring, ferrule
virotillo - strut, brace, stud; stay bolt
-- de tubo - pipe separator
viruta de acero - steel wool
virutas - shavings, cuttings, turnings
-- de sierra - saw dust
-- de taladro - drill cuttings
viscosidad, la - viscosity
-- Saybolt - Saybolt viscosity

viscosimetro - viscosimeter
viscoso - viscous, thick
vista - view
-- anterior o delantera o frontal - front view
-- de extremidad - end view
-- desde arriba o por encima - top view
-- en corte - sectional view
-- lateral o de lado - side view
-- posterior - rear view
-- recortada - cutaway view
visto bueno - approval, OK; approved
visual, la - (surv) a sight
-- a la espalda - back sight
-- adelante o al frente - foresight
vitreo - vitreous
vitrificar - to vitrify
viviendas - housing
vivo - sharp (edge)
voladizo - outrigger, outlooker, cantilever; overhanging, projecting
volado - overhanding, projecting
volador, el - cantilever beam, outlooker; column cap
voladora - fly wheel
voladura - blasting; a blast
volandera - (mech) washer
volante, el - flywheel, handwheel, steering wheel
-- de direccin - steering wheel
-- de maniobra - handwheel, steering wheel
volante-manubrio - handwheel
volar - to blast; to overhang, project
voltil - volatile
volatilidad, la - volatility
volatilizar - to volatilize, vaporize; volatilizarse, to vaporize
volatizar - to volatilize
volcamiento - overturning
volcar - to overturn, dump
volquear, volquearse - to tip, overturn, dump
volquete, el - dump truck or cart; dumping; any dumping device
voltaje, el - voltage
-- crtico - critical potential or voltage
-- de arco - arc voltage
-- de carga - impressed voltage
-- de circuito cerrado o de servicio - closed-circuit or working voltage
-- de disparo - drop-out voltage
-- de salto - flashover voltage
-- disruptivo - breakdown voltage
-- efective - effective or root-mean-square voltage
-- final - cutoff or final voltage
-- impreso - impressed voltage
voltmetro - voltmeter

voltamperimetro - wattmeter, volt-ampere meter

voltamperio - volt-ampere
voltamperios reactivos - reactive volt-amperes, wattless power
voltear - to dump; to overturn
volteo - dumping; overturning
voltimetro - voltmeter
voltio - volt
voltio-amperio - volt-ampere
volumen, el - volume
volumtrico - volumetric
voluta - volute
volvedor, el - tap wrench; screwdriver
volver - to turn, tornover, invert
vrtice, el - vortex, whirlpool
vuelco - overturning; dumping
vuelo - projection, overhang
vuelta - turn, bend; (mach) revolution; (cable) hitch, wrap, bend
-- corrediza estranguladora - (cable) choker or anchor hitch
-- de cabo - hitch
vulcanizar - to vulcanize
waipe, el - cotton waste
watthorimetro - watt-hour meter
winche, el - hoisting engine
xileno - xylene
yeso - gypsum; plaster, plaster of Paris
yunque, el - anvil; striking plate
yute, el - jute, burlap
yuyos - weeds
zafar - to loosen, free, clar; zafarse - to come loose

zamarra - bloom (steel), slab; (met) salamander

zampeado - foundation course
zanca - stair string, carriage; shore; scaffold pole
zanco de andamio - scaffold pole
zanja - trench, ditch
zanjadora - ditcher, trenching machine
zanjar, zanjear - to trench, ditch
zanjeador, el - ditch digger
zanjeo - ditching, ditch digging
zapa - digging; trenching
zapadora - excavator
zapar - to undermine; to excavate
zapata - shoe; brake shoe; brake block; tread plate
-- de la cruceta - crosshead shoe
-- de curvar - (pipe) bending shoe
zapato - (mech) shoe
zarandar, zarandear - to screen, sift
zarpa - footing; berm; projection of wall footing
zenit, el - zenith
zinc, el - zinc
zcalo - base of a wall; footing, foundation; base of a machine; baseboard; sill
zona - zone
zueco - pile shoe
zulacar, zulaquear - to pack joints with mastic
zulaque, el - mortar or mastic for filling pipe joints
zuncho - band, hoop
-- del inducido - (elec) armature band
-- del pilote - pile

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