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2 world stroke day

Concerning the young

A FEW years ago, 28-year-old Ratha
Renganathan suffered two strokes within
months of each other. The second, more
severe stroke involved brain haemorrhage,
and left the limbs on her right side
She underwent four brain surgeries
in total but was still prone to seizures and
had to be put on medication.
I could not go out to work and felt
so unfortunate to have a stroke on the
threshold of independent adulthood,
Ratha recalls.
Perhaps more frustrating was the fact that
her body was suddenly different and would
not cooperate to execute desired movements.
For example, Ratha explains that she had to
switch to depending on the limbs on the left
side of her body.
I was a right hander, but after my stroke,
working with my right hand became
impossible, she says.

Rethinking risk
Stroke is not a new disease, but the ways it
is approached and managed have changed
over the years to accommodate evolving
lifestyles. Once a condition faced almost
exclusively by older people who already had
various health complications, it is now also
known to affect younger people who seem to
be in the pink of health.
Stroke does not discriminate it can
strike anyone at any age regardless of race
or economic status. We see more and more
young stroke victims these days, says Sylvia
Chong, general manager of National Stroke
Association of Malaysia (Nasam).
This non-government organisation for
stroke survivors offers affordable
rehabilitation therapy and counselling
services to survivors and their caregivers.
According to Chong, Nasams members are
mainly older than 45 years old but the
association has been getting many younger
Fast action
Remember these steps for quick
stroke recognition:
Facial drooping Ask the person to
smile. Does one side of the face
Arm weakness Ask the person to
raise both arms. Is one arm weak
and drifting downwards?
Speech difficulty Ask the person to
repeat a simple phrase. Is their
speech slurred or strange?
Time to call If you observe any of
these signs, call 999 immediately.

Mini strokes
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIA)
occur when blood supply to the brain is
temporarily interrupted, depriving brain
cells of nutrients and oxygen. A person
who experiences TIA has temporary
stroke-like symptoms that go away after
24 hours. However, they should not be
ignored as about 40% of people with TIA
will go on to have a full stroke in the
next five years.
The temporary, mild effect misleads
patients into thinking that they are well
and there is no need to seek medical
attention, but this should be taken
seriously as TIA can be a warning sign of
an impending full stroke, says National
Stroke Association of Malaysias general
manager Sylvia Chong.

Stroke survivor Ratha Renganathan, 28, underwent several surgeries and is recovering with
the help of therapy.

Much like Ratha, 34-year-old Vincent Chan
had two strokes, with the second one leaving
a greater impact.
The second stroke happened when I was
getting ready for work one morning and
suddenly did not feel stable or balanced
walking around.
I could not stand, walk, hold, drink or
chew and was slurring to the point of
incomprehension, he says.
In retrospect, Chan believes
the factors that contributed to his stroke
were largely controllable.
I had Type 2 diabetes and high blood
pressure, did not exercise and always slept
late, he reveals.
Lifestyle factors play a significant role in
causing strokes among younger patients. A
team of researchers from the Southern
Medical University in Guangzhou, China
recently announced findings linking work
stress to stroke.
The study found that people with highstress jobs (such as those in the service
industry) had a 22% greater risk of stroke
than people who worked low-stress jobs.
Stroke survivor Chia Cheng Boong can
relate to this. The 45-year-old had a stroke
last September that put him in a coma for
four days.
The doctor said I had high blood pressure
and should have been put on medication,
says Chia.
According to Chong, high blood pressure
can increase ones risk of stroke by up to
six times. Chia constantly felt stressed and
lethargic from holding down two jobs,
getting about four hours of sleep every night
without time to relax, exercise or enjoy the
company of his family.
I had no time to go for a medical checkup and kept putting it off because I thought
I was young and would not have any major
health issues, he says.
Instances of non-communicable diseases,
including stroke, are on the rise despite the
medical and technological advances we have
seen, which means it is up to the individual
to care for his or her health even when they
seem to be fine.
Young people, especially, may not be
aware of the consequences of their actions
or the lifestyles they lead and the affects to
their health over the long term.

Life after stroke

Strokes often cause some sort of long-term
paralysis, but no two incidences are the
same. This is especially so when age is taken

Vincent Chan, 34, believes that the factors that

contributed to his strokes were controllable.

into account.
Better plasticity (or the brains ability to
cope) enables younger people to recover
better, especially with proper rehabilitation
and care.
Chong says that counselling is an
important part of the recovery process as
substantial emotional and motivational
support is required to help survivors regain
confidence and independence.
Such treatment breathe new life into
young individuals and allow them to reach
their potential.
Ratha, for example, trained to write with
her left hand and now makes greeting cards.
She has even started a small business selling
them, which has given her a sense of
Physiotherapy plays a great role in stroke
rehabilitation and is a complex process.
According to Datuk Dr B.S. Bains, chief
executive officer and senior consultant
physiotherapist of BainsPhysio, emotional,
physical and social aspects must be
integrated into the therapy to achieve a
desirable goal of physical well-being.
Rehabilitation can be a long and tough
process. The sooner therapy begins, the
quicker the brain relearns normal
movements and stroke survivors can resume
much of their usual lifestyle.
With good physiotherapists and family
support in an encouraging environment,
stroke patients will be on the road to
recovery for there is indeed life after stroke.


4 world stroke day


Key to recovery
PHYSIOTHERAPY, combined with other
forms of health management, plays a key
role in rehabilitating stroke patients. The
greatest misconception that the general
public has about physiotherapists is that
they are masseurs, which makes the layman
compare them with the traditional masseur.
On the contrary, physiotherapists are
movement specialists with good standing
knowledge of muscles and joint structures,
and are an integral part of medical teams.
A physiotherapist has to deal with the
patients culture and background, and
emotional, physical and social aspects should
be amalgamated in the therapy to achieve a
desirable goal in rehabilitating the patient to
achieve his or her best possible form of
physical well-being.
A physiotherapist equips families with
appropriate knowledge of stroke and
appropriate responses to the disability as
well as the new lifestyle that needs to be
The physiotherapist thoroughly discusses
the condition with the attending physician
and properly examines the victim clinically
to determine the residual weakness after an
acute episode of stroke.
Once clinical examination is carried out
and musculoskeletal profiling is completed,
the physiotherapist plans the therapy.
Various evidence-based techniques of
treatment are applied, such as PNF
(proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation),
patterning, coordination and balancing, EMF
(electromagnetic feedback), command,
cognitive and repetitive training.
Most of the time, a therapist will use a
combination of therapy techniques and
persuasive techniques.
The therapist requires a motivated

rest is
IF you went to bed early but still wake up
feeling groggy or unrested, you might be
sleep-deprived. Sleep loss can affect your
daily life beyond daytime drowsiness.
In the 1980s, when Japan was at its
peak of economic development, a large
number of deaths resulting from extremely
long working hours, paired with sleep
deprivation, was reported in the country.
Most of these cases involved acute
cardiovascular events. This phenomenon is
termed karoshi, which translates to death
from overwork.
Sleep deprivation has many implications.
Individuals who sleep less than six hours
every night have been linked to a higher risk
of having high blood pressure and a heart
In addition, when you fail to get adequate
sleep, your body produces less leptin, a
hormone that suppresses appetite, and more
ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite.
As a result, you tend to gain more weight
from overeating and are prone to obesity,
which can lead to a number of health
Ongoing sleep scarcity also increases the
risk of developing diabetes, particularly if
you are obese or have a family history of the
This is because your body produces more
of the stress hormone cortisol when it is
sleep deprived, which promotes insulin

Physiotherapy helps patients regain their

confidence and physical ability.

attitude and must be ever accommodating to

the changing moods of the stroke patient.
These techniques strengthen patients
balance and symmetry and the coordination
of the left and right sides of their body.
The physiotherapist should also remember
to work with the joints of the good side.
Gait training and walking with support is
also essential, as is a healthy diet and regular
exercises along with regular medical checkups, which are key factors in ensuring health
and agility.
You can live a healthy lifestyle by walking
about three to four kilometres a day, eating
light meals at night, sleeping enough and
drinking lots of water.
Excessive food intake and bad eating
habits give rise to lifestyle diseases. In many
cases, stroke is an outcome of lifestyle
diseases such as diabetes and high blood
pressure. By Datuk Dr B. S. Bains, chief
executive officer and senior consultant
physiotherapist at BainsPhysio.

n For more information, contact BainsPhysio.

Getting sufficient
sleep at night is
vital for good
health and proper
cognitive functions.

Lack of sleep can interfere with your

cognitive abilities and impair your ability to
make decisions, concentrate and be creative.
This increases the likelihood of making
mistakes and causing accidents or injuries
on the road, at work and even at home.
A study published in Asia Pacific Journal
of Public Health in 2008 found that one in
three Malaysian adults display insomnia
Your sleep may be disrupted by a range of
reasons such as daily stress, sleep disorders,
certain illnesses and medications, and
environmental factors such as room
temperature, light and noise.
An average adult requires approximately
eight hours of sleep each night. Hence, do
not compromise your sleep for work or play.
Put your work aside and turn off your
electronic gadgets before bedtime. Go to
bed at the same time daily and practise a
relaxing bedtime ritual to unwind.
Take a shower, listen to soothing music or
read a book to help you fall asleep more
easily. Cut down on cigarettes, caffeine or
alcohol in the evening as they may disrupt
your sleep.
Getting adequate and quality sleep is
essential for your health and well-being.
This article is brought to you by

n For more information, contact VitaHealth.


AESTHETIC medicine has been an

established medical field for quite
some time. However, it is relatively
new to Malaysia.
This does not mean that
Malaysians are not warming up to
the idea that they can use aesthetic
treatments to look and feel good.
According to Dr Kelvin Tan,
aesthetic medical practitioner at
Mahkota Medical Centre, as the
country develops and there is
more exposure to information and
ideas, appearance and self-esteem
plays a bigger role in peoples lives.
Therefore, more and more people
are choosing aesthetic treatments
to alter and improve their
He explains that he sees a wide
range of patients. Though the
majority 80% to 90% are
women, recently, more men have
been seeking aesthetic treatments
for the same reasons women do.

Common treatments
People come seeking advice
and treatment for various issues,
from wrinkles, acne scars, volume
loss and skin problems such as
pigmentation to dark circles and
even to achieve a V-shaped face,
says Dr Tan.
The most common treatment
that people seek is autologous
haematopoietic stem cell
rejuvenation, better known as PRP
(platelet-rich plasma) or even as
the vampire face lift or Korean
ultra V lift.

world stroke day 5

Looking and feeling great

Aesthetic treatment can boost ones


This is where a small amount

of blood 8cc or 9cc is extracted
from the patient and put into
a centrifuge to separate its
components. The platelet-rich
plasma that is obtained from this
process is then injected into the
skin to stimulate growth of new
This treatment is used to
smoothen wrinkles (on the face,
back of the hands and even upper
chest), soften scars, fill in undereye hollows or correct puffy or
dark under-eye circles, smoothen

lines on the forehead or around

the mouth, treat hair loss and
correct skin tone or pigmentation,
among other applications.
PRP is both simple and safe
as it uses the regenerative and
healing properties of the patients
own platelets. Therefore, the risk
of rejection or allergic reactions is
minimised, says Dr Tan.

Make sure you know the

physician well what his or her
qualifications are and that the
products being used are licensed
and legal. Ask for an explanation
of exactly what the procedure will
involve and what the possible side
effects will be. A good practitioner
will explain all these details to
you, he says.

Safety is paramount

Long-term investment

As with any type of treatment,

you should take steps to ensure
you get the safest and best-quality
treatment and products, says
Dr Tan.
There may be a number of
anecdotal stories about botched
treatments, but these scenarios
arise only when the person
administering the treatment is
untrained and unable to deal with
an emergency situation or when
unlicensed (and thus unsafe)
products are used, leading to
catastrophic complications.
Dr Tan advises people not to be
lured by lower prices but instead
to understand that good-quality
licensed products and treatments
administered by qualified and
licensed practitioners will come
with a slightly higher price.

It is important to know the

difference between aesthetic
treatments and plastic surgery.
Though good aesthetic treatments
last for some time, they are not
forever. The products used in
aesthetic treatments are also
generally made of natural
For example, the fillers that are
injected under the skin are made
of biodegradable gels composed of
hyaluronic acid, a substance
naturally produced by the human
body. This means that after some
time the product will be broken
down and absorbed by the skin.
Although some of the aesthetic
treatments may be relatively
expensive, the value lies in
investing in the future of your
skin, says Dr Tan. Most aesthetic

treatments will produce an

immediate result compared to
many years of expensive eye
creams and, by starting at a
younger age, you can prevent
expensive surgery later in life.
Furthermore, despite its name,
aesthetic treatments are not just for
beauty they have a preventive
component as well.
I have always believed
maintenance is better than repair.
I recommend that people start
treatments when they are younger
as a means of taking preventive
measures instead of just treating
the problem later, says Dr Tan.
Aesthetic treatment is not only
meant for older people. There is
nothing wrong with taking care
of yourself
and boosting your
self-esteem at
any age.

n For more
the Mahkota


6 world stroke day

MOST men at the age of 80 would

be retired, doing relaxing and
simple tasks at home. However,
Ng Chow Seng did not confine
himself to doing just that.
Instead, the 80-year old
grandfather went on to win his
fourth gold medal in the 2015
World Masters Weightlifting
Championship for the 69kg weight

Strong through the years

A lifelong commitment
Ng has been a dedicated
consumer of Biogrow Oat BG22
oat bran powder since 2012. Since
then, his cholesterol levels have
been consistently kept at healthy
As a heart patient, Ng knows
the importance of keeping his
cholesterol levels normal for
optimal heart health.

Eighty-year-old Ng believes
Biogrow Oat BG22 is the best
fuel for his body.

Besides lowering cholesterol,

oat beta-glucans have been
shown to help stabilise blood
sugar levels, promote bowel
regularity and aid weight

hindrance to achieving his goal

in becoming a world champion
He aspires to win his fifth
and subsequent gold medals in
years to come.

The weight loss


Power of oat

Despite his busy training

schedule, Ng was considered
overweight and needed to lose
5kg from his initial weight of
73 kg to qualify as a candidate
for the competition.
He started taking four
scoops of Biogrow Oat BG22
oat bran powder daily as his
pre-dinner snack and avoided
white rice and carbohydrates
for six weeks.
I love the natural taste of
oats and I also like it thick and
rich in my cup.
I felt quite full after the
drink and I would not have the
urge of taking anything heavy
as my dinner. This helped me
lose 5kg in six weeks, says Ng.
Ive always believed that
health is wealth. Biogrow Oat
BG22 is the best fuel for my
body as it is rich in oat betaglucans, which is good for
lowering cholesterol and
beneficial to the heart.
After taking it, I feel much
lighter and can perform better
in the competition, he says.
Having regular physical
activity and a diet rich in oat
beta-glucans can go a long
way in staving off the ageing
To Ng, age is never a

Biogrow Oat BG22 oat bran

powder employs exclusive
Swedish technology to
preserve the integrity of its
rich beta-glucan content of
Oat BG22 also maintains a
high beta-glucan molecular
weight, ensuring good viscosity
effect produced in the gut for
optimal cholesterol-lowering
Biogrow Oat BG22 oat bran
powder is now available in
strawberry and peach flavours
for consumers to enjoy.
Consumers can enjoy
exciting fruity flavours with a
tint of sweetness from stevia
extract, suitable for the whole
family and even diabetics.
Two scoops (about 18g) of
Oat BG22 oat bran powder
daily provides more than 3g of
oat beta-glucan, which is the
amount recommended by the
Health Ministry in helping
reduce cholesterol naturally.
This article is brought to you
by Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn

n For more information,

call 03-7956 2220 or e-mail


STROKE is a non-communicable
disease that attacks millions of
people worldwide every year.
The World Stroke Campaign
aims to encourage people to
understand stroke risk factors such
as high blood pressure, diabetes
and high blood cholesterol.
The theme for this years World
Stroke Day is I am a Woman,
because women are:
l More at risk of having a stroke
l More likely to die from a
stroke than men
l Less likely to receive acute
care and rehabilitation than
men, despite responding
equally well to treatment
l More likely to experience a
severe decline in cognitive
function and run higher risk
of post-stroke depression
l More likely to experience
hypertension, atrial fibrillation
(irregular heartbeat), diabetes,
depression and obesity, all of
which increase the risk of
This years World Stroke Day
encourages women to make
healthier lifestyle choices, learn
about stroke prevention and
perform health checks to
avoid preventable stroke and
cardiovascular diseases.

Healthier lifestyle
Most cardiovascular diseases
and stroke can be prevented by

world stroke day 7

Walk the milky way

making healthy changes such as
adopting healthy eating, an active
lifestyle and smoking cessation.
Eating a healthy diet includes
reducing high intakes of saturated
and trans fat, sugar and salt and
eating a balanced diet rich in fruits
and vegetables.
Since it is highly
unlikely that you
would stop eating
certain foods
completely, it is
important that you
learn to reduce
the portion of less
healthy foods and
increase the portion
of healthy foods.
Include plenty of
fruit and vegetables
in your diet as they
contain lots of fibre,
vitamins, minerals
and antioxidants.

The wonders
of milk
An easier way to
obtain necessary
Obtain essential
nutrients from
Marigold HL
Low Fat Milk.

nutrients is to also include two

glasses of Marigold HL Low Fat
Milk with Plant Sterols into your
daily healthy eating diet.
Marigold HL Low Fat Milk with
Plant Sterols has been shown to
lower blood cholesterol.
Plant sterols occur naturally in
foods such as nuts, seeds,
legumes, fruits and
vegetables and
works by blocking
absorption by the
Marigold HL Low Fat
Milk is also low in fat. It
contains only 1% fat, which
is much lower compared to
regular milk with 4% fat,
keeping you healthy, slim
and trim.
In addition, its high
calcium content helps keep
your bones strong and
prevent osteoporosis while
the high protein content
helps build and repair
Marigold HL Low Fat
Milk has low lactose
content, which makes it
suitable for people with
lactose intolerance.
It is also fortified with
nine essential vitamins

such as A, B1, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E

and folic acid that meet most of the
recommended daily allowance,
providing more nutritional
benefits than what ordinary milk
can offer.
Two glasses of Marigold
HL Low Fat Milk with
Plant Sterols daily
provides you with 1.6g
of plant sterol esters.
Having this as
well as a regular
of fruits and
alongside exercise
will help
maintain your
levels at a
healthy range.
Marigold HL
Low Fat Milk is
Malaysias No.1
pasteurised low fat milk, having
recently received the prestigious
Putra Brand Awards 2015 for
The Peoples Choice in the category
of Beverage Dairy.
Marigold HL Low Fat Milk with
Plant Sterols is available in plain,
chocolate and strawberry flavours.

n For more information,

visit www.marigold.com.my

Marigold HL Low
Fat Milk with Plant
Sterols provides
1.6g of plant
sterols to help
maintain healthy
cholesterol levels.


8 world stroke day

OUR hearing facilitates the forming of
relationships and opens up a wealth of
sensory experiences. Without the ability to
hear well, relationships break down as we
cannot participate in normal conversations.
Hearing loss is often gradual and subtle,
hence commonly ignored. Often, it can only
be detected through hearing tests.
A person with hearing difficulty may:
l Think that others seem to mumble
when speaking
l Be told that the television is turned up
too loud
l Find group conversations difficult to
l Have to constantly ask others to repeat
About 10% of the population are hearing
impaired. Sensorineural damage (nerve
deafness) is the most common form of
hearing loss. However, hearing instruments
can improve the hearing difficulty of about
95% of those who are hearing impaired.
There are many possible causes of hearing
loss, including infections, chronic illnesses,
injuries, genetic factors, medication,
exposure to extreme noises and ageing.
The most common cause of temporary
hearing loss among infants and young
children is otitis media or ear infection.
On the other hand, presbyacusis is the

Keeping stroke away

most prevalent high-frequency hearing loss
that occurs with old age, leading to speech
discrimination difficulty.
As early identification and intervention
is crucial for language development, every
child should have a hearing assessment as
soon as possible after birth.
Every adult who is regularly exposed to
high noise levels should also undergo a
hearing test at least once a year.
Individuals who experience the slightest
difficulty with hearing should undergo a
hearing assessment so that early detection
and intervention can be carried out.
NewSound Hearing recommends an
annual hearing health check for anyone
more than 50 years old and every two years
for those under 50. It offers quality service
and the latest range of hearing aids.
NewSound Hearing provides hearing
screenings, full hearing health checks and
sound advice to ensure that you are able to
make the right decision for your hearing.
When you purchase a hearing aid from
NewSound Hearing, you will receive lifetime
aftercare service that ensures you get the
best out of your hearing aids.
Changes in your hearing do not have to
mean changes in your lifestyle.

n For more information, contact NewSound


STROKE is the third largest cause of death

in Malaysia and can affect anyone at any
age. However, 80% of all stroke cases are
Stroke occurs when blood and oxygen
supply to the body is disrupted due to
clogged or burst blood vessels. When this
happens, brain cells start to die, affecting
ones ability to speak, move or talk.
You can lower the risk of stroke by
reducing its factors, including an unhealthy
diet, inactive lifestyle, smoking and heavy
drinking. Ensuring a healthy vascular (blood
vessel) system and optimal blood and oxygen
circulation also minimises the risk of stroke.
Health checks are a great way to
understand your health as stroke and other
health conditions may develop without
symptoms. Owell offers a non-invasive threestep health check with quick and accurate
The health check detects:
l Body oxygen level and pulse rate
Oxygen is vital for the optimal functioning
of body organs. A low body oxygen level
will result in common
health conditions such
as poor immune
system, migraine,
lack of
insomnia and
poor memory.
Health checks are
made convenient
with Owell health

l Vascular age This check detects your

vascular health, which affects the risk of
developing stroke and cardiovascular
diseases. High vascular age readings indicate
high levels of fat deposit in the blood vessels,
which restricts and blocks blood circulation,
causing stroke and other health problems.
l Capillaries shape and blood
circulation Prolonged slow blood
circulation increases risk of stroke and heart
attack, decreases immunity and can cause
muscle aches. Owell can check the shape of
your blood capillaries and blood circulation
speed without drawing blood.
Besides a healthy lifestyle and diet, active
steps towards the prevention of stroke can
be enhanced with the Owell BIO-Ge
Titanium Health Accessories.
Available in necklace, bracelet and
timepiece designs, the accessories are
embedded with natural germanium (BIO-Ge)
health minerals.
The BIO-Ge Titanium Health Accessories
can boost blood circulation and increase
body oxygen levels through the positive hole
effect and far infrared rays.
Owell is offering the three-step health
check for all visitors to its outlet at
Pavilion Kuala Lumpur mall. In addition,
Owell is giving away a BIO-Ge Titanium
Health Pendant with purchase of any
two BIO-Ge Titanium Health Accessories.

n For more information, visit Owell

Bodycares outlet at Pavilion KL or call its
careline at 012-785 1368.



Physio comes with a personal
touch founders Joshua Tan and
Lee Choon Yik met when Joshua
was seeking effective rehabilitation
treatment for persistent pain from
his slipped disc injury.
He had previously undergone
several types of treatments to little
avail, but successfully alleviated
the pain through therapy with
physiotherapist Lee.
They then decided to form a
partnership offering the expertise
of physiotherapists such as Lee,
which Joshua personally vouched
This personal touch is reflected
in their ABC philosophy: added
value, being excellent and
Patients are treated with
individual care and informed of
their prognosis after the first
We are honest with patients
about what we know we can
achieve and do not promise full
rehabilitation if we are not
confident we can help them
recover fully, says Joshua.
He elaborates on this service
guarantee, saying, Our skilled
physiotherapists apply the latest
customer-focused treatment
approaches, with individually
designed treatment plans.
The physiotherapists at Your
Physio are Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia graduates who have
undergone hospital-based practice
and years of training with highly
qualified experts in the field from
around the world.
They practise the latest evidencebased techniques combined with
acupuncture, combining scientific
methods with traditional ones in a
comprehensive two-pronged
Lee says timeliness is essential in
stroke physiotherapy, emphasising
that patients must take action in
the golden period after stroke
to regain optimum mobility and
The first three months after
suffering a mild to moderate
stroke is the crucial period for
physiotherapy, especially if one
hopes to restore walking ability,
he says.
Patients who miss this golden
treatment period are more likely
to develop more complications due
to muscle atrophy, and this makes
it harder to rehabilitate.

Second chance
The team at Your Physio has
seen great recovery in patients
who wasted no time in seeking
Support for caregivers
Assisting a stroke
survivor with rehabilitation
is no easy feat; caregivers
require mental and
emotional support, too.
Your Physio recognises
this need and therefore
holds consultation sessions
for caregivers every
Saturday from 9am to 11am
at its sole centre.
This session includes
lessons on transfer
techniques for patients as it
is essential for caregivers to
know the right methods of
mobilisation assistance.

world stroke day 9

Hope for patients

Lee (left) and the Your Physio team helped An walk within a month after his stroke.

treatment after a stroke, such as

49-year-old An Wan Wah.
The former accountant suffered
a stroke in June and had to
undergo an operation to remove
a swollen part of his brain.
He was immobilised after the
accident and doctors said lifelong
paralysis was a possibility, says
Ans wife and caregiver Tan Lee
He stayed in a nursing home
after the operation, as his petite
wife simply could not support him
up and down the flight of stairs to
their apartment. An could no
longer communicate as usual
at this point.
Acting on the recommendation
of a doctor, Lee Hsien quickly
sought treatment for her husband
at Your Physio as she knew that he
needed immediate attention if he
were to walk again.
A month of daily intensive
physiotherapy sessions later,
An was able to walk with the
assistance of a walking stick.
During this crucial period, Your
Physio staff made trips to his home
as home treatment is part of their
service to patients who are
Today, An is back at home,

where he continues to recuperate

with regular physiotherapy
sessions at the Your Physio centre.

A common aim
An is one of the many stroke
survivors who has made strides in
his recovery with the help of Your
Physio therapists.
Many patients who come to
us are not clear on their prospects
for recovery, which is largely
influenced by individual
circumstances, says Lee.
This is where we come in and
advise them on the best treatment
plan for significant improvement.
Stroke patients commonly suffer
from pain in the affected side,
especially the shoulders.
According to Lee, the source
of this pain has to be diagnosed
accurately for significant
improvement to be made treating
the affected area alone is not
This combination of staff
expertise and personalised care
has proven fruitful for Your Physio.
Within its first month of
operation, the centre had up to 15
patients daily, approximately 50%
of whom were stroke survivors

Physiotherapists offer personalised care, even

beyond regular office hours.

Specialised treatment
YOUR Physio offers a range of
physiotherapy services for
management of various types of
pain caused by:
l Back injuries, including
spondylosis and problems with
tendons, muscles and soft tissues
l Neck injuries, including
trauma, degenerative diseases
and muscle strain
l Shoulder injuries, including
frozen shoulder, dislocation and
rotator cuff tendinopathy
l Ankle injuries, including
who had suffered traumatic brain
The physiotherapists also
accommodate late evening and
weekend appointments for those
with busy schedules.
Besides effective treatment
methods, the staff also believes
in the importance of a warm,
welcoming environment that is
conducive to relaxation for both
patients and their caregivers.
The mental state of a patient
plays a great role in their

ligament sprain, ACL (anterior

cruciate ligament)
reconstruction and Achilles
l Muscle injuries, including
muscle sprain, soreness or
l Knee injuries, including
ligament injuries, cartilage tears
and patella dislocation
l Neurological conditions,
including stroke, Parkinsons
disease and traumatic brain
rehabilitation process; they
have to be continuously motivated
and not give up during the sessions
to make improvements, says
All these contribute in their own
way towards the successful
recovery of patients, which is the
main aim of the committed staff at
Your Physio the physiotherapy
centre with a personal touch.

n For more information, contact

Your Physio.


10 world stroke day

Calm mind, fit body

IN conjunction with
World Stroke Day, Gintell
encourages everyone, especially
women, to lead a healthier lifestyle
and get a health check to avoid
preventable stroke and
cardiovascular disease.
It is introducing the Wellness
& Relaxation Package, which
emphasises the importance of
exercise and relaxation of mind to
help prevent stroke and improve
stroke recovery.
Redefining comfort and bringing
massage to a whole new level, the
Gintell DVas HD massage chair is
ergonomically designed for an
unparalleled full body massage
experience that relaxes your body

and mind.
The HD massage technology is the
worlds first to provide a thorough
massage that works along the spine
and extends to the hips, buttocks
and thighs.
Equipped with five exclusive
humanised massage techniques, the
massage chair does not merely
alleviate tension, numbness and
weakness in your body but
effectively improves blood
circulation and digestive health as
well as encourages muscle recovery
for complete restoration.
The Gintell DVas HD massage
chair boasts the impressive SV-Chiro
Track, the third generation of
technological innovation that

surpasses the first and second

generations of straight and body
contour tracks with less massage
The intensive and humanised
massage experience is enhanced
with Yo-Yo Knuckle Rollers that
consist of flexible dual-roller
mechanism, giving a realistic
massage therapy.
When it comes to massage
precision, the specialised feature of
Foot Guasa that resembles humanlike massage will soothe your tired
feet after a long day, while Yoga
Stretch relieves stress and boosts
The advanced forward-sliding
technology of the Zero Gap Recliner

The Gintell
massage chair.

offers full declination for

absolute comfort while enabling
space-saving optimisation.
Besides relaxing, walking
is one of the easiest and most
enjoyable ways to maintain
a healthy body.
Walking on a treadmill
is a good way to begin a new
exercise routine at home as
the activity is well tolerated by
most individuals regardless of
fitness level.
As strength and endurance are
developed, you can progress to
using the treadmill for jogging
and/or interval training.
All aspects of the workout can
be controlled by the user: speed,
incline, warm-up period, cooldown period and energy spent.

Exercise helps you burn

calories and manage your
weight. It also improves your
cardiovascular system by
strengthening your heart and
helping to prevent plaque from
building up in your arteries.
Anyone with heart issues
should talk to their doctor
before starting any exercise
In conjunction with World
Stroke Day 2015, Gintell invites
you and your family to join
the upcoming roadshow to
enjoy the discount promotion
and packages on offer.

n For more information,

call 1800 886 332 or 03-6277

Get good sleep

IF you have trouble falling
asleep or getting deep sleep, a
natural sleep supplement such
as Rilax Zzz can help regulate
your sleep.
Rilax Zzz helps you experience
a rejuvenating nights sleep so
that you wake up feeling
recharged, renewed and
The effectiveness of Rilax Zzz
was confirmed in the results
of a recent survey conducted
by Rilax Zzz that involved 28
pharmacists and 80 consumers
in Malaysia.
Among those surveyed, 9%
experienced good-quality sleep
on the first day, 46% within three
days and 74% within seven days.
The top three benefits one can
expect from Rilax Zzz are:
l It helps you fall asleep
easier and faster
l You will sleep right through
the night or for longer and
wake up less frequently
l You will wake up feeling
well-rested, refreshed and
ready to face the day
Carole Chai, a business
manager who takes Rilax Zzz,
says, I used to have problems
sleeping until I was introduced
to Rilax Zzz. It takes a short
while for it to take effect and I
can easily sleep through the
night without waking up in the
middle of the night. Thanks to
Rilax Zzz, I can now wake up
well-rested and full of
Classified as a food product
by the Ministry of Health of
Malaysia, Rilax Zzz contains
two proven ingredients:
l Lactium A naturally
occurring peptide found in milk

protein that has relaxing and

calming properties.
l Green tea extract Rich in
L-Theanine, this is an amino acid
found naturally in green tea
leaves. This caffeine-free extract
in Rilax Zzz promotes a state of
relaxation without drowsiness.
Taken an hour before bedtime,
Rilax Zzzs all-natural ingredients
work synergistically to promote
deeper, restful sleep by
improving the quality and length
of sleep.
Rilax Zzz is safe, non-habit
forming and does not cause
grogginess when you wake up.
It is suitable for those who
experience difficulty sleeping
due to stress, shift work, travel,
jet lag, ageing or other factors.
Take one to two capsules of
Rilax Zzz daily, one before sleep
and/or one in the morning.

n For more information,

call LiveLifes infoline at
1800 880 488.
Protect your
health by


A STROKE happens when the

blood flow of arteries leading to
and within the brain is affected by
a blood vessel rupture or clot.
These vessels carry oxygen and
nutrients to the brain, so when
their function is affected, part of
the brain is not able to obtain the
blood and oxygen it needs.
Therefore, brain cells in the
affected area die and the abilities
controlled by that area of the brain
such as speech, movement and
memory are lost.
Thus, the way stroke affects an
individual depends on where the
stroke occurs in the brain and
how much damage it has done.
Depending on the damage, stroke
can cause several degrees of
disability or even death.
Despite knowing the source, the
cause of stroke is not properly
pinpointed in many cases.
However, it has been estimated
that one in four stroke survivors
will likely experience another
stroke, so identifying the cause
will help doctors of stroke patients
to treat the underlying cause
and minimise the chance of
Discussions with the doctor may
be followed up with diagnostic and
blood testing as well as lifestyle

Minimising risk
It is critical that stroke patients
follow their doctors medical

world stroke day 11

At the heart of stroke

Getting enough
physical activity
daily can reduce
the risk of stroke.

tips, known as Lifes Simple 7:

l Manage blood pressure
High blood pressure is a major
risk factor for both heart disease
and stroke. When your blood
pressure stays within the healthy
range, you reduce the strain on
your heart, arteries and kidneys,
which helps you stay healthy
Blood pressure can be managed
with prescribed medication and
appropriate sodium intake.

l Control cholesterol High

cholesterol contributes to the
development of fatty plaque,
which can clog arteries and lead
to heart disease and stroke.
When you control your
cholesterol, you are reducing the
likelihood of plaque and blockages

advice and stay on course with

If they have received a heart
monitoring device, they have

to follow the prescribed heart

monitoring regimens.
Individuals can manage the risk
factors for stroke with these seven

l Reduce blood sugar Most

of the food we eat is turned into
glucose, or blood sugar, that is
converted into energy to fuel our
High levels of blood sugar can
damage the heart, kidneys, eyes
and nerves. Healthy eating is vital
in managing blood sugar levels.
l Get active Living an active

life is one of the most rewarding

gifts you can give yourself and
those you love. Daily physical
activity increases the length and
quality of life.
Active movement for 30 minutes
daily is ideal, but if you are having
trouble finding enough time, try
splitting the time into three
10-minute or two 15-minute

l Eat better A healthy diet is

crucial in fighting cardiovascular
disease. When you include more
heart-healthy meals and snacks
in your diet, you improve your
chances of feeling good and staying
healthy for life.
l Lose weight Shedding extra
fat and unnecessary pounds
reduces the burden on the heart,
lungs, blood vessels and skeleton.
Losing weight in a healthy way
focusing on exercise and a balanced
diet can also lower your blood
pressure and make you feel better
l Stop smoking Cigarette
smokers have a higher risk of
developing cardiovascular disease.
If you smoke, quitting is the best
thing you can do for your health.


12 world stroke day

Exercise made convenient

DO you know that stroke is the
third largest cause of death in
Malaysia with an estimate of
40,000 cases yearly (source:
Risks of getting stroke can be
reduced by adopting a healthy
lifestyle such as through limiting
alcohol consumption, adopting a
healthy diet, smoking cessation
and leading a physically active life.
Exercising helps to lower blood
pressure, control weight, create
a healthy balance of blood fats
and improve your bodys ability
to handle insulin. Aim to do
moderate-intensity exercises for 30
minutes for at least five days of the
Brisk walking is the easiest form
of exercising suitable for people of
all ages and fitness levels. The good
news is that you can do it any time
and at home on the treadmill.
The NordicTrack T13 treadmill is
equipped with impressive features
designed to make your walking or
jogging more enjoyable at the
convenience of your own home.
This treadmill features a smooth
and powerful 2.75 CHP DurX
Commercial Plus Motor, 20-inch x
60-inch tread belt plus, a six-inch
backlit display for you to track total
calories burned and your workout

progress, an iPod-compatible music

port and the AutoBreeze workout
fan that automatically adjusts its
speed to match your workout
Other features include:
l 32 workout apps
Get the training you want with
built-in workouts designed by a
certified personal trainer that
target calorie-burning, incline,
speed or intensity goals.
l 1Touch speed and incline
Take your speed up to 20kph and
incline up to 12% with the touch of
a button to increase intensity and
calorie burn. You can choose to
stay focused on your current mode
or easily scroll through various
l FlexSelect cushioning
The adjustable treadmill
cushioning offers two different
modes superior impact reduction
and joint comfort as well as a
surface that likens to running on
l Convenient usage
Fold the treadmill up
and out of the way for
convenient cleaning and
A hydraulic dampening
spring does the heavy lifting for

you, making it easy to fold the

treadmill and save precious floor
The NordicTrack T13 treadmill is
now available exclusively at all
Fitness Concept outlets nationwide.
Fitness Concept is Malaysias
Largest Fitness Specialist Chain as
certified by The Malaysia Book of
Records with 45 outlets in leading
shopping malls nationwide.
Fitness Concept is running
anniversary promotions with
exciting deals on treadmills,
crosstrainers, exercise bikes, gym
stations and fitness accessories as
well as other
great offers.
Customers can enjoy up to seven
years warranty on the NordicTrack
T13 with stabiliser during this
promotion, terms and conditions
For exclusive deals, drop by
Fitness Concept roadshows held till
Nov 8 at Subang Parade, Setapak
Central and East Coast Mall

Adjustable FlexSelect

The treadmill can be

folded for convenient
cleaning and storage.

The NordicTrack
T13 treadmill.

n For more information,

call 03-8026 2222/ 03-8026 2300 or
e-mail enquiries@fitnessconcept.
com.my or visit

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