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 Rafique Ahmed Geography/Earth Science ± 2023 Cowley Hall
Cynthia Berlin Geography/Earth Science ± 2027 Cowley Hall
Tammy Fisher Music-142 Arts Center
Ryan Friesen English-425 Wimberly Hall
Emily Johnson Psychology ± 335 Graff Main Hall
Joseph Kastantin Accountancy- 339 Wimberly
Janet Kirsch Chemistry-4025 Cowley Hall
Bradley Seebach Biology-3021 Cowley Hall
Don Socha Modern Languages ± 315 Graff Main Hall
Riley Moore Student
Catherine Urbas Student
David Wermedal Student

 !" ! Carol Angell, James Peirce and Jeff Baggett

#"$ ! "! Carla Burkhardt, SAH ; Amelia Dittman, CBA; Guy Herling, SAH; John Jax, Library
Services; Sandy Keller, CLS; Chris Bakkum, Registrar; Corinne Means, Recorder

? Approval of the February 23, 2010 minutes

? Third readings: 

ART 476, new course,Experimental Photography and Imaging, 3 credits, effective Spring

? Second readings: 

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((*%&(&") &+, &!") &- - program title change; change in
required credits; addition of two tracks, Pre-Professional Track and Fitness Track, change in
required courses; change in electives, change in Admission to program, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 205, title change, Human Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Science I effective Fall

ESS 206, title change, Human Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Science II, description
and prerequisite change, removed Lab, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 302, credits changed from 2 to 3, added Lab, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 303, credits changed from 2 to 2-3 variable, Lab required if course is taken for 3 credits,
optional if course is taken for 2 credits, course description change, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 320, title change, course description change, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 323, credit change from 2 to 3, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 368, credit change from 2 to 3, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 383, course description change, title change, number (was 283), prerequisite change,
offered Spring, Fall, Summer, effective Fall 2010.

ESS 443, revision, title change, course description and prerequisite change, effective Fall

ESS 446, new course, Current Research and Trends in Exercise Science, 3 credits, effective
Fall 2010.

? First readings:

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SPA 471, new course, Introduction to Principles of Spanish Interpreting, 3 credits, effective
Fall 2010.

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ACC 422, new course, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 3 credits,
effective Fall 2010.

? Consent agenda: None

? Informational Items: None

(? àld Business: None

M? New Business: None

Cc: Jennifer Terpstra, Linda Levinson, Justyna Badach, Pat Di Rocco, Rick Mikat, Barbara
Eide, Melissa Wallace

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