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Six Stages Pattern Identification


Yangming illness pattern

Usually after the taiyang stage
Characterised as repletion heat, affecting
the channel, the fu-bowels
ST receive and descend
LI descend and excrete wastes

Yangming illness pattern

Yangming illness pattern

Arises when the pathogen penetrates from a

taiyang pattern that has worsened due to
lack of or inappropriate treatment
Inappropriate treatment such as excessive
sweating or purging can cause the exterior
pathogen to fall inwards

May also arise when

the pathogen is particularly strong
constitution of the person tends to yang excess

SHL, Clause 181

Taiyang disease treated with an improper
sweating method may result in insufficient
perspiration and change into yangming disease.
If there is sweat promotion, if there is purgation,
if there is promotion of urination, this devastates
fluids, there is dryness in the stomach, and so it
transmits to the yangming.

Yangming illness pattern

Yangming illness pattern

Yangming is the sea of water and grain - rich

in qi and blood
It is characterised by exuberant yang qi
(strength of zheng qi vigorous struggle
generates heat heat and dryness)
Clause 180:
The primary symptom of yangming disease is
fullness and discomfort in the abdomen

A pattern marked by exuberant yang and

dryness-heat in the stomach and intestines
occurring in the course of an externally
contracted disease. Manifested by
abdominal distension
tidal fever
deep and replete pulse


Yangming illness pattern

Yangming illness patterns

The Four bigs- pulse, sweat, fever and thirst

Clause 182


Fever, no aversion to cold but aversion to heat

Clause 183
aversion to cold will cease spontaneously then there will be
sweating and aversion to heat


Clause 186
Shang han for three days, the yangming pulse is big

Yangming channel pattern

Yangming channel pattern

A pattern caused by exuberant pathogenic heat

flooding in the yangming channel and spreading
over the body but not yet inducing constipation,
manifested by

high fever without chills

profuse sweating
strong thirst
large surging pulse

High fever, dry yellow tongue coat due to repletion

heat dispersing outwards
Profuse sweating heat causes the body fluids to
steam outwards
Severe thirst with desire to intake fluids due to
impairment of body fluids
Irritability upward flaring of repletion heat reflected
in the emotions
Large flooding pulse due to promotion of blood

Yangming bowel pattern

Yangming bowel pattern

A pattern caused by accumulation of pathogenic

heat in the ST and LI, manifested by

A pattern caused by accumulation of pathogenic

heat in the ST and LI, manifested by
tidal fever *

tidal fever *
abdominal distension, fullness and pain,
agitation or even delirium
often associated with interior heat knotting with
food stagnation severe fluid depletion and
intestinal obstruction

Feverishness occurs at regular intervals, usually in the

afternoon-evening, yangming tidal heat (around 35pm) is a worsening of constant feverishness,
+ sweating, abdominal fullness and pain, vexation,
agitation, maybe clouded shen and delirium


Yangming bowel pattern

Shaoyang disease pattern

Tidal fever worse in the afternoon due to heat

dispersing outwards when yangming qi is rising
Constipation, fullness, tenderness and distending
pain of abdomen due to accumulation of both
excess heat and dry stools obstructing ST and LI qi
Red tongue with dry yellow coat due to impairment
of body fluids
Slippery and rapid pulse with forceful beats due to
repletion heat constrained in the body interior

A pattern in which the pathogen exists

between the body exterior and interior,
marked by
- alternate fever and chills
- fullness and choking feeling in the chest and ribsides
- dry throat and string-like pulse

Shaoyang disease pattern

Shaoyang channel pattern

A shaoyang pattern involving the gallbladder

channel, marked by



alternating chills and fever

chest and rib-side pain and fullness
no desire for food and drink, dry throat
desire to vomit, bitter taste in the mouth
irritable disposition
dizzy vision
white tongue coating and string-like pulse

Shaoyang bowel pattern

Shaoyang pattern

A shaoyang pattern associated with heat

binding in the gastrointestinal tract, marked by

Alternate chills and fever due to the struggle between

the pathogenic factor and anti-pathogenic qi in the
shaoyang level
Stifling sensation, fullness in the chest and rib-sides due
to qi stagnation in the shaoyang channel
Loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting due to
pathological change of the shaoyang fu (gall bladder)
affecting the stomach and leading to counter-flow of
stomach qi
Bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat and dizzy due to
flaring up of fire in the shaoyang channel

alternating chills and fever

chest and rib-side pain and fullness
incessant vomiting, epigastric cramp
irritable disposition
constipation or heat bind with circumfluence
reddened tongue with yellow dry coating and
forceful string-like pulse


Six Stages Pattern Identification


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