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ELI5: The Schrdinger equation : explainlikeimfive




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ELI5: The Schrdinger equation

submitted 2 years ago by DragonChainsaw22

The Wikipedia article didn't make any sense to me,

so maybe Reddit can explain it better.
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this post was submitted on 04 Apr 2013

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shortlink: https://redd.it/1bp62w

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[] Imhtpsnvsbl 3 points 2 years ago

Physicists search for fundamental mathematical truths

about how things happen in the universe. That's basically
what physics is: The search for mathematical equations
that relate things to other things.
The fundamental mathematical relationship of classical
mechanics is that when a thing accelerates, its
momentum changes in a linear way. If a thing's
momentum changes from one thing to another, then it
has accelerated; if it's changing, then it's accelerating.
That's a fundamental truth of classical mechanics, and it
holds for pretty much everything human beings will ever
directly interact with.
There are a variety of ways to express that truth in math.
The simplest (and by far least useful) is Newton's second
law of motion: F = ma. The F stands for force, which is
the rate of change of momentum over time. The m is a
constant that's specific to every individual body in
motion; we call it mass. The a is acceleration, which is
the rate of change of velocity over time. If a thing is
accelerating, then its momentum is changing; if its
momentum is changing, then it's accelerating. That's what
that equation says. You can pretty much fully describe the
motion of any given body with not a whole lot more math
than that. Meaning you can do some math and come up
with an equation that, if you know all the things that

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ELI5: The Schrdinger equation : explainlikeimfive

change the momentum of an object, lets you predict

where that object will be at any time in the past or future.
But for a quantum system, different rules apply. Objects
don't have defined positions or momenta; instead, we can
only describe the probability of an object having a
particular position or momentum when it interacts with
something else. The mathematical expression that
describes that probability is called the wavefunction, and
is represented by the Greek letter . The wavefunction is
a function of space and time; you plug the coordinates of
a point in space and a moment of time into the
wavefunction, and it gives you back (eventually) the
numerical probability of finding the thing you're looking at
that position at that time.
Schrodinger's equation relates the wavefunction
basically the probability that a thing will be there, then
to a quantity called the Hamiltonian. You can think of
the Hamiltonian of an object as a mathematical equation
that describes the total energy of that object.
Schrodinger's equation basically says that the way the
wavefunction of an object is changing at a particular
instant is directly, and simply, related to the total energy
of the object at that instant.

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This is a direct analogue to the fundamental idea of
classical mechanics. In classical mechanics, the way an
object's position is changing is directly and simply related
ELI5 Tip: Do not forget to include the ELI5:
to what's acting on that object at that time; the two are
tag at the beginning of your submission!
the same but for the constant m, which is specific to each explained unexplained reset
object and which never changes. The Schrodinger
equation says that the way the mathematical function
a community for 4 years
created by bossgalaga
that tells you the probability of finding a thing at a
particular place is changing is directly and simply related
to the Hamiltonian of that thing, by a factor i (the
imaginary unit, square root of minus one) and the
constant .
In other words, where a thing will be is a function of
what's acting on that thing. Pretty simple idea, really,
when you get right down to it. It's just that we have to
express that idea differently for classical systems and for
quantum systems, because in classical mechanics all
questions have exact numerical answers, while in
quantum systems all answers are expressed in terms of
probabilities instead. So same concept, just different
mathematics, essentially.

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[] Slotherz -1 points 2 years ago


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https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1bp62w/eli5_the_schrdinger_equation/?ref=search_posts[10/25/2015 4:13:51 PM]

ELI5: The Schrdinger equation : explainlikeimfive

I'm sorry but this is not explained as if the reader

were a 5 yr old at all


[] Imhtpsnvsbl 3 points 2 years ago

Look to your right, please.

ELI5 is not for literal five year olds. It is for
average redditors. Preschooler-friendly stories
tend to be more confusing and patronizing.

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555 points 327 comments

[] Slotherz 0 points 2 years ago

As an average redditor, I found your post

rather unsimplified.


ELI5 how are laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol on

Sunday legal and not a violation of the separation
between church and state?


[] Imhtpsnvsbl 2 points 2 years ago

Totally happy for you or somebody else to come along and make it simpler. Go nuts.


[] robboywonder 2 points 2 years ago

wow. you're kind of a dick. at some point, things get hard to explain - or rather - it
takes effort for the learner to learn it. The dude did well to explain it as simply as he
Put some fucking effort in and try to understand it.


[] Slotherz 0 points 2 years ago

Its the fact that there was seemingly no effort to simplify any of it, not the fact
that theres obviously effort to answer it. May as well have been an answer in ask
science. No need for insults either


[] robboywonder 1 point 2 years ago

well, as you said wikipedia was too confusing - so clearly the responder
simplified it a certain amount. my point is that somethings are complicated.
there's a reason we don't teach this stuff to 5 year olds. it requires a sharp
mind and someone who is willing to work themselves through the complicated
mental gymnastics. you can't have everything spoon fed to you.


[] Amarkov 0 points 2 years ago

The Schrodinger equation is just an equation which physical things have to satisfy. By analyzing the
equation, you can determine various things about physics.
[] mr_indigo 1 point 2 years ago

https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1bp62w/eli5_the_schrdinger_equation/?ref=search_posts[10/25/2015 4:13:51 PM]

ELI5: The Schrdinger equation : explainlikeimfive

Specifically, it gives you the shape of the wave(function) an object must have in a particular
situation with a particular energy.




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